4-(Sc. I) Sutesman, SiJan, Or., Tues, July 30, 57 "N Ftvor Suwyl (. e Fee area, CHARLES A. SPRACL'E, Editor ft Publisher WENDELL WEBB. Mmapng Editor Kartft Cburrt It., Sateiw. Ora Bntrrcd at ua caliimct at Slnv On a mr claaa flatter uner art f Cwnfiaaa Marca 1. ltt Meaaker Aatertaled Proae Tka Vlodtrfl mm It tnOUM irtualvatj tn rcpubliaatlar all meal nn UUa awparr Court Terms Tricky Business The Statesman was in receipt of a phone call from I reader Monday and we welcome them all. critical or otherwise i asking how come a man pleaded innocent to a charge of murder but still admitted a killing If he admitted the killing, how could he plead innocent, was the question The con fusion is nothing new. but it wan-ants expla nation now and then In the first place what he actually pleaded was ' not guilty" to the charge of murder. The term innocent is used in news stones, rather than not guilty." because of the always-present chance the word "not" might be inadvertently omitted in type. And his plea of 'innocent.' or not guilty." no matter which is used, was entered because the plea was in relation to the tech nical term murder ." It did not mean he was denying the killing he was just pot admit ting the killing was murder' In other words, ail killings areit't murder tome come under th category of justifiable homicide; others might be manslaughter or second-degree murder both much less serious offenses in the eyes of the law and in resultant pun ishment In the case of the man in question his plea in Oregon might have been "innocent tor not gtiiltyi by reason of insanity " Cov ering courts and court records is a tricky busi ness for reporters Thev must stick to legal parlance as fir at possible and yet tell the itory w the rest of us hymen can under stand it Mystery Blast Rati life can turn up mysteries as baffling is the imagination of writers of fiction One such, though it may turn out to be easy of solution, is the blast on a Western Airlines plane last Thursday which blew out the side of the plane without wrecking it. and tossed the body of a passenger into the air Sus picion of suicide arose when it was disclosed thaf he had purchased insurance policies for 1125.000 in favor of his wife before boarding the plane at I -as Vegas Also, though he flew on a "champagne" round trip from Los An geles to Las Vegas he remained in the termi nal and didn't visit the gaudy, neon blazing Strip Investigators report finding an unexploded blasting rap in the toilet of the plane Was another cap the source of the blast? If so. did the passenger who had lorked himself in the washroom compartment touch it off Did be anticipate that it might destroy the whole plane and thus detach him from any associa tion with the explosion' Or was some one else or something else responsible' The man who solved the mvsterv of the explosion which wrecked the Inited plane out of Denver is nn the joh of investigation From the facts that may be uncovered a pat tern of conduct may be found I ntil then Judgment and interest will remain in suspense Strong Stand by Ike 'Would Boost' Civil Rights Measure y STEWART Al.wif WASHINGTON lnK T At tha Civil rujhu drama hoi It io a Cimi. the man In watch n Dwtgttt D Fiawahower Th otrtrom it the fight may depend nn I how firmly and ifM'l t Presida-nt m jerti hjmaeh' mto a What ia probably more important th P r f I i dent i I personal pre tit f apttnt HiB will h as irfunfly arfarted by UV (land he anw lakes As atmctgty pro F.wnhorr Tan" magann ha reported the Pi'stdent l standing wit Caa7as at a -vw tew TV AoBnltjaftrsttnf'a amaikng hart tng ftwi UTarnf im Ike (Wen. bodgsl MM shMxaiwt ttk wh aiapported the Pre! in th bada. Or What 'Taw Waak hmilz. Peat caDd th President i "vorillatiM and hwsrtla" na hm Mrs raanl Aid oiD rrddd with the aWat af tk feU ia the Bona By the tame tnkm. his equivocal poaiUoa on awrtina three af the CM) Right htD rer tataly aolpsd at kiU that part af the MB. ' Tlaa" M aiartag. SW tH( la rawta( ka Caaraa Ska SW Priwlil "awae a kr ka rfeaWej CMS CAatast waj tfttatWaaai TVat at aaa i af at awaf fnKtrnt ssa ftjttGf IkV faaaas)ay (ktaVhSM OaW faaoMafMB . . . . . a aart, nfsaj njm wmm aa tit ai Bw aaai the rrastaras aaawM Hungarian Revolution SAaJZ Awe a. mi fi IM a-etn No Place to Hide The House committee on government op erations accuses the administration of gross negligence for failing to protect the public from the threat of radioactive fallout from hydrogen bombs. The committee recommend construction of a system of air-raid shelters which would shield occupants from radiation, heat and blast of nuclear explosions This could be provided so it was estimated, at a coat of $20 billion We ire straining to provide over 130 bil lion a year to fend off the H bombs, and the House begrudges the sums requested for de fense Where would an extra 120 billion for shelters come from1 As far as the general public is concerned they are rather indiffer ent to the radiation risk, perhaps even fatal I'tic about it That is why the civil defense people snake little headway In rousing public support Too manv feel if nuclear Armaged don is just round the corner, why there's noihing ihey can do about stopping it But hat s tnirrv there will he for cover if and when the skies start dropping H bombs hater nrwir? ' etee dram attraHy la lb aattk U kaa a pruputad in lrt Prratdant lor nimplt thai n nhauM writ a letter Wi Mianrity leader William Kanwjaad. nut lining in th ftranf! trrmi hia rrasnn fnr ippnaim a jury Inal amiMlmnt In th (ml Rifhta htn Know land cmrid ttw rrad th Mtnr aa th Sna lanr a Iranians maxirrwam aatianal at tntiiwi and atamrwif th Prri 0nt t pmrtma firmjv at In R puhlKan Party paaitian Roufk Srata i lurk a ltir hav hn mad Rut now apprera aUlt'ly that th Prm dm wll 4npt thai raaira KiMm land htm rfapartadly faala that it would smart Ino murk at Whit Hnu nVtatioa ' ta (aafrrsa Fvcn an a ttrenf and nnra ttand by th PTawtnVat m th ftfkt r BS fcjrv trial amnsrnfit m mil nat ta ka rwM aat ijy h ra al Ut pnataral ralMl M th aatiaatkaa Tot th Pmtdrnt i apparent rlm-tanr ta flftn! hard tnr hi rtnl nghta bill ha ftfiH prtn y nta Hi tnlaWajt atrrtafy ri Mahaity Ladar Lywdaa Jahaami R was clear ta Jahoam trnra th start that th RumMWan adfrnn lati all a aWtaaaa ta praai for wrxa rtvi) rtftitt lfialatina npi iami a 4apret dan(r an hn awrtr R threatened ta pbl th party hTrndtaMv n thraataawd UV vary palitiral eiastanra af talni fla i ri hil7 apadnl aa th Srr vale. la aaaaaf kt waak tar vaa . 'ait rata'l rtvf rlghti ktrkUUaa. t Ska kaa al tkaa Saaaw. " Mmmm M vwat ha alwava Premier Chou En-Lai of Red China made a long speech before the National People a Congress at Peiping in June. It was. of course, a paean of praise for "socialist revolution" and socialist construction." And here is his "line" on the revolution in Hungary: ' The materialist bloc of axgression attempted hi make a breach in Hungary and then smite the other socialist countries one b one But the Hungarian people beat back ihis imperialist at tack, and all the countries in the aocialist camp have learned a deep and useful lesson from th events m Hungary . . . " Of course the whole world knows better, though probably not several hundred million Chinese who have enough troubles of their own to absorb their attention The Hungarian revolution was strictly do mestic in its origin The so-called imperial ist countries were caught flat-footed, from lack of any previous knowledge of what would transpire They even rushed through a pro nouncement that they would keep hands off. And many Hungarians feel thai the West failed them in the crisis It wasn't the Hungarian people ' who beat back the attack but Soviet troops, tanks and guns. County Government The Medford Mail Tribune s proposal of a reform in county government in Jackson County through adoption of a commission manager system drew comments from the Eu gene Register -Guard and the Astonan Budget. The R-G recalled battles in Lane County for a manager system which was defeated twice at the polls and failed of reference to the people a third time The Astonan Budget thinks there needs to be different enabling legislation, saying Counties should be em powered to adopt a choice of more than one new type of government, with less rigid spec ifications than now exist." The last Legislature referred to the people a constitutional amendment which would give voters of a county such wide latitude. They could write their own charter, even assuming legislative powers, subject, of course, to gen eral law and the constitution Failure of the people to adopt the manager plan for coun ties hasn't been due to the rigidity of the plan but the indifference or opposition of the people to change. Most counties, too. are in comfortable financial circumstances, so they are freer from criticism or even discussion than schools and cities Th MnKhvrnjars want a wk hill lor oMkmui rami Rut in northrrn IlrnMK-rau a I i f anl Vapvralrl) la h ahl In rharf lhat th f.inhorr adminiaira Uon but told th ryunnrttln anvw th rtvrr aa a riaiak W th PmMSmt t laikjr In tight hard lor hn hill la (art. ha th Pridnt nqmvoraind no artioa (hra north m m rrali bta Natabrrfrr o( Oragoa and Daiilaa at llharaa mataatly and happily fitni aa this hart I Aa a riaaR. la aaa(r ka la Diaaanala kaku las la a. aafcHraa ewaay at rla rtfkaa lastalaalaa la alrvadi tar I tkaa I waa. R th tarf trial anaiaS aat ajaaa. akH tk Pri al at atawd ataal. ik taaaaa paNUral adraaaaf wMrk MfM U kar ka fata4 kf tk RapaklWaaa a a raaaSl ml paaataf Uw rVal rtfMa taftatattn alar raaatrasia datra arts larg. ly rvaoarata Rat W tk Praat rat fcatii naa apraly mm4 Ba-ht a awrtf Rb immmt th a- AAstaaMsl VaV BWaTAPf 9 fasaeitaatv attWiai fata. th 5rM la kaat. krh. al laaat at ttx raaaoaiaa thaw w farnr Finn and mv mdiat peraawai mty i at It ton hy th Praaidant hi rka rtvK natwa atiiifjle R fcard la aaa a flaw ta Uwar riaaaainaj Rtat th add ar ptotaahly afainal th Pro oa ln)atak ian kwrrfalry aaaa Uta ASa U Ska aaaw Pw h a maai wttk aa ktatt far rmtaj awaj anaaw th baetki awl aSaMdawiry, Bwfnawaakte la t palW tn a la aaa bath aadaa af he ll ataraat-rnawaa. Im I GRIN AND BEAR "It a ennversatirm piece 1 picked up on otrr trip . . Roscne and I have had several smid crniversarrCms about what it is and why I bought it!" Congressional Quiz Ry ( lasTiaatiaal (kaartartj Civil rights debate briars vot ing qualifications and statistics to th fere How is your knowledfa tat th rifurrs behind the voting statistic' Pour out of aevro car reft answers is a good acort. I. 4-Trw ar tease: Civil Wftalattaa racaaUy apprarwt kv Ik Haaa la natrtcird cMBtete ry ta Ike rkrkt la vsla. A -Pals Only on section of th current bill is aimed specific ally al vol in rights t. ) Ntgraia raaatltajl a aaa artty 1 th saaaaiatlaa la haw ataav af tka 11 taatkita alai: ai mm; iki 4; in t? A a Miasiuippi has th art rat percentage of Negroes in rta poBulatioa 45 peirent accord ing ta the t(M reaaus. !. C-Wkirk aaaradmewl ta tka ( aaalltaiiaa ararM eaaal rlgkU 1 tar all I atlrd Stat, rllaaial r gaiwkiaa i "rara. eatar ar arrrt. aaa niatUia af tarvttad." la) 11: iki U. in IS? A 'c' Th riftfenth Amnd rnrnt was ratified in 17(1 nn of lh ihrr Rrconstrurtion Amnd mrnis resulting from the Civd t 4 Trw ar lata: Nt kaa M arral Safety Valve Itaaaari ): iMSara la ff atataaaaaa'a Sataty Valtt cataaaa ar rt't artar raaaiattaaw at ahay ar lalanaailn aaa art at ar tkaa Ma aa aa fcHatta hi ataaaka aad rMtrai. aa aa Bhat. art ta t aaaad. kal aarna It HilltM ka air kai aaa aaaakaaa aa lay alea ( aay aataBaa. Atrtaaaa aaia aaaarwia asataaaaw aa lattaa.) Dtscgregation Must Be Gradual Ta th Editor Thrrr la much bring said lhe days, pra and con as In the s tagrrtation ourstion la ih Sauth mostly pro hy Umm who da sot a all armind th ism Rtng a nativ of th I)p South I un derttand th Southerner t ttti tiiri and ia pniBt and knew that their main nhjactiv hi to tp th whit rare intact in thai arction Rut Southerners tanw that if th bars ar taken dew and whttr and color fd rkiktra allawd le go to artkasl tofrthrr and nik efbowi w aartat quality pretty aooa ther will h intrrmamat d tar kaikg mi a rare af Malattort. and aay lauadrraa knows, aa a kern If ilhaatxatiea. that If whM and ralorrd linens ar mnd Both arr apntlrd Southern poat aa a rule art inlrrant and friendly loward th ralorrd atapl trw for a frw hat orada nark aa th arwa rr irntlv ronvidrd by a whilr )ury i ( liatoa Toa Th &uuthra prplr arr tntrrttrd in th ht trmtit ni th ratnrd Ptapt and want far thm htlr ar hood nf Ihrir owti and htrr npportiin N MM fh good Srfrora will al at tav i.at th South aa man it hit ht frind Thia ar tio ahawM h aHawrd to wort awt tint ptaOaiwi aa a ewa way without tntrf' a fi aaa aut tidart wtwi In to mat a rrhg mtia kkM at N and cram aom 'hmi down anothfr a thraat Murk of thia aril at ion hat ba raiad hy tka M A A t P Daarg rrgation will nrrraaarilv ha la rom gradually in that arrtma Mr. A ana r.alkaapi lta Wait at Firtmcn Employment T th FifMar Of Ut aaaa writintt pra and na aa th aiioyart f aattvi am ployment for civil arrrir m ptama tk kKtart n Ih laftr Varra' ky Patar Pankrata and R A Yentkg apprar th mat far Ijte tan as wntar I appro Ih r ml si ilea rommMtaaaa a ataad ta ragard la atataid planaHl far aaiaaeipal pioya 'hw af th moat frwju nr tima af flrtg "rrtra wart w th kuihlnai waaWa aa wbark I apt maai af my arttv vert wtta aenpkavad Of rear many kt sat -waa af aa tartaowkg paaMir aaa paiina wwaM ktr ta have war kwerri tkaa matnkf raav dtttnaa Barwaa kta tkal Bkawj aat Rastify fia-tMra hmm uStasra da ant ke aaaaw anjraasa. tSkatT B-ay af nBiaaalata ertBaakee Aa aa umpt al kayaafaaaf aark opsalnaaMs the laOmag IT ByLichty al Ik vatlag papalaUaa as Berta era stales. A False. Fstimales based oa the tan cibsms sad aaara recent atattstka aaoVat mat aarthera Nogroaa accauBt for aa more thaa ta peareat af she vauag populauaw. 1 h wwtrk f at hawawhsg at alas away aBaaBas vat al II: lal Maaaarkaarta: iki MaaUaa; tel Oaaagta; td) OfctaT A 'c Kentucky also permits voting at II la all other stales a voter must be 21. All atatrs have residence roanrementa varying from su months ta tw years. - a. a ata af tka II taeikrra slates hare aoaltsfced payaaeal af pN las a a eaukaVatiaa t vat. Wklrk at Ik state stM katt paal laiea: lal Teiaa; kl tl Arkaaaaaf A 'a', if. Three ether states also have pod taies Alabama, Mississippi, and Virginia 7. wTYw ar fakae: TW I aat Toa rtfaMal tta1aa4Tstat VtM aaBjWkaaaa awrlag tk adaalaklratiaa af llyaa I. GraaL A True TV law! maynr rrrtl rights lefislatma was passed at ltn iravrnaM I Cnal aMtawil Qu Cjuarkarlyl cited. Ther was at an time is v Monaa, Iowa, a character named J oka McVkrasr; aarae timrt referrad ta by the press as th ttormy petrel" f eity politics Thtt title was parity deservrd McYarker trrvrd a numkar terms at etty efficra hul rauaty on term at a time. Ha rngeaderad enougk antagoo im during th larm be terrad lo prevent being reelected At on tan whil car ring aa commissioner af public safety a cat was broaaght ta McVirkart' atlrntion af tw firemen af the ntr fir oVpartmmt who wart buildiag and arlhng hsuaat hi Uwir afT tima which at that tim waa vary thr dayu After du prelim taeri, Mr Virker oViivrred himarHf, f a rwaMkg la tha geweral aft act that Uka fwaejktB cow id ka frreanao a? thry an nVaired ar if prtfarred lhv could be building matrar tori bid that thy rould aat be both MrWtrr hat Wxwj ink- ' awa In hit rpward hut th ahova ia ridrnt wmild tm ta h a gnnd nampl to apply In th prraent local rondttinn H M Strykar Rwy SI kalm. Orrgo Better English r II r watUata I What M wrong wttk tkta annikr Wt muai ihena aS kMjat aangarant nl tka I w a riaaraaa. atbarwia w will ha la trnuM " 1 What ta Uta rarrsrl ui nana eiauaa af "rraarhiw'"' I WMrfe eats af thaaa wards H mtaaoaflad' Aksiara. ahataroiau I Waal aaa fh wars hid nvraa S BThat i a ward hrg-lnaa wk aa thai anaaaa ta awtwr.R.i 1 Ray ' W mwat rhnaaa th I FAS Sanf af iha two rwaartas. thrw ia w SHAIJ. k ka trwaWa ' 1 Acra rtSLST ayflaMa. ant th aarwnd I Ah aeaaa. 4 Oienf af fartua 'Pr aaaaaare afi i t ' aa ta "it " ae raaS at i and evawhW' 'Aftar rnaarf ia akkRailn ha kyed a kf at I Itnef JCtor Hrxtortai ftTW YCrRK. Jwfy - TH gir DwatrtaMafwswl saffll 9tnB A ttfw fkTwhaat aftar Mr HyKaj A H G WkTaa. aaaglitai ft tka tafcajlan rgeacy tucd. a FaJCfcaaW assaaatl PaaaaaBsWaV IVasaSV jtjM Mrs. wTlka, wtat dwd ka tail. k nn I I I YlfTj I I I I mm 'lil-". I sat a suhatitwle far paythuthert py ptpotal illness may have a physical arigia which will dit - appear wtiea the phyncal lUaesa ia cared; thea agaia i may aot For lU treatment the tkil at m aaaaawaawawawwawaawaakaBBBakai ICaatlased fraaa Page 1.1 I the aaychiatriat are rtajwred fnfaal Hicks remanded back The preecriptio. af U.rMitm;m,,rl(i court and Defendant Mc- - a, . y. ill 1. tV H mm.r. www ww www. ' aoiati aut alcohol is a familiar "tranomliier. offerinf at It has! D Morgali vs E Morgali: Com for centuries ta the distraught ia- pUlnt for divorc chargfa cruel dividual a period of relaxation ar rKj ,ahumaa treatmeot Married eshilarauon but na cure lor his Sept 4 i4 at Reno. Nev real iUt. They areej I him wheaj Yidvui A Reiling vs Horia he wakes ap tram kit mtoxira- Rwbng. CompUiat for divorce bon. Remarkable progress has been, made ia rrcrat yean ia the care aad treatment af thaa suffering tram meatal Umeas. HatpiUlita- ttaa aad new drugs have proven their efficacy. But the per - naoent cure rames whea the individual masters hia own thank ing, drives out his anxieties, re duces the guilt compiei which may be the root af hit wsrry and begins agaia to react nermally. Ta th degree that reliance on alcohol ar Miltews postpones ar defeats achievemeot af thia mas tery the cure ia made more dis ks at. A change af scene, a change af association may be as effec tive as a pill. For an who sut lers frtm real mental illness pro feaaannai consultant is indis paosablk. And ia the end the pa tient must restore his own men tal health Miltown ia only a crutch of temporary value. Time Flies from mnuMAN rn.E. 10 Years Ago Jaty M. IH7 A populir bride-elect is Miss Marrbelle Vantis. whose mar mtagt ta Gordon Wefler will be aa vot af Aug IS. Mrs. Ken aetk Perry, Ms Joha Caughefl aad Mrs. Wallace Carson enter - tamed for Miss Vanlis. ment and seeks restoration of her former nam of Morris. Married Ground-breaking ceremonies Aug u. 1M4. at Salem toucd aft construct . of the w c Hefffcy aod Edith R He rasix aVaigs , Isa.k w .Ho. n,y v, John A Q cottage snd Bellevue Streets The prem Court filed by plaintiff no ftrst ground was broken by Acting tice of cross appeal filed h d. Gov. MarshaU E. Caraett. 25 Years Ago jjaly SI, ItU ChaocHar FrSni Voa Papeo kskj the Atanciated Preas he wbuM not attempt government hy coalition in Germany but would present his ministry to the new reirhstag and defy the mem kri t oust it Seven firemen lost their lives in two terrific explosions that trapped them aa they fought a Mai in th fashionable Riti Tower hotel, which rises 41 it or fcsa aOov Park Avenue Yark New ' 40 Yean Ago Jaly M. Ill . .hlH, The schooner Del Nori struck a reel in a dense log ne " San Francisco, tat a total lout Th crew and passengert who taak to the boats when the vet tel struck, were all retcued un karmrd Oregon troops hn have keni ia North Yakima will leave far Oregon Thry wr tent ta deal , with I W W trouble Several leaders of th organisation were arrested It Public emenr rout State vs Rohert Clinton Os- Stste vs Rohert Clinton Os- bourn: Cum continued until Aug t for nla na rfiaree of passing fnr plea on charge af passing a forged check. State vs Robert V Harpole: De fendant sentenced ta one year in the Oregon Stat Penitentiary on 1 charge of escape from the prailen : tiary i iSu v, Wyttt Gilmor Hicks llld j.mnl R McCormack De - VWHian I ci- ivnunurv uiii I a U. ..k .k.rrf AUK. 14 on yvro , rmu v " ; iih hurrlarv not in a dwrllina charges cruH and inhuman treat men! . Married July 10, at Vancouver, Wash, ! ARa M. Waiktns vs State In dustnal Accident Commissioar jy (ilJi (or defeodaot. ; ,.,, . w, . n. c. lem. Inc , vs. Curiy's Dairy, lnc : Complaint seeks I3.SM in damages for property damages allegedly resulting from sewage flooding of plaintiff's premises. State vs. Claude Rverett Shields Court orders pre-amtence investi gation after defendant pleads guil ty to charge of obtaining money and property by false pretenses State vs. John Raleigh Taylor Court orders pre-sentence inesti gatMO after defendant pleads gull ty to charge of burglary not in a dwelling. Stanley F Gratier vs Slate In dustnal Accident Commission Or der disnussmg case with preju dice Alice Helman Saunders vs. El mer Crissel snd Elsie Cnssel: Or der dismissing suit with prejudice Irene A. Pullman vs Theodore D Pullmao: Complaint tor divorce charges cruel and inhuman treat mnt and seeks $200 month.lv all many with property settlement Married Nov. IS. 1931, at Reno I Nev. Alfred I Withrow vn Beverly; Jeas Boyd Decree of annulment awarded to plainliT Clara A Winans vs Charles J Winant Complaint for divorr . charges cruel and inhuman treat . feodants Jtow ard I. Smith vs C H Blaze Burns Farm's Peas iaa Naara tmki H.F.AR UKH. July la-Fir de atryed about one-third acre of Austrian peas al the Fir Grove Farm her today when they were ignited by sparks from a combine Owner Clifford Orey gave no es timate of loss Th alarm was an swered by Brooks fire department Reaa pickers on the farm sssisted in extinguithing the blaze Fire Damages Beverage Truck I BlatrtBaa S.f.lc. MACI.EAV. July 2A Coca Co la truck caught lire near here thin iinuiia anu inr uiivrr. inm oirn sly. wat able j reach die Marlesy store whers the Four Cornen fir truck wat called. Blensty said he could not esti mate tha damage but it was con fined ta the front of the truck. to make your dreams come true! TbJi ia truly the ibidem nwimamt! For the first time in yean yostr CavliHitc rUala ha. . ty.lvctkm o rravai rw-dy for pnwnpt rWve7 ; . . jrotj prBaorit car ia tt Ha peak market vsjuo . . . and tht) norsal a your choira may crast far leaa titan yrm rrrurinerl. Call your dee tar aorm snd leaini abort the practicaJity and tvisrlorn of Cadillac own. hip today. He win ba happy to hear frnrn you at airy tamol VISIT YOUR AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER Records I Jones Order dismissing suit wHh . Mh McGU. (1rAfr dumissing suit with .r.indic I Vincent H t'nlvin lames J McCarthy Order dismissing suit with prcjudir Ruber! Morfnrd vs Southern ' Pacilir Co Mike Pilley and I.. H Seydel Plaintiff s motion for vol uniarv non-suit allnvrd rae dit- 'misseo ana u,,.-a.. pnoRTK rol'RT Rudolph Jopn estate: . NOtlC 0l appeal on order allow- ln rlami nl Anlonelle rirs niea by ailmmilralia. Janet E Dunlin? estate: Order admittmc will to probate and ap poinlint Martan-l F. Tahacrhi a administratru Uila Kin Boring Order ap pointing ella Hoe as adminis tralrii. Tobv A Aronnon etlnle- Order appomtinii GuM A Aronson as ad mtnistralor. Wanda Tatnna le Rohertt es tate Order setting final account hearing for August 3D DISTRICT COl RT Marion Dudley. San Diegn. Calif sentenced lo Id days in Marion Countv tail after pleading guilty lo a i hjrsf of petty larceny I Elmer Merton Patterson Turn I ar. fined US on charge of failure , in vield the right of way. ! Edaaesl Oliver Johnson. Port land fined IIS on chsrge of an ghng with two lines Kenneth Edward Pickersgill. 420 :S ("ottare St . bound oer to fhe I grand jury nn s charge of point mc a gun at another Ml SKIP AL RECORDS I Kenneth I.. Smith. tW Fill I Ave fined IIS on pleading guilty I to drunkenness. j I MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Archie J. Elliott. Jr . 14. student, i l)f Maple Ave . and Elisabeth , Sue Wilcox M. student. M.S Belle I vu n . notn ot aiem j Forrest H Adison. 14, aircraft company. Seattle. Wash . and fis ther Jones, 24, instructional aide Chemawa. Richard A McdiKray 22. ms chinist. Bend, and Mary Jo Brown 23 clerk. IftS Hansen Ate . Salem Norvin Allen Isaac IS floor env erer, r5 Dallas Rd , and Char lotte Angiitis Tilgner I? si home. S02 Tilgner Ine, both of Salem Arnold C Aatenidr S thop tu permlendent Rl 2 Box S2 and Mary Kav Dodge, 44. stenographer. 1057 C Rural Si . both of Salem Amos I,. Spicer. 25. farm labor er. Stralhmore, Caflf . and Rertha Iuise Collier, II. at home. Turner Anthony Peter Wolf teleut ion technician. Aumtville and lns Mae Thaver 21. sreretan IMS Stale St , Salem Harland D Brock 24 service station attendant 2MR Rluli ! and Lorraine Ray. 21. at home. IMS Terrace Dr., both of Salem SALEM FEDERAL - sasoiwcu - NEW BUSINESS HOURS DURING AUGUST AND SffTEMlER RF.GINMNT. THURSDAY. Al'G. 1 Monday - Tuesday - Wtdnttday and Thundoy - 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Friday! - 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Closed all day Saturday 560 STATI ST. OPPOSITI COURTHOUSI Suit Against -SP Dismissed A ' damage auk a, Southern Pacific Ca. anal two ral). road agenU was dismissed Monday in Marion County Circuit Coart oa a motion for a voluntary naa wit from the plaintiff, Robert Morford Morford had filed the turt hi Frbniary against Southern Pari, fie. Mike Dtlley, engineer, and H Seydel. Mnductot, as the result of a car-train collision near the Uncaster Drive cresting Nov lj, nw The suit wat in its epeabtg day in Judge George R. Duncan t court room before a jury of aeven men and five women whea Judge Dua, ran allowed aha inotioa for nonsuit &v OrrsoDf&$Ulrmi Phana CM t-aail stsstamtoN satis Bt rarrlrr la tkktti Daily ana SuaSay II ta awr ma Daily sals . II M pat a Sunda anty M araak ay aaaM Dally aad SaaOa in advaneet in Otagaa l Tl pa aa 4 St tkra m tst ai ma. US aar In !' a autaiaa Of II tt ma By aail SaaSa aaty . IS am i in advaarai tt Jt taar rttata atl Bar at Ctraalatkia Baraaa af ASinBilaa 4NP4 Or flaw ekHkrt Aiaailatlaa artkaM was a-sumTi CO. aa rraBctaaa wftr notxjBAt ca. Nta Tark 00X OFFICII TICKITS NOW ON SALI h.lltv.;lal.!iAIJMU.,l WniAltWrTI CONCltT MtstS Kavach 1 labaMky BaRat laeoard Warran, larhena Savmaur I let la, Ptanlat Marian Arasstlkn, Canlralts 'PINTACU THIA TM AkJ4Bejjf sMfc TsWfJ IAINBOW MkKt -UNOSI TW ST Alt aim. ta ut. a aat. POtTVAMa STMettOtrT OaCNIITtA Ottak M. tST a. m JIWaUH-taVStMUTHt tm Hmrnt tiki ta MO SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOC. Aatartaaa Bai taaiat