City News Briefs rums traxs Ja ted PMC eat hMlT arOj af Hart M " mamm "aa aa veacto Mar- J wnue a was parked sear toe- vs ih aM Tilt Read. TW rashaag rtuasd m. u I M K waa aad a km i Te peart al sua gam were Ex-Resident Of Salem to Lead Tour A termer matrat wis brad uw. w i- ' tiMHM I ml 1 1 tkM , art Cajr Meade? rw anradaace w cwuma al Suckaaan. Sitrora rUrn Aral Ita fraduat af -mj Bart; a KBxabaaal 4ir- frtar af la (.aatwrauvt Lragw at lh I S A . ipanjar af tkt taur. j ativt Alkaan la SUrkBoha Aa(. ' lh aarty aaw it M aHk aiHMial WaVri ui aradqyartrt f wtslrra Eurapfaa cwperalKra Kt raarkoMM a( tkt taur. Bcail ill rrtura ta Germany ta via fVrhi, Frankturt and Wmbadra. hrrr k teoad (or ta yran la tl V S arcupatna rduratioa and' rrlipou. attain kmtk .ftrr ar II Morr rrturwni to thr l aitrd Siatai M Ubor Da, Brad .ill ronlrr rth ctoprrati( off triad in Ioaoe and Clam and unit tS Bntmh tooperativ Lou(hborou(h roUr in Mrs. Keech Of Stayton Succumbs STAYTON, July M-Mn Louim Krech ef Staytoa died today la Salrm nurunf home Mr Keech. who wai in her late an. had lived ta SUytoa moat of ber life. She it turvived by a ton. Edwin KMTh arwi tvrfl rr ivV-K I Gnrft and Suua Keech. of Sa- lem. and a nwc. Mabel Roberta 1 of Modeeto. Calif ! Funeral tervwe. wUI be held Tueaday at : p ro in the Waddle ' Chapel in SUytoa The Rev. Clyde Freeman, pastor of the Church of Christ, of Stayton. will officiate Private comrmtUI services will be held at Mt. Crest Abbey Mauso- 1mm. BROOKS - To Mr. snd Mrs. Charles Brooks. Woodburn. t daughter. Sunday. July a, at Sa lem Memorial Hospital. HANSON-To Mr and Mrs Eu gene E. Hanson, 330 W. Salem Heights Ave., a son, Sunday. July ii. at Salem Memorial Hospital. FELLER To Mr snd Mrs Fred , Feller. Turner, a daughter. Sun-1 day. July 21, at Salem General Hospital. Births Dear Ann Landers: Wife Husband Hold Newspaper Debate By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann: I wsj a widow with three sons when I married my present husband a year ago. He seemed to like the boys and they liked him. Now it looks as if this may be the end of our marriage if I don t get some advice. My husband says ihe boys have no man ners and he refuses to take them with us when we go out. True, they're high-spirited youngsters but no worse than other children! Sometimes they become a little unruly and punch each other, like all little boys. When we're in the car there's often a small fight in Ihe back seat. In restaurants, their boyish enthusiasm some times brims over and they have a tiny tiff. I've tried to explain to my husband that all kids have energy and this is normal behavior. He says he's not going to put up with the embarrassment in public any longer. 1 like to take the children with us when we go out for an tvjning to the movies, dining, or visiting friends. I feel it's part of being good parents to include them. When I told my husband 1 was writing to you, he said he Dul of course he wont, i'lease help me. IDEAL MOTHER He waa'l? Well, he did aad kerf's hit letter: Dear Ann: You'll probably he hearing from my wife about this same problem. If you have both sides of the story you'll be in a better position to give advice. You may print this. I married a widow with three sons last May. The boys were never disciplined and are wild as March hares. They walk all over their mother and when she tries to correct them they may as well be deaf. On a few occasions I've stepped in but their mother rrsents my telling them what to do and has made it plain they are HER kids and she'll train them. She insists on hauling them all over, hi my opinion they'd be better off at home. Every Sunday we take them to a high-class restaurant where they play ball with the salt and pepper shakers, bend the silverware and get into fist fights. They yell in movies and disturb other patrons, which Is em barrassing. I think they misbehave because they're bored half the time. I told my wife I'm perfectly willing to take the boy to ball games and outings, but she doesn't enjoy these things. Now I've flatly refused to haul these kids around when we go out for an evening of adult entertainment. Am I wrong? PLAIN NER VOUS This advice Is directed ta "Ideal Mather" beeaate tic' tae me wka needs H. Yea're going ta wind aa witk three abaaxloa galeeti and a loaeeome aid age U yea daa't get smart. Mother. Yaa aa year aoat aa favor when yea aUew teem to grew aa ttdisclallaed aad rail II "boyish energy-" ' J kaaaTa them, eeatlder ytar telf lucky to kave a baabaad was eaa. Welcamt his fbrai Band aad a thaakral that be la able to tBcceed waert yea kavt failed. Soma yaaagstert behave well aay place, bat apparently, years da not It snay be thai tbey ARE bared with aaaK eat trial a meat and wdbld rather be bene ptoytaf cowbey an! lacteal thaa dlBsng la the bum a tin-sphere af a swaaky betel. If yew waat la da tklags as a family aaH, select activities the ehllarea will eafey. Deal lag Ikem ta places YOU tike, aad expect them to be Interested. (Ann Landers will be happy In help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of this newspaper and enclose stamped self -addressed envelope. I IBAAfT tU MNX Nerttaaaa Pjiii i M U IB. lliaS to MM traav ana b A. at la. Usa atgkeay Ave, rtaat begs lahtly tonal aaa- w". "fr Ptaa's Baaaty EM U& iadJ i Mt Batch tor. BM L Cad tL. t&ta 1 ft I I C.-tf-.. Bu receauy am aanarai ay Bays 1, Hignway M threwag racks agaaat aa Want tnaitieBit' y, rt aad last yaaterway a reck was Vaajataaf rvn DsaertiBnsst was jukrwwatarwagh a hAcnea wadwwJ, at Va na. and aaaat as Re mart A Hwt tar tt iB-a ftUN tat fcUaB. Raay Omy- Dui EM MB31 deaarV Madua Bran, will aaatal i Jaaaa- Mjamlw Seei-a-matsc reef ladvJ 1 AW BlHtCtB A R-, r aaa- IWm W BmC m CaaiMana Bhri r iaui s. marwai ataa Ukt amamacy arakr a aa . cnaa.l xjtm o7 Balm aaal Varaaa C laiM. M partaj car Har tmi tmat raiM Back By ttarif. Madrrata 4bbm aa kKWrad kjr Tom ka rrcaiva Ma aaa 1 - rram aaB. artarKu. burutu rnrumaUani aac ka I k t prablms yaa Bat R raa bHb au and ckant yaur tit u K M aiuw CM 4-M. - (adv.) CRAM U RNS rirtw Iraa Slimi City Hall rtauoa nttBuiatid i paai firt ' Sunday at Tradt nd Cburck SrwU wkick tUrted iraiad I at P m rtrrmea laid about duca trrpm ahniba ar burned I . ' riH ic an law liauitiad Ad takn your oiler ta thouumfc witk- in houri. EM t-ttll iad ATTtMPTED EVT1T PBOIED Cy aouce rly Suaday mora-! m laveatlf ated aa attempted Plaek. N. D., 4t yean ao. brtakini and entry tnU Enrkaoa't I She ai married twice, botk kua Super Market at 3om Partlaad Rd. baada preceduif aer death. Her A SaJem merchant patrelmaa aoU- aacoad husbaad, Joaepk Maraak. fted officer he found i diver of1 died ka 191. wood Broken from a door Jamb located ia the rear V the at art folic checked and laid aa entrv wai made. ! iRununafe tale, alto ail drc . lit '" Jl JOtk Jlat UK N Mh (Adv.) COITK ON VISIT Canon and Mrs. Bernard New- m' Nr" Ysrk P"" wwk"d ta T'"tlB nd Mrl D"8 K Brook ne Ht Newm" u J10" MJ Churcb ,n Srm Yort tni W r"c" ' a pul' VT 'r yc,l,0 throufhout the West. r lour convenience 'TH. R.u tv ..ii . w t J wan mmj uyru .nm irn uu i pm. 101 S Hih EM M631. itdv ) Dental plates repaired while you wait at Painless Parker Dentist 12S N. Liberty. Salem (adv.) Store Entered At Woodburn luletaua Stmt Ifrrtrt WOODBURN, July M Erick son'i Super Market in Woodburn was broken Into early this morn int but nothine anneararf In he missing, the Marion County sher- iff office said. Entry was through the store's roof, a deputy slated. was going tu write a letter, too, 0 Lebanon Home Hit By Blaze LEBANON. My a - TW Ber nard Sdum haw at LXh aad Oak Su. was sat by ftun tots af- wtalt Ibt tBBkdy M a" at rear- Hf!y arar Oa Baa- aaa an. iney vara cauat " Flrema wat I tat f Btbui ra "" tkt kJicBM ntta4 "d f bbB BaAy rarncwalar af raaiaai u 103111 1 3 1 fTI S Mrs. Maresh Of Woodburn r. . ujll J""ll I r"fL2 rliTl.!!: !. . VfrVnll'tU t .. I - U 7 JZ J IZJ-. . T" u mf k tB- u u . . . ' " " " aw aura Mr Prtfu. CBKkosloakia. aa Nov 11. Ian daughter of the Uu Karl and Roae Studewy, and came to the laited States at the afe of 7 She moved kt Orefoa (ram Ska is survived by a so. Cle ment Ruiriraick af BUliaci, Moot : three daufhters. Aana Matejovsky of eif Point. Mont.. Mrs. Bea trice Neely af Tart Uuderdal. Fla , and Mrs. Stephaate Webuger of Partlaad; a sister. Mrs Julia Vuushel af Piaek. N. D ; nine frandchildrea: three great-graad-childrea; and six ttepckildrea. Requiem maaa will be celebrated at ! a.m. Thursday ia St. Lukt't Catholic Church by the Rev. John Lark in. The Rotary will be recited at I p.m. Wednesday ia the Rinto Cornwell raneral Chapel. The de ceased woman will be Interred ia St. Luke's Cemetery beside the grave of her lata husband Joseph Maresh. Church Fund Theft Probed The First Presbyterian Church. 140 N. Winter St . was robbed of about 93S0 Sunday, city police said. Sunday school uerintendent Benjamin F. Schmoker. HS N Cottage St., told police the money represented part of the day's col lection and was locked in a filing cabinet which was broken into. He reported the theft occurred sometime between 11:30 a.m. and noon. The estimated loss did not in elude money In offering envelopes. because the amount was unknown, he said. Contract Let for Santiam Bridge Contract for construction of $38,255 steel girder bridge across the North Santiam River down stream from Detroit Dam to re place another that failed last sum mer was awarded this week to Larson Constrution Co . Astoria. The bridle, to be completed hy December, will have concrete piers and deck. The contract was a warded by Portland District, Corps of Engineers. By-Pass Accident Injures Dnyer Joe Billy of 02 N. Winter St. waa knocked unconscious when his car ran into a ditch on the Salem By-Pass one mile south of Santiam Junction at a.m. Sunday, Wil lamette Ambulance Service report ed. Salem General Hospital reported that Billy, 20, suffered a head laceration and hand Injury, and that his condition was "good." He was being X-rayed. Madame Claude Kogan, I record breaking Alpine mountain climber. runs bathing suit factory in Nice. France, when she came down from her climbs In the Alp and the Himalayas. :iiJt i-.(o' v way. CsstUintiii Saeatge vat reaaarferdL EarWr. aa aitiiail wrerkaag Leaaaaa a I .twnw I ' 1 L Marines Sight in on 'Enemy Target1 .i " ' - ' - Aa taMtiaary tmj tka UrfH M tkh .IN u u trrm f Saam'l MaiiM Ckraa ft Bfrrt aVUrkamt Mi(H ta SaBdjy tutvkw al MeNar FWM. HaMlag taefl (Vrft) ) Pic Jaaa TkarttM tad otkert, left U rif at, kkthMk Me. Tn4 Graat, Pic Mamy Caak Ma, S(t Ihrtrkt BraaVy, Mc Da rid Skrayer and rtc TnuMa Maaaey. Tk rterciM tHflnllii tertet Btaaard my lU aalt tani Baaiawr. Salem Marines Hold Exercise Field n erases war bald Suaday by the Samm Manae Carps re serve awtachrrteal la aa area Beer McNary Field. The as-nua Bait, commanded by Mat .Hubert riltva 1041 Maole Ave . aaw participated ia gua drill, organised athletics and field cburcb services. Weapons need la the exercises included twa las mm. artillery pieces and tot 1SS mm. Salem Man Dies at 86 Mar mo W ampler. M. died Sun day ia a Salem nursing home. He was born ia BrucevtUe, IM. Surviving are his sons. L. C. W ampler. Salem. Paul ampler, California: A E Wampler. Kla math Falls, daughter. Mrs W Mc Lenore. Oakand. Calif.: brothers. Luther Wampler, Vinceanes, Ind.; Marin L. Wampler. Flat Rock. Mich ; sister ia Michigan and 10 grandchildren and 17 great-grand children. Services will be at Klamath Falls. The W T Rigdon Mortuary of Salem is in charge of arrange ments. 240 Attend GOP Picnic Some 140 Republicans signed the guest book at Sunday's GOP pic nic in the State Farrgrounds Party Dlan iters were Jubilant over the turnout. All of Marion County's GOP leg islators were present, namely Sen ator Sidney Schlesmger and Lee Oh mart, and Repeeserrtatives Ed die Ahrens, Robert Elfstrom and Winton Hunt Prises for oldest and yoJhgest went to G. A. Reeher, M, and Jeff rey Schroeher, It months, both of Salem. Firemen Called SuleSn Strrtr. KE1ZER. July U The Keirer volunteer firefighters were called out around 1 15 p m. today when a plot of grass caught on Ore at Candlewood and Pleasant View Drives. Salem Obituaries Effit CkrlrtlM Kbamrltaf In this Hty July a. Lata resident of 11W Oxford St., Salmi, tt the t(t of 41 y.irv Wtf of Loran Kimmer ling. Attorn; xthr of Ury. Monte and Linda Klmmerllni. all of g.letn; liter of Carl Axtlson. Llndiborg. K.n tin. Marie 'Tavlor. Mldwav Wah. tin. William MuuroVt San Carlos. Calif.; daughter of Mrs. Oirli- tln. Ai.lion. Llndibori. Kan. Srv !m will b. held Mon . July zth at I :S p.m. In U. Chapel of W. T. (- don Co Amelia Irkatltt In Uiu city. Saturday. July 17 Late resident of StM Dakota Av Announcamenta of atrvKM later by the Cktuith-Barrtrk Funeral Harm yfj y ft- r I DENTAL PLATES For Particular Paapl Wha Desire PERSONAL SERVICE CREDIT or COURSK gas rot EXTRACTIONS IT DESIRED California Strawberry Men Feci Need to Increase Price By ULUX L MAMEN Farm Edktor, The Hilnaiii INDEPENDENCE. Jaly a -Strawberry acreage California isn't assarted la be reduced this Beit year, but growers fed a aaadjo ttA ubor coats aad that the of stabilising the price at 11 cents wU1 -uh- P" " living wage", reports Kim Roberts, Pack Cauaty agent Roberta, witk Ran aid Clea Hardmaa and Earl Staacbraok, all of Independence, recently re turned from a trky through the strawberry producing areas of Cal ifomia. The mea visited growers, processors aad market teititw ia the central area aad aloag the atjonvilie-Saa Jot heavy grow ing areas. The mea were out for first hand information aa ta how recent low prices for strawberries art affect ing growers there. The Oregon delegation wai particularly inter ested ia learning if there are plana ta decrease the southern state s acreage, laluornia s increased acreage of recent year has been the biggest threat ta Oregon's strawberry industry Oregea Cemaarea Favorably Cost -of -production studies made in the California counties indicated that Oregon growers are ia Just aa favorable a position to raise straw berries a art grtweri af lb southern area. While the par -acre yield are much higher la Califor nia, costs of production art propor tionately higher, alao. High land values, added expense of disease and Insect control prob lems, together witk much higher cost af establishing fields, bring the net return per acre to the grower ia both states to a com parable figure. The Oregon mea found the s-cent berry of the past season to be Just (4 HlthUf Q Regular Mvinf builds ubtsntil totals aurpritirigly soon. Wt dd lib- aral earning twka-yearly to help your savings grow larger. 8avt for tba thing! you want Start now) NEW BUSINESS HOURS DURING AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER BEGINNING THURSDAY. AUG. 1 Monday Tutsday - Wtdnosday and Thursday -9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Fridays9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M Closod all day Saturday SALEM FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Opp. Courthouse aa big a probttrn la Caaitmia at Oregon, despite mack UJk la the eaatrary. la vstaUag with growers, the mea tatd they iaamad that California hast inceuag strawberries are going to rsmaia ia the BTodurUoa ptcturt. Already a number af anuB own ership aad tenant grewers bad pped out. Their acreage, how ever, was tot drapped, but aaa beta Bicked up by large growers ta keen production atmaat ceav ttant, with aa adg toward further Roberts said that California, baa Oregon, it not plowing out berry feildt because af low prices. Sam fields are being ploughed tut as a result af low yield, insects, dis eases and aid age. Good fields art being left to and carefully man aged. In hopes of sb upswing mar ket. Despite the recognised better fla vor of Oregon berries. California is doing such a "bang-up" promotioa Job. according to. Roberts, that R is telling its berry crap by cap turing new, and competing ia es tablished markets without It murk difficulty. That aay the California visiter, it what Orrgoa needs: "A lot mora and Strang er promotion af Ks ews product." Survey of UJA Begins NEW YORK. Jury a -Execu- Uvea af 11 community caapaignt associated wRk tht United Jewish Appeal are beginning a piree waek survey af the UJA' work la Israel and Europe. Tbey will concentrate on problems of inte grating Into the economic, cultural and social me of Israel. tt 560 Sttte St. Merle Otieron Werfs Mexico Industrialist ROafX. My as avti Mann Oharea and Brrnw Pagka. m taJ aWO mmd - Mmm. --kS rL ZZSTi Bamagn waa her Oksrd aad bti : ,7TVkr" mfm Pagtai Mesira Qty hat De- Be waa barn St ka(y tut Mexica aad Became a Mexican TW siaman took piace tW CWrk at nte Fwar Crowned s f aiiaian- BatoL TW nctanany wai Bar - kf Mar Dan faarsBt rtgaaitiii Aaaed wkexWr a anarnJ ao- Pngftat reeawd. ' Evwrvtauig went vary tmsahry heraaaat earyiaaag id Waa arraatyed aereaaad Mas OWrta i p r t v 1 1 a i ktav kaas wart utt leu aarector Airs- kSar Karda aad 1 itraaa Bafiard at Hallj nd Both anamaget a Meama divorces. Maa Catron aatd bar arw baa- a da abkKtaaaa to her reatmxaag her arting caret but that aW has at filta m tekxtnoa TWy wni kaai) nnaa aa yacM Car Prowled, Razor Gone Marra G aUyuf wna frteada a kaien a m l. Hoyt tt .. Bouftod cty Bauce Ian day a ptrac basket aad Wether Batches' ware toea fram ka ear whist B was parked near where W was aUyag TW aatcM and Basket ware later taand ta a laws a tW Utt) stock af Barry , poise tatd DaBtnaa said a OS ataHia. rear was atiB Washington State Reveals', Plans for World Fair Site SEATTLE, Jury a W - TW Washiaftea Stat World Tut Ca nuaaioa hat aatiauacad R b) pre pared to speed tz.MS.SBI tor tddi- uaaal laad lor a World Fair at sre. TW land to be acquxrtd by tW ttata bat toutb aad vast af tW Its arte tar t civic cantor. TW city aad ttata land acaaiamaa would coat I mlllioa tsOan Prev ously tht city had earmarkod ft. 50 00 for the Una. TW propaaed new nrtgrare would make a St-acre tract avail aola lor tW World Fair which is tentatively scheduled for 1 Ma il. Gov. RoteUtal officially en dorsed the broadened program at a meeting last Thursday with the World Fair frmiriiaeioa. To Mv stoats, Mtstar Sarrk SIsHm artkaws' I tars MusiskNl si sew ssasrsJ Bsckk lapftascsi ... Sea art Star asstb ssad Is i. L Saayf (.'t mm, mm in stnttlkW r iflfhtf Msd . . . al sjs aaclkuacatf aarkxt al tarrf ltd warraat,. Itrrf-fW ttat, M arvd ktshl latf l srw tf IWm Wtl a i .id-.:aaft Vw OS' ,a vt1 d fa WASHERS TRADE IN YOUR OLD S&tesana. S-Jra. Ckrpsri Newspaper Readers in. Salem Up Nine Per Cent XTaT TOaX Atty a - Newa - Ore J reraat ywars. Wkala akat be BMde. aaw. tor S a Itwad to he aaawoaJly i TW Orefta kaeaui aad The Ctaetal JouraaU. such had a rwrOatiaa af D C IBM, I t funare tt M SB Ukt rt rtn to as latest , taawal raoart. TW i a c r t a t i ts 1 1 percewt I Twa "at a greater gaa reaa r tMa " recaraed ia tat per- ,"" -wale. I wojere me nte averaged 1 per ceas ttatag aauy papers ta tat use gaia waa 1 1 . I TW anarevemewt was obaerwd , a data gathered tar aae Lditor ! ntMataar aaa Aver i Vr tctarr af Viaaya trs aad Penadi Two Cowboys Place High At Lebanon Stasaaaata newt Stuaia LEBANON. Jwiy -A Ptrtlaad cwwWy aad aae fram Oak dale Calif ., tack wan twa eveau today a tW (laal rtaad af the three-day BJ Kankie tf ParUaad came eat aa top a toe bareback aad kull atcgiag eveatt aad Ba Gatanaa af CJtadalt was tW caM reatag aad toata rap tog avaats. Gataaaat pnrtnaf a IW toasn reesag as Chark She pp are af Preecett. Am OCar ftrtt place waanri were Las Jtaataa. Otnak, Wash., sad dle braac aad Eddie Quaig af Val aatat). Nab., bol riding. why -only tb aev AUTO'lATIC ELECTROLUX" clcAaer can guanuitM top to TWiaml gna Hi I i ill I I . taaa yen a aaaaav Waat weak kta kkwa aad ttefcaakaawaa tMlWiareWaaaataaavaatt aatowaa tMTliinlintlliiaa kiMtwa'taWeaai- pa janv y a awe Ihet tttae aad taeat skwaf i I ICQ) aseirjf tkt I Hi nl a at ttMlyWj. Cat J7"k(l te wittt Bar Bwt I n Hull t. wacoaa Tons ftataiv aacauta aaa 1. tots otar aasusti Airwoaaai uaatsunx ssAiiata ELECTROLUX CORP. IfTI Broadway, Salens Ph. EM 4 tt NOW GOING ON . APPLIANCE Co- CHECK THESE so1 0 Wl ALSO HAVI A NICI SELECTION OF USED REFRIGERATORS- RANGES DRYERS FREEZERS LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT AND MASTER 365 NORTH COMMERCIAL Salem's Oldest Salem's Largest Frsnrhlsed Dealer Appliance Display Motviiy. J jy 53. li57-3 lcaav. to) ban almei are ta buy are aad greater af atV tor aews Bkaae wwa bav Bratharta to aeC ka Sanaa. IW nmietaaa n create af TW Stateamaa aad ma lapttal Jtajraai tsafiraat thai s sateedtd tW gaai a aval Btfaianaa t.srrwia(aia rate S J par rent wsaat ptpaiatiaa waat per cent. S-DAYS It ARE COWING! Wotdi . . . WeH For tin Crt cttst Food SoYisgs Evtri ro a dcer Ivoim bvtton J""r 9S 7.i Oe, SOMI LIKE NEW MAKE DOUBLE SAVINGSI frrta- MM, ntld s.1