The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 29, 1957, Page 2, Image 2

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    S-Statwmaa, &dm. Orrgw. Monday, )uj 29. 135?
at aa .
taBBBat. a 1 BBBB. a a
Dixie bolons backing Into
1 Corner' Over Civil Rights
Fractured Bobcat Gets Splint (Wounded Banker Charged!
1 (After Bank Records Fired
jcm iiu.
Late lLrd ShuUw aaaa
Mu ar raaH tk-tiac 3
at. m aaa a .. caraet frwa
wturk Utt asuy s irva ad ia
SM avlat ( 1 Cnti ru
aa-titae w art mating 1 nn tar i nam af waaat tsar lav
."t la arcaassawaa saw c-ipal mm" Imuw at aa
wslivt am - awnaw. BW w
Facpa U a JIMAt the art"' aaa. M.MtjKU
ctaaat M bar iimUmu w ;at tar iv anararv (wral It
arvnaaaauauaa I ciai n(u ksal nee cru infiwi aaarra
TW atiaer cam aa I M racial atpfratie a aa-anaa aa)
th N? siaiw as I aaa mm ailapr f N Sauta.
;a hoM w! atipirat la awe T . n -
m law
Texas Holding Idaho Man rr:J I
. . . aat a a
As Triple blaying buspect
staaa. lams ut cart af di " " ,
. l sar wnradracau aaa MM
M.ra tap temva at tar hail aaa
mart paavaoat t asaa
laps maa ha rvuatpd
Jmn ancai nn
lauua-ai meawara
TSus tV 1 1 tun tt a wajK
wa laaaard otfetrwtnf tV maer
aireearta lhp- aowd sped la ara
irM U eikat tram mta.iaruk(
Uw aat-avar M atn la rtama
a hliKtMrr Ullia Otlti
i U !h Sfi acvrpu tha aart
ina: rf1 -' r t ri- " www l raquir Mry
! . r u i A km maa ta U mmmal raatamc al
-o Rirtri lrr. and raa" c iartudia IN istajv-
Uf ."uiixa.. Daoa U rliu. ll iwi cna
M at Hc6 M rrr lound al artcaua artMta bmiUUaa
a rngvdr hifkaa; S nil aiR aav droartfd
bp- CHiln .auaih Piaairil) il )unr Inal
ud ipso pf p hprj (-hb unpadmaal a brataa i Haa
s.k 1 aa ihc (irpd cnrujpj aif uiai aiiiaa aui saw
'.! anJKT l U' lr '
kaMt ar Ktia rrua u ulh'w
t m .rV (fld vp jpi .ipp
Hjrn nrcl tt( j.: ep
UW" Pt a' H"
Vvpi' ' t l j 1 V
nia icpn. rp-3 hunjirii k- up
injn p IjracT Id i'S
ai u!?prH fr ,p!ofnt op "vp
a t-i imat .aa a !pf pipi
irird a, i. -act- ar a cuarg
pasMrt jrtp cip-w
' !W ri qur- T mun ht
daapj J" unpiiiaiK B I a
TV (!' r f.d T. 'i a .
arrp.ip ptpla v ihcp 4.
napd lhe hp a it"i( a ctr
wrthaui Lcpitoa piaip ih' n
car hal a mjfV'
Wtp (oSh-p iparchpO l rar
Will aaid tript I'tind a .nn .
fpcilaif a BiewJ urainpo tt.r
a diK-karitP a caSihpr
ridrp ard a aunitV' at undi
raarpd H cariridtP) and sr fi i
iat mp hp w'te'rd
Hal tw rpir rApawpd u a
'Hp OMrxtlu aad
) i .aid Twrnja aad hrpc
.r ip h, vrpjCH! a.t
jiid 1a lap rar
y ; . . . - S ;
1 J
( nmjUiEUPHU. ty a
'raiu kaaaar aj a tMUatac aaal tonunt Mm m& l v.J
.la caar aa aa amlw1 rtanwaai bj fc, M ls baapiupai ta
maaiia aonaptf wai aatuaf aa ar raatiitwaju '
la aaaa rtcarda. m uw hapmpat iaJ "
Faacrai aad MM caaraaa al aa f a4 iaip
atnaatxaanaat aad araaa a ara a a.Hpr trvnaaj V iW
fiaal ifiaaai Namaa Vaa Aft-, Uaajad, at aaa a fat om tfc.t
aa. 41 af I. ra-aaa Spratipal. awarrax ae a axaa.-
aa at t SL Mal Haiaaai aad at axraaad tnrau-1 "'
lantft aata wauad UM dn Ht ud D dMttt i'-
ilanimi at aad bppa M uati. kc a"' rx
ftora tad aa Knaostn aaaat
kraatl3M .Sam DM a
noatai (ran tNt Marceai Savons
aad Lata a. a Soma Ptuladpl
akia. m thp ramaiwr na kjvp
karaad Up au hrt, aar
aaid n VtsaWiaa B armtr
vaaacar al UM aatabtuanipal
TW ariw ai iaa adaiaat Vaa
(..MiataCaA V faaa i
The Weather
Ha Prr
artpr W craw aad taraac aa aRirc tawttTa
la tha auaat baww aad railaaaad
I A amrr-ay raa to fiva aaa aid
'aad taraad a a fart aiana altpa Amaaun
ha aaa amott awana fraja tap
a m uatKuni raaaa
u aja rrrtp
av- 1
I 1
ti iaC . tia a m ft . v
- a.' a
V . ; . aJ C
U .jaapaaai ' " 7. i2
taaana , :,.., ai "a
i- ;i TIT f"
; c,-a: w ct. 2 err
1 , aa la
. r 4 : .. v"-- JVV
.i . aa-d
al a , -t tm, at fraiaaa
4,,p : a , ,,B7
rirpmaa aaal aaata diaratartal oIk
rat-ardi baraukj a UM apta bank
- F - aui rVtrM
th faarlxaau
P . r art"
I Al i aaaaataL Vaa ArtadaWa l'
laid aaltra M la Um afhea Si.
aa ta Suadar awauaj la wort L aa
Graham Cites
Youth's Need
For Security
em hopr ol fsfxAly nunitf ttM
hull u a Uftltt hllhiHLlr Hftadl iKaJA
iptpatiac aay aia oa k a th SACt..lE.NTO. CaUf, July -TW faar fka4 aak-
l-paalp rad Paaaapd
Hhoajl tht wrluana af a jury
trial ara bwa. a ttouMtuI M
apaatora aauld of la pad dptatt
TV dip-hard II would hav i ulk
in poant tor a aMKVB.v tilibualpr
S1-- ORK. July a Jl-Billy Wkh a fin trial anipndmpnl
trafltr K'l'a Hearts Irum IJ.iIk- (.i.'.iam uud tonichl trial louat ritpa inl Ihr ball. IV South
aad Cularade r wi'lr wp4 apvurtl' and want a prnpra would br -witraatrd wk
Whm aslrrj abmii thp liirVi maMrf" atwl thai Ihpj rauld lind mrasurr larjrly limHpd lor ail
faund ta IV tar Talmta ajxl V txh ui (Tiria practical purpowa la the prolpc
eaad Ihr ahrlJa la Uryr. prac.irr rham kaaU al M a d i a n lion al votinf rijlita
thai Ihr banod oa thr Jiin 4 Siijrt l arrtra la a capawKy Whilap thpy may find Khrr fpa-
irovd al abotd If.OW which lurra of thr mrasurt to rnliciip.
ral aaa patrapd a hi wag aaa pal aaoital kef aflfr
lu farplpf aaa araara atailap apla capfjrrd afirby.
Wara lap wild' littr atill aaly aa apruipd aaadfal
ptt vrIL It will aa .taalar kprt at la Califarata
Juaiar Max a a iAP Wtrrpaatal
Korean Waifs,
New Parents
Attend Picnic
Salem Youth
Wins Horse
Show Trophy
Pick Nhrikr of IM Mat St .
!hr cHamp.on.hip !npH V.n
dav it ihr ik t " 'o-fla
Ihird annu. Maor i iHtnt) H
Horr Show Sajmla.i al Ihr SI air
Fairjrountls Kifti !rif mrmriprs
IHrtr- Jifw innrr Kay
Miilrr of Ri S R. a W Naipm.
hrt jroomrd flora Kaih Mairf
Irr of Hubbard hrt firl rar 4 H
mpmhrr in trail ndr i-la. Mary
Moor of Ri I. Hoi :i" .jimiilk
Ex-Convict Charged With
"Slaying 2 Young Brothers
Nw Yor
Ha tf
?fl rralWLdjar
Today i tarvcMl irrom I' S WmW
r iura.M, McNarj rwM aVdtwmi
fair imU? taufttt ani TaiaMday
rM ffur MMfi Mfiy mornina rkM4i-
mm Ho uti m wt M4 n. best ifi-ond or inj fa memtxf
W Low tMlaJflt Mar M
wuifwtvi Hiv-r -ii fwt. i m tr-'i rid t.
Tmp 12 91 am to.y l shipmiin ,() lurbin
rit iriiu"i
U.S. Destroyer Gets
Quarantined in Italy I
LEGHORN, lUiy, Jury a
TV I S aaatravtr Koaka amtaj
today frara Eaat Africa aad a
ordprtd mu auaraaUiM aitk a
fpiar raart ahaard. Aaaaa imV
rnu aaa auapartaal. Tat oaatroyar
( am ta Oiu 11 avlltary auppj;
has port from Maaaaai.
plan. Tbm wai the first tim thp
Son Born to
Italian Star
BROCKTON. Miuss . July 3 o( twigs 1 branch?, in a public
A vfr-oM ex-comirt. recently park
. . .; rl.. l"V..a.f ln.h r aVVakl
raiaiuM ariawr vi a in Ua trail r lauva- v mrt ji'tv" ' " " ni ..
VP-mad prrrtamiaaalry mart of naop of thpm tppnta willing to (pr wxl)j i!lMUt o, , yHlth lodgt a murrtr- rhargr aiainal ""P" ill mpt al oa tim
of louni prop At Um pod af aland up ta tV Spnatr and say ... ,kMt ..,.. tnr IV wood Ravmond f Ohlaon a Brorktoa T f"P n hymna
mpsaa.. W ppraocw. aitia V wanu ta dpny any qualilird" , . .,.,.. A.,,, two thopworkpr aftrr l houri of praym and hoard lln Holt
hraihan aupntionint in IV drat ha 01 Ed- ""t aia
riw. K-wi, .. tori B-rtiallv ward P Uiaiv 11 and hi a II- Mra Holt I hutband wn m
iPWtart aa WTripaala Paft
Amcncaa familipt wta adopted
Kartaa arphaoa attcadtd i ao-haial
picnic Suoday with thru- childrra
aa Vii( a aaf Urai U.rro Unit
hpr farm ia CraaU. TV upsI aiwr. .r. w ...ta.. ra. arai I A . moM po.rta m .rMrn hors
list totaled about T' V,1 S.V" "aTS" P'r,urmn"- Juin r,r,.nhpU.f I of
' "M Rt 5. Hoi SS Salrm brst prr
TV lamitm all adootrd tV or . i
. J 4 w.i Y i . 1 OrmaiHT in r nlian pit-ifuir anu
priana unopr tV Holt tdopOoa ,fje 1 JDIC ( I art, JTt.)
ni ri t a. ata alm hrti in I w r "a.
'CBmp,.V, Vr,l.r ct,01 , enrr tr.tnPr horsemanship (las, V "V : V V
aaid Hi Wattra Low Wtitrt I f . af- , ., A
I IV "'L Tim. Haiihl Tim. Mrlghl I Otwpr whaapra I IL , , ' J
r' Jt 117im II Ik in -II ,. .1 IrY .f--, '
iia.m ii iu aai ii innpri in tht vinous rait I IE Ji,
Kor a I I a m HI a m a I .nrlM Sundaiv prr is Inllmav I jT ia
.b""I ii IS i. ! .P: f-.n,l..ah plra. hr.i ,.r C ,
tnitrd ia p m II 1114 pm al mpmhrr Barbara Kcrr of Kl. I a lJllllHf Va
Ai-UXi Va
I af r a t d-tila,- r-tt- 1
; a majority af thrrn youthhii rama ntiipn black or whit tV
forward ta ataka ' omrtona far njM ta vat
Hu-ial " i TV rpouirprnpm that votrri rhjrTW) w, found Saturday yur-old brotVr, John, of nrarby h ia arpkini to
i.raaam I suomo aa tup prao- -ouaniy rar rPKisiraiion unopr l,,,. unj , .moldprint lavpr Slouihlon , mor orpnana into IV
MoUrr I akaawa
I .
Loot Jams
Thief's Home
VAN Nl'VS. Calif . July M
Several familirs attrndrd from
TV mom lor tV crime was Salrm. amon thrrn Mr and Mrs
not rxplainpd Paul Ferguson In addition Inert
Point said the vital organs are "' couples from Michigan,
undergoing late laboratory lests Washington. olVr parts of Oregon,
lo drirrmine il Ihr bois were mo- loa and California
vArmht sad that although Ohl
son mwir no formal atatement
admitting tV crime he related
Showers Fall
Across U.S.
Ike Asked to
a l. I a.
v, . . . ii'.i mi .wait kirtan
aaai a . a .
Alvm Turnmire. l ay rie rrlng the vouth at knifepoint aa I I M ir
' . ' i a m . w
steals because of a strange com- to lnf stH)l where the bodies were
! lem af teea-agers. and V quoted state laws remains as IV anchor
' from aa antra ta Unk magaune ta windward for aenalora who ar
ROME July !t jrvT, na Il'v M lh subject Ha text was from apposed to any substantial in-
brgida gaie birth todai it i I lah chapter af rUx-tesiastes rreaia? in Negro registrants in
pound. 1) ounce bahy bov Rpmpmopr now thy tVir slates
,, , , , , ,, I, ( rr alor ia IV days af thy youth TV It Democratic opponents of
Her physician husband, ililao ' ' . . v;'
SkofK repcrlPd both d..r , , , CT
fme ' 11 ... their first ch,ld RWm" tht d 0,IV'r'n-
ruv-ioa of youth I search for ae- and Talmadge of (.eorgia. hjst
Dr Skolu j not prrsrnl when mr(J Uttitm Mld nd lnd mm of Mnsuuippi.
tV boy a, delivered (.ma did M wfn or M Kllender ,d Long of Louisiana,
not want h.m tVre TV physician . wllh a. Wlllwil- r. r-..m ,h vmt J Nrth c.ri,n.
tried to enter IV delivery room tf m M rflrpcton t1lnjlt Johnston and Thurmond of South
anyway, out uina ororrru nun
aut. he said.
TV birlh was announced lour
hours after tV film star waa people want to V controlled SmatVrs of Florida
rushed to tV hospital Irorn the Christ wants la V tV lord and
couple i old Apoaaa Way villa j master of your life Vou need a , Srfr,
Cina. 29. told newsmen a few nidripr a compaaa. a raaito hrtm.
dam ago she hoped IV baby lo direct vou through IV fog and WASHINGTON, lulv ; -Sen
would V a girl mt af life Christ can give you Nruberger
cwji, . v.. m.rr,il that direction "U try
... i .j Takmo nn iiwa a. r,rKU,. i lurors
Irina in lt oeiare sne rocsnro ----- T , - .r. ch..r. nrnwar mowers disrnv
to film fame in such picture, as yum ur.nam saal v felt sorry ZL. Z w, ' un U oa nt a lack hammer "
n. Un.i R-a.,ii wn.. lor todays voung people hecause cml r'h" hl" sal uniU, paint, a ja(k hammer
IV World He came lo Rom mis-stands i,lled with what he NeuVrger told a reporter V oivr items Police records show thai in 1951. Slate Department olficials
n ranpai aharaa. i.ijir-Bi.iM mmA ..w win mm tn nirmjiiirm to me non i snow wny i mar (moon, men is, was sa-iiiciivru iu cetvrti a iriena v rraciion
irom ucinian -- - ' - .... , . . , ... .- r- . . : ... , . . . .. c. ..-.k r.. t.i a ..k. i
thrown al them on all snies made " J sry iriai amrnampni mings ponce quoten mm as say in years in loncoru nciurmaiory j nr said ne nao noi lormally vai . "
it more difficult for thpm than ,ofnorn,w w Tuesday requiring mg Sometimes I think I should lor an attack upon a Brockton i presented the idea lo President rlln for 24-hour period
tnai juries in criminal contempt sell some of the stuff, hut I never boy IM victim was sexually as- lysenhower but would do so U per- Most of the hot temperatures
rasps must V selected from the rf0. It just stands around collect- saulled, stabbed and almost dis- mltted. 90 or higher clung lo the central
I V Bos 4.U. Salem
I English pleasure second and
I third year memVrs-Riidy Sonnen
of RI 1 Auroia
Wfslrrn slot k saddle seat
Trail horse first year memberi
1 Cathy Stauffer of Hubbard
, Knglish eouitalion second and
1 third vear members Joan Kron-
Western slrn k hnr.r (irst year
...iul inAmv hv navlire who said .... , . .
1 hiv d.sroverH lh.i .. of Mahams iivH Hll.i "T' ' . .. A set ot nouse sey louna
- hi. honip was crammeai won niaiv
Sialtered showers and Ihunder
ilnrm. Siiawiav marked tV warm.
humid wpatVr pattern over most tUSfl Sa,rm
i ih. ..M , Wfstrrn stock
. member lovts Carl nl Hubbard
nainiau - .-rm,.. ... p,M,ur, , nH ,n((
v.e nunmin p,,o. . u- yMf mmhwf;hllWh
me aissmaippi v.uey yu.rn.-y, ..... K p( s,fm
had an parly morning 1 34 inches,
WASHINGTON. July M uP Spn St Louis had nearly two incVs ( Ftrsl Yar MemVrs
nuwI1 niunpnrey ..-iaiinn' saia i Spotty showers offered some re-t wMtern nlesr. f.rf vr
to a prolonged dry spell in members II Cathy Stauffer of
b Parley Fails
Ml I I
nalh the baidtes Ipd to Ohlaain
and ends stolen trom nearoy nous arrM( ttm t(tmf M suspects
ing Iracts. wfre ,creened. po'ice said
Officers said Turnmire s nome. The sirntlarity of the crime to today he has proposed that if the
atlic. garage, oriveiaay. arm rven .tia,.k half a doren years ato London disarmament talks fail .v. ..jji. a. ........ rut-
ger D-(H-e. said loday he P .sST Up" '""I", l, Z "if"! J'uV Prt ,h ls0 Western pleasure for first year
-y to insure thai Negro ,,rr1 w,tn thousands oi aouars sanw k ll!H) p,,,,, l0 ohijon aonsllv lake tV l S position V- , r.n .i a i .
are no, eiduded under ,he worth of refrigerators beds. ,W Wnght relrt(d. . ,re .he I ned Nation. General , "V,. UA ( SlTo"
Caaa. TtoaacAa
Humphrey said his proposal to
after escaping from a
cancentration camp in I HI.
rain. Pulaski, Va . reported about
inches from an overnight down
Oregon University
Medical School
Receives Grant
tor young people of other genera
j Tonight s audience brought IV
I total attendance at Grahams
"crusade" of two and a half
! months to I MS. 100 A lolal of ..
! S4 persons have made derisions
for Christ "
Western stock horse lor second
and third year mem Vrs Rudy
Sonnen of Aurora
r.ngnsn rquitalioti nrst year
memVr Barbara Keyser of Sa
Trail horse second and third
entire American ciUien popula- jng dust Most everything I take memVred but survived
Hon in IV areas involved maild never V out to use But all
He contended that jury panels my life I've bn collecting "
Humphrey is chaifman of a Sen- portion of tV country down lo the mhers-Mn.ry Moore of Rt
in some Southern areas are now
Thr police chief said Ohlson ad- ate Disarmament subcommittee Gulf States and Southwest region
milled approaching the Logan a lormer memVr of the b b
I, Box 2.V1, Aumsville
Viestern stock saddle seal, (irst
man of Salem.
WASHINCTON. lulv 2 '
Grants tolaMing 131. "f In New
York Medical College and IV I'm- il f a
versify of Oi-goo Medical School Mf) jLfVVl?
. a .i.aK ubnA..a f - a. . m natift79i inn in rna i nif .mi a. ai irtrtm .i ... - " - -
. a a . 171 HI II nalMt I UI Illllll r , al, vaiaaj." ' " . III UIC WWCI II UIII U UI lilt flail IUI)
cmpn fxciustveiy rrnm tne voting v,, th t (h . .Hrnti- as thev swam at thf park pool H( on CBS-TV "Face th Na- Th
mils and hf aid ini mfans ail ... j ..u.l. ivida, .ink. no ,,n . rnmumr. tion" that h had lost his parlitM-! ... .w. u. g.,, ' . mk v.i.
iinj( nnn waa siutrn atfui wiinn nuo;. "k . - ,UM K,n irTf. muy lairuaii a long We '"" '""t
lion ana eventually leaaing mem '"nw" vui ure iununi tam
" 4,100 Volts
voting rights
Car Plunges Into
Pond; Six Drown
for research into tV causes of
cerebral palsv. mental retardation
and allied neurolog cal disorder
were announced today
The Public Health Service said SAVANNAH (ia lulv 2ft
this brought to II tV number of Forty-oor hundred volts ol elec
medical shools and hospitals tricily shot throuch a povapr com
wjlich have joined IV National pany lineman today and V lived
Institute of Neurological Diseasps to lei! the tale FRKDERK KSBL RG. Va , July
and Blindness in a long range na- I rould feel it shooting through 3 jfi A crowded sedan in which
tron-wide study in this held mv cVck bones and arms and seven North Carolinians were
The New York grant vaas J1W1 tinners and legs, said 24-year old Vading home .rorn a church con
Ml That to the Oregon Medical Bobby vaniiiord I gics I ran sent ion careened off IS
School was $147,94. thank the Good Lord 1 m not mm a por , near Vre today, kill
Tha nina n hr narlietoa t.n0 in-
while juries
This procedure, he sjid would
be a self defeating thins" if ap
plied in contempt trials growing nn suspicion of burglary, was ar
out of alleged violations nl Negro fsld three years ago on a.simi
Tf ' Opea
r j
was not
Officers said Turnmire, hooked K. the secluded woodlands area
He said he suggested the Kisen
Pacific Coast.
where they were lound
lar charge when police found
llS.ono worth of stolen goods at
his home He served six months
in jail.
Wreck Fatal to
Roseburg Man
Oregon Museum
Of Science Moves
To New Quarters
PORTLAND. July 2$ t Vol- of a changed Soviet attitude
unteers moved exhibits and arti-
facts from the old Oregon, LJ II
Museum of Science and Industry j yy QfTia 11 mUTI
loday 10 me insiuuiions s n e w i
western stock saddle seal, first
year members 12 and nver Rren-
da Hassing of Aurora
Horsemanship contest-Kluaheth
heyser of Salem
Pele bending-Ilirk Shrake ol
I Salem
I Musical sack-Biilrh Palmer nf
Sa em and Rntv (nn... r a..r.
pohcy and on recent indications ,a . " ' , ,j'"'y " M" Psl Adams of
. ' a. a c... ....a. Salem motorist involved in a two- r.ranta P... u-, .....
, , . ,,,, i-s.-si.-st nill Wel"
car aciiarni ai a u pm tonight Sandy Wall of Grants Pass, a 4-H
urai neie u nigiiway is was cued Cluh member
hower personal appearance at the aaa, . a. ,
U N. if the London talks "bog IjriVfPr I ifcH
down, as I think tVy well mav " ul,'cl V' 1 CU
Humphrey blamed what he
called IV "worsening" of pros
pects in London both on "conflict,
within IV administration" in
Washington over disarmament
!After Wreck
Suleiman Newt ftrir
nvmnim rtCHNIruiMA
slitutions have been awarded
total of about 11.30(1.000
COQl'ILI.F. July 2S A car
I A u-A.,1 ,uil ,.t nnlr..l nA . k A
I a, I.. -r... .u. ... i .. ..n,..-., . r,uj
into an abutment near here Salur- H f, . , lt . t, a .
... Most of the stuffed animal ex-
ing six cay causing taiai injunrs lo An- . ... ... . . . ... ...
Pnl. .,a u-,ll,f..,a I . . r. j i .u.. A D... k..j. ii uk... """I nueu "i ure -uaa-
. ....v. ...nil. mu mi., .-w-irti r oai.p sam n apppareai .nai ail nuss ni... (.. nw.riuiK,
other employes were replacing the victim drowned The car lb driver
In Accident
aUtrtauii Nwi Rrvir
Expectant Mother,
: 11 -Month-Old Son
i Killed by Train
TURNER. July 2ft A Salem William E Orsborn, Monmouth, collided ft p m Sunday in the 39O0
couple involved in a two-car ac
lor Museum nn Second Avenue
TV. . nt,m lu . faM.llw
damaged lines i when a hot" vire went down in 20 feet of water Knott died in a Myrtle Creek ( stuffed elk.
' " " a M ""rlt mufl lnt ,OT(um hospiul He was alone in the car. A .pokesman for (V museum cident tonight near Vre in which Pll-riks-l, T.. I- '
.cri , v .d i 1 T" u ? fn"Tng i sa,d ould ri,hw 10 J., "iaj, tlizabcth Taylor s
across it he sa d I was lying TV only survivor was Mrs. driven by his son-in-law William hibii uf(ed animal, in tV mid- were both cited by stale police on 'r-J :,: fl
under me and 4 im volts running ( , who was rescued by an un- imniz c am digging m. ih. .ireei and a, the real I
on . charge of following too close
ty. state police said W.L'.I f u s
Officer Joseph Ra.le .,i,d he Vch,Cl C",de
T veeoer. PM MIU St., Vehicles operated by Dale K
w.2 nJZ VJ' Wnn her V': Rork m N Mrd St.. and Charles
k! win: Te- V la' "peraiea Heritage Hoyt Camas, Wash..
.aaa ri A 1 1 av si .V Bv
, block of Center Street, slate police
man Henry Hepler said No in
juries were reported.
Doom Opea MS
Sc Anytime
through me
! Willilord who never lost con
i CRANBERRY LAKE. N J . July sciousness. said Gene Taylor. Inre-
! 2l uf A young pregnant mother man ol the crew, flipped the wire
' and her 11-month-oW son werj away Irom h.m with a special ur,
'. killed yesterday wVn they w re plement used lo handle high volt
.truck by a locomotive while sne a;e nn j hikyu. .inly m ir t ommunisi 11 . r D I JJ
vtas pushing his stroller across IV - North Korea has opened up an To Visit United StalteS D3Ck On WOnian
identified passer-by
North Korea Opens
Exhibit on U.S. Spies
at a tile adjoining the zoo.
Host Ear Sewed
King noticed that his father-in- i.nng." ! hiii, u-,, u-i. k. . NEW YORK. July 2D lyfv-Artress
law was not behind him on High- Tn. nevl museum is Ving built ' ;i.a u;. i r,..- im Elizabeth Taylor was reported in
Broadway, and hi. wife, Mrs. Aud- uaciory conoiiion today after
rey M. Green, when a vehicle hospitalized with premature
operated by her husband collided , uhor pln Thursiy
with a car driven by Gal Miller ! TV C a 1 u m b i .-Presbyterian
Carey, Stayton Medical Center reported on her
Carey's wife, Mrs. France, condition without elaboration.
Carey, was taken to Salem Gen- j Miss Taylor's husband, produc-
er.l Hospital by Willamette Am- er Mike Todd, said their first
bulance Service. SV was released child is not due to V born until
Oct l.V
way 12 and went tn investigate
He lound the injured man.
British Archbishop
laelaware and Lackawanna nan- free KlOeS JTOien texnioiuon in tne capital oi ryong- . , a .a
rad tracks. , vang featuring everything tV LONDON. July 28 A"! The Arch- AttCT ACCIQCnt
Vlr Narw-v Hanlev K nf Lake' NKW YORK. July 2 if Two well-dressed I S spy will wear bishop of Canterbury, Dr
Tamarack died en route lo Dover stickup men figure on getting Pyongyang radio said the equip- Geoffrey Fisher, will fly In the SACRAMENTO. Calif., July !,,, X-rays
General Hospital wVre doctors plenty of Iree subway rifles in mem. supposedly capiurea. in- t nitea Mates lomorrrrw mr a 10- iv-a woman iosi an ear in a Hepler said the accident or
tried lo save her unborn child Her years lo come. 8.704 to V exact, eludes air camaras, wireless sets, day visit The British prelate ts car-track accident last night-buti d ?.M ,h o(
-i ...I. .... . i .L... r.nmr.c hinArul.r. lnlkA Ait. In altanyl nu.ll... a! tk C .nlr.l .. U. ..I it knlr i
, uavid .ir . was killed instant-( i ney ma. nuin..-. ... .men - . ...v. ..r . ,!Turner on the Turner-Salem high-
i If as his stroller was crushed '"day in robbing a subway change guises, lorgeo oocumenis arm pois- i ommiiiec oi me worm c ounci
! Mrs. Hanley was returning agent in Corona. Queens. on. of Churches at Yale.
' across the tracks from shopping
when a hookup of three diesel en
gine, and a caboose hit her
Marie MacDonald
Back From London
fNEW YORK. July 2ft yf-Movie
actress Mane MacDonald arrived
British Reported Disillusioned With
Attempts to Deal With Red Chinese
Highway patrolmen recovered
the ear. Doctors who sewed it
hack on said it probably will grow
back into place
Patrolmen said IV woman,
Mrs. Nelina Hamel, 35. of Stock
ton, Calif., was injured when tV
car driven by her husband. Victor,
.HI, struck the rear of a truck.
Prisoners Flee
At Walla Walla
By JOHN SCAI.I ' attacVs considerable significance even privately, the policy of diplo-
u-ismMf-TrvM lulv is ,vTnn In an editorial switch nn China malic relations with the Chinese
bV Diane torlav from l-nndnn aftpr ' i,-i.t. ...H indav tb.v dtrl policy by TV Economist of Un- Reds
a a two-week v isit abroad ; aome signs that Britain is becom- rton Thu inlliwrnial publication A spokesman pointed out that
j jMiss MacDonald was met by jn disillusioned wi'h its policy has now published a series nf ar- instead of reducing contacts with WALLA WALLA. Wash.. July
her husband. West Coast business- maintaining diplomatic rela- ,icle nhy critical ol Britain's the Chinese Communists, the Brit- 2 - Two minimum security
! roan Harry Karl, their 10-months- tims after eight years of maintain- rhin Micy written by on nf its ish are expecting to step up trade prwoner. walked away from the
otd daughter. Tina Marie and the ! jng M embassy in Peiping reporters who has visited the by exchanging commercial dele- State Penitentiary hog ranch last
actress mother. Mrs. Mane1 ,., ,u. : ,.rta re- laiammn. wpn tw wu nt .mwii ma;,
American authorities agreed. 1 The belief by top American offi-1 Tha two wert Robert Linzai
... 'v i- , I British misgivings aS lUrtVr JUS- v ..... ,a ,. ,..l,l,.l Ik.l .i.l. Ik.l Ik u.rik.l. I aanlaa l.m. nal naraU vUI.
.JOt rsariS nav IWO Otner Cnil- I k- IT C aauarnmaitf'a ! lw ........... j s.i ..m aiiv a...H.r IK..IUICKH p..a - a-'
dren, Denise 7 and Harrison t iu,y,n . M. .. , , T tV British Conaervative govern-lire disllliuionad nerve, to under- tion from Snohomish County, and
Mis. MacDonald. who married I e5a??M JT ment would seek to change the i score IV Elsenhower administra- Winifred Weaver, sentenced lor
Karl in 1947. sued for divorce last cnineae. , pojcy now ,vftl though tiim- determination to stand firm I forgery from Kitaap County.
July but the divorce never became 1 TV British diailltisionment. tVy matlc recognition for Red China on Its pre.ent policy. These William P Macklln, associate
final. .report, has been reflected in pri- w, approved by tV defeated Biiiciai, ,tri th. n ; .m.. 1 warden, said term, of the two
A .pokesman lor the actress vl conversations with American i, government, in 1949. ' , . , L .' . men ended in 1959 and both were
lid today', meeting meant an diplomats and in some
fllclal recoiktllialion for the punucauon.
British Brjtl5n Kmhav' sources do not m'n, ha" " pUn' n"'vr for l0 have been cmwidered by th
support any thought that London granting any kind of diplomatic stale Parole Board for earlier re-
i One top official, at least, i authorities art reconsidering, or economic recognition. j lease for food behavior.
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