Jotting-Forces' !tms Industry o Modernize r DICK BIESEB It 05 4.NGEIX5, July 17 tf-Cal. KK, t fabulous dtnn Industry . m tuck to the 1KJ) Century r,-Lfi mission, if hi th throes i mart, upheaval. krintia aubdivuuon art ml ia oa land once veted v 10 orance and lemoo aravx v t citnu tnj art diMfv ta-'ti 1 1 th effect of luburbaa et- hii been frcal, artjcular- inland areas at southern Cali- n i t Kuay oi in situation ihe industry ia etmna wm ofloctite ahcnativea ecenf inoathi. tremendous i r tntinat nae Lake place ia I Califonut and tout torn tectiont a total of tome htm of nonbtaria ir Wfii counted. Nursery stock mitt out lar several yean ahead imntt wery county. arklitio, at rultnral tecfeni- ave inemaod productioa oa Pr rr hailt. I ll' MM IN iK'rr plus (actors: new mil DToceatiu: new mikMi v hvwoduets: sustained rfv. mi ir markoti: and th (art .. ,es teat year were the bia r fr. , only ia the outlook for mm. pronwainf one la ftn state ..Ml (rowtnf of the So but v-f evidenco tn h-anaiiuia k. ill prove hjhjy lavorabl. f 'onomK- advanUte throafh mecrianltauoa are an I paied since the aew frees wtfl l' "imposed of amaller. less iti1 tree Scientists say this anlitete th use of pruiunf ri-t'iw as well as makiof it !' tor the pickers to do their and for spray nfs u rt r"-. n rows. . Nw senoua. shea, are the - mad by the real estate f npert nne. to he sure. CaJilor ' ' ntrus arreafe ounnf th season totaled am r-" nne tjuarter from the JU.7M - f a decade earlier. But - inmei is off only about tn Aereafa viniry leaders say this iadi j ' much of tht land whirfc k.. I'" " ( productioa wis mar rrtafa anyway. Some frow Vy report, ebviounly had let oldinit run down - uai i:T.n lor th riant bid from a '" important develannent in period of rhanae it ah m. ni importance of th San Joe 1 " alley in th citrus Birtur. na district, in ths heart of in U n rich Central Ba.nn, has lon rn noted fnr it a, arly navel or ! The variety not only rinena 'ifr m the valley, but attain 1 i'r ne there than elsewhere - 'hr ictaie ' vellenl land is available in an Joaquin and water n r "MjIu: a romequence Ih 'v u expenenrini Kim of the I' lll A I'M nMI nUmn Am msied ) 000 acres of new trees heen set out in Tular County "W Arm m( th aouthera roast. Ven- County has nearly ( tot acres new trees Rants ftarhara Cwin ' mn snd Kan Diego County ' ihsn I om There sIm hat t rtVfinil ripaiuifln nn the "' a n in frspefmit and '""ifine ptantinn in the Coachel ' '-llev 'v irariitional competition from 1 which hai nesrly twice ' ' oa. rrnisinn an active ' "w m martetjni o( the oranfe ' r i cientiala at Ihe I'niveriity t'lforma eapenment at at ion at ' Selieve ( sliforms rww i ran meet thu competition 1 'Titinue In produce oorrnt'i 1 OTitlity Inut without rait 't prrwiiirtion roll Water in Mine Runs Uphill PIKMIV.HAM. July Tl l ' runnini uphill in I S s "I dgewater rotl mine with ' 1 any help from I pump " Jtrkton ta aaaitttnt lore t tn provided th lolulio to the r"hlm o( tettinf air out d a ' " hatiltfeway without n ' pumping rarallel le Ih haulafay hut "raaied hv a solid wall of ma I airrfwrt entilator fana a'r from Th min hv a airrmira ranting Ireah tir 'W into in min i " The potnt wher the we'er ' -ti tti prpaaur ot Ih air ' ing into Ih min ia greater "n 'hat of the tir heing pumped aravn drr i hl fhro.igh ' na'lin wall awl innd i 'oinrh pip Tilting upward ti ih hil(way in Ih air - aag f'riB Through Ih pipe and ' ' til ih av ran ih maier htat a . anil'a a1a hmg lipped 'rnjfh a alra I Ungley Charge Dismissal Asked POITLAWO. Jwh - The r has asked Orruit Jdf -aoM CrwwfaH U dismiss k ''ctmwei which chartea former UiirtnaeMh ramste Diet Atty ilhan Lnay with malfeaauuir kvt Atty. Con. Joha SarWs ' th diamiMsl on the f rounds '"at th charge It moot, siwc angley trrewrfy ha he roenow H from efftc. I lawWy. U. waa removed M- wtetj kit eawnctwa (or failure ' prasniw laenMOT. hi th Hrat "saw trial slenwninf (iwra fw utasil aja Tfcn art. Stttwmin, Salem, Qre, Sun., July 28, "S7 (Sc IV7 i) 1 i I U V5 IIISB rtg. 279.50 foam rubber Colonial wing sofa International "Swmrf sofa with doop but-ton-hjftod ttchd pillow back and 5" rvrt ibl foam cushions. Provincial multKolor twed in brown, toast, grn. $ 199.50 OS LY W A MONTH no dcun payment on tpproied credit rtg. M19.50 Simmons Hollywood twin bed set Hundred of rnlint coil springs, heavy nasi pad ding ovr springs and antra pounds of fluffy cotton. Matching box spring hi stabilnr. Riti on 6 turned logs. $ 69.95 ONLY IS A MOSTH no dou n payment on approved credit " A 4 ) T 1L reg. 69.95 I moaern high back club chair $ .H hrV "a ag tr""g ie wtl-jt 1 1 eH 'gv t ppd ,h fc's'ed nJb teTu'er) lpi"y m 'otl'. ihnmp, hjrquO a or go'd. 49.95 pvrr IS A 10TH nr fimi n peitymmf on flpprm f d credu rtg. 79.50 fan back fireside chair $ 39.95 ft ,M(ln wH n r-k v 'h " lg IP' ng btkO ' WanogaTy ' ",hed eipcial ' w,,tl head tr.n Retu'itul ft'eitno cover m tuo"d dercttor colors UlNITUtl-tKONO noo CVf ) l'i A VfflN fff nr rfr.j n prriinctit en dptirot frf ( rrlf Hk 1f(Pt'ksjB 1?'aBa"VJ,T'hWajl'Jh1, " It ) 0 0 reg. US1.5 Kroehler I piece sec tional, foam rubber cushions, nylon coyers. ONtr a aaoN'H O town pvnnr Wl atprev cr4t n 99.50 reg. XlM Kroehler sofa and chair set. foam rubber cushions, nylon coven n Mwn pym.l I ' A ljrovd trltt KROEHLER Mtitr & Frank ,xcluiivt! e i i rw 4iio ;n roam ruootr 3 PC. SECTIONAL with nylon covtr Nationally edve"id at rtgultr pricts, tHos ar som of th grtt vslues in upholtrd furnitjr w v vr offrdl Krol' t famcxit ' Cush.oni)d" construction mn bu'lt-m quality. Eacb nd section is 42" long, cntr st'On is full 90-dg' curv luaurious nylon cover highlighted with metallic, threads . . . brown, sog gen or total. ONLY tn A MO.NTH no doun payment on approved credit t V- . 7. J lit I - e j asnfr-''' t 'jwb rtg. 249.50 18th century African mahogany grouping OM.Y 19 A IOTH no dou n payment on approied rrrdit $1 79.50 Alnctn mthogny m co"ihinai.on with ctiTom cibmt wood J Dovetailed and dustproof coni'ruction Pr ce include! 56" double d'ejief, framed mirror, matching bed with t'e gh 'yp cut-out ptnl hedbot'd and solid foot ehr tM exes shewn: teg $950 cheit of 5 d'ewen, 36 top $79. SO reg $49 50 matching night tab1 drwr and shtif $39. SO n4 seiwwn: reg 1 1 79 50 triple drtsr wi'h mirror $149. SO reg $119 50 cHei'onhlt . $99. SO .AS .(HI' .AS IS A StCSTH-no doun payment on apprmed credit M , m a r -w .,v' -1 ,,: aV slfl rtg. 399.50 8-pc. Honduras mahogany dining suite OM.Y 17 A MOSTH nn ft mi n paymrnf on npproi r( i rniil 279.50 m j t" k ft . !,' - - " ire Se $'20 00' T adiT o-i Dum p v'e ' pe-l'!! 'tbl leave, eaienrla o 90 irxhot Q" hnt in v aid cht 'i Your choic of beautiful big 58 bow trot-t h "' or metchmg b'sktronl china. Quthty construction. Htnd 'ubbed t n ih. rtg. 1 39.50 solid maple i n wi' few'1 S'" dinette furniture c n f IS A f(1H nn frii n rvn"i' on 99.75 h Co""'- a Ve'-"1' ir 'd ap'e -.'. Bnripo'' ' '-.i t 5 pr rl letarWry lyp 'n .10 4j top Ol'endt tO 60 . 4 arooret ' t'e"hr"' "-ap. ine '"t 'I ia M 'a-eT 1ft -leer w i 64 - g 3 -e .ei it p, d'aw. frd 2 ropar.T.". c C'e'le'-za 'yp bu'e sR mp fi r1 !--! i not thewn 5 r tjinim drop lee' tt- t 36 ill', i'e-ic t0 5; . Four match ing I 0 chir. FUtNtTUll-tKOMO HOOfl STOtl MOUtl MONDAY A WIOAY f 10 A.M. TO t P.M. OTHH DATS 9 JO A M. TO I JO .M. SHOP IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT COG t SI f 03Q TO Jj CCD