The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 28, 1957, Page 27, Image 27

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Drn kr AOtjHOUM, Mwun
" ". 4 M. IPM
Wheaties helps the
young in heart
stay young in health
()MmI IHitritioil the reason why so many
M-oile "live Mninp'r" nowadays. It's also
the big reason whv so man v parents are joining
their children in a delicious breakfast of
VI heaties. milk and fruit.
Vll'ilti(S Sll)li('S ula food elements
. . . gives ou an important share of the
protein, iron, phosphorus and vitamins o
neeessarv lor glowing health.
LoW ill lilt, tOO. W, milk and fruit
average only IT'i fat calories . . . Wheaties
alone, a bare ' , .' Ml other Wheaties calories
are protein and loud energy hpes.
Start tomorrow on your wav to living a little
vounpcr. with W beaties . . .
AaosiAsi a IiuL
7& 4o&d AeoXt! EMR f