The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 28, 1957, Page 10, Image 10

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    W-(Sc II) SUtesnun.
DMgg'o St Graceful
Yankee, Detroit Old
NEWT YORK July r , Joe
i LhMUrw pt!""I " I
M. mp-adrt U th
A mm. -J a ku aJ MrtMtarf
46B and a tv of ror' rot-
ham toda.v for atwther 1 ansee
vxrorv in thf atvaua, Oid Timers
Day cererVe.oa a: ankee S
... . ta .a-
iani.s and Detroit Tilers immor
an hand for th Madium custom
lMfwhfia mi ik. itrmrr kmrn-
From One Peaci of a Payer Another
a nitu
SEW YORK. Julv rormer New Wrk Yaakee slafrer Joe WMajKle Ukrs bite from i
peach proffered b "The (.eorgta Peack ' kiaaself. Ty ( obk. Detroit Tiger 'real, durtnf
14 timer ceremonies that preceded aakee Tiger baseball janse at aakre Stadium to
day. Otdsten a( both team, were Introduced aad played twe-laalafi prior ta regular
game. (AP Viirephotoi
Bevos Club
Hollies 11-0
Borkowslu Swats
Grand Slam Homer
HOlXYVjiKO lulv r Rob
Horkowski hit a grind slam home
run today as Portland blasted
Hollywood 114 brfort l.'ii Pacific
Coast Leant, fans
Borkowski. Portland i hard hit
ting niMftelder ligured in I ol
the Reavers' II run. Hf drove in
five and scored tour time, h.m
teif He went four for five hrtling
a home njn. tw. double, ind a
ores Ml PJN.
Borkowski got hu 4-pjb homer
in ihe eiaThth
Bob Alexautrler. allowmg t h t
Ange's a nicely placed HI hit..
wai the winner It was the twelfth
Inns of the season lor Bennie
fianiels who took an early shower
In the fourth after giving up three
,-mn. on eifht bits Only four of
WllUVe run. were e.rned however
. " . - ..... ...
r very naupiayer in the Heaver
m lineup got at least one base hit
Aieianrler had his curve hall
tlxking An Angel base runner did
not reach third base until Joe
Duhem tingled and moved as far
Bill Hall s double with tw. men
. out in the bottom of the ninth.
Around the rest of ihe loop San
.J Francisco opened up a 1 game
lead on terorvi pla. t Hollywood
with a J I victory over Secramen
to Bill Abernethie twirled a 111
hi'ler and Bill Renna provided
wild 1 homer whrh trueled an
estimated 540 fee'
John Jancae piiihed . five hit
ler for Lo. Angeies in Nanking
SarrimetTtn J-l Rrt Hamnr horn
; ared for the Angels
;t .- Home runs br tarl Avenfj and
'i r Taylar helped San Dtegn mrt
lht Seaftle. Ill Winner Hank
itrntTe at ruck out 11
ffU.BdJ (tl (l 0M4
C 4
Vrtk m 4 1 1 Brifr 14:
Wi 1 I I 1 I JiwrWM 1 4 ' I
Mrqii 1 14 I ( iMnn v 410-,
RPP lilt Pftlif 1 1 J
Rrktlir I 4 I OasyTv J 4 1 4
rtrT-4t 4 4 1)1 Hall r 4 I 4 I
CMrr f lilt (n r 411:
J DmnJ lit HiT lUl . t t 4 4
AtdaTT p 1 1 t I Dttlfil D I 4 J
Pwr p I 4 t
X p ) 4
, T4h M It ft It fnuit 13 IT it
J yortUndl D t4t i
Mrtlyweodl tm wm tim
j t- Mtfbsmah VtmW Mil- Mtr
pjit Wtivraiiti Dmn I Hrhe.w.
S, afc I CMmm 1 -th HR
Bortinwil 1 - Alifnt1r T?
Hnnitrt. )c9 rvd Rrtirorrv Th,
hstm and Smith Wiiv-niaikT
rid M-Ht4wM DxjTvdtm Jirnraj a n (J
Brtiran Lecft Lirtlaiid It Holly
wood T BB AWundtr 1 D-n,u 4
POMT 1- BO AiftK4rdr I reuti
ripsp4r 1 HO Ajoxrv)r n I
DwWiMla im 4W fppr I in I
Z jw t ta IS R-Eft Danst H
T I it a-i ta
PCL Line Scores
Lot Anawlae . M
aaeramweiftw a
inete and Taaa
Met 1
1 in iei t 1 t
1 ma am a I t
WtUnot trwl
Vanrmjver tOt M tOl I It
San frtivrlv-a M 111 IOa-1 II I
Rsmawrfar Coe.tue.rt I anrl A
leM Aratreathtt tn4 kullivan
Pan Dtaaw T es me -ll a
am mi ma awl I 11 I
Afutrrt ant J neves Ptke. PeJ..a.
V" "'. wTataoa Hi and Ortaig
Vohrke li.
SAm, Ore, Sun., July SS, "57
ran Lraa'j g-ea:s mil hrwvrvred
.Jftll, sa-r. aiv Crawtord and
t u- .
; toM
; t rtiu.arls scra--nuhd game be-
;ee 'he current much more
DiMaw who flew hact from
a tflcr at Kurorw lor Ihe bur dav
"rwd only rvji a mtormaJ
Khtt djcanlinj about ! duwi
mtrhn i aoi ami nnht and ho-
... !,-
Flying Javelin Stabs
I 'Unlucky' Track Star
1 ON DON" July T F Sian Cni
as ihe ufilw kiest man n ira.k a
a flying javelin while serving a a
m a marafhon runner ho
t f .
rriCQer VaDTUreS
a r II X'al
LOaSl VjOlt I 1 T I C
ASTORIA. July r t -mi h-ie
... . p,, i ....
. , tl . , j ,
'lrg"n (oast ,..' loiirapen
'u lop-wded ano i .'nrv
,h, :n,,j
medalist from I'nr'iand
k j n . .
hrieger 14 ror'iahd viroked
Ifl I hirdie on 'he Tth hole
'he Wh to
the tit le-
The .omen. as won hv
u,u ,K,
P-ir'land no
, ,
W""i JuB' Hof,'n"- 14 Tilla
monk 'he Hate air 1 chamnhnai
,n ,f" '"" ' ih' 'hampion.hip
man h m the sem.w men division
H'p ",j,Jffl ' ""age Grove de
',mfHi 'hanes Hedding of Port
Uni 1 ,aA 1
I 1 1 1
Caat'd fraaw preeesMaC page)
member that Taormina wis a member of tht local dandies
in 194.2. hitting .12 fnr nne nf ihe highett mirki in th
league'' H wai then nn option from the Sfill Inci
dentally, that wa. the ume semester that ex Willamette U
whu Jack Richard won th VVII, batting title for Salem,
nornng nut Vancouver i Clarence Marlrlem in that memor-
hie rice S.M 2 to IMP,
Left It To Richird Himielf To Stop Him
The end of thai season provided a natural for the
laduridual batting rare, an Salem finished play at in
roarer where It wai Richards against Maddern Mgr.
( h.rley Petersen af the Sen.tnrs left It up lo Rlrhard.
himself la the final game. He tossed lefty Jark a Be
baseball prior ta the cleh, and assured, "Here. Jark,
yoa pltrh tonight. Don I give that Maddern inv hits, get
rauple yourself and you'll win the batting title "
First sacker Richards who hid don I bit nf pitching,
accepted the challenge He blanked Maddern got io hit j
himself and won the title bv the 002 margin
Not that it makes for muth other than filling a pari
grtph that gam happened to be the last w pltved in pro
fessional baseball W had in four previous seasons played
it every position on th diamond, other thin the one be
hind th plate A very foolish guy in those diys. we ciught
thit final gime 'Petersen had to oheh it, for were th
club general maniger ind would hiv fired him if h
said nm
Dirln t do badlv either Onlv one error ind one passed
ball No hits ii usual however
Northwest lagae statistician Rill Wei. In San Mi
te doeta t .ay wh It beat, hut the ! H-ttrlkeout perform
ante af Tom Glbwoa .gainst Wenatchee reeenlly Is nffl
rlilly i new loop reenrd . . . Hanah' New If we could
nly beat tht clewu
- Timers Play Contest
ally lifting a long fly ' center
'"f P Fei lf '""
iun innaiio lur-wrtj up ev an
Uti htffh ' ' , 1 ("
the cood
Hu high flj to left 'el! ai the
struga-ling ice! el Hem Maau.'-k
for a sing
DiMag made
to -ooa on a
houmin single by Bul Jtvhnson
. '
nd b sort lor Xroil hN th
clf1w,r io.nranr twmpw
vaisllinrs undfr Bud Mrlhrny t
who during hi career was known
slabberj near the heart lodav bv
judge nl ihe spear throwing event
represented Kngland in the 1911
and S2 Olympics was taken to
la hoapitai in a critical condition
j Although Cot was Handing some
I " ,rorn ,h ,hr0,ln 1"
'h' P0"n, ,lvf h,t steel shafted
Pr hlt his rhest uh tu, h lone
"h broaen The chest
4 Pierced
Iwnnrt sa d laiar (hat he wuld
I. '
Jyt ,,.,,, h.,,0,0-,1 A.,nn,
,h .,..-r im...r .ki,,r ..
meet Cn was one of several men
waiiinr 'o pate flaev rr.arkms
the distar.e nf the rhr"
a. siarwling apart from the oth
The athletes all of whom used
,s ronv entioral stvle 0 throwing
ihe lavelm relu.ed In identilv 'he
competiuar involved
.a the mi
1 .. ..11 1 1 w
' 1"
fainted after 17 milet in the I5J
marathon at Helsinki and ran into
a lelegTaph pole in the British
r mpire Games at Vancouver in
VA He was the Britiah su mile
thampioa ib IMI
- pop fry between the p'.at and the
l .V and innii ethers of the
oirler olrj-4ifs-rs rwofioed their
game pariicipatiofl t achu or
rsugout Muf hut LVr were a
tew piavers who had still re-
w -
ha.: of amer (.Tun Gajrir
,nmm, h..- k .
'" " ' -
thai OouiK-fd into tht riihl
firtd Mandj for a (round rule
Baea;i don Al ihacht urn-
n,rd oumiie.1 .flmnlft. .ith rtara
ltlasses cane and i n cup ( orw
:dian Phil Silver? umpirvd on thf
Ifamf after an aijment h head
umptre VM.M
! Other former stars introduced to
the rrod irHiuded Hal .New
nouser RfUv Hitchrork. Pat Mul
lia. irtjil 'Truest ' Schoolbov
Rowt tldon tutir Tomrns
Bridies Doc Cramer BUlv Rogel
Dale Alexander Ahia Crowder
Johnnv Necn Ovoe Maiuon Chick
Shorten Frank 0 Route Oscat
Vitt Georft Moriant and Daw
jonc '
Other anks were LefW Gomet
Spud Chandler Nick Etten Johiv
nv Lihdell Manus Russo Hank
Borowv Buddv Hassett ' Montr
II I i- . ,
rrwtson. jow raar. An J or tern
Joe Glenn. Red Rolff Dustv
Cooke. Sam Bvrd. Lvnn Un Red BumpHle, Kddie Far
rell Kr.nk CroaettL Crforfe Sim
ler. Phil Riuuto. Frank Home
Rum Baker and Russ aa Ana
Cycle Meet
Set Today
Sfjfe 'Scramble' On
Local Club Grounds
1 IHMM desk Stale ' scrambles'
One of Oregon s biggest motor
Odf events the Oregoa State
Scramble. Championship, n slated
to get underway todav at II
. m
wn mr jiounus 01 me ,tiem Vol
orrvrle Clnh
A'ter morning time Ir als the
regular rare will start ar 1 p m .
with a trophv riaf het
v anii H n.A n an, a !i hi
weight main for the imi ler hikrs
TV scramhes air ;ui h.t ihe
word implies k scramble over S
miles of bumps reverse rorners
uphill and downhill jumps, and
numerous ruts
Some of the top riders in the
northwest plan tn be on hand
Among these are Roy Burke state
hare and hound
nd national
big hear ' champ, and Bob La-
Grange. Washington State , cram-
bles champ In all about 75
riders are r.pected
lo get tn Ihe track go east on
Sl.le Street to Four Corners and
follow the posted signi Lunch
may he obtained on Ihe grounds
Floyd Liked
In Title Fight
iCanl d tram prerediag page)
t per real af Ike gale aad TY
T 'lkl. aeked.led for
"P"' e rarrted aw el-
wwrk (NBCi radio aad lelevltU.
la Ike eewl ml rala Ike .kaw
oold be aet bark
tm laeawa;
At aual. la these aflalrt. there
a rematrn rwairari ralllnf lor
retara la hepietnker alta al the
Pole (.rwwwdt. la rate J ark tee
ehwwld wla.
r ram Ike law a af Pallersea la
training he kaa aa lalralfea af
letting Ike flgkl ga Ike limit He
. ,
twewar. a awwraawi aatrigki
but his heavy hodv pinthing and
his mental attitjde poinli to an
effort for a quick f msh
Patterson now ai the
youngest ei er to am the hue when
be stopped Archie Moore in Chi
cago last Nov V) Inariiie since
Ihe championship hoot enent tor
an exhibition lour Pittrrson has
not let himself get r un He has
been in tamp of! and on a,. in
ter spring and summer and boxed
more than 12.) round, in toe last
six weeks
Brought along i a -efuliv hv
d Amain Patterson won the I'tle
in hu 12nd pro fight after return-
Tale of Tape
rATTKaioN jKt nan
n - ti
X 114 aihl in
Tt" Isirh 74
4 ( htt f nnrmil 11
i ' I Hetl I pfl at I 41
I ll"
U ' , W .1 14
n i, t - m i r
if , ) iir ii1,'
' - w nk l f ' ,
Thiih '
14',' Hire. p. 14'-,''
1' rrira IV
X-.tart welthl ta ke aeteraalaea
Mna.a. at aaava aeitk-la
mg from the Isv.J Olympic! it
Helsinki with Ihe I Ai pound title
He has a tl I record with 22
knoikouls losing onlv lo Joey
Maxim the former light heavr
ling on a rjispuiea derision in in
eicht-round match in June 19'4
latkson 2', hat been boxing
iin.e im ana nas appeared in Jo
f.ahta fnr a. T4 1.I rmA U. ha.
.... . . ,
...... . . r.
inocieo out IJ opponenti and wai
Itooned once, bv Nino Vlldet the
I Cuban giant. July 14. 144 Hur
Incane s camp claimed that knock-
out an automatic ruling by the
referee under New York, decree
that illti a fifht liter three
i. L.J - a .
aoo-turrwor. in nor rnunn was a
mjaiaJte Thev taid the third waa a puv,.
The three knockdown
nle is
waied tor ti'V hr,.,t. a. the
aiitomalic eight count The malch
1 will he scored hv rounffs with i
tiipplementarv point gyjtem In
lease of even rosinds. '
Giants Invited to Loofc
At Hayward, Cd., Site
Mayor Purchio Returns Home After
Two-Diy Meeting
NEW YORK. Jurjr T7. Jt-Maynr
another tuddrr for IV Nrv York
' - vvmnrreiT
Purrhio said h Irfl brhind
to Msit Hayward and ' tec for
,dr !f. preMfnl
H aaid the
Giants "assured m thry U1 if
,,. MmiAm-mlm
" ' J
P maror Kid Hay ard
communitT of U.OOS torn It mita
k"" M rTancisrt. is twi
trr situated "econonuf ally and
ctimatf-oix" lor thf Giants
K study of 'stadia and tnt h,
"i basrball krat mr ion
umed that freeways, not juhsi
dies parting, aet pay -television
i" etentune the kocation of the
0 ants stadium if they mote la
" i'01 ' Purchio said la a stale-
i..u.Ut LaeaUd
" u ,ftcT,llbi tB' "
ptof" 4rt r' 01 rNoluUoB
our llvln tlt ""'7
h'1 " "'P1 oul CIty ftou"" as we know them Sao
frarKiscans now live as far as
30 mi1" ,T9m " crM"
Hayward wants the Giants, if
th P' proposed Branden
. . .1 . 1 1 r i tnm-rm A iu M. t iu
- .
" rrancisco Gianu but sou
P' 'd,um "
ton h.,f ,r philoaoohy. -h, con-
r-h,. -K, Hayward - -
HalW it Alameda countv.
nn ha a population of about
W10UO-r more than the Saa
ratKiKii ciKjntry
Hat PUa U Offer
lt hough only JO miles aoav
he aid r haf a climaif li de
,rre or w .armer on Ihe average
thjn Sn FramiHO I know I
f'equsntlv atlrnd night games
fhrrr and I never go without an
ov ercoet
I The mavor a nat.veborn New
orker and Fordham gradual, who
moved to Hayward 10 eart ago
said his city has a con5tructioa
company headed by k L. Branden
whose "finarxial status J such
ih.i ran hinlft in atffht or nne
million dollar stadium lor the Gi
He said Hayward has a concreir
plan in ortrr omr san rranciscos
formal oller iv iide lo thf Gi
nnlv. probdblv armind Aug S
Major League
i si a a M
M.aiu New t.rk t 111 is III ua
IZT.- 3 , n
k..r.. n v.rt n m u ss m
M.D..,ai4. w T.rk is XH M lit m
atak.lawa. tad Ual d I IT HI
im.i waskiaiwa sa mi n in ms
' c ktrat. SI Ml ll IN
Narat Baas Wllllara. lUtlea 71.
Staalle. sj.a Tark TV .levers Wtth
lailaa !l Mas well, rtetrelt It Cala
vtta (leveUa. II. r.erataj. Riaai
t llv II
Ruat Battel la Mantle . Y.,k
ti never., wa.riiatiaa 'i crepi up in lourtn plate with a
Sea lark tl Werta rievelaa. S4. j
iaaaea. Baetaa I? . ,
j Official! at lyxhmnor ( luh m
sationai iFAdll rreased Ihe prue monev m this
Aaraa Mii.a.k.. 'i w ii ill hi
Maual st laui. " Ma t' ''' 't
l.r.el ntt.Soria It Tat 1' SI 11?
raa.v. Pltl.lurh
II 111 II H" l!l
IS II? M IM 111
Marva. Ch.rai"
J"'""' "'.""J,"! !! II! j!!
St hainM Mlli ! n in ji
,.. , ,tl..u s? m M m
m.., v., v..s m u? la. Jia
Hatt. Brn
M Ml ll in jn
,.)4 a.kl raw. liar la-
m.iii. si l-eaii !i aawks.
' '
, ,
, ,,,.ti tt ri. .1 urn i
M. iweiaaaii M t
rs I C... w 1
Senator Swat
in n ibi en
! I tl Ml
? in it
nt its n
iu ita tt
in it t
M" kl It
lit It II
Ml It '
Ml I' I
irr i
i; le w
?! Ill It
71 lis It
n ; t
r tt', t
it us i
n in , t
tl tea
J " '
l I ll s
I It ill
! i ii m
tin tl II
Kiaa.r-th r
s in i II
t m m m
i m ti
ll IM ii
American League
toi im iw-i i i
iit,irttr 10 l W 4 I I
(,rs r reArman 7 ' and ftrwnh
f . rfr Hv1 'tt and Cmjrtn
Home fijni KltlUI CttJ Ds mst.tri
W' h m(trn C ourtna i if vara
nro nno tw vw. 3 a i
sesv nnn nm tm 4 in
Mix Ijir I ltiatar ' i flvrti
A her I and Hntj) .lurrlnant
r.r'm anrl Hrri H'-f'ra rtjrt D-
trri' Itrwyn
r le ennrt tint ml Orj III ?
Br..'n ine ait nori 1 t
Narleaki lint Nuon Deio.!. VI n
trr In i f a kales !' S'.ae ti
ann Whi'e Home runt - levela nd
Wnndltni Ctrrttquel notion Wil
liam. C hlrafo
ana ana wwv l 7 j
Baltimore OM tin DOS
it. Darrtngton ill Staler
"d Mom tirvtrmk
. nrnaoi -- - '
National League
s York ano ima m 1
arm ma am i i
mi tie Rr v l i
Tr"" . ...1, ... "-"""
Croee Monraoi i and Wa.trum
Tl fww aa f t Buhl ..I B(
- - -
PhlladelDnit OOTJ
, , ( 3
HtOdin Ui and Looata
Bmenan tod Netnmtn Home runa
CnlC4'' ,-'" X'"1"1
Brooklyn not in. ini i i
Cincinnati an too osi u .
..?T,U.T7Jr .
.li Amor '! ind Ptller Horn, runt
Amor . .nd p..KiTy Hoe,, run.
ooktyn rMnllo
- Brooklyn Monies runllo
P'tt-hur.n ii twi t I I
s' 1 """ ' T" 1 ' 1
Purka. and rn.laa n., a.on Mirell
a, Mf-nt 1 nd n
The Syractite I ntvertity basket
halt team will play one new op-
pofrrrrt - rrerxgHrrwii during the
1957 Jl season.
With Club Oifichls
Purduo of Haroarl CW .
Giants Wadrd hnr today a.trr
'v .!:. u .vawjaartai traague-
aa opra awtatioa U biaau' afficuU
inrnurhes Ukal
i tht
a I IUQU kU9C9
To Rosewall
GonilleS ifl EjSV
, ,. '
LiS SGKLKS July Tl ken
RoseoaU (ontinued today to be a
nemesis for fellow Aiuaw Lew
J Hoad He easily knocked off the
I ia ho,u W M
1 sinres rnalchea of Jack Kramor t
-ll 110 Mtri round roota
l"uu touraamtnt
B'f Richard Pancho' Gonxale
nd Tony Trabert. meanwhile, took
the lead in the quest for the QM
first p.are money, scoruif atraifht
tr,urnnl" 0,er
" n" rath reapectirery Tenais. himaeU-
in nt"J 1 Jl I " m 1
' -"ican ana
'm6''k,n cmp.o. had little
trouble . ,th P..U. former
i.n star Score . 4-1
- "
H- '
raiic louar. r our Dim me wiro-
bletoa kin blasted fiery an past
Rosewall But fire Ume. Hoad
oouoi. tauitea - twice ib lite flft
' . "
Ho" " B Mor Row
ooomuif. rnouet here in.
v" ,ur V" ri
when (hf .ere amateurs. KM in
Australia last fa.'l and once in
last year i I S championships
Wright Back
In Golf Lead
)( TROIT July r - Blonde
rghi of Chula ita
. mi. ine ieaa in ine
wolverine Open golf tour
nameni lodav. banging out a live
under par 70 lor a Whole total
ol 11 4 and a two stroke lead
The slender a year old had the
firsl round
lead, relinquished it
ininoiT in niwnu I mn nf mi
ami Beach. Fla . and charged
back into command today on the
strength ol bold but accurate iron
u ,-ikw a k ,k r
Vh "h.T
pl" "c, "n " '"w
Prepared for Sunday i showdown
rittlftaH all I Kal at aUmL i we el A.a,.n
M. wngbl fired . M.V70 to
go with earlier rounds of 70 and
Fav (. ker
. .
.1 M.HVrviden I r
"Huav matched l kev . "0 and
7? hole lourn.menf by in per t.-nt
making the lota! ta ISO
Manassas in
Feature Win
4 tear old hav
unueo n: invincinitiiy as a grav
runner hv tapluring Ihe JI2.. tun
Arlington Handicap hi Pntv
Hi a bargain yearling on the
lt 07 Arlington I aSMft slake.
in l featured twin hill rinsing the
Arlington Park season tndav
Manassas ridden hv Doug TM
on. raptured his fifth .traight
victory on turf hv
margin over even money favorite
Swoons Son in the one .nd three
, , . ,
,ll,"n'n" m" handicap
Vincent, ridden by Johnnv
Igden was third
Swoon i Son noelrf. hv Dav-
F.rb . valiant effort in ihe
itretrh hut hogged down under
h" 0P irnP" of 121 pound.
Ten ti tried in the Ijstie which
nelted Polv Hi a supplemental
entry IM 92S and rused in ir-n
M". her earnings thu year
Delnita wai second and Ha-lv
Don tjrd Pnly Hi I time under
weight nf III pounds was i in 3 s !
Braves, Yankees Post Victories
fCtwI g. fraea prerediag page)
ahled Washington tn edge Kansas
( it 7 S
Buhl now 12 4 was on hit av
to hu second straight shutout and
had extended his consecutive shut
. .. . a. .....I 0KK
Thomaon i deubl cor1 tr
a . . .1. ...
ta.ani. two run. in ire
7, aodiOther Milwaukee .tre.l also end
no, nerj s ooeooieoai going nnieas
for the first time in J4 games
Parkey Petit lh
Plirkev keol eitht Cardinal hit.
' '
scattered in winning hu loth A
three-run splurge in the lecond in
uiree-run tpturge in toe tesooo .o
mng cost 4o-year-0lrJ Murrv Dill
,. , . .
ion. the loser, hu five game win
nana riwi aai.rrv ...a
Bing Streak
Krnoklva Gil Hrwt. and
Carl Fur-lla slamming two run
horners. held a S- lead over ( in
cinjiati until the ninth when left-
-cDrrtt develrnped
I finger blister and left after walk
I finger blister and left after walk
;. IK, h, ,,
Iba. f.r kallae a,m.
'"a " ... ..r,. ,,,,,,a
lonwe two wild pitches
Three hit. off Carl F.rskine set
P potential nig inning until la
htne marched in tn retire Ihe tide
Johnny Klippmrm Iran H lor the
RedLefa. who fed one per rem age
point behind Bisjoklyn Each team
Uuls Milwiuke by twe game.
Kiek katak, akasee. wko has
heea ajutaatliaf la alt
aalite Yaaroarer. B I ,
takes aU Salem deaul
Tes4ay aifat at Ine Ar
awarv. faciaf Jack KKer.
Taea.T'i asat rara UI be
rapaed w tht Herk Free
aa WUti Bill S m i e
.Naetkaoai keary Olle an
Herb Risks
Mat Crown
. u"-' i"i'iioji
mtlmr - 1 .
it rnday night in IV T d Pon
d donavtjrook Ha Ht rbte
Freetr.. Mn risk, h.. North
rl heavvweifhl mat 'Hie belt
! ' ! "
Bl" Naae his otponeni
Matchmaker Kltoa Owen hid
booked the title nui ee. beiure
the Portland rla and deD.i
how it came oul Freeman on it
and will be Mnvdinr ihe h,li f,
th, second time withm a week
rreemaa won the coveted line
from the hooded hoodlum Ihrri
weeks age in a disputed Port and
date and has since been wi.lmg
l0 put H up an lime against an
i Loot Brug. I antaaklag
The aoething Sav agt htit
reign of the heavies hereabouts
was short lived has vowed te un
maak Tuesday if he doen t re
gain the Ulle
Tuesday semifinal thouid he
almost as interest ng as the n a n
er for Luther The Tank L.nd-vv
squares off with fiirtv Vmig
Donovan in it Owen tun reiled
in l
,plUmg UD ,(,, lonovan Rroih.-v
unnt ,h, fder tntl oiis , .ht.
,, ,h. .
giving him a marantee
Thf ounithine Cowbov t .rlv.n
hl. K,,iw..-, , . ...
. . .
tonn tn one ot ine two prelims
book., and faces Jap menace
Haru Sasaki la the ather ,,r,i,m
,,, ,h. r,rn w ruv-.
. . .
c Tl'r' h'er takes on new
'""l J ' '
been a big hit in and around hu
Mll4f Vancouver. R(
juiin Tii.u.i., .esi k. 0,1!
umtlk , ,4, ,
d(1 houd h, f ,
navr an ine wresiieis in ine
.,.. ,.. lk., ... kl. , .
(H,n nromiv1 v,.rdjr
Great Climax:
I ewl.toa Hi
n H O A
llinntl t 9 J 1
V"inn ai 3 n fl fl
taleai Hi
B M o A
If i 1a m tilt
Ttpbl 1 1 I r. a
K.H. I I I ft K uehl I lilt
Mrlun I V J t ft Rauer ! ! I I I
lame 1 lilt Tnarl'i 1 ' ft I
I ( n'.r 4 ft s I D'etlo . I t ft ft
Hffmr .1111 Mrtrlni I 1 ft : ft
Kirirn 1 I ! .11 Kneot r I 1 I J ft
rrlr.p It. Jne. n 1 n ft ft
V-hat' e I I t t
Brnnr p t t a
T'a . IS t !
Tr.un Klin I
irirf run a.rerl
One .111
I KftS Itnft TJO . .
Saiem 02J I5 on M
inn. pn.hef B.eine' IS
I , tm nn, he. ravMin I i
i ii h a r sc. an
r t i tit
lit a o
s. n.
a . s i a u
I Keiie. t Huriman Home Buna
W Hit. l-am. m,
Intoah Buna Balled in lne I
Tanaelll e,ovia Dwre.ln I K.jeof I
h.-eni Keifty J H'. K-t.(.
'""'l? u" D,d,"
Purel.n Time I 7J t'mpirea Aentii
''!' """" "
Patty, Drobny Vie
GSTAAD. Switzerland July 77 r
-Ciech eille Jaraalav Drohnv and
Budge Patty of Los Angeles and
Parn. qualified today for tremor
row s final m me Swiss Inter
national Tennis ramptonships
Rob Speakf arw) Jrrv Kirwlall
hit bom run off lovr Harv
Hafidix lo fa th Inr th
( ub' Rroanan who tlktwrd onlv
n hila in inning hm ae-omi
acainit four dWfti
VI or than SO forttifr AmfTnan
, ti.
aiiKJ job LrinaigHi. maunt-fj ai
y,nM1 j() 0M
, . , ... .
rallied in Ihe eighth and ninth In
heat Detroit
Today's Pitchers
" s wataiaiiea in-
Kellaea ti ll ta Terry 11-11 va
..., ..... mm.
Oelralt al V Tarl 111 Farts, k
1,1 ' aa. Ween (1-11 rt
I aad Itrki IS-ll
rhlrt.a al Bartlaaart Kaefta
II li vs (INI ll-C)
f leralaal al Battaw
tad lalllvta (tv-i
wyaa in in
Brwaklra al ClwelanaM - Padre.
... .na,
y.a tark tl stllaraatee tt A-
-! tw Bareiar ti ll vs
Trawbraa.e 1 3-1 1 aad Fntarre l.-ti
rm.ha.fa . si 1..1. m
11 11 tad rrtewd il-in va Jtrksaa
rtuaaveiebia n chieaia in tan-
.". '(1.',1,' rrtTitTTrt'ii' "
iwrw BMBicntt m mtt 1
I - . at
3k S
Sooncrs to Sot Tempo
Of Collegiate Football
Continued Growth of Ball Control
To Increase Demand on Defense
Tw toonatad Pma
rxradiitf Nji.una. crumpioa Olijnoma i raaMTtaUam, ban at
Bfx-nsK.;. fla.r thf sput T oftia : oil! romam tt
coiirn foot ball thf coir nt saso
Cousifd oith th i-uaonued rot of tfca raMys. haflMi.
aftitoa.) atiaa t omaad oa IM ten,,
matt slim leads anH W. .land up
. Thf trrod ta th anau i.r
Solons Win
With Rally
Split Doubleheider
Ends Series Todiy
( 4 from oreredlM M'
that helped aak Iwwr i aiei
r... mtl Iwrkleu nil
rarwed Tw. al i Hgwred
la a pa" of Iwa-rwa ia
ike .Valeiw earl la ihr !
THese l.Kjr tju gaf me en
aiors a hi-g' - i "ta
in me fux nam' (tented 9oi.j
Jiminv Jones Lr I pi
Krllev i vinglf atd '. avne . 1 "
ytX lo le" one '"' '"
n.H,Mr p.:' Jit'P H
. ' li r Ji ' --
Nmail nnam nfui
lair tern.,.,,
Jon. - .' ' "
fx nn,ru
"'T" 'T
ihe lp le". "'
in Mr ad mowed .' "'i,y;",,
with ..nkrout. sod had he'"'
he was taken oul in a w
. Im' wtMweM r..fh
wllk hi lo ihe sevewia wwr.
Ikref paiaes aad krll
tw slagle 'er serwwd welled
I. a rtti hea I awe alwgled
aad artoa walked la Ike Hghlk
mi wrwl sawag James awd la
timt Vkaeler lieshnaa IWa
I a. la II givlag
a aau of siagkea aad a walk
far iwa rwat kreawer strwiled
.i ihia peias with ike sackt
)aaaawed aad oieae Ike afwre
wieouwwed iw. plirkea u retire
Ike sldf
halesr got m hrst run "! I'a
idson oK-klv and erv nlJ
irned .n Ihe sound hen Tir
v, i, , ( up ' ned his r nd
. i a-i pa sn
id ai r rroi v p' a v .-.1 k"v
Ihe Salem vming rtvir
nlii an .a'ned run wa
..! m ihe suth on Knehl s
..mtle and the finale in ihe n,mh
... k tame ;nnrr
Tke bad kM base HI wekwana
la Ike kHler kal kaied k Ike
W mimmmJ mm kHMflltl Mrt
.. .1.1. Li , a. N did la iba
wraalekee tertes earlier la the
eek Heller l twa-raa ilagte la
Ike aevewlk wat aa easy rkaoee
far Rawer al aeraad aatll M
kwaaeed ever kit head Hallmat
(at awe i the same vanelv la
Ike elgklh. real la another ma
at II kwaoded aver Ktee.l t head
But .Salem f.nallv ,nt one of the
had hop break! when Durello .
leadnH single ,n the nmth took .
. ...
craiv hop nit ai J. Jaiorti was
. . . , ij .,
arvosit to field if
I ,n todiv ,pllt n"birh,Ar,
one game .1 ? p m the other at
, p m
l,nf It and . k (
Quade Ji will go for le".inn
which has now lol se.en ninghi
games and Tom Gibson S ii ind
ndv George ''.-' go (or Ihe Sa
lems Mrt Kmmei Kennev Ri
I Rot ?7A Salem on the h g
I adirs ighl prue la-t night
an expenses paid trip in the I oa.t
with I2.S for spending monev
transportation h V alley Motor ( n
dress from Sears short from Da
na s Booterv accessories from
Kav i flowets from Kola
ant rlaaninf from Keonedv t
lark Dunn a la .till ahseot las'
night tve-i ause ol illnet. hut fig
urerl bed he ha. k in harnes.s lo
Mt Angel Wallops
Dallas 15-3 in WVL
MT ANGKI. Julv T Spe lal
The Mt Angel Towniet went on a
lev hit spree in t loooermg Dallas
in Ihe final Willamette Valley
softball league encounter lor holh
i earns here last night
t etcher Jim Turin led the heavy
assault with three doubles and a
triple John Bever chipped in with
two doubles and a .ingle and lo
Buchheit lashed out a homer and
two singles
Down Ifl in Rav BKn4 t fv
rnlh inning homr t h ankw tirf
rvrn nn a ali anH Ifxir hit in
th ptjh'h ( otenian tout rwrl off
lh? winning rallv with tripW in
'hf ninth 'Wf Harrv Rvrrl who Inat
hi ftrt in lour f1H-itnn
NaU HU Faurth
lfty Al Aber aa. brmighl in lo
...rh , u.,h,rf. h,,.
ho dumped the winning bunt
Aher s lirst pitch ( okman tat or
ing easily In give reliever Bob
Grim hit mnlh v it tor
William! homer game him th
e.d bv one nvrr Mitkey Man-
tie b u I ( leveland "lore than
matched it with lour baggers by
Gene Woodling and ( arrasquel and
a single and double worth two
RRI t for Vic VVerti
Dick Hyde won over Tom Gor
roan for thf Senator!, who drew
witht,. a half game of the seventh
nl a 1 1. La. u-.-i .
VKdory and trl A
"""" . KT n vinory and the A I
nun ttrtigm kv.,i i
The Yanks nrreased their lead
tn lour games a. .be -nrvd place
Chicafn White Vn t.i 1. ik.
Bj.,rrMire flnole, J in ni(f,
game Al Pilarrik s two-run homer
and fienege hell t fur hiti
sparked the (Violet In I heir ninth
triumph in l gamei with th Sol
iin of (he spin T agaia
tv bold hand of moat mn1 ,
ir aster Oklahoma roach hg
1 w .Ik.naun
ParreU Royal, a former .lk..
K4i uuartertsask brings the tpiit
lv Tra. whcir he promises a
urk the wioV-opea passing
li steady gxiodui yardage
Another likmann awpil inrmer
Sooner end Jim Oweaa. suiith
Rovai ai the I aiversiiT of
ingtoa where he will continue in.
pln T nwv ement
Uf ma
Maimer ilkuuow ai;a
Pr t t'lliott at California and k g
Irnn rgp at Nebraska are spread,
nf Ihe spot T. too
Pve k likMuoo Mfenaitf is tuit
n a power -running game hecau-a
iv spacing of linemen provioes
Motking angles ahead of the hafl
i si ' er as long as the team ( at
pioMoe an element at oeceptmn
. . . . wJI enter the . ,.
' Lriw
"J.rTuyT.,, I
v ' . , .
from the lM Sooner, who .,
n ..r m . taiwa a aanie in inai
irlirnse Oklahoma has iawl speev1?
Ml America Tommy UrDonaid and
iifi him the run pass option threat
'nn left hafmack The deparir
ullhaik Bill I'rts-er previoed ton t
l the I nest dvwnfiekj block ng a
rnfH veais
lew a Wat Have Nat
A a result the Souners w I! he
'oi ltd lo loiego the long ga.nrr
lor short plunges Delenst and
kicking will be emphaaited more
than ever
The coming Oklahoma unit is n
pected In be mure along the lines
ot 'he V) aggregation which pound
ed mat a 7a viciory aver Marvland
in ine tirangf Bowl
Vlotr itams s1m hope to !r.w
th. p.ilh W I'.wa to vucrrss 'n
!all Ihe Hawkrvet won ihe r tiitl
R I Ten i hanipionshtp since iTfl
iavi jrar lounded Ml . rock nhhed
Traditionally classed as ana oi
the nation I have not cruris,
Iowa thut out title rontenderi M rv
netoti 7 a and Ohie Stat. M do
, "Uk t. wrap up the IW
crow n
Ma mr offensive changes art r-i
pectrd al ervderbilt and Aniona
but lhro.igh.Hit the country most
of the tltrrations will be ones re
quired hv changes in personnel
Patdae Air Arm (.ear
We II be ablt lo pass mors be-
' quarterback, wh.
,hrow ni " fnd' '
m"' " TT
savt Ohio Stale i oarh wnnrly
.mm- . , ,
Haves His rluht had a ttnng ol :7
.n iiim ni; irn u lunipn. into m
n'"1' BT "l
"" l'"
on Ihe other hand Purdue tmne.
dnan to earth with the depar
ture nf l.a-n ason the Boiler
makers rifle armed Quartfrne. k.
and ends like Lamar Lundy
Id Dohrrtv, moving from ha.k'
field roath with the Philadelphia
lagles has installed the proles
ln.nal st le .lot T at Arizona
vuh multiple ball handling a- '
Phil Di. kens trained in the Tm-
n' wee single aing bring i s
side saddle T Ui Indiana from
oming The sv.trm is basically
single aing in or gin with the q'iar
erba.k tlationed heteen gua'd
and center al right angles lo ihe
line of scrimmage
Muh.gan Slate took moving pio
..res ol ill football garnet fnr the
'".I time in IWJ
Asphalt Shingle
Thewe amaiinf shingle, hold
tight tn hurricane wind.' The
Secret ' A stripe of special arl-
hesive t. factory-applied "n
the underside of each thingi.
The tun's heat automatic.lly
seals them to th underlying
shingles . wind and rain can t
get under them. Com in and
aak for a derrvonstratioei.
H. IM 4-4li
NO "