The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 27, 1957, Page 9, Image 9

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    No. 7 Power Plant Gets Onceover
irTV '
Kindsfather Blanks Broncs In 5-0 Clash
Edge Kept
By Braves;
Yanks Fall
Man! This Is Cool Living
r.."::f';' T" P -J
Home Run
ftaietaaaa SporU Edkor
Wenatchee Chiefs may have
ft- v.tTl zri -
With drirtai tUr Bok Greu iwkiu m. Stu Mttir, mn af tke "W" N. 7 Midget raciaf
car gtm ta ka-bU7 tk Mir prior to tonljhti mld-eeitoa rkanpUaskJa mH
fte tkc "mrlij nati" it HaUvw BawL Gretjj, icared iwtea ta thia ear darthf
Um kit hMi e( tart ben.
Midgets Date Title Clash
Silverton Takes Ball Crown
Bob Gregg Seen
As Favorite in
Hollybowl Card
Tk roaring ninU or midfU
U you f after the oiid-aeaioa
dUKiptoaihip it Hollywood Bowl
tonight, and If Um laut via of the
clauy Utl bun-buftici to an in
dication of thing ta happen U
ai(M. Barefoot Bob" Cmi will
take Um till trophy and lop cmH
priic horn t-Camas, Wash.
The blond veteran icored a oom
pleU sweep tn the last card, tally
inf beat time-in and win in the
trophy data. UK heat and Clau
A maia event. If he doea d again
tonight, he'll not only mop up most
af the pro booty but will ale
tike ever ftrat place la Um North
west Midget Auto Racing Associ
at loo point atandinft.
fspaaadanf Oa Tap
The atandinft are currently
led by Gift Spauldinf of Seattle.1
with U Greff is tied with Nick
Iron. Seattle, at II. and Jerry
iPofo Lindquisl of Portland li
next at 71
Tonight's time triali iheuld
prove coniidrrably more interest-'
inf than uaual Valley SporU pro-'
moter Ron Ail has offered tSOt to !
any driver who u aMe to break 1
the track record for midiets here. 1
nd all will take a hill crack at
thi special pot
Greff holds the record in the
time of IS B seconds, establisn
inf same in I'M He did a 17 17
the last time he was in town in
his No 7 mount
Larfe Field el Entries I
Since the midfrts are scheduled
Sunday evening at Portland i Jant 1
ten Beach arena, the Hollywood
Bowl event will lure additional en
tries from the Seattle area Among
them will be I'ren and Ken kc
Laughlln. who are in the driving
standings' "bif six." and Let Stark
and Johnny Kiln, who won heat
races here the last time the mt&
fets were in action. '
Bill Mehner of Portland finished
second to Gregg on that card in
the main event
Following are the drivers slated
for tonight, with car numbers j
O Otark Tonti r1lnd Paul!
i-erinen. Vanmuvtr 1 Hoh ;
Orvff Cwu a - Jrrt I undquld
Prtlan4 11 Gn twain Portland
M Jark Cm-Wt Portland w Hil
(rttenan Portland W Hal Sperk
Oneott Ot - Olr Par Vir
rour SS-KIU MtliMi Pnftlann
4 -Don Outh Portland SI- Rill
Hrr Portland IS-Ceorn Randlt.
rldwll Ida IS an Porter Cald
!! Ma
Wf-Paul Pold hIU Wl ( Ml
tpauldtnf Sea'tl Wl-Sun Muir
taltl WIS Dwk Daahi Tmwu
II Stark Beattki Wit-Don
Uwranre Vatn WIS -I W tott:
Taroma WSOOIrr Hanann AedttK
WM Snwiker lak trfiMrtan W
It Art DiT Norm Fiend W-U-Rlk
ohrta m WJS -Ni-k
Untn atll WTI Kan Mr
Lruehltn altl WSJ Vrn Ix k
taatlle WtS Johnnr Illla teattl
Archery Meets Set
Salem I Jabhertltie archery
club plan two ihonti in furnt
It announced yesterday First
on Aug 4 ill be fnc the chin
championship The eeeond due
Aug 15 tnd will he Brnadhead
type Hi prcper far hunting
( ompetrtwa will be at the club I
courte on Battle Creek Road near
Pringle School.
Jaycees Victor, Salem Girls
Lose in Softball at Phillips
Salem I Jayeee defeated Mc
Mmnville. Dangolds. 41. lad
night at Philhpt FmM. but Salera I
Girl toft bad team. Namelest
Market, lost H to the In Und
Rneehods af PortUnd
Both were non-Mague enrmmters.
BIB Werner af the Jayeeea
threw Iwe-hM baa. ttrfaiag ant
aswoa aad kteasag Iwa waft.
Uarrd CWeBes swatted a Whste
aad tthtflt far aha tWAent leasa
wntrh bj la Mm Caadtal Letsrwt.
PrryQki Mybahke af Um Nameteaj
ant fit taV bar maiet' flimnverinf
rran rata a na-ail attdLutf afiort
v t.-t -r V
He's Tough One
Big Miteff
Miteff. t sniffing Argentine, kept
his record spotless tonight by
punimeling Julio Mederoa of Cuba
without merry to win on a techni
cal knockout when Medrros was
unable to come out lor the seventh
Miteff. at nr.. had t SW pound
weight advantage
Dr. David Gardoa. the riagsMe
ahyeietaa. gave Msdtrea relief
by seelartag Um Mg rabaa's
right eye aad raeek aoae toe
badly dasaaawd far Usa la eoa-
Miteff had spun Mederot about
the Capitol areoa right Irom the
start of their scheduled ItVrounder
before t small house and nation
wide TV Radio audirnce
Julio almost fell from s barrage
o rights tnd lefts in the opening
round but lasted it out But as the
scrap progressed Alei i loaded
punches wore him down and puffed
his right cheek. Mederos eye was
almost buttoned tight when the
beating was halted
TW area boxing e aaisslsarr
recwBtaseaderi that Meoeros be
BoepMaflaed everaigM at a pre
raatteoary ateasare aeraate W
the Aad bead beating" the
balky Tanaa absorbed!.
Mederos refused, however in
tisting he wanted to fly back to
New York tonight
Northwest League
Bears, Ems
Add Victories
Kl'GENE. Ore . July M -Kugene
hammered JO hits - in
cluding t rash of doubles to bury
Wenatchee IH in a Northwest
league hasehall game here to
night One of the three pitchers Wenat
rhee used. Don Uindherg. caught
the firtt five innings, and then re
placed trnie Sadler in the sixth
the inning F.ugene got three runs
Wrnrhr anfi ant Aft tl)
rlfn 101 til U' J fl
Harmn Sadlrr . LiinHhr iS.
ard Lunrfnr Tawkihurv ii
KKNNKWICK. July -Vakima
went on a l hit hatting
tpree tonight to defeat Tri-CHy,
71. hi t Northwest League base
ball game
The Bean opened the scoring in
the second when Kddie Zander
doubled and went home on Herm
lu ting'ie Tri-t'ity jumped
ahead in the third with a three
run blast ofl the bat of Joe Porter
who doubled ith the bases load
ed The three hit were SB per cent
of hl winner Boh Roberts gave
up all the way
Zander homered in the fourth
Yakima tit lie J0O 7 li i
Tri-rit. nm m arm 1 I i
Roberts nd Gonfota. fctnrlllk.
Neal ill and lavattaro
ion her part Her frienda made a
1 total of eight boo-boot while Phyl
lit was striking out 11 and walk
ing seven
Deinrtt Hanaoa hit a homer in
Um fifth frame for the only
Nameless tally
The Salem gait play Hillsbore to
night at Phillip field at 7 1
0 Brew
an Mt t -I I I
lot aa t 4 l l
and freutar. Warner and
att at I
ra) tit t I 1 I
raiung and aowrks. Hanakka and
v vy'- '
Albany Beaten
By 7-2 Score
In Crucial Mix
ALBANY. July M 'Special '-The
Silvartoa Amencaa Leg ion Junior
Baseball club tonight woa Um Arc
I championship with a conviacing
71 victory over the .Albany Cunv
mingt Movers here at Memorial
In taking the title the Silvniona.
cached by lis. ry HaKeuorn. tjuui
ilied to play the winner ol Area 4.
mhich will be either Medlord or
Keedsport The first game of that
series will be played at either Med
ford or Reedsport next week
Mlvertaa'a Baa Otasa, who
kariH ear the tUvartaa High
rases last aprtag. laatfM threw
a tww-aJttar at Ike Afsaay chsa,
tUiklag tsat 11 aad watkiag right
(Mm has Meattsl AKtaay hers
last week la tat Bret atlt ae
Iweea the twe foes. Had Afsaay
aeea able ta wtt lealght't gaatc,
a third aad final dash weald
nave aeea played Saaaay at ML
But the Silver! ons made sure
there would be no Sunday clash by
scoring five big runt in the second
inning tonight Outfielder Mel
Thomas, a Mt Angel Prepper.
knocked the firtt rua with a dou
ble Then Olaon himself accounted
for three when his high fly to right
field, with Um bases loaded, was
misjudged All runners tallied, and
Olson got in later when the second
Albany pitcher. Terry Bayne. is
sued a walk with the bases full
Olswa held Alaaay MUeas aatH
the eighth bxalag. whea the
losers got their trrsag raa. Bat
av taea Xllverte aad sroreg a
raa la the eixtk. aad woaad
tkiags ap wttk aaMaer hi Um
aiata. ail aa aiae kltt. eae Al
bany error aad t fleck ei bases
sa balls. AKtaay had seared aa
a Beamed raa la the fifth, aad a
flae play by Teas Grleaeatrap. s
Aerrs ( alhellr star . kept the
Movers trwsa srertag atare la
that beat.
Silverton AM Mil ll-7 4
Albany ml 010 010 1 1 I
Olsnn snd Biggens Zsnder.
Rayne 1 Spilde I1 snd Brad
ley. Morion 'J'
Banks Names
New Coach
I FOR tST GROVE. Ore . July M
P -Robert 1. Deal of Pott Fall.
Idaho, will be basketball, tratk
and assistant football coach at
Banks High School next year
He v.ill succeed Dick Morgan
who will Join the F.oho High
coaching staff
Robert Bishop hasehall coach
will s"ume the head loothsll
Coaching positwo lormerly held by
M orf an
Deal was principal st LaCrosse
Vtsh and was on the faculty at
W srrenton t high rhool before go
ing to Post Falls
Jon Arnett, Peaks
Shine for Gridiron
Stars in Workout
CHICAGO. July M ' Michigan
State haHjjack Clarence Peaks
sparkled for the Cortege All-Stari
Indav tn their first tcrtmmage lor
thetr Aug I meeting wfth the New
York Giants at SoMier reid
The M-pound Spartan inter
repted a pant tnd dithed yardt
icrnss the goal line after shaking
off several wetpsVhe tacfclert
The only tcore by the offensive
trim was aa t short run by Jon
Arnett. Southern California t great
Break away runner Other bright
spots la Um workout Included the
patting of Paul Horwung of Notre
Dam and John Brodie of Stanford.
The Ate. Hated
Tat close packed National
League peasant race aptDed over
four cxtxa-iauuof games try
day wttk Milwaukee t Brave rt
UusUBg their three percenUge-
Bomt edge aver the St
Cardiatut wnik Cracmoati tlip-
pad iaU third ahead af Brookjym.
Td Brtvat. cutting a twa-gxmt
thunp. defeated New Y ark I tixU
place Giaatt t-1 aa Nippy Jones
three-run home run m the 11th
inning after the Cardinals kid
beatea seveotk - place PHUourgh
4-1 II innings oa Al Dark t
batea-loaded tingle. The RerUegt
beating Um Dodgers t-4 ia 11 Ba
ngs aa Johnny Temple i ungW.
Fifth place Philadelphia dropped
Um last place Chicago 1-1 vilk
two uoearaed runs w the Mta.
Oncmnrti remained one im
behind Milwaukee Brtwklya fei
two garnet bark aad Philadelphia
stayed , thy
la the Ataarlraa Leagwt, the
Chicago Whke Saa tawvrd ha
ts three f soars ei Hrat piece
New York at Jtaa Wfasaa aad
Billy Pierre raathiswd la that
oat BaMiBsert I4 oa Iwa baa
la Um aeeaad gasaa ei a twt-aight
pair after toeing UM earner M.
The Yankees lost ground at Jim
Bunmng handed the Champs their
third defeat in t row with i two
hitter for a 1-1 Detroit victory.
The Tigers took fourth place at
third place Boston bombed Cleve
land ta ftftk 10-1. Last place Wash
ington moved within games of
seventh place Kansas City by
beatuif Um A t H
Del CrandaU t bunt tingle. I
sacrifice and aa imraOoaal walk
la Andy Pafko came ahead of
Jones payoff homt run for Um
Braves Stu Miller loot it it re
lief whi'e Gene Conley. ho
pitched tnree mnings of perfect
hall in relief of Lew Butlrtte.
won his fourth in nine decisions
AH the Glass raat ratae aa
boaters, by Hank taaer. start- !
lag packer Kahea Geaset aad
Ed retatad. Ed Maiaewt' IMh
htaser gat UM Brave etafled
ta the fwarth aad they Bed a
with Iwa ta the aewwath aa Bed
ocaeeadleaet eateaaVd hit hit
streak la II gaaaea wttk aa RBI
daahhi aad tearad aa a tfexgte
by Fraak Terra.
The Cardinals clumped three
runt In the fifth, on home runt by
Ken Hoyer and Don Blasingame.
for a lie game against F.lroy Face,
making hit first start in n ap
pearances this year The Pirate
righthander left in Um ninth with
a blistered finger, giving way to
Ron Kline, who lost his IMh when1
a walk. bunt, error and intention
al walk loaded the bases lor Dark ;
WUlard Schmidt, who replaced j
Lindy McDaiuel in the sixth, won
his ninth in t row for a . record '
Cincinnati blew a 1-1 lead
against the Brooks ho scored
two in the eighth on Klmcr Valo'i
pinch homer and tied it with two
in the ninth on Roy Campanrlla s
single The Redlegs who hid
started i five run fifth against
Sandy Knufai with Kd Bailey i
IMh homer, nailed it sgsmst re
ICeatiBaed page II. est II
Boxer's Brain
Injury Worse
if - Holyokr lightweight Bobby
Churchesne, who suffered possible
brain injuries in a fight last Mem
day took i turn for the worse
today at Springfield hospital
Dr Joseph Hahn laid Chur
cheine was hemorrhaging An op
rralMKi may be oecessar) he add
ed but s decision will not be
irxde heforr nest Mondsy or
Tuer day
Cotirchesne collapsed in hit cor
ner after the eighth round of a
bout with Bobby Bell Ynungv
town (Ihio in New York last Mon
day night Bell won a technical
knockout decision
Net Stars Start After
$10,000 Prize Today
Jx k Kramer s brilliant itjolr of
prnfekiional tennit playert having
played New York last week open
n May round Robin run tt the
mi Angeles Tennis Club tomor
The loril engagement, styled the
Misters round robin for t I If) WIS
purse, leadt off with 'hrer Kinglet
and on doublet match
Taay Traaert and vetertt Ma
ty Pails take the eeater eaort
fVrst. Mtowed by Ike world
ehaataioa. Riehnrd ifaerkei
Goaaalet aad Wtle Paneb He
len, and Lew load, the imjtM
raokle ara, agalaat hit feltew
eaantryaia. Kes Rwaewtg
Kramer and Aussie Frank Sedg
man team up against Trihert ind
Roaewtll it the doublet encounter
Play Saturday and Sunday at
well at next weekend, will be in
the afternoon Week nights the
proa compete under the lights at
Gon tales walked aff with top
money Hi the New York tuurna
meat la rontfaet ta U three out
of frvt let matcheg back Mat,
V. .y!l
keirywelicht hili rkaaapioa, raat water lata alt kair
t he roolt aff under t kawer after wartaat tt training
quartrrt. He neett Tontnsy "Hurriraae' Jackvm at New
York's Pala Grounds Monday for heavyweight title. (AP)
Patterson Finishes
Pre-Bout Sparring
Champ Said at Peak for Monday Tiff
NEW YORK. July 21 uT Floyd Patterson tped through three fast
rounds tt hit Greenwood Lake Camp today to complete his pre-fight
boxing for Monday s heavyweight title drirnse against Tommy i Hurri
Teims Split Series
Pads Whack
Bevos, 12-4
SAN DIEGO. Calif July M -San
Dieto slammed out II hits
off four Portland pitchers tonight
to deleat the Reavers 114 in t
Pacific Coast league game The
two clubs split the six game series I
Dick Brodowski wittered 10 hits
in registering his eighth win
against three defeat! Ray Bauer 1
the loser, now hat a 4! record j
San Diego built ap a 74 lead;
in the first four inning, pushing1
over a pair of runt in each ot ine
first three frames snd another
run in the fourth Portland starter
Rauer gave up the first four tal
lies His reliefer Dick Marlowe
allowed the other three
Padre rate her Al Jeaes drove
la the Iwa nana la Ike third wMa
bis fwarth banter af the seawan.
Rrotowki held the Beavers
scoreless until the ith hen the
scored twice on Mnglcn b Sclly
Drake Sam ( alderonc ,ni Mar
ques and Rob Borknwiki
The Padres seat tear more
rasa acraat the plate la the
siitk They ramr off Ray Snare,
was replared Marlewr la the
ftftk The rally was lettered bv
Boh fi Ptetre'a first tamer of
the arasea and Dave Pear t Iwa-
r daw Mr
Drake 12th
hit of the serie
(Ceetiaaed page II. eel II
He i After IIB.feM.
competition here will be beat twe
out of three.
r'"''' 00mSm a
Jaljr M Ttofi Pattantw,
cane! Jackson
After the final heavy workout.
Cut D'Amato Patterson's mana
ger, said the champ was a better
fighter now than Um night he
knocked out Archie Moore "
' I am completely satisfied with
Floyd't condition, said D'Amato
"He is ready to go 15 rounds if
necessary and he is hitting hard
enough to finish his man if he gets
the opportunity
PsUersoa sparred twe reaadt
Ilk M WoedaH. a m Bias
heavy from Betioa. aad ear with
Wtlsoa HaaBlaal. a 171-pwaBder
Irani New York. That rempteted
kit pre-fight Basing with a total
af IN raaaas at a rest 13 er It
different epaaneats aver a sis
week spaa
The champ plant to loosen up i.i
j"" -'" """ o" win oo no
ad work He will break ramp
Sunday and .nmr to town to twnt
: the noon eigh in on Mondsy
Pttterson wtio won the crown by
slopping Moore In five rounds it
ICeatlBBed page II. eel !
Golf Course
'Work Speeds
j LEBANON July Special '
' Vtrirli is being ,.uvhed Inwards com
p let mo of a nine or le emi prntte
golf course located four miles
soothes! ol here on Hishwtv 20
(inner ind promoter ot the project
' J Johnson of Route I log
gins operator
Overall plant for the 120 acre
project rail lor t course covering
141 teres Remtinrier of the tree
h upected to he ir eloped nh
park tret wimming pool tnd
landing slrip
Present work ni. the tmrt
confined In leveling off Ihe ground
mte A rnntr acting firm i eipei
ed here nevi rk ir. )j nipr
pumpt and 'nisll other irrigsiion
equipment Seeding mill gel unrter
sy by Srpt I jrcording to .lotn
son whe at treenl i being sa
listed in the ork h hn I wo sons
Dtle snd Hon Inhn.non
Work on the -red ion of t club
house tt ilso fnied tn get start
ed by early fsll Plan provide for
locker rooms tod (.-onceMion tieas
Financial uppu tl' come nth
er through mtrnbernhip hi utotki
tr lhare Details ire to he decid
ed nert month
Senator Swat
I a a !t n m in m
. Ihn m III II ' l 1 M4
CaeM n III It I I M 14?
naeer ill tt n i i u n
TtaMlH 111 Itll I ' HI
letevki lit M It I I II Jt
nretu tt' ta it ii r
faaiewn M? it ii li
ttatdes IM 11 f 1 n ill
; Kaeef Its w I l I 11 HI
CI IP W I to bb tn
Itkerk !1 111 It I It II U
radafatkr tl IMS 11 irr tl tl
liMrta tl ie It III II II
it its i t as it ii
limn It its I i II M tl
Vkaefer in I t 1 II tl
IGikaan U letl I II l4 '4 H
fractured em a bit in Um earlier
part of Um week, but they didn t
completely crack Um town Sen
Boat Bill Brenaer't outfit last
Bight started what could be a rout
inf weekend at Waters Fiea4 by
btaakmg the Lewiston Broncs S-
Vera i Pappy ' Kindsfather t
Uth victory of the teatoa
The ksag caaaiag via Broke a
faar-faaM haaif string far the
atone, three pacta of whack
were tgntlaltHrid by the ae
araed Charts here earttor as the
. H was alna a sweet oat
Klaawfataer. aa he had
it are visit three
taratgat wttarm. tarlawlng last
I aaaty 14 sh at Eo-
The game wa No 11 between
Broncs. and the resident flock now
boasts an 1 4 actitex emcrrt in Um
Kmdftiather was as sharp la this
one as the score indicalrt He
gave but six hits, four of which
vera of Um scratch variety, and
TewlfBt'i gasae will fr atare Um
Hrat "Ladles Night" af tat aea
aaa here, and tnaaka ta the Seaa
lara Btaaagetsjeat aad aserehaalt
af the rapnai Shtppiag Center,
aaa larky If tat faa win wkt aa
al expenses - paid weekend far
Iwe at the Sarttidt Roaart aa
laa Ceaet. aad a wardrobe. Vat
key Mater faitlak Um traae
penatiaa aad E 1 1 1 Arret the
didn't yield a single base oa ball.
He fanned four, whicv i below
par for him But for other than a
throwing error by the rtfle-anrwd
Booby Campbell in the second Iq
ning. which was quickly wiped out
with a double play, the Salem de
fense was as sharp at Pappy't
twirling It didn't five anything
away, which wat not the rase
against Wenatchee, at the Ouefi
were donated ax af II ran acorad
in then- vitit here.
Caaaabel atari thaa nude far
waca k anawewd ana af wwt
Jerry Janet' tliaaj awr tar -lens
laaaraae ad la left field,
wttk Larry SngoeU aboard. Lar
ry bad laeaed the Sale affiant
with a slafle la center.
Actually UVse were the only un
tainted runt the Salem got off
Jacob and hit relief man Lofty
George New A walk, a sacrifice.
a fly to deep i enter and Gene Tan
teili'i hard tingle ta the middle
garden brought horn No I in bh
third, four betet an ball forced
in No 4 in the fourth and another
walk, a sacrifice. Terry Maddox'
questionable theft of third and a
passed ball amounted to N I In
the fifth
New taeceeded Jacob after
the ftm three pane In the
fwarth laaiag. aad for other thaa
the mirthful tally W Ihe fifth the
big lefty eoftbnned kit way
throagh Ihe Si anion with eaae.
Salem had only ttx hits too. but
nine base on balls kept thingi
In tonight i second game, ta be
highlighted by t special "Ladies
Night ' if wi!l be either southpaw
Jimmy Jones 1 - 1 or Tom Gibson
a-IP for the Salems. against eith
er Thornton Kipper ' M ' or Chuck
Davidson M lor the Bronri
Sunday teriei ending double
header will he one of the rare
spiil affairs - first game at 2
p m second it 7 p m Salem prexy
George Paulut tod GM Brenner
decided on 'hat lat night
Notes Jack Dnaa wat atm
a karat last eight He i at kane
la Pertlaad. tlltl la bed with a
hlfk lean per atare While Ike
Kale mi had their troabtei with
Weaalraee I kit week. Isrw i
tlamp-rlddea Brwart were hitt at
had aff at Eagene. ktaiag t ae
ries tweep there alia . . Taere't
pieaty of IHe la Ihe Idab aatfM
evea ae. aad M waa apaareBt la
the Salem Irtk whea Maadat
(CantlBwed page II. eel II
S311.60 Charged j
For Hawiii Trip
With WU Gridders
If yea re ataaala U aceim
paay the Willamette t aiveriNv
loataan teats U HawaH tor Ml
October II game will Ike I ml
Hawaii Raiabawt h win cat
yaa till 4 far Ike wee la the
Mand. haeladlaf rwand trip air
Tali wat made kaawa vetter.
day by the Wt athletic lafarme
IM deptrlmeal whlrk mailed
earl trtvei data U a hi mat aad
Athletic Dtreeliar Jwha Lewlt
revealed that Ihe Mam wW By
from Part I a ad al nwdwight Ort
I. and win ret in Ort. It Head
oaartert wtH be at the Edge
water Hotel. Walk Ik I Reset
Willamette Mrtt letted the ks
laods la 141 aad wat defeated
t- the da? betare the hafamaat
Pearl RarW attack ( art Ted
OfdaM arwred Ihe lane Wl'
Calt retnrwed ta Hawaii M 1U.
piartag ta a 7 7 tie. with OfdaM
taw the Wt roar
rtinj ittika ttannaj
Statesman, Sa'cm, Ore., Sat., July 27, '57 (Sec. II)-9
NFL Camps to Start;
Rams, 49ers Primed
Ron Miller Rejects Salary Offer
LOS AN G ELKS, July . -Ri Miller, ace offensive end of Ukt
Lot Angela Rams, tud today that only II. Out teparaled Um Rant
management aad him aa a 1K7 contract, but Um Rami usual B if
about M OM
Miller, too -IB-law of Walt Disary. at on a art at the Disney ttudia
... today while the Rams pitched
iWeaatra It 1 111 tola
Ihiw It I NS Taki
it ii jit
aXBt it II Jll Trt-cny ill
rnaar raanMa Al taJesa I Lei
In I; II ( It, aenolcnaw I
i, Tata I.
W LPvt. UM
t rranctttlall laa nit IT It all
BeUywd tt 41 Jll L Aala M M Ml
VaawTer M 41 Jal aaeraat It M
I atetw HaMI PwrUaaM lit 111
rnaay tni at hrnaiaii 4.
lumm I; al awslttt I. Baa Praa
rtara 4. at ettywwad I, Let AntekM
I : al Baa f It, Pwrttaad i
N Trk BU HI flrveM
Cklraca II M tlianaara
BeUia II 43 Ml k t'ltv
lletraN 41 tt MtWiktta
W l . Pet
41 41 Mt
41 tt lit
M M at
M U 1M
triday reaaft. Al
re l-l I
Cktrua I-1: at Mtm Terk
1. DMrattl
I, al Waaluatlaa 1 luMl
car i
at ImM la. I Wvtlaad I
W L Pvt. W L
MUwiak M t Jit PMIad II 41
It. UU UM Jit M. Terk 4111
Ctarfa M 11 JMMIaklB MM
aewatrn 41 M COM at
rnaar ramm: ai cintit i
i f
a C k
aatl a. aiwatira I (II Baaanfi);
auiwiatat t. Mew Tart
1 til
Arlington Hind tap
Swoon's Son
Faces Test
CHICAGO. July 24 ( Swoon
Son. winner of 21 race in 11
life-tune it arts, teem a cinch lo
Jump I wo notches to seventh
among all-time money winning
horset in the 1100 000-added Ar
lingtnn Handicap tomorrow
The 1 1 1 milri handicap, luring
a field of 14. u one of two ttaket i UN rRANCISCO. July 24 01
feature rioting the 157 meeting c,n rrtnciKi, , look I walt
I Arlington Park Monday. Chi iB0. iUjtu()f today after Big
rago Thoroughbred racing thifti; pwfu wlrwj (h,, h, i,
lo Washing! oa Park lor a 11-day
Satarday't ether lap attraettea
at Arilagtaa b the W. added
Arllagtoa ltale. a alx-farloag
eveai whirk kai attracted II
ktveaile Millet.
Swoon i Sc will be carrying
top weight of 121 pound, includ
ing Jockey Dive Krh. in the Ar
lington Handicap which will b run
on the turf course
V. (.ay Drake i brilliant 4 year
old now ha i earned IMS.SJ0
Deal Confirmed; Rote
Goes to Detroit Lions
DETROIT Mich July 2 ' -Coach
Buddy Parker confirmed to
day he hat taken out an insurance
policy on Detroit bon quarterback
Bobby Layne in the form of Tohin
Parker gave up three young line
men and a hack tn Ihe Green Bay
Parkers to get Rote ho led the
National Football league with l
touchdown paws lst raon snd
r year -old defensive halfback tl
Joe Wtlker
in eschange fur Rote rvd Wsk
er Detroit gate up halfheck Don
Mcllhenny 22 tackle (Diver Spen
rer 2 guard Jim Salsourv 1"
and tackle Norm Matters 23
HaiHag the trade at the "Mg
geat I've ever made." Parker
aald the deal waa detlgaed tl
give the Lient qaarterbark l
taraace agalmt Lavse. wh it
11 It rn4erlag kit lath ten la
pra fastball.
Layne u alwayi t big qurMion
mark Parker aid He has had
I had shoulder for years
At Green B I y coach Litle
Black bourn said the trade ai
made because of heavy losses tl
D. I'aderwnod
2t4 Pertlaad Bd.
Salem. Oregoa
ramp at Redlandt, and the Kama
indicated he is one of several Kara
teterant ho may not be bark
this year
Bat Miller Mid: "They aftered
Bar everytaiag r treat attney. I
feet I ata worth atart taaa they
think I'm worth. I tkongftl I waa
ant asking lar a fantastic price.
They dad."
Miller tayi he can't Jewpaxdua
his job is t junior executive wttk
th y Enlerpruet U play for
the money the Rami offered him.
The Rams open training tomor
row in Redlandt and five familiar
face may b missing General
Manager Pat Rose be ttyt ha
doetat expect to tee Millar. Juw
Caaoa. Hufh Pitta. Bud Ucadia
or Doant Wirtflow.
Howevnr. 'Tbere'i atwayt a
chance they'll tki ii their
mind,- RoxeUe added.
The Ram expect M veterln
and If rook let to suit up for Um
t amer amea tomorrow
fix tsar l raihlei are In Cki-
eage for the All-star gaase aad
woat report aatU Aagati I.
They are backt Jon Arnett. Del
Baafaer. Paige t aUrra aad Joha
Laady aad Goorg Itrmgar.
MORAGA. Calif.. July M. (ft
Ha didn't wiat aa abrupt changw
la altitude ta hurt hit chaacea af
makiaf Um Saa rraaciac Her
faatbai bnam, Bill Rhode cam
ta practice a bit early.
la fact, n came 1 day af and
the rookie ramp al St. Mary'f
college doesn't formally open until
tomorrow when Coach frank Al
bert greet the other newcomera.
"I waited ta watt aat her
aad get Breojaatrd." layt ta
11 ptand aalfbaefc wee Bsad
Um Uttl AJrAaaertri at UtW
Weilen MaU roBeft of Gna-
faia.. a eoastnaaity al aa
nf 7.HU I art.
So here, al aa altitude tf anry
SOI leet. with ill diflerent at-
motjphenc condition. BID ha
been running daily all by himself
nd occasiondly takes a football
out for punting practice
through with pro football and will
concentrate on hexing
Co-owner Tony Moribite de
clared. If Powell doesn't show
up at 10 1 m tomorrow, is re
quested he it impended period "
Big Charley, wba hat a bei
ng mala treat date with Bab Al
bright aa Aag I at th Otyaipi
aadnartaua la Laa Aagete.
aatarally laal tiperted here ta
marrow. Shoald be deeMe la r
lar I faatbalt alter Ihe Albright
ICeaUaaed page I, eat. 1)
'the irmed servirei tnd retire
ment i
W were desperitely in need
ot offensive linemen ' Blirkhoura
laid In order to get enough w
had In sacrifice one of the finest
quarterback jt the business "
Bate. tevea-year veteraa
wha piayrd relief r htatbal lar
hire Waled at retirement laat
whaler k I be tabaesyaeatly
alffaed a te-vear eaatrart al
1 1 1 tat a aenaa.
I.avne also has t ton-year part
at t.t) non hut most I. ion officials
are connnced this ill he his last
Walker said toriav he is not plan
it aaliaeed page II. eat. 41
that i right tad
one thaf'l aal att'
WVea vour outboard avoew leavsa
anr kindS ' esfht I"
Cascade Merc.
1230 lrwdhwT
f tf F.laf.1.1 1
irr5 ifiUllUif
f Tl
Jki What a dtfrreae
U kttaio) i aaMor