The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 27, 1957, Page 11, Image 11

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    Hells Canyon BillOn Ice'
Until Solons' Next Session
WASHINGTON. July M ift-Ttwtborisiiif construction of a kigk
wrW Hells Canyon Dam federal Um.
Unit appamtl; u ptl m lc Tht subcocnmitte by-passed a
today until text yeari pnuoa of other motion catUof lor "todefta-
By a vott a( IM, tha Horn
KfclamaUaa MbcotTunata decid
ed la wart aatil Feb. I. nu befor
"tot i fcaata-faued bin an-
5 Convicted of
Turnpike Fraud
HARRISBl'RG. Pa.. July X lit
-five mea accused of cemeiriaf
to deJraud the Pennsylvania Turn
pike Cammiuioa a( im million
nVJi.o . i i. eC lunner action an uw Kfiuauaa
oofUr, were lound fuihy Tbun-' turvt , tpptm
ev- tv-.-l, - . unery.
uaupuia unary W ic - The Hou Interior Commtttaa.
He" poctpooemeot of actios aa the
meaaura, which would have baca
Untanwunt la lining K autricnt
The vata a takea aa a motion
by Rep. EafW D-Calif. cnairmaa
of tha parent Interior Committee.
Eagle told opponent of the bill
that if they tilled tat Senate
meaaura they might be walking
iate a "parliamentary beartrap."
This wm takea la mess that
another bill ta authorise cenatruc
tioa of the dam aa tha Snake Riv
er between Oregon and Idihe by
the Army Engineers might be in
troduced. Such a bill could be re
ferred ta tha House Public Works
As matters now staad, the Rec
lame boa subcommittee retains
control of the legialatioa until next
February, Eagle explained. No
further actios aa the legislatioa
upholding set km by the Reclama
tion subcommittee, early thia
week scuttled a bouse bill ta au
thorise the Hells Canyon Dam.
Today s vote was aa a similar
quitted four other defendants
Thomas i. Evans. Republican
cnairmaa of the commission at
the time H eatered lata a multl-iraUion-dollar
contract with his
prws iinn was among Um MUrt .rigtaatad hi
cwmciea. so, too was James r. 'senate u4 pataed that body.
lorrance. a teller KepuMcaa i Sen. Morse (tH)ra Hold the Sen-
memDer at tne commission, who
is now under suspension.
The seven mea and five women
Jurors deliberated I hours and 43
minutes before returning a ver
dict. The trial was ia iU 42nd day.
The case went ta the Jury at
4 p.m. EDT.
iiuiny verdicts also were re-
Mill Closure
To Idle 150
MEDFORD. July II Iff -Ctoure
turned against Charles W. Stick- "f" , ,himbtr
ler Jr . nephew of Evans and
search and Development Ca. of
Reading: Claytoa A. Landsidle.
former vice president and general
manager of Manu-mine, and Paul
J. McNeill, former chief finance
officer for the commission.
The case burst upon the state
last (all whea Gov. George M.
Leader, a Democrat, called for
aa kaveatigatioa of what ha
termed "the greatest public iwie
ale f aB Una."
Tha charge grew out of a con
tract awarded kt ana-mine la 1H
ta fill abandonee mines under tha
roadway af tha turnpike's north
east extenion through the state's
anthracite mining regioa. The
commoawealUi contended that
MaMMitine "made work
Phoenix Aug. 1 will leave another
president at the Manu-mine Re-r1 - wtthoU -R tht area.
Some smaller mills ia tne Rogue
River valley closed earlier and tha
total unemployed at present la
double that af a year age, John
J. Pattern, manager of the Med
ford office of the state employ
ment service, said.
Tha lumber mill president, R.H.
Allay, said the firm caa aa longer
compete ia the log-buying market.
Trucker Drives
Flaming Tanker
To Safety Area
ate that, deaptte the eubcommlt
tea'i action, tha Seaalt passed bill
It not dead.
Week by week. Morse said,
there Ja aa Increasing public
awareness af what the Eisenhower
admhmstratioa it doing ta tha na
tion's resources and "tha day af
reckoning win coma."
West Point
Resign Army
Army's drive for leadership qual
ity has received a setback from
the number of IKS. Military Acad
emy graduates whs are resigning
their commissions.
U alike the Navy and the Air
Force, whose postgraduate resig
aatioa trend are declining, tha
Army produced figures today ta
show that 11 per cent of Uw West
Point class of IK who received
Army commissions have already
res lined.
Ia the class of 'U. 14 Army of
ficers or C4 par cant have turned
ia their commissions and a
young officer of the 1964 class,
representing nearly 11 per cant,
resigned immadiatsly after they
had served three years, the Bum
mum time permissible.
In contrast ta the Army's rec
ord, the Air Farce showed only
8 resignations from its share of
the West Point class of 1M2. four
from 1161 and twe from the class
of 1K4.
Judge Applauds
Can Can Dance as
Court Evidence
LEWES. England. July (ft
A Caa-Caa dance la court by two
night club beauties last night con
vinced a Judge today that a Caa
Caa dancer's back Injuries art
worth Kt pounds tX-M.
Tht bewigged Justice awarded
that amount to It-year-old Bever
ly Anne Wood, who claimed she
had been unable ta dance tinea
she wsi Injured in a stage col
lapse ia December 154.
Sheila Joyce. 21. and Janet
Missing Son Found Safe
I : . . , "
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L-J.. f&Z0 ,v wC
A1USA, Califs Jaly 1$ Scven-year-ald Trader Ka Oa
roy Jr. h dutckew hi the ami of kla kappy father at the
beys, wae kad Wca missing avermlght la tha ragged
Sai Gabriel mountains, was wrought to tke parents by a
Sheriffs Deft kelicopter. Tke hoy wandered from a
YMCA camping group early last night. (AF Wlrrphota)
Air Force Captain Slain;
Tortured Wife Charged
SAVANNAH, Ga., July M (ft
Bruised and tortured Haleen Dor
icy was released under $1,000
bond today en a charge of slay
ing her Air Force captain-husband
FORT WORTH. Tex.. July M (ft
too A coursieous fasoJint truck sai. i .ho .k ..m ... hhvm i via.
charged uorbHant feea for the driver today drove his truck from the hearing to how the kind of lence by fear of a plane disaster, she added, also made her light a
wtrk- s service station after lasoline . r.. r.. tk rmv ti.rvM nww -rwii iwi im kr inrf.
by her a-foot husband, she aid.
before she shot him near the
heart with a J3-calibre target
pistol last night.
Capt. Benjamin A. Dorsey, U.
of nearby Hunter Air Force Base
Reed Scientist
Defends U.S.
Atom Tests
Arthur Scott today termed aa fee
ble tha fallout from the current
aeries of atomic blasts in Nevada.
Scott, head of tha Reed Collets
chemistry department, told the
Portland City Club "our national
preservation depends on our hav
ing superior nuclear weapons "
"I don't believe the Russians
want the tests stepped for humaa
kariaa reasons." he said.
Scott said Russiaa moves lor a
baa on testing stomic weapons
might be motivated by that na
tion's desire to close the gap be
tween It and the United States.
Dr. Arthur Uvermore. another
Reed teacher, said in another talk
fumes exploded as he filled the : mutt
station's storage tank
Ha is John A. Sitter, . who
suffered first -and second-degree
burns shortly before noon but still
drove his tank truck twe blacks
away from the station whea treed
lasoline fumes ignited.
His quirk thinking prevented
the explosion of gasoline la the
truck's tank and the underground
tor age tank, police said.
Sitter, who received bums on
his hands, forearms and face, waa
later reported in "good" condition
at St. Joseph s Hospital.
Bull Run Spillway
Blasted for More
Portland Water
la fishnet stocking briefs and
sweaters they gyrated madly
around tha courtroom and at the
end the Judge led the applause.
He said be wished all his cases
were as entertaining.
I of lour had both eye blackened.
her face and body cut and bruised
'Ghost Tenants'
Spruce Up House
For Landlords
ATLANTA. July M (ft-Strange
thlngi are happening at this old
house yesterday after neighbors
observed newspapers piling up en
PORTLAND, July M -An "JmrTp
old spiUway was blasted out high I he suffered a stroke July II but
on the Bull Run watershed yester-1 hr " ,lor,.bl) wer drownd
day to feed more water into the b" 1 P'" television
before the Cky Club today that "rvMr lMl wppnea --j
the tests should be stopped im- For"nd C 'a CL u.. L
mediately g. I City work crews demolished the f"0y A 3nUtTerDUg
"We deal Too. how much PHy si the end of Bull Runl iited NATIONS July II
?ro'?m. " toar-,,;L,k- '-Pekutaa's Prime Minister H. S.
n said, out we do know a csa F.n ineers said this will pour iihnh i . .k.i
sn estimated 750 million addition j bug. On his visit to the U N be
ai gallons of wster inta the reser-pictures of cameramen photo-
u"""u DUU graphing him, took shots af dig
Woman Lies in
Bathtub for Week
Following Stroke
74-year-old widow who lay para
lysed la her bathtub lor a week,
rested comfortably In a hospital
today. J
Police and firemen found Mrs. I that her husband, unknown to her,
Betty Schardt helpless ia her! had rented the house.
produce cancer and leukemia '
II mile swsy
The spillway was Masted be
cause Portland expects heavy de
mands tor water this summer.
anarie who greeted him and
made movies at a luncheon Sec
retary General bag Hammank
JoM gave for him.
Portland Plant
PORTLAND, July K uH -The
American Caa Ca. plant was
closed Friday ia a dispute Involv
ing an employe.
The United Steel Worker Union
said more than half the 100 work
er left their Job after a foreman
shook a woman employe in s dis
ciplinary action. The company la
ter closed down the plant
r l Later the woman. Mary Fuller,
NEW YORK. July ift-A maa courthouse Thursday U see the fM ,n assault and batlerv com
aroused of stealing ISO! it offer-accused, a former La Angeles i plaint against A lei Kmss. the
in at en of Billy Graham's rru- liquor salesman. Silver is charged foreman
sade meetings .by impersonating with seceod-degree grand larceny.
" uaher turned up at Graham s ' criminal receipt of stolen property
i hTwi. Mr. ci.r. M nor.-lly spurned the evangelist i offer resting officer
tmrk ttirm infMrn. Mr. in , Kelp I "I forgive you." Graham told
cm. carMiM a !
Ij Wit my July IS Lt mldrnl
IIM Oifor St . Iilm. .1 tlx
ef IS mn Wtf. t LAren Klmrnvrl
Inf. t.ln mtrth.r Ltt Mmit
mn4 LinO. Klmm.rhn .1) ot ftatom.
it ml Carl Axom Lindaborf
Kan Mn Mirw Tartar Midw
WM Mn William Muasmv. San
( .rta. Calif aaufhter oi lira Chrlt
ttM Aa.banfi. Ijnaabors Kan An
ajaainwiHiawaa mt arrvM will ft
maa aur k tha W T aisOoa Co
Graham-Offering Thief
Attends Crusade Meet
in the flame "so I could see how
it feels to burn."
She blamed beating, kicking nod
other abuse by her husband of 11
year on fits oi depression brought
on by speculation of what would
happen if ha wort kt a plana that
crashed and caught fir.
Judge Dunbar Hanieoa ad
mitted her to ball apoa a plea of
her attorney, Aaron Kravitch, that
tha needed Immediate kospitalixa-
tkm because of her treatment bo
fore the shooting. Kravitch told
the Judge Dorsey frequently beat
and tortured her.
Two of the couple's children.
Benjamin Jr.. It, and Elizabeth,
I. witnessed the shooting. Dlvid
4. and Ruth. 3. were asleep.
Tne police were called by a
neighbor. Claude M. Youmans. to
The next day, the four were whose home Mrs Dorsey fled
scrubbing the floors and other- They found the officer lying on a
wise tidying up. bloodstained bed. gasping. "Help
That night, she mentioned it to me. I've been shot ." He died soon
her husband. He hadn't rented the ! afterwards,
place and was amased as she at! Dorsey, from Olympia. Wash,
the goings-on. was commander of the J025th Air
They hurried ever, lound the ways snd Air Communications
door padlocked and a sign pro- Squadron at Hunter
claiming: "No trespassing " Mr Domey from Dallas.
That waa a week ago. The ten- j Tex Her parents. Mr and Mrs
Mrs. Milton Stem was surprised
upon passing to see a maa. wom
an and two small boys trimming
the grass, raking the yard and
cleaning a three-room house she
and her husband have for rent.
She said nothing, supposing
ants" ha veal been seen since.
Hal D. Benson,
to be with her.
left there by air
NoTira or smrno or final
Nntk-a It lv.n that tha
final Aminl of Loutaa N. MrGllvra
a. txTUtrta of th taut at Jannx
D Nunn dKHat. hat Ft lad In
trt. Circuit Court of Marlon County.
Or. fori and Out Monday tn tttl
day of Aufuat. lttl. at III am In
th. courtroom ' aald rourt In thl
rou.ity rourthoua. at Salam. Or.-
ton. Km bean a.t fnr th. ha.rtnf of
onjaruotu. u any. to audi rlnaj Ac
count l)Utt N MrGILVPA -f.xarutnx
nl th. ratal, of
, Jrnnl. D Nunn. D.r.a.d
Attorn.v for Calat
Ml ( our! Street
aatom, Or.fon
bttot rncvrr conrr of rag
stats or omaooN roo ni
.Case Mo.aatai ..
IT ATI OF ORIXiON. ky sad tnnagk
lis out nignway
CM el Charlei H. aT KU. sL K.
Iver and Bobert B. OiliiM.
REX 1. HAHTLtT and MTHta J
HARTLEY, auabana and wilt; THE
UNKNOWN HUM of Levi Ander
son. Dec. Mid: and ALSO ALL OTH
KNOWN clalmtnf say nfhl UtW.
eatatt. ttn i Intmat la the ml aa
tal. Siinlbi la the eatitt saira
ua. Dcnradaata.
Andaraoa. dic.aaad; sad ALSO
TIES UNKNOWN ctaiajunf say
nfht UU. aatata, Un or inter
est ta th ml aalata dcnbd u
the complatnl hema. Detendanta:
OF OREOON: You art hareby ra.
ejuirad is ai star and aaawwr th.
aomaialat Med afalaal you la th.
abov-nUUa court aad caua aa ar
kefor th. .xpuaUaa af fnur wtru
trow Um data af Um tint aublica
Uoa oi this aummenj. to-wtt. Atu-
a U. 1SS1.
If you fall to so aeoaar and an.
ewar. nlaiatiH. for want Utaraof, wUl
apply la tha akeva-enUUed court
far th rallaf arayad tar ta Its earn
atalnt, ta-wlt: that aa a an annual ka
Bade hy a Wry aanpawoUd ia Uut
araoa ta aawrnuaa in compaaaa
Uoa ta ha paid hy raaaoa of th aa
nraatiaOan af tha raal aauaaiii and
rtfhl. UU.. aad Infcrraat haraia aoucht
ta he coadamaad aad appraaoatad.
aad that upon payaMOt im Court
of tha compenaaUoa until hy Um
Jury, a (udamcat and datrat at
fivoa. vaturuj ta th. Stela af Or-
aoa. oy aaa uirauah ru state Hih
way Conajuaaion. IM aim d la uu ia
the real property daacnbtd, ta-wlt:
Pnrral Na. 1:
A parrel of land tyUif ta the
Xaat half (E) af th Northwaat
uarttr (NW.) at Serttea St
Towaahla t South a Waal.
WUIamatta Mandlaa. Ma rta a
tauaiy. oraawa: the aul aareal
at u Xaat
aetnf that porUoa
half (IV af th N
tor (NW'il Irtnf
lytna aortharly
Raai and Inaluaad
Aaaany HiO
a a strip at land vartabla la
width, lytaf aa loa watariy aid.
of Um canter Una of Um Paratlc
Hlfhway East which caatar ha
It doacrtbed a foUowt:
Bafinning at Enfiaaarl rarrUr
Una SutHW SM-M. Hid atatioa
belruj Sj faet South aad Mil
seal aaa l ar um North quartar
career af aaid Sactiaa St: thane
South M ir J" Watt LSto faat
to Bnsinaar 'i can Mr lata SUUan
tNM-; th waatarty baa of said
trip of land matin Um East
hna af aaid East half (E'il af
Um Northwaat, quaritr (Nw)
aapToxlinattly appetite Easi
r I cantaruaa SUUon Mlts.
TS. widiht at faat af th atrip
of land abov rafenod to ar aa
WMMh aa aarinh
Stetion to SteUoa tud at Center Ua
ISO to SMS . to faat
SM-ft MUM SH faat taper to M
1 M MS, to Sat tt taper to ITS
SUS Mf m seat
TSa pareal af toad to wtuek
tM OaacnpUWai aaahaa eaatalm
S I acre, autaaa ai th estouaf
nM af way.
Pa ml Na. 1:
A parcel af land trtag ta tht
wunam nana uonauoa
Claim No. St. alas lytn la th.
Northwaat auartar INW',1 el
Section it. Tewnehi t South.
Sutwman, Salem. Ore, Sat; July 27, .57 (Sec. H11
tat i ft a Ism sal
tM K Onrca R
PHONE EM 4-6811
Par day it
Pa tut. MM
4 It
JtVj J Jt
(Mlm. t Boa.) ewaateay aa.
par Una I M Jt
ptr baa t - ' JS
rrr hnt I tirats tl tt tie
par ha 1 eat SJS (tat Sua.)
paaara to alv sdrwr th a
vsatea tf the tuajandau puihae
mi ef VMI eintai alraula-
ay BWa la av
i aat frtdaa. Satar-
day Suaoayl tha lawar Sunday raw.
apply hacauaa arily Ta Stetoataan
aubnanaa ktadaps.
nnaaifiad adt WIS tat at um
sramg Oreawa ttetaantaa. inartiSi
la tha evaciiag CaMtoJ Jaotaal bat
da arts a tltasttS toe auaday
Suunataa aaty.
Toe dead Ha. a atoaalflad ads
10 pja th. day aaran aubttosttoa
acap fee Sunday whea aaadlia a
VJ nan. Prtoay. tnmiiai j ad ad
aautl aa. adt totalis altos tat
Way. aad aaUl at
Sac Sastaa aaa Ba alaaad
tha -Tee Late to Onantr eahnaa
Ad ear Maeatt
by t ass Satardas.
The Stanai is . 4aai
pars itttrt uw nfM to rat act natt
beaaato advartuiat: It rurthar to.
parve the nht to atotw all edvar
uttnf andar tha atapts tltintt
Jourwal Mawaaa.
The out
per auuan a naaaattl tpiiM
Btbty far arrars walch aury ap.aar
la t n ua ia. aatt aatbnaaa to na
antra aa aad to aa whara thai na-
aar M at fault will rearlat thai nart
at aa ' la wtnch fS.
tpainphtml atta occur, and
at raaporailbl tat aaty aaa larorroct
A -atnad Ai
s anataaaaia Jtuiail atataaaait baa
bar tar a addtat It la to.
ia tharefare ba aaawacad
Wr Th Stateamaa JtMrmal Pita
par ar. aal at Hbarty to divala lav
tanaattoa a to th atoauty of aa
advartlta uia "BUaaT ad.
toct ita rasttri aealaat fraud. aa
9t MtbbTMC. aweaaaMwn tftl
to awaa NO PAxMEIITS
.nil paaMaa rimtaad la ha
help wanted carasaaa. AB htrn
wanted ads MUST BPECTrt Tail
kelp wanted aaa Mt im tt UM
pay a tn we narnt of aaau-y,
Ran. I Wat, WHUnxtt. Mar-
Mtan. Marloa County, Ortgon;
th. aaid parrel bain that por
tion of aaid ttotm Donatio. Land
Claim No tl I rtn northerly af
the x)tUn( Ankany Hill Road,
lying waatarly of Pareal Na. I
and Included la a atrip af land
S fMt la width. M foot aa tha
aartharly auto and faat en tha
aeutharly aide af tha aanter kn
at Ankany H1U Road a aald raad
hat baaa r. located, which can
ter tin. ta daoertbtd a taOowa:
natf aniBf at Krunnaar t aoatei
Mm Suaaa llMM, which tte
Uea eual Stattaa SU-MS It a
the aaator Una at tha Paaafia
Hirhway East, aaid tteMaa atot
baing faat Sawth aad
111 M foal Wait l tha North
emaamteat with pay a. tea to
th Hal WtatoT aaluaiat
Kladty report any tat a ate to tha
runt ta um eiaatlfMd adt
auarter sanaat af
St- thanea North tt If to" Waal
SU M faat: thane a ITT .4 ttot
reditu rarv toft Itha tonf chard
af which bean South at' It' M"
WMtl USM faat to Sutton
IS u..
Th. aareal of lend to which
thti daarrtpuoa ppitea eaalaiat
a.aj acr.
Thla turnm
der of the Honoral
It pubUahad by ar-
abt Val D Sieoar.
)udt of tn. tbov-ntltlad court,
mad and .ntered a Um Itth day
of July ISSt. diracUna pubttcauoa af
thla aumreona one each weak for
four ronaaruUv wavka la tha "Or-
Gn Stateaman." a aawanapar pun
ned and -of faaaral cirrulaUea ta
Manon County. Oraaoo.
Data of tint publication July ltth.
Data of teat publication: Aufuat
teth, imi
Attorney Caaaral at Um Sttta
of Orfon
It G I Rohd.
Aatlitant Attorney Can.ral and
Aamtent Counaal for Um ttal.
Hifhay f
Attorney! fnr Plaintiff
P O Addreta- Salarn. Orfnn
I U.MJ1.A 11
taalad bidi wUl be received by Um
Board of EduraUaa af School DlatrK-t
Na. K J. Marmn County. Orafon up
to I to o clock p at . i Friday,
Aufuat I. IMI. fnr faralthhtf lamaa
rtel, aad aw
ydt. aaphalt
aa required a. the Dtelrwl.
It M
npertflratlon blanht aad bwt forma
mav h. obtained from and bida ahnll
h. filed with UM Dtatrtrl Clark at
ISM r.rry Stra.t. Salam Or.nn
Th. Bo.rd rvaarvaa th. rtfhl to
rater! an or til nada tnd to wtlv.
mfnrmatltlaa In baaa
Date at Sawn). Orafoa. ten Mtk
day ol July, IIS1.
Dtatrlcl Clark
Juir rr
Mra Ma. Prd-
Louia Silver. t. out on tJ.MO th man then
Foreign Students
Increase Disease
want ta invite
penriinf a hearing, talked you t ur rally This experience
Peteraoa. Wtah D C
rirkaoa. Alaaka. tan, Waaler Horn- ba.j
hack, aooarfi.h s Dak. jona ue. , wK, Grnham tenitht at 'ought to drive you toward God
PoasturtTa. a D.k raur fr.n. . Maduea Squar Garften Graham H als offered to help Silver get Burl Ana . says increased en-
rhiWran .d .r.i f'.r afterwarH uM anlv thai he had a lob
VIENNA. July M ur - Herbert
Mauser, president of the Austrian
rollment of foreign students has
to brought an inrrease in veneral
"."L'Z.i ,Zi nrnrniaed la helo the man find a Silver reanoorted aeiatively
V .t lieatm it nicraat Memorial jnb nnd that he teemed inter, the friendly return however. oiea and TB among Austrian
"ctLti-rl "t" Grnham i relnwui mea- and ssid. Tm ia enough trouble students
ChapL R Lorea Miller win afti-' at e already and my wife is sick " i Wrthout naming nationalities he
"te Silver did ant '-ome forward Whea arwimea beftn t gather UKi the inrrease did not come
r. ia Meri... 'during the tervicet however, te around. Silver showed mcreaaing i 'rem students from higher devel-
a" Ptend rJamtei July M l-at. m.h. a dec.Mi. for Chrt " signs oi urilattoa and finally eped count r '
reauieM of IMI I Mifh at Saiem silver wss arreateo M rsnsee simoe irnrn in ouining
Graham talked ea "The Justice i IJutlOn UrQCfJ
of God" tonight before M.ant per
teokaiM Waah fr.ndchii-1 i,rlHi ralw .var heM h. tha toeat ia the Gantoa AI hit lev". 1 MOSTOW. July M The newt
J!r7 "2."hZ?, ''oilTlI. "w.'hiI N"t1 Carolina preacher in the two lor oecteloo lor Otnat. 3J paper Sovmh Calture urge Soviet
wtah Rienerd W-o eane nMed Stales AiftherMaM rhTged people reaporaVd youngsters to sveid extreme! in
retlevted fferutgs tinner the Tamarraw night. Graham will natawtal rwatuminf and la tone
af being aa author land speak aaaia an what has bee- an owwa any bright and shwwy colon
usher of hu moat popular aerrnea topers st the Wond outh Festival open
Graham went ta Broni County The Ameriraa Home" ing here Sunday
tS2rlZ"M a-11-" ?r
nana Madtor Or. nnvan r 10t.n peraons attended the
W lie 7 great-rano niMr.n .in .
ajriv aarvma alH he held tit-
rday. July f M in PM ta th
rh.aal af the Vlrfll T Gain en Ca
Sev Sranht R Dan will officiate I
Interment Selrratl Memorial Park 1
1. Arematto
I DO rvtVnNie JJIT Lad Ttef
bOO SIC ID OO T. gUT mOTW. thOtr5
nW naw-atwrifSrnTMTait M. iVf
tewwtr wOT TO Jf ON Ttva.
aT (iM .TtHMK NOaJ F O aaantd, aaarw ao7 atVeaj. II
rom MVtg . i mopi mi rrevr patsa awvnavasv v tht moo4 Q
cteS t , S yyniTaaj.y awXiTJ o- ry voami ia 0 ewvriA W
V- COJtTM Mg aunt - J QutUTV. fT& W 4
rrfewi iaaaJl' FT lV aaw MUN .' SO AJt Ttel 1
I. Dowdy
t Hu.
I) S-shlped
H Ood of
II Coat
It Pitt
15 Aromatic
It Expedition
It Doctrine
It Hslf sn
ID Loaf V
IG B 1
II Piratt!c
II Compen
dium II A mrnsur
7 Mukfteh
17 Italian rtvnr
Tt Grtmpu
M Kind of
iMedit I
II Virtuous
It Goddeti of
13 r.rthn-
try nttigl
M RnM-k snd
17 Italian
voles n
irr I
II Gush
It Cnten
ta rloth
W romy
I British
1 gtand.
J Kind of
t Erbium
I tvm I
I Istnbute
ivr I
T rullof
I Contrtv
t Stop
11 Ot y (Ala )
II Fellow
Ml lor.
It Stuf
?1 Com- sJTSfX -IrK
muni- i "ply .
II iMplred 'r
fear Taaaecdar't Sataae
14 A pit 11 Kino of
Unit ) vera.
15 Hranfueg II Number
17 Uk paper 14 Reeort
II Beflnning II Sin
10 RptrM lor
lam pa
tkhr I
r- 3
1 T 77 1
M TT 77 TT 77 n JT
w l
V 5.
w wm
in ma rrarrrr court op th
stats or oasooN roa tnt
Caae Na. MaU
STATE OF OREGON, by aad bhraufh
It Stnto Hlfhway Ctmral lea, earn-
Ead at Charte R. Rtynald. M. K.
Ivwr, aad atobart S. T- iinrn.
wrra ana Buaoaaa. ar ainmaa; vxa-
Nuif Trruaa-suri; ana K. D. axwa
Trv nr. n annwrnarrrtw - -
OP ORXOONi yew are hereby ra-
aturaa va ap.aar aaa aaaywar
eaanolatBt flted efelaat yea to th.
aaavo aatttlad aaurt and attat an
ar barora th a awl ration af four
aa tram ana aal or the Bret pwb-
or uu anaaiaat ta-wlt
Aua. It ISM.
If you tail to Be tatiar aad aa-
aw.i. plalntift for waat thaiauf. wUl
apply to the above- entitled aaurt
lac the relief prayed toe to lit eont-
paalBl. to-wM: that aa unl be
made by t hn-y eatpaaatod to thu
aruaa to determtn Um enmaaata-
oon aa aa paw by rtsaaa af Um ap
propriation af Um raal praaarty and
nfnt. uu. aaa anteraat herein
oufht to a. cundaataad and tp-
araanated. and that upoa paymaat
Into Court of the eomaanaatiaa aa-
tataad by tha Jury. ludfmeat and
decree be five, vattlnf la Um State
oi urafon, ay ana utrwufh lit state
Hlfhway Cammleawn. tea aimpte utht
lo UM real property eeectlhtd. te-
Paroel Na. I:
A parcel af land lyliuj In the
Stelwar Prult Ptnnt Na. t. akta
Ivin. la Sactiaa It. Tewaahsy t
Smith Ran. 1 Waat. W Hum
ane Meridian, Marten County
Ore fon and bainf t aartloa of
thai property aeeenbod .an that
Seed to Or. Thorn peon, re corned
In Rook 111. Pea t4 af MarMn
County Racordt of Dead.: th
aaid pareal btlnf that peahen af
property Included In a atrip
of land vanabla In wtdui lytn
on earn tie af tha eaatte hna
of th. pacific Rifhway Eaat.
which caatar kn. a SmilbiS at
telle w.
ateainnlaf at Enflaear't renter
line Station SMM. aaid SUUaa
bainf ttstj faet North and I -la
I faet Eaet of tha South
quarter corner of aaid Sertinn
IS thence aouth hV IV W Weal
J to feet la Enelnaer'a canter
line Station IMet aaid canter
line rroaalnf Um northerly and
aoutherly bouadarla. of aald
property aaaranrmauir at En ft
near t canterlin. ttetlon. til II
and t4.M Mlllillmt
Th. width, la feet af Um atrip
oT tend above ral.ned to ar. a.
Width aa Width an
I X - aaamraej-' V
EM 4-6811
tall kirt
tfiirf rut
400 AgrindtTir
401 UwMttKh fsw Soks
FOR SALE or trade:
aoraas. surs haraa m poaara,
Rt I stem MR. Uvartoa. TR
HITT 1 au. wM af auvwrtea
aa oM Salem Hnry.
SMALL fentat torrel at l l a.
aaaa fefctiae caaue
coet tit S Lnacaaur.
SHEEP: rut
em ssata.
KID'S Snddto Herat, aorrei eweaV
tef. ar trade for food aula
raw. E. Satt ME at Tamer.
Sunjrtioe ruactwa. EM 1-as.
YOUNG lady riding harm, t
yr. black ainra. toet Kapphaha
1 SrVTTXu mar. T years
EM 4-1
Qasvufied Index
Tor your con vemenc ads are
placed uador I (aaertl h.arllnft
au ia auanarteai eroer
Loot aad Pound
Maettaf Natara
Stain pa and Coin
AucUon Sato
403 Uvwatthth Wsttpaej
CATTLE atrece A P
tnt DnUaa Rd. Eat t-S1
CATTLE. Saunjaa, at row term.
E C McCndilih. EM S-tlSS.
CATTLE - TM Urdea Lena
Harold Sathen. EM 1-OSS
TOP caah prtcet tt year place
Ray Coaal em 41ta eollocc
SUYER aaaa law. rat. Rt g
405 Nts
Reg. Paan pupa. Tnlknuj Parrot,
tumea kituai. Kam patera.
Rau. Dae Muutea. Bird
a. upon i
i aval. 08t State
Lnwa A Caraaa III
Uvattack Por Sato tT
Lrveatock Wanted
Market atonket 111
Pats ,
PauJtry at Rabbi te
Soada Ptoatn .
. U
Bteidinf Matartaat 41
Be Una 43
Da It Younakt 41
Pteer Cevertag 414
Por Real Mwcallaaaau otl
Par Sato Manrllsanu 4S
Fuel i
Houithill Oaed
Machinery Tata let
Mnetllsaim 4
Muateal lata umaakj 4M
atoaa. Ho. ma 4U
Sewuui Maralaaa 4M
apart Baaipatanl aaa
Trad Miac.llaa.wal 41
TV and Radw - 414
Wanted MauaaheM
Gaoda 4tS
Wanted Machiaary
Waatod Mlacalltaaniai Ml
lnatp to Laaa
aahvarrUaf (Tear
BEAimrVL PwlM. 4 aw. Raa
Raat. EM 4-Mtt. MS S4S.
TO grv away! Cocker Span MM.
Rt. i Box Ut talvartoa. Ore.
FOE Sato Cermaa
paraatoa. Natural ptatlttt. La
cuW UbmL Raato 1. Box IM,
tirvertea. Or. TR 1-411.
REG. tomato
EM 4-1144.
offer ar ahatfua trade. EM
a-Sl between 1 A 4 ojb.
SIAMESE SUtteaa. trained tit.
MM N. Laacaator Dr.
YTJKON Keaneat bow koardieai
EM 1-SMS. ISE. twtt Of Slntat
WANTED: Good aanw toe vary
tnteihrt 1 at. aM puppy.
REQt DaJnatUia y apt lit. Pta.
MinmiirUi. Skyka 1
an Aaaoaw e. m a.
-M.wijie.a0 ei eoaee m w
wntitatie. anas a tjant l.
LABRAD&RS - 1 yr. aM torn. 4)
mala. EM 4-JM4. I7S War
411 Maeaat iooiiag ' '
ChlM Car
Day ar CanUnit
Help Wanted (at
H.lp Wanted, Lady a
Help Wanted, Man SOI
Job Informattoa (11
Ptrkert Wanted SOS
Sate Help tit
Work Wanted. Ltdytl4
Wark Waatad. Maa. til
rwwaata Far Raatol
aHaaaaaa auranun
Cawvateaaaat aMana
Dupatwaa al
Fwnaa Par ateat aai
ruratehad tot -A
Itewaaa Ear Rant tot
Maeemg anal aaaneye. tea
S Hilt Raw lab
Steaplag Buna, ateard tt
Waatod Ta Rant Ma
Waatad Ran Apia. 111
Waatod Ta Raat
Roueoa eta
Waatad Rtiatw Baard.Tl
Apto, Caurte Par Sals
Banna OppaHualtW 81
ajrenaaure Raal Eatoto-lll
Farent Far Se le
H.uan Far Sato .
Inaal a net
Lett Por Sale MJ
Raaort Ptapaity Sid
Suburban an
Waatad Raal Eatato IM
Aircraft fat
Aula Mterallanaou est
Auto Part A Repair asi
Heavy Equipment S4
Houat Traitor. Set
Motorcycle. xuj
New Can SSI
Wena Fraaaa Faad Iaaara. Wn
lUt N. CajaawaTdal EM
Rd. EM
99 9m9, anaeM
at 4-tsia.
I baaa. .V-park. Aa
Faa OeavasFana bar
raltow wasbwah bean
athar Va
aai Vaatow
aa bkjh ytelraaf fM.
II I ear Sat A Sun. Bnytta
heerte Prt A Set li ft t aar.
k ml. E af Totem aaaa. uj
mi N. aa Vaa Ctoav RaC
EM t-siaa
Tntrka. Traitor Far
feed Car For Sale
Wanted Cart. Trucks
Never a Bom Steer
W are direct aachaaf
autlet Buy beef Um way
want to. Aar arlra. atee. arena
ar cut Grata Stem pa aa all
purrhaat. aarhinf down and
aa taw aa as
pravad craaat.
Mil tilvertea Rd. EM 4 IteJ
Tew Late to Dassify
ISM 41" IHULT U alter Far
Croat ar call EM 4-4S41
ah-k-ap. l
ItaUon te
IM 4 to IM i M
IMf Ml . at
Weeterly Eaaterh
IM feat
IM feet
IS feet
taper ta IM feel
Eaeept that parUon af aald
atrip ei Ian lylnf within that
tract erevieuely raaveyad te I he
late of Ore enn by tnd Olreufh
It. Stat. Hlfhway Comm Manon
by deed re carded la ami tat
Pan Ml of Marten Dead Roe-
at FORD I dr with OM. anatot
Floor ahtft and campteta ay
bolalry EM 1-IM
I RORM. If. Itv rm birch
kn If. palm I frpl . hath A
i. creek tree, fruit and bar
riei Bete, coat III H EM
CRAVEN STEIN tap tea. U e
ptrk. EM 4-NKJ.
par crate I brm i.
G. Se. an old Albany al-way
te Heoee Mm Rd turn rifht
appraa. I ml. te Jim Praahner
Farm. EM SSrla, EM 141 A
TRAMSPaKeNT Aaptea. tl Ml
CravoaatanM. II Jetty Cr a ha,
Sr fh. Cecil Boyd. E hi MISS.
t7-PtCX baiaeatiafilt toe erata.
M R. Kiwwar. Rt. 1 Boa aal
Latoth Caata.
FORtant ar trade hrtahi mm
aat pea. aad vetch hay M
bare l7Jf EM HMt.
Red Haven Yakama paachaa.
hwaat com. red p.taleo a.
nweet apanian oniont, Ixrol
aaa i at nan
NICE I bdrm. baa . ta
yard food baaunf P EM
U PICK Bwraon A Narar
rtealc toEM I SM
FOR nil liiiiatnbteitet.
in s-sta
The parcel af land te which
that deeenpttea tppltea cootatna
i 4 tcrea
Atot t temporary rowatructlon
aaaemant aeroaa Um raal property
IwrelnarWT deacrlbad. te all
Pareal Na I:
A parrel of land lylnf In Let
tt af Itetwer Pmrt Fanpa No I
aituaWd In Section IS Townahip
S Sottth Ranpe Want. Willam
ette Meridian Marine County
O.efon th. aetd parcel being a
atrip el lend tt feat la width
Ivinf djerent tn and waaterlv
of Parrel No I taid atrip af land
eatendlni from a line at right
anftea to aai canter line de
em bed in Parcel Na I .1 Si
tion ST1 M te a line at rifht
anftea ta aaid caatar hna at Sta
tion U . M
Th parcel af land te which
tht. eeeenptte appuaa ron UM na
M ace.
Thn aununona it Bwbllahed bv or
der of the Henaraaat Val D Iteaer
ludea af Uw .nutted court
made and entered aa the lath ar
af Jaly IMI lrortlaf Public. turn
of thla aummona once earn weak for
four rnnaa rutle. week te Um 'Ore
ton Stateeman t aawapapai puh
Tlahad and of feneral clrcwlatana in
Marten Cnunry Oreenn
Date af ftrel publication iury Itth
Dete m leet pubUcatfeei Aueuet
i ism. itoi
Altm-nev Ceneral af the State
I of Oreeoa
Rv G t Rohd
Aaateteet Attacnev Oenei al and
Aaeaetaot Caanaal fnr the State
nj'fhoay Commteaeaei
Of Aaocoeya for Plaintiff
P O Aedreni Se ln Orefon
FOR RENT I bdrm baa S
far lwefWDtet EM 4-SMI
COURT Apt I bdrm fur a.
anfum. AduNa Lynwood apta
Ml S late
FVRN.T rma' a' bath Uaetalra
Prt ant Oar Set EM I UTS
sTAVERtOW t Rent Yard, wtu
befw perkkaa Teea July Mtk
i, ml te of Mutdtefrov. Sch
an Walker Rd
i HOLE no fawder EM 4 1ISJ
LIKE new thopemltk reaa EM
USED fraeaart. dryara. refrVrrr
tera. autaenatir a erwieer
n.ahert. etec a ai ranawa.
all kl food operetmf condi
ttoa tome like aaw ISM
Green 1 1 t m p t Fro. del
Term. M eater Sat etc. St.
ttene Mt N Commercial
fkl.Ncut fladmlua Im priced
al II SI per an. I he.atifM
coten Wt deliver EM 1 111
tTEINETi-Nereerv toer,,! '
alerted dwerf rennea f te
matt, feerhate. Plama far
ften m nolle Parfaln J)fe
Mkt EM I I aat
SPRINGER epantel anjaotee, I
wkt oM Very nice hear EM
IRRIGATED RlacktMrrtee far
tate. EM t-astS. Mra. Allaaky
per m Brtnf centaaaera. Gtea
lliniy EM4;llia
era. II hu Al Nolan. STM N.
River Rd. 1 ml No. Eatoar
Irk EM I IM after t
Eal Like a King
U I D A traded a weal rta MS
Ih for Mt to ate. I to aarS
teak and I I hi frvanf chiew
ena for ntet IISBS par maaaeh
for I montna A I ca ft tect
.r for only S4 M a if
II N L.hert, EM I H4
Serriei win ae ardor on!..
P!eae nrme -eitaineri Mid
dle Grwt Nuraery 4PM ftV
vertnn Rd EM l-vao
SeD Rorkskin Horse
300 Personal
112 Ut out) Feejav.
LOT Mai. Sinoeee V.tonnw
rtt ttrared Mil Ubecl Pd
Vk feald Ave FM I XHt
3U t
at nrt onote he.l breed
rr .le from avemnjm etieet
the hakerr til
LC U-PICK Willamette
Mrim )Or Ik Herman hea
rikeon Rt I Turner Xoop ta
main Rd peat CaMaate Sch
tnen tura toft toward. Iwrtoe,
Snd hot on left
nnawfihto-rio rxrww
Payment an Appraetd CradPI
rrs Paws i.i i Sd EM I aaa.
a maa at
Jary s rhrwert ft Gifts
ror every im aem EM 4-tl
Marten. EM
Order be raUeaf FM l1M.
Pmnf creteaaaert yoan ateejeea.
arba andar I nu So el It Hal
I raartnarr. rermti a
1 to tM l-llea. EM t-iau.