USec III) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., July 28, '57 Raisin-Nut Bars Suited For Anytime lct Cream Dessert Has Lime N Flavor With Sweetened Milk 1 J r . f . - v.v vv -..v. in fcte the wtxxis and a wit with Estgant Raisin Ban tucked into yapr hincfa basket a wonderful way U quick energy and anyway they tasta limply scrumptious. Tljvy're almost a confection with toil of rutin and nuts in a rich brfwa sugar-egg mixture and Dajtea ngni on a snortoread cookie base. The top gets nice and crusty ao there Is no packing problem. C J in generous bars for outdoor pities. But serve them as dainty fingers, just one or two bites, with tup of tea most any afternoon ELEGANT RAISIN' BARS Sawrtkrvaa' Bate: S cup butter It cup brown sugar packed1 4 cup sifted all-purpose flour J. Taewtag: It cups light or dark raisins Jl cup walnuts i"t eggs t cup brown sugar 'packed) '1 teaspoon vanilla teaspoon grated orange rind ' tablespoons all-purpose flour teaspoon salt '1 teaspoon baking powder Shortbread Base Mix butter. hrinwn aucir nrf flntir In fin enunbs. Press firmly into oblong R,ch. tni alegent, '''' bars arc wonderful for any meal-from the picnic lunch to tee- pao, about Hill inches Bake in ; tiine refreshment. Cut them large for hungry picnickers or small for your most ladylike moderately hot oven '373 degrees guests. The bars are really a sort ot rortbred with ranin-nul-orenge topping. t i rur 10 mmu.s. on asioe 10 coal while preparing topping. Topping Rinse and dry raisins; Chop fine Chop walnuts. Beat eggs, brown sugar, vanilla and orange rind together thoroughly. Sift flour, salt, and baking powder (r raisins and walnuts Add to creamed mixture PouT over cooled baked crust spreading evenly Bake in moderately hot oven J7S degrees F 1 (or 30 minutes. While warm cut into bars about 1 x 1 indies If desired, dust with pow dered sugar. Makes 1 dozen 1 x l-iech1 bars Raisins and walnuts serve the 5J 1 When yen want special Ice cream dessert, try a tretea pud ding made with sweetened con densed milk (or creamy smooth ies, and lime knee far delicate and intriguing flaw. Yea caa oat either fresh tones er freah treaea limeade, which hat tk same delicious tart-tweet flavor. For an extra bit ef eye appeal garnish the pudding, when serving, with slices of lime. The foundation of the frozen pud ding needs ne cooking, and calls tor ne cream, but depends on sweetened condensed milk for its smooth, crystal-free texture. A few drops ef green coloring are optional. If you do add them, go slowly, and get Just enough U give the dessert the lovely light green of the lime fruit skin. FROZEN LIMI PUDDING 1 eggi, separated Vk cups 15-ot. can) sweetened condensed milk H cup fresh lime juice 1 teaspoon grated lime rind to 4 drops green pure food coloring 4 cup sugar Set refrigerator control at cold est point. Beat egg yelks until thick and lemon colored; combine with sweetened condensed milk. Stir in lime juice and rind until mixture thickens. Tint pale green with pure food coloring. Beat egg whites until they stand In soft Deaks: gradually add sugar and continue banting just until mixture stand In firm peaks. Do not over heat. Fold beaten egg whites Into sweetened condensed milk lime mixture. Pour into refrigerator tray. Place la freezing compart ment and freeze until firm, about hours. Milk Begins Fine Beverage Chocolate milk, a .'jvorits with the kids when served plain, makes many a glamorous drink with very little fixing. Here are two sug gested "ways to make a big drink out of a single product. FRUITED CHOCOLATE MILK 1 cup finely grated pineapple 1 pint strawberry ice cream, softened 2 cups bottled or cartoned chocolate milk Combine pineapple and ice cream: mix well. Add chocolate milk: blend. Serve with straws and spoons. CHOCOLATE, MILK MAPLE FOAM 1 quart bottled or cartoned chocolate milk U cup maple syrup 1 cup heavy cream, whipped Combine chocolate milk and syrup; fold ia cream. Gather Bouquets Now For Winter Arrangements By BARBARA FES3LER 'Dock is found everywhere along Marwa Cwialy Ageat the huh ay and in the fields A bouquet of vtheat and rye in Teasel is just beginning to form a varied bron ceramic jug has seed heads now Gather as soon as held a prominent place in my heads have matured and before apartment since last summer It is they are dry to prevent seeds scat fun and interesting to make ar- tering. rangements with native materials j Fungi, lichens, straw flowers One of the best sources of ma-; Unsv thistles can h fiiw is. rummer cbok -ell in many other tena' ,or ln -"" 1 oods and fields. Spray fungus ways " " growuis and lichens with an insect- Use raism bread for extra spe- SuK J" , cia. cmaamon ,.. To.., bread "Jt'X. a, cooes of .11 . lira, wen spread with an egg . r ,, . . iieues now-acorns. pine cones, fir Mr Mia hAklM til - .i k - - too young and under-developed nor when it has passed full bloom and the color begins to fade Ailjt . k . l..k. ' -" rirmij iu (auin uuw . , " , . 1( picking is delayed until later, white beaten till creamy with 2 tablespoons sugar and a half tea spoon cinnamon Brown lightly un der broiler, and serve piping hot. from biscuit or scone mix for Sun day breakfast. They're a special treat with strawberry jam JeMed Tm cones, hemlock cones. And later on remember the nuts. Driftwoods, manianita branches, washed roots, and barks of all kinds are found everywhere Wood they will shatter easily Many dif maJr comt MtursJly in .11 shades I ferent sizes may be found now. as bown lnd s'X Sometimes Ms ' they are in varying stages of de- folo,' tsn spproaches black, velnpment Look for pencil thin ss In general, weeds are dried by ,,,. .mMl ,.i.,. k-ii "r" "Tw m """' iiwirawn i ie me ma- "nTndTin' Uime1 ? " , Jtf flavored geUtio. .long wh melon aTaOwerinnl dock t cmc. nr in the chasH or Kill, .fj? imv nihJ. iJ rr.,m look ,or min-v different sh.des 'rum heavy bnes in the attic or chJrs. for TdelicWhoT wwIhTr chartrfu'- r""1 w 1 1 k lr.ges Store cones, pods, branch- ee lor . delicious not weather rmj brown jnd, pilBl taj frMMf Sated crrot snd rsin saUd ui , lata . deep coffee brow boxes a fear-round favorite. For special m- L TJ IT !, nh d'si" ln mlnl- develop the, summer version, plump raisins in luCIx DredCL IS i'1""' ,nd rT )u nl ia ! hot water, drain and cool Moid in C T i I oom- Ch,0s lanterns. I Vernon gelatin with grated carTot OUlTliner lie&l rom. peonies, ajid Oriental-poppy1 kit of (.net, chopped preserved This Bunshxe Bread Is extraor IZ, ' " (iQer u a heavenly touch dinpalMable and has an at -I " "J h"r, kndJth Soft chocolate cookies, generous-.tractive color It . on the rich Zh.Vf1 lhl d ly Blled with chewy raisins, are a'etde. but who care,' If, worth it 27 '1 ulTft m m" cooky verrton of the popular candy Succulent nutritious orun,. ar. ' .m r)'Undr.lc1 c -chocolate raisin, clusters A weJ count largely for the detectabUity 7ni J - c cdw irramnin mm in um- t , L. f .. i. . .. L . i i.. - - 1 ,lJ . w wir ivai. wiuiii is uniiKUilf nt. in uii in ruuim m jmj rrciwii mefMieri lor aaimy sand- piics or Daroecues Peachy Ginger Sherbet New Coot, langy and gokn Peach Ginger Sherbet makes a glamor eug accompaniment to curried meat or ham Sun ripened canned ft en desired ' S " curves so niches or test M NSHINE BREAD 4 cup milk I tablespoon salt ' cup sugar 1 cake compressed yeast 3'-i cups sifted all-purpoe flour 1 cup rooked prune ' rvio butter or margarine I 'gg pegfhes. lemon juice and pre-i 13 cup orange juice nerved ginger give this sherhet its 1 teaspoon grated orange rind reseshing flavor If you prefer to li teaspoon cinnamoa eve the sherhet for oessert S aid milk and cool to luke- yoajll find il especially good ith mrm Add salt. I tableepoon ChtVy chocolate alnul har ugar and crumb lad yeast, and FKACH GINGER SHERBET jstir until veast is dissolved Mix 1190 Broadway Slore Hours: ftpsa Ivarf Bat in 1 rup flour Cover and let TV'' n arm plact until light, about I notir Cot prunes from pits Into i small piece Cream butter and re maining sugar Blend in beaten eg orange juice, rind and nn namufl Add yeast mixture re mainder of flour and prunes, and t well Cover and let rise in 1 cup canned cling peaches 1 teaspoon plain gelatine i tahlepoons cold aler H cup syrup from peaches 3 tablespoons ugr teaspoon grated lemon rind t tablespoons lemon jtnre J tablespoon ( hopped ' preserved sinner Drain and crush p.a he. Solvn arm nlace until drniile m sue gekstine in cold aier Heal , n aciout 1 hour Uft to board mold syflip and dissoKe wftened neia ! htlT mlo loaf Place in liajhtly tii is it Stir in ugar r ai hes greased pan. cover and let rise, lesaoe rind and juice and ginger uMil double in sue. about to Pir into freenng trav and pla e minute Bake ia moderate ovee In freezing compartment with .on jso degrees about I hour trot set ai loev temperst ire Makes 1 medium sue loaf freeze until firm Remove tn I chflied howl rw1 heat until mooth RIGHT AMOIKIT WS) roarv heater Return to If you use a baking pan that it freering compartment, and freet .bout II by 7 inches lor Yorkshire la desired consistency ttirnng sc-! pudding you Tt need shout v. cup cagjooallv Reset temperstura eon- W drippings for the bottom of tret ta norma! the Dan before the batter la added Government Inspected U.S. Good or Choice Grade 'Now at the Peerless . . jo JThe Gayest . Craziest, vAost Colorful Cakes of All loo Porty Ar o (.loom v the BEEF ROASTS CAMMED SHORTS RIBS US Good Grade Mam,aTawias,a KJlvVC Ue U.S. Goeai Grade 43', 1 FRYERS 29 lt AGED CHEESE JTEW1KG fnSTP r TD i 59 1 CHICKENS iid f S1 1 $?& ASSORTED WE CUT GOVERNMENT , COLD CUTS INSPECTED BEEF S OS. y J n Honey-lick Guarantee on Every Piece Ih. 03 FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES RADISHES or GREEN ONIONS lunches 'Circus Cakes! .flAet foe e toirt'y TK ff mtfM ife Peerless Bakery I LOCAL CABBAGE ... 5' LOCAL LOCAL TOMATOES 2 A 291 PEACHES fNAUJTJ STAND IT FttSKITS MAYONAISE GUPETCUIT JUia CAT FOOD 59' Of.' CM SO' 1 3 c 25' ILUILAKI GARDIN DtTCHMAID Green Beans CATSUP MARGARINE QQ insisc ifl' 9 95' C SI co Coupon . AH . cm c m Gill M Ih. A 1 FRESH FOR CANNING OR FREEZING l)(0)( j Sliver Salmon z I martin pa ma urn AfrRl J I SOLE Red Snapper I I MBSU fJfnV ma nin it par su njt f I CRAB CAT FISH J 1 ma anna t wa umn gA 1 I SOLE TROUT I m Fresa Cut t' af A a . J 1 Stewing Hens 98 fP 1 ? ? (? I I FRYERS 'A' u 59 LT 0 II II ti) I Oven Ready M " Fresh Seafwae) awe" Feyttry 1 Routing Hens u. 216 N Commerciol I UI0U5E MAXWELL HOUSE i 99 Coffee Electric Trains Given Away by the Four Erickson Salem Stores Hey Kin's! Here's your chance ra wia an Elwctrk Train! just fill out slips and plect i -taasit Ux. ChiWren must be nccompeniad by p.renh ra ba iVibl. Instant Maxwell. House Coffee W1 Hi-Ho Crackers Sunshine Vi 37c Triscuit Wafers NabiKa ,yAV 39c COOKIES Delue Assertaseat NabiKa Mb. tai 65c LIPTOIJ TEA THE SASX' TEA 48.'; 63c Vi X 79c Heinz Tomato Soup 10 100 14 m. Jar 29 4 a. 00 10.99 3. 10 10 . $P 10 . $loo 8Jloo 4 . 89; 5 . av 3jp ROYAL INSTANT PUDDINGS 3 29' IwtN tnm. Sajrwierry. (IteceWs, ak. ei. aalaHlnT CHICKEN AND NOODLES Far Mck. Nkltai laatk DERBY TAMALES liVi-et Jar WHITE SATIN SUGAR Far (aaanaj K00L AID PUNCH Far PaUtaM (M Faack SWEET PEAS Sm Iftt Us. J03 ((Haas IrsM1 STRINGLESS BEANS (tltaat ar SaVer-Shert Crt 30J HUNT'S GOLDEN CORN Inm ar Wkela laraei . 300 cm PINEAPPLE JUICE Hertet Irstw-ltcsaf bf M larne U .r ties PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES r CWcaisle, Walti, teltea. Sake, (imaal. Orias SWEET PEAS ftWasr-lN. tsa were k I lit Vales! NALLEY'S BEEF STEW IS-at. las-Sm lie 37 Large 46-oz. can Kaiser Aluminum Foil 7 Inch Wide The Handy Site 2!oi"33( Far Quick. leiy Dinner Tenifht Serve Swensen'i TV DINNERS 69 Hoddixk Chicken let Turkty Save 10c FtUM FROZEN APPLE, PEACH, IOYSENIEU y PET-RITZ PIES Each LIIIT1 FROZEN MEAT PIES leef Chkhew Turkey 4 r 95' niiH FROZEN Libby's Vegetables CelifUer Irweeete fwr ehy Limes Ler Limes Ireccet 100 MrCtS IFUCTtVI THUtl., FRI., UT., JULY M. T 170 N. C-wee,,,! e fM J-5704