City News Briefs t cab uicrxcin Two complaints af larcenies tram tutot wart received by city police Wediiesday. Mrs. Robert H. Mil lar lfttt N. 11th St.. uid a key and a roll purse with cenu itelea (ram th unlocked t ove compartment ef Dm family , ,r in the past II dayi. Mrs Yvon ne U Petanoa. 13M I 12th St.. --portd theft a( tour valve stems unrth U whilt her car wtt en the Veto- a Prank parking lot Tuet- (1V. Rummage sle aver Greenbaum'i fn I a m. ta t p.m. by Swegle Comm. Builders. (adv.) TWO VEHICLES kl KN t.&sl Salem firemea were called twe car 'tree Wednesday, re---rung slight damaft in both raes At 1 11 p.m. they extinguish- fire In the teat ctiihioa of a pickup drivea by James Kellogg nf Salem at ISM Start St. At I 14 i m they were summoned ta a ire la the wiring of a parked car nf H G. Ackeraoa of Salem at 1O0 Market StM but the fire was out hen they arrived. Don't put off irdoriaf that Clasal ed Ed! Dial EM 4-411 daily I t m. tt I p.m. (adv.) CLASSES SCSEOtXXD Classes at rnetber and child cart i't ajfiedultd la be (la Aug. I at Marioa County Hearth Department under sponsorship af the depart ment and Marioa County Red Croat chapter. SruMni wffl be from t 1 w p.m. aad further information may he lecured from either of the aponsoriag afenciea. Mn. Helen Bailey, Red Craaa director, said vt ad neaday. Paint priest ilaahed during re modeling lalt at Clarke a, N. i. ommerciaL (adv.) MA.V Hl'tT AT WORK G I e a a W Ebert. J, af 1400 Oiemawa Kd., suffered a com pond fracture of the left leg Wed nesday, when a trailer hitch fell on it while he was welding at 7th and Murlark 1. reels Willamette .mbulaece Service reported He ai taken to ialem General Hos pital. Rummage Sale at Jason Lee Church, Thurs a. Fn Coffee k Bsked foods. Open I X a m. ledv.t Salem Obituaries Tkr A. 1 1 lulv SSrS al tha mleeace. 1st HiattUad Am. talm. rMMt ti Cu A lAitem AraMon. alin. DanaM tiwM lau SmcO. Calif . Wiltar J Amman. Clavaraale. Ore . Mrv Kit Will. Aaalwlni. Cant . Mr w rtlnttn. Oram City. Ora . MY B V aIUi. Coafa Mats. Callt. Bra tar af Hanrr Araiaaa. Ctaar Laaa. wis . bun Al 1111. ht -'7- w 1. Green aw. Or, ui and t si-tit grand Ma will M iMlt Thurt- naear Araaai tty Julr . at l:at pm. In Uw rvianal af me W. T aiai'an Ce Csnrluatiti nrvlea vlH ' f' rrlrraat Mafnorlal Pirk I al Mm atlaw At locftl Kafpltal. Jnlv kind lai rMltftnl of Rt S. tilam Sur wa bv huthand. Rer D Biaalow Salam daufhtar Mrv tor Smith . talar uttar. Sfra ButaM Caaaidv Waldperl On. fjanarhildran ann n a Jaan Taylor Bavarlv Janat C ar tld ali and Dirk Smith all til Sa 'air. Sarviraa will ha hald ThuadaT J .,1. IS al 1 OS P M in tha Chapl f tha Viril T Cnlani C Intar Italrrait Mamnrlal Para Rav SrwiNi H Mwra will afftctaia. JMaa Vavar aiard aa in Ralem luly B i.-tififli im will h hald Pn lav JuH V"1 an . rr at St I PU-harB ( alhwllf ( tmar undar h dirartinn of aha W. T Rifdoa Ca Waaaar M Rarakark I -a'. raaKlant af I44S Mill SI at a l-val hnapttal S'irMlar July 21 Bur- i v a1 h wifa Mra Clara f Horn-j Kara. Salam daushtara. Mra Lsna er,Maa ( aapar Wyo Mn Ada eataraon Waah DC Mra MaaPrad - kon Alaiaa. aon Waalav Horn-i-ark Srtarfiah S Dak . Jnhn taa H'rnhark Saifm. aiaaar. Mra Vina Toora Sturfli, S Dak Prtur frand rhia an anrt aavaral (raal frand r--ildrn alar) lurvivf (;ravaalda ' rviraa will ha hald Raturday July ; ' at M M a m at Rakraat Mamortal i Park larvlraa will Sa undar thai rj.r-ttr,n nf tha Ooufh . Rarrlrk Thapal Sav Lorao Millar aill offl ruta llkr R Waakt Al a inral hoapital July tid l ata aaiaan' of ll Marian St ftim urvivad kT wifa Myrtla S Waaka. la'arr riauahtar Mra A v Kimharh Ora aaa. Wayna U Waaka. Salam hratkar Llavd t a..i I.larr. frandrttlldraa a avral oiaraa a aaahawa alaa aur- will ka haM Prtalav I .11 Mth at I as PM la tha Chaoal ' a Virall T Ooktaa Ca Rav Unmr w 7M tjsaai aa-fl my, r -wH IA liUm 1 ' . jT'n liaasiiaTl ii CI Ploca. Howavar, Moit of It Ii I K A rTU. .W0 CII1 10W1 I In Cam, But if It Could E Sold I V;1 rtftY' " It CKopr by th Handif M, Wt I w,i(5irl-v..n II wo"ldTryl,' I SSL ' 7-' vv. II BUNGALOW I hmmmm9mwm mwsw ' 'V fl 1 0UTSI01 WnilC PAINT 1 IZiSX'iiXZr'"' yJrf''sSm 1 I ,UY A CAIT0N Of 4 tUUONS HfJ. Jlf.00 1 JUVICI VS ' II can CA I grSSiT'-liXrleiS S-yr Mcoe I 1 Ja,U Pnce Va50 C 14 6,1 ' 1 II APOITniT IIINI aiaavasaea CI I rtaeatteajg, eOTlCiaail Park la say W4 . . . give aa the are bavtag eparal eervtre pieewd la wti Ems nuDAT Grsvesido aarvictt for Jjoaepk raver will be held at St. Barbara's Caibobc Camttary Friday at t am. raver. 17, af Lane County, died Monday in a Salem baspttaL Ha has no known survivors W. T. Rigdoa Mortuary ia in charge af the funeral. Ualhia Rpm fair rlnk.t. JU. iwaH . . ....1; . I mu hihiiiw, Milam pajaum, pa Tl colors that never need painting, rot proof. EM 4-4K1 for Ejtimate. (adv.) PICNIC PLANK f,D Salem chapter af Indoor Sports Club wtU held Its annual picnic Sunday at Maude Williams Park at the Wheatland Ferry with acti vities set ta start at 1 p.m. Ia case of rain, the chapter will meet at the Hollywood Lion's Deo. L'nsiihtlv farial hair rmovt aafa. ry. permanently. Price's Beauty I CIm Mi aw un ..J "WW. a u. C rdNf. INT, WYOMING PICNIC DIE The a a a a a 1 picnic of former Wyoming residents baa been set Sunday at Avery Park. Corvallis. Coffee and tee cream will be free Daatal platca repaired while you wait at Paiateat Parker DoaUst. ia N. Liberty. Salem. tadv.i Par Voar coavanienct "Tot Beau ty Nook" will star opea Moa k Fri. UU I p.m. Ml S. High EM MIU. (adv ) Foresters to Resume Meet Delegate! to the eighth national f orestry Conservauoa Communi cations Aaaociatioa at Salem will jlauack their second full day of sessions this morning with an I address by main speaker Curtis B. Plummer of Washington. D.C. Plummer is. chief of safety and 'special services bureau af the Federal Communications Commis sion. He will discuss frequency splitting Other speakers slated today are N J Regnier. of Los Angeles. I Calif ; Kenneth Backman. Chi lean. HI . and Donald M. Fuquay. Missoula. Mont. The three-day convention will conclude Friday with election of i national officers and a field trip la the Ore iron coast Delegates Wednesdav took s field trip to the Detroit Dam and Silver Creek Falls. Public nit crrr rotit Norma J. Green vt Trankie C. Green: Decree of divorce awarded ta BtaintlfT with rastaraUaa af far mer name af Peavy. Craig Lawrence Harris, by hit guardiaa Lawrence C. Harris, vs Charles T Carter Jr : Complaint seeks S 23. 000 damages for in Rides allegedly sustained ia a two-car accident April 17. 1K1 Lawrence C Hsrris vi Charles T Csrter Jr Complaint seeks $1. 2M damages 'or medical cart af minor child 1or injuries allegedly sustained m a two-car accident April 17. ISM Norma Jean llama vs Charles T Csrter Jr ( omplainl seeks t(slt damagea for mniriea al legedly sustained in a two-car ac cident April 17. IKS. Roaa Florence Beck vs David Lee Beck Complaint for divorce charge cruel and Inhuman treat ment and seeks restoration of plsintiff's former name of Hensoa Married Mare I 151. at Salem Gordon Reid vs K.dward Dren cher Complaint seek! 117,500 dam sges for injuries sllegedly suslsin rd in s two-car sccident Oct. I. 1S5 Slate vs Harold Orvsl Wilton: Tnsl conunned until Thuradsv on chsrge of contributing ts the delin quency of a minor State vs James Guy IJvely De fendsnt placed im two years proba tion sn rharge of auls larreny. PROMT, rot T Harriet Marie ketth aatale aWket foe the period yea J C Peterion estate Order ap ponsts Virgeane M Dougrvarty sa ill araeiaw i BT f-t a-t f-a a w r J atJ BR ' orncisf iwr mil' r New Industry Program Wins Chamber Boost Executives Fledge Support to State Oregon's new state industrial de velopment program woa a vote af support Wednesday from aa Ora goa chaatber of commerce org satiation. Stanley Grave, Saleea Ckambar manager aad president af the Oregoa Chamber Executrrev said the grenp ' industrial dinloaaman committee pledged the eaoparatm of al chambers la the state ia "briaginf new Job opportuaiUee ta Oregoa, irrrpreving the atata'i industrial cttmata aad assisting1 the several area meetiags la be conducted la give a atari ta the governor'! aew induatrial pre gram." After aa slUay meeting af the chambers committee sa Portland, Grove reported aert that earnmil teemea expressed a aaaalmeua optniea that Julius X. Jensea waa aa excellent choice of Gov. Boat ert D. Holmes for the sew post of state development director. "We have all known kin sev eral yean." Grove said, "and art familiar with his excellent mdvav tnal development work ia Long view and ia Seattle. We know him as aa experienced executive la industrial development work." Chambers af Medford. La Grande. Pendleton. Klamath Palls, Salem. Tillamook and Portland were represented at the commit tee meeting. Fingerprinting Of Misdemeanor Suspects Okehed Persons arrested (or misdemean ors or felonies can he fingerprint ed and photographed by police of ficers. Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Thorn ton ruled Wednesday There had born some question as to whether the fingerprinting and photographing could apply to persons accused of misdemeanors, which are crimes punishable by jail sentences of less thaa one year. The opinion was requested by State Sea. Carl Francis 1R1, Day itea. Records W W Elliott estate Order ap points Virgeane M. Dougherty as administratrix. J. P. Marrea estate: Order ap points Virgeane M. Dougherty at administratrix. T. W. Johaaoa estate: Order ap points Vlrgeaae M. Dougherty as administratrix. George Snyder estate Order ap points Virgeane M Dougherty ss sdministratrii Glenn Conwsy Niles estate Or der admits will te probate and ap points Everett Nash Soden and Mary Elizabeth Soden u executor and executrix, estate estimated at DISTRICT Cot RT Kenneth Kdaard Pit iti isgill. 420 S Cottage St . preliminary riami natwo on charge of aasault with a dangerous weapoa aet Thursday. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Daniel Emory Blake. It farmer. Donald, and Penny Joan Workman. 17. at home. Aurora Charley Bill Dickeraon JS. truck driver. Logansport. La . and Char lean Rae Peile. B cannery work er. Stayton .Jerold Ray Keuacher. 13. opti cal terhniciaa. Mt aVIier St . and Beth Eileea Highsmith. raah Ier, B7 N. 4th St.. both of Salem a i i x'" ta f ti, n i'MHir r& I J . aoxra nam a;aaai I I Capitol Shopping Center Readies Prizes - Tba Capitol Skaaalaf Crater kas aaaoaaced a "Back ta 8ckl" aierchaadisiBf eveat dar laf whkk ran will a offered u arixea far five saereaalve , weeks, with tka first awaH dae Prialay, Aa. Sv SUatUaj aritk three af the ran are (left ta right) Ward Skryock af Sckrack't asea'i Stare; Oscar Eager af tka Eager lasaraaef Agenrv aad Jamet Mooolf, aaaaager af Sean laeback. Court Ponders Equipment Bids Marioa County Court Wednesday took under adviaement bids from five aute rtrms oa U pieces of equipment for the county road de partment. Bids a Is were opened from three firms for asphaltk paving oa five county roads. Bidding oa the road equipment were Capitol Tractor k Equip ment Co . Capitol Chevrolet k Cadillac, lac., and GMC truck Sales and Service Compaay. all of Salem, Bail Bros . Turner, and Kilian W. Smith Woodburn. Bids were called for on six dump trucks, five pickup trucks snd two flatbed trucks Bidding on street improvements were Salem Black Top Paving Company, Salem; Warren North west. Inc . Portland, and Central Paving Co . Independence. Sched uled for Improvement are Fiaher Road. Cherry, Browning and Hul sey avenues and Lancaster Drive. SIMMONS - Td Mr and Mrs Staa T. Simmons. liSt N loth St . t daughter. Wednesday, July 24. at Salem General Hospital. TALISH Ta Mr aad Mrs. Emil A. Vslish, S42S Quiaaby Rd . a sea. Wednaaday. Jury K at Salam Gea aral HospiUL SULLIVAN Te Mr. aad Mrs Roy L Sullivan. Box M. Brooks, s daughter. Wednesday. July 14, at Salem General Hospital. D ALTON T Mr snd Mrs Clif ford A Daltoa. f7S Shangri - La Ave . t daughter. Wednesday. July 24. at Salam General Hospital. JACOM-To Mr and Mrs. Doe aid U Jacobs. Dallas, a son, Wed-j neaday. July 24. tt Salem General Hospital. MACKINNON -To Mr snd Mrs Floyd M MacKinnon. Ito S 1Mb St., s daughter. Wednesdsy. July 24. at Salem General Hospital U'CKV-Te Mr and Mrs. Ken neth Lucky. Ut Waldo Ave . a soa. Wednesdsy. luly 24, st Salem Me morial Hospital. FEREATo Mr snd Mrs Rob ert feres. Stayton. a daughter, Wednesdsy. luly 24, st Satem Me morial Hoapital. ALTER To Mr and Mrs Otto J. Hslter. WoorlfMim s son. Wed neaday. July 24. at Salem Memo nal Hospital Births 'l 1 State to Seek Bids for Salem By-Pass Work Bids for II state highway pro jects, estimated te coat M. 108.900. will be received b the state high way cemmissioa at a meeting in tha Imperial Hotel ia Portland Thursday, Aug. I Ne bids will be received oa Aug. I, conarnistioa members said. State highway engineer W C. Williams predicted that a substan tial number of bads would be re ceived. The projects Include: Marion County 1 1 miles grad ing on the Salem by -pass section or the Pacific Highway near Salem Marion-Una Counties Construct It structures, including reinforced concrete deck girder bridges oa the North Jefferson junction-Santiare Junction section of the Pacific Highway Linn County Structure, pading and oilm- on the McKercher Bridge iCalapoeya River) section of the Halaey-Sweet Home High way. 1 1 miles west of Oswfards ville. Construct one new bridge pier and It of a mile of highway roadbed Mrs. Morris Joins Governor's Staff Mrs. James M. Dede Morris. Salem, who served as t Senate paga during the 157 Legislative seeaioa. hat Joined Gov. Robert D Holmes' secretarial staff, it was announced Wednesday. Mrs. Morris, active la Deme eratie womoa's activities ia this area, bring the governor's staff te normal for the first time since he took office Jan. 14. Mrs Moms with her husband and four children is a resident of the Roberts community She at tended University af Oregoa and other Oregoa school. Only 7 Days Left of fled tag Specials KROEHLER LIVING ROOM GROUP D . C .t4 Regular 4 Sofa, Chair, Ottoman, 2 Pillows $259.95 New bsif e with brown tweed otvoe. NO MONEY DOWN (O Appeovad Croairt) jm parkingTree delivery anananananaaaaaani Shop Mon. i Fri. 'Til 9 P.M. Uf J r J -, ' U I 111 nagajaajji 1 . . - .. 4 : 1 1 V V T'.: T"V1f . ft -a A Keizer Teacher" lakes New Job Mrs Edward J Kortsvboni. first grade teacher at Kener School for the past 1 years, was recently named te a positma with the Santa Barbara. Calif . school system, it was announced Wednesday. Mrs Kortzebora has been active as soloist and choir director ia Salem churches. She plans ta leave Aug. M. Her family will accom pany her. The Kartieborns bare throe sons. Dr. Jack D. KorUebora, an intern at Los Angeles, Calif., and Richard and Robert Kortzebora. pre-dental students at the I'aiver sity of California branch at Ga leta. near Santa Barbara. Youth "Meted Probation. James Guy Lively, 17. Portland, was placed en two years proba tion Wednesdsy when Judge George R Duncsa suspended sen tencing for the youth ta Marioa County Circuit Court. Lively earlier had pleaded guilty to the rharge which involves theft of s truck in Woodburn in April following his sacape from Mac Larea School lor Boys, records show. Stayton Man Arrested ttaiaaaaia Nava Sara tea STAYTON, July 24-Oirtcrd J. Wilcox. 40, Staytoa. was arrested here early this morning by Marioa County sheriff's deputies ea a To ledo Justice Court warrant charg tng him with larceay. He Is allegVd to have etolea t lis leather Jacket ia Si leu Lin coln County sheriff's men expect to pick aim ap today at Marioa County Jail. -T- ! - f" laSWaaaiajajaaaaajajaajaaaaaal Welfare Board Aid Cases Still At High Level Commissioner Says Slack Off Very Small General assistance cases carried by Marion County Welfare Com mission still remai. at a high level even with seasonal farm work well under nay, Welfare Corroisiioner Kenneth Peterson said Wednesday. "Our intake of cases and expend itures kas slacked off very little this summer.' Peterson said. Sum mer months usually see a consid erable drta ia local relief cases as valley harvesting takes ap slack ia h al empaoyaTaent. Peteraoa attributed the uausual skuatiaa ia part ta short straw berry aad cherry seasons with un favorable weather conditions and low farm prices aggravating the county relief scene. The welfare commission had te seek aa additional IIS.OO) appro priation and dig deep into reserves la carry tka efface through the spring and early summer In last 0. the comrrusaJoa spent some tlSS.otN aa general relief as com pared ta the llJt.OOt budgeted ia that category. "We look far a drop with bean picking getting underway." Peter son said Wednaaday However, the SUte Employment Service ta date hat reported a small surplus af beaa pickers ia this area. Chamber Chiefs To Meet in Salem During October Dates for the Oregoa Chamber Executives' cwa verruca ia Salem were set definitely at Oct. la-a Salem Chamber Manager Stanley Grove reported Wednesday. About U chamber manager and other executives are expected te attend sessions of the convention at Marioa Hotel. Grave, preaideat af the state tr gamsatioa. kas appointed Doa Mc Neil af Medford as program chair man for the coaeeatioa; Fred Schneitar. La Grande, attendaace chunriaa, and Prod Brenae, Eu gene, aotertainment chairaaaa. Farm Mishaps j Fatal to 15 Fifteen parsant have btea killed ia Oregoa ia tha past fire months while tperatiag farm machinery. Stale Labor Cornrruiiiooer Nor man 0. Nilata reported Wednaa day. Ha said there wore II dents during the parked. Half af Iba victims serious bijurvsav Mast af tha aed- wtrt evorturniaf af tractara. REFRESHER CLASSES IXT About 12 dotea parsons slated for a aaturalixatiea beariaf at Marina County courthouse next Tuesday are invited ta attend refresher classes at Salem YMCA. The claaa es will be held Friday and Monday at T M p m, under direcOoa af C. A. Keflt. 1 1 ITATI IT I '? J 1 Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., July 25, "51 (Sec I)-5 Five Youths Hurt in Jefferson Areq Crash None Seriously; One Driver Cited tuuaaasa Ran Sarrara JEFFERSON. July 24 - Five youths were hurt in t two-car colli sion on old Highway tt snd Hard arrabble Hill Road. I1, miles west of Jefferson, early today, state Do uce said. None was in serious condition. Murray Banks. II. Albany. Rt. 2. County Child Welfare Unit Adds Leader Mrs. Miriam Carlson, child wel fare worker witK Marion County Welfare Commission since April. ItM. has been named supervisor of the child welfare department. Kenneth Peterson, commissioner, said Wednesday. , Mrs. Carlson will replace Phil Gibbons arte he leaves Salem Aug. i te accept a position with Portland public schools A graduate of the University of New Hampshire where she took her degree ts psychology. Mrs. Carbon tiso tolds a master's de gree from Smith College ia North ampton, Mass. Before moving ta Salem, Mrs Cariaea was s psychiatric social worker at Vnivrrsrty of Roc beater Medical School in Rochester. N Y She also worked with the Family Service Agency of United Chan tiea ia Chicago. Ml. A resident of lilt Tth Street, her husband works with tba Bureau af Lead Maaagernent. Peterson alee announced tie ap- pointaMnt af David Amaberry af Camp Sherman, 1M7 graduate ef Willamette University, as a atari social worker. Ha replaces Miss Marcia Webb wha resigned earlier tbia summer. Indian Board Men Named Tba three public nambari af tka legislative interim committee aa Indian affairs wore appointed Wedawaday by Gov. Hotmea. They art: Dr. Mark A. Tahvej. Portland, executive secretary af the Oregoa Council of Churchea; LeRoy G longer. Chiloquto ranch er: and David Epos. Sweet Home furaiturt store owner. Gov. Holmes also appelated county welfare cerrirnissiooers for five counties, ksctodinf Yamhill where the Re. Jatnea M. Alley, Amity, wss earned ta tattaad Mra. Lea Gell, sravaaa, lor a tana ending June M, lttL RtrStyvt fchtna, tombo of aUtrrjy car Htot lath WMl SocrM LorielWKt RESIIIOL! Jlf7lctffl 0IMTMH1 inatmtkat. . ajT ." '-VTuaA While iniAKim TAJixn mm umia i PH. IM Midi t suffered a fractured pelvis. He It in Salem Memorial Hospital. Patricia Roselund, II, Albany, suffered a broken knee, and David Page. !4. Carson, Wash . incurred a skinned face. Both are in Alhsny General Hospital. Two Albany boys. Allen Correll, 14. and Ronald Carper, 12. were treated as out-patients at the Al bany hospital Banks was in a car driven by hit mother. Mrs Minnie B. Ranks, a ho was uninjured in the t 15 a m. crash. The others v. ere passengers in sn auto operated by Miss Rose lund, officers said. Another passen ger. Ward Correll of Albany, waa unhurt. I Mrs. Banks was charged witk ''allure te yield right ef way, offi cers said. Crashes Lead To Four Suits In County A two-car roiluuoa la California two years ago was the basis ei three personal injury tujta totaiisj U.2M Wtdattdty fct Marioa County Circuit Court. Suits naming Charles T. Carter Jr . si defendant were filed by Lawrence C. and Norma Jaaa Harris and in the atmt at then minor child, Craig Lawrence Har ris. Mn. Harris, hated at driver f w car, seeks 03,001 damagea. Craig Lawrence asks Ot.ooa aad Harm asks 11.230 for medical ea penset for hit aon. The two cart collided aa tha San Mateo bridge ia Saa Matoo County, Calif., ia April 19SS. whoa Carter failed to drive ta tha cor rect tide of tha highway, tba corn plain is charge. Ia a second accident tuft. Gar doa Read asks 117 JM damagea la a complaint filed against Edward Drtacber aa tba result af a two- ear coQWoa near Nartnaa'a Oar- aa tha Silver Creak raSi Highway Oct. I, 161. Raid sustained back aad pervia Injuries la tba eoOialoa whoa Drencher failed ta signal before turning tut af tha lane af traffic, according ta tha com plaint Why'.'GcodTc:s i CharC'SufftrsJ Oaaaaa tavaa or eataltaa taae Wa a tvaaaaa ornate, oot aaWaaWtrat. W l saaj Saaf nliaa, taaaaa, aaa) aji 1 1 rtaiaaUa, Aaa, if aaailiai aaa . aHak aaaaaaaa fcm I ui I, a Q ai m mmm aaaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapaajaaSaaaa, aaahi ar aaaaaaaaaal aaaat, ara UMm e aaar aaaaarr-Oaal aaaaa Or Daaa'i fm. Daaa's rati aaa I aaaa tar. Shaf, l-TW an o Hilaaai aSSaaS aa) SUSSac Silaaaaaa. I-A Saal snaxaiaaaa aaa aaUaa aa aaaaaa SaiSiaai, kaaaV abaa, aaaaaaaar aaaaa aaa aaaaa. I A a " - -' aaWaaH fAlaaam wtNaTaMarwVaWpv IMa"4l ajaaaaaaRtBa aaaaMai aaaarvaj kataaaa, SaaaBaat Sa aaaaaaaa Mat avM ad aaa It aataa ai kStaar Sakaa. K pal aha aaaa aaaa amnaia ra. Maaa. I waMPaM'sNSS li-1! ",.. " Oveerrrhee Ua4 boh mi 9?"