JO-(Sec. II) Sutesman, Sln, Ore., Tue., July 23, '57 Truax Oilers Win Ninth Straight V Game The Truu Oilers rolled to their Binth straight "B" League victory as thy downed the Downtown TODAY' GAMEI "C LSAC.II: WK Saleas I lorn as Baft's Belter Market al Bar Mr k M. I; VIM Market vs. gtelnke's 11 rrkk He. I; Nimlni Market vs. Leglea Fast IM U Bert Na. I; J-J Oak l. JukMi Jewelers ! Heyt Ka. t. Lions Club -5. J's 4 Emory's stayed right behind the loop lead en with I 31 win over Master Service. Other ction saw the i Rotary Club down Vista Market ' 104 and Four-Corners Merchants take Berg i Downtown Market in-1 to camp S-l. I In the Oileri win, pitcher Dan I Bevens fanned eight ot the Uons, I while Larry Penrod and Dennii ' Burright were each gathering a ; pair of singles. Emory Billings had ' two hits for the loners J's Emory's were held to three hits by Master Service chucker Ned Darling, but eight errors by the servicemen handed the win to the westside crew. 1 Winning pitcher Doug McCor mick struck out 14 batter and al so had two-for-thre at th plate. Rotary Club came through with it's second win of th season dis pite being outhit 13-1. Seven walks and six Vista errors helped the clubmen. Jay Brack had a pair of doubles for the winners. The losers' Clarence Steink collected four-for-four. Four-Cornerj' Nelson held Berg's to one hit. that a third inning double by losing Alvin Sheets, as th Merchants garnered their sec ond win at the year Saltm Uons . 903 onj J S Traux Oilers WO U S 4 I Hanlev an Kelley. Btvana and Burright. Hearer Service one ino i- i 3 s J i A Emory s lm 030 x-3 3 3 Darllns and Suffer. McCormuk and Partte Vista Market - 220 oil - S 11 S Rotarv ( luh 041 1.1:. 10 11 RneebrauaTh and Reiwald. Brack. Haven ill and Teller rur Corners inn MO 5 4 t Ber I Market 001 000-1 I 1 Nelson ana scttartr sneeti. La- wards ill and Hunter haan cwar WAS CALLEO-THE -v MIGHTIEST STRIDE HOBSE OF ALL TIME. LEN6TH0F HIS STRIPE Hall Takes In 2 Greats White Sox Trounce j Cards in 13-4 Game (Caitliaara' (ram preceding pagei 5 far-old bonus pi chcr. lor ei'.hl rurs in a big 'hird nnpi 'ocv and coa-t to a 13-4 romo over the St Louis Cardinals in the annual Hall of Fame trophy game. j Chisai Bat Twelve Twelve White Sox went to bat in the big inning for four singles, two double?, and a two-run home' b- I Jim Rivera T ie ounj hi"h schoo1 grd aVo walked tno busier Chicago iir"d a"o her pa-r ir the fi'th r" 1 1 Hr f "r- tiot in the ei-hth on V'.-lt Prow's three run homer off Wilirrr 'Vine gar Bend1 Muell j Mystified by the fine southpaw . pitching of 17 year-old Jim Der-1 rington. the (ardinals finally broke into the scoring column with Uo j in th seventh St Louis picked up another pair in the ninth off Bill Fischer who wr'ed the last two innings. They 11 Do It Every Time ...-. By Jimmy Hatlo yf jOt C30ODSU06 .' JUSTY 50TH4T1S THE OUB&TWe TWCK IS TO OUMp r40WLrrS CXVE HIM A S0M6 AHO ISTEERiMS COMMrTTE7( THE crummy joes Oi I set-we h cuwch 4S0UT ? All J 4ll thcv oo & xfA scwe dopey mem6cps I 1 &OTT4 GET &0TT4 DO OUR SMAOE'Jt SMHCrtAl i CffHVV JfM AHO M-4KE tT LOOK V SOMEBOOV k HCIX BITE jrr9 SHIP- VliV UKE AH UOHOR-pi viSS JD MEAMS ' - 1 - T 'Swt flOCXiSl.06 COMMiTT5--Li HV.' FOR , ZV!) 1 AHD S4SB"-1- DV4 THINK WE rTRHJrJCE CK4IPM4N YjTWfMj "WOUC3HT TMEV CJM HOOK? T7 J &OT THE 6UY-TU4T I 7r l ' WCRe JOtHlNto T MEM-MEM- ! jSH NEW MEMBER-MIS WIFE fb J if , " CLU8 TO -1 jiTl IS L040ED- YOU KNOt- f,"SL I I I Mvt- FUN- i nr (WSi. txt sillv-lookih' v uriOHj i v-' if f 5NK-w44Tzii f iVJrLS &9 StnTZTii !f;',i"rt n4mecms8iu. I tTgI J&L 'ir ?Ui v , 7 V51' J J r St. LajiU (4) B H SiottSd.l 4 Mikais 1 Muaul 1 1 Cnnfrim.l 3 Ennui 1 RGSnitn.r S Bayar.m I Coo par .e 4 Maoii.r KaakoJ 4 Millar t Mlzallp I a-Ldnth 1 I R Tax 1 1 HUialdJ 1 Trtan l-l 4 0 Mineso.l i SUndla.m 1 0 Doby.m S aPhpa.m 3 1111 fMctia H O A - r 4 1 i S Aparco i 1 1 1 Otodo. I I 1 Spate Ml I OBattav.c 4 1 Drrion 1 1 n-Nrttiy riahar.p 1 Tntalj 3SI0M I Tolill 40 17 7111 a-Ran for Don in !rd b Walkrd fur Drnntrln in 7ih c Simlrd lor Mutll l;i h gl Unun Ml M0 ?0J - 4 ChM 00S SM I I E Kspoflto Cooper. Tn-ewn Phillips. RBI arlnoo. Doby Eipnal lo 111 Ball ill Rivrra Oi. Hal neld. Miull. klikiia. Dropo 3i. Cun-' mnfham. It G Smith IB Mutial. Torfeaen, Kaako EaDoaito. Battcv, Bcfiatwld HaKiald. Rlvara. Mitall , HB Rlvtra. Dropo SB Ballry S Ml kail DP Sertoli!. Mi km and Cuanlnftiam. Lafl St Loun II Chi- i rata S BB Dtrnnflton I Millar 1 Mitetl 1. riK-htr I SO-Drrnncton I. Millar 1. Miiall I HO-Millar II In t, Mlaatl 1 in i, Derrlnffton t in 7. Flactiar I In 1 R-rR-Mtllfr 10-10 ; Mtaell J-J. Darlnfton 1-1. Fiarnar 1-1 PB Batuy U - riaJiertr Vrnion Chylak. trawfort. Tima-JJ7 A .- CRAOWICK POSTPONES SWIM WESTON - Sl'PERMARE. E a g laad, July 22 Jk-Fiorenc Ctta4 wick today postponed her attempt to swim the Bristol channel be cause the water was to choppy. Cat Mentor Eyes Season (Caatiaae! tram KeaUaf page) two and lost four. But all hands I in th Northwest Conference pre dicted th young club would de- ivelop into a potential champion ship threat in 5" Such may be. lor only tackle Dale Greenlee, quarterback Benny Holt, fullback Chuck Koani and "Windy" Seque ra. along ith Bainrt have been lost to this year s tr,-in Then there is the crop of ircrrn ing freshmen. Ogdahl dnen t like to talk much about who s expected, for fear that someone else may go around knocking on doors with propositions t attend college else where. But it is known that three capable South Salem athletes halfback Larry Thompson, tackle Jim Robinson and end Mike Berg rand fully intend nrolling at WU. There will be others. Tb Bearcat boas wilt again be insisted by Jerry Lag the com ing season The team will employ the split-T offense and, if things work out as Ogdahl now antici pates during his leisurely days of golfing, gardening, sunbathing and reading bedtime stories to th kid dies. It will also u the two-pla tooa style at last year. j PeeWee-Midret Baseball: TaTTjsPaTaTaTaTaTaTafc i The River Road Raiders suf fered first defeat of th Midget season yesterday. 5-4. after grab- bine a auick 4-0 lead over the Bar- rick Chiefs. Relief hurler Pill Col- TOIMY t GAMES MlllOKTS WESTinM LEAOl'E: randahrl llritaa v, H'vl r rinn II Kayt Na. I, Hovt Hkne v. ( mi'alar.a Bru.a at Havl Na I. E S T I RS l t OIT: Kaove- 0 l ii Rirr Rnad tilanlf at Brrlrk n I. Barrtrk Knaekaui Tt. Rlvtr Boa Plratai at Barrirk Ka. I. lette stemmed the tide while his mates pecked away with three runs in the fourth and two in the fifth for the win. The Barrick Knights knocked the Washington Redskins off the unbeaten list as they scored in every inning to lake a 11-7 win. i In th Western League the West Salem Indians came through with win number three as they downed the Hoyt Red Sox 12-1 behind the two-hite pitching of Dick Schindler. The other Western clash also featured good pitching as the West Salem Cuhs downed the Richmond Royals 12-0 wtth BUI Hammer flipping a one-hitter. Mad Skina 111 11 7 J I Knur," m li -II 1 Larann and Millar. Guilahvnn and Keaier Indiana m 44 II t 1 Baal Son III I I II Srhlndlar and Jaeni Hufrtt and Martin Plotting to pass the ou8 h404cwes o4THcyu.D0rr EVERY REChME m a itarru) hit iwurwiT I llC rr.UkxxJXMLL. ti v. Big Advance For Title Go NEW YORK. July 22 OPPro moter Emil Lenc is "looting confidently" toward a tSOO.WO tat at the Polo Grounds for the j Floyd Patterson-Hurricane Jack son heavyweight title fight July 29. he said. An estimated 1150.000 in sales already is in the till. Lence said he "will surprise a lot of people " when he announces Ihe adiance ticket sale later in the veek Tnm Kspesito. ticket manager. the rseie'f seat sale picked up heavily during the past few days i Esposito said he expects a crowd of about 2.V0O0 at the Pol. Grounds which will seat about iS. 000 for a fight Tickets range from S30 for ringside seats to 15 general admission ducats which would be sold the day of the fight only The fight will be televised by NBC at 10 pm. 'EDT. It will be "blacked r.ut" within a rHius of 75 miles of New York GopbrBdl Totals High Ramos, Roberts Allow Most HR's NEW YORK. July 22. -Pedro Ramos of the Washington Senators who nerds only to yield three more home runs to Set an American league mark, and Robin Roberts of the Philadelphia Phillies, the ma jor's record holder, have given up the most gopher balls among big league pitchers this season. Figures compiled by the Asso ciated Press disclosed today that Ramos, a 22-year-old righthander w ith a M w on-lost slate, has al lower 32 homers in 140 innings. The American league standard is .14 set by Camillo Pascual of the Senators last season. Retorts Has Gives 21 Roberts has permitted 2 circuit blows in ISA innings to lead the anonal leaeue. The JO-vear-old highthander, who has tost seven! Jtfd with lrerie etpi I7 gttTTiTS lm TUW, WMUiiaiKTV m major league mark in 1936 when, he was tagsed for 41 gophers. ! The Ctaicag White Sox and l' . ".. a.ak.Ak kskUJh! IVtindaM ,lJ AUUCUVi Cn.ll liwi ID D0E3 A JOCKy 00 WHEN HE J . V RlDfrS ACE- New York Closing Stocks Baamrtaa a twarnn Lynch Flore., fanaat an 1 Mas 0' War was ere walloped seven homers off Ramos pitches. Cleveland and New York have touched him for five apiece, Detroit four. Bostoa three and Baltimore one. Jim flivera of the White Sox has been Pedro's individual nem esis. He has been responsible for thrre of the Washington young sters gopher balls. Vic Werti of Cleveland. Charley Maxwell of De troit, Mickey Mantle of the Yanks and Irv Norm of Kansas City each hair hit a pair off Ramos. Dodgers Hit Most The Brooklyn Dodgers have hit the most homers olf Roberts seven. Then come the Chicago Cubs with five. Cincinnati and St. Louis four each, Milwaukee and feet (which, If maintained far a Bile, meant Just 1H strides for "Big Red," with a few feet t spare. I H ride with the rifh. stirrup thrter thai the left A jockey it Mid to be riding "more ace-duce" at he b ereaset the difference la stir rup length. Long Home Stay Opens Admiral Corn Al Cham It Dye Allla Sin A ills duun Alcoa Aluminum Ltd. Am Alrlinaa Am Can Am Cyan Am Molora Am Sll rdr Am TAT Am Tobatro Am Vlaraaa Anar Copper ... Amu-o Armour Atrhaaon Too . Avca Bandli Avia Beat foods .- Bath Stl Boalnl Air Borden Bora. War - . BucTrus Burro Addina C Calif Park . Campb Soup Can Par Hy Caaa ; I . Caterp Trac Calanear Carta! naad Chea 1 O Ir Chi M A Si Chi NW Ry Chi a li hy Chryilar Citiai Sarv Climax Moly Cluall Paa . Coca Cola Collt Com Credit Comw Cdiaon Cons Kdlaoa ConUunar Corn Con Cont Oil Cran Oil Crown Zall Curtias Wr in4 s.i 4S . Ui S0, . !' 44i 44 "'l 4:1 IT3i, It'. 41'. ST, T'i IS 7, M 4.1 49, 41'. SO'i 41' 41'i 41' 43', Mi, as', is, sH is ' .... 4l, P MJ. 33", M. SCH, rt'j . ... IOS . - M1t 1S, 451, '. II ... 4', 4H. riintknta Tord Motor .. (i Can Dynamk-f Can tiac Can Food Can Motor, . Cn Tira Go Pac Ply Gllletta Gllddrn . -Goodrich Goodyear Grace WR Grt No Ry Grl Wad Suf Greyhound Gull Oil Homeslake M I lnl Harveat lnl Nickel Int Paper J John,-Man Jonei A M Sll 4 ?. . 37', ir. '. 4'. nl 34', " .Hi'i TS . Phelpa-DodSS PhiU-o lorp Plul Morn, Phil Petrol Pillahury PriH A. Gam Pin Sd P A L Pure Oil a Radio Corn Hdwtmcr liu' Rri'UH Sll Rrvnulrl Met ! nr iinln Tno 4J. 1 n ... K 21 IS, 117 M', 10T, 47 J', ICMtiauea Irani sreeealhlf sfe) inite signs of cracking that su periority by knocking over the We natchecs twee in three games in New York three apiece and Pitts- n P Th to""' ' burgh two. 1 11-S for the Chiefs, who ar (bejl Early Wynn of Cleveland Is run- onjy outfit able to boast more wins nerup to Ramos in the American th ,0JJM jn compeutjo,, wilh league. Tb veteran righthander. A M-gamc winner who has pitched th most innings in th majors (161), has (iven up 21 gophers. Wynn Is followed by Jim Bunmng of Detroit with II and Tom Brewer of Boston with IS. Bob Friend of Pittsburgh Is in second place in the National league with 22 "home runs off Salem for the seasoa to date. Brenner will lead off the im portant bom Slay with th big rookie righthander Tom Gibson, who last week struck out a record It Chiefs in a 5-0 victory at We natchee. Then it will be either B Deere A Co 0a Match Oouf Air Dow Cham Da t de Ne I Cast Air U . Cast Kodak CI Pa,o Gas fcmar Radio tx Cello r Fairchild a', 31', .. IV, S3 103', 33'. lln, 3J4 ' 40', Kilner Alum . Kennacolt Kern Land L Llbby McN ... Llll Myeri lOt Glaai Lockheed Air Loew s lnc M Maanavna Marsh rield Merck A Co Monl Chem Mont Ward Motorola N Natl Biscuit Natl Cash Rrl Nstl Dairy Nail Dun II Natl Gypsum NaU Lead NaU Supply NY Central No Am Avia No Par Ry NW Airlines O Olin Malh Otis Cley . . P Psbco Par G ft r.l Psc TAT . Pan Am Air Penny J C Pann ay - Pepsi Cola .. . Ill", ... 5. ... II', J si', M'. II'. 41', j 40, I H', 4S, 's 2S, 4J. 130', 44 33 V'. 4.1'. 14', 47'! 30', 47'; 129', ll'i . 7SJ, 21' i . slr Sit. I St J" Lead Ui i. a sr Rv i St Rfi' Phr IS. hnelr Ind ! S. oil Taper : Sear? Roe I Shell nil j Sinclair Oil Skelli Oil I Somn -Moh Sou Cel Edi .. Sou Psi Ry Sou R I Sperry Rand I Std Rrsnd Std Oil Tal I Std OH Ind . Std Oil NJ Sludf-Psik i Sunrsy Oil I Sun.hinf M Swift A Co . Sylvan), fl T S3 . IS1, 40', . 4, 4.3 . ' !', 43'. 3S', 25 i-'i SI 73', 59', SI1; 31'. il's 3.1' 11' Tea. In "3. Texa. Gu!f .. . 3"' i Textron - H'i Tlde-Ao 37'. Transam 3S', Tran, Wo Air 14', Twen Cen For 3' , I' T'nloo I'srb 123 I Union Oil ... M's Union Pso Rv .10 Uni Aln-rsft Wj t'ni Air Linrs .. 29s. I'm Corp Nm Truit .... 4J1, I'S Plvwood 34 , I'S Rubber 43', I'S Steel .. 7P', V. ,rrer Pir IV i ' Wash Wster P 3.1', West Air Rr ::', , Wier.u Air i Weslrrn FJer 7 Wetern Union ... If Woolunrth 4J', T. Zen. in 120 Grains Take Sharp Dip CHICAGO, July a vtmjJ turned sharply downward i. I dealing an the Board of Trade! nay. new siyi jury wheat nearly lour cents and July orari icu dsks nearly cents. This was the last day for irJ in July 1337 contracts and n now remaining opea jnost he tied by delivery of the actual tasni grain. ,r i. i , mew siyie wnem ClOsea l (0 I lower. Cora H I W lower 1 1, lower Id W higher, ry j ,l i'i 3'j wwer, soyneani ji, . - jj,,J lower and lard J to 15 cent.J 3', hundred, pounoa lower. li'' 1 A report that Pronch wheat Z it ' being offered on th continent 43' 1 1 lower than U.S. wheat prices JJ 1 helped along the selling ipur 4i', israei was scneouiea 10 purchi - 4R.V00O bushels of U.S. hard uK, ,4 ' I arter the dose of the market i',; Favorable crop weather J'J1 'lack of demand for most jn 34 futures nao a bearish r(iJ - 41', throughout most of th marl session. Wheat future got off to H appeared to be a firm start expectations of heavy buy flour mills. This failed to mate! alize. however, and selling ed. Chicago Grain CHICAGO. July Portland Produce Stock Market WHEAT (01) July September December akeal (New) Jul! September De. ember March Mav IMtS JuU Seplen-her Oecemher Mr.-h Msv nK Julv September December March Mnv lohy JUiV PORTLAND iff - Butteriat - r P II Tentative, subject t immediate JtSSSIOIl UUII chenge Premium quality, dehv- ered in Portland, o- eenu perl ww V0RK juiv r The sepiembar lb: , .,,J,U"ty- tk market put in another dull S'r quality. a-. .... and irregular session today with Ma Butter-WT esale. ro.lL bulk cft, Mrrow e (or , hand. cubes to wholesalers-Grade AA.i,,,, , i, ;..., iiiL-.K-, Among pivotal stocks the range : No,nlrJr of a point to the upside or down- March side was tnough to take care of most fluctuations. The Associated Press average of CO stocks dipped cents to 1186 60 with the industrials unchanged. J3 score, S94; A grade, M score, UH: B grad. to score, 57; C grade, tt score, tt. Cheese To wholesaler Oregon singles. 41-41 lb; Oregon $-lb loaf. 43V31H. Eggs-To retailors Grade AA. large, SI a. A Urge. 47-48: AA medium. 42-43; A medium. 40-42: A small. 17 a Cartons, 13 cents n 1 Or i: !?''' JS1H ' I !?,., 1 i-n, i S3 Il' I13',4 ' eaves', Ml,- TV's H'a JM's I 33 1 JI'.-', 1 J'i 13', 131', t 341, I 31 31', I 3S,-a I3S, ' 1541, tsi'iu 4-44. S S3 aiS-tSA, - Grsil riese! jns'J I 3 I IS'. 1 ji-, j iii n m m ', 12', TS', 1 3I 1 ' 133', 131 1 34 1 ',' 1 13', ' I W' 114', 1 37', 141 41 41-47 44,4! 1.41,.': till,-'. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. July a UPUKAt- Ho,. 3 000; aeneraUy SO-7S hish the rsib down 30 cents and the both butchers ami sows; ' lsd-ns 11 Andy 'The Bear' George or Lefty Also high in this department are Jimmy Jones on Wednesday night, I additional Don Ncwcomhe of Brooklyn with with Chuck Lyheck standing by, Eggs To produceri 21. Ronn:e Kline of Pittsburgh 20. for Thursday's game. Ul-43S: A large. Hal Jeflcoai of Cincinnati. 17, and Ruben Gomel of New York and Brooks Lawrenc of Cincin nati with 1 each. Midgets Set Bowl Races Gibson New al t-ll Gibson now has a medium. 32 34' j . A small, 25-26' 1 Live poultry No 1 quality. t-U record fob. Portland Fryers. J'i-4 Ihs. utilities down 20 cents Volume totaled I 950.000 shares compared with 1.930 000 on Kri- -AA large, M-40li. A Tha ,pc.ini4 most actlla slrw-k Sunshine Mining, was up IS at I3H on 72 000 shares George bad a good one again,! 24',; light taj, , ,il . it farrn: , 5, ,nJ gondj Eugene last week, winning 5-1 lor his 10th victory. ViTien Lybeck goes again, he'll be after No. 17. This will be the second Salem visit for Bert Haas' Wenatchees since the club was stocked with th former Clovis, N M, athletes eld reeaelle By Ttta Aataelale Tress ICal ed (rata srereellaf page) there II be up Seattle way if the Hurricane blow down Pat terson next week! . . . Should this happen, betcha one of the first telepsms Jackson would get would be authored by th bold Mr Hurley, suggesting he replace Patterson on the Seattle card . . . Drtssen Proves He's Smirt Bisebill Mm Crsck-of-the-week Charlev Drewen who u currently routing the Coast League teams n one nf baseball's sharp est minds, and he proved it by tak ng the extensive trip so he won't have to watch the last-place Senators play . . . Washington Senators that is As for ur ni village Senators, the golden opportunity I kattckiag ipoa their doeir starting tonight. If the rlab Is f penaaat caliber. It should definite be In first place following the ant II games, all of ens here at home Another ' first " we re hoping for involves Chuck Lyheck the pitching lad from Seattle hn has done nothing but in (or the Salemi since secured from the Wenatche club Chuck now has 16 triumphs and looms a cinch to reach the magjc "20" all pitchers dream of Rut we hope the 21 year old sophomore doesn t stop there The league record is 22. notched by Yskims 1 Dick Young 1 season ago The Sa lem Senators team record is 2.1 rxked up hy submariner Joe Nicholas in VI Chuck can gnhble em all up as there are six weeks of plav remaining and he II have up to a doten starts in that period Ttxi Williims His Yet to Mike An Error Tils should sarvrtae those who picture Ted Williams a the all hit no field star of the Red Sets With the season swore than halt aver. Ihe Splendid Splinter has set to make aa error' not her left fielder named Ted. this one Ted dv Rhodes who was otioneej bv the Senators to I he Fresno rlab awhile back, found ' unlurkt" Jvlv I) a phones Me smashed three ronaecntUe home runs thai das. after (el tiag warmed p wtth a grand slammer the dee before . Fresno asald like to kasw if Salem has any snore lads like Rhodes wa ran t hack It in this leagae Lefty Jerry Cade ihe hurling hem nf Ut er jlem club raptured his ninth vii-torv the other dav for Macon and has been namevl in the Sallv league All-1 tar team which played th big gsme last nigM at Augusta Rav Webster aid Bill Shields snother pair of former Senators are going good for the Amanita luh and got into the art when th outfit biffed five homers in one game Julv 12 Miei kard top rare star Ceril Hint aad Dirk Pare rereatly wrat to Canada to drite the Canadian rtrrait. they aaaaxed the fanork hot rodders to the exteat that owe Jobaay McCrtrara. of Fd moo too, wa loaignod to Mow th taryt around awhile to leer bow they did II MeCrtrketi watched Heterdsv night s Hollywood Rowl pro gran, aad saw Krai Raeh lake the? wta her Then oa ft ad ay 4 Portland k wa Don Hallmas of stU who got the r bickered flag first Tb Canadian investigator wont krvrw what i report Wawst he fell heaaia , , , 3ns yv I) 11 3 non no- 0 , 1 s Dean. Hammer and Ron .1, l ulx "fee and ftlum Oiels Ola 33 I 3 Al der. 410 Oft - I 3 I Tuft Collatte )' and Jepaen Glletrap. riafer ' Gllstrap ill and rieehfnan j AM CRM h 1 KAOll rWtelmd ! tWaattlactma fmgliis rit-lai tl-ly .ttH U Hi I XXrsalt Ctt eWltUgMtr (Hit hi I ; Mn rs wt o Odrit (,- ! f.lrt at Ndw Vrb (aitbtl () lr (V?) j ( CltT Hi mrSrtM (HlI.H Trtaek fT li t lhga (ll ATK1NM Lr AGt I rww rj u ( h. A ( in ( i nrjtl 4 kVt 1 MraMtklVB t tl Itt laiflttl Pd)r wa J fVll tnarh at rtne-iimati 1 La tl 41 i Rllrf PhMaSla)liM al VIMwaiak- r at f (f 1 -ftanUrdj (IJ.)l tlaamf t-i 1 fill (10-4 1 Orange Bowl To Drop ACC MIAMI Fla July 22 -The Orange Bowl Committee today toted In drop teams of the At lantic Coast Conference after the US game hut agreed In use a Big F.ight team in -19. 190 and 191 Committee Prrvident Jne H Adams said Florida universities will he eligible for Ihe annual New tears Day game when they have outstanding teams'' The: present arrangement does not per-1 mil Florida schools to play in the bowl fame The new plan also would make it possible for South eastern Conference teams to get Orange Bowl bids The committee announced under its new arrangement with the Big Eieht. that Midwestern Conference will provide its championship team ; for the ISM game even if it plavs ill 1W The Big Fiiihl has had a no repeal clause for I's team, bowl participation The current rnnlract heteen ihe committee and the Big F.ight and Atlantic Coast Conference ill end it, five year eiutence ith plavmg of Ihe 194 Orange Bol game The midget racers are next line, at Hollywood Bowl, according I ,((, In Vallev rvirt. nrnmrmr Ron Ail and will present their annual mid ! U"rm ,h' cond thalf"' P1" card season championship Saturday night We ll have between 20 and IS cars (mm Oregon and Washington points fnr this one Al elaborated yesterday Included among the dnters will be ' Barefoot Bob ' Gregg, who is now back in the LI II D Northwest permanently alter a VOW VjOf I f0 iuui ui risirrn tracss. i.regg nans from Camas. Wash ind as al TOK()TO. July 22 .- ".', nl, , renege, n( lmmUy , , Cln,da , heavy hens. 12-13 at farm roosters, 7-9. 1 Turkeys To producers L i v e j,it n weight fryers. 27 M; young hens, sroca Avaaaots 25W on eviscerated basis. I Rabbits Average to growers Net Cnante I I,- whiiM 11. 1 1 1K as sc- mI. Monday k AfO IX Af r Ago 1967 HlfH I SO 7 Lov. . IHS Hun ' ISO Low iuiuici vivtmj, initio 1 . , . . , . . rr... The power-packed Chiefs broke cn!1 ? M "'even in foT game, here last! J butchers 11 7S-11.J: No 1 3 34Sni ih 21 25 11 73. mostly No 1 rm-.tmi lb XI 73 21 U. sows 17kjS-B0.2S Cattle IS 000. calves ; lew slaersi nveraee rhnlre and better ateady tni mi higher low rhmct and below . eak to ;s hnwtr; heifers npenH .leadv to 50 higher, low choice and below closed weak in 13 lower; row, weak to 25 lower; nulla and vealer tead . alockeri and leaders shout .iear prima fed a tears 17 SO-lsm high t-hoire and mixed choice and; prime ateers 2 15-17 SS ; food In av eraie rhotre Z3 OB IS a; food prima heifers II SS-SS.S; cows 11 7S. II no. canners and cuttars 12 14 Ml hull. 17 90-1 M: aond and M IS 13 S rhoice veaiers SS 00-14.0-. common Indus Rail. HUs Slk. ani medium yearung stock steers unrh II 1 D 1 U I 11 so 11 00 177 I lis 1 74 1 IS Sheep I ooo. snrlnf lam be ataadr la isn inaa so hiaher. other rlasaoa ateady; 75 7 IS 3 w prime iprina lamba M 101 Is at 50- fryers to retailers, 59 A4 &2-A3 Wool Nominal, clea basis cut up. ,,'in the circuit. Wenalchee has won blood. 1.15-18: S blood. 1 2S-17 m oi u games alem nas coppea biocs 495 fln, , U of 23 117 1 129 0 J7 2 IJO I SSI 2 122 7 171 S H.I 3 ISO 0 134 7 240 III 4 27 3 155 I lt4S IM1 tieher. other rlasaoa aseady; f 73 .1 ISJ12 14.50 cull to low good IS SO U Ml; i.i .1 im 1 ,horn ilaulhtrr ewaa S.09-7 5. 77 3 ISSS Tsjms Chicago Butter-Eggs fm, a. 114 O-'OO Ih. 4150-43 00: I mZniZn AIT! 41 M. standard. 3500-39 ( dUdUldll Mill iM00.,j00 c,nner, , aulo racing in this arra tnp amateur golfers, announced to- Whalesale Dressed Meals Beef carcasses Steers, choice. 500-7(10 lb. 41 50-43 00: aond. 35 50- 00. utility. n d cutters. 3 00-31 on I Beef cuts 'choice steers1 Hind quarters. 51HV5S00. rounds 45 00- c OK full loins, trimmed. 72 00-' . . euw. tut cuuaricrs. jj iv-jj.ibi. ,r nrr i a n n I ivocrrtrv SOND AVERAGES 1 II IS IS aaUs lada. I ill. rr,n Net Change A I D I D I D I Monday S3S Stl S-L S49L SCOL Previou. Day SI 5 IS 9 S3 n an I 52 7 SO J S S 53 4 90 S S3 1 IM S Mil Ml S7 3 2 90 4 12 i Stl I S4 Be, 3 97 7 SS 0 Ml BO 7 SS I Week A to ' Month Ago I Year Ago 197 High ISS7 Low ISM High 1 ISO Low CHICAGO. July 13 li (USDAI Rulter Htead . wholeeate) selling price, unchanged: S9 erore AA li'.- 5'i ', 2 A 39 i.-SSI,; SO B 57', SS; C 35 ' . 3S Fis hrm wholesale selling prices w . unrhsnged to 1 cents higher. 3 per rem or nener A wnne Sl-ai',; men lum. 34 34',. standarda 19-JO. checks 13', 24', Si' 4 51 3 52 I SO 0 53 2 an 3 Chicago Onions chucks. ber Ail will release the complete list da h, hM ,urnto profession.! and M J1" ol cars and rimers later in the week Time trials will start at 7 Jfl p m . and will he lollowed by Trophy dash, heat races, the Class B main event and Ihe Class A marathon fnr the mid season title will play on the I nited Mates inter Golf Circuit The 23 year -old golfer has been appointed assistant to George Clif ton at Maple Downs Golf Club here choice prime, all wts. n 00- Stars Hold Closed Drill KVAVSTON. Ill Julv 12 The College Football All Slars and will work under Clifton the rest of the summer Me said he will compete on golf s professional lour starting in Jan uary Magee who won the 19.V5 Ontario Junior Championship and last year was second to Moe Norman in the Canadian Amateur competition. led a field nl Canadian and Ameri- POKTLAND 'AA-'l'SDA '-Cattle salable I.KiO. market active fed steers and heifers 25-50 higher, cows steady to strong, balls steady, load average choice 1102 lb fed Canadian steers 2 00 e eral loads choice steers 2.' no 7V ,nl..inn 1 1. . I A- down. 35 -17 M parenha. M OO- M c,na(1n, , rresa nama. u- in. a uu-, Jood ,(m, 2.1 .io-24 VI load 1154 lb grass steers 2.125 Lambs Spring. 41 00-42 0JI. good. 40 00 Pork carcasses Shipper style. 120 170 lbs. 31 50-35 SO Pork cuts Loin, choice. 1-12 N" J. I f lru.r March Julv II - Oniona Oswa Hlfk Law t'ki.r 1 35 IM t 35 I 3S I 47 14 I 47 1 49 1 5B 1 91 1 SS 1 SS I 43 fnr Ih. 59 0O-A3 00 shoulders. 1 Ih Bilko Big-Leaguer iSays Nats' Scout III KSCKUS July a e Washing'nn talent srnul Chock Iraen ,av Ij s,nfne, hig first haemen Se Bilko cnuM play lor fne Smertran league learns i levelaiw letretl 0 age Wash 1 inginei and Boatoai Bilko who has hanged 32 homer, m the Pacific naat league iwi played in 'he National l-eague wrh Oi ago and it I ywns fi'esa told newsmen tha' n hi, npinmei only the ankers Rill Skow rnn Baltimore t Br Rnvr) and Karuvas CKy s W Pewer etcei hi I kn Exhibitions Stir Ice Skaters Plin to Tie Knot SAN TBANC1SC0 July 22 iT- l-eociard r Reel' Kelly rtetenae ace for the Detroit Redwings champions nf the National Hockey League and Miss Anrlra Mc Laugh lin neie of Ihe wnrld I top saler. will he roamed here Aug 12 Miss MrUufhlm 23 said the ceremony would he parformeel in 1 DeBminir s Catholic Chuirh here She m appearing rurretiily in San rranrasrw in the Shrcid. and Inrinaon Ice F allien hr won 3 ce skating tronbiBj and was three lime ' I I repreaema'ive nai (be Tldi Figure Skating team , held their first rUMed in-ihe.n,aKlic ..... , . , ' can smaieiirs in ine (snadi-n open drill today witii the linemen m.k Kllrh,nrr ,tth lm, monln ing an eseellent unpression Im rttcM h, The slars rrvre the Sew York al ol the 1 S Amateur last year Giants National Football League n the open. Magee was even par champions Aug al Soldier field with 2A4. coly t lroks behind The backs ran through their 'reorge Bayer the long hilling pro play in shorts and T shirts but the who won with 771 linemen puf on the pad., and he! mets and shoved each other ' around the field Their work brought a smile from line coach Hunk Anderson They re nice and rough.'' said Anderson wiUi satisfaction an on 54 00 Slab bacon-All sets. UOlHMno Veal sod ralvee. Good choice all wta. 23 00-45 00; standard. J7 00 40 00 Freak Predax-e Onions Wash Yellows Ml Ih sk med 2 2.V.V) Igr 2 50-75 Calif Whites 3 2V.VI Yellow, 2 25-50 Potatoes Calif Long Whites. Dow Jones Avenges Nr.W YORK Jyly U - bnw, rlosina aSoch avaraaaa Hlfk Law IH" 10 Indu.tnala III S4 13.S3 5l .12 I" Mailman, IM 3a ISI 41 131 u 13 lllilille, 70 SS 70 JS 70 VI S3 Slocks I7S 9 177 S3 177 standard 20V22 5n load aieragr Western PCUnfie5 choice 7:4 Ih fed heilers 24 on , several loads good heilers 22 50 These htd an ask nuoutions " 23 VI two loads standard and good jr""" P"s at which em or more B k-,i m ao ,i, i. , dealer., members o trie National A- . v,, uuai, rirnrr Ktior nl Security Dm la r a I" 19 00 2100 ranner and culler cnw ouid trade woth he general pur.n mostly 12 no 13 r. heavv citer. to " ,tm' lh ououtiona 14 00 shells down in 10 no uiiiny and commarcial cows 14 50-17 00 fathered al 1 p m yesterday ahl -Or. inn Ih .k he.l I7SJIK IK iltllltv hull., i - m n u aacade rywtn4 Power Brundage Given Passport Okeh 5ft special marks. 4 50-3 09 No head 19 an M good 1. ? 7V3 7i special fcarks. 2 75-5 feeder steers 21 on Hay-Nn 2 grea?n alfalfa new feeder heilcrv 'i nn crop, baled, fob Portland 200 Cahei salable ' ton Apples - Washington transpar ents. 22 Ih bni loose I SO 75 large 3 75-4 00 gravensteina M Ih boj 4 00-25 smaH 3 50-75. California gravenateina wrspped 5 S0- M and load 'Kin Py Conaol Traiaht choice Iron f reman 0n p'JaMen In. Com Mer A Frank M.irriartn Knudaen Oe -Port Cement Pa. PAL ( obi Pope A Talhnt M ! ae si. an was it . is aoa.e A an aja na r aeiiay SaaaM. . iai e)ata Www , Pitl.ft, JMU rf Sa-.b a l BjMkrr s J SS.norr.e S. .oo ie, M -tnm Bt,P.,,as, ,v CaneUll Bell Grabs Fistic Win M.W YOBK Julv 21 -rWy Bell nvarram aa early disadvan 'age and ram na te sloe, Bohhv roarchean wko failed t answer 'he hn lor ah nnath rejrd ay 'heir scheduled inaunaW al SVfin. .as Arena Inwighs Bell weigh 1 ; W Ceairrbeane 112 Giimbn, Calhoun Sign for Remitch SAN FRANCISCO July 22 Promoter Benni Ford announced tonight he had signed Middle weights Jne? Giambra f San Fran euro and Berr ( arhoun of White Pla n. Y for a laround fight t the San Francwca) Caw Palace Mneiday nigret. Aug al (.lamhra and Calhoua. ranked i 'nurif. and 'ifth in the latest ring magazine ratings, fought ta a bn ilmg lArnund draw in Syracime June II Giamhea corning from he "d hi the last rasind ta I' en defeat Portland Grain Cekery Washington 2'- WASHINGTON. July 22 AThe 4 2i-S0. California 2 24 doi Stale Department announced fnr- few 4 75. m dot 4 902S mallv today will let Aver. Rrun hearts 150-75 dage American chairman of the International Olympic commute travel In ( ommunist Bulgaria . -even year naa j PORTLAND Carte It had been known lor more than wheat 'hid' to am re market a week that the (kpartmcTil had hM1, m , hurt delivered oecioeej is resrerae an earlier oecv e White sioa ta farhid "(he visit wnrte 'esehjding Rei Brundage will attend an OlympSr , whita, Ooh meeting in tew Bulgarian capital nf Sofia (en liar BANSS n,nk nl America Rank of Calllnmia Chase Manhattan Firsl Nallnal Tint Nal City NY I' 9 National market ar tive steady to strong good and choice veaiers 19 DO 23 on few 24 On Portland '.as A Coke . and one al 25 nn mil. downward tn 1100 good and ihmc stock steer calves 21 no Hogs salable 900 maikel active dm 25-75 higher sorted Nn 1 7 grade 4 2i- butchers 1702-Li lb. 24 iO;s. new high in nearly 1 lear, Nn 13 grades 23 TV 24 25 lon-vm Ih sows is nrvjn on Sheep salable 2 market ac live spring lamhs Ml higher; feeders slrnng In s higher ae eral lota choice WilUmetle Vallev spring lamhs 20 0O Sil mned good and rhotre 19 on VI) good and rhnsre feeders ISVH7 0JI Rid A 3' . 17 II 11' II' 33' S3 1S is . li 13'. J Tt', 11', ', 41'. 1 S3 Salem Quotations nt'TirarAT lAndr Premium rx.r.s Hard Red Winter Ordinary It 1 2 2- T N'",n,' ( aunrtl of the aJai' Cruirches nl Chrit m is 1 SA is Investment Trusts i w r.llka Smilh.r A (o loci Yjkimj leafs Spolune an I 1 nti a at aa e i s i SPOKAMK. J'iry 23 '. k,ma Jl" af the Naeihweet I caf .s pned the aaami pea Sgmkane fw -lc. , . , 'neiigtw an HkilCio. haall r o--o. see ise an s r w-riai asn ass saw - a t gaov 'f.rr. w rv- I TKai Ortnte nhi Mw ka-. A 12 H.'ZC'mJZ; , "ZLZ'JL W Prhtng and , I -Cis aaani. CoSa-ns. asrarkMaBS. I I akknaa SSI anesraed runs. A Aa i Nameless Gals Stphf Eugene Doubleheader FIGEN'E Jili 8 'SpanaJ'- Th Nameless Market girls anfthsl j 'earn spW i3oej.eeayW leer tavf day liming tha aecaey Mae At i nver l(ieiaigfieM aftee driasayalig the fleet game 9 I RnayiBB rer an,?. a.wr SlecTB aeM Sw'f.i4 W.-Ua, BSaekee asat L, Mamayla. mh sia a a saw aaa ft-a rWakBje as aas II aaa , 4 KrawkSH a AfMlate fun ( erta4lan Fwn Century Sharaw Truel Oamwal Fund Delewara Fweia Diver Invest Fun Orvaena Sharaa taMm t 9 9,1 INin Oaa Ina Oev T lnrwa li Key rues FweMM II n 4 K-l SI 9 4 Maw IUmI r-,oa SAaea lwef Trvel Blast S Ww. Incoene Sr-ai lark SKWI Pe4 a 'I Well Tel rje rma! VaBw Ijr lor fim I WellHifSaai Twmt a .a 4 as JO 41 u ya nil II li s as 1 7 S 97 14 a . 1 aa Saw ia e I as 9 w n sw 9 II I tn 11 IS I 9 a t as i si a T7 II SS IJal I sa 141 12 per cent Hard White Baart A.y.d Ordiautry rJS W jsti " P il's 12 per cent Mneiday I car recstpls lei 4 barlary t Dour M Mil HU V mill feed 1 is si 439 ie st Uons 124 - - 3M 2)4 rorrtpnaed nf Jo sr.aratf denomtna Oregon Fee Prort.Brer. ' Price. In farmer, are 9 In 9 c under theee wholeaale price, Jifnlw A rlr, la.fe AA I .arte A A I ' A . Mrd'.im A A Small A PCitn TSV ' North wee foullryl lffhoco News i oloced Hens Old Roosters - - 321 231 2 21 221 Wheal con I lltaMaMk. "TTaTVTTTIBl,TTflT'I1 OlayaAl-lIM T1 I a(gasa(gajyeMjBaBa. Philsdwrphuj sue-way pr4icmea I don't slways ua UN sueway U, ,e ti ; Mtrta Uvatr bawls FWe nf them i i a rvoe irwra ana sneiwar aiasjoa la ssawkieT aw kajryekes 1 Has 99 191 IS t M 91 9 St 49 las MS I1S1 at 141 MNTA-TOOt, N Tewsrweef. k't fVeaw OriN SUNOATt lerriavg raajrta Mttre 'M MOWSIft IIOV i rat sawrta itta hl tc a TV HUI YTAJ THf nxx I TO elOM toco: fff (uwitM raws TMIR K AM UaVB eatet iAca 9fTkl WeWf' IMJL aVMX JUWrHjai tsiUUtaUTOCVtrl laTaMSS MS) t tU SB AttSBS, F IN MVTM HIGH STttXT, iALCM PtaTaaHtaVf 9M reaisiMiaal te aewsjaBesasfaat raarxt sot Maaia meum t Fa