Comic, Historical Characters Surround Salem Grandmother in Unusual' Business . The hta baty af i&m. FaadBMiatr , M cat icUL! type BUB Um m Far S ndu a rw teiit "did ewee aad wnn aad (tan riewaa Mi eat ter partita, playa. eat eao MNerrauag Aareat at hrat (iMtt ber atop a a Dawy Mm cararr Mrs. batrt But the UC tamthaY DgpaaC cwKun art araaaad na -fta U1 Abatr. tWrttaa j tv ni m m m, Mna wh then Hottit Hofirr rat id! alt SaufTy &, leay, aad Jaghwi Hrt near tpa ewmw atrip nit It Baaataa accuracy teal Saw the eed-lune ceetun are tht meat pepaiar Utfwtfhwwt rear Mr riHltctiet af M-M ciatbea "t watnee't bate aad Hoar t trees tht Mf lin t mm laWi nyi i and J H i autfn. "llancr tht 1W: aad archaic Udte ta Mtu that mat ant how eayaae cwuld Boat la mart Mat mm Cictft far tuck aatheauc arti- ehthiag. awe make tf tht (Mm hantV. Whoa we wr tht Mere, aha was at bar aewring machlat. nta Mt a pear red aaf . -vnite atrtted fr ' "f ") with lack Sara a aiarry fL '"? kim, Therea Bothtng that con aut like the Saata daw at Cknaime. Wt have U tf them, aad they r aftea ail am at ana tana. A single Si may ft Mt aevwral bates duruae Dwwnbar. becauae trgaaitatioae ftaa do their Chriatmai cekbra- (nf tarQr. aUacuc aa aa al tha ad walk) wee bar neat prawd taay riding hah, fcr (aJNattiBBBajBBee 4ffkMBBjiwj Vi Jaiiii mi ! " -Mi V lili)M WPiHWiiu iMlllllllalal 11 a " f " ' i i . . , J . . ' f ,1 ( k ' ; " -Balk 'Bra!, Daity Ma K 1 aaal Item riM 1mmj weaMli arMant far yal," uyt Snffy Samttk . . . "Saiaify- ai rtai Uf t is Mn. Katk Batyc W Saleaa, prayrietma af Kata'i CattaaM lBtai aaly Mart af Ua kia4 far adlet araaad. lira. Batya kaa Was m aiaf tkt kfifji alaM iiat Nav. 21 Salem Area Airmen to Train With Reserve Wing TwmtjHM mi froa Um Sv Iwaal kM IBM! lalltl Wrt Aa rviaj MrfavytdW. mar, thaa Ma) tht Nortawtafi 403rd Troop yran aw. tm babit wu akia to tht dresar and bathiaf tyiti M Carrtrr Wln who will Icavt ant throu(haut Ortcoa aad Waahiaf toa, tht wiaf will Uka part la troop carrier eparatMMu aad troop parachute drop duriRf tht Tat DonflM worid air "New Orlaaaa," waa recaatly placed la tht V. S Air Forct Ma- wn ta Daytaor Ohio. It waa tat of the kittone (our waieh aaada taa rwaad-tha-world Cifht B Selling Attempt Qrerkurd by Wrong Person ka"'waa wtTawad ay "a day hy ey paaca aa a ckarga at aartf antaaat a ieaaaa. Oi . facte Hiaway. waa ar- aard kaa am'haTtak la Mra. I ataard Caav n Kaatwaad Dr. aVal rkikitnraTal'Ktw Yark. waa tiliinl ta had. Ht waa cad la aawcar hi HaaMBal Caart Haaday. Mrs. Welborn Rites Monday Carncta iar Mra. Aaa LydU WtttMrm. B. af ia H MU a. dMd rnoay a Sake aat ai wdl at Maaday at M aoa. tht Ckwaw-&arnck Otapal fe tht Rr rraak SUaaard at- bcutiat latcrwinl wil at at Bei- creat hUananal t ark. Eat waa hara Dec. XL Ml al SwttaarUad dM daaaWar af aaarrlad hi mf h J. Varraa Wtt- Mra. Vaftara waa a tapOat Ckwrck. re a aaa. Dr. 1 Vefeara. fartlaad; krr. Mra. EJtaabaOi SaJaca; aattrt, Miaa Martha raa- rar aad Mr. Maria rartr aad Paul rwarar. bath af Sabaa: Water faai poia, fa., aad five paadcajMraa. Mjn Arrested on Check Charge fiurlda. O. af Salem Boa Tie. waa arretted Saturday by city pobct aad Manea Cauaty Drputy Shtrtfl Mtaa Shaw aa i Manaa Cauaty diatnet ceurt war rant charnaf ahtaraiBd moary aad property by doe pretanaei. Bail waa aet at DM. The cbarrt tavwhea a cheek hut weak at Orcatt a Mar- N. River R4, a paaaad I kat. 00 Delegation Home From Institute Brtea aUriea Ciaaty aaratat ra araad aatarda kwa tw wark haaj akahnwafiaa aaataata add aa laa Uaivei afy a Orwfaa atanat Cauaty waa aaa at awwt iinantamaa ta tht awtawt. whaaa aaa waa la het aaivt aretaaw af rwaaaiaiataei ay pr vaaaa) a aataar kawairdajt af eam BMBMty w aeejtta. Stttesnua. SaJwn, (Ve, Stay July II. "ST (Set; 13 103 Mid-Valley Drivers Seti For Soapbox Derby Today wiaiair wtl add a aa MO hen Ireai I aud-winamimi ffeam laday rtuoeut tar VaBry father at Buah Park Dtray peerae Iar Dw tuth aaaaal reaaaaj af tht Saaaa Saaawam Dtray The aroaraa a aiatad ta htpa at 1 pa. wiU tht bai ftrat ciatauatj thrw akwk rart cart treat aaaaaU kkCaoaca ireai thta cewaty BK-iadrd Biiaaw.1 Vtary, BuTttag . Saoarday leuewaw the Manaa Caaaty atapkaa Darky f aradt aad a cm Baby BiiaarB. i ical atapvctMe by Darby tffictala. af the Cauaty! T. km tadart ran rard th ta awa oaaaa Aaav: aat u uay Park rat by the Sean Batnatwa Bead ptayutg Vtnara aaptrrwar wu eat teuan Caiaiaa a: Bit art MiBrr. eccw- at Ortfta State Wiapftl; Caw pa Cdaa. aaahtaat -waa Manaa Caaaty acatear; Mary Laaaaa Lee, caaa ariar with Pat On aaa Drtawaa af VaraOaaal Bakaiatiaa; aid BaraM Bnaalar. aaaaaaar af aa Mai aaa rail Caapteywaaat aarrioa. hi adotoaa la areata treat Ore faa. the laamwti aa waa at bajdad by teaaaa tram aahia bja. Nevada, Aneaaa aad Alaaka. The afla waa ajmind by dw Ftdaral OfSee af VacaUaaal k hahiiaartaa k reaparartta wttk Hat tfOcaa Orttjta dlriaiaa aad tht Ortfta TwbartvJoaie aad Hrekk 4-H Saddle Show Planned track ap tht B racers, key 11 aad a. a beau later, at 1 M aja the Qji B waaaar wd tht tat foot aapaa twat aad tht Cleat A tatrwe. bavi U at a wvl ha rewtted. railow aaj aQBaaataaaa Qaaa A aad B fmaoata wsB waa ever aet rack at p m . m fee derby a cftaa- Tnp to Ohat Tht MS? champwa eiU recem a fret trip ta Akroa. Ohte ta t ipttt tht M reaatnf tf tht aeuaaal aeapt it derby, a irwiaaiat tro phy aad a rauoaf trapky. pata BOTrhaadur pnaat. At Akrta at wtl he treat a B-kweJ wnarwaica. Daratj aaa has race " at Akraa the yeuag anvert wil ba. - aajik bar tlSJat hi e .1 mt a km la j After Sta Sabaa raraa the Darby Meant Oah aad Bitaltk Let wil aero f pja. barbaeae award aeitiiett caratr tf Buak farm. The antaer a apea bj tht pabar at a email dura hi Satarday a parade amert aad rartra red taraafk time ta car. truck! aad trailer. Mtaf ltd flTB tht Star tptafltd Baaaar the lap feraaai Bag lea carta Oact at take Inwaiii alary foBowiag ttua. at 1 ia a feabarad "Screw. arreer' race wdl be tuged by derby aVeclor Alfred Ptaitiar aad peat derby da-aclar eppaacati Wu bam Page aad W L Barartt. At i pja. tM) atarter till tv iate acUaa tht tint heat of tht Duke Sdtlls Collection LONDON. July ht yp Thr Dukr of Wwjdter told part tf an kmck kaack cwoartiea thia war awhid lag a award Empertr Hireaji tf Japaa gave kaa m im Hirehae thra waa Crewe Prate aad the Duke t fraca af Waka. St participaata la 4H taddlt herae preaacta will kavt a part ht tht Arat aaaual Marioa Cauaty 4-H Saddle Hon Shew at tht State PairtTtwada arxt Satur day aad Sunday. The ahow. free ta tht public, wdl lachide a wett-rwanded program There wil be cttnptutlta ia Programa ta both day will Mart at t am., wttk Paul Adatne, Graata Paea. obtained aa Judge. ban plea a aptrala a rewaatMat Suaday for two wrekt of turn-1 active duty ttint. Minted by reaervUU the rrt. and mutt haVt COmt Cloat mar .ru-mntnfW at ChlM Paht Vi.. (. ik.. .1,14 In oraumg m ine Outt white milady atruggted ta maiataia her be la nc atop the herat. Ia the back room waa a comical borae, tt be worn by two mra. one w root mtmpilatlng tht tyrt ,mi mm holdteg m roar, uanar ttfiHrtti. toe Ck-aak war- atyrtad af Btr currtat arayart k ftp aa eemolng tf a (onrpklt nwBafwr te. She hat joat ordered t rnrilU raatnmt. and a ptneeda wiB follow She tayi tht moat common ani mal requrat it for 1mm. follow ed by ronUat, caU. and rabbiU. Lett af Uaght Mn. Baiyt (it rhyrntt with Catty), who Uvea at 1480 N Hat St. and U the wift of architect T T Buy, aaya tht work givea ner a nevtr-eadiag laugh. Though la general the lob make her laugh, thert'a ant atpect of tt the doeto't like: That Involve her ttock of mustache and whiak ert, which rangt from Cay 90 a handlebar! to Heirieaa Jot'i big red beard. They make bar aneeae Mn Baaye originally ran a rummage atore at I7i Market St When a dreatmaker neat door de cided to move away, in November. 1955, the offered to aril Mra Baye 15 coatumet ahe had lying around Suddenly Mra. Batyt waa In the rottume-rental builneu Her atork of IS costumes grew to Mo, and early thia month Mr Btnye moved to larger quarter In a frame bout on Smith Conv meerclal Street. She added to her tupply of cottume a variety of period ihort. beard, muitachea, wig, note, eart, tiartt, even liquor jug. ' Vandals Raid Valley Home ACMSVIIXE. July SV-Vaadala party thia maniac attacked the bomt af Maria Beach, AamfTille K. 1, Boa SU. Salem atata pallet Mid. Officer reported the plate (lata ta a teteviatoe tat waa broken, a mirror on a kitchen wall wu amaihed and meat from a refrig erator waa thrown on tht floor Tht vandala alto drank a quart of milk, police aaid. Nothing waa reported atolen. officer added. Accidents Can Be Prevented, Says AAA Unit from participate include Cpt Herbert T Mellor. 1115 N leta) St., S. Sgt. CUir I Prieat, 440 O'Hamet St ; T. Sgt Robert T. WUiaate, 4M4 Ilrdala Dr.; S. Sgt. Gerald D. Martin, Salaam Bt S, Beat 190; Airman S. a, lay L. latimoni, U10 N. lTtt Bt; 1. BtJL Jaaaa M. Braa taa, IBM Park Are. U. Sft George I. Day. BOSS Peak Are.; S. Sgt Bkhard H. Wallace. Ki S. lath St.; let U Roderick Blade, US N. 43rd St; S. Sgt Richard . Greet, 2W1 N. Rreer Rd ; Airman 1 e. ;. L. Wldmer, 4111 Tonl Are ; S Sgt Billie A. Dokkln. 1343 Karen Way. T Sgt. WUliam L. Vanderhoof, 689 S, 18th St ; Airman 1. c. Charlea R. Corneliua, 1364 Mary land; Airman 2. c. Don K. Finch. 3833 June Ave M. Sgt Robert t Parmenter, 2329 N. 34th St.; ( apt. Paul C Uppold. 3373 Hol iday Dr (apt Earl J Bartel. 2828 8. Church St.; Lt. Col. &nett F Althoff. 4108 Hudson Ave ; let Lt. Walter T. Davey Jr, 310 Lynn Ave ; and Capt. Jamea E Sherrod. 3263 Knox Ave DENVER (INS i Hert aome advice from the Rocky Mountain Automobile Aeaoriation of America on how to ward off traffic acci dent: and watte gasoline at tht rate of More traffic accident take place : one gallon in ten during the (our hour period from j Be aure to use the "right" door 4 p.m to I p.m. than any other when you get out of your car in time Keep your guard up all the traffic. The "right" door 1 the time, but remember this period is one on the curb ide. the tide eapecially haxardou iaway from traffic When you walk in traffic never I One difference between a good kavt the curb without looking both and a bad driver la that the good way firit, even if the traffic light driver rarely grt himtelf into it green situation where he need to re- Defective apark plug that may i act iwiftly to avoid trouble. A bad fire when your engine i idling driver ha several cloae call al may miaa firing at high speed ' moat every time he drive. ,'wlii,, vV)r-.., ''.'1' 1 'iMl! Sill :1 ti rt..'Vi ii' - r, t 'J ii2 '1 'i 1 ,i'v I . i-'-M - Virgil T. Golden Co. .if v." ' Virgil T. OwWer) MS S. CammtrtUI St. Serving Salem and Vicinity as Funeral Directors for 25 Years Cairwanletit I a c a t i a a S. Commarcial Street an a but Fine ellrwd route ta cam arerlat aa treat traffic ta hinder servi ce Salem'l matt mad arn funeral heme with aettlnf caaaclty Iar 300. Servke wfthln yevr meant, atwaya. FUNERAL SIIVICI n Ortca S. Oeldea Phena EM4-22S7 NOW IN A CONVENIENT NEW LOCATON ! OrTId FURNITURE mlK DAYS! aamaaetWiateMBVa Nt aeed ta autfer that chained to a "deek" leelugt aaather day. Laara what t atedera pliaatd deek eta da ai etaiatj tht day' work Yea wil fiad aaaka la all pnea raaget. ia ear display bat every eae tWgned at aid ef ficteacy. reetteJaeaa, teward a pleaaaater work row Mae. COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE 141 Narrk Caaamartial 12 Yei . . . we have moved our Watch Repair department from the Marzanine Floor to the Street Floor Jewelry and watch Depart ment We hope that all of our customer will find thu location more convtnitnt If your watch it in need of repair bring it in to our Street Floor Watch Repair Department for fast, efficient repair. We specialize in: Watch R.pair Ring Sizing Bad Rwttringing Jtwelry Repairing Crystal Fitting Stone Sotting Silver Plating Of course you can use your Chargt-Plate in our Wttch Repair Department. WATCH IMPAIR STRUT FLOOR STORI HOURS Monday I Friday 9:30 A.M. ta t PJA. Other Day: 9.30 A.M. ta S:30 tM. STORE FOR MEN .T: ? - e J, I 1 tt V cltaranct v tavingil mtn't furnishings 4!l 'A .-v:l 4' rog. 4-3 short sltv sport shirts ei 1 2 3 ;.'.v rredV.-.. - 'i ? ; V v " A . e ee , ii ' J .1 AV-'V Aria ..v . . X m ' . IV. A VeV..V. A Vu W i v.i . vv V? Ar t V'"" vv'-f r- 4Mv VV IA If 7 IL (I : I vary on of these hand tome ihlrrt betr a famout label you'd rwcognlie for quel Iry standard I Chooaa from cool aunv mor weave, critp batitta print, popular Ivy la ague petterns in stripat tod plaid, doll in aaaortad size ... in every popu lar color imeginablel All fabric art Sanforized, completely wathable and colorfett. Sim S, M, I. XL Mail end phon orden rog. 2.50 IMfll puro tilk ti $ 1.69 3 for $6.00 Tata vav'l a weud ta waar ... la i canaarvaMv ttinw and daihlm diilajnt In btuat, na, ntdi, pfaawa. tr al watt twat tad deUanl Mail and phont ordtn rg. M.00 mn broadcloth shorts :i tuft Kt 'ft 'A i l- - J WJ I for 11.50 . II w ft " ' ' WO aMua tillerad WH In coal, wta breadcloih, SanfarluaVS far permanent 4b. leatlc'wtlttband. tttaa JO t 0. tev nearly Karfl MaXL nd phont ordtn rafl. Si 91-SS 95 apart ahfrta aanfarlaaoV), liaWwateM rag. $4 tummar drtt thlrtt Coal inaan and batlttat. Unf and inort tlaavas. reg. SI -50 mtn'i nyton aocki 100 pure nylen aaekil Eaty te taundar, eutck-drytna. .29 i9 59c 'Pita thinning coxt to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. MEN'S FURNISHINOS-STRIET FLOOR H OTHIi DATS: liV. f:N AJ. to tM .t. Na prj.i.iVi.'..ij:trj.'i),3.i.'ii.fqBa igttlELtiaJij-Ei 1 fVj J.J.fc!.WM".