The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 21, 1957, Page 2, Image 2

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    i&ec D Statesman. Silea. Ore, Sua, JuiSr 1L S7
Famous Mystery Writer Joins
v I f f --ISA ntOiCBCO. Jriy -
Sheppard Case Investigation VHIS
Young Pianist -
Calltd Home From
Trip to Russia
tr Ci-i"e - "
tmry writer -a e.- , ..
wbi that he eirc ( e wa
- Last Resort wvW '4 Btvat a aa kM
rare trjwi for the psnwe lrt par
-. ttrrsaatss aiiati? rwm The
-..- ia:emci ladiy summing up V aria rarer 14
t erxnwns ea :ne tvasus jrrT n
Marty. -
recel ia
i : i i
Dwruww regie o
ly airvj r Us
kunMiC silt v.e -
Gvow see iv
T"v ire .yr
c: a eclrr (" 11 sia-t
The Weather
t m '.'fva'vv
tut! : fCirr
. Cir .
ue ta tuaftjag
at rr ijseaiiwiriry
& a
Mn Axel E
kW rw4
yMt fwauvai
pi (.'RUTIUIl.X
;ur; ( M
tn veg ia? 4 lay
Happy. VHh New Job
rvj t f - , J
. -
kt I
wo -
V "W 'S ftf
" ts.-ie 'e. tTteaftJ fit
o ' .xw-wrif.rd tlw i-rvro
iMr irrcs.- 01 p
- . t r-' -vtvrtwmaer
- mn: imrB at
. ' ft fnuiuRJ tk
- A-Arms for
Europe Plea
Ruled Out
lit ka.t H
'a Ur Uit "
u Uaurwa.
1 raartrt
,vt aaoikar Saa rraarisca
.i t waaar sfcOia. :" Ska ca!M
Mi.'rn V- a.i turf Iwt ' !
a t rtna bact
aiTiva i
T iiknutiP rtttt
C- .aa-
f -fIIM
F t'
F -
( .
- v .
. Wt.t
Vie,, P
V -at
r r t ir i t T i Table (Tafr, Ore
M-f l r.
JIT.Y T.t N til
I: ' t n ) I
1 11 am J
It' ) I
I t w
M It U a 1
I at m it
M I! H m
Man '1
M : ; a it
IK ! '
a i ii
ii ii
r i n it
1 u
) 1
I 1
I w
T I m fapar
nxna fipH lar th
.: of Lax Knan an aVI la
. o mi rri to !wl D Sam
.r vxpt- arvutl Ut
-fv hi ailo 1 .rvf
'Oix- u4 1! NtTfar last
era' 'J M -aj aara
iy ror kaa ta aat
"i i a n
ftie aulkarinr ta rmarda
n r.drx-t will
. nanf rtw com tdtoa) thai arwl
N-Wa-d ta btimmi h U laaf
tt (ha rra.ks a Iw anrclor
rj uarf ttmr arr aal aoknia--.
a rioMwa .a Orua rauru
' a.-Onrf taaJ adW ka a. a
PB.ntaa) llur aiar fta !tiT prt
U tufTubef i pip ante K
V inut :o nntiM ia ' Viriaad
nr iMradrd to rvt and uard 1U
aorrjn rr Uta baa thrra ar
four timra
! f aa'a la Hairr
' o a p inif rv ir .a n.hi
Hllrr aauMhi I afxnr n
tt'r1 IV aaapoa Ru( dardiiar
q jnrd Vfdlrr aa um V raa
arwHH Ml ttfpa akfrnf a beach ha
RirMl tlx Soum an Inaw !fw? p pa
atmii B laa( out ima th a am
It . quit ippa ani thai ha
fta iikM rtnonibilit lor this
! crtm trin la diffli it from
his mir Gartfnar ai
: trr at V fumvif ripraatad it
heraua V ddn t aani to bher
maaaatraxjaa mam ka ff i.-VJ
mar aui aai a paw a. to '.h3
rtaaaa tt I anjrass lar k
ta aupao marca 1 r rooraa
ilkaa attfe atomic aaajwau
TVa aa naurna aa rx-aiiroi
auUMnli taua.i a Mil i! :V
carunau t orr r
'fj CanvrusatiMi ar! athrr
Uudia tha prucumi tt
Ail atomic iapaAtbti ruca
rm m roanarti Ih Faal
V aat UaTi,-Tol arfoi iai mm ia
NSa ui Hauraaaj
hum uamarrva
W' Nrvitoas Sttutaa ua arr
aa.tlMrr itaitnat till a M M
W oa aa U at !ha foativai.
six u a tra aui ' l.a
av( too aa tna haj a huada
i4 Vmcciraa fU ta trad tar
tot, aai; aajl ouS4tari ! atk
rr na' toats
Oajf rraua (lira for aal a
a tar aa; acuoai 11 that tk
praajiarm a 00 comptvi an th
coaaaaaana. m Vduw loa rraa
a laxaVka ramataina aarti af
thi mai to . u that wra
man aa, m.M rvjv Md un
par aa oartd apiaioa
TV itaur cm la Ina furr pub
, aat oadrmda' Iwi Jarra
ta or Stalt Kim 'aid oral
lunirranc ia raspunw ta qua
tiuru thai lha faxarmmaajt aas
iudin aai ol protdia in
Nor a 40aa(K Treaty t.llm aim
aimir arapons Ina I itrtaa aa-
ratiatioiu raauD ia a aiiarma
French Stalin
Backer Flies
To Moscow
P ,.!$ ! J M lacojuaa. Dn
i km iron fulrd StalHust rTtar7
l ila Framti Commuauat party,
tta, ta Uoxtia toJa lor foalar-pfkr-
it er buaj Niklta
K.h' ufk ft
Tha vjk par let t ooa of t
Mna Kh.-jf.tH V has bavi
nt att.1 I atwpaan Cummuaiit
kaiVt? uncf l dlpuar ul M
tutoiut t,nr(i Milecjkva aa
Kataoot uft n a Krrtnlia ia?
r'raox-h (.untnumal twurrra aa;
mnii Iraaly ctlbru for a oil all KhnjMHha ka nprard liIJ
araponi rraaufartur (m v aiilartw th lha raaulU 0
ha iiillMht ia act th anlr on lha talki Ma ha hat aa la
ahic h maation ou that lha Poailj 'ih twa topa
I arte Start might crtait 1
President Rules Out Plan to Invite
Marshal Zhukov to Visit America
) I aH imnm Mar-
atutl Gaaxji Zausa
laa Stataa. aflicma, saw oadar
ft an ait Can aim if. art
tjVtoa0 riaaartu at kaj ara ca
saraac Haiiliy atal aa aa
rtiaj- a( rtaau aHooctr lauaia
aa Sacratary a( Daraaaa iaa
aaajvt at araBrul
tuj (Octaai taj W aror
aaaaat at anarr that tarr
aa ataa actuary la
fea. TVy t.amar
Oa aiar ngapan
m- antra aeraj n laim a Euaeapo T I
WASffiNCTON, Jay II aV-TW JT, ..x itwaa.
Uta ami""
aroa aatvaal ajwUtg fc-
i Otrxnaa) hrra
Uta swai.lvui thai
'iruJ( P ip 'ar
Bvajht J. lit IhJi"
couatrrpart Vrvrra
nut Ru.a
that IV Rre arrr 6. a. KrC
i.a-fi rew .twrr 3i.rt
tv.. uoa AJlua -'
. kas aairaaV
urartat at
at asotcmrat
ra, la th aaTW af lairhM lllaaj.
Ra- aaroaa.
Ra Star Inalaa mm liiii d
rJBacaQM (a arkai (
caJt ai txaaoa jTra fc A
K ri i AJBarsta fail arou
ba". a- 'or aorl
, 4.w,aa Ofhciaal tiaiBTIf I ft aiaat
.t la iiriouJ attatt aat AaMnraa
m.inar? aiar aa rc aal rmn
s Mr aaaancaa- Eaaaaan a
Taa r trait aa a av
rrj.s ta aa tncM mm
slwatiai i t Clllil at atruai
f as at 1 a -
NATO stortpil at oaapons ahtrh
aould ha SMilabi to Iliad lor rat
if r rma
IHj MM upd V aat Mil
m i mlf, tut (j,,
lor nma
I 1
State College
Board, Room 1
Jump Eyed
PORTLAND Jul JB - priv
pnaad hooat rrf I'-i to T par i rnt
In dorrrtatan kaaldl tl, 'mm
r'as '.H V crnidra1 V.fi1t
bv th finanr rotrunitior n 'V
Ortfort Stjtr Ba'd n( H ihr
tdurauo lor in ttaia. cTtrHi
ChartrfUnr lin R
M'd lufjrstfd inrravr rulr)
ri! board frnm tX t mnnth tn
iM nd rnom ratr jM jh jp 15
I tarm
RfKTvnanrtat loei of "h fmmr
rnmrrutlr will b pr-niKl lo trvr
hin m hortl for l.nal ariuwi
Ricturd id prnror1 nr-aa
r nfHl1 tn nl'vl Sf rmoaM
7ntH dormitorv tiriinM
If nrroMX) th n-w rtp
anulr) llrl dormilnr.r' a' r
"n Sll rnllrgr lnirit nl
Orafnr Ojon Tnllrje n( f ri ,( a
tion'rrn fh-rgn ' olj g and
Southarn Orgnn ( nllj
Man Charged
' After Wreck
or i
a a it rauM b don auk
out changing tV I S Alorruf I t
rrgY Art ahx forbada gl m(
r-apons tt tnr other aatkoil H
aid h thoufht II might h pos
ubl to ttoctpil nurlaar homba
an aarVads in ilrr Kurnp Uoa and drt'Larad
ursorr Amoriran control with th to b tardioning
I undari landing that
could ri. th-rn
aids of
ufnlMi Prfonl Tito TV
YiigutUn ha nud it plan
that did nut hj Ihj larling
hwfi r
TH Pirn arwspapar rrnca
amr said in diaoauk from iei
gr ad lhat Poland party eh 11
Wladydaw (.amulka an Hua
gariaa Prarruar Jno Kadar vara
alto ia Mnavow lor talks with
Khnjhrh Th Polita mbasy
hr-r said it had no tuch inrorma
PHILADE1TM1A, Jmij tt Mr. Aatkr1a l-mri Fattrr.
fr ttaaVal fiprlVf froai Ik I irllT af Alabaai Ut
yr. Millet) aVatlly as ta pmrt lar aktur il rr fit
la atrtc f fartjatal (artarT ar art? th It riplf
a ulr aiaaaer a tra vtc prrtidral. (VP Wtrt
Humphrey Testimony Tells
Of Pride in Free Enterprise
WASHINGTON. July Sc- form of managed rurrrncy no
rtHary of th Traury Humphray
ti lvmg t l.SOo-paf lrtamnt
Gomulk taxi " afltBiBf iann ib .n. nr.
in tha Crta n,rPr,, iytm as h wind up
th Proaidant thian (uuntin mul h 1 War
for AILtad us ttw Monday lor clrtr(iun of
Bey of Tunis'
Son Jailed on
Traffic Count
1VN1S. Tuaina. Jury aft-TW
S raor-oa poru ku aaa af
bry af Twaa aat jad today.
'etvarga ita trya la rua aawa
'a palac gvar witk ktj far It
apirar U b th Hart Wag
WBBttat rampauga la diacradtl
1 tn bay ia tl ctarti la anvw aim
I all In throne.
Gavrr nmrrit tourcat due tea
'that Prior &alak CoUm was ar
rie yrstartlay H i th thir
sua af lha bay Stl Mohamfnod
j at-Ami oka kai ba aa lha
jthront unc lU
I It Mrtually UBprtcadaat for
k mrmbar at th rayal tarrury la
( a put a jail.
, But PramwT Habik Bourguiba t
ruling Nro-0ataur ow traadurn
party u mrrting Monday and
th thur ojuimmi ol wbrthar
arwly uvVprnclrnt Tuaitia thou Id
ha- a !igirad nvooarch mj
b votrd upon
Spukatmaa for Bourguiba 1 gw
rrnmant ha mad clear they
feet a monarch is tot aecrsaary
TS party rwifereor it rxpecte
to adopt constitution making
Tunisia republic Tunisian dip
tomati abroad at, well at party
leaders at horn will attend
Bourguiba threatened two dayt
ago tt take actio t confiscate
holdings wrongfully acquired"
during the Trench protector at
There haw bee unconfirmed
reports the bey an his family art
under government surveillance to
mintined id h wer rtiled prevenl tny attempt by them to
once t oar started
the 13th a ruin entry of etiahhsh
I ment of lha Communist regime
I A Foreign Ministry apuketman
in Budapest declined, comment oa
I Kadar 1 ahereaboutt. but he also
hat been reported oa acalion
tinea early in July.
Hitchcock Raps
Neuberger for
'Rights' Remark Ally JO -IV -y- . I n J
!rt!rr--p-i Paid
To Early Flier
Or' that President Eisenhower
' mutt bear responsibility ' lor
Oil Rights Itilure brought a pro
test today from Phil Hitchcock.
Portland Republican
Recent titemptt hy the junior
senator from Oregon to earle
Democrat responsibility for t
Ovil Rights failure thtt he
werni 10 eipect' ha not con
tributed lo an effective solution
lor thit pressing problem." Hitch
cork said in 1 at element
Hitchcock lott primary flee
tion hid for tV Republican nnmin
ation lor I' S senalor last year
Man Charged
MJin F Siedniii "oj s fni
Uge St , arrested Salurdav
Salem nuKort'i was involved
in n rt't rrvuniing a cidenl Sal
jr'tv 10 n irv south of Saiem oa
4 lhn my lrh hotpiialitad
fir dnvr nl t second car. affl
ters said
Tahrn to Viirm Memorial Hoa
pttji. bv 1 Jlam t'r mbuUnc
aas Nmneih vt Ihniict I orval-
,'lt. Hr uttnrMd bruises an
ite1 n food ifvtnltiion
"rvv rst giting ollicer repr
'ed V saw the accident through
hi.v ret' 1 iev Tiirror tnd trretted
tV Salem driver Pat I a r r 1 1
Sn th M ol 141 Church
Sirr-ei on 1 rharge 0 driving
r.r ininiiiated Rail was set tt
Hop Production
Increase Seen
PORTLAND Julv JM a A 1 tion hid for th Republican nomin- ,n lh rr,,h 01 WPlnoti .rct.c
iver rem inerfase in Poelfle Coaal ation lor V S senalor last yrtr m 1W ,(;ov mk
bop production was forectsl to- l0uh ,nd S" HntrrX
dav -hv th, Or.gon Crop Report -p r. n, ,n"d r,t" "Per who flew
mjr servi.e I wo rirms rlan rr" ,h Nnr,h Po1 1B ira w,lh
Te estimate lor this vetT'i eroe - Kielsnn
i tJiMonn pounds Oregoa. OalS LhanQeOVCr ' sP'"'r' ,old ho liaison born he said
, w'oo tn Idaho yieldl tnr - 3 ' Nw'h Dtkott in 1W7 pJ)d "W hv encouraged rapidly
'spe'rd to h lower but those SSA. ()" July -Two leading role in developing tvia ruing economy which hat brought
!m 1 t ilornit huher All four industries here tr switrhing Irom tinn and IV territory alter he more wealth more purchasing
.slates ha t h.rher tma arreaaa ! "V"ung nmr norm
While military planet roared
by in 1 jrl age flyover, th Air
Fore today dedicated 1 monu
ment at Kielsua Air Fare Base
10 the pioneer flyer whoa nam
the base bears
Among those voicing tnhutet to
Carl Ben Kielson. who loat his lite
lour and half years in the Fitca-
nawer cabinet
The tettament is in the record tent
of his 14 dayt of testimony belor
the Senate inane ( ommittee
some of K under sharp lire Irom
Democrats and tome in response
lo friendly queriet of Republican
(n th opening day of the hear
ings Hiirnphrev told tbe commit
tee of his great pride " in the
record of tV Kinrower admin
istrliun a record in which ill
udet agreed V played key role
Throughout the cross esamina
boa af Ibe neit 11 dayt. he never
wavered in this pride nor backed
down on bit on hit fint day as
I tcknow ledge imperfections in
our accomplishments, hut I enter
tain no doubt as to ihe propnty
of our gnalt or th wisdom of our
policies '
Free of NeeeVta MaaaMcap
The record, in essence he said
was on ol freeing the nation s
economy from all unnecessary re
strict ions tnd fixing climate un
der which business could esptnd
to record high Only the farmer
failed to shar in this prosperity.
lor return to the good old dayt
But his testimony was studded
with alfirmatiorts ol the wisdom of
letting the people handle their own
affairs 10 the lullest possible fi
Dee the country with In family 1
lortune gathered in 2S years of
rule in Tunisia
Theater Time
It tivoat
11 onttnuerM.s from 1 p 'n
a l on s V)
alerted Vio.t SVhitrli
I rontinviiK.t I'm" I p ti 1
JOf Bt'TTTkrl.Y I mi
t 01
BIVF.B I 17,
4 no
n B A a n
iContinufus froin 1 p -n I
TI NNY f SCI I II t IS t s
gi n or mil prTTt-
Noam MUM lt I V IN
T.ites open tl OU Show tt
INDIBI3.1-A " W.ll Disner
tSTANBt'I. ' Iroll rivnn
Two Women in
Portland Vice
Probe Indicted
PORTLAND. July M j" -Two
women who figured promiriently
in Portland l ve invrstigatKMi
have been indicted by a Multno-
111 ah lounty giand Jury on
burglary charges
l.ucile Weeks 1 and Mary
Childress, 3s, are accused of bur
glarmng the home of Raymond
Clark an emplove of Portland
gambler Rig Jim Klkins
The two women signed ttate
menu earlier this year saying FI
kins was narcotics addict but
later in tn appearance he I ore a
Senile rackets investigating com
mittee. repudiated the statements
coal to nalurtl
this vear ,u"
Bight bv rit police on a drunk! Th '"8on lota! increased lor J lewis, manager of the mal
charge following inv esiu jiinn of lhf ,ir" ,irr" '"" ' 4 400 Imed Sugar Co plant said Ih
rcldent in the jno block ol
tast Superior Street
Police said the ariirten' involved
1 far going through t hit fence
at J" E Superior
teres a gam W son from t year ihang ta gat
ago (.rowing mnditannt have Dee into th trta
Best CaiBet Fao
Gaa AbmiIcib Fao Tea
iaocial Parties large r
Saull. Call r.M l MU
CalBea Faa I Ttk Oal
N Ctmerria SL
Ope 1 1 a u 1 1 a
Sttardty It,
date We, ttk real
Heat Near Record
NEW V'RK July Jh- The
mercury flnwed to 13 degrees
today, rn.ii.nj it the holiest day
ol Ihe year in New York City
The redinj was onlv 1 degrees
below the a" time record for the
dale set in 1V4
recently brought
especied lo cut
coals The firm has shipped in
coal Irom Wvoming and l lah
The other firm
twitch is the Idaho
Five members ol his firmly il
landed Ihe reremonies They ire
vtrs Klmi Osking Httton, N D
Mrs Hannah Rarnird. South
Charleston W Vt Mrs Helen
Sheehv SI Paul Minn Mrs Ad
eline bnpett l aehtmith. B C ,
making the and Oliver Kielson. Minneapolis,
Canning Co sisters and brother of th flier
Fish Packers
Pick Officers
ASTORIA. Ore . July M if
A new chairman and two new
members of the board of directors
of the Colummi River Pickers
Attn were elected ystrrdiy
Ted R Gamble, president of
the Mount Hood Radio and Tele
Finance Committee rilled vision Broads atting Co, Portland
power, more comfort, mart joht.
more hornet, more luxunet. mor
leisure more education, and more
security lo our people than they
have ever enjoyed belore," h de
clared. j
rtaaarial Study I
$1.00 p. o
I I C.-1 av 14441
Op Sneaky II kWa Hit.
U.S. Navy Plane Lost in
Italy; 12 Airmen Missing
TREVISO. Italy. July
American Saw plane
mea aboard vanished
raia - filled skies over
Italy as il tame in lo
M 'if An Thirteen minute later, rtdio
with 12 links with IV plane suddenly rut
ib tulle Milan t Air Rescue Serv lew sent
northern up two search plane, but Ihev
land here were I or red ta land almost
Humphrey as its first witness in
opening a study of th nation s fi
nancial condition
Th K7 year-old secretary, ex
pected to leive the cabinet toon
lo return lo the tteel business,
conceded in reply to the thousands
of questions tossed it him thai
government hid in important role
to pliv in the economy
He said he would continue the
Z Aga Khan Won't
ft I'mt fi4 . . .
Ovr AUn Is JMrtriltus
rti Winning HAM anti
with ill th rrimmingt u
Partland Rad a Narth City limits
Far Ordaet ta Oa-Phart IM 2798
Monoay .no wgn has been tee ol once due lo bad visibility n . . j
it tine Airport officials specuUled the ReiUm TO ndrVarU
Italian Alpine brigades scoured plane mty hive run into i whirl-1
the mouniiinous north Italian re- wind lss than 1W miles Irom ASW AN. Egypt. July i
gioa and constant radio ippeils the pliv t last reported position. I Pn- Aly khan told reporters Fn
went out to lone I v vtllltet to tsk a miniature loenarln whmned un a day his son. the neve Aga Khan
if any wreckage had been spot- tfO-foot till spout ol water in Uke
led Furious rainstorms Itshing Card, snd similar whirlwind!
northeaster Italy prevented in were repoted elsewhere
ur seirik American Nivy officials in Na-
The plav. Iwin-engined fen- pies said IV plav Irom Patrol
eral service P I. look oil Irom Squadron M4. wit on i Mediter-
Cisablinci early Friday for the rinean civilian flight." but did not
I totVmile hop to Trevisn Shortly ielahoriie
liter I Jo p m almost detd on There was no indication how
trVdtile irV plane i tme into many of IV 12 persons ihoard
contact with Istrnna Airport and were servicemen tnd how many
wis elected chairman, succeeding
J WencWI Coombs, a former
Trinsimenci Corp vice president
who retired from the board.
New directors are Frank N Bel
grino. San Francisco, president
of Trinsamertci ind former pres
ident ol the First National Rank
of Portland, and Wendell Wyatt.
sioria attorney and loimer Ore
gon Republican Central Committee
i hair man
One of the country s largest sal
mon and turn packers, CRPA his
plants here ind in Hawaii.
Jet Fighters '
Span Atlantic
AN Six Air Force F100 jat lighters
left Mvrlle Reach Air Force Base
early lodav and landed at Sid
Slimane North Atrua I hours
and 1? minute later after non
stop Might across Ihe Atlantic
A spokesman l IV base here
said Ihe planes landed successful
ly tt 1 26 p m i EST)
The flight, dubbed "Operation
Sun Star " called lor in the air
refueling hv KR.V) linkers, which
ire equipped tn refuel three fight
ers al t time
the flight distance wit set it
3 KM nauticil miles which meis
ures hit longer Ihin land miles
Long Rail Studied
railvtay linking Canada and Ar
gentina may he proposed it the
Pan American Railway Congress
opening in Buenos Aires Aug JO
Mexican delegates say ihout 1 2.'i0
miles of r.nlwRV need lo be built
all in South Amend, lo complete
.the link
sked permission to begin losing
Vight I. Itnd The control tower
messaged til clear and nnrmil
signals were exchanged
civilians Ntmet were withheld
The plan wis last observed
near Pidua losing height is it ip
prnached Trevno.
will not return lo Harvard I'aivtr
tity lor hit sensor yeir but prob
bly will enter the Amencia Ini
versity of Beirut. Lebanon
Such Iransler wis predicted
by Reirut newspapers recerrtly.
Beirut it the center of large
Syrian lehanese Ismaili commu
nity and IV Beirut papers specu
lated IV new Aga might mike
that city the teat of the Ismaili
leadership he inherited from (he
late Agi Kha III
Under Nw Manogtmant
But Chirm Food
Good American Food
Chines Food Prepared
To Take Out!
Open Everyday . . . 4 P.M. to 3 A.M.
Mm IM 3-9173 223 'i Sa. Cammaecial
Tha Salem Pilar Attarlattaei Frying Club limilad
numkar af mamasyrthia vninfi far rtfnikla, can
srienriout individual, wha njsty flying. Many mamkart
lm la fly right hi awr dirk. Club awn 2 Placa and 4
Plac. Cessnas that art tha finatt In th Narthwattt
EM 2-5806 or EM 2-7164
j WH(lliMf0C0lt60C?t'
FOR . . .
t iieeii tiDti
tOTT MitMCS lAtt
Mt Opaw l WtsAattTt
Chalahww Um4m 11 tra
For Real Fwn . . Drlv Out
IVi Mil Part th Airyeart
On Old Tumar laasi
AdulU SsVs t kllarea Zr
SUrtt Tasiay Ope 1:1 P.M.
Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney
A Picture the Whole Family
Will Love
Science r ittiea C Hit
Barbar Ijwrenre,
John Emery
Gttes Open 7 15 Show it Dusk
Clark i. able, Eleanor Ptrkr-r In
Burt Lancaster.
Katherine Hepburn la
Vmti Vision
Woodburn Drive-In
Ope 7:15 SUrtt it Dask
Sunday - Maadiy - Tuesday
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Susan Haywird
Paul Douglit
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