The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 20, 1957, Page 3, Image 3

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    l ' ? Statesman's HOME "
Women . . . Mosie . . . Fcjhlcns . . . Ftstvrts
The Smombrod
Danish Favorite Found
In Shops, Restaurants
aiatesaaaa Wnui i UKar
The Danes art very proud of their "morrebrod" or openfaced
Mndwiches, aod well they might be lor they art works el art
and very popular food ai a tight aooa lunch or to begin dinner.
Along the street! in Copenhagen, one aeet small shop with a
windowful of beautiful smorrebrod. Usually there's a (roup of
people admiring them. You choose ia your mind what you want,
then go ia and either eat them with a cup of coffee on the spot,
ar save a small boxful packed to take home or over to a bench
In the park or oa the Town Hall Square, where you win ait dowa
and slowly eat them as you watch the passerby. You will probab
ly toss a few scraps Jo the pigeons, who already stagger under
the weight of other sandwiches. '
A smorrebrod usually begins with a very thin round of 'alas)
white bread, though If you are sharp you'll spot a few with rye
bread. Then comes a generous spreading of butter and on this will
be a pile of say cole slaw topped with a roll of thinly sliced tongue
and bordered with some shredded raw beet.
On the topping could be one nab thick Uver paste, and half
chopped cucumber divided dowa the center by a row of neatly
arranged radish slices.
Or there might be slices of hard cooked egg d rolled anchovies
centering each, with a wisp of fresh dill on top.
Fish Toppings
A smorrebrod often sports a generous (for the site of the sand
wich) piece of cold fried fish fillet topped with a twist of lemon
and a little fresh dill, or hard cooked egg rings with a tiny sar
dine stuck through the center of each. Cheese might be arranged
in two triangles, at right angles reminiscent of a butterfly.
Often It's something like a slke of meat topped by a slice of
tomato cut almost through on one side then twisted and stood up
an the meat.
Pickled herring might be arranged with onion rings, or lemon
twists, or dill or a crab paste bought in tins and oa la rosette
When you go into a restaurant and if you know your Denmark,
you n chose one of the hundreds that have tables beside the side
walk under a canopy, you'll find the menu Includes smorrebrod ia
plaot of the appetiser. You'll take what the chef gives you in this
case. There will be a cheese sandwich, one with meat and another
fish. You'll hold your fork la the left hand, tines pointing dowa.
your knife ia the right like a pencil cut each bits and spear It
with toe fork, still upside down. f
Nobody eve ate a smorrebrod la Denmark la the fingers.
Honeymooners Return
To Settle in Brooks
Now making their home ia Brooks after a wedding trip to me Ore
gon coast are Mr. and Mrs. Gary HHtle (Dorothy Phillips who were
The wedding took place at a
Brethren Evangelical Church at Laoisa center wm im mt. ri
Woolridg officiating. Mrs. Darrell Austin played the wedding music.
Thetrida b daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Ore Phillips of Brooks
and the groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Mittle of Silver
tea. White bows and flowers marked
the pews of the church and baskets
of pink hydrangea and greenery
decorated the altar.
For her wedding the bride chose
a frock of white lace over taffeta
with a fingertip-length veil arrang
ed from a band of lace with seed
pearls. Her prayer book was top
ped with a purple-throated orchid.
Mrs. Eugene Knupp. wearing a
lavendar taffeta dress, was ma
tron of honor and carried a nose
gay of carnations and sweet peat
D e a a 1 d Hittle. brother of the
groom, was best man. Jerry Phi
flips, brother of the bride, and
Dean Hittle, brother of the groom,
were ushers
For her daughter's nuptials, Mrs
Phillips wore s blue dress with
pink accessories snd s pink carna
tion corsage. Mrs. Hittle also wore
blue, with whitt arretories and
pink corsage.
The newly weds greeted their
guests at a reception following the
ceremony. Mrs. Earl Bern, cousin
of tie bride, rut the cake, and
pouring were Mrs. Deaa Hittle and
Mrs. Stan Priest, cousin of the
bride. Aunts of the bride. Mrs
frank Adams snd Mrs. Kenneth
Adams, presided at the gift table
with Miss Linda Utile, sister of
the groom. Assisting were Mrs
Mike Lowery, Mrs Orville Wy
more. Mrs. James Wilson and Mrs
Howard Carter
For traveling the bride wore a
' AuerrotruM. ucono piooi-3 m.
candle - lit double-ring at the United
Geer Reunion
The Mth annual Geer reunion.
at the A. A. Geer residence, J47J
Garden Rd., was held Sunday July
14. Relatives and friends from sur
rounding valley towns were pres
ent. A no-boat dinner waa served
in the oatio tardea. Election of
officers was held and Waldo Geer
wsj re-elected president: A. A.
Geer, re-elected vice president;
Reba Geer Wilcox. Portland.
daughter of A. A. Geer, eecretary
treasurer: Mrs C. C Geer. SU-
vertoa, historian. Reunion lor ltt
will again be held at the A. A
Geer residence.
Mr. sad Mrs. Peal Poena and
daughteri. the Misses Pauline and
Lots Pounds, of San Francisco
were recent vtttor at the home
of Mrs Mary E. Burroughs and
daughter. Mm Margaret Bur
roughs. Royal Court Apartments
Mr Pounds is s son of the lets
A E Pounds of ViUard. Minn
who was a frequent visitor at the
Burroughs home over a period of
Mr. 0. T. Farmer aad
small sons arrived by plane this
week from Newport. R I for ss
indefinite stay with Mrs. Farmer's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bos
ley, snd other relatives Including
Mrs Clara Norton, maternal
grandmother to the youngsters
white linen suit with red and while
accessories and the orchid from
her prayer book.
- fa)
Valley, Newly-Weds
ft 7 t , I . ) , I
""V-y ' "V- V r '
' LVf
AAr cnH AAr Oris .ihl l(mrtrnm Crhaanl u.r tnmrriA
July 19 at m North Howell tommonify Church.- "Parents
of tha couple art Mr. axJ Mrs. Marinus Schaap and Mr,
and Mrs. Melvin Seibel. The couple will live in Portland.
Look Liked
Sunglasses as well at other
summer ryles must be In
good teste to conform to this
year's fashions. These are
in gsy stripes.
AP Newsfeatares Beset? EdHer
The ladylike look is tops this
year on beach, highway and at
summer resort And no wonder
This year s crop of fashion and
beauty accessories has built-in
charm assurance for the girl who
strives for femininity.
The ides is to be chic from head
to toe. This is not the season for
faded artificial Dowers or rusty
metal ornaments worn in the hair
Rubber bands have hit the dust
as pony tail adornments too It's
sll bow. feather or smooth bar
rette for that horse mane
Eyes have taken on glamor with
more emphasis being put on sun
glass frsmes that fit the fare
rather than produce s flamboyant
eflect But frames it ill sparkle snd
are colorful Even those In s gsl
sxy of colors, boldly striped snd
in the fandango mood are smart
with any summer outfit from the
fashionable black snd white com
nidation to pastel The emphasis
is sometimes oa the lensestinted.
optical glass, ground and polished
Belts are not worn so that others
feel uncomfortable looking at the
tightness of your waist band. The
belt should slim the natural waist
without "cinching in" The sver
age girl shouldn't wear s sheath
aniens she is slim, although fat
types often resort to the cinch
beN to pull m the midriff so that
the sheath may look fit for their
Those who shun the lanylwe look
are ia the minority, and are likely
to resort to the srty look of
elf-expmution in weird manner
ism, cktthev cults
They are likely to gild the lily
too hrifhtly this seaifi if they
1 Adopt the no- host irk " effect
This is particularly popular with
blondes who darken eyetwows snd
lashes, but mute down the com
p he no by bleaching out the na
tural hp color with faundatien
cream snd powder The effect
may be arty, hut it sure is groe-
1 Wear unusual let -up te car
ral attention such as long black
storkinf worn with shorts
This is paadnwal effect that bor
ders on the ridiculous
Wear finfernails so torn it
puts onion er i teeth en edge
4. Play up toenails that would
ok better htddea from sight
I Paint the hair in weird streaks
snd stripe rather than s lew
ramplimeniery streaki or tip that
ire fashieaiaMe ,
The Harry
Ranert FrWrtntn are varatmnrng
at the coast, the Wntdetl family at
Cass Bay and the Ehemoles at
Road's End.
I -1 y
i:Ji ii
Visitors Arrive
JEFFERSON Myra Dolbrar of
Sacramento, Calif., arrived Sun
day for a three weeks' visit at the
borne of Mr. and 4irs. James
Adams at Looney Butte. Miss Dol
bear is a niece of Mrs. Adams.
Leaving Thursday for her home
in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, were Mrs.
Grace Hense and Alt Snyder
They had been visiting the for
mer's husband's cousin, Mrs. Car
rie Hochspeier for several days.
Darrell Porter and Arleta Hoef-
er of Ren ton, Wn., were home over
the weekend visiting relatives and
friends. Also home from Kenton
was Lyle Adams. All are em
ployed at Boeing Aircraft there.
Painter Exhibits
Helen Trayle. Northwest portrait
painter, will present her annual
exhibit at the Gallery by the Sea
at Delake, July 21 through August
Her exhibit will consist of twenty
paintings at people of varying
ages and attitudes. The renderings
are all ia oils, and techniques
range from broad and colorful to
finely finished courts.
celebrated his second birthday
July 11, at the home of his parents
the Forrest Freitags. An outside
party with Indians, cowboys, tee
pees entertained Glenda and Mark
Edwards. Eilene and Carol Lamp,
Delavin Hollingsworth of Lebanon
and Lee Roy Freitag. Grandpar
ents. Mr and Mrs. Lum Hoflings
worth of Lebanon and Mrs. Betty
Lamp were also present.
Mr. aad Mrs. Floyd Basley
daughter Patricia, and Mrs Clark
Norton returned the past weekend
from s vscation trip to Washing
ton visiting relatives at Grand
Coulee. Spokane, and Olympis.
and son Darrell Fanner at Fair
child Air Base.
Steam whistles for locomotives
were invented ia 1(31 because few
farmers could hear the tin whistles
then used in time to get their cows
off the track
Dear Ann Ltndtrs:
Viewpoint Offered
By Divorced
Dear Ann That letter from "Sir, Spencerlot " really got me
He told the touting story of ' Hank'' the honest, clean-living guy
who went to church four timet a week and was stripped ia the
divorce court of his kids, hit home, his furniture hit csr. and a
nire chunk of alimony, fboot He whinej. "U this JuKUce''''
Now may I tell s story' Sally married Hank, the clean-rut
church going guy They were both young but eager, and to
gether they slaved for IS years When timet were tnugri Sally
did without clothes snd cut eipenset She sacrificed for their four
nice kids
Then Hank started to make good They bought a lovely homo
and a car. and good furniture They even had a bank account
Susie enters she went to work in Hank's office She's gay.
cute and hat had two husbands who didn't understand her
She hat no children, to the upend ill her money on clothe and
perfume and hair )nh Hank falls for her and gora home snd auks
Sally foe a divorce She av No" for lots of renn the mam
one being the four kid Rut Hank makes her feel like s selfish
hat Also he become unbearable at home so Sally derides to let
him go to hit "tnie love
Sally akn to he allowed tn keep her children snd the house
in which to ratae them and 'he furniture and the second hand
car i Hank has been driving Surie armmd in the new one Tnea
Sally has the nerve t ak Hank for money to live on Some of
Hank s friends (eel very aorry for him His wife it te graaptng
aad greedy'
What I'd like to tk is thu 1 the cat-off wie suponted to
eiit smiling give him the hnrae the furniture, both csri. the bank
account and let him lake hit pack of the kids then throw heraelf
of s cliff'-THE FX VJR.S HANK
Dear Arm May I v lomething in detente of the rr4a!ive
of GOP the woman who complained beraune they left the pnre
tagt on gifts A s merchant I m heartily in favor of keeping the
sales slips right with the gift, afco any other tag that comet with
the purchase There's nothing more agfrsvating thsn to have
nerrhandite returned to the store with sll signs of price, size
and source removed ft should he ronsidered s courtety. not an
insult. Mrs tndert. and believe me the alet people would
appreciate it t great nVsl If you print this letter it w,n be s
puhbc service ADELAIDE M
PwMte anW aaarwe latereathtf rlewpaUM yet la aay
eveart here tat. Ueiaase
' Ann Lender wiH he happy tn help you with ynjr peneneens.
tend them to her i rare of thlt iiewapaper and enrloae t "tamped
self -addressed errveiop 1
iCaeynfit ISJT F M tn'erarltet. In-
YW Day vCamp to
Conclude July 25
The YWCA Day Camp will doe
oa Thursday afternoon. Jury S
Tith a program ia tha gym ier
parents and iat crested public The
program will egin at 10 with
games, dances and songs learned
during tha four-week session.
Crafts will be oa display.
Mrs. Doa Gleckler has been
camp directar, with Mrs. Atyce
Yoshikai and Jimi Minty assisting
with crafts and games. The fol
lowing Junior Coanselort have
been unit leaders: Cheryl and
J aim Albada, Mary Johnson, Alice
Berglund. Linda Berry, Lyna
Hammerstad. Lloydena Hollea,
Ann Schnelker. Sara Beth Ander
son, Joanne Wedel, Janice Jacob
son. Roberta MetxgaT, Jayanne
Harvey and Carolya Jobnaon.
Marcia Robertsoa and Jeannette
Wedel have been extra helpers.
Mrs. Gleckler will entertain the
entire camp staff at a breakfast
oa Tuesday morning at the YWCA.
Campers Return
LEBANON - Several Lebanon
boys and girls have returned from
the 4-H Club Camp at Camp Lane
near LinsJaw. Serving as counsel
ors from here were the following
boys who attended sessions be
tween June S and 9: David
Dykstra and Bob Leek band Camp
ing were Douglas MacPherson,
David Stockton and Wells Hock
cox. Girt counaellors at the camp
In early July ware Betty Jo Mc
Pherson, Carolya Swaoder. Beth
Bauer and Eyoa Hull. Going as
campers were Linda Kay Oakley.
Claudia Evarts. Donna Jean Sco
vil, Virginia Lee Wheeler, Jean
me McPherson. Eva Lynch, Mol-
lie Reeves, Irene Darrar, Linda
I'fford and Kara Grahm.
A DREAM dress for teeners to
make with our Printed Pattern
Just picture its lovely soft lines
in such feminine summer fsbrirs
ss nylon, lswn, voile, fine silks.
Dinagram shows it s an eaay-aew
snd so-o flattering
Printed Pattern 453 Teenage
Sizes 10, 12, 14. 16 Sise 12 re
quires 5H ysrds 33-inch fsbric
Printed directions on each pat
tern part Easier, faster, accurate.
ami rtrrr CSXTI In mlns lor
thlt pattern Add I rntj tor Mch
pattern for llt-ctaja maltlrm. Send to
ANNI ADAMS. rr of Orvfnn
Sulranan, 401. Pitlem Dept . )
VmI lt7h St. Nrw York 11 N Y
Print plainly NAM ADDRtSS wlUl
4538 ii,
VZES 10-IS last ,i ,
Jefferson Woman Observing 85th Birthday,!
Sunday on
JETFERSON. July It Addie
Libby wiQ celebrate her aSth birth
day Sunday an the same farm on
which aha waa born. It has been
ia u Libby 'amily since lKt.
Miss Libby' birthday is really
Statesman Newt Service
Horse Show
Added for
Mint Fair
eteteamu Nov Sat fks
JEFFERSON. Jury If A new
attraction has bean added to tha
Mint Harvest Festival Saturday
and Sunday. July 27 and 2a. Horse
men from over the Valley will par
ticipate id a horse show Sunday
afternoon oa the grade school
Team events win start at 1
o'clock with ribbons awarded the
first folr places of each event. A
trophy will be given to the team
making the moat points
Irving Miller, representing the
Jefferson Lions Club which spon
sors the show, listed ten events in
Sunday's program. They will in
clude stake bending, baton' and
flag races, musical sack. Texas
barrel, potato race with a four
man team; rescue race, bareback
relay, scurry race and Gretna
The horse show will replace a
baseball game originally planned.
The tractor-trailer backing con
test promises good entertainment
Saturday. Prises will be awarded
to orivers who finish the obstacle
irse in the least time, kitting
the least stakes
The content for Festival Queen
will end Saturday night when the
winner will be announced at 1:30
p m , during a dance at tha grade
school gym. Five girls from this
community are seeking the honor.
They are Sandra Stephenson. San
dra Dawson, Leoaa Hammond,
Carol Hart and JuLaine Pilchsr.
Travel East
For Funeral
SUtaaaa Naw, aarrtre
MT. ANGEL. July 1-Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Bockelmaa Wednesday
aight for Sioux City, Iowa, to at
tend funeral services of Mrs.
Bockelman's mother. Mrs. Rose
McQuirt. Services will be held In
Sioux City Saturday.
The mid-west woman was well
known in Mt Angel, having often
visited her daughter and family.
One son. Donny. srcompanied
his parents Two older children.
Bob and Mary Lou, will operate
their parent's photo studio until
they return in approximately two
weeks Six other children are liv
ing with neighbors until their folks
At Valley Hospitals
lUUaui Ktwi Sarvtoa
Ceataaaasty Bawtal
To Mr and Mrs Joseph Schrirk.
4M Water St . Lebanon, a son. July
To Mr and Mrs George Bolman.
Route I. Sew. a daughter. Jury 14
To Mr and Mrs t'ordeil Ray
Sele, Sweet Home, a daughter
July I
To Mr and Mr Robert Ttiomas.
Lebanon, a daughter. July II
To Mr and Mrs Richard Jung
wirth. Lebanon, a son. July 1J
To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Correfl.
Case adit, a son. July 1J
To Mr and Mrs Lowell GotlttT
Foster s daughter. July 14
To Mr and Mrs Clifford Effe-
on. Brownsville, s daughter. July
To Mr and Mrs William Jack
arm. Ijebanon. a daughter. Brenda
Sue July IS
To Mr and Mrs TSnraai WI!
liam. Lebanon, a sea. July 14
Te Mr. and Mrs Ralph Winters.
Lebanon, a son. July 1
Mint Cutting Underway
In Jefferson Acreages
SIC ! t Ser-tr
JEFFERSON July la-PenpeT
mint rutting started thu week and
distilling will start a week ta 1ft
day earlier 'has normal This ha
been due to good growing condi
tmni latt fall and in some rate
to rutt that appearing in field
Bill Towery Jr . who ha acre
age wett of Salem, waa die first
21 i K. (emnierciil St.
Same Farm
Monday, but her niece Edith Lib
by, with whom she lives, is enter
taining Sunday afternoon from 2
to i at an informal tea observing
the event.
Slender and rtraight. Miss Libby
carries her years lightly and with
humor. She does a full day's
Second Set Twins
Born at Lebanon
In Past 14 Days
SUteiaMB Ntws SrrvW,
LBA.mjn, July it n sec
ond set of twins within the past
two weeks were bora at Lebanon
Community Hospital. Parents of
the new youngsters are Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Howe of Sweet
The boy. Lindsay Ronald,
weighed lbs. 114 a., and his
sister. Leslie Gorgene. weighed
just one ounce less.
Sunan Newt Service
Dalae Two 17-year-old youths
from Shafter and Bakersfield. Ca
lif., are being held la Polk County
jail wailing for the mother of one
of the boys. The runaways were
picked up by Kale police near Wll
Umina as they sought work In har
vest fields.
Battevttle AD former students
of Butteville are asked to return
this Sunday for a reunion on the
building. A no-host picnic dinner
is planned at 11: JO.
Mt. Ansel Members of the city's
Business Mens Club will meet
again Monday aooa in the dining
room of the ML Angel Hatle.
HayesvWe Mrs. A. F Harvey.
render hers sines 134 until mov
ing to Keixer In April, waa bosni-
talised at Salem Thursday with a
Heart aliment.
Wasaaata itvsnth annual Pio
neer Day at Rock Creek Church
Sunday begins with a morning
church service, followed at noon by
a picnic luncheon, and business
meeting In tb afternoon.
Annual Play Day ier
Yamhill County Sheriffs Posse will
be Sunday. July II at tha Shodoe
grounds in McMinnville commsnc
ing at I M. Registration for the 17
event program, free to the public,
begins an hour earlier.
Aakaay A second gasoline war
has broken out here Prices thu
week were dropping as competi
tion grew keen.
Dayton Rodeo Begins
Saturday Afternoon
lUlnaui Nrwa SrrW
DAYTON. July II - Wild horse
and steers have been rounded up
in preparation for the 11th Annual
Dayton Rurkeroo which begins a
two day stand in Dayton Saturday.
Opening events is s cowboy ps
rade downtown at I JO a m. This
event is open to all riders. Ten
saddle clubs from the Willamette
Valley already have entered unit
The Rurkeroo opens at 1 10 Sat
urday at the Bjckero ground out
tide Dayton on the Dayton-Mc-Minnville
highway The Sunday
show will start at the same time
Contests include calf roping, wild
row milking, half mile horse rare,
pole bending, a wild horse rare
and s stork horse rare
In the latter rare, horsemen
must ride mounts to the stsrting
Ibne. lum and rare m the opposite
direction The Tild horse rsr is
'usually the highlight of me show.
I Participants must saddle and ride
la horse to the finish line These
Ihorset will be sold after the Buck
'ergo, said association official
i Saturday meht will be a Burk-
I to report rutting He atarted thi
) Doug Bradley plan tn ttsrt hli
! atil) July snd the Slephenaon
Hsrt atill on Vin road 1 lo
erheduled to tart that day
Some nl the other plan to he
in full operation tnr the Mint Fet
Oval neit weekend when conduct
ed tours will ne .ield through theee
j operation
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat, July 20. 57 (Set?, 13 u
Where She
work each day. although she ad
mits with a smile that. I tire
more quickly than 20 years ago.
and rest more often." Thursday
morning she was cleaning silver
for her birthday party.
Miss Libby ill the only girl in
a family of three boys, and readily
SUtetaua Ntwa tervtr
SILVERTON. Jury 1-A porch-
Ught campaign to awaken new in
terest in the Silverton Ambulance
project has been set for Tuesday
night, according to members of
the Silverton Junior Chamber of
Commerce who are sparking the
The ambulance project, which
started several months ago. has
been lagging for the past several
weeks. A total of I34M of the
M.OOO goal la all that has bt
raised during tha months since the
campaign began.
The Jayceea are now asking that
city residents who would like to
contribute to tha ambulance fund.
turn on their porch lights Tuesday
night as an Invitation for tha com
mittee to stop to pick up a do
Plans, which have been sired
number of times during tha cam
paign, call for operatioa of tha
ambulance on tha same volunteer
plan now being followed at Mo
lalla. It will be dons through the
city firs department by an i
bulance corps trained through tha
cooperation of Silverton physicians
Plush Service Due
Capital Visitors
air-conditioned streetcar will be
put Into service here next Tues
day to carry sightseers about the
The car. operated by tha DC.
Transit System, will have stew
srdesses aboard to describe point
of interest along the route.
eroo dance at the Dayton Ameri
can Legion Hall. Receiving top no
tice in all event win be the Buck
ero queen, Jerri Williams of New
berg Her princesses are Kay
Krt eater of Yamhill and Judy Jones
of Sheridan.
The Buckeroo was first started
in l4t. It reached Hi climax In
14 when tt joined with th Cen
tennial relebratioa of Daytoa.
Since that tune, interest has been
mainly on the horse snd rodeo
type show. In IM the two-day
show was suspended in favor of
several summer play days.
This year, because of Increased
interest In the project, the two-day
how has been revived with the
parade turned toward cowboys and
girls and their horses.
Harry Williams is president of
the Buckere Association this year
Food Orano
Kill Woods
SUMMER SAFE apply writ) a FIID wither
a worry ... it wont burn. Doubfc benefits hi am dry
compound Ready to spread . . . ao biWb . . . M
fussmg with wsier. Use only oa grass lawns,
411$. Wf. eSae,haf ttlM 44471
Was Born
admits that she held her own Sha
attended the old Looney Butt
school. Her younger brother.
Archie, clad ia boots, often carry- .
ing her across the streams on tha
way te school.
School was held six months each
year three in the spring and
three in the fall. H was too rainy
and muddy in the winter months
for the eight or tea pupils to walk. .
Students sat ia seats on either
de of the targe wood stove ia
the center of the room. Lesson
were the same for all ages read
ing, writing, arithmetic grammar
and spelling. Teachers were al
ways quite young and there was
usually a new one each term. Pu
pils stopped going to school la their
early teens.
Miss Libby finished her studies
at Looney Butte at 11. and com
pleted her studies at tha old Jef
ferson Institute In Jefferson, un
der Prof. W. T. VanScoy. She
recalls only two of her schoolmates
still living. They are Mrs. W. W.
Warner in a nursing home ia Al
bany, and Mrs. Hattie Goia of
Reads Tea Matty
Rain and muddy roads kept tha
family at home during the loaf
winter months. Evenings werwl
spent with the childrea grouped'
around their mother, who read
aloud while they muached popcora
and apples. Sometimes, roads per
mitting, the entire family would
drive to a relative or friend's
home for an overnight or all -day
Miss Libby comes from a fam
ily of pioneers. Her first relative
to come to America was John Lib
by. who came from England ia
163S. Her father. Charles H. Lib
by tu born la Maine, but left
home at the age of 11, going ta
Pikes Peak. Colo., "to see th
Biecaad Oregwa k ltd
Later, with Mis Ubby's mother.
the former Adelia Jones, as left
Illinois for Oregon la uaz. stop
ping ia Iowa for th first win tar.
They left Iowa la May and arrived
la Oregon In October. The parent
first settled m Kan Butte com
munity la Una County where they '.
lived until buying the MO-acra
farm la Parrish Gap la list.
They had traveled wast by was
oa train, but drove mules instead!
of oxen. Since mules traveled fas
ter thaa axes, they were placed
at the end of the train, getting an.
of th dust from ahead a they
rolled across th hot, dusty pralrta
Mia Lroby's three brothers art)
all dead. They war Frank, father
of Edith Libby with whom aha
Uvea; Ellsworth and Archie.
When her parents retired, they.,
moved t a smalkr pUce, now '
occupied by Bill Skeltoa. aad bar
brother continued to farm tha
bom place. Edith Libby built a
small house oa part f th farm la
im, and this spring replaced tt
with a larger and mors medera
horn. Shs ha bred with her aiec
moat f that time.
Mis Libby was Ubrariaa at Jef
ferson for S) years, retiring as
January. lKf. She I a member
of the Methodist church, tha Wom
an s Society f Christian Service,
and tha Jefferson Woman' dub.
Each Sunday morning find bar hi
church, where she still grew muck
of her time and devotion.
Heart Attack Is
Fatal for Dallas
Ranch Employe
aaaliaaiia Haws Service
DALLAS, July If A heart at
tack was fatal this merniag ta
Mnrrltt H. Williams. U. resident
of Guthrie School road.
Deputy Coroner Earl Ttiomaasa
said lb man was feeding turkeys
on th William Domes ranch a
Oakgrev road whan ha sat dowa
to rest about It 11. Ha was strick
en while resting
Funeral services are pending
from Bollmaa Funeral Chapel at
Dsn. i
MONMOUTH. July 1 - Taxi
servtr for the Monmouth - bsdav
pendenc area ha bees Initiated
by C J Ensminger. wha plana a
M-bour service He was grantad a
l-year franchise. '
with Scott Now
Gesr eat dsndo
lioni, plsntaia,
filtrae a vou feed
grass to dtsp