- j : - . - plus Oreg et Sur on s Budg $16 Million Over Estimate Th tut budget lurplui a fll.OMOOO more than was es titrated at th beginning of th Legislature last January. Sec tHry oT SUK Mark -"Hatfield reported Friday. Thii don not mean this money Is irrunediatery available for pending, ttite officials uid. It has not been allocated and will remain tot th next Legislatur to band. Oregon Development Director Appointed '! wnmwummmrrjmmjwmwmmm Tail colutni wu first t protest recent penalties for violation i th city cavil service commission regulation against outside employ ment for flreme and policemen. It urged strongly the repeal or radical revision of the regulation. It is disappointing therefore to get the word from the commission that it contemplates no change "at the present time." such as was recom mended by the city council. How ever, 1 would not Join the States man's evening contemporary in calling on the members at the civil service commission to resign lets take some time and see ,f.c"ns ' y the controversy can't be ironed out p m . the U. S. Weather Bureau at without resort to extreme methods j McNary Field uid. What needs lo be realised is1 Weslhermea said a little cooler that the civil service commission ' is really an independent body. It was created by special charter ameadmeot which gives H power to draw up and enforce regula tion. Members art appointed by the council, with terms staggered. The term of Kenneth Perry s pire in 14. f William J. Eatress in 1M0 and f Monro Cheek ia 1W. (Parenthetically, one may say that these are all men held in high respect hi this commu mtyl. T reorganise th rrnnmn sion by replaeements would take at least three yean The council ones nave in power 10 rrmtn any member from efftc Iwr speci fied reasons, including "other good cause"; but the proceu requires filing of written charge and a hearing. Th present tiller enc in op'nion on a matter f policv n hardly "good cause" for suck radical treatment as removal from ofhc Hiatorically . civil aervice com- sart.aatrwaa rwitial ha ailrf MWimMrt body, immun from pressures and pull Otherwise Ms merit system (aliased ea editorial oaf- I" Move Afoot to Organize Berry Growers' Union Rv l lU-fW. t. resa UMar, TW Maiesasaa A MITT. Ja I A move to m- grnwen inln a pne bargaining . . . . Mu.u.diM l UHini I. ynuri ...j.. anwwig . Amity hrrry growers. It was reported here today ' )uHe a few af have dis cussed the ide aod everwher it is meeting with faoraWe re sponae " Howard Davidson Am ity sorry grower taid ia support ing the anion plan Thai won't h )ust an ordinary berry groweri' association he I said Purpow of the vnma Willi he la bargain with the raonones e re decided that if ad get lnei her we at least hae a eaaall r Ha are Ni takmg th matter rer, Yftai th prnceswars." j Hetrj grooert a'e being aked to vowv aomieot aa the aasna omit iiienf by Ii Urtwssing ar wrll- leg twvsdso at Baa L Amety. In closing out itato account! for th last biennium Hatfield, as chief fiscal officer for tbt state, uid the leneral fund sur plus it 4t,,J2S. At the start of the Legislature the State Tax Commission had estimated a surplus of about tS. 000,001. Major portion of the surplus comes in the form of $17,700, SOO more revenue from income tal es than was anticipated. iNew Oregon planning and devrlopaaeat director JnUus a- sen (center) confers with Gov. Robert Halves (seated) and Ivaa Bloch, Industrial consultant, following Jensen's appointment Friday morning. (Statesman Photo) Holmes Names Seattle Man as State Planner Julius B. Jensen, 45, who has spent the past year as man aging director of the Seattle Industrial Expansion Assn., wu appointed Friday as director of the Oregon Department of Planning and Development After the announcement of his appointment by Gov. Rohert D. Holmes in th executive offices Friday, Jensen told report Hottest Day of Year Recorded Friday wu the hottest day of the ' . year in Salem with the mercury j ..-.uJ .. aralnrr lorecist for today with ik, hi oh ri(l t. r.wh n mnA (nt ow jj Yesterday's low wai M Tbe continued fair weather will continue until Stoday except lor tow mornuil Ckwds, the weather bureau uid. Associated Press reports North (Oregon beaches will be fair ; through tonight except for (o or lew cloud ia th morning High j will be between to 70 Moderate fire danger was re ponH ,B Northwest Oregon lor- MtI Suburb of Eugene Okehs Annexation Kt'CENE, July II ( Residents of a ino-acre area at the southeast i ledge f Eugene voted 11-41 yester- tf - f ' ! Ahout Pfnam r',,'r ed to vet ia th annexation elec-: I nrewers stse are bring con ' laded for ophyms and ai the gets aoderway, every lhrrry (rnvini i-ornmonMy wiB he' contacted according ta' Dsvidsaa 1 Or..nnrnf meial iwntiitn ill he' - - planaes later la areas earns sing the plan, he said Jet Fires aa WirepaaSa Pa I ATOMIC Tm lTsT. Met, inky II Ts. age mi mtr Jefease flasbed hsse ssstaf srttw the nrkt, W th. Krai er -as-air rwraei wtth a eartrar war bead hi. a J t Hajwler ptaae. TVs 4lr fit It I riniwt eaned the eeVes at h power. Wsk"ewsstJI k WmffQA, Cat. BersaeJ L Parsoa, depa- Other revenue account and their increase over anticipated receipts include liquor revenues, up 13,446; gift and inheritance taxes, $S04,M; insurance de partment sources, fUS.aw. and interest on state deposits, $77J, 171 At the time of former Gov. Elmo Smith's message to the Legislature last January the ers he does not favor giveaway programs'' lo attract new indus try and he thinks Oregon's big omI rinra it iiwiiialrv ta m lha :u,.,-L; ..a ' Jiro,.! lines. " ' K - ....... The new stale department Jen sen heads was created by I he 147 legislature at (ov Holmes reouent as an Industrial promotion agency. Jensen will be paid SIX Ma "Betaia Bralas, DaUars" Jensen said he concluded after ,lvf " ' evelopment "'rector that business is sensi Uve It goes only where it is in- v,,d ,ni ,t,r expandu only where it is well trraied There is much to be done in this field in rW,sWMH mtiA I am in full n,-rnrri ;w11h ovwpor , jay,, j . ha M retention of our beat brains and business dollar- here " UaB Blotn porg.no consultant wn0 will help do research for the af,WT lftd who has been en gaged in a umilar caparrty lor the past seversl months, aim wan on hand at the governor's an nouncemenl I , . , . , . . , Salem Refmhliran. wai appointed Bloch naid h helm-es Oregon , . J , . .hould loos lo lste and countr.esi P1"' ' e''' ""erim bordering the Pacific Ocean for Utudy committe on fish and wild new markt rather than looking to the easlrrn lslo rreigat Rales HaaeWap Asked what he considers the biggest ohiacles to (Vegon s in- dustrial "'tor"en Bloch re nllaXl 1 hf fthllllinaT fWf M Or- gon from e..tern markets through higher freight rales and ih low ing oown ol (he r eneral power - RLv4 nnVinl ih.i . .tl have to he made of Oregon i tax tnirture la see if it discoursees new Indus! ry I AawlllM.1 DelalU m Tag. I The Weather Taday'l frt: Caetrinwad aooarsHy fair ikmI far law (j)( mj, (pjina Clr U:S. , "ST" ww ir -pt nf ii A -Rocket to Launch Nuclear Air Defense Age ty ta the test ssaaager . lary erfalrs. ah "The Mag wa taltv sim safst aad efteeta eaneet. fat r.rtr Raarfchssoa. far. ta. pel af Ike laaaek SM ptaae saM. Trrnmimf wessl fhs. tH- eneap. assoesnrer wa aol eyi elel UII." slal. W Brae, rtweaa.. Cs, aa et IK efBeers wba ortgiaally estimated Ut.Mt.to surplus wu revised upward to LB. 0, 006. 'The fact that this last figure was exceeded by- some tit. SO, 00 means that the next Legislature- will have that much more surplus to consider, provided the state's budget remains on the same level during the next two years." ' 3 Sandy Children Die in Fire SANDY. Ore . July If -Three little girts - the oldest I and the youngest one month were killed tonight when s fire raced through and destroyed a two-story frame bouse near here. Sandy Fire Chief Lyle Seaman identified the victims u Sherry Rae Gaagc. I; and her sisters, Yvonne Mae, 1, and Karen Lee, one month. Seaman -uid the firls were the daughters, and only children, of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gaage. The fire broke out in th kitchen of the home. Seaman said. A sis ter of Mrs. Gaage. who wu baby, sitting while the couple wu out, uw the flames and ran to a neighbor for help. When the girl. Mary Aan Weath- erwix, 17. and the neighbor re turned, the flames had leaped through the bouse. They wer un able to enter K Seaman uid the three children all were asleep in an upstairs bed room when the blaze erupted. The only part of the house left standing. Seaman uid, wu a brick chimney. The fire occurred about two Road. Sandy i. about miles I east of Portland. Solons Quit Smoking at Cancer Probe WASHINGTON. July If (-The Cigarettes-lung cancer testimony was still conflicting today but House members who listened t It quit smoking, in th hearing room at least Instead of th pipe, cigars and cigarettes so much in evidence at yesterday's opening session, mem- oers of a government operations subcommittee fiddled with pencils today as they continued their hear ings. Chairman Blatnik (D-Mim) ah- j . v .... , ., . r ri.hie T ........ ,-...., a " I ettes to a pipe jurt to be on the isle side ' . .. r nfwa ai ririsaai rtrw i u mis morn- in "'" r '' m AAI, I Ml ...l.nl.ll , m m mmtmm filled room. r In lod. testunony Dr Ernest I woan-aetiormg instiiut , r,nrer rMesrrh uid th. lnt.li scientific knowledge to date "e I tablkhes bey ond reasonable doubt -! -V"r- eannim that agarett, .mok.o, i, w 'trurture were caubously optHnu cause of an increasing lnr.denreUc ,h,t A wouM bur" of lung cancer among men and omen Dr R H R if don protestor of pathology Texas Set at the I'mversity of School of Medicine said ex- isting information is not enough In ' fifv" r,w-li.MUt that Ir,tl, .moking increases th lun cancer rate Elfstrom on Interim Unit Slal. Rmi Rnhert 1. FMslrom lile This group will report ill rerom mendations to the l"1 Stale Ig islature F.llilrom wi named House Speaker Pal Ooolev, when Port n Imorr friday completed his appointment of representatives 'o niierwr rnmmntee imiiari Selection of Rn Ouv Jonas Sa lem tsemocrat to Ih mlefim lai committae disckmed the da , helore ( S44 Setailt m fa ( I Red Might Dupliyed Mnst ow Jul i ev The So. vim a(iM mmi,ir, Srt.M mi piar e. taaku UmUt in artillerv and ml.o a military di.plav for vsiting King Mohammed U air of Afghanistan wee ea Ike grwaad Vrtlv he aeatk Sa ats tl. rael.l -W, wee. oat lastlweed be the biaal aog Pasah. TV iWtatssa kaaard wa alfssr." TW rarhet. s Cwle prtaW.d kv Istsifta Airrr.si ( ... streake tot rr.sa as Fa Ii spi. H si : A M Akosst nw seiswas later a sorts . Ike Isrgei . Vlt.s ted pafcat la space wlU a vtnd 107 Yaar 3 UCTtONS Briton Sets Mile Record; 4 Race Under 4 Minutes LONDON, My II itV-Toar aaea trashed the lea II ha beta daa by In ana race. Th waraf aaaV was lower1 by Dank rac waaaer, t 1:17.1: wu tea DeJaay, Maad, at 1: U.U aad faarth Kaa Was at Britain at I: MA Tom th Brittah Dr. Sheppard To Get Lie Detector Test COLUMBUS, Ohio, July 1 (v- Dr. Samuel H. Sheppard. convict ed of wife murder IVt years ago in one of Ohio's most sensational tri als, finally will get a lie detector test But a favorable result still would leave him a long way from treeoom. it appeared today. quest. The Senate cot only 17S Permission for tbe test on the, million dollars from the admlnis suburhan Cleveland osteopath wu tration bill and it approved some granted today by Gov. C. William O'Neill in the wake ol a "confes- sioo by a man unoer arrest in Florida Sheppard's co-counsel, Lt. Gov. Paul M. Herbert, uid the 33-year-old osteopath hu mad a vague" identification of Donald Wedler! S, now in custody ia De land. Fla. Sheppard, now in Ohio Penitentiary, was shown aa en-1 Urged Associated Press wirephoto of Wedler. Sheppard always has contended ""'"f0! "lril)'': T" bludgeoned to death by a bushy .haired intruder who later attacked him twice. But a Cleveland Jury convicted Sheppard of the July 4 1M. murder in tbe Sheppard' Bay Village horn, a Cleveland suburb on the shares of Lake Erie. It, Tampa. Fla., Earle Stanley Gardner said som angles of Wed ler confession have bee checked and found to b accural. Th mystery writer uid the angle re lat to th construction of th Sheppard home near Cleveland. Threat of Dam Break Subsides CAPUUN. Colo.. July lt Farmer, .tut linU. fnlrfl - - their home, today the threat m a orris m ine terrace reservoir i... -i-j mnixm. Mor- ,h, 1 000 ijv iB'Brundag. reported receipU at an in. imrfMWIlal. .r. in m,lhM,f Mi . n - - - u. Colorado Minv yesterday, fearing a wall of water if the dam brok. Engineers working to plug a Today's Statesman Paaa 11-14 ...II. .. II , 10 So. I I . II ... I H ... I Ann Landers Church Now ClassifWd . Comic . . Crossword ... Mifanal Haena Panaeam Mark Obituaeio ladia-TV (Sat.) laeKa-TV (Sun.) taart ... Star Qatar Valley Naw Wirephaf saa State Farm Mutual Enlisting Staff; Offices Ready Dec. 15 i nmpietion of ine I , mi ocin wm rngionai oiiic. Building m insurance I nmpanv ai Salem n jet lor Dec IS Harold S itson nerkeley Calif said Frtdar ilaoa he n pervmnel man ',rr " ,h regional office al neriesey h in Salem to hire worn en 'or fteninr posit torn on Ike head quarters office stall Total Sum her of Salern ssrsntoves Wttaoe plans Ui Mr ia IB An addttssael I ft nertnn in h. lrnferred from slitorm. ., . ,.i t.i ...ii , ..... . . . M ,rf ,j Another VI claim sdsiting employe, ,H he add-d I flattk aad k eat Hag af piak aod wka watrk flaated laosly la saore tk.a -aa trri. Paoer ml Ike rnrk-t ho keea asoaaaeest t - k. kva MMtel.at hat Ii r.r. I St Alktoaoa easaat.nnVT mi the defeat, eaosaa.atl- till ke eaartee al C aeaa. Sorsas. fat. t.af kelare Ike ltot that k esasht win sa a essae ka-ava- - 14 PACK Hoffa Foreign Aid Cut Voted By House WASHINGTON. Jury 19- (AP) - Tbe House tonight passed a 13,110,833,000 for eign aid authorization bill, cut 1727,800,000 below President Eisenhowers request, Passat was by a JS4-154 roll- call vol. The vol climaxed a week of hot debate over tbe averse aid program m which the House also voted down major Eisenhower pro posals to put the aid program on a long-term basis. Th bill now goes to the Senate House conference for compromise with a Senate-passed bill muck closer ta Eiaenhower'a on final ra- j long-term aid authority, utu Da - vntlaa Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles wer counting on (he Srnate-Hous Compromise Com mute to rescue some foreign aid projects severely trimmed ia a haal hectic day of House voting. Specially hard hit ia the long session that raa into the evening hours wer Eisenhower progrsms for a new development loan fund and for economic aid to support defense programs of U S. allies. Lap M MilHoa IMIar Instead of the SO million dollars Eisenhower wanted for defense support ia the coming 11-month period, th House voted ltt-74 for only M0 millions Th Senate bill provides 100 million dollars. U.S. Budget Balanced for Second Year WASHINGTON. July 1 orv-The government today announced Us second balanced budget ia a row, showing a tl44S.000.0Ot surplus far the 157 fiscal year which ended June JO. However, the Treasury repon chilled hope for an early tu cut Officials have stated that any sig BlftCSK Ul n r. i .... I ;,." by seere- i.rv rj ik. Tr...urv Humnhrev .ll-iliiw i -v,n u wi wv land spending at a peacetime rec ord of tm 344 001 00 Not since 1M7-4I ha the govern ment had two successive balanced budgets. Eisenhower's proposed budget for the present fiscal year, i controversial 17100 or WW doc ument now being pruned by Con gress, calls for a third surplus, amounting to tl lil.ooo oo. Bicycle, Car Hit; Lad Hurt An eight-year-old Salem hoy sus tained a mangled arm and a pn sible skull injury when th hicvrl he was riding collided with an an tomohile Friday after none, nesr Xaw Cnerry Ave . slal police said Taken to Salem (ieneral Hospi tal hy city first aidmen was ln R Holmes, of 17.10 Clearview Rd An attendant uid the boy was list ed I "fair'' condition Police said driver of the vehicle in the accident was Alvin H. Ksrn ll rhemewa Rd 10 ine -arinspew mrirw pavraii es- iimaien to run wn a minion 001 In me firs! af three acheduled 0 Appeal I VerQICl personnel visas. Wilson plant to mplov approximately women' ASHINCTON -lulv 11 -ae lhi trip Accepted eprliraM Havwrifht Arthur Miller .tt a.L. t- sV- -l -.I.. I.A teM in ine a rWian.mnftth win iw i s srn tt' law rr wnwnm i tp 1 nr m Berhelev for Ihree In lour mnnlht training prior lo th som ipg of the Salem offices Coostnirtlon on the one dnrt buiMina rosnoleleat la dale m the mnrrMe flnnr and onmnn heamt lor the btnMing walH and rnn TV. w-. i, . , . . u ,...., fir interchange at the Portland T prew.y north of Sslerr liaa a ettetny plae M Ik. "keal or .an le ealtett have " Tke t. e. skar laaarklag ptaae eaa Ha .pa altaa wee. otaktaf a are aaoal s attar sway akr tfc earkel weal aN "Tk. al.a. aaraaaserad Hstle avar. tkaa mmrmmi larkate.M Itxt ta. akack !." NaSrfcl Saa Th. WUNMB IAW The OrflMi Statesman, Salons, Oregjpw, Freed by Bribe Charge Rejected i. ,'. . :. i " s . . -'A' ' i! y ' ' . v-; : -Vr-);-,H! 1 ,ii ''" "" :' " v .' j , . - , 7 '. . .;, f"- a : . - I . " i WASHINGTON, July It from a taxi teday after bein; acsjultted at chargei f eoa soiriaf aad kriMnf t plant a spy within the Scaat rack et lavestitatiaf. committee. (AP Wlrephte) Miss USA Really Mrs.; Loses Title Publicity Brings Word Her Father Still Alive; Accepts Show Offer By JOHN BECH.tR I.ONC BEACH, Calif, July 19 (AP)-A day of shocb started Friday for Leona Cage when she lost her Misi I SA title because she is married and it ended when sha receivedncwi her father is still alive, . . . Thii nrwi and a series of show business offer Indi cated the Mary land beauty might be gHflne; her anderellB coach out of the ditch into.which it careened this morning wt she was ousted from the contest for being married. Mrs. Mary Leona Gage Ennia of Manhattan Beach, Md., wu deluged with snow business offers all day after sh admitted Peru Girl Miss Universe LONG BEACH. CalH.. July It ifv-A dark-eyed aeaarita nwaa rem. Gladys kVaaer, lt. of Una, laaigbt was aaaaed Mis I Mlaa leader, t feet 7. with UUa Aaiertraa ever U wl taw telsrwtleaaf beaaty eealeat. PWIa seread was Miss Brasil. Tereaiaaa Gear! Meraag. M. el Marraas: aad third Mia England, taaia saute, XJ. that she has a husband and two young son, a situation which promptly knocked her off her Miss Vniled State throne and left tonight i final competition without a I' S entry Tonight, she said that she plans to accept a IMO-a week engage ment at the Tropicana Hotel at Lai Vegas Bid a little later the Igyear-old girl faulted. In this reporter I arms, when he told her her father. F. D Gage. 5, is a palsied patient at the Wichita Fall. Tex . county farm hospital When she was revived in her room aha gaaped: "I thought he was dead They told me he was dead." She then said after she left Trial for Maryland with her hus band. Air Force Sgt Gen Norm F.anis, two yean age ah wrot to her lamily She said the was unable to leara anything definite about her lather, finally "resigning myself to the thought that he was dead " lona uid Gage had been in a bad aula accident then, ai an aircraft plant worker luflered a aver electrical shock and she combination left him paralysed She said her mother divorced her father and remarried The mother new is Mrs nailer Biggs of Dallas, who confirmed tonight that Leon is the daughter ti the Wirhit Falls man She admit led tonight that she is It. not II as she told contest officials and th press previously Miu Huh who succeeded Mrs F.anis as Mias I nited Slates as prohibited (mm joining tonight i finals because ah had aot earlier competed against the lorriga entrants (Ptrtare wtresnWU a' Pkrtare aad aa. (VUHs ea page I) Miller Fined, Jail r l p r ry JUjUtnUCU, -r- i I l I a. iibji ij . sum a, - - - proded .ail ,eo.e loda, for ronieinot "tigress hu' he re fUsl in let the ctrtam full on h- He annouixM he .num sppes' savins i mo' nerw t in i t- n committed oiotempt 1 V iii J-rtee fhwle. Mr t .Ai t.t A, . . mo- Hon Miller made -nrf,, in h. e hi, V.v Jl rtH-inn et s.de fTtaTdJ akaVCf'Stl paMtli Ma) Rear aa faar atker aa feaM eniaxatt atrVrrrt a e r a alaliaae aaarr MW Mats U leal Ike pn.ttklt efferla apaa Ike rt yWtaa sslarln Tke anVart said tkey ttaatt kaeekaae tkaar ere. tSratl ahead "Wa aerea I rarhe kr Ike Bnar wat, "Tha keal Saturday, July 20, If 57 Srailiaf Jaact B. Haffa warn H-H JS saeaaaresaeeU. U tW first Soap Box Derby Parade Today, Races on Sunday Home mad racing hug sn ac rordian hand, the Willamette Ri ver Days royal court and mer loa . . . n . rn, derhv 4r,ver, will psr.de , Ik.M rf ntm mi nnfaai V ss lsri I assfxas w In through nWntnwn U-m lortsv lo kickoflthe tilth annual Salem Snap ihe lirj hny and their ipoasars. Boi Derby ; sill he the Sslem summer recrra- Sarling from the ( apiinl Mall I mo hand reprmfntatnet Irom tha al II in :he parade led hy Iella Smiley on Salem Mayor Ra rand marshal SecreUrv ol Stale hert T White nther ctty d if rut a- Sin haifieM atM a r " rroot ruard will wind Hi av west on , ( oeeoeketa In H.gh Street south Ian H(h t Ferrv Street east on ml Ik Watsl was aeatal taed tag la h-eet W a Isnnwr. aar akea I Is apeaed far awavess ." Tke Alatasr Eaergv ( astssls staa. akteii rarrled aot Ik leal at rsaperatlaa wk tke artr.M raoiiaatxt saa) "aa laRoat atk er Iks. paMlkty trarat Is satlei--ed ' kaMker ataava- taat arkaale lar lamorrao a No, 111 Jyey Teamster May Seek Beck's Job By KARL K. BALM AN WASHINGTON, July 19-(AP)-James R. Hoffa, No, 1 man in the Teamxten Union, won an acquittal today on charges that he conspired and bribed to plant a spy withia the Senate Rackets Committe. Th verdict may rocket Hoffa into th union's presidency, a pant being vacated by Dav Beck, who is retiring under charges front th ume Senate committe that a misappropriated large rums am th union. A federal court jury of seven women and fiv men deliberated only about thro hours and a half hi reaching it verdict exonerat ing Hoffa, 44. Conviction upoa the charges h faced could bav car ried a penalty up 't 11 years ia prison and 121.100 in fines. As his wife and daughter Bar bara, it. stood weeping with joy la th courtroom. Hoffa let it b known be would make u earty edsioa on whether t seek Beck's Members f the Senata cornmhV tea obviously wer chagrined at th versioa but only ant, Sen. Goldwater (R-Arix), had any bn mediat comment. H said: "Jo Louis makes a pretty good da tes attorney, that's all I cm say." w Leal ta Indlsncs This was a reference to the fact that ta farmer world heavy weight diampioa spent a fay and a half k a conspicuous placa k th courtroom cudienc as th jury, consisting of sight Negroes and four whit parsons, heard ta evidenc. Louis deacribed Hoffa U news men as "my food friend" ass! said n had com to ae what was aapsksniag ta aim. On th atbsr aid, a Ngr sistant US. attorney, Harry At exaader. wag aaatad wUk govern mcnt counsel during the trial, though a took no sctiv part ta th courtroom rcSuii. WaM Jaaas Fraan JsaM Robert r. Kmaody, chiaf coun sel of th genets cemmitt. ra marfcad soma tun as that ha woum -tump ff th dom'' if Hoffa war acquitted. Today Edward Baaittt WO- Uams. Hoffa i defense attorney I one of ih aast's best-known criminal lawyers, said Jubilantly: Im going to mid Boobv Ken nedy a parachute for whea ha jump eft th dom " la reaching Its decision, tha jury had to decide betwea th tori told from th witnesi sUnej by Hoffa snd John Cy Cheasty, 41. New York UwyT-investigator. ly ha vorthct, it clearly believed Hoff when be denied that nt and Hyman I. riarhbach, Miami attar nry. induced Cheasty to got s Job with th committee, then brewed him t feed there Ms secrets Hoffa said h used a onion fund ia his defense. HoarnwcsT taaavn AI Inm I, him g l WMkilrW. S. UHu i At LawIMM I, Trs-CMy I PAfirrc coast LsAeta AI rwrttoa . Saa rraavhw. I Ai La AatlM I. VnMmi I At .a m.f I, smItom I Ai ImMi I, Imiumw 1 AwaairAH taAois AI ftomsa I. N.w Tl I Al rtn. t, IiSii s AI Ks.M.1 I Kl I. aaMfaMf 4 AI DMnN , tuklMM I MATlnIAL l.tAOIS AI PMUkartk 1. M LnH At raiuM.ku t, riBckaua f AI BrMklva I S, rkHHi -l At w rl I. MIIatM Fen-y lo Church Street and (oath on Church in Mission Street and I he fVrhy Oewna Bush's Pas- .. lure 1 m loded in the parade bestden iin . ir, imr mv lAonard iccordiar hand from Alhanv. s Bov Scout color guard, The p.rarie .ill form al t a m lieriyv nirriort are Alfred Pfev frr and ! iii i Charles Munaon and Clark Carlton i More lhaa Ti workers wi be ea ' duly Sunday when festivities will , begin at I g m . actual racing at 3pm The champtnnafitp rae b tweea Class A and B winanri wfll come at S i m i A public barbecue dinner and program wiU follow the rar at p m Sunday The dinner sn ha free In Aertrvitl and I small fa charged others Inspection of Vroy rers aad teat runs will follow the parade today 1st McCuflocb Stadium ia th art. PMCI fa 1111! t