Cheese Muffins Surprise Bread Qeaning Tip jSUtcsmaa. SJan. Or-. FrU July 19. "57 (Sec IID-H A v For Piano Keys - Jl tack paras af ha m mujto Un r-v LAdd Olives to fc. oka. VSmn. picture and hnc a trw jyon'ra lakagj to Potato bauds kill 9 hart aad fl Mafia) ''ko baauM ra ail raaaid ataf f Fasery atrtaail carrat aad waB !e tZT, L aaja wtark a attk'araaard cawaed rw ewetud raaa- taJ((t " km kill tmataatt baa baaa aanVbato laatafatta a aaahtal tatad. eat ia bm koekyanl kv cszrsi mcpttji nvBksia dleai 7 1 egg , at 1 .JlMM rat 'wu amty or ten ' Tharo a -tuff of aarat, Ml (! Far ft mj. b At iwca bona r baa l d anad And IntM kam and a dart r two of pile Ml M H rwca eVvurd acts Ik tarn fly wtl realty fa ear fta taety ariataa i aa om a I a 4 rVJlAJU LUJiO KCeS I aatlapta waflavared fesauae "j'Tomato Ring Holds Mealy (Salad Mix at asaaded. SUr at ktarott mix bet thatt aa rwaeaa aat It kaea patt aati n iiinil batter wd useat year heaat. Try rilifg tlLAJ TJOtKaTT i , vl aunt tto i nn'ir jaled JnKTn"nnXrenl MM Wltk jkwaka M IW. BWt We Caseat a ate eraser a4 ak - - - arf rtara Make a law ealanae kaa aa. npe abai year urveraa Batata act asaffa. Bake a bet avwa Bteateaad ia water. Caaa psaaa'kaj tea grated ksmaa rad aad salad Leak far the ai i pi earn N cap ail fJ kr ahaaf li aiaiia key by waatg wch a caaa maast- treat hwaaa Baca a at era at taa saJad pact ef npe H a aa a i cubs tat am . arwa hat. aatd wtM weed ale thai Soap aad flaeort, icaaaeraaa aad sadt. WWW V cut H osj - t ell Tangy Tomato Ring hold piMMnl combincHon of onion, cucumbor' and cortago cJioeta, oamithad with strip el tanguo or lamb. Tho tomato atpk coma in can, to doai tho moat, for ipaading preparation. Honey Pie Features Gold Color Bar, la On days af One, who Athens was ttia koney capital at the world, aeiftfc bmnng Maunt Hyawttua was the permanmt anna f mare thaa twea.y theut aad baa hive Hte knaM ted a that la ether parts af Greece, a mar. it we fre auently iirnaary tar httkatpm at b abneat at Maatrtaa it war winged ward tar they moved their hivee according ta the taa aoa, fefiewag dta crapa a( flaw art rortuaataty today, a moder advtacat li hoary culture bee keeper caa atay put tod Kffl father thetr rweet produce, ej insufk tka aa thawaahr nwet remaa aa kajy at tew. R ka baaa totd laat eevaoty bra fteutand af tha basing bard aiaat vtoi mom thaa twa railbaa flower la tka coupe af a day ta product a pound af nectar. Since koaay k) tha eldest sweet aninf afent. it feat lurprisini that tim mx-tar is a (vored ingredient In huadrad at deeeerts raninf from tha maay layarcd beaey droDcked baklav ta a ligbt. aU cataly textured aeseert know a Ronay Chlffoa Pi whkh tailar aud for aummar ddii(. coldcn rn nu IS caaa atflad Oaur H taaapaoa tall H eua abortaataf t tablaapoom vatar la mixtaf bowl eantbma Oaer and tH Wttk paatry btaadar or twa knlvaa, cut la ahortattlnf ajntil aiiitura look Uka coaraa eonunaaJ. Iprbikl vatar erar Inixtura, aa tablaapoea at Urn, and ma Ufhtly wttk a fork antil all flour it mottanad. With tha hand gather dough Into a ball. On a lightly floured board roU out pantry in circle inch thick and about m iachee larger la diameter thaa tha a plat fit pajtry kmeely Into a -lrtck pie plate and trim off edge, leaving W inrh overhanging. Fold over banging edge back and under. Build up a fluted edge: Place left forefinger against Inaid of pajtry run and pinch outaid wita right thumb and forefinger. Repeat all around rim. Prick bottom aad tidet of paatry generoualy with a fork and bak at US T. tor 11 to IS minute. It win be a lovely golden browa whan It come from the even. HONEY CHirrON FILLING 1 tablespoon gelatine Vi cup water 1( cupa milk Vt cup honey I eggs A 10-ounr jar maadaria orange tk teaapoon taR 1 cup cream, whipped .Soften gelatine in tha water for I minute. In t taucapaa combine milk and honey and bring le boil Beat the egg with little T tha hot milk until blended, stir agg mixture lata tha hot milk and eook over low heat, tttrrtng. far I minute Remove from heat, add falatJne and tir antil gelatine it diuoived. Stir In tha Juice drained from tha Jar af mandarin erange (R should measure about H cup) and tha salt and refrigarat tha custard, stirring occasionally, un til it mounot from a spoon Beat Custard until smooth. Fold In tha whipped cream and tha mandarin ranges. Spoon about twa thirds af tha filling Into tha golden pit shall and Summer Soup Is Chilled Bisque A cold eua la filling aad satis factory for summer. Aar u m af the aseeat aaea. COLO TOMATO U4)C1 1 eaa tameta aaao cup water H cup milk 1 toaneoa lemoa Jusre 1 taaapeea Worreatarsrurs iRipe Olives in Supper Salad Half a rup af ra elite adds snaatiatu sod a welcome coier ac cent to Supper Salad Supreme, a snacarvai salad with a wtUeea- 1 tathipaa gratoel aaaa 1 cup aaely rappd curarabar 1 cartae ll aa callage 1 ar I as.' lama ar beef aarewa. SoAaa gelauaa hi aa cup cold latnata JaV far 1 annexe Heat reat af temete jasca 'I cups' and add- la gaiatuw. ata- aaul aW ad Add caik aaoce. aaiaa aad Paur asta nag maid aa c4 until drm I'saneM aa piaster, tad fffl caotar wtk cat taw chees. Cat taogue lata I- aier sug 1 finely chopped aup tour cream Call amp li refrigerator several hour. Pear asup lata a bawL Add water, milk, hmoa Juiea, Wor (aatarttar sauce and ease. Beat until tmaaa. Add H cup af the sour craam, beating until It I wed mixed. Serve garmaned with aoOopa af remaining sour rreara and a little chopped chive. Make I servings. Dry Milk Found Quick to Use AH broad af kaaUnt nonfat dry milk wtl whip readily wbaa used with aa equal me ure of let water. Freak froaaa. ar bottled lemoa Juice not onty adds pi auawa, but make the whip more tUbla. The hurried koroemaaar I ever oa tha alert for diartea that caa be prepared tha day before. This everalgrit salad it papular winter, aunaner, spring or fail. It tha top of a double boiler, combine I well beaten egp. cup lemoa Juice, 1 teaapoon dry muetard and a dash of salt. Cook until mixture I thick ened enough ta coat apnea Ht mov from heat and add I marsh mallowi quartered. Stir antil smooth, cool, and add I cup chopped nuts, 1 No. I can drained diced pineapple and 1 cup of seed ed grapes Chill ana hour. Com bine Vt cup ice water, i table spoon lemon Juice and Vk cup konfat dry milk and whip until stiff Fold into fruit mixture Let stand M hours. Make ( tervinp. BREAKFAST FRUIT Fresh orange and graprfnitt section sweetened with honey nd topped with fTited orange rind Refreshing! chill until set. Chill remaining fil ing until let. then heap by spoon ful oa top of pi. Top with addi tional whipped cream if desired. Garnish with mandarin orange slice ar strawberries and refrig erate until serving time. g ether ckeeee, celery, partley tad puniaota. Rip olva mak k a sticfc-t4Kth-rib meta dub for a family dinner or informal com paay menu. Prepare the tiled a baad of mtv tag time and dull la tha refrigerator You U find this It recip you U ut aflea thw wnv mar. .TPf I SALAD aXTUMX H cup ripe elivat v. pound proceaaed cbeeet cup cooked macaroni I cup sliced celery Vi cup diced ptmiento v cup chopped parsley 4 cup mayonnaise I tablespoons drained iwert pickle relish 1 teaspoon grated onion 1 taaspooa prepared mustard Vt teaapoon sak Black pepper ta lasts Cut olives lata Urge piece. Die cruets lar ahred caaraoiy). Cara bine stives, cheese, macareai, eat ery . puniente and partley. Blend mayoanaue, pickle relish, onion, muetard, sal aad pepper. Add la macaroni mixture aad tost to gether lightly, terra weU chilled. Serves 1 auartared deviled etX af ewe umber FifM eervatgs Here art athrr summer No cream taure ta mak whre yu use cream style rort Hk dried beef m uus apeoal rembin atiaa I'm t small jar el dried beef Riate. dry and shred it and browa ia butler or marganae wfth a small caa af mushrooms, draiaad. aad a amal caapped etuea. Add t II aa. eaa af cream atyle con. ttiianrag witk a bttlt liCht cream If aewded lrv piping hot ever toast poinu Far Use light frurt-ftUed dea sert prepare eraage cocanut ar vajulla piiddiiif tnu according ta package dtrertona Drain, pa and obop purpl plums from 11 at. caa or Jar, and fold thorn and tw tufrty beatea Hi wtutas lata the cooled pudding Pile into individ ual dessert dishea aad chut Serve topped with tlioad banana. Here's t new slant aa bat sand wiches, Opea Chili Cbeeaaburgers Arrange spUt hambarger bum on a Saking sheet, but ten i e'-h half Caver with alice of Amer can rhertt and nut in thr oven ar under the broiter until cheese meKj tllghtly Serve the bum oa individual pistes, apooaing h a t canned chili caa earn ever the JVWT ENOVCI Like renerous kakpingi af v re- Buy i pound at potatoes tablet? a pound and for two Servian; half af greet poaa for two. pound af spinach ar tomatoes WW A switch to ST aaT .aaar m. 1 never an after-thirst! Dr. Ptpptr Bottling Co. 09i N. Ukorty St. SaUm ' r TKo WW Fiik Froth SILVER SALMON Lb. BEWARE Of LOOK ro mi mappt VTTU909 SOLE Red Snapper CRAB CATFISH A$ OYSTERS a 159 KING CRAB a. 3 TOPSINQUAUTYl low iti pmci rrath Cat Up Stewing Hem 98 Fresk FRYERS' t4 Lb. Oeoi Ready m aa g Roasting Hens uHJ Tsckt Oak afAv COFFEE 79 Frtth Sao food and Potilrry 216 N. Commercial fkoeto EM 4-470S Family fun I Only om pozzlt to workl Enter as many times as you likil Should it ko "thy" or Ms"T Is If "bft" or "bin"T Cmofl! Match wiU with Kellogg "Mt TWatar." It fua, and tha winner will pat SS0.000 cash! You juat in m tha auasiag Wttars a the partly tolvad croaaa ard peatia bafew aW reading the dues. Bxampet: "Houaawifa who baking will want t BI of tow at hand." Which it Bwre appropnaU -BIT or BIN? Resnembar. aaly ana ana war m corraet a eock caaa. Read tat rule, fat started. Cup aad una tha entry blank Maw. Yoaj caa get additional aatry blanks at your grocer's or by writing to 'Twister Coatee,1 Bos 111. Mariott, Onto. r, CUT OUT ON DOTTfB UNI LTpOsItMaI m OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK KtUOOO'S fSO,000 "MISTIR TWISTir CONTI$T ITATI. I ITI I HI I I IH I I I aa a "aalw Twtm.- tmm 100. aaiia, OH r loj I Mi if I (1 rn y TOUI NAM! I Jhd ifn BhBlE j Ato : ' ' a l r lTjn Mt-y cm ioni itati I I 0 I IB (TTPt t (Ptoaee WOrT-Use poaed-tiih Man) I I J I O ! t J il t P tmialfl m Ml aataat eae atam't Cam Natal m Bae I I L! C "JL 0 t R V 5 leaaiaa.iatnw.atlel...l.fc IrogDi njzzzr"mr'y'',','4 j I 1 1 f- r i PI' rroat M nfbl Iei IhIiImI i I AMMM j 0 CLUES ACROSS t A faraer aight wetl aak hh hi rad bead to atay with kin and halp search for tha. a. A nil could be called a hypo crite kerauaa be doea this. I Aaaong the worid'a aopulatioo, as aay that are out of tha ordinary catch the public ey. Seaing believing. Finding ta old la Johnny's pocket, mother will probably just put it with the other fuaay things be ka col lectad. IS. I a maay tropical countries, H ia the fashionable set who area I. 1. IS. Paat tenet of ' 17. A girl's aaaa. 19. Bigger 21. Choose one the ether. 23. Metal bearing rack 24. Paraoa with eanouo ailment ia l:katy to Uke under doctor's order. 25. A aaaa n said to he no thaa he feels 2. Short for Edward 27. To get .penal attention, sd vortieer may decide to uee lettering oa ka bill board advertising 28. Housewife who love baking will went a of lour at hand. 29. To utilise. 10. Almost any good father and mother would show real interest ever their children do this. CLUES DOWN A i. i important for be Used ta mead a tear. If violent, it oftaa afferta ether poreoaa beeidee tboee people directly involved. King" ia Franca. Bachelor of Arts (anbr ). It ia thai neglected. It ie amueing at Uasas to tee bow aoaie folks try ta be when there a mistletoe l bout. What cinnaaaoa aad doves are. 12. Old trapper might knew from the tracks outaide laiKval wee ia the cave. 14. A musical selection. 15. Yoo might aspect a firmer to naturally waat te get ml of it ay be wjw 4. 7. 10 li. Wife e fealiaaa badly hurt what by bnaelf all evening. 17. A maa should hesitate batata naing one that ia not ia reason ' aMy aefe seaditien. IS. Ia daya of , 20. Hntory indicetea that H kei. tiated toae eerly ailitarp caapaigaa. 22. Bright color. 24. A oarious en a narrow highway aight compel a motorist la make aa anaa parted detour. 25. What a gambles offers. 28. To or aol ta be. ANOTHER TIP . for quick, refreshing tummer hraikfaata, pour out a big bowl of Kellogg' Com Flake, the cereal that Uetae beat to mora people ... or enjoy nouhahment without weight in Kellogg' Rico Knspiee. Both ar great with your favorite fruit aod freah, cool milk . . . mmml n i i SAVE fGIB fatwi T i 41 U0VI (wis yf ij 1 J AAtflfltfl ttS) I wmmm i i aCi our vu ill? iint rmmmmmmtm GOOD FOR 54 TOWARD PUICHASI OP DIPC gi) aaan at tiiiiini afca aat mm mmm aat M IllVlal JtL IfcHW VII (wtJMlt, Ottt mf Wt tttKt anWawaVlA na-wrBrfaawl WaV T nti llll. mi aw Mil i. illi aaaa ttme. tea. taMn. m mm nPPirf a.aiate.amnat nm ,m KK Hh at at. aUSr al Swt aa e amtiat Swt I tw IIIIIWI IfeV aaM Si ha Cat aM M a It Man na to. ane.CraS.aav Oft -4k. fHe. or It-es. PACKAOV r tmnt: tw tw mniiiiit it a a n. idum 4 an asata. ata a. aO letaa lua at la W tta h m lii M nam a h ataaaa. m aaaj k n Saw tin' le INr JUST FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE RULES 1. PRINT t Meat BMon m IM paolt Hw Mtert ma rant larn ward that beal k deal PtINT feat was md sddrtn burly m entry SUM sad lbs M nttei of fw M asms m Hit bei srsiaotd. (atnn nasi n auttisflitd m Istet tka October li. 1)67. mituiH ncartd m lotar Hist Nevembtr S, 1K7 Ma al ta- MIMar TwnkK," sai IOOO. Malta. Oaa, 2. fa nty seler a many tiem n rot Stan camairiag aitti aM rein tor tack entry Um sen; afhcul tarry bunks sbtairwd frsn atwiptpH en. t yew frocef I ar by eribr a) twister ConMt ". lei 111 Msnts, One. (act entry mutt bt tcaynpiMtd by tw KeKon'l Cor Fltktt r re Kelloa'i truant bortetl tot of tack (tf yo asv tham). or toy an Itcsmltt csrd from say sourca. ioitooi f kork ft iliislriM a lti Ml 3. Csretufly Mudy rhe duel battel antrnf your Mteert. Tkt corrtd enei rtqwri tt most (porseratt in nst iMt eoros Then Ktvt tea rMermaarj ind irt anal ftrnUmrnt Corportlion at Amt'Ki kis btMi ippoinled H ctnsiaei sN tatries ltd wttct tht prm aaaai. DeaMm el rudrn ml bt ansL 4. flu keUosj Comptsy pty (SO.OOO ler the eerrtet Miutio; a it I csrred tolutiot n not rsenverj. tht men attrh car rad solution band a tht number el orrtol wwdt en bt tht winnar (tubrtct 0 t rules et He amrtstX 5. I mi tveat ) hev i ttpi'itt "Mister Twnwr'' purri ted I ssntsacs tor conpittion. "I bkt KtHou'l Ctrilit bKlvn ." (is 7i aerds sr an), eil bt msiltd M Ihnt whs hive tied he toitops, er tscamlei ail oa rsowrtd with be brttkinf. tntritv Seek entritt wM' oe jvdftd n tht basis of Ire lit-braking put! umtuH 4 It tht rveot of further tin the pnn ail bi resrotd k) tvin tntrtnt when nnttnet tor cosejleheii is leoged most apt. erimsl. md anctn. 6. Entnes limited It rtadtnts f tht owiriWfittl United Ststtt iedudia Alsski and Hiww. sicsst anptotn-M at flu Ksfnfj Company, its tdvertiang iftacm tha Furflllnient Corporrtion af Amend and their lirmltet, Centtst subnet a ttl fjvtrnmtntil bjwi tad ttfaistnat, 7. M tntrwt bscamt tht property of Hit lurilea Campany tor my and ttl purposet hens will bt returntd. Ktot tsr HKideMtl tacsinatnsittd kttp Iron tm Ins md tnends. tntrns must St trholly tht eerk ef tht pmoa it whose nstnt tht entry a nbrntttd. tad ail k drt tuihfed rl preotred with pioftsinasl ar compemaled Mp ktehtmcy rtprortuCTd ItcsJnilas tit intiitian. In farness k atl. a corrMtonOHict wil bt taterei at Maut tin caefcst The airmti a tying mtrmri ai ka aabaa by md a m bant ht.eala 30. 1W. i I l