800 Real Eststs 0 Hn ft Uk VALUE PLUS . All th axtraa ym Intm at In thia keaatifully situated 1 bed- . mm daylight blHfflnl kerne. Flagstone entrance, I eonv eompkri bath m mi in floor, 3rd roughed a, rull basement, 1 ftreplaeee pJua roueaerie, bulit la avaa, range, diah taiMr, snt. comm. So many extras yoy mutt see this West Kalem Wi. Call ItuU) Mor rison Ev. Fk. EM 4144. Joe Bourne Realtor 114 H, Capitol EM mil Partly Furnished 2 Bdrm. Home North PRICED AT M9MWill take In car worth up tn WW DN PAYMENT CAR MUST BE CLEAR EM i-MIt, EM lni. VM STATE MADSEW REALTY Drive By 1185 Columbia K Modem 1 bdrm. homa full beeement a lur. Widow leaving city make nf Jer, you may ba surprised Call Art Madsen. at I1M State EM l-iM0.EM l-MU Ko'rOOUN. WE MEAN!T this la th beat buy wt vt wn in a naw J bad rm homa. you'll say an too Larae family dining rm . I full hatha. IxJS work shop. 1390 so ft plus plastered doubla (ran. hreplaee, l a. furnace. Ail an plua auaJitv coat l rue lion lor aaly 111. TM. Geo. Walters, Realtor M S. Commercial Ph EM 1714 or EM 4 (33 IM Dowa, Ml ( Monov I Bd. Rm. Homa North. In Oak treee. tlMt. Possession NOW. E. A. MrGlauflin, Rite 135 N HlfhEMl-MII EM JM11 LOT Wr, lit" Treae. SI Fair viaw Ava. Clean, oldar 1 bdrm. rarpoii. Room to build another ha Near bua 4 achooli. TermeM.lt. SHOW PLACE-J ACRES CLOSE LN Jot vary oltan do vou find a Slaoa Ilka this Ranrk ttvle oma with beeement raal nice kitrhaa, separate dining room, large Irving roam wiih fire place. I bedrooms- Big barn with I ftancMnm. machlna ahad 4 large chicken house. About H A In cuKivaiton Mar la real value. All build ings are tn vary food con ditmn. Call Ralph Maddy Eva. phone EM I-94M. Ohmart & Calatia, Realtors in Court It Phone EM 1-41 II EM 1-41 la. BY BUILDER" NEW CUSTOM BUILT GUARANTEED HOMES lALES-TRADEk EM 1 W I RDRM. WUi aell lor low down payment or trade lor boat, tar or lot. EM &m Highland Dist Hat I hdrm. (Mm, tow Yrw parmant. 1,100 pq plas ered arae. HIM IM 4-1271 MR OWNERi Glen aVoodrv will pa um arte m reur fura ' .eoflani EM 1-1111 tOUTH SeJenT lrnall price tmall down pafnaient. small monthly pym't. I bedrm. ettrit garage. 7 vr. old. 4 block Hlh 4 bMt grade Owner EM 1-011. I JO to T JUt UTmitOK REALTOR Let us aalve four h I'm needa T Buy ten at Rent - Cell r- CM 4-I141 llll tflaeo.iei fM 4-7fl4 Hi V rrnni . BY OWNER. Small 1bAm Kxcel large enrenr lot. M Km hal like rent. 111 Berry But oy door EM MR1I I RDRM1 . bemt . forced air nil furnace. HIM , da . I N I7th NU2a. BY Owner 1 year old 2 bedrm home, famished, or unfura. K Mierjdit EM -l OWNER transferred - Loveln 1 hdrm . I flrapls . full Mini i Reaajtlful gardens. SIH Wayne Sy OWNER.-Larte'olderhome. I erel lor . income property t Sdo. Terms EM 4 JnS7 " MUST BE SOLD New 1 bedroom home on 1 seres. 4 ml!en from Salem on rsved rosd. Price onl 9Mtn I Lex down pavmenl. bslancs like rent NORTHWEST LAND CO, 1744 Centrr SI Stlrm F.M 1M11 F.vr EM Mlftt Rental Option Ynung mether and hahy wants to Join hukband in Cs lliornia Would snms other couple like to move alto their well built attractive I room home sod pav for it like rent' Weil located property In cMy priced at 7sr4 has lanced hack rd handy lo bus and shop ring Here Is an opportunth r someone that seldom pre- veils Call A vert la E tourna l l Pk M J Tin Jr Bourne Realtor 1149 N Tapilol EM M21I liaaDOWH'l bdrm home All Ilea IfS rard located It Kenwood Ave Interested parti rail Homestead t ja iah CalM or orits kt I Sos tra kedeond Valley Calif TRADE a a Nnrta OMae I tedroom house Good harn and rhicsaa houaa Good eM Several (rtt tree I r sole fos Hr S er hefrkrm home in Hansm Clt J eh a A'hsofi Eve CM 4 OTT FOR QUICK SALE Owner ill consider a mw down payment an thii verv neat 4 attractive small homa lo cated East of town Whst ran rev ay Can Mr Vicanv Eve. EM 4a INVESTORS I ere are three big business lots en e Rivet Keiser kd 1 at in x Ca" Mel EM 4 171 iia x m osas M im & BEALTY SIM N Rivt Rd f. m mm fr rn 4 t7i NVE.ST0R.S ft KsS I 4ff st Wr rtts awT74j pwwitra fr pH 4jiM Call EM WALDO JR. HI DIST. Mw I Mrm hnm taal fi7A W. I ( farnfrv rm tstfl rw Hut't m oven k read plenty storage (art yard I many llama rat EM I lrl eve. Mae ears iALB ar trade are I barm rear stvla. I ketka. dbt fl-e f. lara bvt. new lwe 1M Lawcaaaet EM 4-4 m tea pcrmi t kodia.s an?e tpood aaseaira Bar kke rem Total aete ft m, IM -ewes f BOlTaf kae , ale yard I treea petsa kefrywood Txi Bear searea kaa Fell !H f iFDfcfVlM kwe beee'rhsBv feialehed neoe ttete Butas , I Fw kei er lease, easy naaee aaa. em I800J Real Estate 04 Heart) Ft Salt RETIRE HERE Sm lt I bdrm. kerne Itl Acre, family fruit, kam. river borders property. Ap-E- from WlaWrJT Good flaking 4 hunun(. Price Vu J frtxy' call EM I ts, (ve: PhU Murray ,r4f'-rti Srtreder EM J-JB5, L. A. Warner, Turner S3 Oregon Development Company ( Realtors . lit N Churck Pk. EM lnuJ MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY BY OWNER - I Bedrm ko.ee Basement, wall kept, low dowa payment Pk EM tRIl MODERN borne U or leaa. Pk EM l tut r EM MI4'. ZEEB'S I SMALL, neat 4 clean, com pletely redecorated. 1 bdrm. home hdwd. floors, attached garage, nice lawn, shruha. Icrx-ed bark yd Evenings Mr. Wiitman EM -OJ3t ZEEB'S REAL ESTATE 7315 fairgrounda Rd EM 1-3031 A REAL BARGAIN LOOK W A GOOD FAMILY HOME I bedrmi . living rm . fireplace. dinins rm . kitchen, utility rm.. basement. 1 NICE LOTS. R4 tone, paved St , sidewalks, sewer. Large fruit 4 thede trees Close to schools 4 State Hospital Price 110.500. Terms SALEM PROPERTIES JOHN J. DA.NN. REALTOR I IT N ' Eve EM High" 1101 . 401. EM 4-nu ru JtTt. EM IHk. EM 4-H 5500.00 001 Here Is your ckanca to buy a new home II vou ran make substantial monthly payments lor a few years Wa kava a 1 bedroom family room home with 2 fireplaces, double gs rage, double plumbing, a floor plan vou will like including entry hall, utility room, break fast bar and many other at tractive features, priced at 111 750 00 We also have a four bedroom home with double garage priced at 114 70 Call now lo see these esceptiona! buys C.V.KENT CO. REALTORS til N Cottage Pti EM 4-mt i Eves. EM I Tsll VERY NEAT 4 COZY Ranch homt toratefl In fonti dutrpt-t inndf city llmtti cIom In irhnoli, rmt A shnpplrtf Hpacioua floor plan frpi. dm mu arva, 3 bdrma, wird 1m whtr i drvrr Onlv fl Mfl Call Ertna Mor fan. tvt. ph EM 4 031 At luak k Co, Rnltort 32J North Churrt, W . Saitm.'Ort Ph EM 4 J3II or EM 3 TOO MORE THAN LCXVRY Hav you tn lrioking Itir now homa and baa diaappolnt d rm how much Jika moal of them art With no bwj) vidua! personality ' Wall ihti lovely new .1 bedroom home hat the la teat tn comfortable convenient modem living; in rarporaled tn It pleasant flAnr pi" We enter throucn a spacious entry hall which allows one tn grt tn inv por tion of the house without an mi through another room You wUI find a hrejith taking (am Mv rnorn finished with lovely natural woods Incorporating beamed ceiling peg floor and paneled w alls You w ill kive it The kitchen is a de light RoscHHisrss is the theme with bull, tn rang and oven You w til find losdi of stnrage snd last but not the le st two erv stir active baths Yes all this snd much more for only 113. SAO m See for yourself. vou won t be STE Eves EM 9tm F M 2 0W, EM 4 1414 SWEAT EQUITY! Paint for the down pevmrnt Ihit 2 hedrooo- Ff ENfilFWOOD laie 1 hdrm taaoo Take car as part pstmt Will in slsu vet or Gl or sell on rontrsct as rlfhl part lvelv nit Cloee l" school, pool thnpplnf Aacrtficinl due tn Uini EM 1-407 llll Nor wsy NEW .1 hdrm homes koulh sutnjrbsn stt sal k dM far afes 110 HO !t m Easi terms EM I-Oiot BY OWNtk - Save II ere 1 bdrm bed firs tlrepl lerf hiHoen thadv yard As K Ma psee down tn 4 itth by appt only Ik IM 1 RDkM mod hems Cedsr paneled Lrt kea UM North tela BY OWNEII I rl old re dec I hedrrc haa Ira fenced vd CI raaj or trade for new rm tth hsm t Totst price It M EM J 4 TOE Sale kv owner Tompleteh remodeled S hdrm home 4 Comers F.M 1 Hit Eve EM 4-MM I ll)kinfe ttv" din rm 4 I bdrm rental ITtt Madl KotTt LJbisft vinafff- v m BY OWNER I hrirrr suf hnr tth rr- an talrarliv' ljtuf Muil 11 44p -. .St I1 Irk rani Inq hH H UTth AT'RKACK NORTH n phis s f4 'ei 'i-i Kt with Kerre farriMT 'nH i Walnn pa rsfir fV4l aMti Woll few Irriff) I tort Tlf plar mF rn akaT O 1 rVl'pri He-u4 artei aityn pVtrrr- hmi lrai f4 fn pIs4 rISll1 f1 t4f1 Iftr.v a sal ar rhran J - rf 'r art of fjptrl trtrk O-irrT nU rrm4f TTgHj fw aVtt4Mp tm sr- rr w- Jri aM II A aatt Pi W'llmS41 V) 0wp aws h ha' T-s '- tt m Praftjm dd Vr-a fit IM avluvs aaras aas " r?l anfrifl Varv 4lit raa I iOaAe Tsu tdfUM MB COURT ST KM 4 44 1714 iU ta-a traH Trm ; n)VTaB Abfams&Staerilili! 411 Ms.onic Bid?. BeL FTTT ratkUBAwct eif?n TTir. Minos CM latn E Fkl ttiat iw r m t-BiTi BY BtTLbFt' Brer new I bed 'on oeoe eowh F'ree orrr-ft raSMoess kg etU i. , aaa. CM -. i 800 Rfll EsUte 104 Nmni For SU ' ENGLEWOOD B A 0 A I N TERMS if necessary. Nice bdrm. home I down and t up. Bath with shower. En closed back yard wrik traaa. Only HTM. CALL WALT' SOCOLOrtJCY Eve. Ph. EM -. It ACRES aaet on paved klfk- way Good 1 bdrm. home. 2 ear garage. Barn and tt i tt greenhouse Creek. Pamlly orchard Appro. M acres at 'u'ttvation. Term. CALL O V. HUME Ev. Pk. EM 1 UM. Iiom DOWN tl PER MONTH SOUTH. 14 eq ft. - 1 bdrms. Built Hka battleship, eat t large let wrik fir traaa. Owner are rrtrtnsr tn the eaat and lay te sel their noma. A real oppertwnrty GRABENHORST 1 S. LIBERTY ST. HOME SITES. South. 1 level acre near Boon R. Owr doesn't need, reduced tn POO, with only IMt dn. Call BUI Tidier, eve ph. EM 4-744. INCOME PROPERTY SPECIAL -unlt court, completely fur nished also laundry 4 faragee. small vacancy percentage, only llt.OOO. Call Ron. Krau for add. Info. Eve. ph. EM IStM. GOOD. dean, livable 1-bdrm. home fireplace, wood paneling, very nice patio 4 landscaping. Extra lea. corner business M on DslUi Hwy. Priced only tUOt, with food term. Call Eaetrrtlfe. eve. ph. EM MUt. JUST LISTED api. acre al exrellent soil. )ust the place to retire. Lerte 1-bdrm home with lota of room, brktst nook, separate din. rm . nice kitchen yard in excellent condition, with ample garden apace Call Ron. Kraus. eve. ph. EM West. DAYLIGHT Basement party room, plumbed-in full oath In baae framed in b r 1 fireplaces, family roam, dining Ym with Iota of view 1 bdrms.. beautiful birch kit. with built-in oven and ranee central hall Plan Wall to wall carpeting. Only 13 MO down Call Gene Pedwell. eve. ph. EM ftn. MOVE Oir to ?S A in the Pre turn area Very eood modern 4-B R home, barn shop, mach shed, on Pudding River. M acres curt. Irrlg from pond. Irr. system avail Has CI. loan. Would trade for Salem 3-hr home priced right. Call George Kraua for amaU or large acreages. N 31 N CHl'RCH STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 167 S. HIGH ST. TH. KM W151 F H A. - G I. OR LONG TERM CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE LOANS S ACRES PLl'S WILLAMETTE and beaverdam anil, northeast, recently im proved 1 story older home; 3 bedroom, combination living and dining room, utility, at tachad garage Attractively landacaped VMR. on terms Call Mr. Stevcly. WESX SALEM TRADE OWNfR will take car or trailer In trade for equity. 1 bedroom home rloae in. Owner tt anx ious to leave town, someone will get a good deal. Call Mr Pertnan. H0ME5EEKER5 mi GEN 441 . iJ asaawatswsaa., M M vViWcklLr u Art WAV TO GQOO ULACt 1 RM -snd hath wired for rani?. elc. wattf hssUr, tlnfit) fa raft Why pay rant? SO0 down . M..C I RM snd hath snd utihtv, rumpus rtmtp r-mtiit foundatitw.. plastrd. hardwood flortra. furnaca wired for rang?, atrr vtatr iviitr nn lilvar Creak. MmDltaiT rurniahad Iims . . tarma flNI naw 2 rkvlrm hotne frtnrtly moAirn. vry nf Wcatiori Nira hif lawn and plenty nf fardan room Full f H A terms Come in and see tits excellent homa 111 080 71 ACRES rioe in on paved roed. no hldfs exrept ham Fine huiMini site Psxed road lU.OOf V ACRES ahout 14 have been plowed, nearly naw rm a-rd hath 3 hedrms all one floor paved road Full price H.IqO HO ACRES on rishing stream rm and bath, wtred for ranfe, air Other hldtn r.xrellent ipnm wster A heautlful ape4 M.SM We have other listings of homes farm air Call r write for lmtinf hulletln and free Cltv Map and Picture Folder H0MESEEKERS AGENCY MASONIC BUILDING PHOHI Tinlty l-llll SII.VFRTON. ORKGON HM.I4IDK Hint-A WAV A irul little home on s suburban knoll with large llvtn rm I vrry btf bedroom separate dininf rrr. Msnofsny paneled fireplace wall Has own well, pump Restful view Trees acd some level land suitable for flowrrs piontc area Only WOO down and balance on contract st vi r... m am rail Dorothy Deel Eve EM 4-M.11 rA Mil Y HOMr RARCAIN A ckk1 older 4 hdrm home with sepsrsie dinlnl rm snd Plsy room rnrved air dtl furnace full heth up and down Dsrvdv home located near all fredoa of si hool Needs redrcorstlni Seduced to 11.10 Excellent trms I'lll Dvde foulk krerH er-rriNr, in , Aram This Croisan rrs home 'Mild oe sn ideal place to retire or for a email family Has 1 hrl-oMi snd small den nestled swaw tn thu fir tre KC'tina Knotty pine panneled livlri rm snd kitchen Wonder ful water supply School bus by door city deliveries Only llm Call tarl Wiley Jt tve EM I eM B(.F 4 BEDROOM HOME IN Lf-M.ir D1KT with harr1feffj Pnnfifu wainscot l inf in ntrsrvr hail llvinf rm antl dininf! rm Bam4j rtjiilnfs Ftppwr Attrtrtlv platt SSlva. lrf Pkepd-wyfrit with hath arvl half Tull rHnyit hsmafit ! it sawdust furnar Vr mr kt with th4 irt anJ plinu all fn-l Iilaai -tiratiiw Owirtf will tratlij Mr farm ' srrwtat with 3 r 4 hdrtn hiMna fr twU Call Dart Ray hum Ev, tu I HU PLENTY or FREE PARKING V I ( rnmrclal PH m $-tm fftjmms: $ MORTGACE LOANS-AMPLE TVTm NOW lX)rfT PAV ME HY if yu or ItKiking for a nirt J MriMrm hafi im i ,rt!t s faw rTtfTthfl iWl vH rS Lawn h shrubs ar m A f-rye-n fr ta bw hTe-y noar trhool tm amtH trti wrt-ff lh hrtT4p sr a): rtvr firatpiarv t'rty4 fsravfa KU W htnTI -tfaf a ttftf af. Prtf-a 'il 'I an f rr sprrntmar t a ali IpU. Laark E EM 4 &4 ME REALTY M (-riemrsr'a k'reei srAnoi s 1 grip If t'Bt'RA wnTTt Over IM tq Ft of ultra modem lr mg on s m i ' an view im of me rASTAPra This le new never net hewn shown win reaitfv for s KTATE TtTEkABtf loar. teal at I'lW Call D " Brij.iTe-,rR orr fm hw Borne EM 4-t IB Bd UW.Nr.K LLAV IMt Coropietetv romlehed I T Saloon Vie home Lerffe It. dm rw krt play rooo- dsvlfl rse'iieol klee he seen se he soarre r ed ' il. ta Terr are Dr , KM lea. i 800 Real EtUte 104 Hw f UU for some asas wanting t aat CAU. MRS RICHARDSON Kva. Pk. EM 4-W. AsTtUCTTVE S BDRM. HOMT tocstad ki Caadslaru near Sneppsaf Caater Hdwd. floors ttiruout. Mr fireplace w 1 1 k paneled wall. Attacfcad gnrage. Tnia M wsrtk IM meaty. Price l IM CALL CEO. I. CRABEN HORJT, JR. CLOSE TO STATS OrElCE I bdrm. keen oa amaU kst. Sprinkler ayatant k laww. Ideal law wwrkuif eoupl wwe kava little tins for gardening Oood awlet neighbor- STMk). Drrv By 241 ! Toea CALL J. E. LAW Eve. EM Hi IX BROS., REALTORS PH. EM 1-JC1 REALTOR EM 4-7l LARGE OLDER HOME I BEDROOM home close tn Just listed Lavlnf room, kit chen, nook. 1 bedroom and bath down If you need lot of room at a reasonable price. This Is It. Call Mr. Burgaaa to show, only 7M0. RONALDO HEIGHTS LARGE 1 bedroom home, living mom II a St. dining area, kitchen and nook, bath and utility, lot M x 11. patM 11 a I: drapes and TV antenna stay You can aaeume tll.000. loaa. Call MrGulre. BTATI PAHPV.. TO LIVE 'T -- -m i tn S.X I Kmjo; owtce Ph EM t r VETFRANS' vr "st bew.es mat eta go Nam r, i SEC IS NOW IEI & FERRIS REALTORS IM l LBnrrty Ik l 1 Bv 6wE Tl bedrws home tngiewood that ikl t-Tekt Home Nesr Schools hd' m hardrwned owl I ta mplsa beskrearne wsth saewera. la Being reawn life tins rtie reef law land rsned. larta keHl yard wrik gsrafe Ft ted arr beet bwe ly kUckesi Tkta knme "-ev i its Md Wik trad eajuffj kw rer frar. k ar wat Se-f ra Mar k seen at itm A tears 800. Real Estate 10. Hows Ft Salt For Sale by Owner 1 bdrm. barn leas than I yrt. aid. Jwst Ilk new. On rtxIM lot. Laadscaped M perfection. Haa birck kiichaa large kaaid utility, dm. rm.. uv. rm. wttk fireplace Must be aean ta be appreciated Phone after I p m. EM 4-TMt. - A REAL BUY! I t bom eg, on mat kaL foa4 actaaol location. Front kowee kaa bwdrooma. bssemant. Othor bouse kaa I bed room a. aow ranted. All for lit 10, sarma avaiUbeav-Call Rudy Calaba. Ohmart & Calaba, REALTORS . tn Court St. Pkessa KM t-41ll ,07 Ap'u Ceirtt H UiZ TO SALE ar trade. 7 an ha 4 eompaetely fumlehed. Nice lawn, tlfttt, awaar poor health. Mrs. Mabel Bowen IM S. PrankUn. Seaaldo. Or. 4-PLEX wrth artra lot. mod., ettrv ale ahruoa m trea. good BPeaana. EM l-U. CAUtAR Court 4 fare wit garage, a paraansj apace. EM 114 v BY ewwer Apartsnea over tJH ma plua ewaers apt 1 lou 1 blocks kt Stat Haa. will carry loaa at pet- or take la noma to .M.tot, 14 Na 14th- sos uti rf o CHOICE o LOT almost downtown. Mill. 19.000. Salem Heights. 100s IM, 1 W): several rural lots. MM ta MM; MxlM. ts. 1M. 11.100. duplex tone. 100111. 11.40. Ramaey Realty EM -Ul 130 x 174 Plus Just autakt city One of West Salem s moat oeaviuui view lou. Paved street. Beaumont Drive. EM l-7tl "lot," HUlendaki FOR SALE: Lrf. Add. EM 4 4) RESIDENTIAL Hat tUlf. So. lACMtOM M BUlSt St..' Ideal lor family with small children byowner. EM 4 101. f RADE'lot 00 paved road. North lor late year vacation trailer. EM 1-tOll after 1 LARGE, restricted Lota, navod streets, curbs water svnem I1J0 tl. Kent Co, Realtor. 4HllM C. V Ph. EM VIEW Ms. Pared curb, traaa, restricted. EM Mil. 110 Farm Far Sal A real fntn farm conarstlni nl 111 acres IM seres farm land, more easily put under culti vation, balance Umber n i pasture Two creeks, aprtnf and ned well with electric water avatem. Thia farm Is stocked and equipped, every thine bar to make a success includlni M hem Modern new kouaa. 1 bedrooms, net quit finished Two bams, shoes ahads. Two nice poultry houses Hn house and nu merous other build in as On a eood road RFD, milk rouu School and bua. crty corves lences Onlv I miles aouth of Sheridan, farm free and cleer of debt. Owner not too well, would consider Eaatern Ore tm farm te equal value or aell completed stocked snd equipped lor f-M.OtO. with not less than Mt.OOt down. J W. Hammona, Realtor Ut East Main Sheridan Orefnn PHONE TH 1-4371 SPECIAL BESkY a TBl'CK EABM -IRBJCATED - 4 acres silt loam, tiled, borders paved rd a vr. creek (East I with 1 acree eat wster rts 1 acre berries a I acres truck crops contracted Handsome 4 bdrm. plast const homa. tlrepl , haaml . tiled bath, wall I wall rug Good barn, mach shed 4 ranary. Incls. all lrrl spst , 14.790 COMPLETELY EQU1PT-SUB-t'RBAN r ABM II acres silt loam, pav road, aaay ac cess ta freew ay Specious mod. 4 bdrm home mew llniah. In side a out I (nod bar mark, shed full of tractor eqpt . oom hina etc 1110 Good terms consider trade lor Nice I bdrm. home H1GC.INBOTHAM REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS DOWNTOWN -111 N FIRST ST OFFICE Till - Eve llll TO SETTLE estate tkta tl seres with view .) for thia high ly developed acreafe. lota of fruit A berrtea. shrubs a home several out buildings. Osk Orove Dist only I miles out on psved road, IlkftO down FM 4 II U TM t-lltt. er EM 11141 II A Farm East I bedrm bee 1 barns rhrcli kse pig pen dble gar C W Beeve Reeltor IM Mlasmo St ph FM l-IM Eva EM IN FM l-IM 900 Diaplay Qt. BUSINESS IS GOOD AT McKINNEY LINCOLN MERCURY New Used Car Lot CENTER AT COMMERCIAL "THK BRIGHTEST LOT IN SALKM" ,N'n Down Pavmpnt on Any Car l'p To $1500 On ApprnvKl r rerl'li Wr rorrliall) invite vmj tn Mis" by tnaparf aur new tjuirtrrt McKINNEY Lincoln Mercury CENTER AT COMMERCIAL SALEM BHY SAFELY HERE 80O AntomotiTe 52 UtJ Cr fw Swtot52 Uftt Curt S.W EVERYDAY PRICES NO SPECIALS Wholesale Prices To The Public , NO CASH NEEDED ON APPROVED CREDIT . JK. VOLKSWAGEN CONVERT SON. Sharp $17M 19M BUICX SITER HARD TOP Black IlkK ltSl OLDS U 4-DOOR Radid btatfr f 7H 1SS3 CHEV J-DOOR Rtdie k beatrr. povcrflkk .. I MS 1(31 CHEV 4-OR. Rvlk) k rsraler. anpnal I MS 195 DESOTO CLB. CPE. Heater I SSI 151 PONTUC CLB. CPE. Radki k healer S MS 1K1 OLDS M J DOOR Radio k heater t S4S ltSl MERC 4-DR. Radie k heater, overdrive S M 150 CHEV 4-DOOR Radio k beater S 393 .Am PACKARD Radio k heater, aute. shift. I US 1931 PLY rDOOR Radio k heater t S9S . 1950 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION overdrive f Mi IMS FORD 4-DOOR Radio k heater I US 1949 FORD CLB. CPE, Radio heater, overdrtvt I XS 194 DESOTO 4-DOOR Radio & beater I 145 14 OHEV S-DOOR Heater t 147 CHEV l-DOOR Radio k heater I N 150 DODGE CONVERT CPE. Heater I 9 Up to 2 Years on Balance NO DOUGH REQUIRED "The Workintmam Friend' 124S Broadway 1M7 Chev. V-t Bel-Air 4 door sta wagon, with everything on It II you want a real buy see it at Earl HartmM't Che v. Co. SILVERTON Pk. TR 1-kMl or SoJem Ev. EM l K4 SMS BUYS 1M7 FORD ralrlan "JO" Vic toria, auto traaa.. radio, heat er, one) owner. lJOt miles, tu tor, white walla, trade terme. EM .4-1714 day. EM 1-tlOI avea. Dtr '.?2? elb- ,xtTU- tu -49 FORD H TON PICK IT t cyl . 4 speed traaa.. heater. A raal food pick up. t4tt. BONESTEELE'S V M Churck em i-trn 800 Real EsUte I.I Want), Rodjl Ettoto MY equity la 4 A. with I bdrm. kea. bar N. La bisk Caa ter dial. Near to store 4 school EM mil. SIXTY -EIGHT acres with alary and one-half bona built ta 141. three bedroom, pressure syetarn, batk. Barn and ether out-bulidtnge. Thirty-five acres ki cultivation,, rolling Mel bourne allty learn. Thirty acres ta pasture balance la brush Located all miles Southwest from Yamhill na Oekrtdf and Haskane Creek Boada. Fall price pilM M pet- owa. bal ance on low monthly payments at t pet mtereet ImnwdiaM possession Department af Vet rana' Affairs. State Ftnsnce BuUeUng. SeJem, Oregon. Barer ta UJ4S-F II ACRES. Eaat New 1 bedrm hsa. Bara A shop on pavement tn the suburban area. You ran t loaa ea tbie. Price 111 ao C W Reeve Bsaltor IM Mis sion St Pk. EM 14JW Eva EM l-Oft er EM 1-tflt llis A. In cult, Uv creek, I bdrm. older home, good foun dation Price only tn.OM, pna- aibie To dn call T T. An dereon EM 4-1714. COLBATH LAND CO. . 517 Court St. EM WANT A FARM? If vou have a house or acreage In the Salem or Dallaa area, you can trade H oa thia M acre farm with It acree ki frawt, II acree prune orchard, air I room bouse, bara. Price mm NORTHWEST LAND CO. 17a Center St. Salem EM 3 931) Eve EM J-010S HOUSE k Or. Full Acreage. TUlamonk. II ork-e ten EM 4-141 Inquire I2M Cauda tt. IM A. MISSION BOrrOMI CHE HALIS SOILS' IRRIGATED' ra loot MO.Wt down. STUL EB. Rltr 7(1 Edgewater 12 lCB )! Ittoto I SM housee en am amall place cloae In oil or a genu 141 N lots lor No gss. Church. MODERN I bedrm. home, bemt ' , acre la City, trade eotiiti for acreage or home as er neer Corvallu M.4M EM 4-taM TRADE rmkae T' A . II ml W nf Eugene lor home near deaf ech Veneta WE I MM IIS Cooat Profhtrty I LOT at DoLake eltv water. il eerh trade for anything M 4-UM II t Sotoft ProikortY I ALE or trade At Kernaville. neeuttful t Bdrm home pertly rum . terms or trede for Cher rv orchard Call owner EM I 4 aui 900 Diplay Obm. Ei in w 850 Automotive EM 17571 USED CARS 957 NASH METROPOLITAN HARDTOP HMt 19M FORD V-i VICTORIA Overdrive, heater, radte IITM 1K4 FORD V-I 3-DR. RANCH WAGON, beater, radio I13M 1963 BUCK SPECIAL HARD TOP Standard trenamwston. healer HON 163 INTERNATIONAL Vi TON PICKUP 1 apaed traiiamkMrioa, healer . Ma tSM OLDS 0 CONVERTIBLE Automatic transmission, heat er. redn. power stearin ertng. IIXM power bra kea 163 PLY CLB CPE. Heater, radio ITU 1M2 CHEV 4-DR SDN. Automata! tranamtaaioa, heat er. radie T7J MSI STUDE LAND CRUISER 4DB. SDN automatic trans mlaalon. heater, It'i rough but b good work car IM 19S1 STUDE COMMANDER DR. SDN., automatic tranamlasion. healer, radie . ta 19S0 OLDS H 4-DR. SDN. , AUTOMATIC Tranamlaaion heater, radio lltt 141 STUDE LAND CRUISER 4-DR. SDN averdrive, k a t a r. radio . lltt 17 N Church em i-tm TCADtaaUIKI v iomoeo viAin v II MEBCUBY Station Wagn. t paaa. '41 CHEV STATION WON. I Paa Priced to Sen SM NaHlh EM 4-J71I a OLDS Super sdn . full pow er inrl. I way eaat. only M.OM ml EM I-0M1 ANDERSON'S WAGON t WAGONS WAGON'S 1M7 Del Ble Banck Wgn Auto Tranemlesiaa. radio A heater. Ies then IOM Ml. Like new Thia car will be sold far leaa than Dealer's Coat IM Ferd Coaatry led an Load ed OD Like new lane Several cars all priced te aell 1 Center St Ph EM 1 17M M CADILLAC DE VILLE Sedan. H.0M mi lea. very nice. 17 N Churck EM Itm 1 900 OiBpUy Osns. "THRIFTY BUYERS" BONUS SAVINGS SALE! On All New 1957 FORDS Tra Vsilars LAMO-MT VOUTrft PtALrtl ar RA Vf rbj mnvv - M p.at DanifM KIW S1 rOBpS frmn us la j jna snd savaj hurvtt rd nf dollar - im. Im ran tnjov f-r aarlnfa NOW u tha tlma le stiy THIS YEAS m THE U XVFV f'tRO ALL THE T A Y "It'ii Esuy To Buy A New 1W7 Ford" AT tAt.fJ.TI OWH F"D DlAUf Vafhu Wlolor Co. LISFKTY AT rTVTTB Oaen I P V 14. 830 Automotive IS2 Uieaj Cart Fo S(w HILLMAN ' SUNBEAM TRIUMPH TR-3 LAND ROVER if 17 N. Cburrti EM 1-ktn 111 CHEVROLET t door. SMS. McCalls UsadCars. 191 Stat. ' FORD 4 dr.. new urea, aew batvery. low mUaagEM l-gan ' DODGE Coronet ewned b etoeriy rjoupie, immaculate. take iraoe a.i ttl 4-10M. 140 FORD station wagon, 2M McCalla Used Cars, lgrl State 1SS PLYMOUTH dr JIM. 141 Plymouth 4 dr. 171 EM 4-1 14 after I p.m. ltd PONTTAC 4 doo CaHa Used Car. '. tilt Mc 1SFI State. THADta MIKI aSOMDto rvrii a PLYMOUTH 4 dr sdn radio, heater, nice car. suns fine 131 SOS Ne High EM 4-17SS CAMPERS SPEC 14 Ford V . t pass Station Wagon, BC motor cledn. lots of life yet. Only I19J at Ferry St. EM ) ol ISM HUDSON I cyl. 4 door. U45 McCalls Used Car,, 1197 Stale 'M Volkswagen. M.tM ml , 14M. 1M7 FORD convertible. red 4 white. I job miles Fully equipped wttk power brakaa a ateermg. Terms can be ar ranged lit JES1.EM IUM 1M1 NASH 10 I door. 44t. Mc Calls Uaed Cara. JZ7 Stat. 'II rdRD Cuetom 1 dr.. my good cond . r a d I e. heater, backup lights, turn atgnala. ate. Good tires 4. EMl-lTM ar aee at 111 Ird, OLDS 'ana. & M canvertlbkl. white wane, dual pipes, rleaa. I1M. EM 4411 1. 4S s. Dnd 191 PLYMOUTH I dr, S4SS. McCalla Uaed Cara, lit Suta. NEW 'IT Karmam Ohla. nlleage, excel. Terms. I-4BM. EM '41-bESOTO dn. goad tram.. tt. EM 4-411 'II BUICX. good cond . low mile age. M. em t-tta. ISM MODEL A cp. UUH g. Com'l. good cond B0DYMAN SPECIAL t CHEV. Hardtop, drtveabkt. May be seen at IMS Broadway S4 FORD HDTP. A black and wkjt beauty wttk radio, keater 4t fordomatsc. 14 an mtkn Will linaaoa II. M. EM 4-01. tt MEIC. hardtop, by aw nor, eve shap. Mere - metre, dual apeaker radte, new re built motor new premium Urea. EM 1101 'to BUICX. 4 dr. sdn . radio. , kealer, mm atraarhl trans rn Oood cond. varv caaaa. 1171 Mark! EM 4-4441 CHEV deluu eda. Cood EM 1-aoa ay I pjn. JEEP 'II I wheel drtv. Excel, coral. 190 EM MIB) 17 PONTIAC 4 dr. Mar Chief Full aeisai- Atrrond.. Ba- Ra- Wlll are a Heater, whiu ti arv aew car guarante 40 actual miles. Dealer Oamaa strator EM 1-1014. ONE OWNElt INI Mercury 4 dr. Overdrive, radio,' heater Like aew. ALSO II' trailer All aluminum. Sleeps I Very nice Cell Mel. EM 4-apN er EM 4 nrf Super 4 dr. aadaa. redte. keatar. dyneflow. power tearing, lurht green fkuah. one owner and actual low mtlea. Full price WILSON'S Oiemaket at Commercial EM 41711 U TRIUMPH ' TB I. A-l rend I lien, fully equipped, 10. 000 miles EM 1-alll im OLDS II, an power accee eoriee, lew ml. Eac. cond. EM 4-1111 CONVERTIBLE 'M CHEV V I. power pack, cue torn silver k white paint Fullv eoulpped. 1. SX 1 141. krVairnouth 4 CHRYSLER Sdn llkl'lllt Court. EM 4 -MW 1 Awto Porta 4 fIrt A'.L 1 Ford parts, motor rune I good 14 N Front I USED aute earta. IM I im ela All me kea EM 14111 900 Display Qm. I Fieri t. F M 1-1' 4T i ygyUg Ststesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., July 18, 157 (Sec Ip-19 850 Automotive IS4 Trucks. Trail, for Ml OR TRADE: '41 Beo Bua. good tlrea. good cond EM 4 IM3 'tl DODGE panel vary goal cond. 171 Norway. j t WHEEL trailer. HO. EM 4-1711 call after p m. ISM CHEV. ', T pickup avea.. after I. EM 4-711. Call DIAMOND T abort log for. good cond. Trad lor lata modal car. EM l-Oetl il FORD r-nt. t YD dump. I apaed bot. t speed diff. Haw mtr . rear and. spmdlea. EM t rai ISS Warrtoei,' Cart, Trvcltj FOX'S Aute Wreckers. Highest price paid far aid cars, me chmerv. ecrap troa or metal On Independence - Monmouth Highway, Pk. 111. 131 Moforcycl 147 rNDIAH Chief 1100. DaUas MA 1-474. 62 HoMte) Troilor PBICED TO FIT EVERT PURSE. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED WE'LL TRADE FOR ANYTHING WE CAN HAUL. RIDE OR PUSH. Trailer Sales 401 S. Pacific Hwy. EM 1451 VACATION liee trailer houses lor sale or rent. Earl Malm Trailer Sales 40M Sirvertoa Bd EM 4-7117 ltSl IT Nashua, excel, cond EM 1-39 or EM 1-40M TRAILER betia far sale Call at MO N Liberty St "REED'S TRAILER SPACE 174 Oxford. EM 101 1H7 SHASTA vacation trailers for real. EM 4-117. ONLY one tl ft SHASTA avail Lena Lane. 141 Laaa Ava. I'M" NOT IN THE TRAILER BpTSTNESS Alya house trailer 11 ft. Just Ilka aew electric brakes, all the xtraa i tret ''The werklngmaiTi rrvand BUZ'S USED CARS 141 Broadway EM 1-7171 ALL aim. It's It. I 44 ft. It ra all price ranges, I bedroom wrth twin beds, also 1 bad rooms, one model wttk front kitrhaa. many different brands Tarry. Ventora. Biltmor a Town k Country Will trad tor ?ar truck or what have yea. nsuved payment plan, I year pay Ron's Trailer Sales 404 N. Church Down town Sakera EM 1-ttO II FT ALIO. M mod . like new. Make ofierl Itet Laaa Ava 900 Digplsy OsBSe E USED CAPITOL SELLS NATIONAL-BONDED USED CARS WITH THESE EXCLUSIVE FEATURES i 1 Yesr Gusrsntcs No Mileage Restriction KXTr on Parts & Labor , Good Anywhere in U.S.A. FOR THE FINEST IT'S CAPITOL CHEVROLET CADILLAC New Cartv Marion & Commercial I'sed Can Union & Commercial Truck Dept. 615 No. Commercial Ph. EM 3-3175 FREE VACATION GAS Vou cn inough on one of tht foUowini prtmium eri to pa your vacKim far npejerart. 1954 Chevrolet 4 Door "210" $1095 19.V? Ruick Skylark Sports Car $1995 Tiis if s I iesiey ronvertlhls sports rar with ttitt power equtp mm And hat been driven (wily ra villas kv a pewmtnaarl Portland businessman B wire 1953 Ford Convertihle JH95 Onftnal lhfft-Mhut. rad flniah raHfl hata 4 ftvardri-rtj 19M Cadillac Hardtop .... $1895 Harti haatar pwr trtskriig. auWT.atle drlrt m Ford Custom V8 Tudor $895 Automatlr drive, hee'er ru-tane ftnlah. 1953 Ford Victoria V 8 ' $1195 F-iUv rouipped original aArourbo"' 19.53 (I.M.A.C. Custom Pick-l'p $1095 Only liana miles r ru In moso- redio hee'er 1952 I'ontiac Chieftain 8 Convert. $895 t.. rleeooit H dlu n.n in town, radio heate' hrdra- 1952 Lincoln Hardtop Coupe $995 kdio Keaier hrd-aoi.tir wtnd-wi This msy be II , m oule1n(l!o .-It r rS1 'odST 1951 Kord "Ranchem Pirk-I'p $895 B.o o easier ne'e.i r-..w-.- --'-r- roo-hind wl'h pk h -ip uti litv 1951 Chrysler Wimlnr fwiuye .r'!"le. y " "s's- i'"rrs'ir erive eno -or SJ una - le. 1951 Merrurv C'.'nrv ' !uh Coupe .... $795 1951 Chrysler CluS Coupe $695 19j0 Pontiar ( hipftain 4 Door 8 $475 We'.. pu o-'t P '.r s.:n. a' e.er in town 1947 Cadillac -fil" Sedanette $495 Lee's Fine Cars lav, F iTsround. Rd 6- s fw'J! 830 Automotive 132 Us) Cor Fa Jute E SAFETY TESTED USED CARS Ready to Co ANYWHERS 5 Oldt a Holiday ... $3(91 cs. radio, heater, hydra power steering . power brake, dual xhust. sharp looking, hardtop, 1 year National Btaral warranty '54 Pontnc Safari ... $279S Station Wagon, power ateermg, power brakes, radio, beater tinted glass. Blue A White fta -ish. white walla, one Solera owner, Sharp '54 Oldt SS Holiday .. $259S Deluxe cp . power steering, power brakes, radio, beater. Green A White flniaa. white walls '52 Mercury 4 dr I79S Heater. Merc-O-MatM. eaat covert, tu tons finish, wkrkl wells, clean REMEMBER! If It Cornet from LADDER'S IT'S GOOD Loder Bros. Co. YOUR QUALITY OLDS DEALER 461 NO. HIGH Eft 1-7171 62 Hotm Trttietr ' III IS TO TRAILER LIVING Far aualrty rnebtle boma at lower eaat la yew SEE the NEW ABC JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 140 Portland Ed EM Mq WE have wide selection at rm bile boma, new k laaad. frera 13 ft to 41 ft. Earl Man Trailer Sale. eOM ttrvwraaa Bd WANTED Trailer kea l a down payment on aew 1 bdrm. OB SALE, Tour-A Id trallee houae kitch. M. Ill N. Mtk, J after I fm. TRAILER TOWING Or. Wash CaL iAYBAWS rBAUaU CONYOT 14 Portlaad Bv 144 H) try tajwlpajaayar. MODEL 0 C-t Oltvera cravrler tractor wttk Anasrssst aoaer Made ft 1 tractor traUer Sea at 440 N. Lancaster after ATTENTION praepectora. ma. ears, loggers, tn auarai may ba purchaaed aa a an or Mrvutually-lOt Ca.fi.akr coenpraaaor, ibs. drum faa kn hoist It sliisJyerbueket air botat k aluarwrbocket, lack kam mar wit aw-let, aleo aek er Bdacl Mania. EaTe-UT. 900 DUplay Clsss. CARS 1 Dr $495 y tal l-US? et C ! J s Dsiryl