- laSee. IT) Statrsmin. Silrm. Ort, Thtrn, July IS, "57 Turkey Week July 24-Aug. 4 to Aid Consumers More Than Growers - . , -- i i ! -" -t - i Orefas. Tart? Grower ut (ai b Mm Vaagest tartey baaae ta iU fariie Northwest It b 4M fee laa( ana1 U feel wle. It b divMrt la taa renter, vita reseat feea" traafa a Wt tide af tie dlvtsina. Tat al-tatrartia kNM ram for lb I.Mt turkey, Felix Wrlgnl nark ( Silvertaa aa 1 4 err af laad. (Statesntaa Ftrai PaataL. Turkey Ranch Makes Use of 400-Foot Building T LILLII L MADSEM Fares Canter. TVt hMraau lUVERTON July 17 If you rat aay bad of meat yen abould be able ta afford turkry flu aammar aanai Midsummer Turkey Turn, b the apiniaa at tartr growers. Turkry bm nina from July M la , From the pwrn viewpoint K Auf 4. and a lot of good buyt la turkeys will be oflrred during that lunr Howrvrr. Willamette Cafley tur key grower aay that Uui lummer kaa area toad aee at anytime (ram tat caaaunwr'a ataodpotat la IrmMr According to members of the Orrgon Turkry Growrrt Aisutu tion, n per real at the lurkryi grown H Manoa County arr grown la ta Stlvertoa area. That aaa one of the reason I f Ka i ' V ' 1 11 tkt cajajtaT af tkb tarteT kaaat, a 14-laek flawer kaHer fraee b aird ta raver Ike feed baa (to. M aenatti tka klrdj ta cat kat artTeaU tkeai froai araltrrlaf feed! or irttlag krta tto traaffcs. (Stateaaua Turn TUi. I JJl'llililfl i I 1 ' t If r !' rili'aj 1 lUf si jV- i this flat in tkc feed tkat It fed thr II MM tarkrvi taw M tk relll VVrigkt ranrk near SiUrrlon. ilirt out Wrlfkt b aaltlBI tke feed Into thr mixer and 2', toa fa tkraafk tkl little marhinr dnl tStatrtman Turn rM. After-Picking Berry Care Points Given piammf in IM7 will tmprm r (to berry crop in 1'4 Practice in ( lutV rfmoin fruits (n ir rigatini win( r-r rrofw ron tio Itnit firld n,i( nd iit.Mh. tr dining i portion of nofr.r of 1 hr tra hrr r !iifl 'mti 'ml I L Kaniurn Vlarvoa toint pi ('iKhrifj vu( th old cine- thtxitd ha tlKI1 ts Mtutl (jdxtihl ftMrr harxrvl n rornplHaMi ih(nil (ld r n. tnrl (urmnf filw twUirr harfi in complrlcd Ihe far! thai f rrri mav b1 'ound ing ha ttoppttfl m,nx ihai on.f Ditttnti arf Kit! r-finj ul hv lh old t rarr f(rmoin th old f artt r lifTinaf rj ihu dff n plant ffwid avl 1nrr rnlire uppiv info (h n ranr f rrvm hi ti h? 1VJ rrop I; Sa njr f'hifa. rimta-n I "f n.d fi. t tediotn )tAi h n 'hotjjjh r? effofl inwuwd if tilt p,t 'n Cut tfr oki ( jn i off ( lo- , poMtflt to th irmirwl rrvrl 1 spindly rna inn rFTio ti I Ihr jifTir 'imf I h ind arv Can h- wndrod nd ( hr(pa-fi rrj ham t ir -rfin" m "'in- 'f I field and burrkvi Ai .ping Aietn t p!(mr.i' mfi- jinlertKMi from rrrmn (1 . nr) ine-1 Raiimin hel-rvri ihr ml building qiia. iiri a rhopr'' ranei i mnrr imrKTiant Frw tin rraM returning Inr rann in ih ami ; prrlrralr n hiirmng 'hrm Irrigating aftrr hrvt wi f ir 1 ilurdirr rann lor Ihr nrtl rrof I'r'(!inl ilA illo I nr)rr rr ng W rmrr rror aa i rnin, nofi tr'gatrrl firld good iimr in ki I k(ra pm m lifldv i whi'r mmmer 'a ii m progrrtt Thrre rr a ri'imhrr ni 'hrmira'. wrnt ki!)rr I rtKh arr rffr-tji r 'trrnrM ei mnif SrW thn pnflr ir jinx iv' 'ejj'nn lrr Tw rirer -'th ral Ihr i mllf t thjrr 0 hrrf , landrl at the Felix nht tur kry ramh oft Kurrfca Avmu not nwrf than a milf nmth of Sil verton TSf ireond and most im portant reaaori ai thai tor ontr time 1 bad been atchmf the ronstrticttofl of one oi the kmitest building I have ever vn Kach time I patied an 'tut road thrrr M-emrd U be a lw more fert added to the knglh of the al ready long building erevted on a hill with marvriou v tew out oer th alley toward Saiem and tw beyond to the coast rangf The Farm Photographer and ! found Mr and Mrs V right and their 7 vear old on Damon and the family dog Sugar al! at the turirv house e had pauted 'to ljung Quarters lowrr don on the hill I kxtfced ahout and reniiirkr-d on the irw. saying thai i nild make a good place for a durilmg i hot IV I We are here the muM time anyway, s we enjoy !he ie ' 1 Mrs Wright laughed me po.nt ed to another po( arm., a Utile ravine and rUer to the higha also on a hill with a v if a na be the future bujidnn pl.t.' I. ike other turke ta er V ' jrit I atd that the tufHr S-mnt-Ht j ' looked af,ii thu enr I r om the growers standpoint I Btit in reply to a oi't mn he jremarlied l! you don' go ah ad just Ike it a gxd hiitnc.( I .mi won t be read when 'he 'nd lurn like all aim nil :ir t the !urke growing has it er h,g i)p and down ft. grit now i! w rr nuM h down w e looked down 'he long hpd hinlt Mh ihe contour of the slight l sUeping h!l htnlaHrtg ot Feet Im The hutlding la 14 44HI 'ff' wr'ght told i In tn1 end nee'v i was a 1 (not orw re' e e hoie ied a .mo! enltie' f(r ,etn storing and the ajtomatir -tA miser which tend 'he 'erl -mt and down two continuous i-mi 1 'mi tHf ''oi'Ki The lrmigh ' in rfiong id o' rA h (lf T ! re 1 il; eTgtr ri !h' i en' ' if h .) d -n !hr dmded ho .it. re nett.nfc hih dini- 1 rw entire building making to -pa ' a'r en ' n l h in' tfW Hm !om (Hi trfe oth-r .de ( ( ) r Ihe ' ) 1 f (Mi g fit nel U ljv!t nHl irv n I oet rjorder 'en ing h,th perrniited lh bird tn h k 'he r hed through ' h e rreh Inr feeding bat pre ented them from ge' t mg into the (eed or w altering it rnpi n jntu rt n mifd ' fe leed ngh' aiong o that 'to hird rnutd not teer hfh pe'iett 'he nte1 and Ipt h- f-ihrr ji The v i n ( p 1 h ad ' o ' a k r mowt h f u ; of he ed and 4 ,0 :f v p "i , 1. ' r1 a 1 l n,ng on' ' h p' r don t like Mo we (n gie m1c;,!mn n 1 hi a tien needed V riKht esp!ind The hti 'Hmg ,t -1 th 'he ( nnlo'ir if 'he ;nd '0 proide pe ' drairige" 1 r" ng ftr' at ti.fkeyt The po-c 'vpe bm'rl'ng n mt ered v it g-' an. red iron Ke f ,ije thu ' he"r' hfrf an' acd i tn . o' d I is upen the entire a abound 'n prn 'de full ar Mrmlation AH 'ed gors don the troughs and is drv at all times The hgtlding pfodes shate n 'he heat 0 the summer and shel'er in the winter The poles ae P'aced on rosvrete footings with i strips to which the po.et are spiked !ltek Plies Uavtngs Outside the building we noticed large piles of wood ha ingi which Wright explained he v a s etrvkpiling for winter VW ned t ge( shavings and sjwd-ist tor hauling th-wi ws Rut Ihev are getting scarce Mills art ctvrtinuoujljr out of them here Farm Calendar My ta Oregon Bratbr raatre al WifUmalaaa fart. SeriBgtVtd. Nona ta T Mr t Cvorfreea Rural Scaoal Pkbk. I nulea aoutt oi Sihertoa aa Startoa Road. 1 a m Jaty M-Aag 4 Mid-Suanmcr Or rgoa TUrtey Time Jaty n-a - Manoa Cauaty 4-H Saddle Hon Show. SLatr Tur gTssuasjit M. ta Aberdrea Aagua Field Ami Hoou Raorfc. Granu Fsl July ta Annual hew Orrgon IJrrary Onttle (Tub Pioneer Part jBeod Marion County Jenry Cat tie Club in charge JnJy A14 I Sanciam Bran Fntnal Jnly M Anaual Turkry Barbe cue of Oregon Turkey Groer Aag. I I MuhiMmah County Fair ii r-. ham ; Aag I aillamettr Valley Ram Sale. Altan Aag a Fifth annual IX' Lnr neck Sale. Judging Fauhoo OSC Il p m I Aag g-ia Nroberg fterran Fr tlMl Aag. It-1 Annual IVrgnn Ram Skm and Sak Prndlelon I a m i Aag 14 17 Clackamas Count) i Fair. Canby Aag 14-Ii National Ram Sale Ogdrn. I Uh Aag It Orrgon Stair Farn.rr 1'iuoa annual Punk Champurg Aag l-n Marwn Cuunty 4 H Stair Fairground! Salem O Southern Orrgon Ram Sale. Lakrie Aag- ti-ii Polk County Fair Rickroall Aag. t4-U Old-Time Thrrrhing Bee Sihertnn Aag. II-Aro T Orrgon Stair Fair Aag II 14 Prndlrtna Round-up (rat. 11-14 Fall meeting of Northwest Onatmaa Tree Aaaori- at too. JCugrn Sao. IVII-North Manoa Coun ty Fair, aoodbura (eat. ta Annual meeting Ore go Turkry lmproxement Aisoci atioa. Withycoinhr Hall. Cooallia Vol ta-tl 4H and FFA Lite itork Show and Sale p m Prn dleton Roundup Ijvrsicx k talt Pa uIkmi ! Or. 1J-17 Orrgon Town a ad Country Church Conferrncr Mrm orial I mon Ruilding Corvalln N 7 Orrgon Farm Rurrau Frderatioo. annual mreting. Sa Irm N 71 tlrrgon Wool Growrri Conrntion. Imperial llotrt. Port Ian. Show Aog Check Fruit Tree Grafts, Says Roberts Al ar frut grewon aaa graft ed young treea tiua apnag ahould ckark the grafti Immediately, parucularry if graftiag tap or rubbrr haada er aaed the gTaftiag troreaa. aari Kim 0 Roberta. Polk County horticultural agent. la a atieabM) acreage of it oar fnuu that er gratuS thia apnag ruoorr bands or grafting tag aaa used to vrap the grafta la the process af top working treea Generally oer Polk County, thrrr has brra an ricellent takt af grafts and ery rapid growth ot Ihr tup-work matrriai This grow lb has been fatter than nor mal and in man. nws the rubber tvands or gra'ting tape has not disiairgratrd as laM a thr graft has hralrd a rrsuk this bind ing riiairnal .iti'l intact and la causing girdl.ng st uV graft point Rotn. uid ins' orchards in spected thrnuih thr county show tha: nd tr ninftamcal tnjurv ha l;pord rr grain oer and dr-tnum man o 'hem Thee materials should br rrnvosed from thr irres oi cut lo release this prsuir al on.r , liroirr air totii to makr care ful instin-tion ot thr grafted arra hrlurr mno inj 'h. hinding ma trria, to dnrrminr if thr binder ha. taMrd thr t hoking process wrm-r. rrsulu Thr nK tH k ma Irr a. is rli as 'hr gralt will br quitr a bit enlargrd with a rrslrntrd apprarancr hrrr ihr binder u locatrd If this is thr case and thr ra't appears tn he quitr weak Ronerts suggests that, prior to remosing inr Mnding ma terial thr new wood br rut back to a length ol 4 lo i in. he-. While this rutting back will shock thr new growth to a drgrer It will raheva the presw on thr graflrd arra prrventing wind whipping Rrgrowth ill br de laved prohabls unci thr injured arra will hair a chamr to harden up but the new limb will br saved Wool Payment 40 Per Cent of Selling Price tb 1H. vaai IncaatiTw aragram will amauaf ta 41 arr ceat af the aver age aeUiag anc. according ta a recent VSOA aaaauacerneot Pay menu u araducart vtB be at the rate of teg for eiwrr IIM received Iron the sale af shor wool The averagr arstw recaivod by producers dunog the 1S6 market ing year April 1. 14 through March 11. laST-aaa 44 cents a pound, or IS rents above I h a IKS aeaaoa. but 14 cents less tha a the lMtJS ten-year a.rragr The wool lacentise ratr of W per rent is thr amount needed La bring the airragr retun lor wool up la thr incentist le.rl of ti cents a pound Leaf Weevil New Visitor In Alfalfa Pea leaf wretils are new visitors m Marion Cnuntv closer and al talfa fields this wrek Thr grry hard shellrd brellr about thr site of a w-tvrat kernel is leaving fields of vu.vlruo Pras and vrtcb lor greener pastures la thr Mt Angel arra srvrral lieids of red clover are already damaged and in another commu nity alfalfa is bring eaten readily ODT dusl at Ihe rate of twrnty pounds of J per rent material will generally givr control Where the nitiduhd is bothering red clover to br saved for seed, use two 1 pounds af to uptime per acre The Tnapheae will get both the wrevil and the aiudulid. say County Agoat Bea A. .Newell. Total national milk production last year hit IS 7M.aM.OU Bounds more than 7M pounds for rack American This was one and a third billion pounds leaa thaa an rarlier estimate but still mare thaa two and i half billion pounds sbovr the 1145 total National Cow Figure Will Attend Picnic J r Cavaaaugti. eieruttsr arc-! rotary Amersraa Jersey Cattst Club Catumbua. (Hue. piana l at lead thr anaual picnic of t k t Orr (oa Jersey Cattle Club at Pioneer Park. Bend. Sunday Jnty . re porta Hrrbert S Caiamaa, Wood buns, presidrat of the clue Club members from all sect ions of the statr will assernbl at Bend for a no-host noon picnic an after noon af vuutuuj and a brief busi nes mreting Pioneer Park lies between High wav n and ttie Vschutes Rivrr in Bend and spa-r has been re versed to atlord ample table and stove facilities Coleman says j Further decisions relative to I conirmplatrd sale of young Jersev cows sod brrd heilrrs to he held in Ontario in rarly fall will con ttitulr Utr masor portion of the huainnvs The sale oiamved In raie nprralioeial funds Inr the stale club was discussed al i meeting of club dirrctors at Sa lem a rrk ago 1 Awarding of two rotating tro phies to owners ni Ihe two Oregon Jerey ens itii the htihesi prod uction records compirtrd durrtg the calrndar year 19M one lor the highest herd lmprosemenl Kcgilrv trst thr other lor t h f hishet Register cW Mrrs! test will br an important crrenvofiy of the aflrrntion Barbecue to Be Feature of Fair Rarhecurd hi km wilh all thr "ftxin I ' will be a dailv dinnrr Iraturr at the Clackamas County Fair la Canity. ug 14 I j Various civic and service nrgani la tsons will sponsor Uie barnectsrs , together with the 0 r r g a a City Chamber of Commerce highlight ing its "Orrgon City Day' at thr fair on August 17 I Broiler growers arr assisting in j making thr chicken barbecue a i success they say Mt. ngel Jerseys Given Gold Star A third GaU Sat Herd award, ha boon auda la Ram Ran. Rat. mere Fam. Mt Aagal. aa hit herd af registered Jeraeyra. Ta Rosamer Farm bard was the award after having essmptrtrd another vear aa offVial Herd tnv provernaat Registry loatuvg This . ireogpilavia from the Amancaa Jersey Cattk Club far unuauaQy high producOoa avax a four-rear period. la.sl year Rasa' M easra bad 11 average producjioa af I.Mt pound af nvK cowtamirsg 44 pnunds of butirrfat Over tha past four yean R.s has had an awerage af M rows la his herd producing ai average I US pounds at Riilk coa ta.ning Stl pounds of burterfat. Strawberry Situation 'Not So Bad' Deliveries of Oregon etrsw her"es tn prncessnrs has nreeded at million pounds at the latest report This figure compares with as million for l. and O lor 1M Market reports show that IS southern stairs Louisiana Krn lucky and Arkansas, shipped fewer herrirs to processors because of poor growing weather and strong Iresh market demand As tha season was neanng an end la Mirh tan growers had shipped Irss than 4 million pounds ta pro cessors compared t nearly 14 mil lion last season California's movement of straw hernes tn freetrrt amounted ta s ichtly lees than M million pounds al the end of June as rarnparad to AS million pnunds tn June M last vear, and a season s lataJ af 1st million pound The field anc of strawberries has generally bee advanced to I rents a pound I California growrrs It could look worse is rb atrasr brrry market, from the grower standpoint than it dors, farm mar ket rrportert indicate New Novel Planned P.RIS ,'ulv 17 - Pyblisher Rrnr lulliard rroorts Francoise Sasan s third noval In a Month, in i r.ir vi.ll aprvear Vpt ? Thr Vlan'i-i t ipt of the hooji origi nnltv !ilei liead Kvrliri. was 'mind unr)T Ihe precrv ions writers head sfter .he was pmnrd under Ihe re k ol her sports i sr near funs Ihrre months ao She made s half million dollar, from her (ir.i !o h)k R o n o u r Ttiif ut and t ( ertain Smile ,n the ii ,ev We pav 10 a load no s g ht (inn1 when Ihe liner gels too heavy, a -mntiiirr 'vpe of trac'or is hrin.jhi m in ii.r it up When It heroines impiwsihle a small nimp tractor si oops it nut slacks '"' 'en.lirer which is told loads ip from ihe iioi kp.les snd rr- itti". the vp,-r 1 o.l oi ihe bunding w j U AM w i' an added tl (tsao fur Ireding de l s a ii'l of rrvonev In sink hi-n i ii. e. srf i.,gh hill II is I ' jrxir . i r 4 so il saves ! anrl it nr. Mr lev s " VI r W ih' ' V A nr.' ,.er 'n' "r ' -kev pr(ie(t Is sullied 'ii. m a -r dr lied well K.l 'eet deep i . piped ( , Stsi gallon s.iraj ank .n the leed hiiildmr sod inim here distributed n friLj' 'fini triMigh. oi al . an. red i -op em h Is 'ee long 4 ' n ..int". . 'h Ave' Slipplv Mii wli "ng 1-v . e me no 'onuer h.r S 'e-i he. a.ise thes i sn he rnpped more easily that ,iv rw.i . i1 Sorn.an Kasl mar a' -rlon make thrse Intiifh. 'nr . nd "lev work mu'h heller " Wr'Kht told VI present ' n( ron renlraie leed in three of srralrh pel less are led at ihe rale ni J., tons a dav s liit.r later the birds will he gp en one sar k of con rentrate tn twn of srralrh Hewar More Thaa I a Years Mr and Mrs W right ramr lo Sihertnn from Siavtno in raise lurkevs II years ago 41 Siayloo thev owned a truck linr He was horn in Dufur in eastern Oregon mnving la The haile lo attend high school 4Hrr two vears thr l.imilv movrd 'n Siayton where Hpghl completed h gh srhool and frim where he aier attended Vi. lameitr 1 nivrrsity i oor time 'he Vknghls raised as many as Ik nop turkeys m a season Thev slit! own snd run iher r-Mf.oen hair hery although hatching is not sn good n a w either .lust a law vears ago I hey bought ihe home where they are new living It is known ta early SiKertonians as the Oid Matt Small place lvg rnnssruotirm and wnodrn pinning art beneath thr more modera tiding of thr nld pioneer house, most of which was built more than IM vears sin The kitchen it comparatively new onlv 7. years old.' Mrs Wright said Howrvrr the entire house although it retains much of the charming pioneer atmosphers hat been completely maderiijad. The Wright ripect ta "stay la turkrv business although Mr Wright admitted live 40ft-font long ne'e shed mold iwiickl he eeav verted into a the or cattla ban. LIVE for HA of ITEMS the 1 QO V A I IIP ,'.t af.70 TMLUC PAINT WITH THE PURCHASE OF TWO OR MORE GALLONS OF OUTSIDE PAINT (Cottog Houia Paint) AT 3.98 PER GALLON ro Tinrinf Tua SAVE ON PICNIC BA5KTTS Reg 11 I vslar Rasket with service for sis larlading rolwrfal l astir plates, rapa. forks. flifflll A land spoon, t separate resnpanmeata. Siitt Make Your LAWN Golf Grttn Wrrk A CHICK-A-DEE Cowspleta with $Q MJ Spsk Stand 0BtaV Wrrhaaf Stona) U S CHICK-A-DEE Sprinklcn Used ly Ta lest Calf C serves. Sprinkles A Sou re Adttobl 20 ft s20H fMH i 10 H. Operwtti On City ar Hans ftmp P restart. T E R M S i-nsTN fm savh Downtown Stort 236 N. Commorciol Con do lor io Stort 141 Alic. Ava. swwaww!w if ii ass.n lausa "iw .wwmw 1. 1 .. i 4 fc. iww-wSt jwwafc it a i jam All rUMS ADVIITtSIO All AISO AVAIIAHI AT COOMLER'S in KEIZER altO NOITH IIVH 10 AO OffN MONDAY A NO IIDAT NrOMTJ UNTH, NINI : o-i tslrr A s wm iawi ks i SAVE 1.75 $-U. Mantrorit J.f$ IradtsM Lawn taway Gun ..1.41 110. VAtUI I 40 BOTH ONLY 3.65