The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 16, 1957, Page 9, Image 9

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    Climb Into N.L Lead,
Senators Move On to Wenatchee. for Next
Tilts; Ems Foe at Eugene Later in Week
raves, 2 to 4
bat mtft he aa
Bormb B
tar mm da
toesaa waft af m awxjwni
laaiaf rweeaalf.
Altar the fara waft mm Chart,
to vi hawasg a aaa.
tt'M tar iiihmI wtt ate' 3C0
Imariian. an mag Prkaa? sag. 1 rJlQf'
take, tad Maaataj aft. altar aw- lMf U
bkiag a In ! uad all LMjr I'
to aa- by SW bbm M V
Water rval M Taawaau? agka.
Nab Pro-Senior Win
Bill Eggers Cards Sizzling 66
For Title; Salem Golfers Score
i l uca-rx
PTtW10MJ Rk MrKndnrt ami Amrur Trt rvr af tto
Ijkf lr lauMry Huh. yrttrbjf ropprd tti wnual (Jt.hi Pra-
Sowr Odd Taunwoirnl pUyrd M Sjlnn t.ail Ctuti McKradrirk. bra-
lhr al th 1S7 Drrfoa FiA Mlist
cariwo Iwaunorr par n
adrtrd rVakn a4-M for Uw
miunf total af IIS
Dr(ndui( champaMi Eddie Ha
aa aad FYank Stanfrr. af Port-
Iim i luvarudt caurar. aad i a
Tt-144 ta Aaiak far aff tha pan
jraitcrdaT Hofai'i did tM him
(or arand plac. wiLk tkrat oUV
trt. In th dajr i cKunpwiuiup rua
for Mm aumaraut prtWrauonali.
Winner of the pre Utl wai red
headed Bill Euen af the Portland
Kate Qlj cowne, wto broujM
red-tot putter wa him
i at lor the
la that diYanon.
Minn Baafi aaarp
Tied with HofM at M were Sa
lem pre Bunny Maeoa UM1. fcll
Wilton af Pendktia I3-S and Sa
lem t aauatant pre Paul Sundii
USUi Behind I h r m, u order.
r Bob McKendriHi who lad
erk defeated Maeoa lor the OP
GA crown at The Delkt. and who
had r nm yesterday. Ed Old
field of Roaeburf. IMa-M. Buck
McKrndrick af Oewef. M-ka-Tf.
Larry Lamberfer af Portland Golf
Club 35 71, Don SmHh of Port
land Golf Club. IMS 70, Hanr Hil
ton of rufen Laorehraad Club,
ICaaMwaed paft N, caL I)
Jorgensen in
Favored Role
PORT ARTHt'R. Tex . July H
lA-World-ranked Paul Jor(ersen
of Port Arthur and Houatoa is
favored ovrr Gil Cadilli of San
Francisco in their 10-round feath
erweight bout tomorrow nijht.
Jorgensen is ranked sixth by the
NBA and seventh by Ring Maga
tine Tadllh is out of the top It
nrm. but hopes this fight will help
his comeback ambitions
The Texas featherweight cham
pion is expected to stp through
the ropes at in fadilli at about
177 They officially weigh in at
.lorgnsen has a record of M
wins. 4 k-ses and a draw, mm-
psred to the San Francisco bat-
tier s ji viciorivs ana s arswi. in
n rights.
Forest Grove Gals
Trip Nameless 7-1
Forest Grove s classy women's
sniinau team scorea eariy ana Marty Koegh
went on to beat the Nameless; Jm Gordon man of thf
M,M f.ln, 0' S, !m' '' Seals and former University of
night at Philbps FieM Oregon athlete and Major League
Lou Winn allowed home teamjpllVOT w honore, at ,h( fmt
only two hits, one of them to Members of his 1935 college team
Maurine Schollian who wound up were among crowd o( , m
foaling home for the only Name- L r d
less run. Wmn fanned nine. Eu(ene oooiOOMO-J 7 1
TMt Grov. 141 oon -7 si McCall and Torney; Hodgei.
""wTnr.n'S",,,; XolUT'a'JlT.nner .4.. White (7i and Gau
Mantvla ' thier.
Wild Bill Is Really
With Savage Tonight
Wild Bill Sivage, under normal
conditions a rather tough hombre
to get along with in any rasslin'
ring, and who
was to have
risked hit co
veted Northwest
heavyweight ti
tle against Luth
er Lindsey to
night at the Ar
mory is match
maker E I d o n
Owen's main
event - for a
( 1 1 guarantee.
tf course tint aavaee
t happy mat hoodlum these days.
He hasn't any title at all, can't
put it up against Luther tonight
and doesn't get a nickel of the
Hooded Savage, who was blood
led up contiderably by Lindsey in
their "no contest'' mainer here
last week, will tangle with the
blockbusting Negro star In to
night! main event. But no title Is
at stake. This amounts to a bad
break for Lindsey, at be t hanker-
, i
". ' :V '
V, l"
ta! Eaesta, wta eat ,
!. aaaBBBBkaaaaan
m wis
fMmttimWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmlmmWmWmmmmm aev tor aMr ta wta ear a
Statesman, Salrtn, Otf, Ttlrt., July 18, '57 (SfC. Ll9
Bob Mra.radrM.'t aaw at Owrfo,
Victor 7-1
Legion $eris Final
Tonight it Albany
'Special AunsviQ vnad ap iu
beat-of-thrwe playoff sanea with til
vartoa for ft District If Ameri
ca Lefton Junior baseball cham
ptonshtp at s tmt apsac arltb a
71 vietary en the Cascade Uana
Hifh neaf here tonight
The teams vdl playoff the rub
ber game of the series for the title
Tuesday alpht tl the neutral Al-
rive runs m the home half af
test for Aumsville Silverton. which
woa the first game. M. had ukea
a 1-t lead m the second.
Aumsville bunched three af its
four hits with iwt walks, a hit bats
men aad an error for to big in
ning Gale Uarlatt. Denny rrank
and Jim Lyons delivered the time
ly hits.
Tare more walks and fc last
hit, wsukfje by Jack Briles pro
duced 4we Insurance runs ia th
Except for the second when a
walk and Mel Thomas' booming
triple netted t run, Aumsville t
CMua Heuberger, who worked the
first six innings, and rrank. held
Silverton at bay.
Silwton , ai sne -! I i
Aumrrtll ODO Ml S
Hamilton. TDomx 4 an nufins.
Haubargvr sad Marrum
SF Seals Clip
Eugene, 5-3
EUGENE, Ore . July IS UH
The San Francisco Seals, leaders
In the Pacific Coast League, de-
f..ll E-M.M r.1 tk NwlKMl
, , hjbjtlon
. ..
ball game at Eugene tonight.
San Francisco right fielder Albie
Piertoa had two home runs as
leadoff batter in both the first and
third innings. Sal Taormina rap
ped out another homer for the
Seals in the third Inning A sixth
Mining -run came on a walk to
Njno Torney and
a double by
Wild . . .
Waits Clash
ing to grab the belt the first
chance he has at it He'll have to
wait, for the title has been taken
by the Portland Commission,
which did some grabbing after a
stormy Savage Herbie Freeman
championship clash in Portland
late last week.
"The Portland Commission Is
holding up the title until the Savage-Freeman
mess is straightened
out," Owen told yesterday. "Sav
age is hot about it, as it cuts him
out of a guarantee here Tueedsy
night. Lindsey is hot too. as he
doesn't get his title match."
As his semiwindup tonight, Owen
has the daixling Leo Garibaldi of
Riverside, Calif., opposite the
"Terrible Turk'' All Pashs In an
other J-of-1 bller. And in the
opener, at :.'0 o'clock, tn in
terested Herbie Freeman goes
against the Jap menace with all
the Judo trickery, Ham Sasaki.
Freeman win be as interested in
what goes on in the main event
as he ia combatting the Oriental,
at he's very much in the heavy
weight title picture.
.. aa a -- t -
r-'' VAyaaJaalJU3l3 um, SA - iB arft a a fH V, , T Vf w ,
TaiT H, K
Bill Bruu' Capital Mat LcgiM bdi didal do much la th (
wij at rnampMinanipa iiui armcsicr. out rot ovi tor umfoi
from now All four
mnibrt of th pitrhini tuff
-Pat KtlWy. Dcaa Westhaf.
Doui ,rh, ind "
"rl llbt in 1958. ind
kids harr I wonderful h(bit of
improving ID I yran tim
Bev may have a pitching whu
bearing hit name on next
year's club too, for hit ton
Danny, now one of the top
hurlers in toe city's Junior
Baseball program, is showing
signs of developing into a good
one Danny is very tenons
about it. too. for he I rigged
up targets in his back yard
and spendi hours practicing at
accuracy . . .
Owe ef the Legion pitch
ers ef this aeeeaa had the
&stistioa af walking eaiy two enemy totters ta sH the
lnningi ke warkrd IVUefe It aaaaslng far a l-y ear-eld.
Bit tlut'i want Pat Kelley raa kaast, as be aate4 ealy
a pair mm af eat la the SaleavDaytea game epealag the
araaaa tad the ether la Saaday't S-t renqaett of VI nee
Geana't Bend rtslters. . . .
Rsssler 'Dirty Doug' Welcomed Bicfc
Rassier Dirty Doug" Donovan.
Northwest area but not yet carded at the Armory, was greet
ed with a jolt upon his arnvsl. A 70-year-old Albany woman,
claiming Dirty Douglat kicked her during a 1954 session
at Albany, welcomed him back with a $33,000 damage suit . . .
TV CaaadUa Raadall Brothers, wh recently rwaciuded
fierathM af the Stoay hen racing meet at Portland
Meadows, dropped a aaadle. Which Is eery aanswal for
aay racing plant these days, as the great majority art
showing increases ia attendance aad haadle, . . . Tha
RaadaUs look their lamp daring the first half af th
-week Portland meet, by saabblng the altra popular
ulnella betting, mlnimlxing the free pass list and holding
the cards la the afternoons. When they finally yielded
to qulaells wagering oa all races, started handing oat the
passes by the baadsfal and dropping the week-day post
time ta tlx o'clock, th plant began to da some business
and very likely showed a profit the last four weeks. . . .
High ind Low Lights of PM Meeting
After serving as a patrol Judge for all 50 days (and 426
races) of the PM meet, we learned a lot about th very fas
cinating sport of horse racing, we were well awtre of it be-
(Caatlawe pafe It. eel. I)
Injury May Force
Burke From PGA
DAYTON. Ohio, July 1$ on-Defending champion Jack Burke Jr .
he'll be forced to withdraw from the PGA tournament unless hit
injured wrist improves by Wednesday's teeoff time
r.very time i mt tne Dan a snarp pain runs through my left arm.
the curly - haired title holder from
Kiamesha Lake. N. Y . said. "I'll
rest todav. Tomorrow I'll go out
and hit tome If I can hit the bail
off the tee, I'll play Otherwise. I'm
Burke, idled for a month by ag
gravated tendons in his right hand
which forced him tn quit after M
holes in the National Open at To
ledo. Injured his left hand in tn
accident at his home in Houston.
He slipped while climbing down
the embankment of a creek and
hurt his left hand in breaking the
ftbeets WIM 71
He played en It-hole exhibition
here yesterday with his hand badly
swollen, shooting a wild 7V This
morning he took whirlpool and
electronic treatments and rested
the hand on doctor's orders.
Burke is schduled to meet Gene
Marchi. pro of the host Miami Val
ley Golf Club, in a first round
Under the new PGA format, a
field of 121 tourning and home pros
tees off in the opening round Wed
nesday, starting at I am. iEST
double round of eliminations are
scheduled Thursday and Friday
with as-hole semi-finals Saturday
and 3-hole finals Sunday.
Picks Deag Fertt
Condensing 181 holes into the
last four dayi makes this the most
rigorous test in golf, with youth
and superb condition almost cer
tain to be deciding factors.
"I like Doug Ford I think he's
playing the best golf of anybody.
"Then I'll have to ttring along
with Sam Snead, Walter Burkemo
and Dow finsterwald. They're
tough." said Burke.
Eight ex-champions, not includ
ing Burke, are in the field They
include Snead, three-time winner
(1M2. lMt. IMP, Denny Shute
'193B-J7I, Vic Chexxl M4H. Chand
ler Harper (1KI and Doug Ford
vt. KJI,
;5?SiSaW Due
i amaBB? tiff bWVbbwbWB IfeVTVJMl .
r at tmlrtn MIM. er 1 '
ta Baa aaaS.
I i
recently returned to tne
Legion Nine
Sets Games
Salem's Capital Poet I American
Legion Junior baseball club has at
least two more non-league games
lined up. Coach Bill Bevens said
The Capital Porters will meet Al
bany's Cumming Movers at Al
nany Wednesday night in tn I
oclock game and are tentatively,
slated to meet Wnodburn. at Wood
burn. Sunday afternoon.
However. Bevens said, the Wood
burn contest hinges on whether or
not arrangements are completed
for an invitational tournament at
Klamath Falls Saturday and Sun
day to which the Capital Posters
have been invited
Coach Bevens also said the club
will hold a practice tonight at 6
o'clock on the field at Paradise Is
land. Eagles Sign Pair
To Grid Contracts
The Philadelphia Eagles have
signed two more back to 1957
contracts, veterans Dick Bielski
and Tom Brookshier, general man
ager Vince McNally announced to
day. Bielski. the Eagles' number one
draft choice in 1955 alternated at
fullback last year and handled all
Ot tne CIUD S XlCkOtl cnores. tie
carried the hall 52
times ior 1B2
yards. Brookshier former Univer
sity of Colorado ttar has been a
stalwart in the defensive secon
dary. Bielski plaved hit college
football at Maryland.
(a III I a ;. I ll II ll
M.W YORK Jury It -Maar
RaBert F Vigarr tadav t at
lr-a aataiar Hi I
art trial i ara part vautd a
at ta
a( aaumatat Juta
I'M I mnaiaau aparaal
P" . .7.,
headed by Charie J Mylad.
reraad aperuVally wh ttaduaw
peruVally wh ttaduira
Avrs sit whrr the Do
M bk. .. bu.M thru aew
presKlewl waHrr OMal
ta to I
grrs would
Haaa Daaau
llodeer presKleiil
In. vita last Ma
Naimasl Leafue
ders ta Ua A
ta have said th
mustoa from the
la transfer the Doaigm
erkw. m reoeiied
a thing that can keep kit rh
Brwoklya is t saun at Plat
aanh and Atlantic Avewaee.
la Lai Anietat, county auper
vtsor Keaaeth Haha. t leader la
the drrve la lure the Dodgw weat
told t aewsman
"I senoushy doubt that story 1
talked te Dodger preaident aV
tcr O Mailey and to told m
Kenny, get all the aiTJujemants
ready '
"I 4d not intend ta reveal Oua
eaavwrtatiaa. but I beiarv t
thoald to brwaght aut new. ia th
face of Ibis revert "
O'MaOey Awattt Beaart
Uaha said he will go before the
Los Angeles Coliseum Cemmwsioa
al its Am t meeting le ask for
improvements for the big howl so
the Dodsers isuld use it as tem-
oorarv Quarters unUl a permanent
park is buik ia Los Angettn.
Mayer Wagner said he had
idea ' what the engineering firm
handling th Hat bush and Atlan
tic Avenues project would recom
mend. But to said he (bd net as
pect the reoonwnandatioa to com
before th aaxt heard af estimate
meeting. July JS
O Mailey declined ta comment
on the story
"Until the engineers come In
with their report.1' be said. "I wU
have nothing to aay. Why not wait
until July '"
2 Aussies,
Gibson Win
July It -WimhW!
don champion Akhea Gibson gun -
ning for her first major U S Ten-
ms title, eased to victory today In
her first round match of the Na
tional Clay Courts Tournament
The No I aeed from New York
City breeted past Lou smith oi
Glen view. IU , t-fl, t-0
Also winning opening day
matches were Australia's Davis
Cuppers. Ashley Cooper and Neale
Fraser. Cooper, the No 1 Foreign
Seed and runnerup at Wimbledon,
defeated Harry Walraven. Omaha.
-:. s-i. Fraser, No. 1 Foreign
Seed, drew a first round bye and
then dumped Paul Wilkins, Beau
mont. Tex . 44, M, -4.
If naai If nmn tKal JininMf Nl- I
tional Champion and the No 3
Foreign Seed, turned in a t-3. l-
triumph over Forrest Stewart of
Los Angeles.
Flam Delayed
Herb Flam
r.iir f.ilxt in ahiar nn and his
' . delaved
until tomorrow.
Sam Giammalva, the power-
hitter from Houston. Tex. was,
anotbar Seeded Star to reach the,
third round. Ranked No 4. Giam-
uiiiu .
hVwaU. Dodgers aa) added a .V. s, .' , ' , .
loar at aaumaar i juij b nam-1
malva drew a itrst rouno, oye.0( w.iertoo. lewa. wno wem
then drubbed Kennis Konicki
Hinsdale. III . t-l. t-0
Sactos Split
With Mounts
V'ANCOUVF.R. B. C . July IS i1
The Vancouver Mounties retain -
ed possession of second place in
the Pacific Coast League here lo-
night by splitting a douhleheader
with the Sacramento Solons Sac
ramento won the first game 7-0.
with the Canadians coming back
in the nine-inning game to win S-2.
Sacramento, however, won the
series 5-2.
Solon pitcher Roger Bowman
held Vancouver to four hits in the
first tame, two of the infield var-
I .
Third baseman Kal Segrist led
the 12-hit attack with four in the
second game.
Owen Friend of Vancouver
struck the big blow when he hit
a two-run homer in the third in
ning for what proved to be the
wlnn,n run
-i ii i
Vancouver ooo (wo ft-n 4 i
nowm.n ana n.rran. nou.i.m.n
and C While
ooo tun rem- i 1
101 100 01 - 11
Bridget Coan it)
MtrUn and AtwalL
and Barrgan
Hatless Villie Mays Tries
BukbiBe f- .
fT J I
( i . v
j -'0'
4 A f ' i
l." I r1 .
iK , 9 ) ;f'
i,-"'a4 "'
'V T i,
NTW YOtK, Jaiy 1J HUB Maya af the New Yarfc Giants steak aaroad safety (top)
tgalast tht Chicagw Cabs bat then b wt en attewipted theft af third baas ta fifth iaaiag
t Pom Crew ads her today. At tap be beats throw ta secaad bwaemaa Bobby Morgaa
froas catcher Charley Silvern as empire Aagit Dwwatrlli Jamps awl af wty. At btttim
WUlle koes tap agala at third as third tarter Jerry Kladall take Silvers s throw. I as
pire Vic Delator called Msvs eut. C.laaU woa. S-X (AP Wlrepbota)
Porter's 70
Kabler Shoots
75 in Western
OMAHA. July 15 un-Barbara
Romeck Porter, a little California
golfer with terrific power and a
deft putting touch, shot a J-under-
ymi iv - "1"
women s western amateur tourna-
1 mem qualifying record.
The Meet -4. 1M pounder from
Sacramento took over the last nine
of the Omaha Country Club course
as if she owned it for a U four
par she had gone out
. through the trees wnicn snnnx tne
I fairways for 37 on the outside
i Barbara, the USDA amateur i
j champion in 1K4 and runner up for j
the British amateur in 1955
the record established by
Quast of Maryiville. Wash . in the
western's 5sth annml tournament
al Huntington, W. Va., last year.
Ann. who won the ISM title,
isn't defending her championship
because of ill health.
ScT E,1' Tllr
Mrs. Porter. J4, had an eagle
two pars, lour birdies and two
bogies on her last nine She opened'
with an eagle 3 on the 470-yardj
par-five tenth bole, slapping a
the defending wood shot to the green and get
Beverly Hills, ting down a 13-foot putt She had
three straight 3s lor birdies start-
ins at 13 her rutts eoins tn from
,7. 14. and 11 feet. She got her To
ny dropping t s-iooier tor t o.ra.e
three on It I
Barbara was two strokes ahead
of 17-year-old Andrea Andyi Cohn
.'. . ...
in two-over-par and finished
,.1. . i im a t ,
with a three-under 34 for a 72 '
Andy, the Iowa junior champion
and former slate women s title,
holder, had only 25 putt, and one-!
putted five green, in a row be-
nnnm. with Nn 10 the round tied
her best competitive mark.
Carole Ja Has 75
Arnie Richardson of Columni.
, 0. the low amateur in the 1957
women's western open, shot a
The course played at ,17 yards
(or the qualifying tests and will
bet set at 6.242 for the champion
ship flight of 32 players tomorrow.
Five players deadlocked with
75s They were Polly Riley o(
f ort Worth. Tex . Ann Casey
Jrhnstone of Mason City. Iowa;
Mrs. Paul Dve Jr . of Indianap-
oli. Carl Jo Kabler of Sutherlin.
n j ii n.
Ore : and Menam Bailey, Pala-
tine, 111
Flam Beats Savirt
For Tennis Title
GLEN COVE. N Y . July 15 ie
Herbie Flam of Bevcrlv Hills,
Calif . the nation's second ranked
, h Matiau
Bowl invitation grass courts ten
I nn championship with a ft-2. 4-t.
S (Ll . virlnrv nu.r flink Saiill
I of East Orange, N.J.
s"" "T-wV-faaajansj
KVt ?V ft y .tV; 4. ;
v , v ?
- i
Medal in Women's Golf
Hoad Look Ahead
WIM W I ret
r... nam huk si 1 xss
v us ii.Ls. Aa. mt
s Dif u 4i aM Partin m ss jss
B.llrws u u M4 laerw i .ms
Meaaar'i ma Ha: At Vuarsaver -4.
SarraaMBta 1-1. Oajjr um KSw
ale. AMEBIC A 11011
mi ...
,. ... .,
W L Prt
41 41 IM
rkirai si 11 sn luiuiar.
1141 lit
Monaav'i retalU At Kaaau CKy I,
waaiuattaa is. oali taaa atkie4.
W I. frl W L Prt.
Pklla. 4S U Clae a U U
St I.. 41 IS II N Ver IS 44 41
" " " 2 !1 S!
. . " Jr:
l st iaii i, at Braakiv m. mil-
waaaea 4: al Nrw Yark t, Ckkafa
l. uniy ii.M araraaiaa
Welu Victor
. f" I l
la KvniKlff All
Billy Welu, a member of the na
tional champion Budweiser team
needed two games to get w
up. but then rolled a 236 game
frr. us isk rz a,,m'2litaiew cJT.
Ckvei 4) ss in h is ss izs , singles competition. Both are ex-Kp
"""" m.i',u in " 0,hr o0ubl" ,ttr,c-
of Salem in in exhibition match
. Uiveraity wjwt
averaoe rolled 177 and 191 fames
.z . -
' j ! amateur ruler in utrais-ht sets
Vittonc had i 521 series on 146-1 amateur ruler, in straignt sets,
-The scores were -3, M. M.
. exhibition match Don Gonxales had considerable more
in arnnner exnmiiion maicn, uon . , . . . .
l" ' "''ITm
on 212 ,0 t
Bellisimo. I diversity of Oregon Gives Aaxloai Memeat
iHfw unit l Uflt ii, tru iiau un
icq iii ri 1
AMERICAN l.tAfil't
New Yark at Oetratt (With!) (4-1) n Urr (4-ll.
Balnnsre at Chlrafa (all hi 1
-Mm.. vt WIImh t-4l.
Waahlnrtoa at Cleveland (alfktl-
Hvo. 12-31 vi Hvnn (11-141
Bnaton al Kintal City (alfktl
roml.l.l (S-ll vi Trural (7-1).
St Lflult al Braoklya (nlsktl- L
MrDanlel (t-ll ti MrDevItt (1-11.
Cincinnati al Nw Vark (nllhtl
Jerfroat (1-4) vt. Games (1S-I1
Mllwaukea st rhtlad.lnhia (alktl
Ipaka (S-ll vi Hadtlx (t-S).
Chlrata al Plttibark (Bit kO-Buik
(1-1) vt. t rlend (S-ll).
Da It Yourself, It's Cheaper
Serving Salem Since 'U
1IU South 12th St.
a Repeat
Pro Met Test
Finals Sunday
The Atasclaled FT as
rOREST HILLS, N.Y.. July 15
Pancho Gontalea return ta tht
court tomorrow ia Jack Kramer's
a vi . . ..
4"' " '
tournament, but all attention has
turned toward Sunday's windup
match between Pancho and Aus
tralia's Lew Hoad.
Hoad. recently crowned Wimble
don champ, and Gontalea are the I
pected to stay unbeaten until Sun
day. The singles winner will carry
off tl.SOt and temporary recogni
tion as pro tenna king.
In tornoriww't action. Gonxalea
U -battle AuttrtUa't Kea Rote-
an at l pm. (EST) m the third
round opening match at the West
Side teonia chib. Pancho Segura
and Tony Trabert will meet in the
other tingles match. No matches
were acheduled today.
Play la DoaBles
Hoad. 22-year-old rookie in the
pro ranks, with a 1125.000 guaran
tee for his tennis talents during
the next 25 months, plays only in
the double tomorrow. He and pro-
molr Kramer play Segura and
uinny r ans. rrans seogman ana
Trabert face Gontalea and Rose-
fessional. Hoad defeated his coun-
trvm,n. Mtmtn the former
Boili Hoad and Kramer w?rf
MliMini wmi urc utt'iru rtuntim-
aiaa ai va-tf. atWaruit VvanmAtF kiul Bet
""" " , : u T.-l
anxious moment when Hoad look
a heavy (all in running (or a lore
hand The promoter held his hands
over his eyes until his investment
got up
Kramer (eared Hoad had suf
fered a recurrence of the back in
jury that sidelined him last Janu
ary i "I thought I broke my bloody
back in the second set." Hoad
Fortunately it was only a
momentary twinge."
pocrvAMa mntAi
ii v r
. a7 aT
'Cards Bow
To Rookie,
Cubs Lose
a u ttui
I TW Imniii
' PHiladrtpeis I aerrWare fru
traied PaiLm haaily kauletj aff
an tone the NaUaaal Laague lead
last e.ftx, staMinf at Lauw i
s ay t half gaas waj a SI
vniarv eer the Caroxaals u
tuW Braaklyit Dadrm clubhsr
ed Milaaukas hV4 aa wievwd h
ia aaur arrcratat fawnt af lha
Urn-4 ptac Brtvet
Tac New art Giant aeiraied
Ok w l last piaiw Cuaa M m
UV aaiy ather M Game chrduW.
. ttasiuagtaa aaUppael laataa
Cxy hV the eaiy Amencaa
ILea-ue gam atkiihitsd
I Th Philues. wha aad dimbed
ite aarnaid place a leas Ihaa aiS
I tawee previously thai aeaana vita
out mskiag the pi Bnwaed land
fmaity did I wtk thew 11th virtary
ia the Lt It games as raokie Jack
Sanford knnked off the lardi aitl
a Inehuier
BaaaU III Mrtkeaata
THa 2year-aa1 nghthaaoVr, wha
leads the league with U victanet,
had real trauble ealy Iron Al
Dark, who tripled aad scared ma
first rua aad smacked hi taurU
tamer tor the ether .anfard also
struck aut atvra. apptng aw NU
leadmsuj total te 111
PhiUoalphis had tu bits, tacksd
inf a tw-nm tomcr by Willi
Joae m the third utning tad a
twe-nsa double by Granny Hamner
ia a rour-rua fourth that chased
Wiknar iVlnagar Bwadl atlsaB ta
Th Phils, Bvt game kikiad
with ffra-famt Uauxg atitak raw
wewka age, lead automata by IV.
gam. Braoklya by taw aad fifth
ptac Cincinnati by IV
Neat Waftaa Pah-
Brooklyn had s real ball, heft
ing five pitchers for It hit, five
af them homers, and collecting II
base oa balls ia rolling up Ma
highest rua total af the asasoa.
CmcinnaU has the league high with
i XVI job ea Chicago Juae 1. but
th Dodgers did scar aw raaa
m the mghtk ta b th Radlags tar
th bifgost Iaaiag af tha season.
Charlie Natl walbitwd two at tha
Brook homers, with toady Ajnaras,
Duke fcudar aad Doa Dryadal rat
tiag th others. Drywiala woa kia
seventh, bat couldn't maaag ta
g all th war-ttirlnc way ta Ed
Roebuck la the seventh with a OI
lead after giving up nine af tht
Braves' 11 kks.
AataawU NaOi Math
Carl Sawattki and Was Caving.
ton homered for th Braves, but
Hank Aaron, the league's top slug
ger, was t-for-J. ending a 15-gam
streak and dropping Aaron out of
the bat lead. Cardinal Stan MusiaL
l-for-1 took ever with a .344 aver
age to Aaron i .541.
Willi Mays unloaded his Itth
horn run. third in three games,
with a man on base to overhaul a
5-1 Cub lead in the third inning as
Giant starter Johnny Antonelli woa
k. u .. "n
for ,h J'-
. - . r.. . '
"Ernie Banks walloped a two-run.
(Cat. page II. ewl. II
Ippolito Gets
TKO Victory
NEW YORK. July 13 v-rrank
ie IppolHo of New York required
a couple of rounds to warm up,
then pummeled Tommy Salem of
Cleveland all over the ring before
Referee Delia t'epped In at 1:J7 of
the sixth round of the scheduled
10-round feature at St. Nicholas
Arena tonight. Ippolito weighed 139,
Salem 13d
Ippolito was giving Salem a
fierce going-over when Delia de
cided the Cleveland youngster had
taken enough punishment
Salem, who had lost his mouth
piece, was down for eight-count
early in the fifh round He got up
glassy-eyed, but was in no condi
tion to fight.
Salem actually had a slight edge
in the early going In the second,
he caught Ippolito with a right on
the left eye Ippolito showed a
slight swelling
The victory was Ippolito s 20th in
2ft pro fights. It also was his sixth
knockout For Salem ll marked
lhis 10th defeil in 33 fights
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