The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 16, 1957, Page 1, Image 1

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    'Whispering' Jet Engine Gives Promise
Of Quieter Commercial Airliner Service
VIRGINIA CITY. See. July is nur of the new jet enginettae
( A sew whispering giant ef a ' Zephyr TJJt iIm would be quiet
jet engine blasted away n hid I er the current propeller -driv-throttle
oi i mountain side test' 'our engine transports,
eland here today The modest I Hurley told reporters current
roar that echoed wr the suaiit
rwcas ana sagebrush gave a prom-
at tuture quiet a
)et airline service
throughout the world.
for citws
Listeners f a t a d themselves
agreeing with the engine manufac
turer, the Curtis- right Corp
woodridge. N J , that the engine
was much less noisy than the mili
tary jets m frying.
. f T. Hurley. Cartias-WrigM
"Wne thai decide when dadon
This aid saying cam la aiiad at
I list on sd la eminent PmJJs. dis
pute ever the aaiards af radiatioa
and nuclear weapons stthe meet
ing of editors ia Saa rrancisco
Saturday. They wore scientists,
both with experience ia the field
of atomic enerjy. One. Dr Harri
son Brews of the California Insti
tute of Technology, gave a very
pessimistic forecast on the proba
bility of nuclear warfare aid the
rises of radiat:oa from testing of
nuclear weapons. The ether, Dr.
Mark Mills, associate director of
the radiatioa laboratory af the
Vniversity of California at Liver
more, railed the danger tram sack
testing "negligible." and expressed
the opinion that "limited" nuclear
warfare could be carried on with
out aecessarily involving the world
ia a universal holocaust.
These scientists ware gentle
manly in their disagreement, but
nonetheless frank Naturally their
lack of accord left their editorial
listeners la a stale af mental eoe
lusioa. Dr. Brown's topic was "How Vul
nerable Are JJeV His thesis was
that this is a doeely sail, highly
Industrialised society whose func
tioning would fail under a shower
of nuclear bomb. Even if the
race did survive Ks economic or
gaaisatiea would be aa badly
wrecked that It would sever re
coear and be panted grimly to
the record at tad disappearance of
to the geologic
Nor was bo vary optimistic that
ttie aations wil avoid
(Ctnawaid aa adtsartal page. -
Draft Heads
Resign Oyer
Girard Case
OLNIY, HI.. Jury li uH-Sam-
ael I Barnes of Olney today st
traSuted his resignation as Rich-
land County Draft Board chair-1
man to the government's handling
of the VUliam Girard rase I
"I do not uphold William Girsrd
in the killing of the Japanese I
woman, but I do leel that we hsve
competent courts that nhould try
him." Barnes said in s letter of
resignation to Col Paul Arm- j
elrnsta 1 1 ll fwtlsl fiawlawlvai Wtlla
rf7r4 l" .' 'r"T rTIUon
.v Jwho sttempted to crawl ant before
Darnrs m a vvtvran n run
W ar II He has been chairmaa of
me ooara one year
In Tuskegee. Ala.. Mayor Phil j
Lightfoot resigned from the Ms-
roo County Draft Board ia t urn
liar prmesi.
Lightfoot wrote state Selective
Remce Director James W Jones
that because of the Supreme
Court ruling "I cannot share the
responsibility of sending young
men uite hostile sreas without the
protection of our government in
the performance of their duties."
Albany Flier
In Accident
LONGVIEW. Wsh . July
An Albany. Orr . student pilot
on a crass country solo trip ss
injured slightly today ss he made
an emergency landing after the
plane developed s gasoline leak
The pilot Clsrence Little 24.
was treated st s hospital here lor I AMrlll , ia.ei i
slight ehock end ilp ruts hut si ntv I hIiim" is
wss in good condition ! '
Little said he a mkm ivitiiil imiiii
oualilicatHNi lliihl Inr a plnl i Ii
censr from lhanon rport. in
Orrgnn. la Iwigvie
Police Officials Oppose
State's Basic Speed Rule
Three stste polic rommisvion tions salaries manpmier train
ees said Monday thev disagreed ing programs and enforcement
wtth Oregon s policy of regulating measures
highway speed with s basic code
of reason and prudence
(Mipertirtendents of lughwsy pa
trols Williams Morns. Illinois. Col
G 0 Hathaway of Arizona, and
Com B. R Caldwell af California
said passenger car traffic and
safety ess he better refulated en
highwsys which hare designated
maximum speed limits
The three voiced their opinions
before t regional meeting ef the
international association of police
chiefs which hecan s two-day ,
schedule Monday st the stats Cap
fteJ building in Salem
T e 1 1 1 w I a g Introductions the
group ef aiacisisad rwrraiiuaica-
preaideat aaid aa airliner wiU
)ets all us rafiae developed for,
military purposes. Ha said t vita
'Fastest Draw' Wins Title
; v )i umpii ( i iii i s n,; e e in iiji mn mm i j
,h.. 'V? yVvohM
. ,. f jT v t , t i -, i . . 1
v,'riy j U c. ; 1. A. y . ' '
I :'
-. ; ',' r
(.- '. ' , !.
:.i -'. , -J.. . i
' '
. . .. -..,. -t . . ;..
I , . .
I 1 v
SANTA FE, N. Jahf ISBU Reast, II, af SaaU Ft, dlt
plays tbt farm that wast hist tke title af fastest drawer
west el list Mississippi dariaj the annual lade da Saata
Ft. Yau( Rcati was aae af twa SaaU Ft yeunfsters wha
rkalleaged two Las Aagrles keys ta rweapeU far the title.
(AP Wtrtakaia)
Turner Resident Pulls
Man From Fiery Auto
Iuiimm Ntwa Mrvlra
Tl'RNER. Julv 15 A Salem motorist King iincnnstiou in
his orrturnrl burning car about a mile east of here was res
cued tonight hy a Turner man, state police uid.
Otficrr Jamrt Hsmrr reported (irorge I,. Ferguson, l.lft
Barnes Ave., was trapped in the
overturned si he srtrmpted to
Hamer said when the car iwerv
ed to miss the raimal it hit gravel,
overturned and slid back on the
road upside down
The acridrnt orrurrrd al I 50
p m in front of the Resfnrd l.uns
lord rrMdenre on trie Aumnville -
Turner Road
Uiiwiort ran to the car when he
l i a j sl-
m orcame uikwmjwi, niuii
t w rfpi,d Ferguson sus
tamed cheat and internal injuries
and a broken arm He was taken ,
to Santiam Memorial Hospital
jwwt f,t Vparlmi-nt utin
gwshed the Mre
u i ii n l j
Help fOf IKC rUShetJ
WASHINGTON. Julv 15 u-
. .
resoiuiioa 10 set up a panel w
lawyers ta help thr President
make appointments to the Su
preme Court was introduced today
hy Rep Burdick iR ND
nosTswisT isaoii
urmr coast i saoi s
At Varmmvt S-S.
OalT saw rhelS
I. ( !
M Imkhi s Sllk 4
A I esitaeinaia S. SI I mm I
Oiilt imt whenle
Standardization of procedures,
signs, road markers, and a uni
form rode of laws were also rocog
mted as a major step toward
safer, more accident-free highway
Representatives from Anions
British Columbia California Col
or ado Idaho Montana. Nevada.
New Mexico Orernn I'tah. Wash
ington and Wyoming were present
Inr the opening sessions F.ech
state and territory sIm submitted
a report of achievements snd pre-
grams initialed during the past
satisfaction as newsmen, airport
representatives aad atrhne em
ctals nstened ta the knr sound out
put of the first engine aoua dem
oastratioa ef lU kind:
"That's the souad level we thank
can be reached a we fartet mib-
! tary engines aad go commercial
Iront seat of hn ar when it
miis an animal in the road.
Portland Man,
106, Succumbs
PDRTl AND Julv 15
. u',.., u,(. ins
died St
his Portland home today
rv h. iftnih h.rthH.v Kaa ...,1
thj hlI )(( , du(
in , ,hngs
Mark spent N years in Alaska
and the Far North before settling
ln Oregon in IttS. He had made
his home hers since
Rntick I ivinn fnct I In
, I tlVDOS Julv IS vf-Rnlain v
i coal nl U iag ladex rose ene point
I to nik between mid May and mid
June the Ijihor Ministry said to
day The indei is based nn prirrs
of JaiUiarv as 100 Th riv '
- - - - - - -
ertrsnuied mainly ta increased
On the Brighter Side . .
' ii '
p JMtmetlmes balloons win last lor y tsner times especially warn ia ine nein
Dang . tft f , trf laatmBt a the kknds a f s boy shoal the age af Themes Rliae,
i Ml N. Winter SL taetr nlaatet art namnifred at ibewa la tail before and after naete.
The OWcoaad thrust eatiae
was rua up fsrstt full power wslh
ouserers )! feet away. Sound
aneasunag equipment registered
10 decibels, which Hurley said
was generally cesusdeted the max
imum none output the public
would tolerate. He added a feur-
engue prepeOer dnvaa airplane
at that distance would produce
about lit decibels and a military
jet would produce up ta IS.
The group drove down a moun
tainside MS feet below the eagiae
test stand and ITtt feet away, or
about where a asteacr would be
when a plane was taking, art from
aa airport The souad tawej there
was decibels.
Then four ituVs away aa the
valiey floor, l.tot feet below the
engine, where normally aa sir
plane could be heard takiag off.
the engine aooe was almost ua
dutinguishable. A-Damage
Reported at
250 Miles
trnreare ea WtrephoU Page )
July IS uP-The atomic weapoa
" Diablo" exoloded ia a cloud of
Durnle fire tedav and hurled ha
shock waves with such power that
windows broke and cracked t
miles away.
The damage was reported ia
Carsoa City. Nev. This was the
greatest distance that damage
had occurred since atomic teats
were started hart ia 11.
Hie blast,' delayed by a series of
postpone mi nti since June 17. was
area and felt St aulas away at
Bridgeport. Calif
The weapoa with the
name was detonated atop a 500-
foot tower at 4 M am. It sent s
spectacular mishroom cloud .-
tot foot into the air.
Light wind begaa moving the
portion af the cloud above 15 sot
feet toward southeastern Utah.
Atomic Energy Commuwioa offi
cials said they expected the radio-
active air mass la shift toward
Wyoming later
The AKC said only light fallout
was expected off the test site
"Diablo" had a power of about
It kilotons-half the sue of the
World War II atom bembs
dropped oa Japan. A kiloton is
equal ta the energy released by
expiation of 1 Mt tons of TNT.
. Whet the device went off. tot
military observers, including 101
Canadians, were la tranches a tit
tle more than three miles from
grouad sere.
Boy Lost in
Woods Found
year -old Brick Woodward,
lost in s rugged, desolate wilder
ness Bear here yesterdsy. was
last night by searchers.
Brick disappeared while on s
family picnic. By early evening,
dorrne of townspeople, si ale po
lice and sheriff s oflicers were
east of here for him And about
midni.hl Roh . aarrh-
er. found him cold end (right
A . u,ia.. u.. r k .. w .i
... . . ,
lL. ., .L. . rs. .
iiu iiunA uirrn ni M iimi
- int a i a m i nr tonkoiH on rmn
Mountain, who had maintained
radio .onlsct in rent Brick re .
nuirfd medical aid when leund
sw., ,Mml,v r.,nl,v
. . ... ..
mow rverf from Mitchrll r
father operales a night dub.
Beer Wjits at Cojsf
strike by 17 hm tru k driven
members of Teamsters I n ion Lo
bes halted delivery of
hmmr aiut win, frnm Rrnnkln0l In
Florence on the Southern Oregon
I coast.
x SfcriONS
Civil Rights
Hopes Fade
Cold North Wind
Aimed at Senate
coed north wind be
gan to blow today against Sen
ate efforts to compromise the
civil rights bdL
Sen. McNamara (D-Mich)
said it is obvious ta him "that the
principal motive of the compro
mise seekers is to gut this bul
of any effectireaess."
Sea, Patter R-Mk declared:
"I think tat bill ia a good one at
it stands,' while Sea. Douglas D
III' laaiinared ha will resist any
efforta la amend it.
This Northern offensive against
a compromise aa the admnietra-
tioo-aackad legislation came la da
bate aa the era of a Senate vote
I that will decide whether the chril
rights bti Is to be brought to the
Senate floor for action.
Southern seaaUrs fightiag the
bill have agreed to a vote tamer-
row aa a motion t paring the
measure formally before the Sen
ate. They bank on getting a
ries of amendments ta soften Its
Majority Leader Johnson 'D
Tex announced before the Senate
recessed at t 11 p m. tonight that
. v " Pwaoiy
4 P tomorrow He added that
"lBff P11" "
' hours sat aside for final da-
ibate after l p m. Tuesday i hen-
ate sessioa will begia at 11 M a m
Sea Russeil JCt leader of
the Southern epposiUea, has eon
ceded he cant prevent the House-
paased bill from being lax en up
Sen Johnson has predicted the
vote in favor of Senate considers
ul be about 1-1.
Dutch Airliner
Down at Sea;
48 Missing
THE HAGUE, Netherlands.
Tuesday, Jury It (A-A Dutch air
Uaer crashed to Barnes tola the
sea off Hew Guinea today with M
persons aboard. KIM Airline an
nounced there wore at least 11
The known survivors were It
passengers and a stewardess.
An announcement said nothing
wss known yet of the fste of the
other 41 passengers. Including I
Britons, and I crew members
The plsne went down ia tot feet
of ester
All snpard except the three
Most of the
P"rs tm mil servants
I ' W " ",lh lh"r InmHies
The plsne plowed into the ses
fiva mila frnm lh airnmi ni
Rik Nw r.uinM It had lakm
107 Tmt
of Uti Daimnit-rt and mm
, ,rom nl" o"0 ,or
trlandt with Mnmla the first stop
The airline said the Diane wss a
'Lockheed Constellation named
1 "TV- Man
"The Neutron " II crashed st 1 40
1 1 m Tuesday, New Guinea time
The Weather
Today's (Wweaet: Cloudy por
tods mrwwffb Wodneadey but
mostly sunny days. High SO.
lew v
IComeWW rnwl pgt J)
Jwlia Erkksen
- M PAon
Holmes Names All-DeeuDd
Girl's Lost Purse
Resembles 'Feed
Bag for Horse'
A M-yearosd Baleen frt wha
bat a parse Meaday taei esty
nonce B looked Bhe a "teed ba(
fee a tow."
Marleao Mae TMeaal. Mt Ba
toas aMchto Ave.. saM bar
"lirfi" wtose asashar pens wan
etoaped la the roar of bar
aad last aha seal M
k stasia her heaee i
IMk Mrest
n tody's
wntea, a peak ptctara, eai
aad ebeat H to caah.
17th Street
Extension of 17th Street bvojsgb
the State rsirfroustds will net be
done is time for this year's State
Fair, it tu reported Monday by
City Manager Kent Mathewson.
Although tentatively planned far
start this summer the loog
plannod 17th Street project wdl
now await outcome of architectur
al planning for future fasrgrauada
development over a ayear period
The State Fair Commission has
commissioned the Eugene archi
tects' firm of Balxiser tad Seder
to develop a master piaa lor fair
grounds improvement.
Ropresentativea af the architec
tural firm conferred Monday with
a Salem civic committee working
m behalf af a Salem armory-auditorium
at tha torgreuoos. State
and federal funda are available for
the ronstructioa hf feral fciads are
also raised.
Oty Maiiagar Mathewson
the street extensioa and the pre
posed arnsary wwusd have to be
located la eaaaectioa with
Stale Fursreuada master nj
which will not be drafted until at
least twa months from now. That
would meaa to late ia the sum
mer to extend the street la time
for the 197 fair, he added.
Lone Ranger's
Tonto Succumbs
DfCTROIT. Mich . July It UP
Death has come to the maa who
played the role of Tonio ia the
Lone Ranger radio aerial But his
! I utter al
voice may continue to
i "ynwoiiM m lanniui rfO man u
American kids yet unborn
John Todd. 10. who looked more
like sn Knglish squire than Indi
an. died Sunday in a hospital here
For almost two decades, begin-
ning is the mid I W0,. Todd was
radio shows sent out on the ABC
net sort Irom Detroit s X Z
Thf live broadcasts were dis
continued shout two years no
Hut transcriptions of the old I .nn
Rsngrr program art still
broadcast over hundreds of ala
lions oilh no letup in sight
Today's Statesman
fsee See.
Ann landers J
Classified 12,13.
Cames me Dawn 4 .
Camics 7 .
Crossword 14
Iditoriels 4
Heme Panerams 4, 1
ladio-TV .
Sports 1
Star Gaier
VaMey News
Wrephole Page
Fairgrounds Site hr
l IB a g g
Approved bv State
Rr 1 11 I IF I MAfrSFN
Farm F.tHor. TW Malesmaa
Official permission to place the
proposed new Salem Armory on
the State Fairgrounds was granted
Monday in an all-day meeting
the Stale Fair hoard at the State
Fair administration building
fol Carl Cover, director on arm
eries. representing the militarv
presented the remiest in the hoard
Jacx Travis Hood River rhair
man nl I he fair hoard nplained
that no decision as In where the
building could be placed wouid he
made until a master plan now
being worked out by architects
was presented
CoL Cover and Col. Paul klever.
aaoUMa I6SJ
Tke) Ortgia WsSsaman, Silsat, Ore fa a,
Starts Senate Squabble
WASHINGTON, Jaly lS-ra. sUbcrt Kerr dVOtla.) fMatt
to hit bete) to eaipaatixt kit reamarkt today after uyiaf
la tbt Scuta that aa the subject at fiscal policy President
Eiseabawer "hasa't aay brains." Kerr aisde bit ttateaseat
darlag a debatt aver adaUaiatratiwa natal neUdcs. (AP
Ike 'Lacks Brains on Cash
Matters Senator Asserts
rises r pnlirtei of Preaijlenf
Treartirv Humphrey touched
tween Demcxrsts and Rrpublicani on the Senate floor today.
Sen. kerr (D-Okla) said that
Eisenhower hasn't anv brains.
could be paraded for months be
fore the President and he would
remain just "as uninformed as be
is now
Sen Capehart IR lnd leaped to
his feet and said Kerr should be
sjhsmed of making such a state
ment "in the presence of school
children in the gallery '" He sug
tested that Kerr s reference te the
Presidents Brains be stricken
from the record
'Preiae4 I elafersaed'
I dldn t ay the President has
no brains st all." the Oklahoma
said ' He i uninformed about the
fiscal policies of this administra
tion "
At the White House, presidential
Press Secretary James C Hager
ty was asked whether there was
i My Kerr i statement.
I wouldn t even dignify it with
a comment " Hagerty replied
Whra Cafiehart made his pro
Ifsl Sen Monroney 'Dls' pre
siding had te quiet s hurst of
PP'U!, 'rom It"ery
MiMh o(
the debate centered
around F.isenhower s request in
his January State of the I nion
Imessaje for a presidential mone
tarv ( ommlwsmn to study the ns
tmn finam ial situalinn
I Rraeals fharff
herr said ol the plan (or a prr-s
idential commission
No man ran help Kisenhower
stud) the fiwal policies ol thx
government, betsuse one rsn not
do that ailhout brains and he does
not have them
I ill say to the senator ifape
hart 1 that il the greaest fi seal
nper' lhi nalinn ever produced
marthed in solid phalanx
... ,
Fiwnhower lor monlh. and gave
him Ihr henetil of their knowledEC
and SKlgmenl he would emerge
frnm il as uninformed as he is
new '
hn alwi rntKsented the mililarv,
said that the mii thing they want
ed to know rifh! now was if the
mrd would permit the armory if
1Bj wh,n ,, . finiiiy jr,ied
,hlt , 011d lo be
,rtj thf la.rn-ounds
The hoard srT'ed thai Ihey
would he hapov lo have it "
Alv) annoiimwl Mondav wa 'hal
Portland had granted permiinfl
to move 1 animals from the "'ort-
land mn to the Stale Fair Special
arrangemenlv ar
ins made to
cart for them during the fair
That the huildings at the Oregnn
Slate Fair sre not murh more
than barns and where then are
used tor bar as tbej art taUtiec
Twaedsy, JWy Id, 1tS7
.v , ......
. . .
(AP) - Stinging atticism of the
EisetiWwer and secretary of the
Mi sharp verbal speunEf be
on the ruhject of fiscal policy
The senator said fiscal experts
Sunshine on
Area Forecast
Mostly sunny weather is in pros
pect for the Salem area today and
Wednesday with some cloudy per
iods, the V t Weather Bureau
st McNary Field said Wrathrr
men said high both days will be
, "r nd the low tonight around
The JO-dsy weether outlook for
the Tacific Northwest from mid
Jury to mid August was released
last night by the Weather Bureau
and indicates temperatures will be
below normal snd precipitation
above normal
Associated Press reports Nor
thern Oregon beaches will be
lenersllv fair today except for
late night and early morning
clouds Lsw temperature will
j rir (rom , j, oegr., and
high from 15 to 79
The State Forestry Department
said Monday six lightning -caused
I ires rre reported in Northeast
'ires on over the weekend nn stale
lands All were less than half an
si re
Hardened Criminal Freed
By Jailers in Bail Mixup
NKW 0iK July 15 f - A hek! without bail in a new felony
haidened longtime criminal was
relessed from jail hy mistake to-
PPrenii a rr.un m .
""-uP n Mm"
Polne said Myron f nben il a
four -time loser who was being
" "
f- e e I
hair Board
torv ' wa mduded in a prelimin
sry report of Balihirer andSeder.
mr. K , I u. . mmmImI In I lu I I T
, . . r ' . . . .
board The architects have been
retained io make a complete sur
vey of the grounds and facilities
and te "come up with answeri "
for a long range program of im
pros ement
Hired Mondav aisn was (ladys
jst of Portland at Vn for the
eight da lo make a survev dur
'ing the fair ol what those attend
. 1,1, h,t nr rinn l like annul
" " ... ,
ine i ' r ne agrrrfi in nir nvr
asitants who would
an hour
fieopie al the fair, for
three times a day each day of the
j Udd, totalis aa naja UJ
tu. Ill
Among v
Appointment of a new State
Board of Agriculture, irjcJud
inr, a Portland woman aad
Cornelius Bateson Sr., Prsrum
farmer, wai announced Mrm
dav bv Cov. Robert D.
Holmes, AD art DembcraU.
The seven mem ben af the board
from various branches of tgrtctsV-fea-e
will advise Department Dtrst
tor Robert Steward. They will re
ceive ae salary.
Bateson. a cannery crop and
poultry raiser, will represent d
versified farming
Another a pom nice, Mrs. Keneeth
Livingston. P or land, ks a crest aasf
club leader and will provide con
sumer views
Otkjr Meatoers
Other appointees and the brsacsV
at they represent:
Lard Key, Mirtoa - rTeeweter
grato rancher and caanery official.
Robert Pierce, 0 a t a r I a Hint
grower and (arm leader, row crape.
Ward Spati. Kodford ercaarditt
aad trust packer, bertsnistura.
Ralph G Wilcher. Juactwa Oty
dairy rancher aad state graaat of
ftciat. dairy Industry.
R A. Lang, Lake Ceuaty stock
raacher and Utlonf cattksmta,
cattle interests.
Terms of tha previous,, board
were ended by the toot Legisla
ture, toe. Holmes aaid tbt new
board will give much wider reare
scetatioa of the state's divergent
agricuttuTsJ interests.
Pi ee eases hi Craage
Baleaoa U, has ewaed a divaria-
ftod fanning opernlioa aatr
Prelum for tbt past M roars. He
baa been araiiuaeat to Grange ae
Uvttiea aad m ar stent ly a aiember
ef the Mate Grange Atealtara
Caraunittas nprtetating grewart
ef raaaary cropa.
Mrs. Liringstaa greet the wstnaa
af tbt stats a vosca ea the beard
far the first tone to au years.
Gee. Holmes said. Wife ef a aay
ssdaa, aha has beta a leader to
such orgaaiiauons at League ef
Women Voters, Psrwnt-Tsachsrt
Assa ; and 4-H Cuba.
Loyd key. 7. U preaidesst af the
I'matilla County Farm Bureau aad
also heads the Oregon-Washington
Pea Growers Assa.
Cattle Haacbsr
Long. M. operates aa extensive
rattle ranch st rort Rack ia
northern Lake County.
Pierce, 44. owner ef aa nj-ecre
peppermint farm in Malheur Coun
ty, is president of the Snake River
Farmer I Cmon and chairmaa af
the Democratic Central Commit
tee s sgrirultiirs committee.
Owner of s mixed herd dairy;.
Watcher. 41. is chairmaa af the
State Grange agriculture commit
tee and u former master af the
Junction City Grange.
Spat , Is past preaideat ef the
Fruit Growers League.
'G ramps' of Lassie
TV Program Dies
BURR AN K, Calif . July IS UU
Actor George Cleveland, 71, beat
j known ia recent years as Grampt
on the Lassie'' television show,
died today after a heart attack,
Cleveland stsrted on the stage 51
years sgn Hr began his Holly
' wood career in 13
case, was (reed on sjOO ball ea
the false ass.impl.on he wu 1 maa
n. . ..
Police gar this account:
Myron Cohen who has spent 17
( hls j, yeJrl ln pnjon. was sr-
rested last Thursday on chsrges
o( trving lo pass a fi phony
cher k
He wss locked up to swart
grand ;ury action
ti, mnrnmg Kmanuel
lint hail for his brother.
Sol. of
Brooklyn hems held on charge
of impairing the morals of a
minor A guard was sent to get
the prisoner
The guard approached Myron
Cohen, ssking. Are you Cooes"
"Sure." said Myron
' You come with me." the guajsj
said, snd signed him out
Meanwhile Emsnuel Cohen had
in get heck to work and decided
he wouldn t wait for his brother,
Myron Cohrn ss he was leaving
th mi mihw-A rmimiel for a riio
i -
in a suoway siaiHm. cmanieri. sb-
aware of what
gave him s lift
bad happened.
Later, when relativee wondered
I why Sol wasn't out yet, the trraT
Iwae discovered.
ma it