The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 15, 1957, Page 8, Image 8

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    8-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., July 15, '57
Swnq Grower County's Stock Man of Year
I,'1' ; -J.0K.-w.
if .
41 I J"
Russia, America
'Should Explore
Space Together'
LONDON. July 14 -A Soviet
rocket expert. Anatoly Blagonrav
ov, suggested today the United
MlH M miles north of Vancouver when
space together in trying to reach Mw an automobilt
Uw moon. His suggestion was drjvn erratleallv
broadcast by the Moscow radio Th car and 0M
uiiui imikj y - (he persons inside jumped out and
idea he said was raised by the ran way Mattnews wfnt after
American magazine Illustrated hlm whfn , rehirned ne ,ound
Mechanics - of any one power Markuv .umnM, nv,r ,h whl
claiming the planet , of the patrol car and the driver
Writing in the Souet scientific he had arre$led handcuf(ed in the
weeny ugones. Diagonravov con- back
fidently predicted the time is com- Th- drlve, M,.vjn w c,,.,.
Vancouver, Wash., I
Deputy Sheriff Dies
Following Arrest
VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 14
Deputy abenff Paul J Markley.
4. of Vancouver, Wash., died of
what appeared to be a heart
seizure after arresting a man on
a drunk charge last night.
Sheriff Clarence McKay said that
Markley and Dean Matthews, an
other deputy, were driving three
HOPMERE. July 14 Joe Wilhelm. left, was announced this weekend as Marion County's
I.hestock Man of the Year. At right is Mrs. Wilhelm whose big project on the hof
farm in this area is watching out for the little fellows. iStatesman Farm Photo)
Hopmere Farmer Wins High Honor
ing when living laboratories ra
dio-directed from the earth will
land on the moon He proposed
that all countries "pool their
scientists and funds to step up
scientific achievement? "
"We would he pleased to estab
lish permanent and firm contacts
with 1' S scientists working on as-!
tronautics as well as with U.S. '
inter-planetary rocket societies." i
he said "Soviet scientists fail to
see any serious obstacle to this
pooling The final aim of these
efforts must be the general pros
perity of mankind and not that of
any one power
La Center. Wash.,
a drunk charge.
was booked on
Two Salem
Persons Hurt
In Accident
Shrine Circus Performers
larm Kdllor. The Statesman
HOPMKRK July 14 - Joe wil
heir! i .lire to Hitmerp fist-
aso in :n lp raise pias T'wt.iy ne
.i rumisi M.innn ("ounty's Live
stock Man of the ear
AioTmng to .Ice nn one u.i
rrort' .-urpnrrt a' the honor ac
corded him than himself
"I like pi.- and I like tanning
Viile sometimes it is hard work
all of the time it is fur. " Joe sjv
as he talks about his project
Wilhelm was chosen by a com
irtiKee from the Marion Count
Livetock Association, and hi
name goes forward Monday to the
Western Dreson I.isetik ni
ation to compefe with .selections
of other counties for Uie stale hon
Joe gues most of the iredit
to his wile Hose Hut as we
trudged with the two of them
through swine h.irns and oer
wine pastures, there seemed very
little difference in the kromlroV
nd plans and work ot tin twu
M Acre W LaU
The two operate M acres of
leased land in this area Suty
purebred brood sows and their lit
ters comprise the main livestock
enterprise the one upon w hici
they actually won the county hon
There are eiaht fluernsrv ros
wmth furnish miln to suppienien!
heg rations with trra'r a a id-1
product from the fanr Hut
cows, according to W.lhclm are i
"side line '
The .mjws are tcd to tdirow
the vear around so tn,,' iv
raising projei t is no seasonal
fair; 'he r..f ;.' tim'
etch sow raised Un hti.-r- .i
an a1 erafc"e nf . t: it i fcs ;h i '
(i r This ai'ds jp tr swi j s r., .
on 'he W.lhelm larrn .n m pi-"
12 moiKri. Ml of tt.e pi.- an
rai.seit lor , ''er ' arel or tor sa
as h'e.'dinfc' .
Prodmti' t'1- a:. k i(
f rfC s., . j, r
t i i! rcii he'1 - r ' .
I 'f'-,, 'it,- " r - ' ' . '
firrplrfff i.n , -..'AS i 11','
hoM-r IHftVvIt
fv;e lotTHMii1 t"KTl 'oe mf
' i as hi . . w
h h' 'or p -oil. i-i, , ,r : n
. '. ..1 H V .
t'hai'--- in: (, iilv ,.
T TT' rip ,i n n ann.. ,r n,- 'n- '
C "Win r " , . rr
lull as i;nrr of a mjn ra-r "I
er ,,'4.t!. s n ': . . i r-
U tint Hi iw points Uxt tnili,
enrl th'"1 "w " -
a'l'ially m par en' ol 're n
com' or 'ne W I.- -t- ',t'r i, 'r 1
li est.k
Thit p-i iar r-M ?w
hog at arynjT rm -.nrd aera:e
weights enl o n.arkei The no;s
I Sows end p s ,'i 'he Uilhi lm
'herd are not mn' -ni ' th, i s
pet. a- known in lormer days
Here they ire on pasture eish!
months ol the year IHiring the
wmttr nionlhs iorn ilae re
plavis pat in vlarket hokis are on
concn'te or '.ink floor for their
Moss like humans are suh'ecf
to illness hut also like humans
prevention is rictter Ulan cure At
the wilhelm lartn Terramycine. at
the rate of four pounds per ton ol
feed, is fed the entire herd 'o
maintain Keneral health, and par
tic'il.irK to iween' flu ll im are aciinated .igainst chol
era Farriwmc houses are equipped
with heat lamps and guard rails
nd one oi the best things ahout
the project. Rose and Joe say. is
that there is .scarcel.,' any weed
problem where the hogs pastur
They control Canadian this'le as
well as other problem plants Only
for corn and grain crops are pre
emergence sprays such as J-4D.
uijuisu in c, wha a i mninii ouir
Top Officers 00 Hshway 11
1 ' W I J Offenstein. a pressman for the
MGdln siarTieQ Statesman - Journal Newspapers
V anH hl njuen0r Mrs Vluroarol
R PrinforC Hoflart. 545 N. Winter St.. were
Uj IlllllCId both taken to Salem General Hos
pital by Ocean Lake Ambulance.
Top three officers of the Ore- Rose Lodge is four miles east of
gon Typographical Conference Otis Junction.
were reelected Sunday at a meet- A altendant offenstein
mK ln s,U-m sustained possible chest injuries.
i Ki etected were I lark Anderson, possible facial fracture, facial lac-
Med(ord. president. Milt Dunn, eration and other possible frac-
The Dalles, vice president, and tures His toodition was not eriti-
I Lyle Swetland. Eugene, secretary- cal. the attendant said
i treasurer
Two Salem residents, including
Albert C. Offenstein. 2160 Fisher
Rd . chairman of Salem s United
Fund chapter plan relations, were KJp the poodle shares starring honor with Unby Opal of
the Besaron Baby Elephants ln the second annual Salem
Shrine Club Polack Bros. Cirrus to be preseate this Fri
day and Saturday at Waters Field. Sbowi with Kip aid
Upal is Peggy McDonald. Cirrus performances will be at
2:15 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. each of the two days.
Security Prober Called to Testify
Pastor Named to Salem
Post at Church Session
iukbu S'rvkt I The Rev. Mr. Goinei will
TURNER Julv 14 The Rev. place the Rev. Clarence LaRueJ
Paul Coined. San Diego, was who was named to be pastor ol
named S u i a y afternoon new the uiurcn ot God of Proph
pastor of the Church of God of in i.ranoe rtorrae.
Prophecy in Salem as the nra; ine nev. nr. uoines appoint-1
annual state convention of the meni is to start Aug. 5, said!
Church of God of Prophecy came Adolph Hemmer, state overseer. I
i. yi i Tnrnr Th vvenins Some 500 church members l.l
session was devoted to a jubilee 1 tended the convention which start-1
at the Salem church.
Violent Wind
Causes Havoc
In Canada
be Wednesday at the Turner M-l
mortal Tabernacle.
One of the main item discussed
was a proposed $50,000 slate head
quarters with an attached youth
camp. Among those cities name
for the site were Salem. Eugene
and Bend
Members also voted to hold next
year's convention in Turner.
In addition to appointing a wavt
NELSON. B.C.. Julv 14 CP-A and means committee to make ar-
brief but violent windstorm hit the ' ranem"(s for raising money to
Nelson district of southeastern , m Mvrra, new officerj were ap
British Columbia Sunday night. I pointed
The gusts, estimated by an airman Named to be overseer of di.v
at between 50 and 70 miles an , Irict one. which includes Salem.
hour, snapped trees, brought down j1 ReV P' G' Shroer 01
leiepnone ana teiegrapn lines ana i
caused widespread minor damage
No one was injured.
Dave Webster of Vancouver was
attempting to fly home alter at
tending Nelson s diamond jubilee
celebrations but the storm forced
him back. He estimated the wind
! W ASHINGTON. July 14 f - have introduced bills carrying out
Lloyd Wright, head of a special some of the recommendations of
commission on gov eminent secur- the Wright commission.
My, will hae a chance Tuesday' The Murray-Rees bills would es-
to tell Congress personally about tablish a central security office
, his work to coordinate the administration
The mmmitMon c rpnori and it fM4ml rwrtuniwl Iav11v arut
Mrs. Hoflart. who suffered facial .-..r....-..,...-, .. i ... ' -n.... .i
Elections were held during the fractures and lacerations was J ,7 . 7
s imiuin anu mt-rauons was uVera weeks aeo nuM nrnrnk Hmimclrxliv
meeting of the tlth annual taken to Providence Hospital in in (lrs, cnrrss,onal an-' nrnrednre, for th heann. .nd
conference The two-dav meeting Port'sn' ,rom Salem. The Salem pearance. Wright will testily he- review of cases arising under such
started Saturday at the Hotel Mar- nrtnt "ld w" ' "'lous fore the House Post Office and pr0gram.
ion .condition. CV1, Con,mmee programs.
,0" , . . I It was reported the accident oc- Reps Murray DTenn'. com-' A( present vajiou. departmenU
uelegatrs voted to hold the .No- ciin- when the vehicle hit a soft mittee chairman, and Rees iR- nd Knc adminuter their
semoer session in .Meatora I shoulder and went off the road Kan . ranking minority member
gusted to SO and 70 miles in the
few minutes it took the storm to
pass over Nelson.
Felled trees brought down com
munications lines at points up to
10 miles west of here. Six-hundred
feet of the B.C. Telephone Com
pany section of the Trans-Canada
telephone line was ripped out.
Piles of lumber were blown
about in (wo timber mills and two
cars were damaged by falling
trees. A big Cottonwood, four feet
The Rev Harry Bruner. Dallas.
was named superintendent of the
nursing home at Dallas, and the
Rev William E. Maine. Portland.
was named state treasurer
Appointed to the committee ol
state trustees were the Rev. P. G.
Shroyer and the Rev. Harry
People 60 to 80
Tear Out This Ad
. . . and mail H today to find
out how you can still apply htr
a Ct.000 life insurance policy to
help take care of final ex-
in diameter, smashed playground P""" lbout burdening your
equipment and narrowly missed i lamiiy.
own programs
hitting a park superintendent's
home. One house had its aluminum
roof lifted in the gale and several
windows of the city ball were
blown in.
Five flags have flown over New
Mexico the flags of Spain. Mexico,
the Confederacy, the United States
and an Indian flag. The latter hap
pened during the Pueblo Indian Re
volt between 1U0 and 1(92.
You handle the entire trn
action by mail with OLD
No obligation. No one will call
on you!
Write today, simply giving
your name, address and agt.
Mail to Old American Ins. Co,
3 West 9th. Dept. L736B, Kansaa
City, Missouri.
CaftfaWaMAMM T0' word for it. This 67th annual mid-year clearance is so big we had to coin a word to describe it. It's store-wide I Every
department is participating. Regular stock merchandise of brand names I
k sws'---
llarl Schal fner & )l(irx - llolh uool - Michaels-Stem - j
UmnmonUm Park - (Jotlwraft - Hosr lints. - "Witf ,
as Cood as CoUr in Men's Fine ( lothinp ?
Popular models wttw the "natural" look and fit laperriy tailored of the finest domettk j
and imported fabrics. Tweds, worsteds, gabardines, cheviots They re all hre.
Formerly QQ90 Formerly jf Formerly AQ90
lo $65 Jl lo $75 V lo 98.50 0
ull 1" -rftrTr
.n thai trttU i.r
and m growth
marktv1 ;r u,p ronriu.or V Y ' t
ma( Kftg i ia i - ' V
gnl Hilrnn in
mind Hi mmkru-
bn averaging 1 m h- 4 h k
fat at trw avit! irv v,
proportmnAtftj W- ' ' hinHrt
arnmalu TV v -na-
krtH havt pighHj ar"ind 21
Vcrlin C. Walters
Of Salem Dies
Verhn C Waher k
J. FWrx M Salrnn d rsri
afternoon in a SWm rvr-f -' M'
a admrt'ed lulv A
horn la low a on Mi
His heme was n ' "
Road. et of Sakrr
He leeee has wxtnm M- Mr
wakert. and t" m '
daughter. Roy. Carl a fmnra
aJI at kme
Funeral atranfeeneflt" n V
amxiuneed later by the irg.l T
&ekVa Funeral Horn
Hit, Rob Accident
Reported to Polce
City pnhce I day
tigatrnf a trpmrt rf a f
nsa late wi nt UV
hlsrt of F. UFefle St
rVmaM I r.Ui. T 1 "ns
fner St . Md efrVm ear bodied
hsM ha) car aad drv ttX '
Gold Nugget Value!
273 Pr. SHOE
You can't afford no ro take drantofe of these volues.
Formtrly to 13.95
Formerly to 22.95
Strike It Rich in the Downstairs Dept.
Zipper Jackets by White Stag
Discontinued Styles Verioty of Colon QT
Formerly to 10 95
Famous I rend Some Slifhtly Soiled 'opular J QT
Shedes. Formerly to t 95 7J
Tweed Denim Slacks
Full Run of Siiee. Croy, Ton, Geoon, Hue. O Q C
Fermerfy 4.95 O 7J
mm coat:
All Drastically Reduced
Hart Schaffrr 1 Man, Michol$-Sttrn, Holly
wood, Hammonton Park and many, many more
from which to moke your tlction.
lit (,et )our 'Pick'. Come in Quick!
httrmerly to o.9..r
The tve moet poulor brndt
loo4 ml rke lebel
toloeer, plem and feo
ler Cattar series m bot 'rfli
cuM or U-n. AN ' (td Mu(
fee" valves
Formerly lo 2.1.9.')!
Flannels - Tweeds - Ge sardines - Werttedt Tbey re ell in tKis roup Yes, tkere
are "tv Leaf we ' models elsa in mil selection
2 r M5 2 29
3 ,p,; 1.50
$1.00 TABLE
Dress Shirts-Swim Trunks-Pajamas-Vtsts
- T-Shirts - Pants - All Famous
JACKETS Reversible Values 6.90
PEG PANTS Vl5" 2.90