I rrends 'Rum' Dog's Chances at Salem Shorn tafesiau The Weather - TWty't ffMh CUuif yiriJi thwwflt Tvaaicy bar wMtfy MMiffy 4yt Hii 78 UwM. 107 Ymt 2 StCnONS-U PACES Ttt Own Swwnt, tilw, Ofgn, Monday, Jwly IS, 1tS7 pua s N. 110 : i r - ; .".'t'i ,' , V. ;-, V . -.-;.. - - v- ; - , ' t , i .j'tV'H.y'. ;c-n'"rf fi : -. s..- ,;.v $ J ''-'X .'.d , .r. ....... , i I V eV ai, fc , V if.-. i . . 'V-, T ?- . y TIiy, kn( St Beraari eiUrW ia Sas4yi uuai Saka Urn Clab n itate ttirsnnii, k timtti ky ltU A Aria Baker, alatcr af tftc ioft mmtr, Larry Rikrr, Hi Safari St Tlajr faOH to rt tat W Jaa'cra aOer kli attraUaa waa ala trictf d ay mUat kiaa fraai Ms at(kaarlM4 4ria ba'lar Iriab. (Stary. Ml 1 DTP 3MLTE TOCEQ3 IA.N FRANCISCO, Jaly 11 It a a tar err front ramp oa a uadttar alone tha Cokrada ta Wt la a city hotel and attradurt a a aatiaoal cflBvenUoa and a f Our "haur tram the Nartti rim W tha Griixf Caayaa look two days, crouinf loulliwrtt I'tih Ihroufh Zioa Nations! Park la La egas and then a post midnigw ride across the upper end of Death ValW-y 'timed to rwap the in-' tense heal of daytime to ton I'mr. Calif. That is al the foot of Ml. Whit- n aliiiurip l 4W teet. so within- . ..... .u. . . ... . limest poinii in ih. United States outside of (Kir routr 'h-n followed the east- em Mile ot the Sierra Nevada at rplilitrl hiti on feet, and correspondingly (ikI rleatiofis along Highit.iy .15 into ( arsoa ( tu Nr ( .i.iilal ol the Stat There 1 got (,. see the Fremont annn .he .' pound HowsUer h..-h the Mem..l party disgged across nisms and mount as ta lfiil M and in or forced to aban don it where icv battli-ri the mow to iro-.. !he Sierra to Slitter I Fort - a trip I nevrioed I this column' some month, mjo It is held now occupies me lormt-r i mini . ii.i ilrv. The unique icilure of the mu eom however the replxa of Nevila urxterToUnd mining in the ba-rf-ment - hij'ily eduiational for all hut ihe lew familiar with the mining inrtusirv Theme via ie south etxf atlooe M eailartal page 4 I Prince Tumbles From Polo Pony MIPHI RST Y ngUnd .lulv ',4 If -Prince Philip lumhled Irom hi slumhling Minv in a polo game locUv and snap.'fl oH a papier ma. h- goal pot in hi. lall He vivn t hurt and resumed plav lo led hi. Vs imKor Park team In a 5 3 v ii tor v in Ihe linal of Ihe tow drsv I'jrfc t.olrl ( ip rx lure I mm Sped alor . Abbott, Costello Break Up Comic Team, Still Friends MOl.M WOOD .lulv 14 e th rtott and ( iMklello (Kve ol vhovs hus tne iwi 'amous and surresstul team.. h- hmken up The hrek;ip ronf'mied tndpv bv li ( o.ielln is one nt the rrvt unusual in Mmlvwood hila- I n Usual because inere was nn tight no hard feelings- official hi nounrerrvem A reporter noting recent soln appearances ol Coolelk), ssked bun hy Its funm ' replied CnntelWi hut I .as seen is a ungle bv millions of people on the Sieve Alleti show and lots of other na tonal TV ihowi and you re the . . . . . first one wh s ssked me hv - I guess slier J vears no one -,,u i h.i... . ik.i shewt and Cos telle have split up ' Toa ieaoo. Bud Abbott, now tl Floods Menace Jllinois in Wake of Record Deluge CHICAGO lnlv 14 TAPWKWIwalrr-the irsiJt of ailhreale af asar gaa. and finally: mt,rl 24tx.ur rainfaH-crrpt ..i... .1.. i .iT nois tuday near tlie hraily rMMiurtrd Ciiicago metropolitan area. The torrential rains that soaled 'OuVago Friday and early Tfrrdiv moved aTos t-etitml Illinois overnight, filling river Brush Fire Sweeps Area i H r 4 In California NEWHMX. Calif . July 14 T A brush fire hroke out .lon busy , g Hirtiw.v n lodav and raDtd y rmered tViO soret as the flames (wet eastward to the ery edge !f this mountain community. Several buildings in a nearby I canyon wore destroyed but fir- men and mailed equipment i ... .1 . property herr B mKWwung th blare was reported two thirds remained All aailsble units from the ta Angrle. r, W mile to the south a Ions .ere sent to the scene Ih equipment Irom the K S Vmm Vrvir Am( Roini Pprr,v lh, u- Ani!,., , w rt rtmrnt wimilH v wfrt . .k. i,.. i, , o ...j il. ri n. . ... ' .IV-, aniu il. ihw ym it.. uV I.kj i ih. ...i ui. i u.k m -k. .u . ..... i inini.B. ww a.iu v.ii imi iwi uimy hoth sides of th highway he lore muting ea.l totard Newhall ept within three i miles ol the Pico oil field at the I head of Pico Canyon, he said vnlTRWtIT ItAOI B Al V.SIM 4-4 .1 41 LewltSM 4-t. Ctasew 1-4 Al Trt-ttlr We.alrkes II Ps inr rossr i ssorr ai eti i-i. s. ni. s i Al Vpje..ver I SarraMe.la I M f r...f) Al I . Ill'ln 1-1. Seattle 1-4 A' Sa frsiMlar. Il l, Wall? a... IS 4 AS4SBM A I VAlit I Al I i... I I X. Vara I I Al le.el.aa 1-11 IMn f t SI DetraM IS-T naltlaar. 1 I I fn4 M II l.a. i Al limii I It t II Wa.aiaft.. I 1 si Phii.aei.kii -n st ii. 4 raakl.a 1 WUaaak ! tt "data mtk I hlvaf t and some 10 yearv oMer than li dorsr I wan. In work lor awhile y)r ,rm,n ln, nv ,,rt ,h, , m , rirr sd vr' (or hhott and confirmed the ami table split Kvervlime I tall Rud up ahoot he' turns them down saving v,, , resdv t come hack t wor, (nr Sherman said Rud ti fised well snd he in good shape with the income tai people He Risl wanti to take n easv alter manv years ot show R jack of Oretoa City Ore . was buamess He mar change his rhairmaa of the National mind sftT swhile ' Conference of Bar Precedents ka- M1() j,-, ,n ng, with'tfaj at Ihe (laae of its annual r . . Ahtvoit if he -Costello -works as s meeting singe The reavfereore met m advance I" wants no other partner n( the 10th annual meeting m the "h he on pned I might try and work with Dean Martin." into humlrrd. of home, in 1 Ha - l. l.ij. to near flood stag. At least S3 families war tak en (ran homes near th overflow mg Little Calumet River, a small itream that cuts through several southera suburbs si Chicagjs They argaoiiationa. Soma nacuees wer carried la safety by boat. ine inro raimou mat wu "71 ,Z T ' " " muuru m v .... iu usus Hour period ine previous nign rainfall amount waa I II inches in IMS The rainstorm left st least nine dead from drowning, flec trorution aad exertion and pro "Tl,... ooiiari perty damage ia the millions w Downs! St the Illinoii River posed th most serious flood threat.' Th 1' S. father Bureau taid ' PPer Hlin.s Basm would xa rrrs, si vior r," 70 m,in oulhwest of j . Chicago A few miies downstream er reached flood stage at M '""ln, r J""- n" " backed up by a tWIoot dam Meanwhile. heav overnight . - ''"" souin-cemrai l localities in south-central with Vandalia reporting uunsHS. 171 laches, aad Springfield, the . state rapftal I II inches -s," P""' aid thai combinew 1 "'gtiwav u and U was still I blocked hv flood water north of I Kankakee and traflir trickled aa a esw-laue basis ova- aa sader- wa.er section of t'. S Rl M near Wilmington south of Joliet. However a full four lane flow mntiniied a I S HI s-A. a bf pass ahemate for th Joliet area, providing normal route for mo toruits traveling the maia Quca-go-lo-lns Angeles highway. 'Radio Gadget' Packs Punch KANSAi flTY,, July 14 ivran Id Watsonv 14 walking horn )r(m . mm)r to lrt inund aa . . . nnjeci ne uwugm waa I roove cww deiwer He took H home, put it aa s tshle snd hivnked it up In a flaaiv light hotter) with two aires Th thing exploded Donald a lather James WaCson. said ihe hlast blew a four inch hole in the I able and shoot a light I 'st lire from the ceiling leaving Ihe house without electricity Donald was treated al hnKprlai for burn oa the far, arms and chest Th ohiect s dynamite caa. " ri.e. r e I . W'egon Viry LJWyer jmcd Blf GrOUD Htfjd NEW YOftK Jttr u j. Glenn America a Rar sn Opening to- i morrow at Ihe Waldorf Astoria. Gun Blasts Cut Down Tax Official KE1.SO, Vah., Julv 14 (AP) Otu Hanstad. 40, nrwly-ap- pointpil uuniurr of thr Iong yirw State T (Tonimmion trffkr, uai critkultv wouikW by two shotRun bLuts in thr kark whil Tuitiaf at bht bomr af a friend brrt last ai(ht Shenff Merit Btvinj and drp- atiet later arrested Matt Hintula, M. after a aa-ounutt wte af Hiat uUI nearby home. The iheriff Mid that Hiotsala rally admitted the thootinf . Hint ula was held oa aa opea raarte taday a lavestifatioa of the case was pressed Skitter Satee Haastad. ruohed ta the Good Samaritan Hospital. Portland. reported to have a shattered spiat and his lua( and kidneys punc tured by shotfua pellets. Sheriff BevMis said witnesses ae this account: Haastad. former Kelsa polirw- man. went ta the noma of Fekx Heiaaisto la South Kalaa at t p m. last aifht for a Finnish steam bath. Mr and Mrs. Hmtsala wert there and Hints la berated Haa stad about receiving traffic tick ets from him several years afo. The Hintsalai left and Hanslad took a steam bath alone la a small shed behind Heiasuata'l home Heard To Skats Heiamste beard two gun blasti about 10 li p m Hf turned oa a back porch light aad aaw Hiat saia runaing around the comer of the woodshed, he said. Haastad was lying ia the yard. Bevins aad four deputies rushed ta ta Huttsala home and found kim barricaded inside with ha wife and eight children. He re- Iwed to com out. despite the Deputy K! rifle, entered t aide wmdow aad , raptured him ia a bedroom. Gusts Sway Valley Area; Sun Forecast GusU ua I fl mile aa Sour la Salera Sunday hut little damag was reported- J , s sMUlfr Bureau at McNary ' '" " average wino yes terdsy was snout o mile an nour Cloudy periods sre forecast to- day and Tuesday but it will be rnoatly sunny both days, wrslh i ermesr saw. Todays mercury la eipected to range irom sa 10 ins. . ..... , armer weather is in prospect Tuesday. Sundays range as it 'a 74 j Associated Pres reports North Oregon beaches wtU be cloudy in j the morning but sunny in-the sf-1 , iu.i. lernoon oecoming ciouay again u fht Temperslurr is espected to r,nf inm M l0 70. Bug Catcher Ftyiaf home Brighter Side . . JKa Irkksan w', V'l Si If ' ' lf- f i iVVaf t vaMi Ilk Jf r ...w a... I ' i r m in ,sw ,mZ. ,w n'JUItiirjUt lis, i W A . stand rkanew since hrs roang ent nlesrit hegsn or. In( the set (hbor hood witk kis borne made bur ratrhrr. U.S. 4o Salem Reserve Unit 'Signs Up Young Cannoneers -. ... j Fsnt S(t Fraads Lavtaa a Saleai i KSla Field Artillery Rattatioa faaad klaiself wltk aosae yaaag raaaoaeen Saa 4ay as Bsetaken af tk Amy teserre aall raaibfned week tad aaaaeavers wltk a kattalloa-slied faailly plcak aear Lucky Grab Thwarts Plan To Kill Child BINGHAMTON. N Y. July 14 (T . B..raimM , -lurkv rh" . , , , . . . !" ' ZilnZ nrl who was being dangled oat fourth-floor window by her scream ing mother. Patrwimaa tarry W Schsoi dis tracted the woman momenlariry. ftKu A.. . a 4m. tk. .Lt ... Ik. 1X-..V iL u- IZ,.TJ1 sad hu a!' k'It was a lucky grab. I don't know how that leg just fell into my hand th way it did," Sdtani aawi.kUawjw.- A a a t k r pobcenaa said be tattled the woman as she at tempted to jump from the indow k.n ,,-. uir , , not disturb another section per mother, nlrntified l a. iMiae mt , trtMn m CJLV, U, lormerlv of Sarr Ps .,.,.. ... ....i.,. The Pepper rommitted to Rmghamton state Hospital lor mental exami natton The baby, Wanda. u sppar - ently aninjurrd. poVicr ,lid ,liir,H wlth ar,imrnt hrtwffn the moth, r snd s rrjin aith whom she fcjd or4n ut They said the Prp- per woman threatened to threw Wanda out the window of her spartment unless the man left ine man ten out me moirN-r con tiaued to dsngle the child out the wtadow. nsstetx near Robert Jsenhsea's at 4 Draper avenue don"! - Prop v Ike's Backers Divided Over Civil Rights Issue WASHINGTON lulv 14 (ArWSupportrrn of the adminis trations civil rights bill split todav over the isvue of scrapping a srvtion which critic contend is aimed at "punitive" action against the South. Sen. Amlrrson (0-M) anoounced he is drafting an amend ment paralleling one offered yesterday bv Sen. Russell (D Ca), cantata of tho m a lota. Andersoa said his proposal would strike from tk rkuas- Passed biU Part in. This author .net th attoraey geaeral to seek f oder si court laJuaclioM against violations or threatened violations of civil right! la general. Judge ijkf ifimjH JnSpsn. tfuhlaa. TTorr their obedience wtfb Tfaiet and jail sentence withowt jury trials Anderson s amendment would volviag vuting rights. TwwYear Slody Other lections of the bill would 1 rstablish a civil rights cianmissioa to make a two-vear study ol cull riihl, problems and create s - . Civil Rights Diusion in the Just l U he to ie rVpatiment headed by aa as Nrw Sork tHy j i,, M sistant attorney general 'mi miles Ister Mlind) ,R sp, oe,cr,bin A una Crusader piloted by nimf , neutral in the u cndr Charles Demmler. (ltt,, ,nnured yesterdsy hewilll!SN is to flv the same !. otler a substitute bill which would strike out Psrt III snd also include a so-called iry trtsl amendmeat previou.lv oflered hy Sen 0 Ma honey I) Wvo This would provide jury trials in federsl court ...... ... cs.n.ernp. esse, wner. me .acts art ln dispute Ftsbt Proaikied Sea Douglas D-IU like Ander son s supporter oY the House hill said in a separate interview he will fight any effort to eliminate part 111 Anderson mho led an unuccess ful fight last January lo eliminalr filibusters hy (hanging the Sen ate's rules said he has he-come convinced the House bill n tuo stringent ' Today's Statesman Papa S. 7 I 12, 13 II ... 11 II 10 . II Ann landers Classified Comics Crossword Edtraritlt 4 Horn. Panorama 4, J . Obituaries 5 Radio-TV 1 1 I poets 9, 10 Star Ctsse a Vall.y N.ws 7 Wieaphole Pag 1 1 I II Reports of i Stir Community in North Alabama R. MCK STII.I.MAN f.l NTf RSV1I.I.E. Ma July 14 e might he Ine heat and the mon.ter of Marshall . ountv migh' h a hallucmatinr but it mt llk. .. ..k 1 .t ,r.t " "P About ihe roost stirred up is Dan l-angston a farmer who lives in the lula4rick enmmunrts Law officers ar skeptical nut Ijng j into the edge of De sirni snd kis neighbors insist th Cotuvty The Dekalb coun monger la na halhiciiMrtiaa Ther't, ike nd wsnt it :r say thev re seen it (H ,nto Marhsll Coun'v Lantsiivn rlairm ' he the last where they leei it "jhllv hekwij. person te have seett it. ceerdint !e reports the mo tier i a snake hrlween 2n and V ' leet lang and as but araund as Chiima ''A ' W 4 v v-.r-, .'"V Wkeatlaad Ferry. Tka yaaagiten, saaall aartiM af tha saaay frieaas aad relatives taraiaf aat ta ska re fried ckk-k-ea aad field traJalBg., faaad a ride aa tk 1M sailllaaeter kawMier aaaaetkiaf to sadla aaoat Jets to Try Supersohic rTOLL-W0OD. July 14 l - TtW !ai7 will launch two FIFl' 1 sader jets Tuesday morning la as attempt to record the first super- - . coast -to-coast flight m (- Ttiey will fly at Mistering speeds far greater than the rmu ile velocity of a 4j caliber bul let. Maj John Glenn Jr . I'SMC the -A m I ..I , I Wur mJ ..w. BillUf IS . . . - ' t- to leave im Ansrirs ai ram ib t mile course shout IS minutes later I The two Cnisaders. in order to heat the speed of sound all the wsv scrosj must avenge more than n miles sn hour. Both ..... ... u. i-. i k. p.anrs - the National Aeronautical An The prevnl offKial record for ihe trsnsronlinentst run hours 44 rrumites. 53 US second well below supersonic speed. Vale Brush Fires Flare Al.fc. Ore . July 14 i" - Ten lightnins landed I ires rhaued nwre than 1.700 acres ol grsss and hrushland southeast of Vale over Ihe weekend and anolher fire helieved started by smokers i srelrs.ne. was tturmng along righwav 2d The largesl ol the three fires is in 'he lieadman t.ulch area some 40 miles south ol ale II covered 1 inn i re. hetore being brought under control this afternoon To 'h. east Ml aires of grass and bru.h h.irned in the Three Kmger Rulie -etu.n This hlare was brought under lonliol lale vesterdav 5tifl burning loniglii t lire alorvg Highwsy seme is miles e.i of Vale Cattle - Killing 'Monster' a telephone pole It ha brown ipoti longsion stirinweti irve rjisap- ranee of three rows and the death of s lesirth Isst year to the mnnilM Ue said marks on the .... ttead animal indicaled sometwng had wrsppad itself around the am- mal and aqueered to death R,rently K reports say the tlfmMr over from Mar Ver' Scoee la-rrve'. srwved with .hot gun - ifV squirre1 guns and p'en'v oi 1 o-o o n c sticks went in quest of the cnt r 3 Travel lairs ..r.r-i. . Lad Missing Near Central Oregon Town PRINEVILLE. Ore . July IS UV- Search parties were being or fann ed her tonight for a t-year-osd boy reported lost ia the nigged Fax Creek area JS mile east af this Central Oregon town, , TV boy was identified aa Brick Woodward, son of Van Woodward, operator af a Pnacvill cat and aightcA. He sfsappearcd from a child raa s ptcnK early Sau aJtarama aad WU rwaortad 7:11pm. narg-lcyfr'' a at twkntoara, arnargwary law Mfwrcetn tseanf rauadtd up aad seat to tha Headquarter for th aeartfi. which u espected to go on all night, will b at M Blu Ridga Mine. 3 mile east of Pnnevtlle and some 1 miles west of Us search ares Casey Jones' Fireman Dies MEMPHIS. July 14 - Th man who wai Casey Jones' fire- msn on that fariled run of th Illinois Central's "Cannnnball Ex - press'' in IttlO died last night He an Simeon T Webb, SI, of , ) Tr"n J'!' " rears after Webb oheral Casey y ,,M MT Nmf 7 your , '-seconds before the ( aiwso I1 ball rxnwed mo freight train aesr Vsugha. Miss Dulles has gradually retreated I Wer leaped Irom the ileamj'rom his original determined stand engine the locked brakes scream- against a policy cfiang to a point mg in his tsrs Jones rode with where he told a recent news raw the locomotive and was killed, lerenr be thought compromise oa hut managed to stow the train the news coverage issue wss prob enough to save all the passengers ahly desiraMe TV wreck of the Cannonball The formula which Dulles and grew to legendary proportions in his sdvisers apparently prefer for the following years boosted slong solving the problem is based oa be a aong that is still widely permitting on khe-pot cover ago of known Red China by representative of Webb quit railroading in tl those newspapers and news serr sfter another narrow escape when , tees which covered Crina before s locomotive overturned th Communists took over. Early Arrival Halts Pop's Legal Try to Watch Birth ROCHESTER. N Y July 14 Mtornev Thomas S 0 t onne 11 ha lost s cnurl ra rase nui gaineo a son. With Ihe arrival of 7 pound Seaa lat night OTonnell lost the of his demand tor a court ruling to allow him to witness the bsrth in hospital ler SaturrUy afternoon TVv stormed the hilliirles r .iipairni w stor . pasture wrw-re ine larmrr s4ld he .a 'V monster earlier this week Rut LaneVn totd them . J . , , ne mon i .ant anyoouy ran ami he stopped trvern JW enforcement officers are prone m lake the stor vs.. with tongue n cheek Vtghi policeman Esrt Massey tairf the stories shaut the snake haie frown mt shoot as much . 'he snake ha grown in site during toe pa.t lew navs TVre ha e heeo no reports of a ir:. cnake escaping from a zoo or uivflmg menagerie. Entry of Newsmen Due Soon By JOHN M. HKtTTOWZI WASHINGTON, lulv 14 (AP)-Secretary of State Dulles is getting readv to end his bast on travel of Americwn news men info Red China, it was learned todav. Dulles hope to get the backing at levaral leaders af th aewa gatheniig and pubushing group for a comprorrus formula to goe ara Red Qnna aewi coverage Ha will meet with them her Thurs day afternoon. If all got well at th Thursday session Dulles probably wul aa Bounce by neit weekend the Ev saahower administration s new d cuioa aa th kwgcortlj-ovorsiaj u. Part of Tread The change in policy appears to be part of a trend toward a mora flexible handling of passport prob lem involving Oimmunist cause trie with which the I nited Statas dot not hav relations. Withia the past three day tka Slate DepaxtjTver hai drooed la vaudata a passport lor a tnp ta Sofu, Bulgaria, by rwssdeot Avery Brundaga af th Interatv. Uosal Otymnic Commit to. Ha wul go to Sofia next fall ta attend a committaa meeting Tkis dacisioa due to be aa nouocad ia a few days. As it th caa wtU Rad China, tha laited Slat do not haws vpHnsfig relaoons with Bulgaria. Wader Preassgre DuQe kaa been under hoary pressor from aawapapw editor aad publishers for mora thaa a year to let down th bar agauvst u. s. sew smew txertng Red Ch aa. Tk araaaur for a cbaag b gaa buuding up sftor tha Ouaaaa Reds. August 1st, hftad a aaw an-rear baa aa AiMricaa earrwa. ponoaats. Tha Rod at that tarn gav U aewsmea pentstoaaea ta rtut th Bukmlaad but 4ba (tai uwarBitaas aaas sues ts wsssuj Stat Oaswtaiaat ttrataaad If twvwk their paaaportj but Ad aa. Tk department annouacad last Dec a that tha pasaparta af lb -win be made valid anlr for return to tha Unit ad Cut. " However th three aawamea-WtV liara Worthy, reporter for the Bal timore Afro-American, and Ed muad Stevens and Phil Harruig- rssporter -photoe r apher toaia for Laok magauae. managad ui keep possession af their paiopsrta. Worthy g passport suiSseauoritlr expired and h applied for a new one. The State Department turned htm dowa aa April 1. saying thera wss reason to believe Wrthy would not abide hy geographical 1 limitations " W orthy has appealad from this ruling. ; ifit Artlis I Dalle told his new cotferenca , tvmiam htA . uk w,-. i had n. plans for taking legal so against th three Barred from tha delivery room, h pared the waiting room at Highland Hospital during th birth The child is the couple s third From legal point of view, Seaa rsme two days early A hearing had been scheduled lor tamoriow in State Supreme ( ourt an O'Coa- j nell i request for lourt order r. 'quiring 'he hospital m show why he should not he allowed in th delivery room "he birth of th child suiomatu v canceled tha suit (I I onnell said he Intended ta rMi.MiM th fiaht hill did Ml uf m,,n,' h, h- , min4 hj, Ulj hul view n that hoa p)IJ, mty nm curtail the rigMS Miuals to witness treatrrasnt given any mem hers of the imirs. .... 'M'r lanmj Th attorney said he made 8T rsngements last November to w ness the hirth hut that the hospi tal changed its policy January and refused to aHaw it aCsaa mu ta witness th btrus of his second rhiM at th hospital m August WSi 0 Conneff sSid he was tna hppw with he birth of his son to worry ahoul hit court ess at th aa. laveot