1934 U.S. Senate Trial Brought Laughs Br UMOK UUITM laker m VASKNGTON. JWy U - Tear aaa Jurat llatti am aauaar- Sutrsnvia. SaVm. Of, Sal. July 14. 57 (See. D-7 causf as ar- msbs. a. Jurat ease ally aal Jtarae aaa has a t cat m 0 )nmm rseaa aaa mm i wsa. tscwtarr re to taik. assail id ay1 ".-TA vani m? aaai a mm nrj sat mm m arreat MacCrectas) - el WHO! a? th H k ' asewiaa wrasa eerwajaaa.. nJ : saw wan I aSM HTM MM B Sear ar Wsalt af t limits at he rm " m w" " rT" Utc Cmrl m irrtmi r in T was aistiead ha- the case and arBeerMe1 kwi M ef.'getSM .n-w otwot w " w .auBg es-ja IM aer- Sf MacCrati. aaa pe-4rel TV t.-1 Ceiumoia roarl U&iKa- la tin! argai arssedesa ml Crectea a a rwv at raatemet Km 4 Caaxreas ev.ec rrr.it rf n Jwrnes km mearwn.a a era ui lea- a eraaer mw s use flsfai aeaeaesa tare 9 m , ia as Setyra.' ri 1 demanding aers hetaa eraaiiB. h wwets- ml a mm (rcr " an s rises sat aaa area mea rfl te taa (MTl seen mHB6tf rHn a sans, bit ar a turt te imuad ( a in rsar W lawgster Ulm sweet she ceaatrt IM Thai w ih ts bat tnal Mr ea uarssi al th ear el the Srajie fta Va CM Vmcnraa auhat ataa aKk rrmmmt tffrrtami at Man aaa H.Uar vhroaa. tonpaa) iU OaiifW al tk mwt lac a ml $ aanMa mmryrr ana taailaaUd caaiaa SJ'f arr tvaal ai-arma aorvuiat far a r tVwiii Qw rasNiaJ i mrr taaaa la kali xrti Afarr Uk? Sraaw aaa U aaoi ari arorraa ta Branuara) nu raaj ta a1' lor It fUvi rdi tha Suprvma Court OrftatN) !n imtr I art lnturiiS I ii anther m rutaa af tnr Saprrmt ( acrt aa ornfaSal tfiflrrrnt frouada tfial aaa luu Mm vator an4 Hotur mamtirri iklkiag at n-mrajng triai.1 aith Iht a((rinrd laanial art tVmt'lTra as fed; tni fun It the irrat air mail ran tract controNariv of ISM that Ird it Un Scaata'i extraardUMry pr ctdurt AJr Uat Eiaratl Tht Serial f v( i tptcul remmrnat to taaatiatt .inon thoaa toM ta come ita all pern naiM aaert wart ieeril air lint fircutt and their attarne) ail ham P Viacl'racket) Jr Mtwata Jail II he Mac Crackra fH hit auhpena and Ft L whea he first appealed ladca attii aape ind marthalled rT aerftartt at arm. Caetiry W Jvrnry. ami ml tht dnru menu wtrt taaea out at tht at l or ray i Met MarCrackei roorendrd thraufh out b complied aa fully M he rouM Kh tht &anatt orotrt. He aid M lay air mail docamenu partiaaat Uat wqwry art takaa out II waa by laadvartaact But taaaiara aprat darkly af ft la ttnpfad aad buratd Mac Crakaa aad thraa rbn war a tad fcr oaatonpt f tht Senate Th duty at arraatinf ktac Cractta 111 la Jurney aha or a aarkmi urulorm of itlowtail raat. tlnped trauatn HVaUoa hat red caraaliaa la buttoahok and nher heded rant ill hand Tor eeral davi he hunted lcCrclieit i'h a SeRAt war rani Twb ibruptl) the rtle wert rvered Vac ricken deiided it anuld be het ta he arrealert h Iht Senait. then htt a rnuii takt hint nut W Sanatt cutody wifk i writ mi hahai roraua Kaafkl Arreal la ftraatt MarCrackea tried to pernuade Jurnty ta arreat him in tht clerk i nffic at tht Dintnrt of Columbia court hmiM. dewrnbed afteraarda ai "a romferiabl publir affiet Italian Wine Festival One Big Headache WASHINGTON. July U iT-Tht Italian Cmbavty haa prnvad thut 1 dilltrral kincla of Italian me plu thre ermouth tqual one jiant hanfoer Gutsti learned Ihn unhappy niorninj alter letvwi at a wine festival' aponaored by the em bay to ballyhoo Italy wine Whllt an operat.c mprnn an (ay Italian mhij Amba.jador Brok comedian Jimmy Durante, diplomat nortalitrj and wine bu.vtn galore were jnen an op portunity to aamplt ont ounce ol each brand. Th flavor and bminuel nl the ine. addtd to the feMive al mosphere encotiraed many fuesU In lamplt them all Oat veteran Italian diplomat commented late In the evening "Our ainei art wonderful But I hope our mora tnthuiiantir fnendu realut that even in the inth ctntury wt haven't found ay to aholiah tht old fashioned haneoer " aad ataofracaea taid at its air arreat kravaai hat. caat aad aaKtr- aatj 'Deep-Freeze' Harry Vaughan Remains Bitter About Criticism a a rv aaa raarnrhal MacOacmaa aad BnRai ar teateai ta la a) dan lad aar rata, aarak kr aaa la braU fajM aar kaaaw mi mt tan atacOaraaa a Students Rejected NEW YORK. July IS Be ta ea J 000 and 1 000 student" who ant ta ga la high iichool in the nummer have been turned away because New York City's Board of Education can't Find enough teacheri to handle the load Summer high school in New York had 211 OOO itudcnti la it year, and M.OOO had applied when cl darted last week RW.CR blUM JHINGTCA July U -f ive 'fn at Har-v aaghav c ax lie warte Hxuar vaitarv itk rM brtai aad a araad Vd of tnat la.ad campatf nbrvaaa m h. kit cheat la iNar day he au kwaa a Sran uruaeubMe tut-taiking ajiii paler -mib call) him rami Wirf i Harry Tnanaa ih! Iht mad rontraverfaJ irulilary auM in Utt hiory w Tvern a preMdrats Deeo-r'reete Harrv " sr:ij laa colufvima: t due1j aughan. reierrtng to h roe a a ma )uc Lar get ui tht iveflji, iaestu;ation o infHiencvF-BeddliPg acandaa during th Truama adnunutra boa Tivday Maj Gea Harry Haak in Vauahan -rat a a ouiet nft spoAe church elder a ho like ta tfx-nd hi dayi in old clothe put trnrtf found the garden of h half arrt horn a t airtai l n ty i r.ea new tne Meard gen eral nukes little pretrnae at hid ing hi bitterness ov-tt It rrill cuuo lhal ivtuled around ha head through nat f hi atvea years ii the Whilt House I It ru ppKly raufh ' ht aid in all lolrrviea 1 gueaa Dean1 Arheaoe ( lorrner tecrelary of j taw haa ban called an S 0 B j in more dialects thaa I hart, but he i Uk) aaly au 1 caa think af Sill as Harry Tramaa wed la lay if you cas t ataad th heat you ahouidn't b is th kitchea And wt had plasty af heat at Lb wntta Houm la my day Ues Ahaat Dtiakiai Yaufhaa aaa particularly irked by what h called he about hi drinking habua. He aid bt didn't ern like the stufl It i a tunny thing II you played pukrr and diauk hourmm with Truman yuu acre a hood lum Today if you ulav hrKlge and drink scotch wuk President Kisenhower vou rr a gentleman augtvaa said h had til en been derirttd a a raconteur of all. color joke, but h insisted the humor that tickled Truman wa cleaa and-apontaneou In IKS. soon after Vaujfhan en tered tht tsecutivt mansion with Truman, a friend line World War I day, h addreaaed a worn en i church auitliary In lesan dna. Vi In hia freewheeling MW Vaughan deacribed Wimtun Churchill a ' I garrulau old gentleman who never iayi less than JO words where 10 will do The remark touched of lively squall Vaughan txplatned he thrnght hu talk was ofl the rec ord. but admtnutration ofltdali i need Always hi Hat Water From then on. he kepi finding n.mseu in nm irr In l4. a Sonait subcommittee ciPed the general on the iartet in it probe of favors to five per centers "--the nickname given to agent who wangled government contract! for a lee. usually 5 per cenl Wilnevse pointed the fuiger al Vaughan as being mned up in a wide range of transactions His nlrl friend John M.vragon later sentenced to I In 24 monlhs in jail for perjury, diarlnsed that Vaughan had received seven home (rreers from a Chicago perfume manufacturer who wanted favors from Ih government On the witness stand aufhan admitted getting tht (rterers -one of which wtnl to Truman home in Independence Mo but denied any wrongdoing The frteitr furor had scarcely ebbed before Stn Ktm n Mr. got his dander up over a letter Vaughan had written to Federal Judge George H Moore in Si Louis The letter concerned a leniency plea for an automobile dealer convicted of evading $139. 331 in federal incorr taxes A White House statement said Vaughan had merely passed on the plea. Kem deminded an in vestigation, but it never came off How does it feel to be out of the limelight' "I'm delighted ' he said I'd lik to have bean out ol the White House long before I left hu Harry T nan an auitad to thnk I aa aor a worthvaii riv 'hat rtaaoa I d gt thrwuf all agaia if I had I " Lhai m Arav Fay Now livtag aa hu ana j ear Vruiv nay as a retire ntaar gea eral V aughaa reside a com tnrtable but far tram areseaUau gra fieloaiaae aaua a i kil sverlona.ag tht PvlorruK River Llbcr Survey Set Nk DLLH1 July 13 v- An Am an conferent aar Oct I4-Nv aill, try te I lad out bow maay people art looking lor work and how many ash art looting lor workers I'ader direct ioa af tht Imrrnai waal Labor Organisation gn eminent aftk-ials and civilian labor etrmimslraior will be show a how to asses manpower re sources shout tare males aavca af Ales aaana Va Haa ones h ireBd has tin' I a a art af churcl wort As a PTsOrVer-vaa eaaer I prtacewd a a a aaahaartaa caarcl Otheraiat I inead ani tune atvaascMg laatkkj ou a burs larhntral art ' I like to gardes, but I m afraid I n a Kraaa oart gardeaer with a aeak ituad aa greea ttiarn 1 u gatf wfwa I lauad I had coal m tm a hok far th II kales I plated aj th last W rears wild ha lasting ta raw country chaba " Amosg chenshed V lughaa s Whit Haue years u a won grai leather ceverad pocket Bibl Inside a kMcnbed To Harry H Yaufhaa. trsead comrade adviser mihtary aide, read it act on it and you'B be aa yea always havt hmdaTtatalry ngN Harry $ Trumaa May 11. ; " vwsg keSaad haa at th hat the cm am fry apaeat nghl la try haa MarCrackaa atrvod a is leav IkatTTCt al (asamtaa aaa a Ha a I aapersar Wsdga pteyer Thraughout th arareedlngv ht had llkiiiif as pi I laaallj tneadly term sat oary wk Jwr ary aut a the head af tsa ape nal Staata ayvnaugataag tasiaaR Ma. th maa w asade tat at Has far has arred Sea Husa L Black af Alabama aacOacSca a nil a practkessg snaraey Waahaagtaa. Slack sew Justice Black af tha Sasjramc Court a snembrr af taw aiajartty whack raadeied th aai aias Isal mantk dactaratg wnsaaaas aetar 1 coagraaaasaal comnwtiae snuat k told slatary haw tht t i'i iii put U then art legislatively part- Tht artornev and Uie hiaiwa stiH meet accaaionalry Whea they oo. they never lack a tarxc af roaversatioa RUPTURED! Our lufr Censulfonf will fffvt fitff Dtmonifrt fif tht Dtbkt tupturt Apptiinu ny fim lock 4iy bttwfn tht hurt ! 1 1 f 5 m. JHl D0IIS TRUSS h hltltu-itrapkitlulbUsi-H HOLDS tht rvplvrt b? tni IH. Balks. kaUs, aad many types af pad tasi cat off drralatlaa tad causa th rsptar as sing ta secass larger sad larger shaaJd sat k wars. Wa kin knadrodi af sstisflad ssers. 8 as have rtsartad ram. Da mmi ierit ITkaa aaglertad. rapturi uty caaa gsg aalas, gtaaral ru dews raadltlaa, aacaacha, srrwssaaas aad May atkar allssast. If yea ir tatareatad la rsllef aaa setter besltk raise Ii far rasiilutlsa isd free dessasttratiea. Capital Drug Store 4M Ut It Carsar af Liberty W 1vi g'fC r.raea Rtisnpi 3.98 SOMERSET RECORDS Great stwt for music lovers and rarord ro lectors,' Full dimensional, high fidelity, "ipec tra viirnd" Somerset records al Just HAI F the uual price' 12 asch 33 i rpm 24 records Imm which I" thooae ind vou II lind the show tune records compare (avnrsblv w.th sound track records selling lor M M o J8 l Vff iyj rm PIH rm C rm rm c rm c ' H rm C r im r un n rim PI4H n r im v r im r i7M n rim c p io rim P220U P 2300 0 P 24M D P 250 Mead Musk haasaler ... 12 mood at lection by fasneuj art lata. Csllegt Jaa S an pier . . . i collection of jaa concert re corded at various campuses by Billy Butterfield. Messaries af Earepe . . . portrayed by leading orchestra of Spain. France. Vienna and Italy Tht Best af Victor Herbert Stockholm String Orchestra lb silvar stnngs of tha Isaeaortal Melodies . . . Ave Maria. Greensleevs. Brahms, Lullaby. Humoresque, Elegit. Th Swan ind many others. (Valuing by Candlelight . . . The Kingsway Stnngs play I collection of tsmiliar wsltres ( sc stall Time . . piano music played by th Continental piano of Hirry Crube Hall. Hall, the Gang's All Here . . . rsglime piano fnr mak ing your party sing and swing Tap Dance and Instruct! ... for the lap student to prac tice at home Orgaa htardusl ... a collection of beat loved songs, played by Ashley Tsppin at the Himmond Rock and Rail Daace Party . . . Bill Haley. Dinning Sisters, Bunny Paul. Ken Carson. The Swingers Left Bask Bearcats in Disielaad ... a great Disirland HI Fi recording from Tans The Hellywood Sound Stsge ( horns Sings . western and southern melodies (ssaplete Minstrel Show . . . with songs and gags, in Hi Fi beautiful in authentic old time show South Psclftr snd Oklahoma ... big songs from both hit' Near World Theatre orrhestri Rhapsody la Blue . . a fabulous complete HI Fi recording by Hamburg Philharmonic, ilsc Symphony (or Blues Honeymoon la South A merles . . . pulsating rhythm play ed by the Rio Carnivil orchestra Jahann Strasss W allies . . . Blue Danube. Emperor Wild. Vienna Woods. Artist s Life, etc . I ns la the Mood ... a beautiful mood album featuring th trumpet of Billy Butterfield Let's Ga Calypso ... a collection of rhythmic Calypso favorites, recorded in Bahama. B W. 1 Pipe Orga Favorites . . . Morilalba playi th mighty Wurlitser thrilling Hi Fi. Honey is Paris . . . Iht Pans Theatre orchestra in terprets the moods of Tans C rim Schrheraiade ... a magnificent Hi fi recording in spect.-i-sound, complete work C Hit Two Htl Musicals . . . music from My Fur Ladv and The King and I Q P lit Around the World is M Days . . . background music to this icidtmy iwird film CINTIR AISll-STREET HOOH RECORDS-SECOND FIOOR Mail and phone orderi plus jfiipptng ro.Tf to areas outside, our regular truck delivery route-i. STORE HOUR MONDAY m, FRIDAY 1:3 A.M. TO P.M. OTHER DAYS 1:21 A.M. TO i:M P.M. X( -t I t. " - a .1"! " A a FIRST SHOWING GENERAL ELECTRICS APPLIANCES NEW Mitr i Frank's it f irt to bfif9 you tK ntwtit Conoral lloctric eeplincoi witr) tk lottit oovof.ifKt ord timo-aovirej ftotwrt. S trsOfri now . . . pwt thorn to work for yowl J . 1 1 t k a I nvl smaal W . .. r'P : "'LTZm s-TXsJS- bitail " iwHaJiy Sesifnad la I4 Sown lias an trail. DriDphujs tsll tale bawl. Hants up like a Mi -span New rord awUHhas aaaUr sat uat ar iteres. mm - ,k .v A No conUrit wit h Inff! Dill the tm psratur liittd on tho hand) Sp ill removibl thr rmofUl pulll nut ltkv plug WtKhM lik ordi nary pan r a ." , t r y . . tv '.. 'ii 1.- i...' wJ ae' f. STORE HOURS MONDAY & FRIDAY: :30 A.M. TO P.M. OTHER DAYS: 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. it rmv: it sprinklts as you iron I General Eltctric now spray, steam and dry iron $ 19.95 At krf, on iron ffiot oW yrur iprmklirvg for yoo Ol you iron' Prtu rK button and if tproyi )U(t ff right omount of placnonfly worm otar out orvaod of it on fobrsC for ptrfect ironing. You control test tprmkling iprov OS you naad ,s Eliminotot pra dorrspanirHj of oil fobnci, cut your ironing tim) woy down' If' octuolly ffvnsa irom in one Chongai mtrcjntly from on to onofhar. Wtiffhi only Vi poundv now portabU Gtntral Eltctric mixr 18.95 Tn Kqnditt mixtr ever' Doe 0ny mixing job . . . onywhert So light waighs only 3 pound.' Yet it' powtrfull enough for avtn fh haoviait coka botttrj, gantle anough for ioucej Push-button Control with thru mixing jpaadl. Sit ckrwn lik on iron Rtrnovoble cord Mt tests you oatoch cord ojily for itoroga. White, pink, yellow, turcjuoi. now General Electric automatic saucepan $ 19.95 Gives you perfect results tvtry time! No boiling over' No burning' No constant watching' Just dial the correct temperature Heat thtrmoitot d tachei so saucepan can be completely immersed in woter for eosier woshlng like an ordinary pon. You'll use it for everything Handsome polished aluminum, complete with cover and removablt thermostat 4 quort sue with cover, $24,95 tnil and jifiprie orders ILICTRICALS SECOND FLOOR This shipinf rott to areai outnde our regular truck delivery route. vrHi.'.i7fel mm' - " W ' r