C-(SfC I) totoaua. Silem. Ore, Sua, July 14. "57 mdustrial Output to Vie With Space News for 21st Century Headlines B JOT MllXi I vti , xta. sy-.vt n.a iVf T ir i- !u . XT ORk J 13 f x.t ai f-' -a "v.' Sir rrr ii -k ac iflf pwur aur rx! rjun M kmm nau rrist? linhi. c-j a't.t a Ml arrot tMusjax Our pctOuCJt I tv uj-j roriT rIi m aa Rav-nnj .mje ar MUM rJl prat tqiul to Bji nxv-f IfAJl aar u II !i r' htj vita 'J pnpwii Stalinism Still Rules Russian Propaganda prop pm: rr c r-roc irw: .i jV f o B-ttniiw) pwtrfVirir tVvjr naor iroduK' ioe e h-m point- x.: j' ! Vk.' - M - LriMirr 1 me k-nrtwrOir ViK. '.V Pit' - afM ""or 'V r;jr' Tr ofp rum! -in.. rr.it -m ief " y Trucc Wrecc Spreads Death, Damage - - m a I unrest ' ' - S .- j jJ ' tv. ' rim n -i V- JW " 1 a ; i rr.j br i . f .n fe rvjr' K y h." tftrw an tumj eo j'vv jufl mil K-W '"V it ; HI) !n r"pai ir .3 pa? vt-o nwin . h- im-r KAa Lpkn L" gttaftU) TV an. A-iwr di car.p-i jo ib w ianft Malic frraaiij. a ka:imrt tW LV Sla!i CKir- .ai ar Uxd tV Vnrv aa nv? J;pt-t W mTKaa m tar ieOert art br(.aJ nor h im- aail uNurv " t Va.- pj( tt us fcmana a f-inra .moM da.' JLa( I art -4 ijjraCY im caJtaua and nr4aper crjrily vpffNs nuawHMt Wore a.n t WH' .k' ta tt'.a 1 a-,Mj; tKt trr 'jf . "v o if .n Ui r .J TV Booster Stations for West Possible com! ar prgdiK-r uajcf . ar lilaana, Aaan., f i a lrIafVjl L a farl oi li cd "ar iv a tr prouiuiU aw (t twt nm af Um -nu' tKw jn. : .iiprLMo that I to Rort charnvaa ihr Joint K-niuin h.,vi. J mJr up o " La i. KM and oirurd rrB .hu 1 NT0 uprm, oom rr .t 'Jr aanrO to. .m.W MM m"' ' lilTHW lid Pullr aj r atuiKkw Naliniim a tornl" "''i lfts lor atxaar r lout Oct M .Is in Mai . . . k , Hans SirKW NT0 iTuuad , ... j .I lommandrr as thr laul t!ea iiud 's acvilutt and aiH- l1rv, lo tw vrra and ouuted. arpn trd rolonarrj of n . rKl out in naip wntnsl La IV liddi r at and .va m4 Malm s M-iTnrni , , lnr mliK-r u( In Hj) in tV prtir.aan1a f'rid anv n Slai n i da tt R jaAiaa t'liit ain- to af rrtjlal('d - v .naiiTda j up ol Ppl r 'od man. tin, vr 1 vain iluftrti U' no iV thai iaplaiini u aoomrd r-te diMrrriK Km drafting An Exhibit SUPPLIES d'.'tirr f.ad uartS tha a4 B iinu-uiiwnia thu Bra- our incvmparaoly ea- ''' Ojipui trri intr- J urnt (raliifini th aanar oi it l ui"" maarr AU prwrd hfr to pritrtd iiuiruawnu o ua Qurtifw KiBWiortlj at moat moderiti ruat Commercial Book Store 141 Ncrrii Cammarxiol 1 Irjn aO' ol r ar f . .1 "ap( K trrri trat todav and ''t nt'' Its wope and l1lnp rp ti fentjrv jnd jt-vuVd to pJ1i41 a rw oiumr --ti r' th DCNSMl 1R. Calif . Jah 11 Wrecked trvek-trailef tabiaa(iM It pile at t mim ttreet l mrasur and prod o vt r ifr7tio here elerda after rH eBjtrllel a tkree-ajjle kill Just aortk ( ua rrourcs ' n f Dimensions : bard on fund?. iong term exonnm,. tj' o to far ISO. mrrn a Nrds and Resource jr fy ' b J Frdrtic t)hjrM) and asMX'tair; NMaraTH FMaa'atKHi Th Taentn'ih t rn: a W ear id mmpf o!:r brrr Onf man as kille! tke (trret. t erupaBti f the track aeterelv tajurrd. ith liif others treated (or minor Injuries Sli ran were dama(ed. PI wood froai the load litters the street la farrrround kt WlrephoUt n.in.Ui mm- tor actentilic rrearrh and nuri'i Nfds and Rpm. .nr. . ,t v." hv J K"lfn Iv .! and aasot. air Thomas R Carskadon isvx itr director o( thr find and l.eortfr ih irrrrn hut Ihrv rr a pain in Soule. r-nnon;it and a Mh.ir m .nr nn'k to the actie partiei-1 lanorated on thr nr rxK h.in pants j t a mord m thr tr-u.in pat K-tnifah Krrr. ho has ma measure ol thr p-rsent and juidr nenrrrd wxnr ol !hr l.itirst to the futjrr Sensational Movie Kisses Merely 'Pain in the Neck' to Deborah Kerr B JsMIS m ON 'trnder hussinj iiH(Kii J ID V-Mo- Vnjnrtt simiHr; tie iin-srs may loo siulini on IMairamB n.ik damtnt ' Iri ma pve yi the lodon " Dstorah ' r had lo dia sh;n.tcn ' . t -.1 e Co Mrvj MiSi.hs.s ni i mV Mid rtid.o I ' is his n r mr h rd era! . ofiiHiunK atHn totvrinssun 'htt t anr 't mind j'td auihonre Hr 'nrMtw lHimifr stadixts lot a' iral s.'tiw Vttlrrn stairs Tnr Ktnrrnr S'tna th rrp rrs rrsenlalrs ol Montana and W ashincton mri 'h ri. (a r man John 1.' I Wr'er to ask s u n tit'' autnor'tatam iMst.t Hr told a rrtwrter alter thr meeting that he ai deliihtlullv surprised ta. it h the atlilude ol Dierter and FCC stall engineers The KIT on June M annuunied it oujd ivot aulftorife booster s'a lions on VHF very high (re quern't - channels but p'opt'stHl s rule lo pro idr ol oprtatMui .! Nn.strts iih ultra h gh irfi irmi t rMnneis '.m tH'riir ol'uid,. i-v plitinrtl on Ihe land.trd lll triciMon rrv v 'i and niild tir put '0 lonsidrrablr tiense in adapting them lor I Mr use ( hie( obiestion lo Ihe HF bo n conirnl or j, "'"hr di:'tmg old Itwuuij si .. k rfftd reirra! .i snnul .'it'.. '"ri'i and Mandishrenl , i rr" . ie anf' sioa.s i r.' tna rfbdnjuVoHl T''r r"rrMTslooe of Vrri propa ;j .(ij a hiMtir j-,d aiTiias! ir ,( on a i Slai n s 'Vt n in v'i"ir o' l 'Kr t s R 'ansN 'nr 'hr prhibllion ol nu i r .iut's jnd orld prasT Wh:le V't ir iH'ioi.a'tirs i Social changes arr ine table i' the patl lOD vrart arr indkal.'r Compare votir great grandla'hrr life tn lftji) tilth tosirs tisl.t kt-p inf in mind these fartv ir.it; 'hr fund s new hook In ltoO muscle pnrr n1 an. mall and humans i iwr'ci lor almost two-fhirds ol i:u tota work load Today near t 99 per cent is done bt rr.athinr Mar Efftrtrary ! In lVal our net mi'piit n! iudd and srrtiir ,t ! ."n hat it as n lg."rfl The was donr 'h mi i Mgh! tiF'.. 1. . orkers s;(n ni '"r "r vh..". 'rk -fk 40 hours ts rsr n' 'n there . nrr t a - ' l-l crease in prnd n lit i' t If this rale of imre.iw inot r lies Ihr pr'idotion r"''',', n Ihr next trnury is a.i' ost unr lietaMr And Ihr worker t tniri'e shm; d be gTatifyinglv high' The rM a flal't thai by i'ti an i.frj;. family inrort e of rnnr'' 'ha" h I year n possrh.e Mil. g-e..'i-rises are like'v p w i- t . , ' 7lal lH e he 'e c.n thai Dec. 3! vtiien ihr h.irds 1 'he slar-p)werpd t lo ks w.ini ' . m.d night and r gre '' n. -tjry vtitn ''te pro' ..'t ': tih'e Void I h- t - f The tK d.i .i . , , - s.,-. SpeClfll ri . I ii. 'nr., I.J not projesl hetnnd . ' ' 11 'h. long-term trend- arr i . . nd one th.r i; s h-. - , -There II br a " nio-. . -19M the I S .pu.at.or s ..i be around i:: u ,,;or a leap rom the I 3 mi! ion n1 rt With the birth rate gmi i ip and the death rate going don wide open upaees 'e 1i..'irfJ fill up like Main Strep' on hv ,: day night Lm Life EipeetanrT More and livelier senior r 1, lent will he around K f". ..n.v ago a white male child roii!d ry peel to celebrate his ta'i " i day. His 49th uasn'l so m To day his lllr en pert so i . nea'lv 7 years As lor the i-.,g ie 'e males, who altt.Tts h.i tor. il l moie than 72 v,.: . other SO years The vital statistics . : ' probafcly take on ne ci.: , marriage and divorce rales climb Today more people, proportionate ly. are married than eter fx-'ore in history. And married earlier too. Maybe 21st century diction ariea will mark the word spin ster" as "archaic." Divorce! are op to 2S per cent of the number of marriages from 5 per cent in the JfflOs Since most divorced people remarry, thts not only boosts the marriage figures but indicates what an eternally ptimiatic people we art. . Her arc some other trends to ponder ia relation ta the new cen tury: Right now we have the highest standard of liting ever achieved by a great population and indica tions are it will keep on ruing Early ia Marriage Family sue should be more uni form in th future. The typical family wjjl hive two or three chJ- siofutelt 1 thought Id dion be fore or go! the 'akr Thrrr & one kiasmg scene though IVborah wont lojgel 'In t acation From Marriage' 1 did a kissing scene on loc.ti,. .nuTHinstion r.m .i.h mov. menlallt Mr in V.ill.n I u. ..,,. ik. lullatllt lor th. danced a lew turns gatr each eround while Roland ( ulter kissed ru1 11 ,h' meeting today that si.ile i.it.r. ..J, .singing a line or tn Vr had to discovered n !e kismet a'r so lfi hniu The re ikr a pronlrm thr n g toward " on sjch por'eotiMS is d'sarmamenl V'tirl prip a"atk Tierican pro- itierr sniokest rpens tor agkirssion and American spokes mrn a. tt artttongers plotting war on Ihe I S !t R Ops Dae s IWtnae In Stalin limr the Commu n.sis tterr iniunalrd by things like Ihe Truman oclnne Thr Marshall I'Un and ant oiher oh s'ale 'o hloodlt-s Red agn. v .in Todnt t W.-ilcrs ate infiin ti ed ht thr r is-nhoer hex Wine .i ,le l ddle Ij.i ht schemes ! kr t tie fuKHwan alom.i rnrrgt tuml aod hr r urotean I mnmitn M.nk.i a'l of hnh might tend to block Ked expansion In Malm s later tears Presi denl Trum.io (.en George C ler sialions lcx-nols va.d is Marshall and Gen Douglas Mac interference with olher forms ol vtrur , r' 'he main det ils of f.ngineenng con . ,n irt piopagamla Totiat Ihe Western slates prim ipa. det lis are Secretary of Dulles V.'iieciran generals alternated me tenderlt All of a sudden I ,u" interference need not arise and American industrial leaders I was sitlmi! on an IB om lr' welt of the Missis Prrsidenl 1-i.s. nhottrr is not at danir . h.ek lo-cbeek slowly ant t nest I didn t darr break the ,lppl nn" Hacked personal!! trttrn. his Mid huher dreamily separate while one or mood beiause we had wwiied for thr other sans remember lo turn hours lor a little bit ol sunshine sample In her (urrent ' ar f,r would m '"'r Ktnr 1 bn' " mot,r An Affair to Remember th n'n m ",u rom 1 uu,r r,n mul .n i i ,-, a. l,., something or t ice tersa rrmem- Im sure he figured that hr must ing si enet The tirst it lust a light A-Ore Claims Rush Starts In Canada sl.r Na,k I...'. ,J 1' i. i ' 'he h,fc.eAt i !h '11 , ht in W i si et n i ana '( ned up in northern "A ,i" f'id..i V ali'd tin men were ar 'ur .tiiv n a ! 7 her thai both nur faces had to he hate put something into that kiss in camera range for reaction that rten he didn t realire shots I never hats trad him about ' It t murderous 1 d much soorv 'he ants rr learn ID pages of dialogue and I kiow Gary would loo CsiH.. T.-i.. T The beaiiulul redhend debunks ih"r Due hr old I line silent mut le theory f Qf Older DriV6rS ir.ii 'he h n I t r s t or lenderest srwxKhing sienes come when Ihe Vi SMISGT0N Julv 1.1 a -Re leaii.r. n an and leading amiuco neing a dnters In ense in Ihe liel thai wa aitoul rai h mner li'simi of I olumbia is going tn Thet A smell up thr nn-en il C"ougher if you arr sn; drtting they did the laughs ' 1 lo gel a permit renewed at that age will mean an entensur eam inahon. an eye lesl a written test on t net ol tne road and a doctor's ILIbtoDcflfS(Home Madei DSts (SOSEAm 1272 Stat Stret We Featsre High Qaality Ua Prices Fvervdiy Vi Gallon, 85c 2 for 1.'65 All I'lavsri for Vaar ratur Alsa Diabetics r rvara Oessert Special Oraera for All Orraslons - Phone fM 2 SIM Tht reunndrd her nf hrr first im" ,r kist.ng s ene in an 1 ngh.sh Mint e Amang t.arbagr ( aws eriitnate that ou arr phtsicaily able 'o dntr c .icrrt area near la Hongr 'e- the re i asr n( a se' nt new t smellrd literallt as we ,i; it (rx' pird ht irf 'ne ur , dramatically she res alls 1 wa - - The men wire a"er base pating a rlim girl in a mot le NlVV Men tO VlSlt e'.ilt and iranii.m called Uivr on the Dole and I ' ! ie " .iii w nl or sole at ft on was kissed among the garbage MI'T a' v.teral northern cans ol ntt slum home V 1 a R"ni;e men hean hut ' i ''..at's a! '1 riorr " .i" '' Merc 'he rt' ''.!' h.Kir BONN .lulv 13 West Ger many t nr naty u. sending 12 I lur i1;i i-i lor w as a fiend fur a i s 1 1 - mi' 'ho-e hall mrn gar fci i ant a.'ua', ontained g.v oi'icers and 2 men lo Ihe I S. hth Hwl in Ihe Mediterranean for 'ra.ning in operation ol destroyers VJMW m BMiiaji mm m..m9mmw,. QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY AT 150 SOUTH LIBERTY IS OPEN SUNDAYS 12 Noon ta 2 P M-t P.M. to 9 P.M. Weokdays-o A.M. to 11 P.M. (Othor Hours, Call EM-)-123 or IM-4-3336) .h i , is 11 n t 'ed V flies ind... idualt .al'.a'e have dt.1 i'--ta' ' ng I. a the in; :t er . .m nto ,e k ss a k i ,ahle n The H'li k .'ii i "rr pared In sewing rir ' 'hink "I ( lark as a i"nr ant more than one d ' at " e n ,ip i'f ' i : hated aenu nother uere he .el ed opera'mg Mm Va- 7 "i-'n t' land lJ r'anet .ii' F'm I n a-a rr-ar 'hir.ks ni 'he m.a'er ai when you re se'ng n : re i orw entraling on guiding 'fe fabric under the needle 'n get the seams straight, i you don I dwell on the fabric it elt The .same with a movie kiss et en if n s (.able -you keep rg n ,n predated ,.j . m.hnirs of the j..r, si i i' gms so smoothly, you hut the illusion of lose or pas-1 ".r or tenderness comes I p 'trough ' J Ken ember that famous beach lot r tcenr with Hurt Lancaster ' Aith 'he wates washing mer the i at er in From Herr to Kter-' ntt ' I vaaMBBin .aVa-i Kcre 'ir mat ton ' 'r f t nor ' a k itt x p,n pip it " ' ' - Uik J t - r f ;it " : U S Starts Building I Ike llawela Roullae ! hat a. premeditated lo e li I . I t ' e I ,r las ni; h. the n'h tlecrei D'b ' ' ' ' ' ' l! rah retails We worked out the L 'nl'' '"'"" ",n wnoir pallern oter and over I "' ' " '" " "' ' again We not only had lo work V week or a 2.'4 mm V'.-rnan f :r , , , , t.as-y bMLrting T.e bui.ding w at ,, , iancr routln. but fifMEnH b ar hit t rr -Awvp of Chi.agn In he made ent.relv of ' hd ,0 lim v cir'- Ghana materials in. hiding n.u'h '"'! make lure wed be inun- mahot int dated just as we kissed most pas- m Kinds of INSURANCE and SURETY BONDS" 5 121 No. HIGH PH. EM 4-3333 Virgil T. Golden Co. a Vlroil T. Golden MS S. Commercial St. Serving Salem find Vicinity an Funeral Directors for 2.5 Years Conversion I a c 1 1 o ni. Com martial Street on a bus lino direct route to cam. otoriotno (roes traffic to hinder servi es Salem'f moat modern funorsl homo wrtk Mating capaxity foe 300. Servkos within your moans, always. FUNfRAl SIIVIC! Oraca S. Golden Phono IM-4-2257 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 3CK) a-WI rs arwi-W e-w- 1.1 llllliXlltlSSO ill IKi flf(rcinQir v wm IP fflfej Omnium 1 Monthly Payments Om Aaipre.af ti Toor CrwaM NO CASH DOWN DR. SEMLER OFFERS YOU THE CHOICE OF 3 CONVENIENT SERVICES Choose tha one that's bost for yol Now Plato la 1 Do (if ne ai-tractioa required) . . . Ieaawaadlai Raatoeotloa Ivear Plates the lame day effractions ar completed) ... or llfanW 1 H I-Oarf Sorvico Also Special Interaeacy Soevka for Repairs, or ResoHiaq and Ad,uitina of DENTAL PLATES. All Prices Quoted in Advance Dr. Semler gives yo all the Credit yo need for all the Dental work yon need. Pay only what yo can afford in small monthly amounts. No delay or red tap . . . do bank or finance company to deal with. Cradlt ii arranqad quickly and courteously, wiih sincere consideration for your financial problems. YOU DONT NEED ANY APPOINTMENT . ' - o)Diimn 11 IfMoa J a.aj(a 1 I I jS.tre.-t.Jp emm wim amiB STATE t COMMERQAW SALEM Wmfn.A4oth iWg. PARK IN ANY COT ... Give ue ftto TtCKIT ... for the period you are having Dorrtal Sorvka oorformad in our Office.