The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 14, 1957, Page 5, Image 5

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    I ,,
City News Briefs
Taneru ertr tar Mn Maud
wcMtnct W Nebrwtt. tM stew
r4M a a S,rm aoapatai. vtlt
p m wetsnesdav ia the
! T (aom Oupel
tan vmn reoer will
A Cfcro-
I VWSi Waist
ifc.iu arrts wedvesday
frx rues lor wiaiaaa M
Urnr ,v ias rUrae Af wn
flu) T1urli? at Sams hospital
' -he wwxui si 10 3 p in ia
f Wg;i T boide Chapel Ma
ine -c service be included later-meat
L, l4 lfj B-tKTW, Mem
orial Par
r limit restyling bow ((
sesvm i lowest rates rttntei iet
-" Lachelli 11 Fern ad )
Fjneral inKW for Mil Slur
les M Kau at Ri 1 Pyu who
died Fr)- in Sslem hospital,
will he hrtd Mondts at It 30 a m
in live Virp, T Coulee Chap, la
lermeet w.h b ta Beicreat Memor
Ul Park
HOSPITAL tests pravf dorters
tf ifiere n help to raw tht
pain of Arthritis BuraiUa a Rheu
matism II hxlprd me. it can he'p
au LM t :) ad i
Sen Datidaun administrator of
th Oreon Putaiu tommissioa
ill speek on The lt l.llr of
an Ores, Potato at the HuUv
wood Lwm Club s noon hjnrhoa
Mrdnaada; at ITw Hollywood Uou
Pewal repatrtd whila you
wan at Puniest Parkar Deottat
i:i N Llberry. Salem ad
I peace If mind worth a few ol i
lar to you1 Do you have rash
rrtoney ta repair damage from a
rlnp drip roof1 Don t let it happta
in vour home John Manvill Seal-
o Matic roof rewards you wilA
many years oi prmecuon Liai r.iw
4 SMI your roofer,
P Si alt St.
Malhis Bros.
Marion County Judge Res Hart
lev and other county affktals will
rvplain nature of county opera
tions hen they appear as g jests
at the Tuesday nooa luncheon of
the Salem Kiwanis Club si the
Hotfl SAiator
Dr Robert F Undsey
Announces that he is opening an
tyliir lor tht grnrrsl practice of
Demist r t W South Liberty St
tM 4-l 10 adv
l . . i . .1 A J -
rami pr u ,nm aurun rr
t.xlfling KAt at CUrkc I, TT
Lomrnrrriaii tO
. tit R t AP STOLEN
Mrs Manford E Turner VXS
lmh St told c-itv, nulire Saturday
hat a hubcap waa stolen fmm tht
family iar earlier In the week
tihilr it was parked at the Armory
'fn the exening
tinaai M Barn.
r. a hotpltt.1, JutT II !-
rf'-nvnt o( 1J40 Hrrt Avi
Ji.,rvivfd wit liva parna Sa
!' anni Wlph Barnai -ilm
ljrinrr Rarnt. Tamp ria Hl
Pr n f.ofbur Ore hrnthar Jhn
B,, nj of SI Lotili Mr n grand
ci'il Servicai h ,h
rfii T (.ol4n ( hipr Wid , JulV
l ;ih i n jo i m Iniprmml Bl
r.t4t Mrr 'Tial Pal tl
hiflff Milllaaa Km
ijilr ratkdktnt nf W I DaT'ot.
O p 3 iU II, M M.nrvilk Ho-pMal
vd iv hij.Hancj Hufh Kau
p. tntl Of- en t J TrvrrMl
( a -nail a if hrot hp r - in -1 a w It ml I
S -afat 'a.Pm R?rirl will ? hld
i-. t. f itril T r,lf!fn (ail
1 'nnii f ' IS at Ifl 10 a m Inr
r mr t pr.t imi Mmoria Path
Mniif MtK lrifk
A ' a ' 1 oipital. Kir M 1
rr drtt rr Na.ikrnll Or SurVivaygJ
fa'hi John H Hnvr rarkfiai
f attni ifth T MrKitrirk Por-
lunrl VviK:,.'.. f MtKl'Mrk laOH An
fi t iif h".lpri, Torn K Harp-
( a nana i.nr9 Harr' PatW
Hig VtrtT Hairrwr rarWrtalf Er
Marner l.nnf h falif "lra.
!ri" H'.lf T'fnri ( a''f ilrlrod
Kmrr r- krl t W ..oalg.
n Annoi, -1 rpnl of Ticf vaiI
h mgv. bv fr 'ir T (.old
-t of 2n;n i:'h J
t of M psri S;l I v
in Kits?' Ssle o
. K fk
K r
H '!! Fdsrt ftiiwr
rlt W I r
' rwudtnt of JtS Hsnso A f
i'v Jiiiv it si the a "i s:
Hushand of I.illith lerp of Mil Pnol I'h'
AnnnmilmOII nf irvo
r rmrtf later by W T hitdor
r Home
inl nf I7M Cunl Si ir
rily Jinv IJ Sutvivfl 0 ''f
' '!' Ntiwin. Rslem Kin Robr
'i nf San rrsncm-o rtauth's'
M I Milan Sppinf of Salm Flvter
' . liraf Wolfsburr Alzada Mont
M Vivian O Nrilf f.rand Tor'
n rvi(f iil he ir-ld in, i"
r ' ,i fh harnrk Chaol Mondav Ju'
' j' 1 TO n wlln inlfrment "
i Vi fmrv FliHialnllf t' v
m Loot No .IM. BPOK o
h.. rmii rmnin
lorat hospital Julr II I
l.n' nf 111) ith U Sl '
d vnfe Rufi I. Phillip- sa
.on. Rnlianrt Phillip
hp- Wilson Phillips. Ji.l n"il
Philllpi Jr rtni I" ,'
all nf Salem daiisht.-. I-
. 'i A id n Opp-!! tkir'- Rfiis.
ni Sj.rn- hrnlhfM Hairv I"iil
O" I'hlll'p. Merle Phillips
..f Salem and Homer Phillips of
Mnf-nn iler Nellie JaKman
Mahle Piesnn Salem Mamlt
k n - Sale.- H' n I .i'hrnn
f fern f r -indi I--dren aln u-S.r-
' 'i'i he held V4inda
.1 l"inp ui in tl'e chapel of
'. fi! T ' olden To Internum,
ul Memni ial F'arK
Page 4 Quiz Answers
1 Mrs Calna (oolidge.
2 Ingnd Bergman.
J (nlma. Calif.
4 American League
f. Roth
7 Aga hhan
I Tnwer plant manager
I alley Forge
10 Indicted on larceny count
Mine W I'M Grsat Si. ah
aSee! uorvpes-tedly wtol M wort
rrsdaj iS be kcM MA X
1 PJ ia th Oauck-umrt
rlapeJ lMrrmeat wtal M ia CHjr
lew CnwKn
C V Hrmt dS l)la V . r-
ported ia cit) polic fcatuKU Ut
wrwucm' ustKt i II ua broar a
iado of tanot boua k oaa
at iJU S ista St
TV hj Salrm lira alna rt-
pond ritiairuiantni aonw Bunuaf
bart and ct that bad faftra
trore a pa.mi tra at !3Ui and
iKoa atrrttt. at 1 15 p m Sat
W. E. Keikel
Succumbs to
Heart Attack
Walter rmmttt Keikel. M Jtro
N 17th St died Saturda morniruj
at heart attack abil vnit ng at
MS N Winter St
He as a froter most of hi lit e
ha mf owned stores in Kansas and
Colorado la Salem where he
iited lor tht last ten ear hr had
ooned and operitrd a Teiaro sta
lion at ( a pi lot and 1 nion Streets
and the City Hardware store at MS
High St Sii years ago he re
tired because of l heart condition
Ktikrl as bora April 11 IN
tni married Lelia Loader ta llta
rarM from BouMer
Colo in AufMt ml
Keikel served in the Navy during
World War I Hr belonged la tht
Veterans of Foreign Wan and Cal
vary Baptist Church.
He leaves his widow twa son
Jack of Denver and Hubert witii
ine Army n uerinany. iwi we
then. Jack Portland. Char las,
Abilene. Kans : Ha-Ty f Wichits,
Kans . and William, of Texas,
three staters. Mrs Roy Bowen.
Glena Buraie. Md Mias Ten Kei
kel. Taptka Kans . and Miss
Dims Keikel of Chicago
Funeral arrsngements art pend
ing at the Howell-Edwards Tuneral
Death Claims
G. W. Leeper
George WilUam
Leeper It. of
JIJ Hanaon Ave died Saturday
morning in I Salem nursing home
He was a carpenter most of his
working lift?, and for I J years waa
matodian of the Roaeburg Post Uf
fice He came to Slem from
Roseburg last Decorrsber and en
tered tht nursing horn two months
Leeper was Instrumental In
tarting thf Kanjflual I nit HI
Brfthrrn Churrh in Roeb4jrtj, and
was a charier member of both I
that church ind the Kv angelica)
church at Kugene He lvlot.ed ,
alio to the Gideon SKieiy .
Rorn on Feb I near Suth-
erhn. Ore. he lived for many
veai on lne Oregon roast a well
as in Philomath. Eugene and lor
M years in Roseburg During his
)outh he taught elementarv school
at Agnes on the Rogue Rnrr
Survivors are his widow I.illith
at home a daughter. Mrs Paul
Silke Jr. of Salem: and three
grandchildren. Gerald, .lofin and
Joan Si Ike all of Salem
Funeral services will he held in
Roseburg at the ling and Orr Fu
neral Home on Wednevrlav al I
p m The W T Rigdon Mortuary!
i in charge 01 Salem arrange
ment. l liXLAB-To Mr and Mrs An
lonio ( uellar ol lndependeni r a
daughter Friday. July 11. al Salem
drneral Hospital.
WIFBF.- Tn Mr and Mrs .lark
I) V lehe nf 1 44v8 N 4th SI a son,
Saturday. July 13, at Salem ('.en
eral Hospital
,SANr"U4TEI.I.O - To Mr and
Mrs Ralph Sanfratello of 1132 Mh
SI . a duughter Saturdav July
I J at Salem (leneral Hospital.
H F. A I V -Tn Mr and Mrs Frank
I llealv. 1)47 Strong lid, a son
S.iiuriiiA. July 13, at Salem Mem
orial lln-pital
(.WffN To Mr and Mrs F.nos
II i, mm ol Rirkreall. a daugh
ter Saturday. July 13. at Salem
Memorial Hospital
Mrs .lames H Rurkineham IV) N
lth SI . a son Saturday, July 13
at Salem Memorial Hospital
R AST A IN To Mr and Mrs Dale
K Rati am of 2527 Silvertnn Rd . a
von. Saturday. July 13, at Salem
Memorial Hospital
1 SCHAF.CHF.B To Mr and Mrs
Wilbert J Schaccher of Mt Angel.
daughter. Saturday. July 13. at
Salem Memorial Hospital ,
Roplact Gutters It
Downspouts Now
Free rtlvstes TM 1-41121
Memory Gardens
1cr4 (aygtaj 4 (ttnujf latttf"
Ph. IM 4-4123
477 N. Cottaga
runeraJ mtmcm tar Herttrt
00 Junor
totr.iT rrrvcxs
aaff Wrwae. The
r aptrd I'atJ
Mare tha
wi!i b tarba hammalt rat-
as the special Pet
a-Soa!l raf ttart ta
" jtob urroy.
-J Jl
Kj,f uw lnr
M"a Uf uwricau r.
rar lof ""x Q br strcnaf
'or a cnarH- ta rwrr the Vaoonal
aaapbci drr ia Aaraa Onaa.
LtuU II TV lad aba rtmaiaa
un&ralM at th da) i end U1
irwit tht trip raat
By Saturday tht ratrm Hood at
TJ ta cla A ' 11 to II vaan aid)
and l ta cU.ia R '11 aad 11 .
Soaptam aad dnm tram all
paru at tht ait CMmpttutf
A paradt Uireufh dovatewa Sa-
Wm at It a m arit Saturday will
, Itatur ail eatrm. ihttr aponaon
and tht ilea auapboi cars Rtult
of tht par ad J1 taat tht boyi
from tat i ap.iot Mali ta tht Oorby
'dtntaa rouitt ia kuak Paatura
pari arar MrCuiloufk Stadium.
Tat bugs ' iU b taaprrttdl
lortd under tht tiadium and
fuardtd until Sunday at l p m
nan dntrn aill parade up tht
derby downa track tt begia tht
lour hour f vent
Derby director is Alfred Pleifer
Asautant dirertori art Clark Carl
ton and Charles Munaoa.
Two Sptaitrt bar Evrwl
Tt aflatr is totally sponsored
by tht Capital Journal and Capital
Chevrolet A perpetual trophy and
a permanent trophy await tht
grand prut winner Other winners
will receive merchandise prises
First alarw winner will k nU
, , runn,f ril., the class
A and B finaluu. Runoerup will
merit a bicycle ard a trophy
Then will also bt pruei for boat
construe ted racer best paint K.
and s sportsmanship trophy
Lain years winner
was Kent
Undoa The 1U winner.
Bank Business
Drops in Salem
During June
Bank debits for Salem, Ore
off 7 per cent in June, at com
pared with June of last year but
remain I per cent ahead lor the
Mrst tn months af 1M? as i
pared with tht same period
debits art considered a
of general business con
The debits ware reported by the
12th district Federal Reserve
Salem i debits for Junt
M.74J arw Last Junt thty
DebiU lor the first tu months
were IM0.SM 00 They were IWi.
000 the hrtt tix months a ytar
Portland debits for June were ?
per cent er June of 1954 and
rt 12 per cent ahead lor the
Hrtt III months.
Kugene i were down 13 per cent
Junt and down I per cant for
first ai months i
Four Escape Car Crash
BtsUmaa News BervrWe
Tl'R.NER. July 1J-A cr over
turned in a ditch beside the Turner
Salem Road m miles north ol
here at 7 OS tonight, tending lour
teenagers to tht hospital with
minor in junta
Tht four, all dismissed from Sa
lem General Hospital after treat
ment for lacerations and bruises
are liwrll Williams l of Salem
I.inda Vlrtiee 17 ol Rt Ron 2S
Aumsville Carol Hinli. in of Rt
5. Box 430. Salem, and Ronnie Wil
will be in our Second Floor
Auditorium from 10 A.M. to
3 P.M.-Tuesday, July 16th
to accept blood donations
for the Red Cross Blood
Bank. We cordially invite
you to participate in this
worthwhile program.
Race Drivers to Ve!feljsg:fer
sw HL,, kAJ C.mJ.w
!StRsUa4 hotkArd ui Uw top
t tt MtjaaJ t
Hanoran rftfwi at 'J rat
a,y p:- i-w n a rra
fapnal Joumai pubtutwr E k
Eagar L Hig.t, Is aew
ilreclor af laaUai schools
la tkli (tyrtiM, ladadiag
Chesnaw Schawl.
New Indian
Affairs Chief
Edgar L Wight has ben named
director of schools lor the Port
land sua of the Bureau of Indian
Alfatrs, it
dav Wiffht s duliM will ifw-hut i
- i
suurrvisioo 01 inemawa x nool
near Salem and Warm Springs
Reservation School
Since 1K1 Wight has been sta
Honed tt Ingham City Utah as
a member of the bureau i central
office staff He formerly was on
the Portland area office staff as
soil scientist
In his new post. Wight also will
be concerned with federal id pro
grsms in Indian education in
Wthwest atatr. with bureau
adult education programs nd
ith other programs asillng la
rtln ou,h h'Inr luction
Students Elect
Ken Mahoney
Kn Vlahorvfy Sailfm. has hfrn
f ex-trd prfwirtU of Kappa Drlta
national education honorary at
iUamtt nivfrtt lor the
iianmar a a v i. tt' i tl smati a .n.
' - i. "niaiinvii i wit:
of two schtxils m the state having
an i active chapter nf the honor.ry
Other oilierrs in lude Carletnn
Moran. rrnonia. v i e president.
Krank datcriell Uervais. se re-tary-lrrasurer
and Pat Brutk.
Silent historian
Tentative arrsngements hsve
been made lor an initiation ban
quel lor new members and a sum
mer session pirnir
liams IS of Rt 1, Bos li Aums
Stt Police Oflicer Jerry Tay
lor said driver ( arol Hint I ailed
to makp a right time whpn the
tar skidded djring a shower The
car. a IMS haidlup sedan, drove
along Ihr lelt hand ditch lor 101
tret bclnrr tt turned over and
upside don. tht oflicer
Thomas .Jetlerson was first a
Republican then Democral
: aw-m' i
I I l L -V I
'" I
I L-ti
13 a npti tititHt tram tat Chera
let 4isio ar Geaerai Metan
Derby Eaariea Laned
Entries thus tar iic!jde
CLV A , BJtj Raj" Raj
Brard. tjaijrg Bent .'un BerLjr.
Steve Bleert Rxftard ft'r
uocjt B.' jnm Kranetk Bati
Tim Bartet
Gary CarUie Ciff t.ur Km
Cheek Duug'as Clark -im t omp
taa David Camstovk
Bruce Damake Jotia Daea
part. Jim Davi ltrm DeHul.
Melv a Doasry Larry r .wr- jigef ,
Tun Eir-maes Craig Fnger Don
aid Farjvtj! Slephea Cik-hriat Let
jCrajr Robert Hagje Eddw
Hansen. Kent Hansen Tern 0
Huston Douglas HyUoa. Dennis
Billy Kirthot! (1oe Ki
Lioyd Krwner Buii I vie rdwia
SJaen. Da wallicoat James J
McCarthy Frank VhDermiti Km
neth McDermitt Oary McNall.
Bob Middelburg Jr Charter Mvr
gaa. Edward Muiler Kenneth Niel
sea. Stephen Paimaaon
Kim Reaney KenneiR Rittgara.
Stan Roilness Tm Ryer Lyna
Seipp Lorea Seiti Dnk Sevrrsoa.
Daa Shalt at Kugene Sbrpaerd
Dick Smith Marvin Smith, trnea
Smith Uike Spangier Billv Spin
aey Daniel Spoor Kenneth Still
ler Dun Taylor Robtrt Thrush.
Bill Tranaue Douglas ivier.
Dan I wade John Weselv Dwigbt
est Gienn w iver Joel wonts
CLASS B-Jon Armpriest. Slfvt
shion Ernest Badeau Stevt
BentJey. Bruce J Rrennen. Tom
Chovin Bill Clark Howard Crml
vm Mike Culp Rrvhert ( ummins
Rruce Davis Bobby Davis Mama
Michael FitxMmmons Bill Gnf
fin Joha Griffin, Dean Hansen
Dennis I .rwwira rivii 1.1
Rfr Dale McFadden J C Mof'
f, R,rhlrd s,, Rth,r.
f -h ni. 1 CJ ,,
1 'it jiimin
Tavlor Gary
i nor son Jimmv
ck. Thomas
Wells, Eric Woodard
Scout Camp
Opens Today
In Cascades
Some 1S members of Salem
area Bov Srout troops will start
' roughing it tndav as the sum
nver rinping program open at
CaTip Pioneer high in the Central
Largest troop representation (or
the opening eek will he the M
scouts from Kener Troop 41 Dur
ing the live weeks ramping pen
od aroutt from throughout the
Cascade Area Council will particv
t VBrilV id kllv-llkA f-AlklAjl Ia
lne , 0, aoor, in1 ,CWJtlnI Wll)
busy campgoers They include
i uan
leatiircs archery and
rl, lus ,( cu
h,klnf hln(Sirrltn, ,nH miptl,,,s
on Seoul ing kjiv repoit lamp
Director Bra son 1 ausch. Salem.
( amp Pioneer rests on the edge
ol Pine Hidje Lake in the Willam
ette National Forest under the
shadow of Mi Jefferson
Portland Group to
Entertain at Fairview
group of Portland amalrnr
entertainers will entertain patient
o( Kairview Home al a variety
show t the institution al 1 ) p m
The trout hrarlrd Hv rn
Cook, performs 'ur and nn its
own time and have hen in partiru ,
Iar demand at state institution" in
eluding the Mate Prison The show
includes magic acts, puppets and
other numbers
Sonotonp brinjrs new
hope tn millions with this
half -otinrp, all-in-one-piece
hearing aid. Small
est hearing an! in world
fits all in ear. Ideal for
Summer wear for both
men and women.
W. F. Dodge
A Attociatat
J00A Uvly Bldg.
EM L94IS $alm, Or.
On Water Plans
Memners of the Saien Oy
Casaanl and t Ke-jer Wa'er
Board ret Uu wee and d s-o-vvr-c
ac lanugo a.' a aaddvae
if ei umh City wa'er as or
p to i-ofiimuBity wei rer
t"ve Keuer d,trict
agreement ssi p ached .r
cording ta cit inaaafer Kest Ma'
Jtewaan tficia. a.'e suii stj 'y
tag 'At rr alter te said
Two Injured
In Crash of
taaieaaaaa news atrvwa
S!L ERTOfS July 13 A Mo
laUa bov II. and a S J trtoa girl
11 wore injured today aa a mater
they wr rtding struct
ir four rrwies aarth af here
The boy BorXste ABea Budean
of Rt i Bet IMA MolaUa. was
in Sihertoa Hoaastai. where h
was said It be ia latr readitiaa
su'ering frwrn ihead aad fare u
jurte tod a broke leg
Tat girt. Sharon Let Jones, of
Rt 1. Bos I. Silvwrtoo, ai treat
ed for a cut teg aad waa being
kept at tht hospital at least tver
Suit Palate Officer Malcolm G
Oarksoa said Budeau was dming
his cycle with the gtrl as a pas
senger. oa Highway III 'Sliver
ton M annum Highway' at 1 at
Tht vehicle hit a car epar
atrd by Gtlmar J Fenmmore of
Rt Boi Ms, Sihertoa, said
Eleven Youfhs
Win Trips
To Colorado
CORVA1JJS Jul 11 rivs
ryreeoa vnuniatwra Wmvm hmm
i warded trips ta Ft Collins. Cola.
Aug lg-g) wiruvers ia ah Amer
iran Institute of Cooper stives con
test including George Ann Fair
child Dallas nd Yeraoa Gooding
of Aurora They will attend tht
s-memafl Institute of Coopers lion
Miss f sirchild was also selected
stste winner and will receive n
additional prize of M)
The ronifi sponsored by Ore
gon 1 ijnrulture and electric
morx-ramrv. s open to sll 4H
and EE, oungsters
35i sat,
Camt ln-Lok Aroond-Nott Our Quality and Pricai.
cular PaopU Patronixa tha Midgtt.
Beef Pot Roasts
Beef Burger
Rib Steaks
Veal Steak
No Prepackaged Meats -Fresh
Fresh Picnics
Loin Pork Chops
Fresh Side Pork
"Flavorized" Bacon
Greideron Way East
To Get New Guide Dog
akalT Onset TVa Statessaaa
'nu..r 4vt aa Saom vrers
hat & Car Greioe' .noeo
a." 'etera- a.nd n.v Ve!B -
a w:i, ocn;jije t be s pa- t'.
th na. ror . .e- -j-. t '
or '.he 004 U be a oe ore
' - rv"',be"n, secfei. at
t-vr Nsetr N, VC -eft F-.C ' r
Uve Seeing tvve lot Oeg Lrs" og
Svhna. at lorrmewa V J to pick
up I tpit Ocg
Jerrv his first Seeing E ovg
od h.s constant companion tor
the past 1 year, has succjmN-d
'.o houl aid aft and illness 01 - ng
tbe past sever si months the
ful Germaa shepherd had o'
aped fatal Ulaieaa
ou become very mjch a'
l ached la these dags ' said Car!
bei ore he n I hated o t
Jerry He s bee near mt 24
lor nearly each day during the
past it years v
wwnoariui asperieacas legetner
Carl and Jarre could be
"naal aay morasag wailing uva
1 nalt-dotaa biarks rraen the Greider
hom ta the VMCA Jerry alsa
guided Carl, usually at a brisk
bac. through dowatosra traffic ts
Carl ttteoded speaking and other
Moat meetiag audaeace always
knew whea Jerry was la tht
house Ht invariably succurtrbad
to sn unrontraiabl org U howl
during the applause evta whea
.the hand -flaps were for his mas-
I During his three week slay at
the Seeing Eve school in New
Jersey Carl will meet, get c-
I quainted with and thee trim with
ia that carefully prepared order
replacement for Jerry.
Match Dwga ta Mew
I I don't know what kind or type
of dog they'll give mt tht tun.
ht said They carafully match
tht maa with tht dog-m tempera
ment, personality, height! and ac
rupation Tnt entire relationship
it based on friendship You must
gaia Uw IrieodsJilp of th dog and
hr must wu your confide net
Akwat Twa Years Oid
Belore he returns to Salem on
Aug 7. Carl will hv undergone
n intensive training session with
his new silent eye " Most of the
dogs are about two years aid when
sssigned, and have already gone
through navr tiaining
A Seeing Eye dog7 is not always
JMUDSET Market m um
Tvnf Htfftr
md SUtr
Pork Steak
Statr?smn. SiVm, Ore, Sua, Jury 14, "37 (Sec. I)-5
tie aer a" h id pennvfis'
tf 'or a rui said "' He i
' ie en eteraii ,n 'V-eto
e a STve h r re
pre'e' s , arve
B . -vr -nr s d' "ve rver
lis r-r -r va 4f asrs
e we-e : aa; to g, jirs
V w'f ' 'a- I e " - oroerv
and he or ; 'a I "v. t "
7 to Leave
For Induction
Twelve men wiS leavt the Mar
ion County selective service or ice
ta Salem Tuesday lor laducti
into 'Jve armed forces
Seve af the indurteet are from
Salem and include Elwya George
Barker Harvey Lee Craw spy
James AJesander Johnstoa. Tesas
FrankUa Nesjleldt Harvey Lee
Peterson Charles Alan Taylor aad
Darreil SheTmaa Wright
Others include Merit George
Kaufman aad Ralph Leroy Mc
Colly, both of Sihertoa Paul
Ntrkola. Mt AageJ Bert Rab
Schroeder. W aodbur and Harwtd
Duaa Root, traaaftr from Plne
woed. Miaa.
Wwf 4k asts ei niwstn mi i ar
MVTVw) IwW WajaJfaJliJ VM waaajal lawVavVAawvaag) 'Low,""
"jtfJl iTeet rtan
mf - rA sv KT woo mi so in
r iH' f " ' L-J vJ' CAaiaaiTt
I XePw-" I P pattoeui pan
SlSa 2-40
W saCuttTY ioxn
W w- 2.tS
You Will Undtntond Why Parti-
Purt fmk
Ground Bi
6 lbs. $3.55
6 lbs. 53.90
Milk hi
Br tht
Stolen Acid
apaujHTwtjy mjcake lr
ahisko from t asckap trtnk
owned be Dale M Oeswefl Sneet
Me e has been reoorted ta
-V Marror Cay serrf! or'ic
w a4jea oi the acid wvssatl
-un re ar the mouth anal
voat ard a -rer ooe could
caae orath a pnarmartai said.
The acid aa ctsau ned ia a whia
lev bo lie Creswell sad
TV thet! ocmrred either at at
ier' met, sfwp, ii S Lncaa
or ia the Hoiiywood area.
y tt Jewwsar Star 1EU
Me mm
Cuts Daily
b- 35c
lb. 59'