The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 13, 1957, Page 6, Image 6

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6-(Scc. I) Statesman, Salem. Ore., Sat., July 13, '57
' a-f a v
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M 'ear DaJy Wr Cwdt K
' Accerdiag la Slort '
To devtkip messoge for Soturdoy,
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of your Zod'OC birth sign
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Sunday's Television Log
M W " IJ
EPTV 'Oril Robrtj 'Oril Return Min to Mn 'Industry
krTV Alln Revi
Allfi Rrvntl 'Bil P'.r'uw
1 "
1 n.
UPTV Oini S.v Indstm
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arrv ouln
kVAL Youtn
fcOW -Amp ts ft irpp in rt Arrrtrhiir ThA rmrhir The.
1kl.W Iiitcourx Itlei-ours Booas Bool's
PTV GArdenins Grdeninf Op Ttmiorrj Op Tomorrow
VAl. riui rronuii rltn rrontic.-i OutlooX Outlook
2tUIX ArmchAir Thk Armcnur I ri Armchair The. Armchair Tht.
KGW World Report World Report Mat Theater Mat TlMMttr
krTV romorvi Stari Tomorw Slan Atternoon Th AlUrnoon The).
kVAL Chrurt Sci Sun MaUnee Sun Matinee Sun Mallnee
kOIN Armchair Thea Armchair The Armchair Th lArmcftair Th-
GW Mat Theater Mat Theater Mat. Theater Ut Theater
SPTV Afternoon The Afternoon The Afternoon The Afternoon The
KV'Al, Sua MaUnee Sun Matinee Sun Matinee Sun MaUnee
KOIM rare Nation race Nation World Neva World New!
SOW Colleje Confer Coll.-(e Confer Open Hearml OpeD Heanruj
tPTT AOemooo The Afternook The) Mayor ct town Mayor of Town
VAX Bowliru Bowlinj
ToiMj Lart Word Last Word
.now Gene An try .ei Autry
IkPTV Meet the fresa Meet the Pre
eaWKVAL Meet the Preae 'Meet the
aom LiMaie Laiaie
KGW Aaked tor It Asked ror
kPTV Cowboy Thea Cowbov Thea. Circus Boy iCtrrua Boy
IVAL CooboT Tnea Cowboy Thea
IOIM Kd Sullivan Ed Sullivan
W ftlm Theater ifilm Theater
aPTV iteve Allen Vee Allen
HkL Steve Alien Steve Allen
toi" 3 1. Theater C I. Theater
fjatGW Twin Bill ITwin Bill
BrTtr Goodyeur PlhkCoodyewr
aTaU.l Led S Uvea i Led uvee ueetiny .ueasuny
om SS4M ChkU. M4.SOS ChatL I What's My UnelWhat My Una
SOW Mike Wallace Mike Wallace Lad Rtorr I Lewd Story
BPTT The Web The Web
SVAX The Web IThe Web
KOIN Showtime on Showtime
BOW Chan S Plyha Chan S Ply
BPTT Dr Hudson Dr Hudson
Dr Hudaoel Dr Hudson
BVAL Bl( Y Theatar BI Y Theater Bl( Y Theater
Showtime on SiShowtlme
! am
BGW Chan S Plyha. iChan S Ply haw Chan I Plyha. Chan. S Plyha.
BPT Academy Thea I Academy Thea Academy Thea Academy Thea.
1 BVAL Blf Y Theater Big Y Theater
I (newt's ueaa: rh Stanseaaa ewkrhkes m geed rajtk Ike acwfraaaa
aad tiaaes aa pseat44) ky radio aad TV statmse. ksrl kecaase rttaea
the eewfreaae are rhaaged wMkwwt aecirWAa this aeweaaae' caaaa
be reapeaiBlfcs far Use aecarary bareta l
Sunday's Radio Log
BJLM ljae k6A14Je BBXI ltBOI rH SGW BGOl l
nsTMegaerrlea -'BOIM Mi l; BOW IMJ
OUt Bt SS at;), M M SS U
Bora L Power Btlgs . Power
BOON Muate IMuetc
BSLM Melody Journ y Melody Journ y MuaK t Church Belle
BBZT Newa-Rainhsrt iReinhart IReinhart Ikeinhart
mot" Inv. la Leers liny ta Leera Isalt Lake Tab. n Lake Tab.
BOW Owldenri IBooka Israel larael-Newt
BOON Sua. Muale Sun Music g.lernal Light Eternai i.iint
"BSLM Cosx'v Baptial Salem Aced htl u Ood Back te Cod
BOAT KCAY News Slonecker Bible Hr IBieaatng
BBZT News-Remhart Rrinhart Reinhart 'Nelnhart
BOID Story Master I'mv Eaplorwr Irwish Faith At rianrie
BOW Bevival Hour Revival Hour Revival Hour Revival Hour
BOOK Light Life Light Life Hihle Study -hle otudv
BSLM Bible Cta,
f BOAT Babertk O
IjBBZY Nrwa-Relr
Y BOIM Waak Ne
a BOW Braadlwae
BSLM Bibta CVaea Bible Claaa
Oraea Sinner ker
Reinhart Reinhart
Newt farm Sewn
BOW Bcaamiiae Br Scandiaay
ROOM Barb to Stale Chrlat friend V'-e Prophecy Vce Proph
ai aa
I BOA" Laymen a Sir
Nwwa-Betnhart Remhert
Sol St 1. ai laut In St Lauia
BOW Neww-Muatc iMwate fee Sua. Muatc fat Sun Mua-r for Sun
BOOtf Nrwe-Muatc See Mueller Ml niuminat nalt Uluminai
"SLM Jmm Navy Concert Mm tr irt Method let Plrtt Methodist
BOAT Pint Baptist Jirst Baartast first Baptiet Tir.l Rsptisl
S SIT Nwww-Mennw Motutar .Monltof lMoriir.f
SeXH World Muese rWorld Muatc IWorW M iaic 'Wor .1 w.tir
el '
SOW Hws-Muir Mjttr Iwr u Watir rn- ,n m j if in
BOOW BapUel Church iBaatin Church Bap'n' hurcn ilaoiisl in-i-'K
BSLM News vtuaac
I BGAt S5GAV Irwl Slonecker
B BZf ewa-Mntor Monitor
B BOIW Parry reitb Be Perry rana
4V. SCI yaewa-Law .sauatc
ROOM nrm-HMr isltMiitiw
BSLM Mueie IMuetc
BOAT Hl-Pl Ver Hi-fl Var
BSY Newe-Motlltec iMonltar
Oil Round b Bound Rownd h
SOW Mtsaac Sduatc
BOOM Bawre-Moaltor ISaociitoc
ai as
SCAT Ht-Pl var
BBZT Mewa-MonWot ifAah Considtst
BfMN Sammy Karye Sammy Kara
sew Maec Muatc
BOOM Newa-Monitor rorsidine
ael M Baeeball Bateba'l
BGAt Hi-fi var
BBXV Newa-Monimr
BOfW Nwara
BOW M-war
BOOS) Newt-Moo."
fai MHmm ball
Hi-r var
M or
IM., ;
M' A'r"
4 BOAT Hi Pi va'
BBV Nowe-nton
SOITJ Mueae Bel
BOW Mueae
on nor
;tr BaD
a cal Mueae neuex
RfcO" Wees
BSLM rea-wrT
5 aoaf tn-n
BBtf taaarw
SrMW Mica I
SOW Muast
BOOR) Newa-ktww Moea lor
aalM ant Sun Matin.
var rti-r. ' -'
M4aiar fklcmtte
maa Mia. Br.e
BSUsI Dav Bnae
sail vie wo aso iltor
4tata Itwttwe Wafcere inatfwv Waaely
SOW Peal Harvey saaeac
aunk Ra.t,eP
"aai as Ma nee frr" Harm Tbaatar Drew frr,n Raiem Settamrs
aa7T M lllll Monitor rM iw M.rt,
BOfte g isasnsi ISiaapesiee w -ct M.iier M u- Miller
ansa Mawa Mans nsaeac
BOsaW 1
' ' gSLM S-laia jaiialail yalaia lactases a iRaaawi Sanatara RoNtw faenetare
8Sarf Weak Wllta (Ut Wtlaae Way Willee Ray Witlea
SOIN Mtsrfe Miller ISoae-W WrV4 T-nigv.' World'
BOW NeMfaetc IMeaac Woatr
BOOW we aa fear nado faast Seiaitad Ata sveenaaa "Wttii Ood
9" SatW Basso " sMwaac ' -ee-w l- v .n. P. ' Vti.
BBPT Ban-Wrlea Rev WHi-e ' w,ut e' w tw,
Bfria Laal Ward Last Ward R" C-,rv i- tr- a
BOW Sret-ttwil Muear -,h. Sea
S ar fa-wtiv A tar Panwly A War - H r.--
B"syF6aseraiT(r ai Batata. Me. w
1 a RPT Rtrti PSrara Rav wnie Rat w.ii m-
aorai Swa Bit P Maa Maine. t-.. Aiy --.-
A ac-as r, nl iaa TeSa pie al At We Sea It T r R .t, ewj
U BaS) tteaea fateltna SMbd BAtaaA.
1 B Of f HeawWlBaa
B7CW Lee Saaaar La abaatv
sa BOW ttewa list vi aai
I BVOa CausBa Mr. CkfceBe at.
MTU I 1 1
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(.M ol Cnit Ch o( Chrut
lA Talt.T Tm1N ( Tlltn
.Hri Tofl tUUPrAitr-H) ii n
Mr ijrd Mr Wutrd
Mr Wujrd Mr Wiid
tmldreni Hr Children i Hr.
Pi5l PupfWU Civt Ptic
loo PA.-adc Zoo Pirftd
Zoo PArd Zoo ParAd
Bow tins Bowlins
V Are There; lU Are There
Cene Autrr Getne Autry
- ICowooy TheaL CoBoy Trieat.
Preee Cowboy Theat Cowboy Theal
Tiv Husband rav Husband
It Film Theater Film Theater
Celen PHtise Celeb mine
,fd Sullltan Id Sullivan
Ifilm TheaUr rum Theater
rSieve Allen "Meve Allen
rSteve Allen ;eve Allen
lA If Hitchcock Alf Hitchcock
Twin Bill Twin Bill
Ptha ioodywar Plha Good v ear Plha
Behind Badfe I Behind Bad
IDad Knows I Dad Knows
on S Showtime on S.ShowUme an S
nee Chan 4 Flrhee icnan riynae.
Academy Thea i Academy Thea.
iBlf Y Theatar
on S ShowUme on S;Showtlme on S
Big Y Theater Big Y Theater
Biglathurrh of Air Charca of Air
Negro Col ChotrNegr Cal Choir
Sun. Music Sua Muale
Voire of Proph Voire of Proph
Slonecker auai m
Reinhart eWtnhert
firm Scene law noa news)
Br fireiidlnav Hr sKandinav nr
Thnatlaa Sri. , Prank 4 tm atiMuete
Klann Smith Glenn Smith KGAY Neva
IReinhart Ifteuihart
ea-M Muatc rWerM Muale
Heart Real H4' Rett
m Neuoerger Ha" lat
naowltnr .M or nor
tsr rw-r ." i. r, ,
KfiAY Newa
i Monitor
race Natlea
M usic
.Hi-Pi V sr
Round face Nauon
r aew hall
'Meet P'e
S'r' 1 A,er.rte
Hi-Pi Vs
Moot Ptcas
airing Sat"
Mcer P--a .
RlM'l'l sv.4l!
H' - var M.A ' t
M r lor M'-T''--'
kadM) W kfos RaC r -
ve.tx VI ,.
nr. a v xewe
S' Ver
bf n. ssrrrrew9fr fij Ntwtrs)sri
iMuiw IM jsne-
M c- - Hew taleWllAftr
t,tfthdjrrB RrttMrlw Mear
sal4r--tn !MfWt!lW
k Hart f Ity I rWtAt e
VI TM-saft 'I tnsm
RaaevM AaH41il
Yav'l Knew
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Safe Pouatara fute rwmat.
Winea War 1
Easaa Bhaw paa.s
a yr v""
CT Oanatefl
News From The Valley
Statesman News Strvict
Sheriff 'Elected' at
Of Hospital in
Silverton Gone
Itm Ntwi ferric
SILVERTON. July U - Mrs.
KaUwriM ScfamiU. who came to
SUvertoo two months ago to xrvc
as (upenntendeM of tit Silvertoa
Hospital, has submittd her rtsif
natioo and immediately left, re
ported Dr. A. W Simmons, chair
maa of the hospital board.
Dr. Simmons said that Mrs.
Heirs Epeaeter of Silverton is ao
Unf superintendeat until a new ap
pointment can be made. She has
served la this capacity before, but
has said she does not care to take
the position permanently, Dr. Sun
moos stated.
'Good superintendents are diffi
cult to find, and we are now ad-
vertishii for one," be added.
Reunion Set
Finsl Day
Of Smileroo
SUietaua titmt ten tea
DALLAS, July U All former
reside are inv, ted ;
reumon u. the J Sunday
aiternoon. JvUy . final day of the
Dallas Srruleroo. .
A rhurk wagon .breakfast and
sunne service will be held earlier
in the day as part of the three
4 ea V iealawKr Bf 1iaTl
u iiehtnn n.hill a mem-
ber of the committee for the re-1
union, said special effort ik being
made to get all the old members I "" " "i""
of the Dallas city band totether to i " furnished by Chris tensen
play a concert in the park in the
afternoon. Tims has been sot for
1 p m.
Newspaper Woman
Will Head Demos
Italy unae. News Service
I.KBVNON. July 11-Mrs ns.n-
. erin Hams of Lebanon, lormer
1 J7 i. wom"D; " TZ I
named chairman of the Linni
I County Central rrnocralic Conv
mittee Selection was made here
Tueoda, night at a rneeting of B):
county comTnittoeme. and women
Mr. Harris replaces Eva Syl-
vester of Lebanoa who resigned
two months ago after several ,
years in the office
FiUing two other vacancnM . on
m aywaObssTtTilf t akj ibe Brr sa asavia Vattm .
the committee were Francis Sem
krr. vice chairman, and Mrs.
Elaine Cahill. alternate chairman,
both from Albany.
Plans for the annual Linn county
Democratir picnic to be held
River Psrk in Lebanon on Au(
Vt were announced al the meet
Bridegroom, 21,
Bride, 63, like
Gift Honeymoon
NASHVILLE. Tenn . July II ut
bridetronm. decided Thurdsy he
hriZroom decided tod., he
bride groom
would accept a honeymoon
from a Miami night club opera
tor His S3 year -old bride decioecj
she wnuld in along too
TVy were married here three
dav. ago but said they would do-
lay their honeymoon lor lark of
finam rs
(irsniiile Dozier Inrmer Nash
tillian I rlf phoned his nffrr of
free one week Florida hnrteymnosi
to tbt Nashville Banner
Vn HerirkrwTfl at first said she
wmuldn I o Trim ranradered the of
fer hut an hour before saying he
wnvid .ccerrl
Then I guess I ',1 go ton '
Mrs Hrndarson . man rules
! and anmaa is aiiprjoaecj ta do
aa he tait
DfTIRSON July ll-Mr and
Mrs ( lsyton Wills and rhitrlren
are home from two weeks vaca- present for a family re-unton at j Yotjth Camp of Oregon by the Ore
lion m southera California They the Driver home, July 4. inrlud- j goa City Deanery, a federation of
will move lo Alhany the first of : ing Mr and Mrs Harold Ginger- j Catholic women 1 cargaaizationa
August .here Wills will head the srh af Sweet Home and Mr and The camp ia situated seat of Port
Ag depart met ia the bsgw s-hool Mrs Alva Rogte of Hubbard I land ta the Mt Hood area
KOIN TV (Channel 6):
I al a aa - Arwkasr Theatre -saaeeaaya"
alarrmg Howard
I'il! and In Bartng
And taadaw Varface atar
" BartoR Verl-an and ir
fima Grey
7 sa f sa - f i talavee Sfaaw -
With Mitfi C,reen trior eiager
Val Virteci 'ramaehenne See
' arson etr PVus a rene Irram
Affair Tr, Rememhar
I SS a sa G E Taeatre
t traveling aalesman ar
rested as the artomptir-r nf s
charming shoplifter Ray Mil
land and Eleanor Tamn
IB) a as. A erred ttecwe
Prise a U The carpoe at not a
corps Ho-wever tw elderly
horn and a I tret art up their tea
net try In figure a a at n
ditpoaa nf the hnctv
II 11 I a aawwtiate aa bi -Sweet
Adeline itarnnf Irene
rtmv anetald wws ska)
lotus f aihera PriprieaoT af 1
Heemfcea hawy tardea has 'ww
daugbten who am natfy arte
asitreaasx bet aaW ar-walar
aongl t
'Med Ballot
Boxes' Insured
Candidate Job
SUUaamaa Newt lentn
LEBANON, July li-Ted Boio
bonoff. Hamiltoa Creek sckstl
principal, won the election her
today for sheriff of Western Days.
His supporters stuffed ballot boxes
and threatened the counting board
with loaded guns (water) and pis
tols (cap), to Insure his success.
Election of a sheriff Is a pro
motion event sponsored by the
Chamber of Commerce publicis
ing the Third Annual Lebanon
Roundup July 2t, Z7, and 2t.
The rootia, tootia sheriff has
already decreed local dtixens
must wear western dress or be
thrown in the jug. For these
wishing to decline. City Slicker
buttons are being sold for 54) cents.
Beards are already sprouting on
most male faces.
OM FaskiM Rodeo
Jess Cain of Redmond is again
producing the old - fashion type
created competitive action ,n the
, vlude.
evenU About
. . i...
Jim Shoulders of Oklahoma, are!
expected in action each of tht
lrtt days.
, N J p'
d North Ridge, Calif , has signed
Bros, of Eugene.
Queen of the show is lovely
Karea McDonald of Sew Her
princesses are Shirley Peck of
Monmouth and Judy J antes of
Saddle Cask KMtag
Salem Saddle Club will anoear
in the second day periormance on
Saturdat for saddle drills Lynn
Mrrrlth,w, th( tte, .
rdrf tBfj roprr imJ her'ii,).
year-old brother Jimmy, from
- ... . .
Califorma. have signed lor sp-
nsStair talVaAel 4w,4Jwkt id alwr
. , ,,,
'T" Cmp"y wi''
h " ' "
Prfa" -J "
M',dow rndsUnd aU week,
Tea BorkJag Biwae
Rnd.n .ik .... wjI1 .
chld, b
war Paint, voted by th na
tion is top riders as the best
bucking horse in the L'nited States.
Another top bucker will be Mm
Red Bluff, raised on the KlaiTralh
inaian reservation, ana aaugnter
of Miss Klamath, the horse that
neier ridden
Shows are Kheduled each day
ill pin with the Westward Ho
parade downtown on Saturday
morning July V. at I0.a m
Grand Marshal of the parade
will be Wes Williams o Sealtlr
Kquipment on hu parade horse is
valued al US 000
J - A I , , !
SCatsC AlUmni
Picnic Sunday
SUteaaaaa News Seevtr
Al MSVILLE. July 11 stride
U'on Hil t" 'um"i Picnic
at Bush Park
.ir, .,, a no-nost picnic al
I M. and a short busiwts meet
m. I
Phillip Bates is pr,,oVnl of the
Alumn, roup Mrs Glenn Lin, '
"LD l''0N
HI 8BARD July 11-Out of atale
,ut", ' " t".
recently iik ludfd Mr and Mrs
Rav Driver of Pomona Kansas
Mr snd Mrs Clarence Driver n(
Penru lUinoii Mr and Mn Kd
m S hwatrtruber of Mason City.
(,, Mr tni Mr, Amm p,lnvT
of Jerome Idaho Mrs Mry Ra
ber of Goshen. Indiana All were
Television Highlights
KGW-TV (Channel 8):
I SS 9 at Daae Tesecewrae
Oaacee nf Grewr aad Rome
witfi anes dartre Tsnagrs
t M a at - "Blawaitiai " -Marring
Edward (, Rnbinaon
ami Owe Lctrkhart A ship
mate awes krs IneeWfi ta r
veeif KimaaM an the ma aha
framed htm
4 SS p aa Neva ( aatfrriaii
I taliHe ta Rest lie Hat The
Vetera amrutttacW n guesl
SB) R an. - 'Oar I baa s
llaawyaaeaaa." - With I an
'.nut and Ginger Rogert An
AmerirfeR (arreawaiadatfst covert
an tTTVfaacaeal aWtHTtataonal mar
9 SS a aa - Mas WaAW later
vteww Peaaa tan fan an. wkakse
rrR4ry sahlrabjatd asatohietgTa
peiy ' Tna MoT Teas Sona u
a heat atlr
t as ea - "Watt f Bffi af
hover I Bats Irerte Osmrtr
Alaa MarihaJ. Peter I j. lord
An Amerwaa woman reviews
her yean as Fag la net
KPTV (Channel 12)
, sa . Tatar A
Taaadrt "fsi is af lb
Gun Point
Phantom Fireman
Finally Found to
Be Tiny Toddler
Htlini News Serrire
V ALSETZ, July 12-Five timej
t h is week volunteer firemea
were called to noa existent
fires. Each time the siren was
sounded from an alarm box a
quarter mile from the station.
The first day it sounded once.
The next day four times.
The phantom caller was found.
A small lad. too young to eveq
read. After pushing the fasci
nating red buttoo, he would
scamper away.
Old enough to talk, be had
earlier asked a neighbor what
the button was for, and had been
told to "leave U alone." Curtoo
ity became a factor.
The tot was turned over U
his parents.
Violet Main
Club Topic
SLa La tiwA a News Service
MT. ANGEL. July 11 - High
light of Mt. Angel Garden club
meeting Wednesday night were
talks on the African violet by Mrs.
Mary Chapman and Mrs. Edna
Willig. club mernbers. Both women
told of tneir experiences in grow-
i the violet.
Mrs. Paul Sliffe will move to
San Diego, within a short time.
This will necessitate appointment
ot a new chairman of the State
Fair exhibit for the club. Appoint
ment was tabled until the return
of President Mrs. 0. Williams.
It was voted to buy three dozen
coffe mugs for the use of the
club to eliminate having the
hostesses bring their own cups for
the lunch that follows business
Starts of Africsn violrts were
distributed to the members by
Mr Chapman and Mrs Willig
Mrs Frsnk Pranger sent division
of primroses to be given members
DALLAS, July 11 Agnes Kornel
aam Easau. 74. died yesterday at a
Dallas nursing home. Funeral serv
ices will be held from Dallas Men
nonite Brethren Church at 10 JO
Monday, with inlerment in Salt
Creek cemetery. BoQman Funeral
Chapel will be in charge of ar
mrs um was Dorn in ntissia i
on May 23. 1171. and was married I
lo Abraham Easau on Feb 13. i
193. si Inman. Kans He died in Washington before coming to Sil
1933 I vertoa
She came lo trw l'nited States In Survivors are. In addition to her
irs. living at Inmaa in Ok laho-,
ma and in Oregon since 1919. a
resident of the Dallas community
Mrs Easau was a member of
ihe king-wood Bible church at Sa
lem Survivors include two daughters.
Agnes Bufiler of Salem and Suz
anne Hale of Sheltnn. Wash . two
sons. George of Dallas and Henry
of Salem There is one inter, eight
grandchildren and su great grand
,. .
J " ,
DALLAS. July 12-Funeral erv-
lor Tf" lv,n ""'
ideal I
in Southern California, will be held
et 10 30 Saturday morning at Boll
man Funeral Oapel in Dallas Bu
rial will be in Dallas cemetery
Oudreu is a frsrrner resident of
Falls City. no. in the navy
MT ANGEL. July 12 - Miss
Marlenr Surface. Salem, and Miss
pilncM Fessler. Milwaukie. were
eah awarded a week
to Camp Howard, the Catholic
Jwasle." .tarring Ree-d Howe.-
and Mary Krarnrnan The esrit
ing story of a white girl ruler
af tribe of savage.
Also Brag of Hartley" star ,
rwig rrVrk Pwrefl Aim Nagel.
and Wayne Moreis A hockey
player is acraaed of throwmg i
I as a sa Mewsl Tke Praaa
Win mternew Raipa J (ard-
liter presvdefH ftf Gt-mil Elec
7 SS p in He, ABeej - With
ltora Paget Corbel ia Otis
Sttnetcr rrank Lam. Buddy.
Raeh and Roger Pne,
I St , m - 04rrmr Paarh,
Backwweia. CsbdarelU." star -
ring Martha aeott Drama of I
the bavkwwodk (trig rruest
wtwra art TJTttea Is a Ittagazaae
r' p - r""-
9 99 a aa Maa Bstad Tbe
"lf mi 'aaBBJ- "twJWPI VIMsl
N Jftnr hsmtmg only
t find thai I tb, huswar ran he
rnm '
' 11 m ' aaiswf Treatri
Navv Blues Memtag Martha
Rave Jack Oakie Ana Snwr-
ktaa 1Mb. Jack lUapy T a s
.larKtvpery Hilars aa tSor-
Wave "rinsgV wwk rOaWJMV1? swtM
easy sTMtsey. ,
Grid' UgKis Installed at
r-4 t iMinl will
M'k .7; 1
r; L" - Va- - t -v. 1 1 1-j.j lar mi
u J - '.-a. .'. ! r,.;i- . -
AMITY, July 12 A aewrandsUBd It belnj roastraetetl and aew floodllghU have bee a In
stallewnt Aatlty High School athletic fleld Part f the Uf hU are shown beside graadsUnd.
Board men ben accepted installation this week.
Amity Athletic
Field Lighted; -New
SUteaaua News Service
AMITY, July 11 A new grand
stand was Bearing completion here
this week along with installation
of floodlights at the football field.
The program has been dubbed
"Light The Field" project. School
directors inspected the new facili
ties this week and accepted the
installation following approval by
their engineer.
Completion of the project cli
maxes a two-year fund - raising
campaign by local civic groups,
in which over S2S00 was raised.
Additional financing from surplus
funds of the local high school was
approved by Amity citizens at a
January 2t election
In other matters, the board
awarded a contract for cyclone
fencing of the athletic field to
Amity Hardware and Implement
Co., with a low bid of $961. The
fence will border the south side
of the field and will adjoin the
vocational agriculture shop.
The board voiced approval of
PT A sponsored football concession
in the fall.
Board member Carl Wood was
selected as the Board of Educa
tion representative to the voca
tional agriculture committee.
A policy of no more overnight
trips away from school, unless
sponsored from a slate level was
adopted by the board.
Attack Fatal to
Silverton Woman
SUteaaaaa News Service
SILVERTON, July 11 - Ethel
West Parrlsh, 87, died early Fri
day morning at the Silverton Hos
pital following a heart attack. Fun
eral services will be st Paulsbo.
Wash . where she lived prior to
coming to SUvertoo two years ago.
Mrs. Parrish was born in Perry,
lows April 1. 1890. and in 1901
married Harry Parrish in Fulton,
S D The family bed II years in
widow tr at Silverton. two eons.
E. E Parrish, Paulsbo D F.
Parrish. Bremerton: one daughter,
Mrs. Blanch Sweger. Silverton.
seven grsndchildren snd one great
grandchild: two brothers. W F
West. Missoula. Mont; and Earl JOINT PICNIC SINDAY
West. Waukegan. Ill GERVA1S. July 11 - Gervais
Farmers I'nion members and fam
M HOOL IS CLOSED dm will hold a joint picnic with
PEDEE. July 11 Pedee school ! Woodburn members and families will be closed to all meet-, at Settlemier Park. Woodburn.
ings rom July IS to the opening Sunday D L. St John, president,
of school. Sept 9 The board of and Mrs F, C Johnson, aecre
direciofs, took this action in order tary, have made arrangements for
to clean and repair the building the 1 p m dinner
Woodburn Clubs Plan
Picnic, Sale Series
bis Ntwt Servtre
WOODBl R.N. July 12 - Picnics,
food sales rummage sales are
the general summer activities of
..'! organizations and clubs of Wood-j
r iu!!1"" as most regular meetings
have been suaoended until I a I L
Members of Home Rehekah have
accepted invitations to attend two
rax-arptioris one ta Molalla July 17
for Fdna Oster, vice presuderst of
the Rebekah aaaernbly. and Merle
I. Wright, airuor warden of the
grand encampment and the other
on July 7 an froea rtrare at the
home of Mr and Mrs Gordon
Luffmaa on the event ol their ail-
ver amtiver.ary Plans have been
completed for a rummage sale aw
July 1 and July T Next regular
meetmg -ill he Ttwday July If
Woodbgra nalionsl guard aus
iliary held e tart teas of aaffKwrs at
a rneeting July If
Evergreen Aftftembly Rainbow
girls will have their summer ptc-1
sec Aag II but regular mewtinp
" resume until September
wk tfficeYS will be elected
Aa aU-stase atcaic Inr Rainbow
,rhl brheduled July 21 IR Mc
koal rummage sal. by
J P Sum w4U
' "T" 'orwr.
. . . T
ZZTl 'T.'..:. ' I
this sale makes ap the tie srfest
arshia givea aaiaJly U a Wa-
bsara nigh wbawi girt ta a eaJVssye
of her rttotr Mernbers aril) aotd
a surfw'eapr aacrftse aa Jvly 23 at
Bal . .... 1 . , Sv
Knm rrtllwm w th rwwjrmr
klfh p,,,,
13) chadulH Aug II at sXtar
m(fT far wak rag art ratio he-gia
. m II am and a f-east
haatrbeoa at ansya ItrntaUeats are
ra the mail t ail rlaaa riteetcaars
far wrork the eatierititzae ksbS
Tad HarfaaJCaMgaa awwavs
aarU i
m i.wajmM u a a1 em pi i iipimt eai a yamafswaneaaweaawsaaaasMaasei
' J.,- A I '-.' "1 1
. t- J. v t . V -t- 4 v- .-' .. . ..
Better Farming Award Won
By Bill Case of Jefferson
SUteaaaaa Newt Service
JEFFERSON. July 11 --Martin
Walker. Jefferson High School
agriculture teacher, Thursday an
nounced Bill Case had been named
recipient of the Capitol District
Better Farming award. The dis-
Driver Gets
Hand Crushed
SUteaaua News Service
SHERIDAN, July 11-A cater
pillar tractor being loaded on a
truck tumbled sideways almost
pinning the truck driver here
Tueoday night.
Walt Donicht was loading the
machine at his home when it
tipped. He jumped from beneath
it, but his arm was pinned, crush
ing the band.
He Is expected home from Mc
Minnville hospital this weekend.
Girl Showing
Staleaaaaa Newt Service
SHERIDAN. July 12-Coodilion
of 2 year -old Vickie Jo Wood of
Sheridan is improving, reported at
tendants at McMinnvillt iMopital
this week
The child, daughter of Mrs
Mairan Wood of Sheridan, received
serious head injuries last Sunday
when she fell from a parked car,
striking her bead upon a rock.
0CE Offering
Swimming Class
SUseeeaaa News Service
week coarse in beginning swim
ming will be offered by Oregon
College of Educatioo starting Mon
day The class will meet si 11 30
s m Monday through Kridav
Anyone over the age ol seven
may enroll in the program
Tuition for the courw is U Dr
William D McArthur Assistant
Prof feasor of Physical Educstion at
OCE. will be the class instructor.
of WoodeHirn was scene for the
annual picnic of the Woodburn Gar-
den club, July 9 Mrs. Benton
Dailey is president of the club for
the coming year
.Settlemier park will be the scene
for the Woodburn Rural woman s
Club rover dish piciuc for rnro
bert and fmi!it SumUj, M 11 M
Tw bakfd food taUi Urt toa
rranfd by PTbytsriM Wom
fti i tmocttfim. rtnt Pfrtytht
nrcU will b Ib rhrf m food
n ai Scarhorougb's hardware ea
jy jo Maria Sandilands circle
will hold another sale on Aug 17.
A rape. U the
p,,!,) w, , ,,. mrrtmg of
uyaodburn Grange Thursday at the '
CrB, , M,mn,r,
h,,,,,.. , Jul, , ,Maria t
w),n t plrthdgy cake st the laet !
nveeting an juT j
tsWrtl asTjauliTmS
a Now at Bsweasl Law lata
Terwas leefM Tassr lad get
Free f attaaadei aad laeesrts
a Gaarawteee) Qwalrty aad
re. FBI M7M or Fat 4 fUl
skim kuting
Amity Field
trict includes 10 schools in Marion
county and Scio and Albany in
Linn county.
Second place went to North
Marion, third to St. Paul and
fourth to Cascade
Case, who graduated from Jef
ferson high school in June, has
five acres of peppermint, an Angus
beef program which includes 30
head, sweet cars, rye grass and
oats, at the home (arm in the
Dever-Conner district.
Pictures will be taken of his
farming program to be shown at
the FFA State fair booth in Salem
in September.
Bill is the only son of Mr. and
Mrs. Mervia Case of Denver-Conner.
Parking Lot
Near Finish
SUteaaaaa Newa Service
DALLAS, July 12-Work on the
new parking lot north of the Polk
county courthouse is nearly fin-
ishaut Biuf it ia reacfv fnr ntvina
as soon at a contractor is avail
able, County Judge Cal Bamhart
out iki. ...i,
Rock base hat been added and
rolled snd the sidewalks and curb-, Clarence Hawley-. 4th.
ing is in. The driveways into the F"ncr brttl M" Uoyi Good
lot have been finished, be con- rlrn. '; Mr Soren Sorensen,
Work on 'the project was done
by county road crews when they
were not needed elsewhere
Judge Barnhart said he thought
the lot could be completed in two
weeks if a contractor to do tht
paving was available.
Other work has been done in
the courthouse on the women 1
restroom. making it completely
modern, a fire door has been add
ed 00 the stairway from the base
ment to the lobby, and a fire es
cape is being added to the circuit
courtroom on the itecond floor.
University Student
Working on Freighter
SUteaaaaa Newa Service
LEBANON, July 12 - Dick Brit
ton. Iniversity of Oregon sopho-
iiimr aim aaaii VI Ml I mm
George Brit too. is spending his
summer vacation working on a
freighter carrying barley toKorra
The student quslified as a quar
termaster on the Willamette Trad
er, operated by the Korean-American
'Shipping Company Ud Brit-
ton left Portland with the crew
several weeks ago. the trip lo take
22 days En route home, the
freighter may stop in Japan
Gibson 7 Cu. Ft
Frigidaire 7 Cu.
Gen. Elec 7 Cu.
Philco 7 Cu. Ft.
Maytag Auto, llf t$. Sale
Frigidaire Auto. 'ZZTL
Kenmore Auto. 74SO, tale . .
Westingliouse Auto. .189
(On aVfreveal Creajrr,
SeO Seetw ft.
filJJLtsTJTl fliAj
j una - rc:i cm I
Low Bidder
On Paving
SuUssaaa News Service
JEFFERSON. July 11 - Salem
Blacktop Paving company was low
bidder this week to hard surface
two Jefferson streets. Four firms
supplied bids to blacktop Third
street from Hazel lo Church, and
Hazel street from Third east across
the railroad tracks.
The Salem bid was 17.20 per toil.
Other bids were Western Paving
and Construction, I7- Warrea
Northwest. $7 7$. and Valley Oil,
$11. The job calls for UO to 400
tons of asphalt material.
Councilmen have taken bids un
der study and planoto award the
contract within a few days.
In other council business. Bin
Barna Shell Service station re
ceived the city's business for
Ethyl gasoline, grease and oil.
He was low bidder among four sta
tions, asking 301 cents for pre
mium 8 as snd It I cents for reg
ular brand. Santiam Oil asked
31 5 and M 5; Texaco Service 33 4
and 30 2. and Gleason 31 4 and at. 4.
To provide drainage to a block
area on Hazel street, councilmen
approved ditch draining from Hazel
to Church street. Home owners ia
the affected block were ordered te
halt septic tank drainage inte
storm sewers and drain instead
into private fields
Payment was authorized on 13
accounts against the city totaling
KM 41.
Co-op Shows
Profit for
Past Season
SUteaaua News Serried
AMITY, July U-Net earnings
of $14,313 II were revealed by the
auditor's report of the Tillamook
Amity Co-op, when the associa
tion met here for Its annual meet
ing this week. An increase ia
volume over the past fiscal year
was also shown by the report
Re-elected for a two-year term
on the board of directors were
Walter Russell and George Web
ster. Other directors are Donald
Shields. Clarence Hawley. and Ver
non Stephens.
A bome-baked bread contest was
highlight of the meeting, with
P" ,",rdtd " '""l""
Plain bread Mrs August Niel-
lst. Mrs. Carl Wood, znd:
Mrs Niels Pederson. 3rd, Mrs.
1 2nd.
Receiving honorable mention
were Mrs Walter Russell, Mrs.
Kenneth Babcock. Mrs D e a a I d
Shields. Mrs. Otho Shields. Mrs.
William Russell. Mrs Oliver Kos
ta. Mrs. F L Withee. Mrs Victor
Russell, and Mrs Elizabeth Wood.
Society Schedules
Installation Rite
SUtcisaaa News Service
JEFFERSON, July 12 - New of
ficers of Methodist Woman So
ciety of Christian Service will be
installed during church services
Sunday morning The Rev I. E
Swanson aad Mrs A J Quirin of
Salem will be installing officers
New officers will be Mrs Les
SnwkK pr.slden,
Edith Labby,
vice president Mrs 0 A Hall,
secretary, and Mrs. Francis
Phelps, treasurer
PALMS. July 12 - A motion te
withdraw a divorxe complaint filed
July 2 in Polk County Court was
on file this week Plaintiff in the
. action was Joyce Cox. and William
I Cox the defendant
Ref. rke
I) 50, tale
aa). Price
1W50, tale
let Price
e st), late
FRIDAY 'Til 9 P.M.
reb IM MIM