City News Briefs INVESTMENT TALK SET ' How Invtstort Caa Participate In Anxrict'i Ecoaoraic Growth" .ill bt Hie topic af talk by My ron Kati. research analyit for J. Henry Helser a Son. at a oooe luncheon meetinf oi the Salem Pttwolow Liens Club oa Thursday in the Mario Hotel. Visitor art invited ta the talk. Dental alatet repaired while Tou ait at Psuileat Parker Dentist, lis S Liberty. Salem. lady ) Resident of Coast Town Dies in Salem ytn. Maudt McKitrick, 7. of Nel&cott, died Thursday In a Salem hospital. She became ill Wednes day lujcht at home and was takea to the hospital ia aa ambulance. She lived lor a bnei time ia Mill fny. where her husband, the late Henry L McKitrick, operated the newspaper. For the last (our year she owned cottages on the coast. SurovHnf art her father. John K,. Harper of Parkdale, Ore.. tw sons. John T. McKitrick of Portland and William E. McKitrick of hot An geles, four brothers and three sis ters. Services wiO be held in Salem, where Mrs. McKitrick had many (nends. according te a son The irgil T. Golden Funeral Home will makt the arranfements. . Salem Woman Named to Phone Workers' Council Mr Alice Squirt. 11. Chemek eta St., is a aewly-elected member ai the eiecutivt committee of the Orefoa Chapter. Telephone Pio neers oi America, it was reported Friday Mrs. Squire, a traffic assistant for Pacific Telephone here, will represent the Willamette Council. The Telephone Pioneers of Ameri ca is aa organization of telephone employes who have mors than II years of service. Hatfield Honored By Office Staff On 35th Birthday Secretary of State Mark Hatiield eheerved a quiet 15th birthday here Friday and division head of his department snd Immediate of fice staff members held s lunch eon ia his office in his honor. Journal Revised Revision of the IK7 Lrfinlatur Journal completed here Frtdey hv chief clerks of the Senate and House Secretary of Stale Mark Hatfield said the work of printing the jour nal would get under wsy within a few days City Obituaries lima ) Bwm Ai lnrl rxMBlUl JulT II l-i l riidnl IX mf Av Sl-n Rorvlve by wft flvi Harntt S-I- ti kiu i ph tarnt Salfm. Ijrnri Slami, Timpi fl Hal Starr Si Lmli ftrottiar Jnhn Ka n of Si lxuia Mo m franS .M!d Announrfirant of aarvlrw will K la tar by Uia Vlrfil T CIOao lanlra rartatlMa Orawa At Santa Cmi Tahf Survtvaa) h Pr.t Mr an Mri CMra W hrrtwn Santa Ctvt nrothar tit hard w Bra Santa Crui ran1paru Mr an Mri W BmII. Swaat Noma Ora Mri Rahari Waat San- '1 Crut Mr anit Mr A J raar . Vtitrauvar Waad ; jraal-ra4- I iraitu Mr ana) Mra C W Tarrv I Vurtur Ota GravaatOa tarviraa will a Kale Salurtar. Julv UUi at I tt a M at Blm Mamarlsl fark Sarviraa arlll ba trwtar tha Slr-tl iha Vlrrl T CotOan Ca t Paul Nrwtaaa MMI arlll atftaUW W Alaaa TaaialBf a l.i. oi llts A Idar ' rutana Ora . July II. IS1 Horn u II istt al Traantlalaau Wta ' ajlial tat marrtata W Garirurla ( Ka rli at ta Ort Jura l lanS HurhanO of f.artnia Cufn - .infa Rueana fathar of I valval Maaarrtn l.aat Haana Oa 1T I jir,minaf tugana nrnlnaf af Ar 'tur Cununuiaa Salarn lurl .-ttt.rtKan. Vaaituta Calif uala f I aura Nnra alam. t traeaaichil-a-ai ant fana rat-trae-Xlt laa a irviva Mam bar of tufana Loot' v, tl Art AM trawttan a atJ H.Uah Taaatla Iua taurj Clut aat (uoa Chamnaf f Caannaarna na) r alio and nafcakah Laadfa fa.. l yan Marokar and Mai "aai of wiilamatta Cawrt No 1 of Amaranth raat eatraw f frand rourt af Aoaaraoth f.rat M.thliit rhurrh of luiana arvtraa arlll Ha haid aturrta. Ml I' at ! " " tsa ,o,- 1 a.jnaulf Mor-HiarY lu ,.aa .no Maaaaaat iravaaada aarr IkrrtaT Saa , j; oaatdanl 1 ".a II at a MrM'nnatlla n tal a.urvtvaj Ha o i.hao Hft Kau na-'r an. f ' ' -ornd- armal 1 Ul' larnt oa o a f -ha'ar m al ,,.,i.a. will Ka -a-a tatar Ua ta-fj-.! T Gntdaa " " Ma.aa nVBttrVI A a toral hoanit.' 1" J1 ' ..,.O.n. of Nakxoll Or MT-r t-r fa' ha- Jono H Harpar Partdala '.-a arm, Joh T Ma-KM'tcS P" anal Wllltpm t MrKl".rk Im n (.kat la f hrahrt " J'f" a- f.-ada r,ra Na-rar Park -a Vino. Harpor Parkoaia Ian tons Wh. C ' an Ri Ir. r-oaata Calll. "'"trae Saao- P.rkd-H fw WaaaSay Moot A-w vant af aarvtaat wit sa maala Uar kr rha Vlrtii T G ao Ca ItrWrt 1 Wtiaaa Uta raaidaav ptt r.raat It aaarn Julr lit trvtad y naa Mtavaaa Saaam aaup Ulkaa Baoara Saaan. an la raatu B.. Tratataai a C all' Aa- ii.uoi aiaiaali of aorviaoa ill ka mada a -or k aa Ckaaae Bafrt Ptaweral Hoaoa taavaoajd ajaaikaoe Lata raateapl ml Howard I1 aba, a' a lorol taoaookj. inly ttlh a' tha ata X U roara a.irvtod ha . Waoati M ii raal tatao. kjrotn-- r-aoa Mair iaa Iprtnafwkl rra o-atraaa r Ttwd Tark kpaWtgnald (Va awa ta'harr Mr To Tlkr tr wtrWd; h-oasa, T Rarhart Tarkw "" aad aWnrtoaa wttl to head lahit-taa J. .a. mt isaa a M aa. tha Ikm a--Lo WrVarr Marwaary at Jaw. taafrasea. a-aas Um ar lull 'ia PEaUOTt B8CEB Tot city eafiaeer'i tffica Friday isaued butldiai permits to If. W. i n rar anerauoaa ia a aweu- UH at 2SM Artarad Tr.. 8.. et mated cost 11.500; H. G. JUum baufh. reroofing of home, UU Franklia St NW. MOO; and Howard J. Grimm, reroofing of heme, m Church St SC. m. Be in the money by aatng Classi fied Ads to. get buyers far things you'd like to sell. EM 4-ll. (adv.) WHEEL aTOLZN Hare H. Bolmeier, 86 Canda laria Blvd.. reported to city police Friday that a apart lira and wheel were stales from the Blocked trunk of his car while the vehicle was parked hi hit driveway the night before. He valued the lots at $71 Tomorrow' i smart styling to-day; Colorbestos tidt wall shingles, fire proof, pastel coiort never need painting. Provides iotula txm. Mathu Bros. EM 4-M3I adv.) FILM TO BE SHOWN A film, "The Senator's Daugh ter." will be shown Tuesday noon at The Chalet N. Capitol St, sponsored by the East Salem Lkids Club. The half-hour movie deals with taxation of small businesses. The public is welcome. Reg. now at South Side Kinder garten, for (ill Separate classes for 4 i 4 S's. AUrac, spacious, well equipt. Qualified personel. EM 4-MM P M ladv.) Dr. Robert E Lindsey Announces that he it opening an office for the general practice of Dentistry, at SO South Liberty St. EM 4-tll. iadv.) CWCT1T CtKtT Cleda M Turner vs Raymond J Turner Suit for divorce alleges cruel snd inhuman treatment, asks for custody of two minors plus property rights ' -tent. Mar ried June I. IM" 1 David M and Reid vt H C Warren T Hoy Complaint dismissed an to defend ant Hoy. Judgments in (star of de fendants. Joe F Hunrger vi Marlvs Hune ger: Trial date continued to Aug 7. PROBATE COl'BT Alice Hi Mi Thorns estste Order released administratni ' David B Kirkpatrick estate Barney height y appointed as exe cutor Thorns i W SeRin estate. Tinal a rcount hesnng tot for Aug. II. MARRIAGE LICENSE Gary E Mahnkey. a. barber. JIM Lynn Ave . and Barbara Ana Dodson. . office worker, M40 Ckerry Ave . both of Salem. tart. Sarvaraa wtll Ka unoar tha di rartMar f tha Noaaall-IdwarOa run aral Chapal. 1 laaaaa Tavkar Naak At tha raatdanra of OS Thnm 0aon l Kalaoi July llth al tha aca of ft' raara turvtvad by artfa. Marv Naah I Sakvtv daufhtaf. Mr Luttlla Nal- . arm porllantf. atatari Mr. Jriaa I Tann. Buana Vlfta. Ora Mra lath Oavina Portland. traadilauffhtar. I Mra Janat Laa Nalaran Portland Maanbar of Iha talam lOOf Chamak ata lyxlta No I Sarviraa will ka I hatd Saturdar iuly lltk al I S P M , in tha C'hapal of tha Howall-rd-avarda Punaral Homa Intarmant fta- I lam Htonaar Camatarr Rituahattr ; arvlraa will ha rontu(-1d ka Uta ta- lam Chamakata lOOr Lad. Ma I fkarlai tall PkllMaa A ' local hoapital July II I -ata randant of llt nr. M. talam Bur viva kr arlfa Ruth L Phi 111 pa. ta lam atha Rolland Phllltaa Rar Phi I Ufa. Wltoon Prtillipa. John Ptul I (K rhatiaa Prttlliaa Ir Barv PV41 1 rip all of Salam daufhtara Ina Gooa-h A.idray Oppak Dtrta Kanann ll o Salam hrothara. Harrr Pn.l Una. Ol ar PtlUipa Mark phillipa al) M Salam and Homr Phllhria of Waanlnf.on alatari Nallla Jark.n 1 STo Mahlr Riaann Salam Marota DtrfcaaaO Salon- .Nairn Ithron Caltf Piftaao tt-andrhiadnao alaa aur- ana arvwo artll ha held Moaada Jul IS al I M fi m In ISa rhapal of tha Virgil T f.oloan Ca Intarmant Balrraat Mamorial Park I 1 1 -J Public Records I aiBaiMaMHmaiajinHBMa 1 ii ; mi. j ID Road Deaths Involving One Vehicle Climb Oat-car accidents continue to tail many lives aa Oregon high ways, the Department of Motor Vehicles Traffic Safety Division reported Friday. The department said that It of the a fatal aeddenta ia the state ia May, wert of the type ia which a car went out of central and left the roadway. From IHt to UM there was a St per ceat increase la traffic to talities due to one-car crashes. James R. Banks, manager of the safety divisioa said " while It is many times difficult ta analyse the fuD cause of such aa accident, too great a speed for driving con ditions t a v 1 1 1 1 1 y is a major cause. " Long Illness Claims Life Of Mrs. Kau Mrs. Shirley M Kau of Rt 1. Dayton, a one-time Salem resident, died friday in a Salem hospital She bad been ia ifl health for the last seven years. Mrs Kau worked for the V S Indian Service ia various parts of trie country. She was born m South Dakota aa April I. int. daughter af Mr. and Mrs. James Ctispel. She came to McMinnville as a girl and from there to Salem She was married in IM1 to Hugh I Kau. who survives. Mrs. Kau be longed to the Cnristiaa Church at McMinnville She is survived also by a too, E. J Thorndyke of Carmel. Calif. The Virgil T. Goldea Funeral Home is making arrangements. Rites Today For Infant Graveside services for Janice Christine Brown. II month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W Brown former Salem residents aow living ia Santa Crux. Calif . will be I p m today at Bel crest Memorial Park, Salem. Bora March I. IftM at Salem she died at her parent home Wednesday Great grandparent Mr and Mrs. G. W Terry, live at Turner Other survivors include a broth er Richard W Brown. Santa Cnii. Dr Paul N Poling pastor of First Presbyterian Church will of ficiste st the service Virgil T Golden Funeral Home is ia charge of arrangements. Portland Doctor Named to Board Gov Robert D Holmes Friday named Dr. Gordon V. Pefley. Port land chiropractor, to the State Board af Naturopathic Examiners He succeed! Dr W Mtrtie Bley thing. Portlsnd, on the three-man board CORTMAKCR-Tt Mr snd Mrs. Gary D Gort maker. tU Court St . a ton Friday July 12. at Salem Gewral Hospital D f T S. N - To Mr snd Mm Jsme N IHjatin. Indapendence s daugttler. Friday. July 11. at Sa lem General Hnspifsl MltltWOOD - Ts Mr and Mrs Charles H. Sherwood 1M Adams St . s son. Frtdsy. July It at Sa lem General Hnnpttal HOI. DEN Tn Mr snd Mrs lar ry Holdcn. 1906 l-ee Si . a daugh ter. Friday. July 11. at Salem Me morial Hospital 1 1. A L E T - T Mr and Mrs Charles Sealey. Itna l.aolrs Ava . S inn Fnrl July 12 si Saletn aSlrmorial Hospital TtTI.O.-T Mr snd Mr loav si F Tsvlnr. J4l Farndeil St s oe. Ttiuradsv Jury II. at Salem Memorial Hoapital I 1 Births ISHOPS JIDOrJANZA Doll Day Brings Out Over 400 Varieties ' tPtrtara an page eat.) Dolls af every site, shape, color and country vert exhibited Frday at city playgrounds by hundreds of youngster during the annual Sa lem Doll Day. A part af the city's summer ree reatioa schedule. Doll Day was the second of arvea "special days." A doll 15 yean old was shows at McXinley play pound by Cam ille Carta, JUS S. High St. Many dolls had passed the St year mark aad there were eeveral over Ml and two others aver 14. The atoatt is thought ta ht from China. Tbe day ala produced a 4-foot doO. a mlnch doO. two-beaded doll and a doO wHa U dolls inside k. Prise for the largest collection af dolls went ta Sheme StovaJL SU Croat St.. who displayed a at Bush playground. Ia the collection wert dons from Holland, b t r m a a y. Fraactv Spaia. Meiico and many other countries Several father e lectioat at over otilt were slot eihibted. Over 400, many with aa exotic history, were shows Some wert made of satin, ethers of wood, glass, plastic ar plaster. There were puppets, clowns, kangaroo, bears, ducks aad the famous rag gedy Ann dolls. They were dressed ia bride gowns, formal dresses, mink stole and tome were en cased in glass. Every color of the Salem Man Freed From Polk Charge HiImbu Mtwf aeratre DAI1AS. July U-Jack Lee Ot ter, B, of Salem, arrested May M by Independence police on a charge of receiving and concealing ! stolen property, was released from I the charge today by order of Polk ' Circuit Judge Arlie Walker. 1 Oiler faced two counts, one la1 Dallu and one in lndeoendenct. I Judge Walker issued a directed verdict of innocent aa one count and dismissed the second on mo tion of District Attorney Walter W. roster. Injured Dallas Youth, 10, Taken To Portland IUUMUI Ntwt Mrvtrt DALI-AS. July 11 -Rons Id Lich ly. ton of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lirhty of Silverton Route 2. token to Doernhecher Hospital ia Portland this week following aa in jury aear Black Rock. The hoy received t severe head wound when struck by a pitched horseshoe Wednesday at the Tape Wingo Baptist Youth Camp, used this week by Mennonite churches m the srea. Bonesteele To Sell Nash American Motors hat awarded the Salem Nah Auto Agency dealership to Russell Bonesteele. Salem StudVbaker dealer, rt was snnounced Friday. The agency wan scaled last .month by F V. Surrot and was formerly known an Surroi Mo tors Bonesteele Mid he will open ,lhe acenry st rt N. Church St next taeek Escape-Aiding Count Dropped A charge af aiding a nSerif i prisoner in enraping lodged against Hsrold Orvsl Wilson. Wondburn. aj diamtssaxl Friday by Marian County grand Jury action The jury refused In Indict Wilson en the rharge following hit arrant June U Th Incident allegedly nr nirrad whan thrifU deputy mo an srreal Tha grand jury alio brought nut three Marret indictmenu aMer de liberating for two dara IH Sorry, Folks CROWDS at BISHOP'S Ust Night were so great, maybe we were unoble to serve YOU the way we'd like . . ." SO COME ON IN TODAY AND SATURDAY, THERE ARE GOLD NUGGET VALUES A-PLENTY TO HELP YOU 'STRIKE IT RICH!' rainbow, and thea some, tu rep resented. Ribbon were eivee at naen. playground for the best in each of eight categories Judged. The ay was staged at 11 city play ground ith prise given at each. The nest special day it Dress Vf Day. Friday, Jury a. Death Takes C. E. Phillips At 65 Years Charles EmO Phillips, tt, i re tired hoisting and portable ongi aeer. of 114 7th St.. died Friday morning at a Salem hospital. He was bora May a. IMS. at Worth. Me , aad came to Salem from Missouri 41 years ago. He worked for the Salem Sand and Gravel Co , retiring tu years ago. Phillips wsi s member of Went Salem Methodist Church. He leave hit widow, Ruth; six sons. Roland, Ray. Wilson. Joaa, Charles Jr.. aad Roy. all af Sa lem; three; daughters. Mrs. Ina Gooch. Mrs. Audrey Oppek aad Mrs. Doris Benson, all of Salem; (our brothers. Harry, Oscar and Mrrie. all of Salem, and Homer Phillips in Washington stale; lour isters. Mrs Mamie Dicksoa and Mrs. Mabel Rieson. both of Salem, Mrs Helen Lathrop In California, and Mrs Nelut Jacfcmat la Mis souri; and 11 granchildrea. Funeral services will be held at the Virgil T. Goldea Chapel Mon day at 1 3 p.m., and interment will be ia Beteraat Memorial Park. H. J. Mission Succumbs to Heart Attack Herbert Joseph Misaon. M. oi 17S0 Grant St., died unexpectedly of a heart attack Friday white at work at 1M Edgewatar St. Tea days earlier Mlsao had purchased a lire-servicing bust ness that he called Herb'l Tire Service For J4 years he worked lor the Valley Motor Co., first si mechan ic, and thea as salesman and man ager of the firm's used car de partment He was born in Neche, N D . on Oct n. 1M. and went to school ia Grand Forks. N D. He came from North Dakota to Salem in 111 Oa Jaa 14, 1K. he married Nettie Gentry ia Portland. Misaon wsi a member of the Salem Elki Lodge. He belonged to the Baptist Church. He ia survived by his widow, at home: a ton, Robert DiehaJ aj" San Francisco; a daughter. Mri. LUIiaa Fpping of Salem; and two titters. Mrs Grace Wolf burg of Alxada. Mont , and Mra. Vivian 0 Neitl of Grand Forks. N D. Funeral tmngements trt pend ing at the Oough-Bamrk Funeral Home Trio Arrested On Liquor Count Butiina Nawa Sarrvra WEST STAYTON. July H-Leta Mahle Moore. M. of Sttyton. wat arretted here this evening by De puty Sheriff H Reed on s charge of driving while intoxicated, the heriff'i office reported Her husbsnd. Jsmei C. Moore, and another passenger. Lee A. Psllsrd. at both of Stsyton. were rhsrged with being drunk oa a public highway. Accident Victims Leave Hospital Harry C fwnuh. fca Mateo. Calif . and Mrs Vera M Cenger. Walla Walla. Wash . hoipiUlned lair Thursday evening in a lour rar accident about nine miles south al Salem no Highway It. were re leased Friday, according te Salem General Hoapital attendants Mra Conger ii a former Salem resident ... but the IBuYS Lamb Accepts New Post WOODBUftN, Jaly lt-Jamet Bay twpriBtea)4at far tat past sevea year, has bee aanaiite taaeriateadeBt af Peaasylvsaia Training School it Marxaater. (AP) (Start oa page 1.) Linn County Sheep Sale y UIXIE L. MA MEN Farm Eattler, The Maleaasaa ALBANY. July ls-More than M0 head of registered and guar anteed yearling stud ram and twet will be ottered for salt (t tht annual WUlamettt Valley ram sale. 0. E. MikeeelL Albany, tat retary of the sale, aaid here to day. Ht added that catalogue art now available for tht auctioa ta bt held Aug. I at tht Una County Fairground Breeds to be offered in the talc are Romaey. LiMola, Carridale, Columbia. Cheviot, Shropshire. Hampshire, Southdowa and Suf folk. Quite a demand far rarfnt and the fev registered ewes expected is anticipated by MikeaeO at the sale. While the price of Iambi Hoped to IH St a hundred oa tome of the best lots that came In, t week ago. It climbed again to til and better later this week And with this, teal sheep receipts for State Board Posts Filled Gov Robert Hnlmoa IVidoa in. pointed Robert C. Birkes. Port land, to the State Board of F.ngl neerint F.xamuvn Ha ia on alar. trical engineer with Pacific Power and Light Gov. Holmet tlse reappointed Prof. Glena W Holcomb and Prof Arthur D Hushes hoth ml iha Oregon Stare College Eagiaeering scnooi lacuiry. to the board. Potito Posts Filled Norman W Hyder wat appointed to the Oregon Potato Commission Friday by Gov. Holmes At the same tune the governor reappoint ed John F B root i to the nine man board Both sre from Madras DOG LIONS KENNEL CLUB Salam Fairground SaUm, Ortgon PROGRAM OP JUDGING IUN0AY, JUIT 14, lt57 KING NO I -Judge Mr. lewn H Vt'key 6?0 So Oi. H Ave . Psitdtnt. Cai'to'Tt Ot a M U taaaa. I Cllll 1 BaoaMnaa 'ahora It est St araaa. Baaja Baaa. Baaaaa II taaao.ada II ill. Hand IhaaaJaaa I tl toaajard 1 4J f M t SoaWa Taaaaaaa. II tarraaa. I Cao. tartar I WW aa taaaaaa. tarry BSaa 'arr-r. taoaaajk laaraara I laaMu laaaaaaa. I ftra W I Waaak laaataa I Waal IING NO ?-Juclg f Frank Porto' .llf. 523 West 6th Sroot. Loi Angeles. CtMomia t-O a M 4 Uof aoaaod OSaataa. 1 I laaaaa CkaVaaaWaa t Mafcoaa 4 tof! ramSaaa II Saa, l tmm ' I at I II taf aadal 4 laaa.aarad taahahaooa 1 W-avkaarod aaaood.. I' I ...all .. a, .. I Atmmtm Haood. I I taaaai I .d Iaaafcaaa 1 Wtipajaa 4 tt SM t lia.aH. 11 taaaaa ...ata 4 tr ta.fla. II IHI" "SrG NO 3-Judge Mr Ot'ett G syne, Cerml. CaM ta a M tl loaaaa Tarrtoa. l.tal.a. 1 Chow 0 II Wiai.i.ia Si ina. I trmmtb I O.l.aaaa.a 4 ..aha.da. Id IS It la..da.d Si i din 4 Irhaaaaa. 1-4 m 4 la.ila t t ta -aa ItiarWaalaad Soloaaaa I laoW to a.n,i Iral loalaa. 4 -aaT laaati It M Coaooa U mmmm t ' aaUi Coaara I l-ttiat Caaa I la'tatai Ip a a rata tt Wawaiaraaaal RING NO 4-Judgo Mr C'e-enr J Prater. 3' 14 4. s.tnm Ave. Sat ''erxvo, Ct'O"- It-aa 1 traat tl Oooa Chaa. S I t SSI IT Moa-a Omm A UNG NO 5-Judge Mr J G or'tm, ;s0 S . '-snces St , St 2 oetvorton, Oregon tt A IS. Cidai.ii laao) tt I S 1 Oaoo Claa. t IS SSI I Wa.t Claoa I Conataaet imu vsetr" eacruat t M M laraaat loaf aood 0ooa Woakoaa B. a laaaw .ap oa i Admietaan: tpemoi liftoat t ; a.. u I - , -. , ?r Umb, MKLarca Sckaai far Registered Due Aug. 3 the four -day trading period ending Thursday were estimated at Tito, tht highest since 1U. teaaanal Drop Cited Price of lamb usually drops In tarty July and does not climb much again during the summer. MikeseU said today that mart thaa i.OOt I coder lambs will bt offered at twt aurtata tale sche duled for late July. These salt, he said, would aot interiert at all with tht one tt be held here, aa the Albany salt fa) made up aatirely af registered animals. The first af tht two July tale will be the one sponsored by the Coot County Livestock Association scheduled for the Howard Leather maa farm. 10 miles northeast of Coquille. The lime has been set (or Monday, July 22. starting at I J p m. The second sale will be by the Benton County Livestock Associa tion. July , at tha Brans Auctioa Yard at Corvallis, with starting time act for 1 p m. Many Reran Expected A large aumber of Valley buyeri trt expected ta attend both sales. Paaturea have been excellent dur ing early summer, sad are ex pected to continue ta this condition until grains and grass seeds are harvested, giving additional raagaa for feeders. All feeders offered at hoth sales, according to Mikesell. sre sexed, graded and weighed to insure uni form quality of lots. Further information oa the Coot County sale, can be had from Ro ger Welty. county extension agent, Coquile. S A Jackson, county ex tension sgeot. Corvsllu. can aup ply informatioa on the Bentoa County aaie Those who wish catalogues or further information on Ihe big Wil lamette V alley i a I at Albany should write to 0 E. MikeseU. l.ina County Courthouse, Albany. SHOW I- traoa la. ta.or OV taoaa . la Mdaaa tar loraa a0 SOt arainnrtt aaatire faawRy t SUtesman, Sakm, Ore., Mock Attack Expands Civil Defense Activity in Salem tStory ale aa page eoel State Civil Defense headquar tert in Salem wfcich usually em ploys 22, more than quadrupled in site Friday as Operation Alert 1)37 began. More than 100 workers on three shifts worked through the day and will continue into mis weekend. Two H -bom Ds, the first a two megaton weapon the second of one mega too proportion, where hypo- Free Meafa To Mark Polk County Alert kiawa Sarrvra DALLAS, July 12 Several hun dred Polk County area residents will get free meals today as part of the county's participation in state-wide Civil Defense exercises. According to Melvia Gilson. new ly -appointed Polk civil delense di rector, the public is te gslher at Ricrraall park this morning when Uhey hear a t 45 orlock siren. Any one who arrives at the park up ta It 20 a m. will be registered and convoyed to Dallas city park and a free feed. The mass feeding of aa expected 20 will be handled by Ed Hayes and a civil defense class training in mass feeding. The food, all lo cally produced, will include barbe cued beef and, bread made from flour ground at OaAat Co-op ware- bouse aad baked by Dallas Bakery Saturday night, on signal, tht Dallas fir department will move all equipment to pre-arranged dis persal points for inspection by Ci vil Detente effictls Gilson, farmer Dallas school band director, was appointed coun ty CD chief by Cvt county court this morning Forest Land Transferred Tht Stat Land Board hat turned ever lM.tJJ acre oi forest lands to the SLatt Forestry Department to be administered on a sustained yield basis. E. T. Pierce, board trcrttary. announced Friday i The transfer of the land wat I made pursuant to a resolution ap proved by the 1W7 Legislature. 2 State School Meets Combined Two school cooler encee tched uled lor July save been combined. Rex Putnam, tuperintendent at public institution, announced Fri dy Putnam aaid the summer con ference of (he Oregon Asaertariea 1 of School Administrators aad a curricuim study conference lor atiporustondentt would be com-; bined into t meeting from Jury 1 4-It at tht I'mvertity of Oregon ia Eugene. RED TAG AjaJfatTN Wnw f. -'-.i I t to w l)Cnt p i'r. . I ii HI m - i a aa aa HOSTESS (HAIR SO PRACTICAL S smart anel sa praeticaj wlrti aWtant of wset Toa Quality nylwai or mwajarn mwltair rrtote caveat Your ckajaca W faaarics Moaiora), taaaorodl brass tnwfoaj lens. ItsraJwoO1 frame. fwH coal sarinfl canstruction. lenulsr tS4 5 leai Ttf laxsl NO DOWN PAYMENT (On Aarw4i Crwairl) Fr PorVing Fr Dalivary Shop Men. 1 Fri. Nitti 'Til 9 ftuxmri Tiuin mm uruua i m mem 1 mm - on6Q citt J 0 t Sat., July 13, "57 (Sec. I)-3 thetkally exploded over Portland. The first bomb, alighting at ap proximately 10 22 leveled the heart of the city, and the second one. supposedly dropped about noon, dt stroyed the Portland international airport. Immediately Civil Defense opera tions throughout the state went la te action. Some simulated evacuation bad. begun, due to early warning da vices, but more than ll.tot persons were still "clustered" in the cen ter of the target area A bomb, theoretically dropped oa Grand Coulee Dam destroyed tht structure releasing thousands of tons of water which flooded dowa the Columbia River knocking out Bonneville, Mc.N'ary and The DaJ les dams. Thirty-six hours after, water 30 feet deep would hav been standing in the heart of Portland had the tragedy actually occurred. Help From Wind Civil Defense reported wind di rection at the time of the simulated attack was all to Oregon i benefit. A southeast wind carried tha make believe radioactive fallout in to Washington except for a amaD section of Northern Oregon. Had bombs been dropped all traf fic would have led one way out ai Portland, s'ate CD worker Dm Dill reported All trucks and traf fic heading iota Portland would have been slopped and vehicle carrying perishable f t o d s would htve been Interrupted and tht food stored for emergency use. Beat Available A survey conducted by I r w 1 1 Weddle. superinteadant of Salem Memorial Hospital, showed that M beds ia Salem hospitals could hav been made available for aeriotf victimt three hours after the bomb dropped. Theory would have moved all won - critical hospital patient! outside thus making room. Gov. Robert Holmes, speaking over a special CD tbortwavt not work, urged civil defense worker to exert soecial effort becaus "next time it might bt Hi real thine." Tht pioneer statue on top of tht Capitol building and the Capital dom batk interfered with tha itat radio communlcatlo center located at the Capitol. Tht inter ference caused tome delay la lh transfer af newt around tht state and could have caused complica tions during a authentic Bom bardment. City and county workers relied heavily oa telephone communica tions Sheriff! deputies were notified early Friday morning and with slate police art up road block threxighout the county. They halted traffic and passed out CD leaflet explaining Operation A 1 1 r I and what to do in case of t real at tack. CARD OF THANKS Our heartier! thanks to ail who ealendod cwaTWorluuj sympathy and help In our recent sorrow Far the beautiful service, floral offer Ings, and ether kindnesses, w art deeply grateful. The family af Fred Buck Noli SPECIAL ti IM 3414 i Taoieti L 1 " r