Mock 'Raid' Sends' Millions to Shelter; Some Ignore Alert fStdry alas m nag I.) Enemy bomber theoretically truck from the north today to unleash aa imaginary torrent of nuclear death and destruction up on more than 100 American cities. ii Mk. . jw i Hw v uiau aw rwirci ivaau mm, how well Civil Defense and fov-! i j i,K ii real tkln. VM . . The surprise attack ' wi i mairpcu to pom gw groatm prou- lems of any exercise yet for all branches of the CivO Defenti or ganization and federal agencies having essential wartime func tions. President Eisenhower "fled" by helicopter to a secret head quarters. Before he left Washington, the presidrnt had in theory set up a state of national emergency ! "fn ".!, . OU V.1U a.C" UnilB, SUMl VICOICU wm oaW to supervise price, wage, rationing and manpower controls. Yesterday's first phase of the test was to check Civil Defense on the local level and to remind ci vilians of the need to take cover. This exercise will last three days, although public participation was limited to only 15 minutes. Next week, more than 5,004 gov ernment officials and key subordi nates will practice at the re-estab- lishment of normal government i operations from M safe relocation centers in half a dozen states The operation was begun on pa per a month ago. Peses for PhetefTspneri President Eisenhower, hatless and in a brown suit, walked slowly to his blue and white helicopter after it landed about ISO feet from his office. He stopped long enough dropped on Derby. Conn , explod to pose for photographers before ed in the air with such force that it took off from the south grounds "tirs rtion of New Haven of the White House at l ot pm. -U miles sway-was theoretical In his first use of the helicopter, , Iv 'Pd out Some 1.300 were the President was flown to a se- presumed dead at the capital city cret i (location center in a moun tainous area within 100 miles of Washington As the chief executive fled, he bore with him the knowledge that In theory much of his national ready had been ravaged by nu clear bombs. Scarry U Shelter In New York City, sirens began warbling the slrrt at 145 p m. The Rockefeller Center and Times Square areas were almost instant b transformed. Pedestrians scur ried to shelters. Buses, cabs snd1er, presumably would have been curs pulled to the curb. Within moments, streets were deserted end silent excepts for police sod betmeted Civil Defense wajMens. In criminal courtrooms in down town Manhattan berobed Judge made their way t shelters while the defendants they had been try ing wore taken under guard to lockup areas. More than 1.100 prisoners in the city prison re mained in their cells, which were unlocked during the sleTt. High Praise Offered Mayor Robert T Wagner and the city's civil defense director I Robert E. Condon, viewed the ex-' ercine from the Time, Square I ares Said the mayor afterward "It was very good cooperation. 1 have high praise for civil de fense, the police and the public " And Condon declared: "I was very delighted with the public cooperation '' However, all didn't go smoothly In the heart of busy Harlem, the sirens failed even to slow traffic until police snd civil woraeri una sn acuve nana, re-1 wbu inns rnum to is K t cover SS instructed. Busineu in the area went on as usual. Arrests Threatened Pohce had to threaten arrests to get cooperation in the Grand (entral area of Manhattan Even then, some pedestrians merely stood in doorwsyi snd refused to ' i ' . Fifth ivMiu a(rkllr. Ii Ik ' ... aroamg nnrr. In stores offices, hotel lobbies. turmeys sH went oa as usual. or vn nrrv para we eiercine At Ij Guardia field the all clear smindd before all the strsg gleri had taken cover It took eight minutes to clear ldlewild Airport of 11 SO persons Cclrtsls Arrested The 10 persons s treated In down town Manhattan Jn organized de fiance of the command to take shelter were led by Dorothy Day. a Roman Catholic pacifist srrest ed twice previously for similar de fiance A small hand of pacifists also demonstrated n Detroit la Albany. N Y s mock bomb nn in uwmi in I rum m uir V aplUM . . . , , ei I am. but Albany rendenta ... ... ..".. new 17 """" Aihany misinterpreted the first arruni aa being inatrurtinm te lake cover state civil defense heaoouarteri reported The same thing happened at T.V V The first mskebelieve Urtet to feel the lernf)ing strength of nu- clear destrucuoa was Des Motne . UTTU AXNfl lOQNfT W Vtmt at I EtXAU taTthf fXAoTnt PS rexe IU ranBenew. Justs! ntari aswai tapasj atasrsj SM k toy. Ael-TvSt kOOKS kXl It theoretically was blasted off the map at 1:43 p.m. by a hydrogen bomb. Crowded Beach Cleared About the tame time, on the , . . . iomi, new J eric j raracnu. New Yorkers, were taking cover as sirens wailed. Atlantic City, crowded bead, wu dewed in five minutes. v umbrellas. Bathers left towels a ifd blanket behind while seeking shelter. By 1 p.m. hypothetical hydro gen bombs were raining en New England where all six of its states, except Massachusetts, took part in the exeifisc. An imaginary hydrogen bomb 230 times the strength of Work) War II weapons missed Provi- R L uM tlmogt , . mjddt NiT,g,tt ,. Still it wiped out in theory every ting in a three-mile radius includ ing naval installations. Air Creaad Missiles Air Force and naval installa tions were direct targets ia Main and New Hampshire, and the tat ter's short coastline was hypothet ically demolished. Berlin and Ut leton, N.H., were lashed by imag inary air-to-ground missiles. An other simulated attack missed Grenier Air Force Base outside Manchester, N.H. Vermont's domed state house was the mythical target of anoth er bomb that presumably killed K.000 persons in Montpelier. How ever, Gov. Joseph B. Johnson and his staff already had fjed W miles southwest. An imaginary hydrogen bomb of Hartford. Base Htt by Swraiise A surprise simulated raid caught H ill Ah- Force Base near Ogden, Utah, with a tremendous hydrogen buret. The state's civil defense planning had been based on the assumption that H would escape attack and be in a position to nanaie reiugees irom ower r ! Ellsworth Air Force Bsse near Rapid City. SD. was reduced to simulated ruins But its B5J bomb-, already aloft carrying retaliatory nuclear bombs to the enemy. Ut.ttt 'KuW The entire city of Bay City. Mien., with a population of 11.000 wa presumed wiped out in an at tack that also killed a theoretical llt.000 persons in ML Clemens, Mich., and Detroit. Delaware's largest city, Wilm ington, was severely damaged in theory by a hit ia its downtowa ares. However, in theory again, its population had been evacuated ,nd lhw wer " casuslties. T" make-believe bomb that hit Washington, DC. st I B pm. pr"1 . "ruction lor a inrre-mue raaius srouna Union station an arra embracing not only the Capitol, but the White House and part of the Pentagon building across the Potomac $5 Million Suit Started By Sackett NORFOLK Va. Jury 11 ut - lhe Cooi Bly Tjm . ttmptmf to mt ,h. Merchant. irMi f-,rm,rl Blnl , Porumoutti for IS. 010 001) u. m-i . -i. . He filed s dtuen romplsint a citizen complaint i the bank mhired his the local and national stating that standing in community by returning a 15.-1 m cveck he had tendered an p.rt payment for the purchase of rquipment X the defunct Ports- mouth Times I rskAsr.f titerlraaM I.teHnai Wa.Vta.wJ s Hoffmsn ruled thst Sackett s iull vaf , vsrarJ nrooerlv and , Sackett ID days In file an smended romplsint Cameron Doctor to Use Clinic Donations to Aid Gale Victims LAKE CHARLES. La . July II Jv-Dr Cecil Clark said today he i j . l..u nas rrmim uonsueni se inwiw t . .n ha. recetved ttonaueni .to k.. r karf ill !. nvy u help ether hurricane victims instead -p rnoney is needed mare fori mediral aupplies thaa a building 1 new ' ead Dr dark, who Inst threo ctitldrea when Hurricane Audrev stnst Cameron June 17 w i l l : II j .h. so rjerwnna snd left thousands hnmeless The dortor Indicated he would BOOk "OVT w rewww aMpa, I If' r-Wll I 'TKiAJaorCWKnHTf o caoafT I Kf uekf. a-TSAEh w a? M I waAOTAsyfvrAtrr J rJ P-T t Vl I o wry vntmsj iaos o ej i. ?-' 7- T- r H Sn ioum Ei 1,1 a fzrTase3ef tC SAID I JK ii m -."A" ""J- 1 M e-LX I - -tn -at a-e.' a-r 1 They'll Do It Every IOAH BSA VOU BOCPOV ffXM iSSUCrf 4 met pum&wt? TOtKoty euy" EPf?ED OH TV Sr UlwEf WRTNER STONEV NWT SHIFT fcilO P SJSX. pVf &ZXJteEOZHJU 1 ID 6C ABLt TO ffi4L-XOMOC4 7f OVCROUC M KXJRTthV I a-l 60RQ3vV4 UTTLC V 00OJMeeo XX UHrtFiFTEEH I S3 OOU6el FROM VO 1 FrFTY? i MUMOCCO?) ,, , OXKS MTEREST YOtJ -fl HOP MOW sVTtPtfiT J KXI rtiMC 17, W ! IflJ-SHOULO X JL-r IA ooycocUR6t? arrrr f 7J see ycur boss JLL . " " Rocket Burst Signals Start Of National Scout Jamboree By RICHARD CRAVES PHILADELPHIA, July 11 Ii" Tbe white glare of a rocket burst high in the sky over this national shrine today aignaM the opening of the fourth national Boy Scout Jamboree. More than S1.M0 youngsters and their adult leaders snapped to at New Aga Khan Hopes to Finish Harvard Studies ( Story alee ea page 1.) GENEVA, July 11 W-The new Aga Khan said tonight be hopes to finish his senior year at Har vard despite his new responsibili ties as spiritual leader of 10 mil lion Ismaili Moslems. "I don't know whether I'll be able to go back to Harvard." said handsome 0-foot son of Prince Alv Khan in sn interview ' But I certainly hope to. an) hope I can room again with John Fell." John Pell Stevenson is s son of , ex Gov Adlsi Stevenson of lUi- nois. twice the Democratic nomi nee for president. The new Aga Khan, a British sub )ect. te the son of Aly by hii first marriage to Joan Barbara Yardo Buller. ox-wife of a British brew ing heir. Oriental HMery He said he was majoring m Oriental history at Harvard, where he is a member of the Hasty Pudding Club. He said he 'did not take much interest ia col- lege sports The Ags Khan entered Harvard in 1 944. He was considered a good C.f k IJ a , 1 a It. ivmibiai ' rj J .' II TrOflUCllOii UD PORTLAND, July 11 ( - The State Department of Geology and the federal Bureau of Mines re ported tooy the value of Ore gon's mineral production last year wss M million dollars That is s seven per cent in crease over the previous yesr, the sgencies said Major gains were in nickel, chromite and mercury A de crease in sand, gravel and stone production wss offset by greater production ef cement. Slash Fires Near rt L II J KOSeDUrQ Quelled ROSEBL'RG. July 11 - Two ires in logging slash stsrted by .machinery have been brought im- der control esst of here A iii-tvrt ftrt wai started by fraVaV faffl CKivaltt UraH IS milaM .from here The second, caused by power saw backfire, covered two acres on the I'mpqua Ne-. uoaal Forest scree, money te rebuild his runic lk. haw, if ih neod far raed. , VKllmf V , cat r vtlle Tetmeeseea Is RMOUcung a drive for clinic funds. Dr Clark said. "Oh that s wonderful '' The 11-year-old doctor whe be- came the her ef the disaster when he worked ceaselessly with victims despite his awareness that his children had (bed. said the coat of rebuilding his II bed clinic would be about II M He was 2 Time r 8UT THe OOM-cW WHO COMES AOCVHD TO COUBCTTVUrS 4 . SHARK Of 4 OIFFEREKT SCHOOL tention at the signal for the sol emn moment when American flags were hoisted officially for the first time at the encampment. Vice President Richard M. Nix on wu invited from Washington to address later ceremonies. The official opening brought a momentary halt to the fast pace student. He majored in history working toward aa A.B. degree. The new Aga Khan's uncle. Prince Sadruddia, is an leave of absence from bis graduatn school studies at Harvard. The late Aga Khan recently gave Harvard $75, 000 for a chair In Middle East historr. When Ksrim was a senior in Switzerland's Le Roaey School injington's Colonial army in a pa 1)64. one of his teachers said of him: - "l'nle be changes, he'll never make a playboy. He's far too se- nous. His good looks might cause him trouble with the girls. He's far too handsome not to be no ticed by them." Prtoee Aly and Sedrwkhn, sev eral Swiss lawyer and a group of Ismaili dignitaries conferred for nearly four hours on the lawn of the Aga lakeside villa this afternoon. EoaJtable Meed Aly emerged from the garden conference in aa apparently eq uitable mood, but Sadruddia ap peared to be in a rage. Sadruddia forced bis sports car through a crowd of regtorters blowing his horn violently, snd ' the huge Vslley Forge Arena drove off at high speed. I dressed i the costumes native to The new Aga Khan IV traces j their areas and carried state his ancestry back to the prophet flags. Mohammed through his fsther Earlier today, scouts took eov Prince Aly Khan and his grsnd-er in their tents as part of a na- father In 1S3S. when he was 14, Aly was named correspondent in a di vorce suit by Thomas Loel E. B. Guinness, heir to the Irish brew ing fortune. Mrs. Guineas was the former Joaa Barbara Yarde Buller. eldest daughter of the third Baron Churston. of Devon shire, England. The uncontested divorce wss granted early in May ISM and seven days later, on May II. 13. Aly and Mrs. Guinness were mar ried In Pans. Ksrim was born the following year He has s younger brother. Amyon Mohammed. Aly Khsn wss out of the head lines for years The in 1941 he begsa being seen around Europe with Rita Hsyworth. After a divorce from Joan, he married Rita in Cannes, France. May 17. 141. with Mos lem msrriage rites following two days later at Cannes Rita got a Nevada divorce from him in IK) and s second divorce in Switier land ia IftM not sure how much rt would cost equipment, beds snd -" that the nneinal rni of tho mj- metH ana supplies was between sns SOS ane ITa aas Dr Clark said s email amount ef insurance covered the building. the only clinic in Cameron At peek operstion before the hurricane the dime, staffed by Dr Clark and four raarse. csred for 11 hospitalized patients and about M out-patiewts I DAItHl MrOUBI By Jimmy Hitlo of activities at the huge park. But the suspension of youthful energy lasted only so long as the notes of the national anthem echoed across the rolling hills and field of Valley Forge. Caaap Fire Sasehe Immediately, the smoke from camp fires climbed over the tree lined valleys as the scouts turned to their first daily activity eat ing. A snort time later the tramp of thousands of feet sounded on the roadways as the youngster moved out to a host of amuse ment activities. Not the least of these were rifle practice, archery, fishing demon strations and trap shooting. Hundreds of teen-agers braved a hot sua to roll lop, cut timber with cross-cut caws and chopped wood all for fun. But the evening's entertainment topped the day's program for the scouts. More than 1.000 of them volun teered to represent George Wash- geant entitled "The Story of Val-! iey rorxe. ine younfisiers or- picted Washington's relrest from the Battle of Brandywine to Val ley Torge. the grim winter of 1777, and the celebration of the troops when the alliance with Franc was announced. Arthur A. Schuck. chief scout executive, told the youngster gathered for the pageant, "Yon are cititena now." "This is eur lot as scouts, ex plorers and scouters in this wo dare not fall "Sen nek declared ia remarks prepared for delivery at the pageant. In a roll call of regions, repre sentatives of every one of the na tional districts some 1.100 young stersparaded across the stage of tionwide Civil Defense alert Graham Cites Excuses for Avoiding God NEW YORK. July 11 utwBilly Graham talked about excuses to nightthe excuses people think of when they want to avoid thinking about God He took his text from the story in Luke 14 11-14. of the man who prepared a great feast and in vited a number of people to it, only to find that each man had an excuse for not accepting. One man In the Bible story said be had bought land and must go snd look it over Grsham told a Madtsoa Square Garden audteox-e of 11.000 that the modera parallel ia people who "have time to read, to watch television, but they are too busy for God " Another maa had bought oxen, and wanted to try them out. An other man. the evangelist said, was too occupied with the things of this world to worry about his soul A third eaid "I have married a wife, and therefore 1 cannot 1 think this man ia the only one who really had aa excuse." said Graham aa hn audience roared But he added that even that is not sufficient exeunt for svotding God . .. i -j j wtra ,i the end of the sermon at Grshan i call for ' decisiorta tor Chruk ' It was one of the largest response since the New York crusade started May IS a i ei ii AO HI. jnermjn njj 'Clj-Uf Heart Attjck' I SAN DIF.GO. Cahf July 11 . Retired Navy Aim Frederick r Sherman SS. World War II task force rvNTnTisMtder m the Pacific was taken to Naval Hoxprtal today wtth what his wife dearrihed as a "alight iDneea bttle heart at tack " . .. . . . ... law noapnaa nam nr. i-u was satistartery out mat nrs cane was kited as seriows Old Frigate Sought ARCNDAL. Surwtf. July 11 Tm fi ikaiiadnai ara Irrmtf la) fid rtsona ssf tlb,. fMMtffk rrattt m a Wfksi ay. a a )hWa. frsAWTWAW-sj arr as-ss .meniu-w. vwr fr tlte Hrwf SltippifTf Muimw X6tm unfc July A-Weap on Handbook Revised By ELTON C. FAT WASHINGTON. Jury U W-The government inoderaaed x 7- year-old handbook en nuclear weapon today, tolling of the vast devastation that could be wreaked bv newer, btfier txpkwives. The volume. Toe tuecu Nuclear WeaDons. was issued by the Defense Department and Atomic Energy Commission. It oresents the new look in terms of H-bombs of 10 miluon tons of enercT because "it is no longer possible la descrtM ef fects ia terms of a single nominal bomb" of only 10,0m tons force. The latter wu the force of the atom bomb dropped on Japan ia 15. 'Ne Dealer The guidebook reiteraU the government's insistence that there is ne danger of worldwide con tamination from the poisonous by products of nuclear bomb if test ing continues at the present rate And it raises the question of whether even nuclear warfare would boost the quantity of the cancer-causing strontium M to a dangerous level. However, the book, written several months age. contains no direct reference to the question of "clean" nuclear bombs. President Eisenhower has said that the big bombs now are about M per cent cleaner than the first "dirty' bombs and that ajclear physi cists expect to make them en tirely clean within the next few years if testa can be continued Blast Isaaaet The 157 guidebook sets forth scaled-up measurements of the vast impact ia Mast, beat, in stantaneous radiation and linger- ins fallout of the new thermonu clear weapon. It presents formu las for figuring the results of truly giant, but apparently Still unproduccd weapons, Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson and AEC Chairman Lewis A. Straus wrote a for foreword. 'The effects information con tained hereia is calculated for yield up to It megatons ( mil- fUoa tons) and the scaling laws for hypotbetically extending the calculation beyond this limit are given. The figure of 10 megatons, however, is not te be taken as an indicatioo of capabilities or they said. ucvciupmonu, Judge Delays Decision on Waif Cruelty ROSEBURG, July 11 ttWudg Charles Wootrich today took un der advisement antil J 1 y a whether to declare Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ott unfit to keep thro adopted children. Robert G. Davis, attorney for the Otts. contended ia his final arguments today that Dt. Atty. Avery Thompson had proves "nothing except that the Otts had taken good care of the childrea.' Earlier. 'Thompson pictured Mrs. Ott as having shown a "pat tern of mistreatment ' In his closing argument, the dis trict attorney contended that abuses were directed at the chil dren in the Ott home who were slow to leant or were sickly. Oth ers, he said, were mistreated be cause Mrs Ott. who has cared for 14 adopted and foster children ia the past seven years, couldn't "psrsde" them to church ia fancy clothes. The Otts were sccused of mis treating the children. The hearing lasted four days. Delay Seen In Transfer Of Navy Base WASHINGTON, July II UP - A Wsshington congressman quoted s Nsry official today as saying that any move to transfer the Nsvy's retrsining command from Saa Dices Calif , won't come shout for st leest two years me announcement wouM ap pear to blast hopes of threi West Coast communities which the Na vy earlier had said were selected by study group ss possible new sites for the facility They ere Elleasbarg. Wash.. Barstow Calif , and Bskersfieid. Calif Rep Holmes iR-Washi said he had been advised by W B Frsnke. Nsvy undersecretary, thst no firm decision has heei made te relorste the San Dtege program If such s deruioa u reached he said, it would not be until tfve year beginning July I. lis that any money could be ohtained to carry out the move Earlier the Navy had advised Holmes that the study team had narrowed te three the possible new locations for the retraining program It taxi H expected s Final selection name Urn Shu month r aix roa bids Seeled peopeesls will be recened xa ea the novr ef I e rlerh m w Ova let day of Ana-wet, ittn bv the Clerk of the Lebanon Ceenenanny R mmL tne at nw letinol ocnre nen ef aea snig borne sddwis lac tewtmeaHly rnM saMctflretiene nwme m yaTnayoSAdl gaf TJ SjqTsafkB ANen CnTtrTiwrtT rfreWpv! J tVeeTel Wkrto A Bjr-i ArvSrre-t. Afrtewi. iA. TZTVkCaneS m m tmm$M rrt rt ta totl TV- wrwmt nw part aT H asfv $i i al tat r m lwr tva-ai Captf kmtm. Ornj i LrPoi cMWViTr j 5?lrM DAILY ACKOSS 1. Carnliks fish k Fiasle tslanfl ft. Portion 10. Assistants II Chines societies 11. Semblance 14. Flower IV Lever 11 Cart as a goddess IT. Pronoun It. Compensa tioa It. Garment CROSSWORD 1 Boy's name (Or) 1 Impel i. God of pleasure 1 Kind of tsle Viscous T. Harem room a. Worked perststeatly t. Wstk pompously II. Appears 15. Associate IS Footlike orgaa . M. Sensitive 11. Splicing piaa 14 Oriental St. Henry orator St Kind of soup II. Headdress 11. Coin (Jap I U Indefinite article 14. World body labor I 15. Equal M. Actuality It. Chairman' mallet 40 roreteS 41. Special task 41 Spirited tetang) 41 Net difricwK 44 Gtifs name DO WW I Select notice or call roe nins Sealed bids ul be recoivod by Mm Couaty Clerk at Uw Polk Oseaty Court House In Dallas. Oreeoa. ap la 11: A.M., July a. 1SS7. for of street aa Grading, eurfarlaf and pavlne of 1S3S foot ea Roters Lane wealed ap- EnnlmaUly tkroa IS) miles rlortk at alom BrMf off Ike Wallace Road. CoanpleOoa data t pa October 1, 1SS1. Plans and apoclflcatiein eaa be obtained from the County Kasiestr or tram OSe Ceuaty Jialge effice. All Bids will be opened by the County Court at I SS A.M. ea July 11. 1M7, at thai regular saiafoa a certified check er Mem bond In DM amount m s per cons es me can. The succeasfal Mdder will be re euired te funuak a bond kt DM antounl of SS per coat ef Dm contract nasi Dated at Dallaa. OrtfM, us 11th day of July, 1SST. The County Court i asanas roe right la reject any er all Mo. I. ss. BMllweuimi County Judge G. V. HEMP EL Cotity Commissioner W. FRANK CRAWFORD County Commissioner July II Pub: in tii cincinr roi'nr or TBI stats or onrooN ron tbis COl'NTT Or MAMOM Case Ne. SseSI SUMMONS ST ATX OF OMOON. br and thraua Its Stale Hilhwsy Comenlaalon. eom poeea of Charles H. nornoede. M. K. Stiver, and Robert B. Ckoaaman. PlalnUff. vs. ORA THOafMON aod JOSIN DOU. wife and hueoanel. Sf aaarrted; TO HON TMOSO-aOel; and SL D. teOIX- BOUOH to- K D anrjrtuVTJOW Daaendant Dt THE NAME OF Tax STATE or OREGON: Taw are hereby re quired to appear and snsasr She niea aeaii you in ene above entitled eeurt and eeuse an er horore the exairallaa of four tram wie aate or tne nret puo- UrsUon of Uua aumrnons. to-wlt: tui ia. issi. If you tall to aa appear and en rol. plainUff, for want Inereof. will apply to Lhe above- entitled court for the reoef prayed for in lis com plaint, to-wtl that aa aaeeeameat be made by a Jury empaneled in this action to determine the rompenaa Uon to be paid by reoaon ef the ap propriation oi the real property and rtehl. title, and interest herein sought te be condemned and ap propriated, and that upon payment into Court ef the compensation aa eaeed bv the iury. a Judgment and decree be given, vestln In the State of Oregon, by snd through Its State Highway Comm lesion. See simple uue to the real property dootilbod. to ut Panel Ne I: A parcel of land lying In the atelerer rruit Farms ne s. alao EuV In Section IS, Townahip B Range I West. Willam ette Meridian. Marion County, Oregon and bain a portien of wiat property deeertbed la that deed te Ore TVvon.penei. retordod in Rook lit. Pae SM ef Marion County Recorda of Ooeds; the aid parrel be Log wiat portion of aid property kachioed In a strip of land variable In width lying on eeeh side of the renter Una of She Part tie Hlftiwar East, which renter kne U doeerlbed ss follows nogmnlna st Engineer's center - hne Station ISO 00. said Station being MM J feet North and 1- 10 l feet Eoet ef the South quarter corner of aald Section It thence South IS 41' SS" Wool I SOS feet te Enaineer center line Station SSS SO. said renter line r noosing the northerly and southerly boundartee of aaid property approximately at bigi near s center I um Buttons SSI II and S4SM nop or lively The widths In feet of the strip of lend sbove leeei red to ere aa follows Width on Width en Weeterly Eaoterly Station to Side ef aide of Station tenter Center Une Una US i M US t M ISS feet 1SS feet Ma. as mi . se isa root iss feet Mi 4 SS SMtBS ISS feet ISS feet taper to 17 feet Except mat portion of sold trip ei land lying within wiat tract pcevloualy convoyed to She State ef Oregon, by and thrauftl ita State Highway Commteetna bv deed recorded In Bone. XKI Par OH of Marion Doed Rec ervli The parrel of land Va which this deerrtptioo applies rontalne 1 M acre. A tan wernm th rl pmvrtj Ptirrrl N I A M larsej rti$ in Lrt tS (rf IUivdr TvmiX Fimti M I MtuaisM In atortlon ll TrtEri!y !UutH fUrvf 1 sr1 WiUam fU MrvliaWi Marnm Crjsuntjr rpravdtriar, thsl Mltl gMrrcsJ iMtiVjf atn f tMI. M fsjnrl in width In nf k4jVwrt in ivl wrwaflayrlT ryf Parri H 1 wmi4 ttrtp rt lart. artflinf IVtjni lin at n$h nf m t sjsjial rqfTjr bn) rto rtnbsjkfj In Parrot ) 1 at ttrm UltN Vi href rifhl .fVapa t Mtdj rtaT Una at Hbv tswksn Mm Th ptert-al ovf lanrj te wirr whit eteEMripsjViii tivr rmttm H tw-T ta iHiv ratU ter rt sj NiiMriMf Vai D )T4f rt vaHa ete-titted rwr trtsj tm tr I Ha 4mj rt July lff-T? alirw-r-trtf avbtOeMi rt WM Br-rrVJfh1 rh w-tlt rVT fmar rnivt wtwlri ra tlSa ft- r-rfl BuHWlW frssfjfpapspr fUfw- ImKsjhI ajedj ef ffwT-al rtrrmlmtHm m raaltw PrroffOS r,Mer iulT t "fit rt !an twMroratMsrt Aura )h I A Hew rvavw Ovyratr erf trt Vs V v-tf reft Pt C I Aaarr1 A tt-e-raj C,nvl atMf AsaEkdrtaikl Crtwl tW thej Rlf'ejrt r f" rVjvimwBWlf Of Attns-T fm PiatrvafT ; ii r a i i Statesman, Salem, Ore,-Sit, It. Female 11. Tidy 71. Period of lime 13. Beck M. Age It- Engine aounda IT. Woolly It. Cavity i btoi ) 3d. Hallway 11. Briny SS. Enclosures IT. Moslem titles It. By wsy of 40. Man's M. Gas or coal nickname m r r r m i-1 r f w : 3 77- -:pi:-f:: jt t-t W ' W TTW, NOTICI TO CRIDITOaS Notice Is hereby five that title Alma Norton haa boo appointed Ex ecutrix of the aetata of Thomas Id ward Norton by the Circuit Court of ktanoa C aunty. Oregon All persona havtnf claims afainat the said estate are requested la present them to said Executrix, duly verified, ca Steve Anderson, Attorney, (41 Court Street. Salem. Ore ron. wrUua six asanlhs from the date at true notice. Dated was letk day of June, INT. Date of first publieaUoa: June ttnd. 1SSI. Data of last pubtteatioa: July Uth. 1SST. ELSIX ALMA NORTON Exeeutrtx of the (state at Tnontaa Edward konon. STTVX ANDERSON Attorney tor Estate S4I Court Street litsaa. Oraaoa J Of TSTE CIRCUIT COURT OP TBI state or onaooN pon ru COIINTT or MARION Cans No. eaees UMMOW STATS or OREOOti, by and wuougn its State ITtftiway Caxexmlaaloa. oom poaod ad Charles . Rornoldt, U. K Isclver and Robert B. Oinanian, PlalnUff. REX R HARTLBTT and ESTHER J HARTLEY, husband and wife: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS of Levi Ander son. Deceased; and ALSO ALL OTH ER PERSONS OR PARTIES UN KNOWN claiming any right title eetate lien or Internet la the real ae tata described la the complaint bere- Defendants. TO THE UNKNOWN HEIRS of Levi Aneeraon. Ssc.aned. and ALSO all ontxn rntx"s on par tub ujilflown oMknlng any rladit. Utle. aetata. Boa or inane. eat ka She real eetate daacrlhsd to ana nrwiaiasnvt as. .In. Docandanta W THE NAMR OT THE STATE Or OeUTCON'. Yets are hereby re- euiroo afxeaar ana newer filed aaraanet you la tirl aatd aouoa en before the oxptretiea of four weeks mens aae ease a toe nret publi Man ef this eunemjiei. to-wit: Aug- If you fall to aa appear and an swer, ptalatiff. Sot wani thereof will apple la the above -entitled court for She relief prayed for la Ita com plaint, to-wlt- that aa aaasssnienl be mode bv a Jury empanslod In thle action to determine the compensa tion to be paid by reason of the sp- prwvneiion ov me real properly and right, title, and Intoreet herein aoueht to be condemned and appropriated and that upon payment into Court of the compensation senoaeed by the Jury, a Judgment and decree be glvea, vesting in the Stale of Ore gon, bv and throufti Ita lute High way Com mission, fee simple title to She real property doeerlbed. to-wlt: Parcel Ne. I: A parcel of land lying In the East half IE1,! of the Northwest aunrter (NWt.l of Section Xt Township South Range I Wool Willamette Meridian. Marlon County, Oregon: tne aaM parcel betna that portion of aald East haU i I'.l of the North west quar ter (NWt.l lying northerly of Ankoay HIU Road and included In e atrip of land variable In width, lying aa She weeterly side of the center kne of the Pacific Hurhway Eaat, which center lute hi described aa follows Beginning at Engineer's center line Station Sew-tSS eel Btaluva being Ml feet South and Hit feet Soot of Uva North quarter corner of said hot-twin U thence South It' 41 St" Wool MPS toot m Engineer's rontorllne Station the weeterly line of said atrip of land crossing the East line of said Eaat half IE'. I of 'ne wnrwineet quarter iNwi.i approximately op Belli mfl neer i cmteHIno Station M1SS me wimns in root nf vie strip of land shove referred to are as follows Width tw. tMel Stsuon to Station lade of Center Une ea seetst ate fee SSStSS MUSS SnS feet taper to Sea i .m wmm faar. ucntt te rrt Th panr mi la red te wti.-t. thta 4mmcTipVrm prfHrfw rewUlrva J Mrai, eutsUdste rt rifM of ! P. r Na. 1 A parcal rt Urn) Mnf In th William Halm Don. t ton Land ( laim No 1. alan Irtng In ta Mrthaia quarter dsJW'.i of RwVtsMI B TtyvJrTfdPrilp ftctajth rttflfl I WatM. Willctmeytlr Mar itJiaiv Martwtn CaurH y Orafrm aat4 parrel rini that Dor 'ron jT uifj Hlm Drsnatlon IjiM Oatm r- lyirif Mrthariv rt th aaTtfttrif Anhart Hill Road Ivinf irwaxxrlT nf Parr-l Nn asTtdi IniHirttedj iti atrip nf land fwal in wvdth M faert tm 1h iwirtrtartT ate ard H fs1 nn tKr aulAar .y tufte of th rantar lin nf A rt n t H' II rnad at uJ -rad hm rsasbfi rteatatdj rhtrh ran ter lina tanasera(wt sja fo, ear fwafinnsrf at sTnfirwr rntar Ira rltattew l i Kll wKr-r. ttew, Ofiuaii button MS M l fr th rntr lina rt tr Partfir Hifwtv rat laid fttatinri Itan hainf tJMll faat Sjth and IM B faol Wdsat rt th Nm-th tianar rrrTeT rt aaid rt!An B wrnra Ncrih O' 1 ! Wa tsa faat Ttvarve-) rm a m 4 few t ad i us rurr pafl tha Wrt rhord evf vhlr har anuU) M' ! 10 Wt, Vm M fadH tn vtftat.fte, II 11 Tna aaraJ rt land Vr whiei tHtt fteriptKpn airl rwttafrta tt af-ra yyum atjTiwrjsf.a i ruhligahsM tvr -4m rt th Hnreft'ihi Vai D JUt.r Hdfa nf tiSa Kewa -anti ' ted rtwrt tTadaj art amt-d 'h ta rt afuiW 1141 dtrartirkf ajhliratHiti ml tahai anjrewmewwi fmr mr wah retr fftar fnawaarutiTa tn tha "Ora- fum rHateaiiian ' t nawafvapar pun htetsysfj ad ef a?ws,al rm la'in ia MietrMI TmiftT 0wfe Oat etf fiet pnhltratievn Jul? lri 1a7 Date ef .atrt pa, hi te-ain A ploBfllT y THOpWTO-f AtlnrnaT GarYl rt th (Hat a Oefrvy. Pkw r. petjite AjBtTjyei' AtUrrT r,dj-neJ and Aaarw'arM Cnsartaal rW a State H f eewajiEeaea C A "iWealVI few PAar'ff f O ArMrMS rUWr- faf'sfl J 13 JH 7" A t 11 July 13, 57 (Sec HU kotk-i or mAL ACCOUNT NOTICI IS HEJtEBY ft IV IN that WENDELL B. HEATH ana DELIGHT O. FRyC, executor and txecutitx re pectlvchr. of the estate ef MAI M. HEATH, DhmmS, have nk4 thr tint sne nnal account at the aeimn- IttraUea (4 u4 MliH. ana that alondM. the lSth Oar ot July. 1M7. at S IS clock A.M. ai iai4 day. at th coon room M Hooorabie Val D. Sloeer, Circuit Judfc, ia the court houat at Salem. Orefoe, has bceo aooolnted by said court as the time and place for the boaiui ef all ob jections to said final act""" and the wttlement thoreof. Circuit Court No. 1SSSY, Mamn County, Ortfoa. Dated and first pubUahed June ISUu 1SS1. WENDELL E HEATH. DELIGHT G. MtYt Exacutor and Excculrtt of the Eatatc of Ma M. Heath. Deceased. HATTIE J BR TZEL. Attorney for estate. 3S0 Court House, Salem. Oreson. June 19. It. IS. July S. IS NOTICE OP nEAniNO OP PINAL ACCOl'NT Notice la hereby given that the Pinal Account of Louise N. McGilvra as Executrix of the Estate of Jennie D. Nunn. deceased, has been filed in the Circuit Court of Marlon County. Oregon, and that Monday the Sth day of August. IB97. at S IS am ia the courtroom of aald court In the cou ,ty courthouse at Salem. Ore gon, has been set for the hesring nf objections. If sny, to such Final AS count LOUISE N McCaVRA Executrix of the Estate of Jennie D Nunn. Deceased. STEVE ANDERSON Attorney for Estate Ml Court Street Salem. Oregon. JS. 13 JO XT. AD$ IN THIS COlVHti UCtXVtD... Too Late to Classify ( VR CRIB. EM 4 991 'st roSiyusTOM I dr V-l motor, baiow whole ae book, this Is one af Sheas raVe values, so hurry! 11 JS lull ELSNER MOTOR CO. SM No. High iS TRIlTMPH TR t. A-l eon ill Ilea, fully equipped. SO SOS miles. EM l-ttu ISS OLDS SS. aU power eoree aorlee, low ml. Exc rood Ekt 4-lSJ LOVELY I bdna. heme. Lee. between WlUy-U A S SahHa Hi. 1 Mocks from Leslie pool Dole. art. owner wilber, EM I BDRM houaa. boat etc aa down aaywianC EM 4-JBJ. f-URN. 1 bdrnv eotsaav, watts? Incbas. 1S0S N. inches. SWJ. Goaa Woodry, aManmer. NICE I bono, unfura dtipen, bus by door, aeaiita. EM S-MIS. VERY nice turn. Apt pvt. eoL EM M. Capitol CHILD care my home by hr or dev. Hollywood Dili Eat t-eSJI. EXPERIENCED waltrees want ed. Whiten Lunch. Ill S, Commercial apply!aperaoa, ANQ Square O r a a d Piano, needs tuning r aome mechani cal repair. EM a-rn after I WRINGER waahar with Bump, good eowdttion J EM i-saeS. t BLOND Oak End Ttrhke. Matchln Bookcase I or. a reen llaant Drapoa, H. Dt LEA VINO atnte, sotting; heavy duty 1 wheoi wnuOr. snkM. tioteanSoed ttaw. WANTED ohlXTl pedal ear ra ood anral. P 4,,SSS. afEN a roller aha sea. Slaa '. Perfect eond. EM S-reTI after I jim. rwHEKL hartnsw trailer excel cond Juet Uie thin for camp or trip SS. SOS N Slid It BOAT. I'l Evlnrude motor. ists n. capiioi nu rt Yeuewjerket epaad hull nearty new. SM. EM IOS E OR SALE lr runabout boat with It H shrtarude motor, remote eocrtrou. trailer with turning signals EM S-W7I re W Vleta rniXi Part-Cockor pupplea. SeB or Wade (oM clubs. EM t-7 i t-rsas. 300 PeiwonnJ 1H Uf bisw 'owete) LOST- Plastic eeea puree lamina- rf. key. etc kt P allUwara. Eli t-SSS 314 TiwsaerTtie)n EhtrLOYED la CervaUia, M. ta t M P M. Wieh Wai ta k from. EM t-tt. 3H Forsoevar Jary's riowart Gifts Per every occasion EM t EStt MADAM Haeel Fsyehi Palm ist Complete reading St. I Com f EM t-SSal ALCOHOLICS Aiiieiyvaeaa. Set Manon. EM t-SSet 400 Ajrricqltnra 40. Uvetsk Pwe Sale t YR mare Id SaNe brewa saddie EM t-letS EEEDER ruji tm sale Roue I nn. ISS. Oervam Pa EM t SOI FOR SALE or Wade: SoAATo anreea Kid I hone A ponies, Si I. Box ssm. Sfhrerhva TR 1 Jtn t ml. went ef Sllvarwai nn old alemHlwy RFG Polled Hereford Ball Ekl 403 livestock Warteoel ' CATTLE buyer A T Snmmee. tret Delias Hi Ik t-tatl CarUX neweno, at ree farm. S C ktcCandliah EM S-ieS CATTLE - "SSS LarvJon Lena Harold Snot hen EM i-OBS TOP caab prh-ee at resr piece Ray Cneei EM lies collect. aTrvER Oan Edwsras. Rt A o. seaE EM t-lll 40 Poet . prsr . pupplea S I M IUI1 II old YOfWG Mvl peHnew brd rrtalrnr. Alan puppies let An. Dallai Ore MAytair tJTOS PART DecheKund "ale P P .nnoertul pet SIS SM IM I list MALE Reagle I m "Id pure bred Eugene Rrasefield SM Osrles Ave EM I SMS AIC Gormen ShepHerd A S pupa 1 wx old eve Trinity ter4 SilverW pert Cole laim weowa m r M t saas MOORE PETS TS Skonks Hameters Pi roe Anerded OpeeEve Jess Stale. PARAEEETS f rates stanexl whokraale SSSS t Oral IPISR eener pop 1 moa old. Gond Mm on EM tfm pt' PES RED Lavrreder papa wk. old ree. 1 Mock I fnM e o ; Snow Oepne Staea Psrt Ph Aarors esnj MTWiaTt-RE Mac pnodlss mo EM aSU It coon OOLUE pupeJBStJ U' - . CWIhTUAWVA and iv -e pup SI EM twos IAbIEr Kieiena. I ib. da. I t J4 I M A