The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 08, 1957, Page 4, Image 4

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    t-(Se. I) STxtwmxa. Stlrm, Or, Men-. JuK 8, "57
fexajr Sexatya 1.
C2LU0J3 A. STUaCI E. Lm b. hihluiast
WZNCELL WTB& kUai--r.g Ul
i as muh at hi Ow
7e mnml
r mm m tmrnxmrn tv)viy to
uw aeee
River's Potential
Finally Recognized
The WtUanvec.f R ver Pass has priced
several things in 11 two vea-s o( opera;, on
Firv thai t prope''v handled summer i. me
protDodoii cn be successful .n sam es,
ond l hi I 111 iues thus !r warrants more
widespread part.opauon particuiArlv n re
ward to parade floats '.nan has obtained '.bus
far Third lhat on '.he big day Julv 4 there
needs lo be events perhaps lissng
th line o( paticipating sports such u driv
ing golf bells acres! the river lo augment
the botn racs which lor ill their thrills ran l
alone lualain general interest hour? on end
Official! sponsors and participant de
r sincere commendation for the r efforts
this vear and Issl They have ctvntrbuted to
hat has become one of I he main holiday
attractions in the vsllev and which can be
come of even more importance if the returns
are deemed sufficient lo justify in even
greater promotion and support
There is slways the question of 'uw how
much good such an event does for the rem
mumty in which it u held The inswer
largely must be based on intangibles i er
Uinly. Willamette River Days has drawa
major attention to Salem and from such at
tenuon some good must come
The selection of a court an the basis of
ticset-jellinf has been surprisingly success
ful from the standpoint of providing a most
attractive group of girls The community tan
be proud both of its princesses and queens
Whether other methods of selection are
fxMsibl. and still provide sufficient revenue
for the event I expenses, undoubtedly ill be
The development of the Willamette River
has been long overdue in the Salem area We
are glad its potentialities finally are be
coming realized
ir ir v " v v u
The tragedy of Hurricane Audrev is all
the more poignant with the revelation that
adequate warnings apparently were issued
and that the loss of five to seven hundred
lives could have been cut to a handful had
the warnings been heeded It was one of
those times when the millions of dollars spent
on weather research and coordination of data
could really have paid off It Is an important
t- -tr 6 ir ft v 6 v
Wt don't know what the highway death
toll for the weekend will be as this is writ
ten, but from the number of cars traversing
Oregon roads wed say there was plenty of
opportunity for a record We 11 be glad to be
11 in one piece this morning
v v- v 4 :
The wind In Kansas shoved a bojear nine
miles Ws'll now await a story from Texas
making it ten.
Communism Still
In Transition'
The snoaouia of in the Seret
I seeps r.gru on cracking natter la
stress and ura.n of power grabs, ta a ssaunt
where ! repuCa'.ioa of Stalia ava yet be
regarded as a verv m.or luriOg la the
h.ston of . world
PoL'.KSi denunciations i once resered
mKfi noieni cooiradictiooa m the part am.vNjoos of error by tae great aad
near g-ea-. ave' acceptance of Titoum
' a Mereoi rueds lo socialism and un predict -atie
gentleness and harshness these aaJ
cfier factors appear lo be into a threat
u 'r-e em .re asovemenl
In a '.he "rod is ngfet dwa the Uae
of karl Man manifesto tt 10 years ago.
Power was lo be tested by the proletariat
There as to be a iranaitioaal socialism with
yt t ron'.roi of industry labor and distribut
ion . commun stic socie'.v initially com
pu'.svn "tB as ;o be gradually achieved la
a pomi where a centralized stale was ta be
ccme ts$ oevesary and the slat would with
er lav
.sjjm.rg that is 'he trend which bv ita
means is a sale a-iirplion at l his time
li! will be left' Not the rollevtivist social
economy which Marx envisioned for the
orld with the workers accepting sur
render of property to a sterile stale and pro
ducing goods only for individual needs and
eichange Fven the most rabd of visionar
ies would hardN cla m human nature is pro
gressing toward i general contented equality
Communism has been in the transitional"
s'age for a long time It ll never get out of
ii alive The delegation of responsibility
and authority to leaders ihoen at free elec
tions with lirm hands working toward the as
surance of life liberty and the pursuit of hap-
p ne lor everyone his been the
er lor a peae'ul and properou
jresMve wxietv Only bv the sword has peu
doommuniym lived Some day by its own
tord or that of others it shall die
.'; T. .- -v ,v .sj
, lot of beans mut have matured in this
aPev over !he sunnv weekend and the bovs
nd ( rU who missed out on getting summer
)obs shouldn t have too much trouble keep
ing busv from now on
Editorial Comment
Say Something Nice
Kvervoody ui Orefon escept mavbe Strn-t
Hoibroaa wants new induXry Republic- and
IVmorran alike scream lor il Kach bliinn the
other because new industry developing here 'th
only glacial speed Democrats say the Republicans
on t lace up te the lact that we r in depres
sion Republicans say Democrats are to blame
because they won t go for a talea tai Roth along
the way distribute gloomy Uses about what U s like
lo live in Oregon
On the floor of the Senate last week DemocalM
Senator Richard L Seuberger talking about Ore
gon s superior schools asserted the quality ol the
schools was remarkable because Oregon in recent
years, kaa bora aul faring aa ocwsomtc slump
Other Democrats explain thai new industry doenn t
want to come into Oregon until we get mare cheap
power meaning lederal power
Then along comes Charles V Stanton in the
Roseburg News Review In a pair of editorials he
talks about the action of Gov Robert Holmes in
firng one Oregon development commission and in
replacing it with another Looks bad to new Indus
tries says the Roseburg editor He also talks about
our high income las rate and Cites it as a factor
discouraging lo nw industry He implies, hut
doesn t esactly sav that industry cannrt look
londly ai a stale with as many Democrats in it as
Oregon has And were getting more all the time
Why dor I some nl ihev us ever say anthing
nice about this place where e lif "
Kiiene Register Guard1
M -I eiO s. rooty tfo CJAjruas
Nj-w I jOaSD ATO
BSi tMsze fifcncs ternoar.
U.S. View of Latin Tyranny
Puzzles People of Colombia
Bv 4. IMIIT Vtm
spri awrt, BDserawa amm
axtasanai ausv-
lie ru ei
aiaLa waw
I ieir.aa ptrss
di serve B ;rB
her sturiag
.: ris-na ;
mro: U IM Mil M rngtUMi
evaathat p.
ana ai
by Uw
IS laJ at
iUaa PV
are ena
aWtiag a sc
r s k i a g caisv w 6kt il
lustrates kaa
Laua vmericaa
Vtaiar g e I
nc aod oky
Ikes c a a a a l
(viaclioa etiec
Uel y wheuser
Caiomms. Use
aublx- Cuba
ki mi es.tiua
lata uw Uhera. swd
, .rt marked "VIA" tar U
Tv civil atisnnedieaca uvk
Rtijas ta fWw was apvkre
p, jsr autspuaea ersuraaa at tfw
SWutj I five rswpe'.
ait sp. sw- p""
aai-tiat lu csnuiw" apifvi.
a m
Danuaucaa Re
ssatesiMaa ualesa
they tlsroiiai use free, press
Cosentbia tack a UM rsvad
laemacracy aaca mora, presews
aiKos la -
presMSrsui .aJ44 o
term Leoa airnoa u aa
taut ia UVf civil troat -a t-
. . - i,.Mif at mwer irjfr
i -
4., .i vc Ihistreie a new ana.
,-nt 1 Ruenaa cSMarca
.j .a sjysrrwaa la aonaa e.
isattea t-rmrveo id aiitanaaiam Freeajisnv
-nHril Bv' w HI .aiins a aniu wwa isa
.a -aaoa oerr'' Twma viw am a
.0,-uptioa ,ni-M poumallj wifl arttaajj
S s .vmi fipces us imaiwi mt vmur-
tag la U4M ia dan
disctusures Tto 01
TW sxeas is ax)
tkat ceaaursAip r
throufk ia mjiS at
rraex pt np ane wcr u w "J ai
iy -V oenvavracj wkS strwag Btarai a
un oi nap-
Most State Senates
Forbid Filibusters
Communist' Shakeup Presents
Some Big Problems for West
AP rarelfa News Aaalyat
Nikita Khrushchev while he
emerges as the ne hm m the
Soviet t nion is no Stalin 1
The Soviet purge proyed coo
elusively thai a collective of rul
era cannot stav toaether long as
the equal heirs of a dictator But
the shakeup has hern vu complete
that at lint glance it would ap
pear there nohody left in the
ruling Communist party Presidi
um to rule except Khrushchev
Dllt (he strong army flavor nf
Khruahchev i support the ordy
backing by an arrav nf generals
and admirals seem in indicate
that Khrushchev i. rutins, with the
aid and tolerance ol Marshal
Geargi Zhuknv There i even a
hint of military du-tainrship in
volved Tlie chances are. however that
Zhukev will stay in the hack
ground. The shakeup meanwhile
poses problems ol enormous nn
port for Western policymakers
Inside the t'SSR. the impli
rattans art memlnld It seems
clear Khrushchev is going to
create the Impression that he in
tends coiscesatona to the public,
and particularly to the larmers.
in an attempt to achieve a re
silient economy To o this he is
going to want some release I mm
external tensions which necessi
tate the huge burden nf prepara
tioa against the pesalbility of s
Bttctcar war
Hus seems to foreshadow s
mating sway from the old -tune
stubbornness and lnfexibility of
(atrial aaHn. and toward a more
daring approach ta tirteraationar
affairs. This might hrvajvt aome
drams tie ewweasioas. for exam
ple, as Sa field of disarmament
TIM Watt cannot afford the risk
at taking Revet promisee at face
walua. It would be foolhardy te
thiak that Just because Khruah
chev wants to build np Soviet in
ternal economy ha has any mten
tioa tt relaxing his political pres
sures hi anaitiva areas of the
Indeed Khrushchev is in a ' The Red Chinese are likely lo
strong pontion now lo step be delighted What Mao Tie lung
.hose pressure. This purge dif- h" ' , P''"
arities of each Red ni led country
fered lr.mi others Instead oi he- t, ,rcr)bt , Mol.
in a prtvptaanda set hack for cow
Momovi i' ss advsmr There The Kremlin upheaval may lead
are lew ho will not weliome the. to a de-Stalinuation of Ihe Kast
appi ardm e ol a final all out at- German Communist regime, now
tack on ihe remnants of Stalinism under Stalinist Walter I Ibncht
In Yugoslavia Ihe maverick This wou'd raise new hopes of an
( ommiimst under Tito are ap- approach to German reunification,
parent !y pleased The thin line di- with a profound political effect in
vidini the Soviet and Yugoslav West Germany
parlies begin to lade II Tiio nn All thee a-pe(
he persuaded that Khrushchev lems for the
means what he saw a'wmt ea( h
Vnialist coun'rv taking i!
own road and the prohl i!t
have to he ironclad nothing
will remain in Ihe way nf resump
tion nl lull
two prtie
The Polish and Hungarian fom-.-irinL.I.
Umi will he erslified at
IV prospsTl' of lessened Stalinist , struggle which can he Inst a grn
dminiii ifm leralion or two hence by delauit.
pevse hig prob-
Vvesl The prospect
appears In he a rise in the in-
ensity of the politK al-ec-nrnunic
slruggli hetaern rjsl and West,
with a lessening of Ihe worlds
relations between the (ear of nuclear war The I nited
Stales cannot begin too soon to
prepare lor this new phase of a
( RTfkLY
s.sHIM.TON July T Moat
oi the Southern Senators threat
ening a Mihuster ever the civil
r ghi; bul could not get away
with the maneuver in their home
I S .Senile rules permit a
meinher In speak only twice oa
a sub "i l in any one Usfislativ
day IhiI pldte no limit on tha
length ol time he may speak
This can lead lo a filibuster
I nder the Senate rules the
vote ol M Srnatuti is required la
shut oft deTiate known as Invok
ing cloture Th s rule has nut
been uc essluliv applied since
Its adoption in '."MS
la ewatraat. IS stales Iwelwa'
kg l(kl at Ike II ISerp SVaailh
ewaiea permit ase ml a mwtlea
far the prels aaestlaa ia Uselr
This motion the mere mention
of which is enough to arouse I'
S Sensorial ire permits a ma
jority ol a legislative body to cut
ofl deciair in a matter of mm
uies In ihe Bntivh House of
Common the motion is kaown as
the guillotine
This is how il ttorkt in the V
S House ol Representatives,
where sine IHII it has been used
In shit oil dehale A Member
n.oves the previous question and
that motion is put to an wnmed
lale vote II the motion carries,
the Hnsise proceeds lo vole on
the mailer before il hill amend
ment et( without lurther ado
A nvailaa far Ike prevtwwa aea
llaa .s aMlksiniea la the aeaates
at Arkawkas. Gewrgla. lMsialaaa.
Mississippi. Nartk ( araHaa. Tea
aeaaea. Trias aa4 Vlrgjala All
bat IMlalaaa. Trias aod Vlr
glala alsa Until Ihe leaglk af
Slate senators in Al.ilt.iftia,
Klortds and -soijh t a r o 1 n
where the prev 'ous quest. on is
not wrii in inln ihe senate rules,
are limited hnih in Ihe length
and number nf Iheir speeches
Alabama and South Carolina also
have some form of cloture rule,
according ta a siudy of stale leg
islature. piepared hv the Ameri
can f'ohual Scienie Assn.
01 the 12 slate senates whose
rulchouks either prohibit or do
not mention Ihe previous ques
tion four have some other form
of cloture rule They art Ala
bama. Massachusetts, New York
and South Carolina
bate, btat Maaat. New Jersey,
t aaa-rtarwl. Delaware. F WrSSa.
Ita aad Versssawl HasM the
PI GW ASH N S July T av
Some at the Kientisis who gave
the world astclear essergy began
diacuaaMins todav an how mankind "'
raa coaKrwi lha forces
kaa unleashed
Twenty tww ssientisis fWw here
(rum tha I ailed Stales Ked
China, the Soviet I nion Poland
Australia Austria Canada Ben
aia Fraace and Japan
The cowlerence organised h
Lord Rertrand Ruvsell British
philoisovoer and nialhemalictaa.
began in a relaxed a'mosvphere was unable lo attend be
cause of illness
laVa Eirkugt
Prof J Rotblat of laadoa V oi
versitv vH-e presnlewt of the
Moinic Scientists Assn said the
meeting Is le
about ihe sew
science in public
Police estimated the crwwa as lhln, ,,, u which scientists
bancne ia the mall or standing muid help is avoiding a cat as
la a nag around the area at Irom u-ophe lo mankind '
The sientisii are guests of ty
itvorsveot is Ikai Kajas aegos.arsi puss
a K ana aw .unua.-t nif 'he
Lews (NaostrviClasa Ca at Vatt e
lar a gtsverameof VoiMng puies-t
II stipsiialed Uiat a ' per ce(
runvnvisaiae P SOS V V na.vl
la ttve dicialof s son .n aw Sam
ur Mjrrost liai wosi aa-s oeien
iiblv ruaiung a newpapri S:tet
lh cvmpaay agreeO his grsl
as ihe pi ul csuing b .ives
in a diclaiur Ihe Kuias am lv
Oesioed their cut was insu."iornl
and inlornved Ihe urm i wouvl
be ra.sed to : per vtoi B K
OIH) The Seattle 'irm ba keit and
Ihe deal v-. lapsed
Rojas prevented suih d.w io
bet ore he fled 'o Npa-n r
acience Rogota s iea.1inj news
papers r 1 Tverrpe ano r -s"
laior and crnsnnng all others t
Noectalor ia laci was shut down
hv the dictator when a repoCed
that aa Amen, an girt of
Review of
Korea Pact
W AMtlNcTOY Jrv T v Sea.
Hunvpnrrv D-Muia' today argwd
a tresh Uwk at our pattcy " k
art HrO China aad a revsaaaa af
I've ivj irute lhat ended the Ka
rt an f gnting
H.v ptopiU hK-k anpeaved
u. run cuunirr la those W Sacra
;arv ol Slate I hi lies and ether ad-
nothing niimsiialiun leaders, appeared is
Billy Graham
Preaches in
N.Y.C. Park
NEW YtjRK. July T JT Billy
Graham preached ta upwards af
i SOS people under a broiling after
The ether eight aeaates save aooa sua today la Central Park
wrktlea SaaKatlea aa geaereJ a-
S SOB ta 7 000 More than m af
aaaaher af Usaes a aaeaaker aaay them tiled ta tha bandstand later ru, Katon. Cleveland induatnalut
speak mm a aakjeet wkthaat leave.
Mar 14a aad taath ( araliaa Ktstat
Use leagtk af speeekea Mary
laad akawe kaa aa writiea ewrkw.
IMjale u even more severely
restricted ia the lower houses of 11 in Him should aot per
to make dectstons lor tUnat Bll irK,rtral home
Graham s 15 - minute sermoa Red China sent Chou Pel yuan,
was on the theme of love and God. vice rector ol Peking I niversity.
and h s text was For Gad so Poland is represented by Prof
loved the world lhat He gave His Marian Hanysi af Use t niversity
only begotten soa that whosoever ol Warsaw
tor the pour ol t'olomba was be
tng sold, out d.strshuled tree
u(Xrs.sio ot H TeniH l
slaiemeau evade by Us editor tr
luting some of the dictator s pious
claims silenced Ihe laigesi and
most nrsiia(sr ti
northers l-alia America Three
weeks ago 3 months latet f
Ttempe made a beraded real'
pearance to us W 00S dai'v rea.l
rs lo join Argenlian s La Ptensa
exchange ideas . ' """"'"i "....-.
importance ot Dtrtatarskip Altacked
aflaars aad lo t . , . , . ,
nniie oiasting lusaoiai an r of Ihe past and helping
guide the nations return lo de
mocracv t. Tiempo has launched
a crusaiie
hirewurd ta a committee staff
siudv oi d.iarmameot problems ia
is evseniial that Caennanxist
China be brought mis any diaarnv
....mi ivsiesn at an early atfge '
H irvphirv chairman of S special
vnair Pisarmameajt Cawnmittea,
v.i d
: nirss this is done tha senator
sa d 'he Pe pmg l nmmtinist gov.
rrnmeni will provide a hsophola
.ru. h ihe Soviet I pjoa might use
m viola'r oriligalions undertakes
as a result of a disarmament
kcVeataace I rged
Humphrey proposed that Una
against dictatorship country accept tvea uuaa B aiier
lnn America In ' admit 1 S newsmea behind
stale legislatures r.very state
but Vermont authoriies the use
of Ihe previous question Most
slso place time limits us individ
ual speeches
npsTlgtvt 1SST
( nirtuional QuarrrlT
B7!ss -vs mi.Aj'n..rx.x-SJm
v D C. WtllUaaa
Raaalaa Delegate
ish but have everlasting life
He said God gave man the gill 1 The S.v iet I nion has a delega
of the ability to chooae right aod lluo ol three - General Scientific
wrong " and "vou have the same Secretary A V Toochiec of the
I gift ol God the gift to choose " -Soviet Academy ol Sciences. Ill
I Declaring that sin ia baaically rector I) K Skoheltzyn of the In
' selfishness ' Craham added that stilute ol Hiysics and A M Ku
Many trying to build his own litf nn a biochemist
without t.od makes a mess ol it I b representatives are r rot
Man must repent ol sin. re Paul Iotv chemist Harvard t 'ni
cer e faith and orx-v Christ-lnl versity Prol H J Mullet biolo
low Him in the fellowship of the gist and geneticist. Indiana I'm
church " tiraham said There is versity Dr Kugene Rabinowitch.
no bargaining with God You can 1 physical chemist. I niversity of II
linois and editor ol ihe Hulietin
I discovered that the "aka . with Jesus 1
1 what
data was insufficient,
could not proceed oa
case '
1 What is the correct
nation of ' usufruct '
1 Which one of these words is
misspelled Remittance exorhit
ance. recognisance, malfeasance
4 What does the wotd trans
cendent " mean'
S What
with la thai
limits of anv kind ' sk vesr-old former army
ANSWKRS known as the ' lenin of
I Say. 'data WK.RK insulfi
cient " and omit on " J Pro
nounce yu ivu frukt accent lirsl Armv Chief Prosecutor Gen
syllable 1 Recognnance 4 Sur Hussein Aiemodeh said he would
passing others in excellence "The be court martialed on charges of
scene was one of transcendent ploting against t
beauty '' I Infinite i death penalty will be asked
Iran Police Arrest
Fugitive Red Chief
TKHRAN. Iran July 7 s-Po-lie
arrested a lugilive Commit
nist leader here last night af'er
wounding him in a gun battle Two
ol Atomic Scientists
Selove physicist
Fermi made important
Invents in nuclear
Victor Weisskopf,
Institute of Technology Boston
and Prof David T Cavers ssso
ciate dean. Harvard Law School.
this connection as! week it
brought to Rogots Rep Charles
U Porter Oregon Democrat who
has championed invisiigji.on ot
lb Murphv Ca! tvdei disappear
ance involving the Trui:o
regime ol ine Iloiiiinican Kepub
lie Pmter has cnticued Ihr
Slate IVpartment s current polu v
of treating the dictatorships snd
demos rscies of Latin Amerus
s!ike in g.ving moral, evoosiniic
and mililarv support
Dr hduardo Santts Clomb a v
skier statesman and r I Tieiniio
I publisher, put It this way in greet
ing Porter .Sou sre the onlv one
in the government at Washington I
I who la saving what we so firm!)
believe ie want only lo till vou
how deeply grateful we are
Recalling warmiv the moral
ihe Kamhoo I urlain
Mr should consider modifying
irlber harriers turn aa the trad
embargo hi d force China lata rover relations with the Se
v iet hi. he added
km, a mere are no arma
rnrni i on trols on Communist
Inns thai cminlif will be free la
irniinue to strengthen its large
in htarv machine ha said
In Korea Humphrey said roa
' .nurd violations hy Ihe North Ko
rean ommunisti of Ihe ltfvl
agreement not lo rearm recjuire
a revision nl Ihe present armistice
nailer uinnllH l- TMmnn rM--i..l Mil
University of .-...n, ir.m imr,r, neW,
.1.. ...L .L- S' I. 1 rf
wno wun ine ujie rnricn ,-,, )r s.nti savi di
develop-1 rBf 1B(j .,, u,rl here in
s a Word beginning police officers also were wounded i nUn PicAnknwOrC
vat means without The fugitive-Khosrow Houiheh 'sjllll S.I3CMIIU WCI
Acquire Home on
escaped Irom jail in ltktt and has n 'J .' f
ben .,nce r resident s rarm
July 7 ' Ma)
and Mrs John
. rk . i ,1.. acquired a honn
oe rsnan anq ine
Safely Valve
(Milan Sole I titers fur The Stil.i Srl Valse roll
ml mmy aaetslaa ASreuat aalett asherwlH IwasraSea are SaJeaa. )
I aim
fission; Prof lm,rl, the forre of I nited
Massachusets stlt moral hacking in their con
Stanl efforts lo iionhat lolaiiiar
lanism They are ballled si I S
neulrslism in la'm A nvr r ic a
whith thev say lends to give re
setahitity lo the dictators
WraaMS Marked 'I S V
When Porter announced his in
tent to sponsor an amendment lo
the foreign aid hill when it
comes up shortly in the House
lhat would han lurther aid to a I
Kisenhower have l-atin American countries deter
nn President K.i mined by the Stale Department
senhower s larin at Gettysburg lo he dictatorships it drew en
Pa . Ihe Washington Star said lo- thusiastic response The Pentagon
dav i has defended military aid to Tru
The President s son bought Irom j Jillo and other dictators on grounds
his lather the old red brick school (of hemispheric solidarity against
house that la on the President s , Communism, snd the Stale De
property and II. has been done partment has argued that under
over completely the Star aaid our delense agreements covering
President and Mrs Kisenhower the srms. military equipment
The senator prnpoaed thai tha
I nited Satiorw take leadership IS
thu move and provide for "a this
mug out ol armed forces and arm
stiienls nn both sides of the arml--inr
lines and lor effective mutual
inspection "
Humphrey said this could in
clude "mutual aerial and ground
inspertion of Ihe type that both
trie I nited Slates and Soviet Ru
s a have already accepted in prin
i iple
Such an agreement would
ameliorate a dangerous situation
m Korea and perhaps pave tha
v av lor a political aettlement."
he sad
Humphrey said an Americans
t II are being held prisoner in
Ked China and Communist lead
ers should rvalue that release of
ttose imprisoned would help to
lessen tensions in the area "
Formosj Restricts
Youth Dancing Parties
TAIPKI. Formosa. July 7 iJ
Police have banned dancing par
ties of students on Formosa with-
givta frtar raatiOerauaa It tr are lafarwatlv saS art aat aiart taaa ....... a . i. j ... .
5as ..,, n leagtk Persaaai atiaeas ias riair.l. at well at Hkei are la started remodeling Ihe first floor not supposed lo he used interna1 v out spprnv si ol their school prtn-
arataeS. kal itTtM it eauileS u air aeHeft aaS aataiwai mm imy alee nf the schoolhoiiM into living by Ihe police against Ihe people ripals V order gava this res-
quarters two years ago More re The newspapers here induate nn overindulgence in dancing
centlv they started work on the wn Colombians are rrvenllul aflects a student i scholastic work
taxes were a little over UO Last upsair, roorn, hlrn th, pnteri have published simirs and and his sense of moral decency."
jear iney were nearly a. irm. inhed last week
Why does Ihe city council and Maj Fiisenhower and his family
school board have to put on a have been living at Ft Relvotr.
special election for parks snd a . but are moving soon to near
swimming pools Especially alter hy Alexandria. Va . to he closer
Ihe taxpayers voted down parks t0 the Pentagon Maj Eisenhower
and airport The parks we have now on duty there They don't
are not used unless its (or some expect lo get settled in their Penn-
special occasion. Why clon I Ihe ,vivania home until later in the
Opposes Issues
To the Editor
I would like lo slate my view
in behalf of the taxpayers I
have been a taxpayer in Salem
lor over U years After my sons
went into World War II, we sold
our large house and bought this
small one. a lot 41' by 70'. My
By Lichty
, .saasj:i a -. a a. ;sw ss .& tt ,Mt,m
Time Flies.
10 Years Ago
lali I. 147
Mrs Harold Oiinger wis
awarded the championship Irophv
prize for the summer tournament
just i nded at the Salem folf
Cluh Runner up was Mrs James
Appointment ol M F 'Gus
Moore a lormer Salem YMCA
stall member as associate gen
eral secretary of the local
YMCA was made Secretary C A
Kells said Moore attended the
Springfield. Mass . YMCA college
for a year after graduating from
Willamette L'niveraity I 134.
25 Years Ago
Jaly I. 1n
The Ray Hartman trophy
awsrded annually te the golfer
who has the best season record
among women members of the
Salem Goll dub, waa presented
From The
Statesenan files
to Mrs Guy Vincent Smilh It
was won last vear hy the Mrs.
Edward N Gillingham
Bill Hammond the chief of
the diivers luense department,
i reported doinj fine in an Ore
gon i :! hospital following an
emergency appendectomy
40 Years Ago
July I. 117
The resignation of John .1
Roberts as director of the social
department of the Salem Com
mercial Club has been accepted,
and William A Marshall member
of the Slate Accident Commis
sion, has been sleeted in his
Mary Pickfnrd s timely photo
play. "The Little Arnerican.''
staged undet the personal direc
tion of Cecil R De Mille. wtll
open st the Oregon Theatra this
set '
af ts thi.1(
B, T- '.,- jr
. yj t
IS I siasa .,, t, ft ' 6t-efsaaaaa.
school board and city council
charge an admission fee for the
swimming pools snd let those
using them help psy lor the
maintenance, not have the tax TOKYO .lulv 7 uw - The Im.
pavers foot all the bills at non- p.,, p,,,,., , mllMca ptct
Palace Music Rings
taxpayers rxpense' They have lo
par at YMCA or other places lor
their entertainment or privileges
"Is obvious recent capitalist court decisions is i-rrntin(t
unrest, comrade, judge! . . . Prisoners tre screaming that
in U.S, txirrununuU have some rightil"
Crown Prince Akihilo is taking
rrllo lessons He already plays Ihe
guitar and piano Empress N'ata-
They should get the law back ko and the crown prince s brnth
where only taxpayers could vote Pr oshihitn both play piano A
on bond Issues, or tax increases palace spokesman said they are
or above S per cent limitation. interested in Western classical
I see where some af the Eu-' music
gene school board did not ap
prove of ft. Thanks lo their
judgment in favor of the tax
payer. I know Iota of good men and
ladies in Salem say its cheaper
In live in an apartment than to
own your home. I am crippled
and just have to live on my
social security check No outside
income st all.
I hope all the school districts
get out snd vote against raising
their taxes. I know they are
against it in the Keizer arts
where taxes came lots higher
last year, and other districts also
They don't use the park snd
swimming pools very much. Get
ant snd tell your neighbors and
Irtends to vole. Iet them know
what its about. See if they want
more taxes II costs me just as
much for milk and bread as
C W BUM Beecroft,
IMA Royal St. N.E.
Salern, Ore.
4' Orr. qonQlalMBiai
hone Cat t-sail
at nsmirripw batss
By rarrter la ettlesi
Daily ana SuaSaf II II per ma.
Dills enlT II SI par ma
Ssmday anre II weak
tts avail Oaii awe Sanaa
Mn advance!
In Oragoa
k t) autaMa
.. 1 TS ear ma.
4 01 thre mo.
7 SA sis ma.
11SS veer.
T Basil SaaSas aw 1 7 .
On aSvanrei
aim era
II TI asa
II Weak
MM rear
Await eareaa
areas i
A sir A
nrriea Newspaper
rakitskara aa
ASsertlatwa aaaewaaasaavaat
wASB-oairmn ca
ftcs ffSIMtocsji CtsMs
Maw Taek Chlease
t) -
about your everyday
Insurance problems
U ktVI
Ita. RaftsaTj
t FSTION: If I trade refrtf
erstors da I have ta da any
thing shout my Fire laser
aaee other than la make sure
, I have eaeagh eeversga?
ANSW ER Most Dwelling Contents policies would not have
to be changed under th circumstances you describe.
J7J N. Churth M Ml 19
"Te Serve roe Btfftr i- Orege"
Offices la
Partlanal . . . Salem . . . Sprligfleld . . . Caes Bay
atyrtJe Palat . . . Ceaailla ... Geld Beach