"Wf TV EQUIPPED TO SAVE YOU MONEY mmm Future Television Sets to Throw Pictures On Wall-With Third Dimension Optiona y r I 1 aT .1.1 Be CVE CTkftft HOLnioOD July - STARR RmW OS TELEVISION lu hod eeured Is suggest , -, beck m: that j 'V wMua tea years aa sbeoare ai nt clue comic lined Millja V. red I haired KKO ac- I tress named Lu ciUe Bill and m unknown ra die announcer named Arthur GutMrry would be rem three of thr nation wealth lest and most popular t it arm inf!v because thru nv ing Lin ages could br seen en a glass irm i your bwng room you d hate been taken bodily, to t h t arareet brad doctor lor a thor ough examination Se. with that Uttie object U&sun firmly in mind let a take a free wheeling look into th- year Hi eur TV set, to begin ith oil! br a btggrr than a good iied handbag and nut much hrdier It will br in the nature ol a pro jrctor throwing a picture on tur feting room wall ar a screes in Educatwnal TV will he a major aay uie you may wane truni tws udutry ta narlf. aftordtag 1 1 tret square te lea I ret Kjuart j euajty high school college aaa .a. H wW threw as JT W a la , aatr. ! Tsar liiia was he aaHraaltaaal aaaay as three pBrtnres as that three peso at e three eVterewt rhaaaret raa Neva, hi alar aa. paaalral iSMaheri wak a nan a aaly a lew Ih ar laetewal heaeocts will basal It wta areetaw law seoaa. Tar art will, sseteter se gat a al raarwr. br realrwltro remotely eeaaary. tar TV ysa happra la br aaraa w a ia s a r aaa adtartK rvaau 1 aal keoere a were al ft. I Wly Wan h eat al at las pay lar aa haaiallalisa of bsl TV. usirnlly wbra aaol'i safe ah asglnalag. Aaa Irs TV, la aay way al Ihialwg, has awa a araMy waa yak at sflrfial aa yaat abwat Ikr aval abrrr Is at aw way al araai aa a i asar iaaaaaM b aay . laaiaaea. la rtrwar wm o b swtaaaa. aaNa far rrrr. aacfe Tberr will br appruxmwtrly MS tat uv h srts i use Se enl hr per cent at them wnl br ctur irti Sixty per cent ol all pr rrania will br in rukjr t'ki a fatten ind thr pivturt will become third dirriensiunal - but yuu tul need special glasses o eea modern science can orange the human eye II thr en lire lamtly wants to watch I if same show the sound ill be stereophonic Pay as you ee TV will be a commonplace reality but restrict ed U major porU events tirat run mo tea and educational T a Ba( raaaa aa4 ft away www a. They are also lalkinj about pip in pay you see TV into a trin of apartment houses around the country housing son 16 MJ apart menu ar maybe lo (WO people, tbr buildings being awned by the Met ropolitaa Ule lnsarancr Company They are talking about charging each tenant a M) installation fee w br can hatr thr added prni lege of pay ing for a lot of shows hr can t get for free They are also talking about getting Broadway plays first run monies 1 More with a ytrk t Oalhar grwat quaatity el Oa trft aMie (aaut) IS Sour sub- Iavuubla tloa JO Biblical II -Part by violence IS Uaacconv aaaiad ti Mitch' Vsaa IS Choler XT Ouid J -Without I Latin I iaBiailaa II Ready for rrapmg It Balloon basket I) Acclaim U Small leaf brlow calyx IT- Eat a little of - Kitchen tool 41 Farm vrhkle 1 Closer t - Broad aecktir 47 Framr of parallel 1 bars 4a Cleaning utmal Premier OtUXCKTAX M Appella tion of dignity 51 -Oait SI Salir.a aolutiua S3 BenJ forward and dewa wartl i-Vilal lore 54 Msaaura ol Thailand T-Part ol foolbaU snoa i Disperse 0- Nothing 41 -Of a mala rhannal 41 -Full of chimney dirt 44- Book al New Testament 44 TTvs remainder Decora tive slab Liquefy by heat Meal King of Juilea V ileneaa Fury male figure as support Runs swiftly II -Book by H Rider Haggard Sunday Cross-Word Puzzle VEamCAi. 12 - Short M O lossy black si Thinner 14 -Flat bot tomed boat IT - Ethereal salt S Small bad 0 Pardoa It Ttasor- billed auk 12 - One rta- lag up at Of pottery M Mora cautious 17 -Bay ar 7 48 44 72 7J 77 10- Te bind again 100 Animal silled to elveU 101 - Metal coa tainer 1(1 River at Tyrol 104 Front of an army 104 Formerly Persia 107 -Simpleton 110 Bishopric 111 -Ornamental 114-tt la agreed! 117 -Stream 111 Run off 111 Region 120- Move little by little 1 21 -A repast 1 22 - Railroad car 121- Bold 1- fcome mkr'ipt 2 Mooa 1 Nacrwoua t Ciria name - Arrow po i sua 4 Intended 7 - French curate I Salt I Eater of a fatty acid 10 Mien 11 By 1 Once again 12 - Prepare for use again 14 Mining tool 14- English rural festival 14 - Accordion like In strument IT Peruvian Indian II -Came animal 24 Little Island 24 Printing term 20 Length of a step 14 -Cut by striking 14 -Wild goose M A Sah 14 Terminal append age 24 Son of Ishmael 40 Garden plant 41 Exam ination tl Full of plant 44 Del scale butteray tV Revolving ' devices 4T Impor tant t-Kitchen utensil 41 Scorch with words SJ -Chide 44 -Reader IT Top Una of mouatala i Sags 54 Flowers used for perfume 11 Age 43 East Indian xylophoaa 44 Adult malea 47 Goddess of fruitful soil 44 Phaas 44 Amend ment 70 Blot out 71 Relating 72 Devasta tion 71-Of a metal 74 Writing 4 -Conduit , Shellac atgrwtfa- pwiwnnlal plant 41 Bird at gull family 44 Caused la 44 Unfailing 44 Holy aact 40 New Zealand timber tree l Ash exudate II- Recourse Bo Mo back Carrier 4-Swlnelike animal 100 Feel ana's way 101 Give up 102 - Knot less animal 104 Rags 104 Religious Image 104 -Allege 104 -Noble 111- Discern 112- Beverage ' 114 Hebrew high priest 114 Faucet TZAT 16 IT 14 I" I" l' ' I" k7i l al I u) I , m TJ t, T, VW i t3 PeT- PI y Ti zz" ; ' 5i tz- rnW- ii2 I X LU zA i ' V? - 77 P i 37 w, t " w ty1 77 7 j &&-7sr &7x- -fo? n; 77?- tt?- IN 1 1 w 1,1 1 1-1 1 1 1 w 1 1 1 S I - (Solution an pane 4) Villi aa Frank Staatra. Edward R. Marrew. Inaaa Shere. Lartlle SaB aa4 Deal Araaa. the WarM . al least aa bswyweignt flgwl. tsMl West- Is keep tar mast avtd fan a whale aassel si realy j tieelteal 44- aad bwim aTaas auc abewt Iwhlrfe are aaaggwag . mere aad asere tap nsevlr stars), a aansber si gead eeis shews. ! plenty el aadevUle I AUea III Salbvsa'. seers trans the NBC Opera Tbeaue yea aanse It. TV kas it la aae degree ar aaethef . Pay TV' has been an issue since ! 1M4 I ve listened la ail the argu mrnts seen ail the ty stems read f all the propaganda But ae one kas yet corn inced me that pay TV in any lorni can come up with enough outstanding program , ming. on a rrgularly scheduled ' basis, to make a worth my laying out the cash Furthermore, every j once in a while 1 Bkr to get aut of the house and go to a first run j movK or a good play or a ball lame And if 1 m going te pay cash te see a ball game then I ( want to are It at the park where I raa see everything If l m going 1 Is pay to see a Mage play, then I I want to be in the theater where I can be a part of thai ital an-1 tity known as the audience Aad with most major movies being made in wide screen processes these days. 1 want to see them on their nice wide screens I aaaVreiaad the Brweklya Dang ers bars a pay TV deal wllk Haia Irwa whereby, wbea aad sf Ike Dedgers mere te Lee Aagesrs. saberribers raa watch the games la thetr Bvlag reema far II a game. H i aet getag Is work. beys. The ralseae mt Les Aageles have beea getting Parifle Ceast Lnit games far free these maay seaa saa new They have also beea getting a weekly mayer leagae ame. aad this seasea Iwe el them. Fee a aaarter. yes: fee II, as. Lower year sights, gentlemen. Pay TV jaBt tss'l the paaarea everybody seems la tbiak H i ge lag te be. The Amerlraa rillxea b) a eery rsgey aalmal wkea H remee te partlag wllk s bark. NBC'i "Tonight. one evening last week, brought viewers a most refreshing and entertaining show from a night club in Hollywood where the unique, oflhcat and un usual is the rule rather than the exception Paul ( oates did h I a usual fine job of presenting the talent which brought to light lray Whit, who has a blues type voice and plenty of savoir faire The Lester Hoi ton Dancers in a "Caribbean Cruise " number, to the music of Al Kscobar and trhi Orchestra, probably fired oft an other Calypsopanic After the tele cast, we ail sat around and talked about shows and such Paul came up with some new names ol tries pians to stand in front of a record ing microphone ' Keefe Brasselle, Robert Taylor, Peter I.awlord. Sal Mineo, Charlton Hrslon and Mamie Van Doren are but a few I,ordy me, I almost forgot II u uh 0 Brien Add these to those actor singers who are now establihed with hit records, like Tab Hunter Robert Mitchum. Jerry'Lewis Kess Par ker and Grace Kelly just to name a few, you will rcadil, understand why song writers can practically wtate their own contrail Johnny Desmond, the singer whe taraed Ihesplaa far "Fsrape from Saa Quealla." a Columbia mevlc, then told as be was erlginally slgaed te art, "aa staging." said predacer Sam Kalimaa Hut while werklag aa a sreae wklck had te de with a prtsea boner ramp there was a logical spat where a aeag weald add a great deal te the story. So Jeaaay wrote the laae himself, will aet aaly sing It la the picture bat he'll alee record U for Coral. The laae Is rslled "lonely Lamest." "Good song," Johnny ('.rant, a leading disc Jockey, chimed, sort of a High Noon type duty Should rate good company By the way, have you heard about the new quiz show for movie stars'" Johnny ad-libbed. "It's called You Bet Your Wife' (ropyrisht l57 General futures Corp I TV tAOvo SERVICE GUARANTEED SERVICE ON ALL MAKES ft Frmpi SvfT ic Call EM 4-2271 SIC AND HEAK THl IEAUTIFUL MACNAV0X HEIDER: 33 N. Hi9h HstwoVsjuyartarl For TV-HI-FI RADIOS APPLIANCES I m T.V. I SERVICE CO. 1410 S. 12th Sc. Sorvking Atl Makes And Models WE DEAL IN SERVICE ONLY! UA 4-3327 Free Tube Testing Service Al Our Shop .iwyv. iaKy)!W Your Complete . . . . Newspaper . . . W4f44Wb4)t4) Mh TK AmmwM. Prt In W4r4 4 pitiwrm. c y WiMwarMfto) ValWy iwb A. R44r Sawaif., Tk St at tM m eMl'l tw WMlwfj)4MI. 9 C C4rasn4)Wwe Aip BaflWt, 4Mllh ff fefaOTlaV titwMaf 14) ittyrr't HtMtiiitf HttU TV" Am Uwlnri, tK b4)l iwk mI-iiih Bt44 IHtM fka fWeyfyt (4sj4tr MtaJ For a fir wy to start yew day . . . 365 Day a Year