The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 02, 1957, Page 3, Image 3

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to Disarming
LONDON. July 1 (IS-Leader of
Bnuan Commonwealth
greed today that Red China,
Potential anrUar BMMt v
iou final negotiations for a treat;
ww nw arm r
At the same Urn, qualified in
formants reported the United
States stands ready to announce
two important modiicstions of iU
proposals for a nuclear weapon
won Russia.
One modifiratifla wIuim
ban an nuclear weapon tetti late
10 i57 or early 1961 U Russia
grees to negotiate arrangements
nuclear weapon produc
tion by tome time in 195. Pre
viously the Western allies had
uoufht in terms f a timelag of
only a few month.
Allied DecUratfeo
ino outer modincauoa euvis
gts declaration by the United
State, Britain and Runia - the
nuclear three Smiting the use
of atomic and hydrofea weapon
to teH-defeoae against major ag
gression. Previous ty the West had
refused to consider apellinf out
any form of prohibition on the use
of these weapon.
Harold E. Stassen. the Ameri
can disarmament delegate,- win
Present the nuclear component of
the American plan for a timttad
disarmament treaty tomorrow
when flit five-power subcommit
tee of the United Nations Disarm
ament Commisiioa resumes Its
talk, in London.
in the conference of British
Commonwealth statesmen today.
Prime Minister Nehru of India.
Backed by Justice Minister M. W
da Silva of Ceylon, pleaded that
Britain take fh lend h eoadud- Lloyd, and (then argwd that
tag aa East-West accord to stop
nuclear testa with or without
Leave Asia to Bads,
Conference officials said most
of their coUeofues disagreed. Brit
ish Prime Minister Macmiilan,
his foreign secretary. Selwyn
Hawaiian Base
Now Center of
Military' Might
PEARL HARBOR, July 1 (ft-
The heart and brains of U.S. mili
tary activity over half the earth's
surface were formally centered
today at this historic Pacific naval
Clearance Asked
For Red Leader
Airwjjr Interviews
WASHINGTON. July 1 (fV-Rea.
Madden (D-Ind) demanded today
that future broadcast hterfiew
of Communist leaden over U.S.
airway be cleared first with the
State Department
Madden took the House floor to
label as "another Communist tele
vision propacanda broadcast''
yesterday'f interview with Presi
dent Tito of Yugoslavia by Ed
ward R. Murow, Columbia
Broadcastinf System Commenta
tor He said the Tito interview, and
the June I CBS interview of So
viet boss Nikita S. Khrushchev,
constituted "a well prepared ef
fort to mislead the people of the
world concerning the real truth
of the Communist menace."
"The Questions propounded to
Khrushchev and TMo were skim
med milk, watered down Inter
rogations which only afford them
an opportunity lo continue their
false propaganda and bes regard
ing communism as compared with
world democracy," Madden said.
Far Eastern and Pacific com
mands were combined under
Navy man.
Pearl Harbor, scene of the Jap
anese attack that touched off the
Pacific phase of World War II
Dec. 7, 1M1. became the com
mand post for nearly a half mil
lion U.S. servicemen and m
than 7,(00 planes and 400 ships on
guard between American and
Communist coasts.
But it is more than that. In the
word of a high officer:
"For the first time in our Pad-
.efic military history, there is just
one guy to say 'do it one mili
tary boss with his subordinate
commanders on the same island.'
The boss is Adm. Felix B
Stump. O. a lanky, plain spoken
sailor -diplomat who looks some
thing like President Eisenhower
The change found him in Tokyo,
where the flag of Gen. Douglas
Mac Arthur i old Far East Com
mand was hauled down for the
last time.
The bulk of U.S. combat foree
remain ringed along the Pacific
defense perimeter from Japan to
the Philippines.
Gen. Laurence Kuter, the Air
Force Pacific commander, said:
"None of our combat force is
moving from the Far East. It I
a case of the quarterback mov
ing into the backfield."
There is still a four-star quar
terback for each service. But
Stump will call the signals as top
His command covert 75 mlUlon
square mile. This is bordered by
1.000 miles of Communist coast
line about four times the length
of the Iron Curtain in Europe. It
includes several of the wortd'i
most potentially explosive areas.
Red China. Korea and Viet Nam.
plus such touchy friendly areas as
Japan, Formosa and the Pmttp-pines.
baa ea tests of nodes arm and
any renunciatioa of their us
would leave Russia and Red
China in a position la dominate
Europe and Asia.
The Commonwealth
were said to have agreed broadly
that the Communist Chinese
should bo brought into the final
negotiations for any world dis
armament arrangements. They
argued that t exclude Red China
would render any global disarma
ment treaty meaningless.
Informant said the Common
wealth chiefs realized that the
United State - which does not
reconize the Peiping regime
would find it difficult to accept
Red China as an equal negotiator
at this time
In thh wwtVi few-
talks back!
Jackie GlMoa ha beaa esOad
a lonely, raised-op saaa-aad
described a everything from a
neurotic glutton to a libertine
torn biitweaa relifioa and a
satyr's appetite for blondasl
Now, in this sicluews 8a tor
day Evening Post btsrview,
the fabulous comedian speak
for himself!
You'll find out the troth
about his sttihide towsrd
women... why he is such s big
tipper when he is drinking...
hie blunt opinion of TV col
umniets! And youll lean why
he says comics are actually
leas neurotic than snoot people.
Doat miss "I Call on Jackie
CI aon" by Pete Martin.
b nnlHTj flYkfJ) TinwsBjel 0Wq
Beck How a mild-mannered
normmting wisard almost sia
glehandedly brought aboat
the downf all of the chief of one
of the world's biggest i
iWalta Walla Fire
fn Hotel Kills Man,
Injures 6 Others
1' Itv-A W-year-eid laborer died
whea fir swept through the twe-
story Cotumbu Hotel tarty Sun
The man was identified at Rich
ard E. Hcrndon.
Tw ether men safTersd serious
bums and four others, including
hotel manager Walter Dent, re
ceived ininor injuries.
Fire Chief Leonard Adam said
suae ef the early morning Ore
has not yet been determined.
A cafe below the hotel and a
wholesale cigar store were dam
aged by water.
.-,;." 7J r --V5 : .. Statesman. Salem, Ore, Tues., July 2. '57 (Sec,
Theft Reports of Secret Information From Army Files Said Unknown;
WASHINGTON. July 1 (ft-The
Army' public information chief
aid today he's never heard of any
ret informs boa being "pur
loined or stolen" from military
Mai Gen. Guy 8. Metoy Jr.
made the statement hi testimony
before the House Government Ia
knnatioa suhcommittee. which
opened a sew phase ef Its inquiry
mto military fafonnatioa policies.
The hearings resumed after the
release last weekend ef state
ment by Leyd Wright, enaJrman
of aa advisory commisuoa ea
government security, kscklng
the commissions reconunottfla-
ssvesV0fBS09tio)olt' Tswf OaBoB So)left
leys "Never!" A direct report
ea the bitter dash ever deseg
regation thst is still regis ta
the Deep South!
IN All, 7 article, 4 ttorin,
I teriolt, many cartoon.
6tt your copy today I
a cutm jtAOAUe
Saw Sort Sms Shckkt Uk Skakt Ffkf
mi Shabby Skmku Sh-ld SJm for Sm Jf Y
Shan if Saw's Shak$ Sale
5 Gals, for the Price
of 4 Gals.
oh, m
f Witt tot far (W HUk with ftci OrtV
im numr ihmt
Hon for a new law providing stiff
penalties for aewtmea or ethers
who break security secret.
Wright bated If security leaks
which he said have occurred dur
ing aad since World War II. He
did not name any ef the publica
ttont enanrved except the maga-
Ameraau." two ef
editors were fined for having u
autborised tafarmatloa la 1M5-M
Rep. Moss UKalif). chairman
of the House committee, said fat
advance ef today hearing that
Wright was restating aa "unsub
stantiated indictment of the Amer
icaa press." Most said the Los
Angeles lawyer "ha (ailed to
supply documentary evidence to
support his charies.'
Gen. Melor said in his testi
mony that the Wright commiKion
never got la touch with him.
"Most interesting," Moss com
mented. "The general said it would be
hard to determine whether some
material appearing hi print wad -obtained
wrongfully from Penta-
many nra swnea were me resust
of "alert" and "intuitive" re- V
Meloy said the Army is busy,
on a program ef taking: material
out of the secrecy classification.
why mm
raiffliM to
New car registration figures for
the month of April prove something
we've anticipated all along. The big,
beautiful '57 Mercury is now tops in
this area in its price class!
Surprising? Not in the least! This
year, of all years, the Big M has so
much more of everything sought by
drivers here in ttve West Mercury's
styling is fresh, distinctive; reflects
nothing of the past or of any other
car harmonizing with every idea of
Western living at its best
Handling qualities? Western
drivers prefer Mercury's flat, "geared
to the road" performance over the
open highway or on hairpin moun
tain curves. They welcome Mercury's
stretchout roominess and inter, or
luxury, making a constant pleasure
drive out of every mile of road.
Exclusive Keyboard Control pro
vides amazing handling ease in big
City bumper-to-bumper traffic ... in
4 tight parking situations. Finally, our
customers go for Mercury's sturdy
construction and deep-chested
power, assuring complete comfort
and command anywhere on super
highway or back country ranch road.
All these features add up to top
value a more for the money car
especially when you figure the deals
we're making nght here in town. Now
is the time, while we're trading high
to make your move to the proven
favorite -Mercury57. See us today!
0oal I L Nil rsfKiferw kfura tw aeH. ltSf
McKinncy Lincoln-Mercury, Inc.
I aV av m m aT satTM I I I eW e I M V ,
I 1" IX 1 II II II i l ve- l If II II '. J I U eans!- I
III V Lr W I 1 S I V W 'rf-X . 1J I '
3T: aT m M .aaaVaaW sW mm JaT mm mm mm mm -". aT mmw art waaw eaatr b
S Wt 'fij: n M S"
iv nam sw
i i x ii i a" -!'.'!-...,-' i u.. jlit ji ii
mm mm mm jmmw amwamw - . m m -w. mm nmm mi m j
: f'" Up to 50 Discount on J. yWM '
Sleeping Bogs, Tents, MOMf V'vxi
t Cot, ond oil vour other f iEi i
compmg needs- j' ....A li
-Mmiii frm s&i,m"m
1 ri5i2M- (W CanPer LiSe .inm-
an f.!".-l VJi' I
m m m m mm b r m m j msmw m m
- rauv i i ana eats' iti ti w is r
ii y umnnr iiii i i it. -v i a
ii iiiiiiiiriian v. .ir. air iiiniiien - . - ,
i ar a w w mW mwm m ar m m tsar m wmt m-mmm ww n lessi mmm: mm -
1 1 mWTJ . VI i I m if -mm. mJ II
II J A ...-J. II t I a Vv W fter. aanTl"- I
II A A. mt hUUriUB VII Uin CBIKZpCMJCI . M . a 1 I I a
II I r .. ' Good heevv cons Truer ion. nil 11 i
..P .e. fibfjc
iW' Plastic Tarp
jS j if Vv. mJ Full 9x12 izJ. I ;
Oversta. has. I a., rlr- . il hlHtt Zm I s.
Jlasem fr. rut. ramplag seppUes. beets - , . . I
jW9 ""Jt :P vwrvthtag for ererr ssrt 4f 9x9, heevy canvas, with floor, I
f '' 'Sr' windows, wnino-H deluxe rwa- I f
yfeirWW 2950
OPEN Ttt 9 P. f . n
ft . M0H-nRUf!L. .AIL , "