The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 29, 1957, Page 7, Image 7

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    Ntwt of Sptcul
The ReY. Baker
At Jason Lee
Church Now
TV Kfy. Lither 0. Baker. Jr.
to rewlaciBg th Raw. Erw Goui
aer a miauur at th Jim La
Metatodiat Ckurct ia Salem. TV
Rev. Mr. Gaukter vat traaaierTad pwre-uea wifl Mart Iran the atol
receatry U Dtt Motae. Waah j vey Grav aad arweeed IV ahart
Miatatrr af Utt Leatt Metbaditt , distance alaaf IV highway ta tV
Church ia Partial lor IV paw. ! cVpet .
five 7 are. tV Rev Mr Baker j Father Hildebraad Mefcnairwill
aba terred u president al Bw i Vaad the raaary and hymat during
Portland MUtdut Minuter t Aa- th prwraaaioa and celebrat t aa
Ha M caairmaa af the mutk
(mmiaam tar tV Oretoa Mtta
adiat Cetvfereace. mrmber a( tka
Caaiaraaca hoard id ducattea and
alaa aanraa aa tV Caataraac
beard al auauUriai training aad
A tnambar af Um ParUaad lyiw-J,
phatuc CVtr lar raw year, taa
Rev. Mr Bakar ptona to comitate
kit wotbaraaia ia IV Panoav
airat' Quartet, grata af lour tug
BM Fwrtlaad Method rjmater.
Hf vat frM' ""
worth Call aad axj tdviarad
seminary varfc at Baataa iBivar
tity TV Rt. Bakar it aaarnH
and Um latbar af Ihrar aaufbtm
iacludai Lariaa, 14. Manka. 11.
1444 t. UbaHy St.
Swtttiay Sarvkat
7:M a.m. and 90 a.m.
orj Caauaaaiaa
1 1 -00 a.m. ManMnf Prayar
Miaaiam VPW Had
440 HtMtl-9-JO AJDL
Maralaf Prtrar
Pint Church
of Christ, Scientist
Caaaakaia aad Ubarty Bit,
July 7, 1957
Baadav Ctotk Benirat
Will ft Bald
IMaad 11 a.m.
Baaday Sraaal al t:M t aa.
Wadaaaday Rvaalal Martial
at I.N
Thi Lutheran
OivrtKw al talatn
W North Cbarek
Berewea t it a. ta. tad
ll,M a. ta.
Baadty Btaoal M t at.
Jeba L. Caabla, Paator
IT. JOHN'S (L. C M, lya.)
14tk aad Ceart 8U.
Serrlea I. bl
Saaday Bcbael 1:11 a. ta.
Walter G. ftwsa, Paator
SIM Saaavvtov Aeeaaa
Saaday Beaaal at I t a. av.
Serrlea I1M a. ta.
Lavell lelta. Patter
17J Seatk (a.-errial
Servleet it t it t.ta.
lad II i n.
Saadav Vbewl t:4f a. .
0. W. EarlgSt, D. D, Paster
4SW North River Read
Serrtee I N a. as. aad
II a. aa.
Saadiv Sraaol 1.41 a. at.
Wtrrea W. Parhataa, Pattar
CHRtKT (A. L C.)
State at lath Street
Serrlea I II U:N a. at.
Saaday Beaaal, t 44 a. as.
T. M. Cebaard. Pattar
Nartk Carltol al Galat
Servke I M ajau
UaJB.aad1:M t at.
Saaday Schoef I 44 a. aa,
raid GrladaL, Paator
f . .fIJirS f 111
Surrounded by trintcandant and e'arnil
light it tha final joofnay'of tha tpirit. To
commamorita thii Umpiring trntition with
batuty and dignity it avar our andaavor.
SOS S. Clvvetk al rvrry i
cvvry Swrvica it
Tomorrows Sun
Churck Aclivitict in Salem end the Volley
'Little Pilgrimage' to
Crooked Finger July 2
MT AXCEL. Junt StTV aril
"Unit PUfrtaiaec" Horjr Ros
ary Oapet at Crooked Fiager wiB
b held Tuesday. July t tat fea$t
af tV V natation, at t M n. TV
matt at IV chapW. Maat v 1 1 1
f art at I a.m. Camtnuaiaa will at
latnautad to al vV vmb to
AfltT maat thr wtJ Vfl cm
temanr rteit ta tV Shraw a( Our
Lady af Cnaaad rur taa
rwa adjarta ta taa raaprt.
TV atopM af Craakad ftafr
art alanmni a aambfr af aav
Iralurtt lar tV Tf a( aaaual Mar
laa Pilfrimafa whira vdl 1 1 k
alar at utual aa Aufuat U Par
mannH fload H(Mt hant ba v
ttallad. tV -ft. UU alack iraa
ttandardt aavtnf Vra danatrd ay
a fnvaa af FaiVr HUdrarand'a
TV tarn aooor alaa aaid lor IV
laatallattta and a aaarld tor aaca
lama aa wmrll t k t ailTtmaf t
atary at aru aaiatad
TV rtfular "littla ptlfrimaict"
WJd Ihroafhout Um yar aa Um
drtijaalrd Iraat dayt ar bnaf
aiasmrntrd ttita yar vim aa tttra
atlgrimaf by aark rraup mat
makrt taa of tV aifht rrtrrati
auUinad lar Um tummtr at Mt.
AafH Abbey.
TV fir aaa tank alar laat
Reception to Honor
Church Organist
TV Pirat Evaaftliral Vaitad
Brathran Church will konor Wil
liam Ptwk Sunday lar hit IS yan
af laithfulaaat aa tV Churck Or-
A racrptioa will W bald at tV
Nick LrRud bom, batwaaa IV
hourt af I aad I fn Pouring Um
firat aour will V Mrt. TVmat
Naak and Mrt. Myrl Mumi Pour
inf tV aacoad bour will bt Mrt
AUrad Jamiaaoa aad Mrt. Carl
rVtaekeia aad Wiater
Dr. Palinf
Tva Services,
l it aad II a av
The Christian
Invite You
17tk aad Ceart
Worship l:M,
II U a. at, 1:11 p. at.
Ckarrk Schawl 4
Tealk aad Adall
Pellawtklp M
mil irnui
Marian aad Cettale
Charrk Schawl I 41
Worship tad Ceeanaalea
I II t.oi, 1 43 I .,
7 II p..
Teatk rrllavtkip Begiat
I N a. at,
uixi toil (mnrui
4IU Market Street
Charrk Sebaal 4$
Maraiag Warship 11 M
Yaath Pellatrthlp I M
Warship 7:M p at.
utfin unnoi or emm
4MI Skyliaa Read
Charrk Brkaaf 145
Maraiag Werthlp 11:M
Tatk reltovtklp I II
Warsklp t:M p as.
The Way
h Brighter
14-Mr. PHweva; IM Ml J
Pan act inouia
Satirday ait. vbaa Um arar M
maa Ukuuj part tha Juac Lay
maa j ratraat motarad ta tV loot
kUlt ta data tVtr day t orra
tarni by maaiaf tV ptl(nmaa.
Aa uausual mridrat vat tV ap
praraiK af a wild dm. a abort
dntaara beKiad m tftnaa wturb
(rawd aoorhaatty vtula tV atany
vat raritrd aod tV hyma aun
At Mt: Angel
MT ANGEL. Junt -A trail of
wiltrd. multi-coiorcd flower art all
dowa Mt AafWi ttrreu ava
muU tvKteaca af um traduiaaal
Carput Oiriati prorauwa held
tbar Sunday. Juot it. ioilowini
IV Mm. aolema high mast TV
Aowcrt wart ttrawa by btu irb
a whit drcaaat and wraatht aad
veill. walking immodiatrly anrad
af IV Rev. Cyril Labold. paator.
rarn-ieg tb Biraard aacramrat
ia Hi goldra manatraara. arcam
aaawd by Rrv Edward S a 1 1 r
and Rrv. Juatia Rcilly TV thrar
pnaati walked under aeatk a
vhH tatia canopy earned by
four mea.
TV Uirr altart at aacb af wwkk
tV prareaaioa tlopped or tolema
benadirtioa war arreted at tV
hornet at Al Dieker. Joaeph Berrh
told ana Eliubetk and Helta
Marching with m group, play
ing aacred muaic. waa the uni
formed M pMca Mariaa County
Ctbtent Band, accom panted by St.
Mary i choir, directed by R v
David N'tcholaoa.
Orgamied aocietiet walked at
th head af the proreation and
l he maia crowd af maa. womaa
and rhiUrra follawad bahind tV
city official who marched im
mediately behind tV clergy Stat
ue ar picture of Chrint, flanked
by flowart war placed on the
porcbet or it in af aO Um hornet
paaaad by Um proretaioa.
Moody Institute
Film Planned
TV Moody Bible Institute of Chi
cago will prevent their colored
film entitled "TV Stones Cry Out"
at th Halbert Memorial Baptist
Church. 4Q Portland Rd . Elmer
0. Paulson, paator. this Sunday
evening it 7. JO p na Thu film
takes one on an inspiring expedi
tion into Ute Holy Land r u I n t
including Pttra. Babylon and the
wall of Jerusalem Dr William
Culbertton. president of the Moody
Bible Institute, it the narrator
N. Callage aad D Sit.
9:45 i m. -Bible Schaol
llrOO tm.--The Oa! at
7 JO p.m. -"What la
In a Name?"
Marian and Carta e Sri.
I M k II 4i, Warship
I t. Warship
Wtyaa Greea Daa Rati
ll A .St.
"a root WHO tA
7 M It
"A toot WHO BUM Hit
Irr I. I
Tear lift ria at tarkked
threagk prayer tad warship
. . . experience thtt tplrttatl
rarkhaieat ky regalir charrk
Matta fa
itpiMia m uiurr
Rev. E. I). Welfe
Gveat Mi aitter
Tealk SarrkM fcM
rrJaf Varrkt 7JI
ill MOB
Rev. E. D. Waif
Gaeat Mialtter
taweK e,
Mlnga09V flf twawaSeJwat
af IV
lafT I
'Kristmenn' to
Give Concert
At SiTverton
"KhttmcfW f St OUT i ctotr
il ftv a roatcert Saturday mft
at Immanuef UaVraa Caorct
Mutx anil bcfia at I pm and
there viU a aa admiawaa cwaate
akbaufk a free-wiB aflenng viU
aa taaea. Taa group campaata
f member af th widpry knows
St Olaf CaUrg chair ia North -
beid. Mina.
Silvertoe i PVat Ckrlttiai
Church will ptM athar Chriatian
Caurcbet ia the aatioa during July
and August ia Uie annual eaMrst.
"Get oa the Band Itagoa." Frank
M Powell, tupenstendent af the
; Bible trhaol repartad today. TV
purpose. P ewe 11 explained, it ta in-
ereaa BiMa arhaal attendaar in
tae ' alack tummer moaOM by J
per cent Sunday moraing. the
Rev L M. Nelaoa will brgia hit
nnt arrmoa aa the BeatHudrt
ert. wh thu aa Mtitlrd
lunt Thrwurh Porarty " TV
1 rrr
Canatiaa Yautk Feilowthip
pravid special muaie for the
day evening tervK-et at FuM !
Chrtstiaa. wHb Chi Rho rrOowahia
ia ckargc af devotions During the held for tV Reverend and Mrt
II am amnce. the youth direc- Lloyd I'ecker oa Sunday evering
tor. Doa Lyda. and hit family wiD at T M at tV Englewood Evan
give the special muuc Evening gelical I'nitad Brethrea Churca
iworahip hat been moved to 7 p m I Members and fneadt tre invited
1 Irern the former I p m. hour as tV pastor begin hit eleventh
! Monday night at 7 Um CKritt i year at the Englewoed Church
lan Women I r'rUowthip wifl meet, a aaove f Nebraska and p6
with a gueot speaker from WiUam-uate of Whitworth College ia Spo
ette Innertity Membert of tV ane. the Reverend lacker came
; local Christian Church wiD join to Salem ia 147 TV Enalrwood
vitk other Christian churches of
Oregoa ia Um aaaual convention
opening at Turner Tuesday night
Tail convention closet Sunday af
toraooa. July 7
Trinity Luther League members
will leave the church at I clock.
Sunday following th morning arrv
ice at ll. for aa outing and ptrmc
at-Siher rills Stat Park Games
ar being planned for Um after
Trinity M 1 1 tii Circle meets
eeaday at I p m at the home of
Mrt. Elmer Thpmptoa at Monitor
A special offering it planned lor
the morning aervicet at Um Silver
ton Seventh Day Adventiat Church
Saturday, th offering to go for tV
construction of an evangelistic
center ia Osaka, Japan, aad im
provement of educational facilities
ta Um Philippine
Benefit Dinner
At West Salem
Methodist Church
TV Weil Salem
Church ia sponsoring a special
benefit dinner following the 11 a
m Sunday morning worship terv
ice. according to new paator The
Rev Wayne L. Hill.
Money from IV dinner, which
will be open to the public, will
aid in the construction of the new
I.TJ.0D0 Sunday school education
wing now more than half com
pleted. TV Rev Mr Hill said
Sunday s sermot topic will con
tinue a current tenet on IV mes
sage of Um church entitled "Made
la Hit Image."
To Add Service
TV Cabinet of the First Con
gregational Church meeting this
week i oted to begin the Fill season
with two Sunday morning aervicet
of worship at I M and 11 o'clock
During this past year the congre
j at ion has grown until it waa nec
essary lo keep the room to the
retr of the tanctutrv open and represented the church at meet
filled with rhairt all the Um. I "WW of tV Prehyterian Synod
Confirmation Rite
At St. Paul's Sunday
r will he
held in St Paul t Epiacnpal LUinerain nUrCn
Church Sundav. June Mth, at 3, ,
p m TV rlast will he confirmed i Spiritu! Grl eommi I-
by the Rt Rev Reniamin D Dag 't Chrl LutVran Church will
well, bishop of Oregon, and pre- rw,ct ,h morT"n ,r,vlc B1'
sented by tV rector. tV Rev Sundi unoOT ,h Iwdorthip of
George H Swift Rohert Bock congregation
. . ..,.. I will be introduced lo Uie empha
A reception will be held follotv , Amehctn Lutheran
ing in the parish hall I under nmch , prrtrnlttMti thf
" " L r'":' " . "
orilh ti p. Dniv.-. c,.
1!...h! ThThi.L .
president I he hishop will give
hit message to the class and con-
n cover
JaaaMkaaLaoaaa laVaat I koW,
eewoiaaw eWAMaav BervrTWAr-BJBJ
7aft) loodav (rkoal
toody PtatMiai Claaaaa
Prayar Haalatf CHoln
Morawh-ikal laWary
ehaa IM l-MH
First Methodist
Dwwa Tewa
the toll White Spire
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Jeha F- Kae ssmer
Salaiat, Betty Starr Aaderana
Braadratt KSLM ll:t-lt:H
Braakt H. Meet
Chapel of
The Way
(Nea tectartaa ceater a(
Teat par arily lacated al
Cattage St. Eatraac
H IS Sandiy
Heay the Interastlentlly
kaava Dr. Vlrtor Haga Sward
Parade of Missionaries
. . . -
Costume Feature of
BROOKS. June M MoiMeanm
tram nn the- U hraga laadi
, wiU ba
Suavity aAfnaaa
al 1 J far UM aamial mmteejary
rally af Ut OtdPantoaed Cair
Meeting artT at Betaei
Gctpai Park, Braoka. Or. ae -
coroiag ia in ney .i v. uaeia
ton. ramp chairman
, TV Rrv. J. Paul Brutoa. former
imiaamnary ta Dahomey, will be
the afteraooa tpeakar A coior'ul 1
parade af mar thaa M miaamn-1
anea drcaaed ta IV gala aattve
roatumaa of the countnet ia which
they have labored til be a part
( the or oar am
Mtanonanrs partiripating ia me
kghu of the two-week camp meet-
; Reception for
"5;U.B. Pastor
At Enqlewood
A informal recrtxna will V
church it hit first full time
charge He was ordained at Jeo
nings Lodge in 141 He hat
worked toward his Master I de
gree at WiUametta I'alvertrty. aad
hat alaa studied at the I'njverwty
of Oslo ia Norway tinea coming
to Salem.
During hit pastorate her Sun
day School attendance V mar
thaa tripled and worship atlend-
fw- k .. In i mt nif lirnnlail In
thf , Urgt
tk. VTi. V
inr gWtm vwm jvmtw m idiif MiWiui v w w ui i ' tgm i-j tiivtj
the church kaa been liquidated. I program effarad by Um Dill;
the church building and parsonage yacatiaa Bible School f the Ket
have baea greatly improvad. a are Community Church from July
new orgaa mttalled. and addrtioa- Mi U) JOU
al property acquired Clasaet ar divided lnt "Uttle'
Last January a aecond Moraing . Pioneer." Cowboy Partner!. '
Worship Service vat added to thejand "Older Ptoneart." Agt groupt
liiir4t tw4iil St - -. a ftr h-Am 1111
church kaa plant for aa tit naive
building program Approximately
. . . at. ..i . w H a
nt. ww im m wrv ouuuui r u
with another SW.OOO already com -
mitted toward the program.
TV Reverend Lloyd I'ecker la
presently president of Um Salem
M material Astociatioa Ia Um Pa
cific Northwest Conference. V is
the director af Catechism training
and the administrator of Sunday
School work
dOiy OfTimUniOn
i i . e I .
rll I I OUT I CI 11 II
Church Sunday
TV tummer celehrition of IV
c .7.".. u"r " '.I
nerved at the woVthip wrvica. a.1
the Pirat Pretbyterian Oiurch
Sunday morning, with IV wrnmu-
' .
served by Um Elders at both
iko a At anH 11 a'rbwh aarviria
( ommuruon Meditation. "Chrtat
Choice" will V by Dr. Paul Pol
ing TV following Sunday, July
7. i brother of tV pastor. Dr
Daniel A Poling of New York City
will preach at both services. Hr
n coming to IV west coast for
the convention of tV International
Society of Christian Endeavor of
which V it world president, open
ing in Portland the following day
The pators. Mr A A Rogers
about a doien men and women
tnd Synodical of Oregon held this
pt week at Lewit tnd Clark
Layman Sunday at
.i - I
ork of the Parish Education De-
-- . -
Prtmenl, Evangelitm Department
tnA s,.,.I.H.hin rw.Hmo-1 Par.
ticipation In this tervice will V
under tV direction o( the chair-
men. P'Turd Uyton. Jack Hep-
ner Keith Perkint and D I v I d
TV pastor. TV Rev. T M
GeeWiard is on vacation and will
return July 5th
K0IN-TV (Channel 6):
1 tt p.m. Lamp fata My Feet
The Story of Ruth.'' comme
morttHig the Jewish holiday of
IN p.m. Armchair TValre
Stingaree starring Irene
Dunne. Richard Dix. Andy De-
vine, ind Miry noltnd An
Australian "Robin Hood'' spun
the musical success of girl
ia i wealthy family.
I at p.m. Yea are There-Cameras
scan the deckt af the ill
ftted tailing ship "Bounty "
7:M p.m-Ed Safllvaa Shew
Cary Grant. Prank Sintri and
Sophia Lor en are seea in a
filmed scene from "TV Pride
and Uie Passion ' and Sir Laur
ence Oliver and Marilyn Mon
ro in a comedy scene from
TV Prince and Uie Showgirl '
I N p.m. G. E. Theatre The
wife of a wealthy lawyer be
come involved in blackmail
and murder. Greer Gtrton
I N p.m. Alfred Hitchcock Pro
aits A woman on the verge
of mental illness Vlps t men
ttl patient escipe Phylllt
Thixter has the lead role
11:11 p.m. SVwUme aa Six
Four Jills in t Jeep ttamng
Ky Frtncis, Carol Landi.
fit; ui -aatert ha tikrwatVut
' tta Northwest i b attend -
'aar. R it expected that a record
Monca wiU b Mr ut Mr. EH
rkaiT Mr Mn Ham G
Dowaer and Mr and Mn L P
roraMa. Beurnia Can, Alnca
.Mia rtorenre CVntia. Egypt
' 'l
BROOKS, Jaae tS Ta B?.
C. M. Ward viU peak
ajfktly tkii retalaf week
al tk Bethel Gaapel Park
rtmp taeetlaf ker.
Keizer Bible
School Set
Km. - -
KEIZER. June a - Pioneering
lak a .all kk !- tL . .al
Raglsteratloa it July tth between
I and 11 am at Um Kaiter Can
. k
uiuaiij ururm.
Lebanon Group
Due at Turner
Blalaaaaaa Nawi Bevvtoe
LEBANON. Juaa St-Local rap-
teattUvea of Um Plrat Christiaa
Church will lata part ta Um ia-
aual conclave of Oregon JVittiaa
churche at Turner text week
TV Rev L. 0 White,
pattar af
the Labanoa church and president
of Um stale ChrttUaa MiaMaary
Society, will Uka part la tk
" 'ITL . , .."ITf
M. .1.- n. T-v.J
IV Chrittiaa Woman t Fellowship
iU l
" Pr "
latail Kaieaal ahol lowaw tawia aai
-'-"a-- -
attending minittan, Um affair la
't,0 h,ld 8l'm
Recollection Day
July 7 at Mt. Angel
UIf.aB. Stmt rvl't
ii ni K"T" ivrri abbb-v i
m"i hi rt.itir.i. nnor. i. .iunr
77 Oblatet of Mount Angel Abbey
will hold their annual Day of
Recollection on Sunday, July 7. ac
cording to Rrv Antrim Galtm.
0 S B . director.
The meeting will begin at ! p
m and conferences will be held
in the Shrine Chapel of the Ahhey
fTiurrh Rt Rev
Abbot Damian
Jentgea, 0 S B will he tV confer
ence speaker He it tlso scheduled
to preside at Investiture- cere -
monie for new membert, at well
at for those who have completed
tmrii jrar m nwiuaie anq I r t
bl aLioa abb .a. 1 aaa 1 A .
making weir Anal Oblation.
Sublimity Church
Group Party Sunday
tit V.
annual -n ai iwcnt oinnoay '
party will he held Sunday. June'film'tnp. Ptstori for Portugal"
! . .. ,w. w k.n ..i. will V shown at th Salem
annual Altar Society birthday
hers whose hirthdiyt occur he -
tween Jan 1 and June 11 as hon
ored guests
, Husbind of ill rnemhert ire in
The I M p m supper will he
furnithed by Circle members horn
between July 1 ind Dec Jl
Television Highlights
Martha Rtye Mitii Mayftir,
Jimmy Dorsey. Phil Stivers
Dick Haymes. Alice Faye Bet
ty Grible ind George Jestel
TV experiences ol lour tr
tresses in entertiining Ameri
rin Git on the Korean front.
KGW-TV (thannel 8):
t:M p. in I ally MaUaee
TVatre "Art of Violence,"
starring Van Heflia. Robert
Ryan and Janet Leigh. A sham
war Vra t past catches up with
him in Ute form of i romrtot
he betrayed
4:M p.m. C allege New Cafer
rare Joseph W Martin Jr.
iR Masti house minority letdar
it questioned.
IM p.m. Htlly wd Film
Theater- "Race Street." with
George Raft, Marilya Maxwell
and Williim Bendix. Tale of
gtnglind violence in Saa Trta
cisco's gimbling ampin.
I M p.m. Mite Wanaea inter
views Chirtes ' "Commindo "
Kelly. World Wir II Vra wV
his had tough sledding in civil
ian life.
It; p.m. (tassel I Playhaaae
-"Test Pilot." with Clirk
Cable. Myrn vr and Soencer
Tracy. An aviator make a
in Native
Brooks Camp
Mr. aad Hit Ravyraaad But
arkaMU. Mr. aad Mr. Hermaa
Esjahjau. Prvaca West Ainca.
Mar rftoB. Jap.
aad Mrv l ama .NawajMki.
Ceaarabu. South Amenra
Glana Keaay. laaHaa work
aad Mrt WOfrad Mama. Feri
Soutk Ammca: Mr. and Urt i
Narmaa Wtbttcr. Haaad. Mr. aad.
Mrt. Caorf Gay. AlaakA aad;
Mr and Mrt taa Cilmaa. Indus'
Thai ervict it ene of the kigh-!
rrvwd wiD lai tV fanlitx afj
tV taberaacl which heidi mar
thaa 4 am paapk?
Each evening at 7 a m. to!
Jury 7 tV Rev C M ard apeak-
ar for uV inter national radiej
broadcast, Remakime af Um As-!
i teenWM af God. wiU preach. TV
j tcrricat each atgM will be faa
'jtured with Um aiarng af Um Urg
' !. ' camp meeting choir urder tV d-
- rectioa af Jona Mark Davidaaa
. r . . i . j . ...
tnuair will alsa V ar tinted
Saturday a.ght at T t Chnat t'
1 1 Ajneaaaaoart rally win V VM
aaoer um airertloa of Rev Wayn
Adam state preside at af Um Oct
r Christ i Airibaaaadort Re
M Ward will V Um aneaker
H ia ia demand throughout the
auwa as a apeaaer lor youth roe
vent tent and alsa ta a writer lor
many yauta auouraGoas
TV Rev L R Kryat. prettdrat
of Bethaay Bible College al Santa
Out, Calif . will (peak each day
praaaoting a Bible exposition
ChUdraa i aervicet ar being held
ia Ute admimttraioa auditorium
twice daily at It tc a m and 1 M
p m. under Um waderahip af Re
Joha McPVrtaa. a full -blooded
ladtaa evangebat. Regular earr
ce are being conducted at M M
am . 1M. l aad T M am
Fir$t Methodist
. . , .
V J C2 flflfl Churfh
SCnOOl NfJrt
Vacatioa Church School at Pint
Methodist Church will bt bald July
I through Um II at 1-11 M am.
Im all - ir . J
garta. Primary, aad Jubmt ae-
: partmant levels Intarmadiato
. l . . : ... ...
... i . in . 1
evnung at f a pm. aurtag Dllt
period for UMir -hH
TV theme of Um school wiD V
Wider Relttionahlpt" with Km-
dergartea studying "rMwdt Near
tnd Tar '; Primary ttudyiaa "Our
Familial"; Juntort ttudytng "Meet
Yur Neighbon"; aad Junior high
Hudying God t World and Own '
negutratMa will be handled at
B"rrk '"c both prtvMut to
j1 P"l tV achooi and aa
negiairauoa will be haadled at
i " morning at juiy a ,
ur. a. nayaor. Aaaonate miaia-
ter. It general tupenntenderu af
tha r4Ml 'nte-aeiK at,
Michigan Pastor
Guest Speaker
Gueat speaker tt Um Ftrtt Bap-
ti Church aa Sunday will V Dr.
rraneuia w Wiley, pastor af Um
Gratiot Avenu Baptist Church of
Detroit. Mich He wiU apeak both
Um 11 o'clock Worship Service and
at the 7 evening Goapel Hour
Dr Wiley it traveling through
Oregon following hit attendance al
tV National meeting of the Con
servaliva RaWiai AaA.i.i.u j
. ""iwivb vi
Bible Conference
Director to Speak
Mrs Evangeline McNeill, diree
or of the Cmnnnn Haark Rika Tm.
laaaM r... n w r.
wj lh fuj Em;
minuel Mennonita Church, near
1 Pratum, thu Sunday evening, June
jo at 7 tS
Mr, McNeill will show pictures
of the ConffTtnc gTOUndl. ' Rt ft
rilitie. services, heiutiet tnd rt
crational opportunities
Pastors for Portugal
Film Strip Planned
Tho inrtimontarv oaIat . arainH
; Heights Baptist Church on Sunday
evening at I k pit.
I Produced by tV Conservative
Baptist Foreigt Mission Society.
' Pastors for Portugal shows how
the Leirii seminary Vlps meet a
need in Portugtl by training young
men for the minittry.
forced landing in a Kansas
wheat field where V met t girl
,- ir., .
KPTV (Lhjnnel VI):
I M p.m. -Tear Aitei
TValre Hold Thtt Womtn"
starring James Duna ind Prin
ces ti i I f r d Honeymoonert
chase notorious jewel thieves.
I at p.m. Meet Ute Press Kni
chlro Atakil. Jipanese Ambas
sador to the I'nitad States, will
V interviewed.
7:Bt p.m fHevt ADea, with Bob
Hope. Dean Martin. George
Jessel. Vera Miles. Alexia
Smith. TV Axidentalt ind New
York'i Miyor Robert F. Wig
ner. I I p.m. Coedyear Ptayhsatt
TV Legacy" starring Melvya
Douglas. Philip Abbott, and Ro
land Winters.
I t p.aa. LeretU Taaag A
womaa rnakat an unthinking
remark and sett off a chaia af
nightmarish evetrtt.
I M p.mMaa Behtod lb Badge
Tva clever racketeers devise
a tcVme to tell thousands of
phony ticket to a circus per
formance 11:11 p.m. Academy TVatre
"Act of Love starrint Kirk
Douglas and Danny Robin A
soldier hefriend I penmlets
French g'.
Stxtesnua. Slm. Ore,
jJ ' acwwt at aw w Tr
Ta aevwwt) nvanoat tar Saturday,
eo "oa coreja)onovif ta uwaw
ct your Zodex Mi VO
Kit u-naa-n
I 1 VT
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I W ' M kaiM
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f yt r (Won
j a. o rw
Sunday's Television Log
l OP TV. 4, BGW TV.
loral Btrti loral
LJ a rrv
a rrv au utruti
AUa avi -
1 tav 1
OS rrv chn. tVinra Inauairr
.. aow
FTV ClvU Dfriw
V 4L
IB 01
The U
Tue Wsy
Tha Ufa
a rrv
I14L louwi
Iar.v T
arrv c
BV 4L Ti
Lies fwrt Mn w
tierwura iiaiMWurwa
Garuesin OaroWmna
Futti rrwnliMt raiUi rr
2 a oiw
srrv y
BOIN 4nBjcBair Tliea ftnwchair
aria sua-n World Hcanrs Mat TrieMer pl(i Theater
Itait rTaarw
ua Matinea Sua autHiaw Sua Msunet Bun Manna
3 Bona
Bolt) Armchair Thaa, Armchair
Mat Theater Mat Theater Mat Theater Mmi Tratar
rt Afternoon Tha Afiemoa-
AL Bua BtaeaM Sun Matim Sua. MaOraM Bus Manna
A Bev
; "4111!
BOIN Face Nation Pace Nana
Colleee Ca-far Celieae
A flair
Tn Anerwi ia
. i a ......
Ua tet ll War
Ba. SOW Orcua rtrr-i
1 1 tr-TV Maat tha Vai Maat tha
- a. vat, Mai ina rraaa laiaat na
V2 "T!? .
BOIN Laaaw taaaa
fl- c dot
ar n Aaa t P
THoa )t'obov
The tow tor
WWBVtX Cowkar
Jboin id Butiivaa it iiivaa im Butitvaa
rr tl. Aim lllr.a Alloa ittava Alloa
VAL tleva Aiwa aiava Alloa IB law Allaa
boin 3 I Thoa tor
boin 3 1 Thoat.
X!Sr" S2
Usval itla 7i ,
C I Thoa
ITwln Bill
Plha ICoaavaor
vaa 1 Leal 1
BOIN ttta ChaU IBM. Call IWItal I Mr Dm What atrXol
ac.W Mia Wallar Mlk Walla laa atnrv oo Btorv
J irrT twa You J-ortu
trotta Trmnf Leratu
BOIN Mlas Rrmki atlas trraoka I four Jllla"
I SOW Taa WlM ' rTa fll
" B TTV Dr Hurlaae (TV Hudaon Ara it Thoa 'AraHlTT Twaa.
ntVAL Bit T Thaatar )l Y Thoatar Plf Y Theatar Kl Y Thaa aw
1BOIN'FrnarJHla ' Jilto ' Tmar jlDa" 'Taw Jllla"
at.w T M.i f Toat Filot Mr a PTa or-Hj aa
m 1 TTV Arademv Thoa lArade iv Thoa Ararloirr Thoa Aroeomy Thoa.
1 a VAL Bi Y Thaa lot Bit Y Thaatar V Y Thaatar l Y ThoaVar
tarv im
I: It
BOIN B. Power Blf i B rowor
I BUON Must iMual
BSI.M MKa ;oara y Matodv
Nws-ainhan Rainhan INai-harl lltolnharl
Irtv ta loara Inv la Laara iSalt Lak Tak. alt Lak Teh.
Outdoor (Bonk
at. ON Sun Hot Sun Null Btornal Ufht ttarnal Ufhl
Con Baptiat iBaleni
BBXT Nwa-inhr1
BOIN 'r Miiln
Bf.W Revival Hnur
BI1IIN Uhl a 1 if
k norkor
art Boinhart
rlnur Bavival
BIION Ufhl ti I lit l ight a
III M Bible Claia Blbla C'laas Valca e Prn
9 BOAT Botwrli Organ ffttonorkor Blrmorkor
BB7Y Naa-Retnhart Rainharl Ptlnhart
BOIN Waah Nwt farm Bron Parm Biona
low tt-andinav Hr BVandlaav Mr. Brandlnav t
BtLM Bible Claia Blbla ("laaa Vnlr empk i Voir af Swaaw
BOON Bark to H'kl CTirlll man iyr ProBhorv Vc a
7 IILM Nm ChneUan BcL iPrank tt Ira'stiMuaw
I BOAT Ijitmki Hr dlnn tmlth ICWnn tmltk RCAY
' aaiT Nawa-Rrmhart Rdphart
OBOIN In It ltuia In It. Itui World MuaM IWerMJ Meat
K. w Uuih tni Sua. Mum tor Sua. Muaic for Bua. Muaar far Bun.
BOON nw-Mum Bav Muailar Mt. niumiRet ntdv Dhimtaat a
1BILM Jol Navv Coocarl Mm tr firat Mooted flral ktrthodu
BOAT first Maptlft Tlrrl Baatut Vint Baptwt Vint Baatlat
BBY Nwa-Mnnitnr Monitor Monitor IManltar
1IOIN World Mum IWnrM MuaM World MuaM fWnrld Muaar
KI.W Muaic tor tun Muaic tor tun Itluair tnr Bua. IMiiaW for lua.
BOON Baptiat Churrh IBapUrt Church Baptirt Churrh BtapUat Ckuraa
BILW-Nrwi iMualr Hrt Boat iNart Baal
1BOAY KG AY Nrw t Man On C Boa NruBora r Hoorl Boot
aar.T Nawt-Monitor Monitor IMoriilnr IManltar
aar.T Ntw-Moniler Monitor
2 BOIN Prrrv faith Mr 'Parry fit
tr.W Nrwa-D'rirr Mualr
IfinN Nrwa-Momtor iMonitor
. BtLM MuK
4 Bi Hi-fi var
I BBTT Nwa-Mon
I anih Round A f
1 ai.w Muatc
Hi-fi Var.
nttor IManltar
Round Round A
tioN Nw-
BtLM Raaabat
2 BOAT Hi-n
anrt Nw-r
golN Sammy
aliW Muair
tioN Nwa-Monllor IMonitor
u Raarnall lllaraball
HI-FI ar
Hi-fi Var
Bob Cenatdln Mat Proas
tftammy Kt 'Strmt Boron.
(iON nrwa-
B1W B,,
3aoat Hi-n
BBft "rwa
orN 1rl
G dut
Z.ixH Nrwa-Monltor I on aid Ina
aslMBaaoball IBaaohail
BI - V"" .Ui-ri v.r
atonnor wnnnnr i naanrvar
i A rt Muatum Radia w kahap lRad Wrkaha
IMuw IMuaw IMuaw
Monitor Monitor IMonitor IMonitor
BtLM Bserball
HI-fl Var.
Muatr Stall
BOAT Hi-fi Var
azr r - '
llIN Muale HSU
ar.w Mum
KdON Nwo- Moott-f
SIM New Matin
Kl H P. V.r Hi-fi Va,
BBfT Newl-Moottnr Monitor
aniN Miaa Brook Mim Brooaa
HOW Mune ul'
KGON Baarkoll IfUaeball
Pmnrt Par
6r - - - - -any
koin lintmy
aow Paul Hs
a gov Baorball
onttor Monlunj
Wakaly lllmmv
Bttw Msrwri TStr Marlon TTiMter'Drrw Paaraaa A lam Bewalw
BBIT New --atowlter ,Monitnr Nonltor Monitor
aoiN Sf Or ra sf Opora f Opora 8F Opera
ROW tliHir Mur IMuair MuaW
BOON Baa hall ItaiebaH IMonitor Monitae
ii u gaiam senators iSalem Sonatora Salem Son a Ion iSalem laitateea
KBfT Nrw.-Wlllri Ray Wlllor. Ray WilVoa Ray Will.
JOIN Mltrh atlllrr l Miten iiiot -urn miliar -aaa eaeiM
IOW Music wluahr Mualr B4uae
IOON Nw-tr rutda tun Barenaae Wot, goronod fWtUi Ood
lil t Now Dv noas
IBfY N ara-wtlios rur fin
IOIN Lart Word 1-art Ward
IOW Nrwi-Muotr 'Muatr
BOON family Aitr family
aai m u. noHatoa Hr af r
1 BBY Rirh Newa Ray Wllle
tun Nttr fin Mua Me
frvrtn rsohara Vta Nv-
" Ni flaahoi
RB7T Nrwa-WHloa
BOIN Ute how
ROW Neari
BOON Catholir Hr.
Rar WMIo
Hat Bkew
Citv Couoril
Catholic Hr.
Sal, Jane 3. 'SI (Sec IV7 J
1 PCtlAhr
wlaa u
. PVIufW
fTwo ftnii TMi.i fan
BI To.n Mall B Tow Hal
Mr Mr Wiurw
Mr Wiur Mr Wiur
hiMrani Mr rhilttrea
Pubww Give Mre
it rarao
t Paraaw
Zo ParMM
re nlkiu TKaa nnrfcair Thea,
svmmu b.iu
tiers OuUoo Huunot
Ttiea f Anwrnair Tit itieMhaii T
tiers lAIUrMM The AfWt-Maa) Tka.
Ttieai Armchair Thaa lArmenair Than.
TK Antrnooii Th 'afternoM TIM.
VsrMNewa WfarM Newa
Ceafwr Oswa Mean pawa Meeruaf
tim Mavee a Tewa Mare a Tewa
aWwUnf awwiMf
V An Thar Are There
art Itittws
Pvwat IChna Briaa r-av Thoal.
I i aaa ajam raev Thaal L aa eey Thaaa
iri. Muaaan fa. Hu
II Viraa TnoaMr
TVtoa. Plfrua Boy
Thoa. Uayraws
(Film Theater
ITlmaa B7
at BMllnraa
film Thaata
Steve Alan
Ittara Alkm
-Alf aitraoecfc "
lor Alf Mltrhrack
ITwUl Bill (Twin BlU
PlhalOaadvaar Piha klaadjaar PTroX
Llvaa Zone Cray Tk Hum Grwv TK
laohinw Boa rnohin ti
Oa Kaowf I Da
r Pour Jlkw"
- f T Tat etlof rTaat Pllnt"
Radio Log
torn rtt bow n boom um
BlfiaChurrk a Air Chun-fc at AV
Notre Col ChWrNofr Cat
Sua. Muala Bua. Muoaa
Jaura r Muar iChurrk BaUa
Itraol llaraol
Arad. iBark to Co Bark ta Ooa
BibM Mr Bloaalnt
'Rainhart Brtnhari
It'niv t.plnror wlah faith ff( franrM
Hnur Rovlval Hnur Revival ataaw
Ufa iBibK Btudy Ribl Study
.oat newt
iBuroiar Mawe
Mr Brandjnav Me.
IRelnhart ttalnhart
itk Hr rrrrv Faith Hr Parry faith He.
unuair Mualr
Monitor Mannar
iBaarball IBaaohail
Hi-fi Var i KGAY Newe
Monitor IManltar
Round far Nation 'fare Nathva
iMuarr IMaaae
Monitor Memtar
Hi-fi Var
iMort Praoa
Rtrina Boroo aa
Muair iMuaar
IMrrl th Proaa Maat the I
IBawhall Rt aaa hall
Hi-ri v.,
IMonnonlto. Monnonrto
I Hi-fi Var KGAY Nawt
IMonitor IMonttnr
ICR Nwtr-om CBB Nawaraal
INuair IMuatc
Monitor vlonitor
Lutheran HouriLethoraa
Hi-n var r;
IMooilor IMonitor
lar Bonny lark Boany Won HedhnWI
IRaarhall Baa hall
Nw Na-
routh to Rnaw Tr rth ta Knor
waiy L.unamoa ,
lumr i u
raar ir vaurt-Ma m VaaNW
-7 -" " -or wiuaa
Brl Advantae tlewarw Brelth
Go Booolory mmm, Maakaiaatt
Altar Hr PeraaaaWr m Oarlaioa
Rar WUlaa
Ray Wllto
tor. Zhurrh af Alt vharrh ei Aw
W Bee It Tour Btwtnaaa
tihie noaat t .irr fountain (jr r antoia
tar WtMoa
lLate Bhow
City Council
Rae Wlllas
City C orJ