The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 23, 1957, Page 9, Image 9

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r Divide Pomlblelhieadeir
Jones Tops
'Pappy' Downed;
Two More Today
hatowaavaa Sparta Edjtar
Tim "aew" Saieta SesuKors sad
diuo tteaairhe Chiefs dindcd
tneir wrm opening doublbcW
t iters Tri4 last algal tkt
Cmrinatu Redieg stuck- Chiefs
narjoiri- tht nnrvr 11 u i anav
tiixubi home rvia. tod th Soloos i I
-nu ih Bifhirap as Lefty
Jimmy Joan. Iil of tbt Wal
cares, stuited hu tima-ae wrtk
10 Mrilirouu and toot ta 41
I. JT 10 ' " ,MU '
in inotltrr pair. starting at 1 M
oelork aod lor Salens it will be
Andy Georg and forwser eaat
ch rook whu Tom Gibaon. op
posed by Cut Carairskeel, t right
hjiMlrr wno lud i 4-1 reetw, with
th Clows, NM rlub from whirl
many of th Chiefs ram, tod
Gerald JohMtoa. lefty from th
am outlit wh woa fir aod
lcat two la th Southwestern loop.
Argaaseal Hoater
Vera i Pappy i lOndsfatJjer wu
th loner la last sight i opener.
lurrumtMBg to a two-ma burner
in th fourth inning There waa
quit a questioa oa the blast by
Jew Gonder of tbCbiefj over
the right field wall.
Chico Alvam had doubled
when tender. ho hit 4 borne n
fr Clovu, (maihed his high drive
to right riate ump Ufnen
ijed it fur . but Salem rateher
L'uiriui laier inin inxi ik
arne was foul So did right
fielder Terry Msddos. who told
that the ball u foul "by at
least five feet"
laipire A erased
What made it even worse wss
the alleged remsrk made by
Lafnen to Duretto Bob told that
the arbiter remapb 'i
have railed that on rither way -
But it went as a homer, and It I
won the game Kindsfather was'
In no real trouble for other than
Go,nderr"Vld'd Alv,r" lnd
Pete Csi-riiin . i. j.w ',
- 'Mil i-i ni uwing I
hghthinder who is also from I
Ibe Laws club Botched to win.
holding Salem to su hits One of
these, by Kindsfather in the fifth
Inning after Cal Bauer stole second
hase tallied the only Salem run
Bauer bad walked
Ckaaeaa RUw Away
Salem had two other fine npnor
tunnies to snatch the win in the
first and fifth New outfielder
Carry Segovia doubled to sta't
things in the first hut could get
oniv as lar as tiurd on Jack.,
1'unn single tn left Carrillo, who
had an S 3 record at (lovis. ttvn
retired the net three swingers
Aflrr hirxtsfather singled in the
run in the fifth. Segovia aitai'n
doubled In send Pappy to third
Iunn lofted a soft pup fly intu
renter, one that second h.-iseman
Jinn Jackson dropped Kindtf airier
Sorted lor the platr on the error.
trt went hack tn third J.icksnn
ti ed for him and overthre the
I it? w ih h - A l
I , th I . n", .k I nJ "m,
, . , " 'hr , " ""''J
k vi . V"'';-
r , ..,., ,.,i iiAinit-fi ii nriu,
Ihrrw in the plate lo cut down
harl knehl then grounded out tn
end the threat, the list Salem had
oft Carrillo.
Irftiei la Inel
A pair of annonballini left '
banders op,sed one another in'eVrn 1 ! J ! SS'I '5 1 ) n
the nighlrap Jim Bailey of the Rnn 1 3 I I trnaeiu.a 3 I n I
Chiefs whose brother Kd IS Cat 3 (I t 1 Bauer J I S 3 I
. . .. , .
s " ' i"i v nil innan. got mmseu
into woe in the first inning whenj
lie walked I he first four to fare;
him (or one run. and then saw i
another tally on Bauer s erounoVr
Wrnatrhee gnt two In the second '
as Junes wMkeo two and gave up winfjinj pitriter ( arrillo il-i
lnree sincles, almost casting him!1""" 'h" s""'ber .s-li
his in the game Salem ! rZ" 'f "s" V j" "t
(lien put it awnv in the fourth (n Kindslather 1 M 7 1 I o
Boh (ampoells bunt hit. a for e' i baaes W S s Fri..r
, .. , . , , Padllla. Bauer. Jarkaon Home run
p. iy that was gooled up by Jack j(,nnor Two-baae hita Seavnia 2
f'ir l error al second and Jack A,.ire7 Runs halteii in Gnnder 2
... , , i kinrt.fnther .stolen hasen Dunn
imnns twn out triple tn left a , Br l)nlhh pv, Tinwll1
S'ngle that hupped over loft fielder Buer in Kuehl, Roii in Jaiksnn
Uus Zav as head and went Inr '" Ah . T"7' 1 u L"npire, ui-
i rieri ann .small
three bases j
Rosrll drilled a line drive home r i
over Ihe left field wall lor Vs enat Weaatraf'Jl in s.i,m
Chee only other run, in the fifth I BHoa rhoa
j 7-avaa.I 4 A I S svffxa m 1 0 2 H
Kales: Naiem got aaiy inree
hlti aft Bailey while Wenatrhee
got li off the hard-throwiag
rookie Jeaes . . . The aeaaaa's
largest erewal -1 MI turaed ul
ta wetrame th "new" Senators.
This topped speaing night I
t ill, which had bees beat for
the year . . . There are a -s
rer af dark-sktaaed Cabaas aa
the Chiefs team, all aelaaglag 1
Cloey . . . Dos l.indherf isn't
maaagiag Vteaa tehee after all.
Bert Haas, larmer Biaksr leasaer
who gaisted the davls rlnh la la
commaaa the earreat Chiefs
. . . What with all Ike tarelgaera
aa the club, he probably has ta
hare aa laterprelor la talk U
them. Or maybe Ihey savvy
sign laagaage . . .
Water Ski Race
Set for Today
Aa a means of pushing publicity
on the fotTvcoming Willamette
River Days, two Salem men will
engage m a mater-ski race irom
Corvallis to Salem today
rv:.L. i I u -I..11 I
una i iiamiar ra nis . nain-iiicrii
Bob Elfstrom in the race, which
10 30 a m.
Saloons, Chief
v a& x w u a. n -
Statesman, Salem, Ore, Suil, June 23. "57 (Sec. Il9
VT" VIASAT "lALllfm 13 1I
I Will.. I I
Quite i remodcliBi Job it being done oa famous old Me
Gwnu rwki in SUverton one that will provide Sdvertoo High
avif W. ".. nlKall ka..k.ll a-al aslant - k.i.
ISM lull H W as S IW,
rl. f
r- lejN wt4 t
- v'lr-
t f" '" (4 "!
f .' X j I
I. IV "'-'-f
annual stale semipro tournamenM there were as popular as a
. ... ,j .. .L
ever aone as wen oy tne state
Rill MrGiaais Mtaat a lot
and evea tboagh time k.s the oft acrarsed habit of crest
ing forgctfalness, we kop It hasn't Infected fheads lo
the east ta the point they'll wipe his name from that
which be created. Old Bill if deserving of much more
thai that. . . .
Hf$er, Btifd HtVi Finally Come tO f ftd
Speaking of baseball oldtimers who have come and gone
at Silverton. both Helser nd Bill Beard who did much of
'heir prepptng there, have advanced lo the end of the line
'n recent seatnns both were with the Drain Black S. the
"Sawdust'' league outfit that
Cade last year. ,
Helser was the manager at Drain and Beard was his
catcher. Even at his age. Beard was only last season
named the loop', most valuable player, and lefthander
Roy was still capable of cranking ap a fair ta middlla'
stint oa the mound occasionally.
Both Beard and Helser started out in professional baseball
about the same time Bill launched his long career in 19.18
after being signed bv the Washington Nationals, tnd later
l Caul d sage
57verfon af Woodburn . . .
Salem Legion Outfit
Plays Aumsville Today
ri" ""K ' ios! mi .-iiivt-iuHi oil ffrsuw-isuai . vimm.ii oiii
Besens hopes to get his Capiiai Post I-egion Junior team back on
the victory path In an afternaon clash at Aumsville today ,
The loss gave th Capital Posters a II record and left Silverton
1 If nr .k.iirlMHM a ? 4 I. I.. CI.h- U J n 1.... k. 0 . 11
Even Start:
ftrsl fa ma
Weaalraee (tl
Zavaa.l 4 0 nSegvia tn Ills
Jarhaon 1 1 I 1 1 Dunn 1 I I n
Alva ret I 3 I I I Kuehl I 1 " 7 i
r annia p j i i mi'oii.j .i " i i
arrillo p 3 1 I I KoVaftr p 2 111
IJienhll toon
To, , , Tljb ,2
, rouied out tor Kindsfather
Onll 010 0 I 4 I
Jaeksn.J J I I .1 Durvn.l 2 10 0
Alvan I 4 13 0 Kuehl 10 4 0
Onv.r r 1 I I S Ditreto r I I I
Rnel) .1 4 12 0 Raver 3 1 1 2
Parkr m 1 1 1 0 Trwell! a .1 0 I I
1 nrihj.r 2 0 4 0 Cmphl 3 3 10 1
Partllla.a 3 1 n Koepf r 3 0 10 0
Ballev p 3 I 0 0 Jone p 3 0 2
Ti.lal 27 III I Total 23 3 Jl
Wenalarnee . 030 SI" 03 I
Salem 21 aOO --4 3 0
Pitcher IT AR H H Ut SCI RR
Bailer t) 3 4 2 t
jone 1 r S J 1 IS I
Winner Jonea 14-Sl Leaaae '
RalleT 4-1 1 tavft-WenaSrhea I. Ba
leni i kVJackaon HR-Roaell JSV
linr SU -Alvanrr Caonrter RRI
llureltn, Raucr. PValley. Jaekarvn.
Dunn 2 TIM U Small and U
fnen A- l.SSJ
Senator Swat
ap a tn ip na am rt
is u ii t i n m
IS4 SI 13 i I 42 J32
I. a aa i a it.
I Sainv-fa
in ii s 2 i 32 jssithe night.
is3 si s s . ss zst
in 44 l I is ii I
us c7 i a a is -3S
44 IS It 1 221
11 t t t 1-211
c n
W L SO BR ta
II S )
St 34
IS 4a
42 ,
klndtlather IS laity i t
IV asi, 1 J
r - ,iaoa
M ss i a
II SS 4 4
4 2IS J t
is s;j I
II 42', 1
S2 41 43
m ii n
!? m ii
4i is Ml
j Breaaer
I Walker
aWVVIU aiKi UHB WMUlk 1 Wil
, .... k ,
? quite i push ,ii oa in th
i f UHl f a lm vm 111 1
.'.I Deiihbonng communitv to
re-name the field, sinking
McGinnis nante from it We
hope this move fails, and
we re not alone 1
good i01 0(
nven t already
what Bill McGinn
their town thu
Surely the
innu did for
hoe many
yean he was Mr Baseball"
of the valley area The old
timers can t forget how he
brought in dozens of talent
ed kids, including Johnny
Pesky and Roy Helser, and
made his home town the
hottest item in Oregon base'
hall for many seasons The
j n .
piayotis as am Mivenon
ta Sllvertoa la those years.
gave the town Senators Jerry
1. rat II
, , k .,,k , . .
The Silvertons journey to Wood
burn today, while Dayton draws a
Bevens Intends starting Jim
w I en
Mlvrrta 1 a aaa navlea
Salem I I Ml Wahiirn
w t rrt
I J "J
Auaissll I I a(1
Tfta lames Salem al Aumi-
'"" """" wvirn nsviaa
Jerrv (ioertren or Forrest Darling
back nf the plate On (irst base w ill
'be Homer Wood w ith Whiter Brim
iraatiaajed page It. ral tl
$2 P-M Bet
Nets $9,758
PORTLAND. Ore.. Jane
A tt wager waa SS.7M tar s bet
tar, wrtme n.Tne was sat fltift
rlnaed. al the Partlaad Mead
ows harae rare track ladav
The doable double pavsff ta
the largest ever made hy Ihe
track here.
la a aaable aeahte wager, the
hettnr mast ptek Ibe winners la
the fifth aad sixth races. Thea
he mast lam ta his tieketa for
beta aa the aevealh aad eighth
races. T wla he mast pick the
answers af faajr eaaseeatlr
Gregg Paces H-B Midget Races
SUIesmaa Valley Edttar
Las nighl s midget raring at
Hollywood Bowl was an all Bob
Gregg affair, with th popular vet
eraa taking eyery possible honor
He timed at 1717. fastest of
copped the A Trophy Dash
by outdriving Fordy Younslrorn
and Dick Deahl. and followed this
with a victory in the last teat.
The fright wa. completed for
Barefoot Bom when he all Nit ran
awav from the field in the A Main
.a 1 .:- - a .
"V 10 i"usn a go i nan lap
in front of second place Bill Meh-
n, Ul'"i P10 N'c,l lrfn
Gregg arrived Friday by plane
4 r
Tn the aew Nalem ealors,
I r , ' -k. .SSmJ malum was hard lo lee
L. . " W w- I '-ijC' T i ,y"l 1 Mv !3 the "C refused to amend ''aliie tonight as s.aralia s, May I belor tl) White so went
i X T 'T1 ei . 1 W'-' - -s - !IU roundnHsin toolhall schedule Lincoln needed 4 IBS 1 to win "to an unorokea ma that ended
-VisVi r-UVV'-wKTr iV'-y'i: Z ViXl-iKr'd Plc and allow each school lo "Wh National KW event I yesterday with their ainth loss a
il -A - V e W'wM SVa- iO Pla onlv reference games Hon Bowdea. the NCAA half ' Ihetr last .4 start.
-jV'af -" s V.l.' "S.,i,2LVw v 'rTTi Stamord and Idaho ot also waa takea n a notch
. , i. ' "V. l'lw!rT JwAr?''r.-!f ed lo maintain 'he n.ind rnhin , . i S-Mrd.iv when Rreoklya heat frt
left ta right, pitcher Jim Jones, pitcher Chuck I. beck, outfielder 1jrrv Segovia, iafielder
t al Baaer and pitcher Teas Glbsoa Jones, Segovia aad Bauer were ia the lineup lat
nicht against their former Chief laia mates who are ia tow a for a Northwest league
series Jones, in his debut as a Senator, pitched a 4-3 in the second game af last nigh!',
twin bill after Salem had droppd the opener, M Gibson Is slated to pitch one of the
games ia today's douhleheader with Andy George going In the other.
Cornell's Great Eight
Thorpe Hurls
4-J Triumph
PORT1.ANP Ore June 2 f -
The Portland Bcwr extended
their winiuns streak tn fiv e games
toniiiht. downing Hollvwood 4 I, in
Pacific (nasi league hawns'l be
hmd the four hit pilching of Bob
In the nlher Pf'l. E lllie-
The I os Angeles nel rx Ita-si
nine home runs-live nf
llvcrn in
one inning and demolished Sacra
menln 27 1 todav in a power r
hihitmn that broke or equalled
numerous cluh and (cast league
records RWt Mamrir sih ked three
homers including i
enth when Sieve Rilk
in the sev
Jim P.cees
. n . . i . t I
ann BOO I Kuan also nii'mini
George Anderson whacked a grand
sam homer with Jim Kndlev and
Tom Saffell hitting soles ,pr,v
Jones hit s three run homer for
A homer hv outfielder Ployd
Robinson in Ihe ninth broke up a
,v-""" ' -
deadlis'ked game and gave the
San I .ego I sore, a .s v,c,ory
mer the top rung an rrancisco
Charlie Reaman scattered seven
hi.s (or h.s first shut out ol the
season as Vancouver Mounties de
Irated Seattle 4 0
Portland hunched all Us h,f. off
. . , . n u . .
Holywooii starter Ben Wad. m the
fourth inning
The victory gave Portland S1
led in the series here
nillTwiM4 II) III PxrllanS
R H 11 A H H
Jacob 2 .1 II .1 2 Drake '11 4 .1
Stun r 1 4 0 n I Wru-na 1 4 :
(ear -4:so Mam. i i n i o
r"1'", J 1 . a '."'h, ' ? "
Slevna I .1 0 0 Rarr 1 1 5 "
Maiir ii4i rVrkK 3 i n n i
Dui -en. I 4 12 0 Dinars 3 111
Rom, fill Ram . 3"7 I
VSaoep 2 0 1 n 'p. p 2 II 9 1
a.c....i. i A A A i
(Ti'urnn oooo
b-Psnkn I 0 0 0
TtAm 17 4 14
t-f linraSWfl frr V
rt il .
b-firnunrtswi nut (or (
fir no I nnn- i
Pryr-tlanf, nrvi (Vi m - 4
f rHurrr Sttvenn Wirvpml
Dnnjirs RBI - Drake Winrennk J
D!hn IB- Wincpniak H Bnrh-m.
ki tP Borhoki W;nin
Marout-r I.ef1 Hollvu (Kid
)-rr1 S RR Vt.rl J Thorrs S 0
w.o 2 Oum 3 Thorp -f
... . - . . am
TJ;:-!.:; '
4 m I wp TSi..rr w Tlv rne J-
4 L ad if-s. u - Pelekr
: S'eneilrh and Mlltart T 2 07.
from the east to drive in tonight's
F.lsewhere along the route last
nmht. Ihe rumbling runts carried Stark tn victory in the second
heat. Johnny Ellis tn Ihe checkered
flag in the second heat, and Ken
neth Mclaughlin in the third
Les Stark had to fight Buck
Lawrence right down to the wire
to win by a nose in the 10 lap
B Mainer.
Despite the wannest night of
the racing season so far. one of
the smallest n-oseds of the year
wss out to watch the tiny power
buggies run.
Rig thrill of the evening came
before the final event when eight
Stock Hardtop, of tha Capital Auto
This Quintet
To Bolster
Salem Nne
via llve-eiaa anal ana lorsneriy
NoaiHwrsr i rsi.t a
a I. Prt
1 kim U V Sslrn
rio M H 4V4 Tn -I lls
H 'Hairs ft VII li.m
n 'asi
?s ii ill
72 421
SslurSsv t ihuHi SI SslrfN 1-4.
t se ai aas . At Vshima
It. Trl-( It) t
esririr rossr
i r si.i s
w I eri I en
Sa rrea 1 Ml VSl Seattle IS 11 1-1
Vanivrr 4 TS VSS li Aalls MM Ml
HoiivwS MM im ertiaaa tin s
S lliria IS M M Sarram ! IS rsa
;j sarrameala s si rnln I
NalUwiMMj I. St San rranriftrit :
4. Seal-
Its 441
23 Jt iis
I rn
St V ark Jl rt (II Bnaloa
hlrat 11 21 .'7 Isaltrara
( levelnd 12 UI K ( ItT
netrnlt 1121 112 Waahfta 22 11 1 1S
saiursar reiuita st law tan s.
, hicaa I (I) Inn.i al w..simioo I.
SaturiaT'l retuHa At Slaw 1 nrk 4.
; - , n,.
sstioiviai I r 44.1 ST
. . . r.r' .. !.'.'.
JS! M 24 Si 5 V.rV 2. ,4 Si j
wiwauk 14 21 Ml eitustk .'lis n.
finnan un w t nirata -an im
Mr-MyVVTat e.,t
l (fallen sth. rami, at Stllwankea
rhll,(,,lph(1 ( rlnPlB,ti 4 . pi...
sunk 1
Lf n dberQ -Ra fl d 3 1 1
Drops Two Games
Strong Nnred Rfiilders of Corv al
lis .wept both games of a double
' . .. j ,
header from l.inciberg Randall ol
Salem last niphl al Phlllaas Field
. , . ,. r. ,h .mrt .., ni.
0 2 and 4
fue innines
pj ,-i k-j , k. , in.rL
1 nrH in the firtt Kamf AMIW
hflH two hit fnr thf )rrs
i fn Applrgatf and -John f.rant
l a.l.J I J I I
eacn iroRpa nomf nm ihhimip
and sinele ss Nnred's overcanve a
111 Ho(s-il tn ...n IK. aaw-nnH
test Ralph Madde singled and
doubled fnr I.indherg Randall
Iforefl isiiuoert , 1Z3 oa a n ci
Und-Randjtli ooo fft J 4
Uanrl and Vnifraan If niahl a H Al.
Nored Rundeni oio 25 II t
tand-Randall ton on 4 I 1
Appletata and Meile. G Hllftker
and Allev
Racing Association staged a spec
tacular 10 lap 'destruction derby "
that was meant lor a real race
Granny Farp started things out
hy spinning nut. Jack Duncan hit
the dirt wall on the backs! retch
and all but plowed the dirt right
out of the bowl George Coop,
came out of a three-car mix-up in
the east turn tidewise at full speed
and wrapped his car around the
corner of the grandstand, coming
off looking like a V for Victory
Dale Collie escaped destruction
by a hair as he spun on the west
turn and slid miraculously out of
danger between cars passing on
either side. Duncan was unoffici
ally declared winner.
Yanks Regain 1st
Brealc-Up of PCC
" T, 1
will vsenalraee are. Irom
Wins IRA
in Row
Penn Second
In Crew Race
SYRACVSE. N Y . June 2 uJ
Cornell s great undelealed var
sity eirtl climaxed a brilliant col
leiie i areer todav by capturing
Its third straight Intercollegiate
"""'"K vsn championship on
chuppv Onondaga l ake
Given a sliff battle l..r two
miles hy a plucks vuunc Penn
svlvania crew
the tiotsed and
powerful Ciunell all senior sweep
sw inters put ihe hi ;it on Iheir
rivals in the last mile in win hv
a length and a hall in Ihe three
mile tnnd
Stanlord the oniv vt.-siern
enirv in the atiseni e ! Washing
ton and t'ahloi n:,. Irailed hy an
other leng'h and three-quarters
in the liiirew ars,f classn
Princeton was fourth tcllnwed hv
Srl"'lp'r Navv llarimoulh.
Massachusetts Insiiiuie ol Tes h
imlngy. Wisconsin an.) Columbia
h was a lug dav all around lor
,. ., T. u
orneli Ihe Hig Ued also cupped
j' Z ZrA k.,k . v 7. Z si t
.-. , ....
. m the freshman twniiiilef
1 The two lust and the third gave
n"rn,V P"""5 fnM'"i 'h''
Hig Red to win the lim Ten Kvrk
, Memorial trophy lor Ihe learn
I lh" "'-' Mraigh. year
Navy was sri ond w;lh 12 oinls
f a 1 as M
grayes sq g
YAKIMA. June 22 e akima
s.-ored lour runs in the eiuhlh in-
ning tonight to deleat Tri-Cily
n a Northwrst hav'
ball, game It evened the current
wnp ' M Rnd Pwranti!. Yak
ima anothPT day s ?rip on Urt
' "
nol nm ?on - 4 St
V ak mj
ni2 ion 2 i" 12 2
Mertlik 7 Seal . and
fa a
1arlin Fn.iht. (V.-iler 7 and Con
taLA. June 22 Ioo F.spl
nosa tomgh. retained h.. Philip-1
pine leainerweigni crown wnn a
unanimous 12 round decision over
I.arrv Bataan. Kspinnsa weighed
121 and Bataan 125
Got Your Hit
Tkkots-Na Head
fa luy Jus Drive
in at Your New
AcefaM PvfaSfJI ppaSaMa) A pVsaafj(t fj
CftarstsW at Cltjrc(.
N D SfiPs
USC May Follow
If &, UCLA Bolt
BERKELEY, Calif June 2
Breakup ei the present Pacific
Coast Conference alignment
a rertaiMy today anleu t.V c
year-old kwp alien some basic
Such changes apoeared douM
ful as spokrmr tor PCC M-twnis
ui lb ParitK- Vftl-t gjtr a
chi!ly rr-eotMMi l )esierdav s
suirmeni of principles tw the I n
ixerMt) oi California Board of Re
TV tkurd ruling tni1 kir ( ali
fnrnia and I VUK hold thjt sfter
the t7 sr the x hoots sriouid
IKK he rrnund b the P(T tnrHhnll
rule re)ur'ng all member roots
ejrepi IrUbo to plar each oiher
" If this is an uftimjfum to the
conference I aouM ke to say I
dual behee Ih i i av tn
solve conlerence prnblems." as
serted Dean Orlando Hil'i of the
I'aitersity of thrgun its PtX" rep
retntate Imdnkn I heU
llo the reenfs alin ivuld
he taken lir anything but n u.'t
Just last
Culilnrnia I VI Southern Call
lornia and Washington soled
against it .
II California and I CLA go out.
it s an nddsm bet that Southern
California will join them
Also set forth by the regents
was a scholastic poucv requiring
a C average or 2 8 ia college. I J
in junior college and 1 5 in high
school This same schedule was
lapptossed at the last meeting of
the P(T but out t. be effective
until lsn
The recent. n..o,.n,i.sH m.i ,
dividual scbiMiJs have nsporisihil
Mies for enforcement of its not
icies Games would he scbeckiled
with teams Mhols having
pahcie. consistent with USow of
What would become of th PCC
Rose Bowl pact with the Big Ten
also posed a question Ros, Bowl
,. . ....
'taauaaea page IB. cat. .1
a..MHH.m.H.,n,,H ,H,...H
I Cal Regents
Vote Mulled
I By Schmidt
ll's June 2 r
Panlic ( oast t niifereme cummis
sinner icior O Schmidt today
issued the following statement on
Ihe Hoard ol Hegenls action that
would allowr I Cl.A tn withdraw
Irom Ihe PCC after its probation
period ends
The full import nf yesterdays
resolution ol the 1 niversily ot
( alilnrnia Board of Regents ran
not be obla'nod without some fur
Iher rlarilication ol sit Us imrh
t at inns
' I pun careful study ol the full
text however it can he conluded
thai some ol yesterday s endorse-
men's parallel exisiins conlerence
r(jr an() vl,(.rv Th),rr Arr X(,rv
nien's parallel existing conlerence
rules and ,.4,c,es of the con
N'rcncf hie h rxpro. tht ( fpm
plrir iVirr of am mrmhrr
Kulsp uMinllv are nmiprtv
mup uf irvis In this firld of
ronifronii.r 'he Ust lew e ar
h,-vp hrrmcht thit confrrrnrf thp
most strinK-'nt rviiirriiifnts for
acHtirmir prnfc;rrk in Ihr rmintry
the fttrKipK! iiradrrnu- rpgulatifunn
K.nrrnins tr;n.frr .lnrirnl and
1 th iirof1fn o4 a ntzrarn of high
r enlrancf ruirpmrnu (r ath
letic partiripdtion
j Mrtrempr vn th- prrsrnt fi
nanna! ai prograni in frM' of the
rit reditu tir in the nation
much morp so than thnp ff nrarly
al! of our intprpt'ttona! npponpntjt
Against this background, it
,hou,d "nt that the Pacific
("oat Cnn.rrrrwp ha rVpn nghl-
fully rpcngnirrd throughout the na-
,,on n w ani7a,,,,n xmi'
xPTiups wnicn hps pinnrerra sucn
rMtnctivf rontrols of college ath
Irtics as mjv maintain proper
ki k .ikl.. ..a
nainiii r i 'wn ii fluin ni Mini at a-
demic interests of the students "
hard eouttaq bark-
'ttrwd all th l r
Masiy ko- basvafllad
by sraartao a Camp
Capital Drug Store
405 State St.
We Give 4C Grsea Staaipa
r) "la (ha a-tra load ol
f(y' 4-, sseaM leak arakS-fi
' A ros )ok rate aa
Blue chips
J. : ...
Bells Hinaiag Blow
AAU Mile
Duel Fails
Four More Marks
Fall in Oval Test
IUVT0N Oh June 2 -n
rn-v(rd asviult on trie tiHir
nimu'e mile harrier failed to ma
m oahaiwure . fMHked fifth la
tne mile beatww Rarr (.rtasm M
MarvUad oho was rtarkre la
4 17 J.
mile to his credit, finished third
in the relatively slow race behind
Bob Seaman of the Southern Cali
fornia Stridors
Lincoln, who recently ran the
7 , " .f " iwsw se tay
" unUl the Ust
eighth of the mile when he surged
n'u,,n P,WT 10 "1B nwn
Id feet
In another record breaking race,
Reginald Pearman 33 v ear -old
... i .... , .
V . k , V . , i L a ,u,
' M, ''"h upset both th Olym- i pulled out to a five-lap T ''
Pc and NCAA i-hampions as h todav al the half way point of th
T' 1 V mrk - "t'f "UTtnc1 tU
eMrter-le. classic
Ma. Tnar, p.,.tea W,h, XZTZl
, I visibility t mherto Magnoll sud-
John Mcv. Jlvvear-old Polish a,iv llaTSK Ka inLn (Ka fwsat
refuge sludent at HousUm I'm-
j versity. ninning unattached, cap -
; lured the three mile run in a meet
j record time of 1J W healing Mas
I Truex of the Southern California
I Stnders bv about 10 teet His time
wiped out the old record of 14 III 5
j sel by Horace Ashenfelter of the
j ln l"4
In astditioo to four records which
lell last night olher meH marks
In lall were in Ihe 20 low hurdles
which Elias (iilhert nf Winston
Salem skinvned in 2S seconds
and the two mile walk which Har
rv I.akau of the New York 7nd
St I. MCA took 14 213 to step off
(Ulan Cassrll ol Kast Tennessee
i,h t met ,,,rk sel in the pre
,r, in.irii s hv Kd inllvmore of
illanova in the ?:1i vard dash
around one turn with 21 seconds
YW. lWnh lAJflf1.
VfSA vi tyv v WvMVsVay J l, ' i
322 j
NEW MHf vd
8idwall Shingles givt dtep
shadow charm ... extra insulation!
More and more homeowners ar discovering th many
advantage, offered by Color bestos shingle. Styled for
beauty, they are fireproof, weatherproof and never need
paint to preserve them. Applied with the J-M Shingle
Backer they produce deep horizontal shadow line that
add distinction to any house. Along with this, th combi
nation of the Colorbestos Shingle and Backer assure
more comfort and fuel savings by giving the home extra
insulation. Drop in for all the details.
Fro Istiirsata. Convenient Mtsnthly Peyissantf
2061 State St.
in A
;m ! nr
mis mn,
Cards Lose
'Old Pros' lid
Victory Over Sox
New ort i tunsabout Yankee.
rtb og i Bern aad Tommy
Byrn furBiituag the "old pre"
hand powered into fir, place
tl Americafl League for (lie 6r4
time .a eea eeks yesterday
ih i j. l nning vxtary over
LSe slumping Chicago htt Sot.
Rem. aha hits the karajtat whet
the cri ps are bluest smashed a
rjn to ia th gam oft
Paul l al'alin alter Byra. a
! light i .M-Seo r vear-eid !(
, hanoer. had worked sine scaresru
j miunj M re oa a yield af ana
! hM-ihsi an intieid siajl
It the streakiag Yankees'
j ainin ra ght Kiory and their
j second in sucressioB la thetr waek
i end "i ans Stadium series attk
Chicajn ftich reaches Ks climai
iith a douOJeheader today To
ank ho won the opener 4-1
Krulay nuw lead Chi ago by a half
game the same margin they heU
j is tlie.r List usit to lirst plat
back un Vj I
Brweks Dreo ( ares
The teams shared the lead OB
pU r v 1ouls t-4. Cinrinaau
topped P'MMirgh 41 no Wall)
I i( awuaaea oaf If. eat. 41
'Jags' Pace
Lc Mans Go
At Halfway
le Mans France. June S iSua
day AP - A two-i ar pileup ellnv
mated a pair of the top contend-
ers but a Bntisti Jaguar drivea
l. . i . u ... . -a t h .ra
L, Tory Brook, driving aa Aristoa
' VUrtln The accKh-nt look plac oa
, lh. tmK-herous vsvoegre Tertr
Rouge corner
j grooks car nvertiirned and h
WM brulai ,b,Hit tb body and
, pnv,,, said his core
Htkm .s not serious Maglvoll,
whose car remained utwight. wa.
given a quick checkup and ro
inmed to Ihe Porsche pits.
Has la Seraaa1
, At the lim of the accident
plonks tai second behind tha
speeding .latuar and Maglioli wa.
ninning along in seventh position.
Rrooks misdirtune was a break
for the Jaguar team, which is vtr-
i tuallv assurisd the winner barring
an accidenl or untorseen mechan-
i al troubles yi the 1 7th hour tha
Jaguars held the first four posi-
It'll H 'li
BV' i
tk. EM 44131