nsVe 7V - 45-47-72 I n " I I lT eeWJI I T17 343t-57f ay uji k. rLiv n c IT '-J lav'SO-TaVJ 7-nM-31 s 92-3444 K r fW, cn M Accerdaa as (he Sfen To develop mexioae to Surdoy. rood words corresponding to numbers nf your Zocboc btrrh tos Uie 31 AtMn l Claw ul 13 hioW 47 Wkl J twos Uh 1 Trf 4 Vw M Syew-e 4 iwasvar . 5 to 35 Much V Ne J Op. 44 7 TH 37 Can 7 O fce 3 HWii.axa M (X IU, 3 A r. 10 inM so 7o o 11 vm 4i f 7i CfMM 12 4 n 4 47 73 Hlro(i 13 imn 43 Vw- 73 rrxcxel 14 KnM 44 Srn- 74 Ad 15 Mm 43 AcconwIaNaoTS. "Owl U Wa 4 f 7 li 17 Cs 47 Sum 77 Wh II i.i 4 ! IwS 7 icM Iv III 11 49 Do" I 7 04r so w to c 21 e SI " ti 22 WmO 52 Goo4 M 2) Take S3 fHw 3 - 24 ffeoa, -MTt. M CXy-s, M Cam S3 Fw . 2 4la, 'S4 Maw Mtn. 27 Vow ST-whar- 7 34 V.W 30 rarsvw M For 2 Snano 5 T-kna rt VM 30 Fo-Ft 0 W 0 1 ! k4 77 SOS3VvJ Good (JAaSw. )n,u...I ti1 J. v4 j 4-l?vl4r4 12 J3-7-V5;J 12 34A1 l-7.746Vt,.l Father on Television Now More Dignified THE OREGON STATESMAN va deya a a-esfc SI 7t a earn by rwtWf P)T Man (la ore i IS ue : S7 ss ne.; as i ay Mrrtvr kma 4end tat TIM trMM 4alisaao Naxae tMmi Ss M CaaevO M. By EVE STARR HOIXYWOOO. June IS STARR REPORT: Father's Day is upon im once again, although I suspect that Father would just as soon forget the whole bit. About all he gets uut of it is a nock of unbearable neckties, plus the bill for them at the end of the month On television, however. Father has been faring rather well these pat few years. In the early days of Mtuatioja ; comedy he was invariably p i c tured as a bum bling idiot who could do nothing right. His proto type was. I be lieve. Chester A Riley, a hold over from radio days fied by Bill Bendix Riley is still daring business at the same old stand, but tiiese days it's a rather lonely business. With one exception, his TV contempo raries are all comparatively intel ligent individuals who actually have something to say in the run ning of ther families. The excep tion, of course, is Dagwood Bum- ) 0 -wlLiJl I stead, an oM comic strip heirloom into whom Hal Hooch. Jr . in hi 1 'wisdom, breathed new life last fail j I I'm sure I boo t know w hy I ' I The tread la saare digasned fa thers orawably started vith "Oz- aW aad Harriet," aawtber radio i ( hsldsver that has htcaasr a laag raa sweeesa TV' . Daaay Thamas pjnltr la Father's tawrrls. Vawag has practically eav- 1 ered Mas with gtary. Aad hi "Life WMb Father." af ewarae. the aid . boy is a reiararaatiaa af the eld j days whea Father was The l. w as personi- Premier Sunday Cross-Word Puzzle t Mtahtad 7 Military Ufa 11 Foly- chaataut laTthetaa it 1 Kacaiir- ' Xt Malucas SS Still 4 Account M-Trach JTI Kaclama- HOsUaVONTAl, A Esplosrva T Arctic nalora- ttM baa 4 Liquid sites 3 Squall J Ex re mm 3 UMguajjo of BtsndaaaS) M Textila fabric Fruit Stnva 71 Soa brigand 7S Weatara land ahalter Morl lLifo. ' load U River t Spanish) Cat 17 Quicker 4 Bit tar Herb Mother. af -pearl 47 Om imposing hi Newt O IndiU - lGrous 2 Arabian aaaport H-Orta 74 Rekindle 73 Order 7 Bcokla 77 Oral 7 Even tpoattc) 7 Malcon tent 1 Boxing content 2 Altera S Slat 17-Dla- honorer City Asterisk 0 . Soma 2 Indian 3 Moun tain paaa 4 Testify 4 Shew M Bwncal quince 100 Mediter ranean evergreen 13 Faction 102 Freo 109 Shaft of feather 107 Perfumed powder I India I 10 Samuel's Instructor 110- Large rodent 113 Bird of Florida 113 Food fish 114 - Lived 117 Basket ball team 11J) Pertain ing U a tropical clay 1 22 Spin 124- Con tinually 1 25 Cone lud Ing word 12 Star that suddenly brightens 127 Voiceless iphonet I 124 Network 129 Afford ISO Dash 131 Loathe 1 Spirit 2 Indian 3 Delicate flower 4 Employ 6 Having toothed margin 4 Enroll 7 Moid 4 Skill Of Mast value 10 Evident 11 Butt violently 12 - Not astir 13 Right of hokltng 14 Mining rubbish 15 Flow against 14 Fungus of mushroom family 17 Onea profession 15 Aground 25 Lamb's mother 29 Trsp 32 -Way 34 Downfall 35 Talent 34-Dilchea 38 Palm 34 A partment 40 Mother of Castor 41 Device printed an stamp V Est TIC A L 43 Occident 45 Connecter 4(1 Excite 40 Came thief 41 Dry, of wines 44 Forest tree 45 That whu dre s 44 It is icont I 44 Type writer attach ment 44- Particle 40 Rodent 42 Drop 43 Gods of household 44 Decide 47 Varnish gum 48 Sun- shals 70- Wing 71 Baker's Imple ment 72 Thought 73 Recapture 74 Circular 74 Arctic fish 77 Solemn promise go Blithe 41 Kntf re sembling machete 43 Rapid 44 Three at earde 44 Hold In poeeeeeto. 44 Separated on being pulled 44 Contend 1 Low tide 3 Legisla tive building 49 Yellowtah- mineral 4 Like better 47 Re-experience 4 Ridge In Palestine 44 Changed to 100 Like a dog 101 Pooh! 104 PaclOe coast ahrvw 104 Vehicle 104 Unit of pressure III Solar diak 113 Recite metrically 1 14 Ebb IIS Aconite 1141 Denomi nation 114 Before 1 20 Outaome 121 European mint 121 Child i?3 n- . ' 3T 7Z?K 2, To 77? 7T1 illt-itz-pi p 7 -2 4i 7 wr r -a " w w w 7 7. 73 i i- "zr" ;5, n 777 j """ZZ-Z!Zdl ' 13 H7 n 119 120 131 ' SSf MX i2S 5 . 7Zl -m v4 , - i 25 i'- WL hi I 1 mr 1 I m 1 1 I Mr r J !4kSwMMi am pafje 4) Ttiere has been no notictodhlc in crease in the type of show as ex emplified by "Pride of the Fami ly." in which a fine dancer named Paul Hartman was reduced to playing a father. whose mental ra pacify made Chester Riley kxk like a TV quiz champ, and for this viewers can he thankful No im- an really likes to he reminded that her husband's brain, after all. 'evolved from that of a chimpanzee I THE I'PCOMING "Don Quixote" haM hear film series, starring Jska rarradine. win be ftlneed la Lis bon, Pertagal. Instead af Madrid. ! producers Cardan S. Griffith and Bob Bradford. I The producers will also lara ewt : a aew lieaais O'Keefe series. "IJs-. ban." ka Usasn. which is going, ia nmake Lisbon a hsasrhald word M they're net careful. Filming aa the O'Keefe series atari ia Aagast. j with "Dan taixete" net scheduled i la ga late prednrtien until the fall. ' ANOTHKR ONE OF THOSK big; movie deals has just been com-: pleted. rraersal International hav-, ing finally decided to throw in the1 sponge The sponge consists of some SftO pre 1MB movies. the aking up having been done by. Screen eins to the tune pf a re ixtrled lift 000.000 to be paid over ! a period of ten years After that, presumably, the pic- ture5 go back to Universal for an- . other spell on the shelf until a new I eeneratin of viewers grows up ! The only major backlog still un available to TV is Paramount s. ' and one of these days Paramount I going lo see the light of the long; green and unlock the vaults ABC STILL HASNT made ha, official aananneensent. but every body else has aMigiagly mane It far them. Its Sunday evealag pro-; gransming frwax 7:34 to t will raa skat of rem ear alive! y new movies, complete with a sponsor. What ABC Is waltiag for, I wealda'l' LOOKS LIKE THERE might be ! a new half hour film series in thej works for lyOu Costello. and with out Bud Abbott Pat Weaver, tht j former NBC president who now has visions of forming his own all film network, is interested in Lou. and lou is interested in Pat ' The I wo are now talking it over i . i t. i i .. ii. and actual production. Franklv. I I rather doubt that anything will come of it RTARROl'ST: Gale Slarni early next season will have aa episede featuring Jim Baekns In her "Ob! Snsanna" series. And she'll have Ian rvea bigger gaest star la ber first nrw show af the fall sea- . . . Leaks now aa teeugh Yaa Jehn.aa assy da the lead la NBC's "Pied Piper af Hnaselln" spectac ular . . . "Wire Service' next sea sen, la addition to being rut ta half aa beur, will alas lane two of Ms rotating stars. Mercedes Mc Caaxbridge and George Brent. Cen tisssing win be Dane Clark, aha witi alternate with Brlaa Keith la playing the lead one week, a small er part the next. Both. In other words, wttl appear ks every "Wire Service" eplxsdt . . . Ted Husiag. the aid time radio apsrta aanoanr er who has been as M these past few years, kt reenperatlag rapid ly la South r a California and ap pears regularly an a local sporta TV anew. Now he's nabbed a role ks a "Father Kawws Best" episode. SHOKT SHOTS Marilyn Krskine can juit about call "Lux Video Theal-r " her own personal show She's aptxarrd on rt no less than six times and does her seventh starring role July 4 in "Who Is Picasso' " Picasso is an artist Next iw st ion . Ronald Rra n' firsl "GE Theater" film for rw-xt season will be titled "Father and Son Night ' ... Ed Wynn wht siMtwed up as Perry t'omo's guest last week will do three more Como sImpws next easrtl . ,ri.prix.t ism Sj ii i mi Pealuraa CMp. Your Complete Newspaper WorM-wMie facilrnas of The Associated Prosa in word andl picivr. ' Stafnoman News Serv ice, a complete cever of Willamors Val ley newt. A. Rebdrt Smith, The Statoomen's own WasK tnetan, D C. t o r r o ipOndoilt . e AJs4p aWorhors, cslvmn lors of wtrsrrnatMSnal ro psrea. rvo Starr' srrstandinfj Insitin TV" column. Ann LandWrs rhe best esrvice colomn avaii-abln. I PLUS "They'll Do It j Every Time" "Grin and Bear II" "Blondie" "Barney Google" "Mickey Mouse" at "Buz Sawyer" "Judd Saxon" "Gasoline Alley" "Annie Rooney" "Rip Kirby" "Dick Tracy" PLUS Wearhor reports oms citios. JO TKotr Hmo-tabUrs. Daily horoscops Expandor market tovor 494. Cmplnf4 wsmm'l passow. Finsrst spoils sactiwn in nni ih west. PLUS 7AM11T WEIKIY" . In fell CUr vory Shmdmy For a fine way to start your day 35 Days a Year