IKScc ID Sutfssaa. 5Vm. Ore, St. June 15. "57 Ytlis Dow; Dravcs Zip Broncs Bhst Loop Uiden IX 5TO.N. kUk J 4 J -UM arored twe big bants toairril K e mun. . at aati htuag (kprmrit) and ia J-4 Svtttm Lrtjj hacail Thcyll Do It Every Time By Jimny Hido Thiifgj bkea bed tor Brotx tup atoper ee bt M T l W lM WHS net M thee at errur A stag by Hrrn Lewis tad tw walks allowed aeuther ma TV kruori put ute gam a a.' at third lour run td iHttj. it Riaey Bruce Mela tea sad Rich Mors Ktu'ied. Rea Caikaa sacrificed and Jo Jacob douc.d R was rtuMj. rut M (an were the ttaadt 1 akune Ceias. Snrurat 1 t . S a . aaa Car as. i tea arav- J I 4 as ar-i it i m Caauuai. 3iSaTt eTRuowojr f mi 4 Trt-fH "KOMW1CK June 14 -Tn City put together fit runt ta the egbtk maing toaifM te defeat Beaatchc 7-4 ld Hop the Catefi wutaing sural at three str tight TW five rua rtl!y aa art aa JadDunnTakesLeat, n NW Loop Bat Derby I My Wild lru Baa H4 Sua Sesull betting tprM by SaJam Soatert euUMder Jack , nia at weak brought Bin the leadership af tkt North- fcSSLf CBt". f.krlc Tied . Dy fAorrow Ind'uni Letds NCAA Entnnts aa aad dSdal arwsir akety at craaei tar fsrat plat Rea Drtaay. Villa. east s Otjaiesr I iat sorter liax. aaiH a auaWyiaj aiact la O 1 K U 14 Call Mr Jdcau a ngnt aa aitk tat ikMoan h tit a vW til n4 lamarra ll' lawt ka Ks (real taakar. Daa Irtxj Qa Uf aiaa lr4 ttw aula. Oaijr ia NCAA rarardi m . brokea Marraa'i W aad BW1 1 raraa4 jumi, thai tan aul Uw X tm I tacMa MtMrj WlU &fra af Saa Dtrft Mark M b IM Tar f W i ncuri brd by Mar- rr aaa art la laj by Mel Pittna af SouUwri Cabiarmia and ttri m ltM ay tirctar Hofaa at Aa4raua. Jamaa OaUtdar a NarUiaatrra la 116 aad Lcamaa kj al Calt iorma aad Sim la iu Ciaal Ai Omar af Kaaa aurkrd ta diaru U) ft 7 Uk.he taa aflrrauoa l raul; Wad aualiiwrt ta Um opia ivft W Ite k E ( i a acvaa an a ATVUAT TT:"." "T -.I DramjU Dua. test w 1 . - at LtatiM tkrik lama af Ttwaou. (taUaUct tram Um Ihm Bw- Hai-apiwr. btvhi mur ta fir tad Aadrraat " - ..-J-J I aTir JriT j5 -Reds Back it 5 In Second rd th. cU tad p,tcr St. H.a- "T "V , , ,v . Lr.u aUU Held rommaad u""J ", ." . " drpartmeau. avr " "Tr1" " . "r"" matl taibkn. II bom luu. MfM mmon cuaenrr und mart VaMtraa. it Mi t I I total bates. Ill awn. Tin? 'ti an Lunebarf. ' f )M ImN aitya Cwt Hiaaias tarant rca. ctatm pui aat aa. ftv n aula (Caatkawd trial atme1a aagel Maniik aaa Martin. ' kornyrt with 11. but both Ltwtt ana vine Morea luuna war Carata W ft, Traaataaar Faulknar Vbi Dixa Catanal A. Miata. Parana Tlpcj Tla. atrD Cllu Burtoa af Tn-Oty led la A la t row. 1M la Um tther la'bMCMi BuTT ' , Caw Harm. Baataavaa a"1 1 Maau Ma. Aaaar Uunewski rtppJ t daublt tad of Cuieat topped Um trtplt makert tuif additMa tt kit first !.', rra .t a a a- . ,i . U.- ,t A llkdflffjaj avdMtalt V RM wm awn nu i uiv . mi ivurui To4tjT Htnu. HuAt U th iNtcfiui! rtrneal both M ..jbt, uumn Mglt. tat p2?&irEicD,m" Chuck Dtvidto. 0 Ytkimt t4 tK. rllllcUM IS a., Burt Hiyaora af Tn-Utj ltd ia , Gr khutn. Suaaaai . wd aaa aa raw la a raw. Jvaiwaiuai a. Kaswtaa . NuihaU voa bit aacoad. but gtvt Aatr. Alliy' tr to reliefer Butter rraemaa r4 fxr" - , . ,. ., ituaat Cailaai. Dana wnea ine ttianu, aera u iw bju i tor tevea frimea trortd three IbJ run r rUim tun trot t j . .k. ...k.k 1 W,! U...' ..k "' " Weaatche. led .. tetm btttin, - 'Jf' with 3W mark Silmi i !7t mark ttaik. MDorn Babina. Rndrtcuat pefceaUfat with k-l lacordt. but 0Ui Braatley af Euicm bad moat via with bit It-) mark W'i tince added aaotber varteryi Salein'i Aady Geart led la itriketuti with 71 Solons Drop Jerry Gregg Jerry Gnu. rtekit autfleklar wiU Saltn lot firtt part af the taaaaa tad latdy at optiaa ta Lm Vegat af the Class C Anxose Mciira Leaur. has beet fivea his tutrtfht relet. (ireM centrart bat hert re- haraed la the Stlem Senators, but k,u i.k i i,.w.. -.a,. Rmitkl laim . ni 1 in pr. in ii'titi'ig ini- art oVal is rwmaina ta aMul aim i . ,u ..i. lt?arniB aarnfiw .r...,h... 1 pp "" " r Spahn. ainnuif hit aori.ili. gt "bowi. Hji ittwner. SUm m tied for fourU with .KJ. ... . .... ..j D,. c,i Chrmti imi Tht other twe oltven ootioned tv u.- ...-,,. : ' --a ...kv- s.nnt Kii at the same time tt Greg. pitch-1 ilia aarrnii AH H Ik It Hr KM Pel ! Wrnjkrtw 1VO H U U M I WJ 1 Yakima Tri-Citr 1 jlaian, 4n r 14 17 IH Tin Uiiim 131 M r II II) Jl Butaaa 1JU alt at M II IM M Tht thraw t) the Otjriipc cham aatt was mart that tu feet aaotr ent not, I Lb NCAA record but a a lar tiMad af aaylhiai att prvducad in by Um field of U raaletlaats. . !" Jty Sthratler of I'Uk Stat au Hi second in Um tualifyiaf with lit ,,, feet H inrhot aad Fred Peters of i . Ill Stanford aas out with 14 foal S inche in Others wh oualified for tht , j , finals torriarraw wera, Rakpk Yoder, lew t State. 1(4-Herman Joha- nl ton. Teias AiM lU-IV hea Ban- " hi turn. Manhattan. 1M-3V Joha li TuUar. Pena State. lS7-aa,. j WWaf wafaWaWSdM Tht feUowt who soar IS feet la lit the pole vault and there art three iu who have done H will be ioiiuj tra. ill tut aiaintt tack other (or Um very atari tomorrow aaght. us The world' i record claimant it in a the field BRADDOCK PCFEATEP POUR RiWTFRS TO REACW THE V0KLT5 heav VYEk?MT OrMnON SHlP. VW WFQ Hr5 0PfX)NErT5 V I irt tftrl jtvei rksace la t artHaUaary bot efBiirt Can Cfima Ju 14, 1U4. fa(at ks wty p Gnf (la Uea tre otbef arpeateau, Joka Heaiy Uwt tad Art Latky. ta ha frwta rtag o temrlty la aet7eixM ckaJ araer. a aefetted Mai Iter fa. tk iltte iiae 11 111. 1 Thete wen lk wards aaed by Jim CetVtt la 4a. mi be kit rta pkileeepkt "TW tua.' kt said, "wka tJ wtys rijkts oat atart roaad M ttm w kipped. m Pattori, Mayer Tied AattrtaU. tha Botiak aoea tUatv ka he tend tare af the kaatf lata- bote tar a TJ tad Ml 1 Tops' Book Bowl Races ttnuc efeoanvr utatntm. at! lot tad poor aid arluck Sats Saead tt la tiler ohoatiai t teeoad atraijM U JtOntt Bam, the PaJefwattst 1M3 opea CVaav pa wao bad ta opeaiaf at saot t trratmaiiat 73 tor 14 PUvert tawtiB4 134 aad brtier tSe.t wert S af taiai aatli ' fMd for the eeuaie-rouad tiaal 1 Chief catuaruet 1a the eutofl ; ere Arwead Ptlaaer HU), tee ead leading BMtar wnaaer Ted ; tiroll 1112). Me Seajraak MSJ) Dutch Hamtoa (1SJ). Toauay i Bolt (withdrew) aad t tno alj fanner ckaaatoat. 14 Parfol I1U. Uoyd Mtagniai UK) tad Geo Saratea 1 141 1 Tait ta Bat third bot that Pal tea bat oocobm 1 peat t tht proftotioatli la Mttr Tounut aieat the tM4 auattert, whert ta tavatrar aever hat wwav, the ba . vt. luaibcraua tod the fir rou ad tad flouted, with ht a 1 of t boit-tB-oae. otrokt katk of Hof aj tad Saead. who bad pityacf with Saead the victor. Chattual Pattaa Later khat year tt Bttltuarol Ptttoa. sprtyitf. arrtaibliM tad chitting amiably at he weal along. led tht first rotiad with 1 M but blew ta 1 Tt tht text day. Nt latatewr kat tenotuly tbrott eaod the pros la tat opea tine Johaay Coodataa woa la 133. Mayer. U, la ragular aa tba tota-maateat trail whoa boat per forsntBce Uut year wot a teeoad place flaiok ta lbs CaiaMial law Utioa at fort Worth. la the ISM ape the gttdltik mi roatg toanaerBcr eaaa ta la TZad beat BeoetiBg par taasr at natadibvetiueiarthe tJCa. A tponeur yeiied tt be attrsed ha twtag aad aa atarod a arm a U iM treat, wvart -g .p U k tnaaa bate aawea. Me a a tM tar Utrd bthaad Kd INrtaL Pattaa, rtaawatd at a orrtah ler hat dtiippailtd bat reio uwj by poyiag rtaiirkibly tad Needy gwu. aatrkad bp pre d.gMMt ta thou aewa the aud dle But he delighted hit faithful wath 1 kemueaa feet aa the 14th. Oa k akS-yard. par lour bale, Bulty J teat ha) lee abat flyaBg lata t lairwty trip la yardt frwaa tkt treea Mt took 1 orvea sraa tad teat the baB libe a nlto to the arweo ossm Wtv tpta appbed armkaa aad tat baa acid, be got bit taw Mm ether tVsakaCar abat was aa the 1Kb vkara he bald a tade wtai we oaghl ta bta I bardM bera.' fa at pat ast tparaarh IS tat hat ad tht cap aad aaak tar a bardie thro He ajiiiid aaiy two Usrwtya that a. auated thaea badly tad f tat ait tut MVtr "I pity ad goad aail Good tor ate, that av la tart, ra aaad tar awbatty. VraturVi I art tar hast that t year who at ta aatatoar la the ltC4 aatetart tod tutul tht tuvtl 1 roaad. was ateadv at par ntetf ta but rwaiad at SVM 0a the bark tiaa. be bad aiaa ttrtigat part. Hoop Show Rolls Along l ai tart wiB aeai the Suet avfuttos. If aaathtr k aitowed. our bays weald have probably andtd tba "aggMa" ta get out It the cars As was. Mel pas, the Viking faathaO bead aiaa, tedod the help af the eea) aad bat ttked Vihr beaaethafler Ward Ptldaaius ta com awr to day to help hun eomb hit haar Law DeLarecu put aa a fia show af btlaace-flrst ta Um back of hit head aad thea ta hat (ace Lou'l South Sahara tsdekjek. La Guatafaos. playad a ftat toa de (eaae all by atmtel the itcoad baa: at thawed be was Uuakiag aadjuattatatoBtondtithe Ooor aad wnittd for the actiaa la come la aim. Tat anal crowd was yleittd al Uw way the Ptjrwuj Waaeb) per farmed aad eat easy to tee any they are the top wlMrhaar teara u the country Aa lor the coaches, oar thing can he taMj m their ftver Tait tt the Brst bat they havr t f f t r t d while piayaig "Wheelchav Satketbal " The heat the el the night wis at itted by al but a tetocled lew. TThea the coaches ha the showers tAer the gam aathang but cold water woa availtbet The daecatg aad hoileceag put up would bare mad the June Taylor Deacer and the Ray Chariot Chorut great with etvy The vets totv for a tariet af garnet la Ohm aad at an tired cotck put k. "TSet s ant lar enougk away to tuit me " Taaait any one' (CaaUaaed frwaa arereeiai page rnalaer her la May. at will bear ttching alee. Pace was third be hind the Eugene twtrty last Sun day at Portland, and Ron Weu klad af Seattle was second. Willi Meal tnd rilchrr Don HaagfM. are still with tht club Neat pitched and woa t 11 -inning game 1-1 tarlier Uut week with Hanggw tutting a home-rua lor the winning tally. Semi-Pro Ball Team Sought at Paradise Island Stlem bey wh. are IntemteJ I i ski's home rua while the Brtvet Smear lm TranrMna 111 were slamming starter Don Card- My Miaai. lti well tnd four relievers for 11 hits rrnn rra. mnt btra aura int. vu aaa i u n hi ph u..k A. ... . .. u ana ua 1 iia ii IS? ITt S li it m SJ the leaders, belting his ITU borne ! L',1,1:. rT"M run with twe aboard. Thrift; trhiava Gilliam raced home wnh Brook-! ' xnM.- " Wn winnint rua It bonus kid 1 tea Daeilan. Hunt 1 dp Pet lUndy McDtniel went into t two-! J,- t,"" " ?ff o" bttet loaded windup in the Kin Camwn D.oo Don Newcomb. breaking Seattle Threats Ceaatag Weaklnd. 14 Seattle Tacama champ Lcoay Rote. Lagan Harder, Doa Grtrot aad Ed Schilling art Hf'i Boa r.iifowaki to come from Seattle (or tonKht't IS af Occidental, wh cleared the bar c rwl Hunt from Ea rn at 1$ m Inchet to better the are Deea Wucoa. Bob Etcbj- stoned U feet. 7 inches art by I Cornell at Wannerdam IS years Such ether crack drivers aa Wild age. It basal yet been accepted Bin Hyde. Dick Gaboury. Ray as a world's record, however. Winchester, Rod Love, Fred Coo- The mile rua, featuring Ron ""T tDd 101 Delany of Vlllinovt. one of the j men who has bettered four mia- ... iiIm aiMl thm t-mil wtlk lkru in NCAA record heatora-Bob House Jf U , !" J it i . 1 t He t most nVmolished ihe machine 11 ut vaiiitNuia, Raines neauj at 111 North Carolina tnd Lewis Stiegliu j'? of Connecticut alt have no pre- . in in 111 ... its IB) Farley, among others, may make it tough for Mr Hunt alto If Krnie Koch 1 Ne 17 ctr is ready. in 1 Portland crtckup last Sunday The hirdlopt htvt chtnged their TtAM rttxpixo PO A Tlkim lit atl WanakelM UM 4tt M l tufana lilt 41 M M Tri-City lilt 4tl Tt 4 Salam 114 4Jt II M Lawlrton 1011 41) 11 It S1 10th m r. onaranra. oinorfl tat Ihree-gtme toting streak on his c"" n"k!l- r?? 31s birthday, won his fifth while sixth ran am ai lims and will go on as fintU Uvl,n'n' lvT l ,or "V"'' lunu iiiviivn, umw vinHi more speed that ever Alto, the morrow night. $250,000 Sum Offered to Floyd For Portland Mix tu linlVIDl'AL. nATTINO .betting the Cardinal, for Ih, llth,j-"? I cofttecutlve time ainre 1M1 Stan i .... li.. u..i.. u ?! i HI ??"iaa Musial had two doublet for the Miaian Cmp4r bch.ave '5 2'1 ! W t2 Card. unnm. h.. VI Clary. Hufil . la playing oa a trim-pro baaeball u.u, v.a iti m it i it ts a Mu-. baM hiU u, , u7 , ifZTt team and arc ton old to qualify Ktiiy u- 4 ss ; 1 ut M.tppiu. hp,. rvtmt. -y u i . - ...... Otia MrDnwi puraa ttnt. III i r ; : i iw braauaj eiioiwi piay are urnrw MuW,, La, IT I ) a t to register this morning at It o - Dickmon. L in i I I n clock at Paradise Island baseball ""V1 J .! ' .... .. . . Mora I. tk At aa 14 4 10 14 fMld. according to Steve Broriy Koin, tc mu i ) lit who It attempting to form the Kuani. sal in n n i I u ,Klruj. Bug ISO to I 1 41 I . . . . . . Andaraan. Wn lit M I 1 1 41 The boys will be asked to help Luniberi w in u 11 1 it erect the new held s btckstop to- '2 f? ! J J ?! day aad tomorrow, and il enough w' Wfn ,S i f t S are interested In forming s tetm Sunm, wan ia at I i 1 14 tkao ariH nl.a ka a.m al P. -. Jx krnn. Wan 111 II 1 t 11 aditc Island during tht season it) til-time list jti no Pais Pltrhar. Phillip Dirk Donovan won his sixth for J!?0 V,1". A"" Mt we w nit sox. doubiint home three runs in a aft-run fifth that wranruwl r k . n.k , . I"00- 1 y a and u. ana j, r . .... .... . ""' ' ; a ivw Rot y t"' over the aenatort. fire this set ton Dnnovtn filled to last, however, giving wty in the ninth when home runs by Jim Lemon. Bob L'shrr .in ana coaie torn njnaea nis snut- out inn 1 Ytaks Ceatt la wrtpped ?vnlh rU Mixed-Foursome Due at SGC Two-ball, mixed-foursome play. the first of the season, u tfhti S4 M I 11 It I urn i IU 41 11 its SI 1 Huffman. Wn 1M 41 4 ISoarlint TC t Taooa Wan 114 14 1 Carr TC lna. Law FJ Yin r ftniwi, v.k Dl... f... .a C? Maver. TC ritty iue i jvai. lotttnan v ti i ! Duratta Sal 141 40 1 Harua TC 111 41 I Ited McCinnH Yt ill 11 1 for the Salem Golf Club Sunday "old'". ri J5 M J . , , M, , aarubbt. Yak lit 11 afternoon, according to Jan Wiles p,, sal i 11 1 of Um Stlem Women i Golf Asso- Mrintnah. u im n I M Hactcn. Euf in Ji i : UikaMHll tal tl a 1 Burton. TC I "t 44 7 aa n s dttion Thote who would mtkc up four- tomes for Sunday's pity should Carkw lw contact the course 'EM Mo32 to "i, J make reservations tnd secure tee- M.rtm tc in m t off times Pity will be followed ;' J . . it . J Jarobt l.w 14 41 11 by a t p m. tocitl hour ind picnic Vnn to.. w it 4 a i MalMoi tal 4 1 Moraa 1 w lit r I Bolorquai Yk 41 a I Urv Faj 141 4 Cann.ro. Yak 104 2 Latinan Sal n Ktllrr Cut ltl Stormv weather vesterdav forcer! Riodi Sal m CanceUatioa of the Junior Golf Junior Golf Clinic Postponed by Rains 4 1 1 1 1 I Hail Lew 11 14 4 Konaf Sal 11 II 4 Clinic opener at Um Stlem Golf Hama. u tc ii 11 o nt.k Goneola Vik U 14 I - w i . . Caulhltr tut l4 11 1 The start has been rescheduled ro t u m t 1 for nelt rriday morning at t M uv)oy i it 1 i pitcbivc aicoao c annar EAif 1 Arroaon Law 1 1 14 a l I a it m 1 4 71 I tt t 14 I 4 M II .1 11 1 11 I 11 I 9 41 1 I II I 1 I t I i i n t i ii t l ii 1 II 41 I 4 11 1 I 11 I a ii i l ti t i is t l n a s 4 4 1 II a 14 1 14 3 71 1 M I 14 1 M 1 14 I a i t I n i i i Kl 114 111 in jii tnvti koro . il. Mant Roaaa. Hunt U Unity KnaaiM aVnitia D Hidalgo Mlta Palelam. AcharnAw Scoraar. Vhiavo Pursuit. Schillinga tssoriition has waived the yellow (danger I fltg tnd will htve no re starts in any race unless one half of Ih starting Held hit beta ia aa accident. Two trophy dishes, (our hett races tnd Um B tnd A muners mike up tonight's ctrd. following PORTLAND, Ore. June 14 the Um trials. (AP) Boxing promoter Tommy Moyer today si id he his offered in hetvyweifttt chtmpioa Floyd Pat- jj torsos S230.000 to defend his ne tiUe here tometime in September. ! Moyer proposed that Patterson in meet either Eddie Mtchen or Pit - J" McMurtry. Ttcoraa. Wash., who hit confined hit fighting to the pun Northwest Tbt outdoor bout would be held la the 32,000-tett . ,,s Multnomth Stadium, Moyer said, ut Mtchen currently ia second l ranked in the heavyweiattt division in McMurtry. who hat t 24-1-1 115 record, is ninth ranked by the Eighth rare, rlalm purse I ant up. tans si, furlonti Gilbert and tribal Vnlkiwaaon BU Tk.r. Ia V... Ti ma. J ine ilnkees kxked II up with Night. Wirnnr Hakar "1 five runs in the fifth then cotsted i Y'? !" -harnw aa s. a .1 . iStltrh. HlOtlfO nt in ts Mickey Mtntle s Itth home Ubh.r ch. t. ScMiim,. iJ run idoed two more runs in the , Telethon oai. itodnguat NtUonil Boxing Attn o THIS SPOT CAN II SEEN IY 38,000 STATESMAN-JOURNAL JUISCHIIIS EVERY DAY! r, eighth Tom Sturdivtnt won m fifth with tn eight-hitter. ZIP his Llhlto. hurtnn Sharp brain. Hunt trholly. Faulknar r. rv I . L . c 1 l i . rm Miar uarcia laineo nil nrst , NlI,,B a. .. puri Mi complete game in 11 sttiit this ant up. iurirt s x'm T.r,b-.kilrr,k'n? 001 ,-- "h?..r.,'rA' ms eight while umiting the Orioles to i ooio Raider Huiaiigo tot eight hits. Dick Williams, who went 1 Myrti a . khrmn S l (rom the Oriole, to the Indians for l?.vvn'&T" Mt .Jim Busby earber In the day. had Pee Appeal Burton J" three hits, on t solo home run I'"""" Hunl rv . , ! Natav. Simonu m Busby wis o-fnr-S. flying out to nu,h Duo,, Krvnwiai 1M Willllms for the final out Billy ailvr King Trarwhint Gwxlrnin. who shifted from the TtBln r, lnvl harl) 141 Red Sot to Riltimore yesterday. I.on, i v n and up i, mi J hit t home run in Ihe ninth. Ih 141 Chief Tolly. Bakar vn Duke Miat hit hit first major v.cky jo iaia league home run to ovtrhtul t J-o jj DH""'J at Boston lead tnd Htrvey Kuenn jiuTn". Trinmim n then clinched it for Ihe Tigers I'Maraa. rauikner "J with hi. seventh inn.nt homer Kh, r,1,htrBm, mt Mlta won hit seventh with I seven Finally Broke Sherman hitler 17 tournament. Tide Tabic Tide far Taft. Ora.aa U 14 n Rta Waters Tim Height FT. 1 M a jti 1 a m 1 It tJn. 401 p.m. 1 SI a m 4:41 PJB. o'clock with pro Bunny Mtson and aajittant Paul Sundin handling the tutoring. ?" Boyi I years old and up and cent Yik girls 10 and up tre eligible for S'",,, the lessons. The clinic will be cli- H.vinrr. Tr maxed with the annual junior golf i.rhark m m-anuav r.ug G'Trtano TC Kloper lw Klndfathar. Sal Miller Y.k roryvk Yk Naw. le : ftohem Yt Ceaipllad y US. Ceatt a Geodetic , rjirnht Y.k urvty. PortUnd. Ore i Acker tut iUKt I Caoria l Low Waters ! nrermer sal Tim Highl G Jacoh. r.ug fT I Mulcahy le I ajn. -I I 1 Ahhott TC I tt pm. 14! Hail Uw t 11 a m. -0 I , Lundbrtf Wan I IS pm X 4 i Mertllk TC t 41 a m. -0 4 Srhiafer. Sal 10 II p m 21 Gibson. Wan Rohn. Sal AMrldta TC Hodgal tug NaaJ TC Tinalay. Wen fteulay. Law Marian. lug Waikar. Sal Jonaa. Wan Michal. Wen Snarling. TC Kelly. Lew Malseno. TC Brandt. Sal Knrtenuk. Yik National League Meidows Selections: W L 10 IV Bh So - 1 0 it 11 M U Chicago VI M4 r20 1 1 17 0 1 0 14 11 11 I Pittsburgh OM 100 040- III 1 I t 1 I Drott and Neaman Kiln Hall I4i I a 1 J I 4 B Smith ill. twaneon i1. Kin ti t It li U 19 and Rant L - Klin Horn run ... "iLl.' FOR SATIROAT First race Stella I hi as. rath Vfrnlrw Sac an race, Calamal N. A , Pith, Pkartew. Tklr rare, taper Cliiuat New As. I y o 1 GIL WARD 1 i MARINE SUPPLIES I us .in in ii 101 I IS 11) ins ill Latlai Crystal SI SI tt II ii I) I w II IS 31 Chicagn. Banks I M n ) so ,. ia 1 M M H n SI Louis tia mm ins a- I It 1 1 .11 M 1.4 SI Brooklyn ftof OS I SOS I I 1 I t IS I II 'It tmilngsi 11 1 4 ts n M at I. Mcnnil and H Smith Nw. j t 4 l r 23 13 comh and ( aprnanall Home run - a 4 1 4.t in ii 14 St Louis. Bover 1 4 1 n H s I s is1 4) ta it Milwaukee no rm ins- ia il 1 s t li it if 41 Philadelphia nfii wn on I ill 1 I Rl n It St tpahn and Bwatski Cr. ftdatl a: 1 4 14 If 11 II Cardwell Fsrrell 'Si Mnrahaa1 'It 4 I JS 1 it Hearn iti and Itnata lonnau si 1 1 11 S4 IS 11 1' Cardwell Horn run Airrm. Mil- 1 1 ta st ft It wsukee 1 1 ia il I I I II 1.1 21 11 Cincinnati W 101 IISI It 1 in i a a Naw York 000 10 tlo-4 I l 1 1 11 II 11 14- !fuhtf Freeman (li and ftalle". i Wahlnlan ramrtk race. Boaakawl. rkrtaUa I.. Aswan Plftk rate Thrtftv. Ia.4 Da al ia Vita's Boy. Ilstk rare. Leva Bar. Naw Bet. Metreaalli. tesentk raa. Rasaau. Partall. Mlt Paasfla rifklk rare. Llkita Bethrrere Trletkaa Oal. Ninth rare, Myrtle A . Nattv. Pel Appeal Tenlk raea, Vlekl laa. Tavaia. Yeekes. American League Junior Baseball Information: PHACTICrt LBACtt Traax Oil IMatrtrt I (Kalier), lat artay aa Kalsar teaaal FteM at I f m t aark Al Fills. aeri s wauwanistrm s 004 MM MM 4 II I 1 1 It 14 5 t ""Her (cnasom (71 Antonelll t - unicago WQ oao HU 1 0 19 I 1 I 11 40 1 M Wnrthington Hi aal Kstt Wattrum I Btohb. Harnandai ill and Court- 1 4 li Jl 14 14 '' W Nuiehall L Miner Horre nay Donovan. Keegan i and Loi- 4 4 1 41 41 41 runs - Cincinnati Kluaaawskl Naw lar Bettay Hi w - Donovan L 1 1 SI 41 45 M Vork. Virgil. Mars Stobba Horn run - Wathingion, 1 4 47 !9 Tt 21 i-mon, usnr, loat Lnicago. utooo. 2 4 41 2 10 27 1 I SI 41 14 tt 1 1 It 21 44 II 1 4 41 22 II J Vancouver ! '!"21!:HXwd PCL Line Scores i Sit Olt OM Baltimore too Mil ooi-l t Cleveland 011 1M 41--1 U li ; Wight. Brown ill. Bmitteman ill 120-4 11 1 1 and Trttndea, Clnaberi ill: Garcia! ItO-l I Ojand Haan L Wlghl Home runs I Boston I 11 H 24 XI B.H.. ami. ! ! H ? M Chu" ' and Hall. W-Paiica 0 1 41 31 41 11 1 L-p,oter 1 I IT II 14 tt r'VV" 0 I I 1 12 San Francisco Oil 100 MA I I) 1 Detroit t I I I I I Secrarrento 000 lis 1004 t t Salllvan, Dnrlth Kieiv Home runs Do- Klely il-li I troll. Mala. Kuenn i I partial Goads All toys 14-14 In . nnn laaaiia tothtl 1 N,w Ynrk fj? 1 -1t 14 area eut aT Ittk Street aad Math A 'CheflUlM non-lfigw stbaU : I nI Angela . . 100 0OS 000-1 I 1 1 Kansas ICty 004 000 100- II of "tt" Street. I game last night between CtsrtoelSan Diatn 01 4 ono I0 4 1 Sturdlvsnt and Johnson: Burnetts Master lervtre tutlaaa tatarday , Meals and Kav Woolen mi rained I Darnell Mickem 'Si H Olann ill: I Gorman 'Si. MrOermntt ii Host ill tl I N p at. aa Barak. FUI4 We. 11 U,J rZil I dnwski ind Jons. Lostr-Dar-. and Smith L-BurnetW. Horn run- -Cesck itat BaiktU. out It Philltps field. I n( t. I Kw York. Manila. at af players Contact reach ftsnia Rained Ollt Untie r ratlaur al Wltklund's rsaillCU VUI Baltlmor. Goodman. Clevaland. W. llama, Avua. SOD 0M 0104 7 I 011 sou ie- 1 t 1 Mlnareln ill. Chakalaa 7i and Tornay.iili, Datock ltl and White: Mass and Otenhaugh Candlni II. Wattlns ltl ! House I-Sulllvan and Barrafan W 'Osenlaulh il-tl Beadlx Depth Ftaden Alcohol tnd Proptat Mtrine Sieve Maria Ttilett Deck Chtlrs Hrlsmet Seati Bait Saubbert MaaUt tad Nylaa Llae C.G. Appoved Life Jtrkets Bott Cushlaat 54" Beit Coshions Rope lubber Plastic Boat Fenders Aarbert Attwued ft Mertary Steering Smith Remote Central Gtt Ctai Aeuimrter sad Alrgalde Speed Indlcatan Paddlet Rati Hoekt Flags Mist Lights Bow Ughtt Ttw Repet Water Skit Ski Jtckett Woolsey Bott Flint Ptttit Boat Paiat Zelatoae Plexlglata Sheet Stack Pleilgltas Windshields MAT lUaOM UO IIP AW HAIUIW Plywood Nllls Screws Boltt Glae Compound! riberglaaa wtadsaJeld Meoldlag tUT 1UW-4TP FJ SMOAT 10 A.M. TO 1 9K aa....- s OOTSOAROSj 5ryjayryrrrnk-vy 210 Wallace Rata EM 2-247 US DRESS DAD UP WITH . . . PENNEYS FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL "SUIT BUY" ALL WOOL WORSTEDS AND FLANNELS 11 ONLY ZM I I -I I $2(5)99 Siitt 37to46-Shortt, rtgulars, longs Colors: Blue, grey, tan, brown. Solid-Muted plaids, woven stripes and pattern effects. 2 or 3 button styles. Set in or patch pockets. Fine tailoring and styling A limited quantity so hurryl Open Friday Mte Until 9 P.M. MAIN FIOOR AT YOUR NATURAL BEST IN A PlNNiY tlGHTAVllGHTl