The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 07, 1957, Page 4, Image 4

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    4-v'5c. D Stxtpsmiu, Sxlm. Ore, Frt, Jtrrwa 7, "57
y Faw Sxwye t'j. Trer SAeJI A.
' fw Ttret ft , Hank M.JMU
CH ARLES A. STRAGIE, Editor k Publitha
HTNDELL WEBB. MaBaginf, Editor
pHll OWaaT-W aaaiWIM HM eeata St
" Pan (IWTt fct, Uteo, Paw Tel tat
tWajaw M laHfTlrt U SwUaav Or. aa
aaaaa wteraer mir an a Caaraaw . stfe.
Mmkw Aaaarveiedl threes
ft Immnl P ill mul 9 w a
III iti holding; it
per ceit gains Ux
Id receive. U Du
stock it Du PMt
Honorable Citizens
nir4 for Hwrorable Citiien-hip
eufht t ft to th members of budget com
nittret who Uavor long hour to whaci off
attinutrt of n4 to fit the Procrustean bed
af fl til per cent Itmttjiton. With depart
BfitU justifying their need on one hand,
taxpayer frowns oa the other ind Old Man
bflitioa behind them they hue rather
UuikVess jobs. And when the get throtgh
theiirtn t )ust pyre whether the) have done
the right thing by miny worthy causes
for American Wil government, the budg-et-nusuiig
process u comparauveW recent,
ll ajJrsner years money wis spent Bv Ppro
printing bodies nd lues ere levied to meet
expenses without very close relationships.
Al consequence overspending resulted,
inpsjd tirnnti accumulated and then vot
ers would be asked to authorize a bond it
W la retire the warrants
Tjht budget lai didnt become com moo
until about the second decade of this cen
tury. They were the product of cituens' tii
paytr committee The in per cent limita
tion, which is unique in Oregon, followed,
representing an effort to hold down the tax
burden which was renting heavily and al
most exclusively on propertv i Other states
have their own restnrtinns Washington a 40
ssnill bmit. In Washington, bonds and extra
tixes art not valid unlets they are approved
la in election in which 40 per cent of the
registered voters turn out. Seattle school dis
trict lost in extra levy because too few voted,
though the majority ef those voting favored
Our budget lw wort pretty well thanks
In great measure tn the conscientious folk
who mike up the committees of the several
uaiti of government
Oregon stole the weather headlines Thurs
day following the storm of Wednesday After
basking for day in very pleasant lummer
likt weather, and reading about those awful
tornadoes and cloudbursts and resulting
flood! In Texas and the Mid went. Oregon iani
hid their awn don of rain. hail, wind Some
cropf were damaged, and. what seems very
strange. Ronnertlle power lines near McNary
Dim were blown down This proves again
that Oregon is not wholly immune to foul
The Oregon Wildlife Federation will hold
Ki annual summer meeting at Bend Sched
uled for tonight is a panel discussion on the
topic "li Oregon s Big Came Management
Program Being Conducted in the Best Inter
est of i Bountiful Harvest for the Hunter'"
Debate on that will he even longer than the
text of the topic and if it follows the usual
pattern, be quite indecisive
TV tV i: v ir v v
So fir the Portland vice crusade appear!
te be largely a newspaper enterprise It wn
Initiated by stones in the Oregoman rlis
counted in part by stones in the Journal.
And now all the parties eem t3 be trying
the rates In the newspapers Justice may
have to take off her blindfold and rap some
toll over the head with her scales Ut s get
on with the court proceedings.
Xsi the tike caf the Suseem Court decis
ion ia the Du Poat-Gener-anvl Motors case, the
prx-es ef tbt Du Pont hoc aas. km ihoarw some
dcciiae. Tail is attributed te ftv f heavy m
roaxM tun if the romprw sr ku U dives. It
self of ail or a large pare ef iU holding ef
CMC stock. If Du Poat
would hive to pay the 25
oca the luge profits it w
Pont distributes the CM
stockholders as a divideivaei. this sou Id atae
te b treated as dividend iacom by the re
rtpaeau and oa it they -awou'if! teyisrcene
taxes according te their sncom brackets a
pro pert they do not nhs. .31.
Oete ho is confront eaatd sith I difficult
pi etblea is District Judge Labuy of Chicago
whose ruling was reverse tl by th Supreme
Court The case was ref e mi hack to him.
but the mstructioa be rg vni on how te
proceed It quite vague I till hive to in
voke i arasure of mcnt.1 telepathy in in
terpreting the opinion of J vntict Brennin oa
how te ipplv the mandate- of the high court
TWatt will make for more uncertainty among
stfx-k traders.
Influenza Epidemic
As epidemic of influenjes-ai ku been sweep
lag; emr Ana. First repot ed il Hong Kong
it Has spread ta ether Aavaw-aa countries, with
a number of deaths rtpoeer-ted n the Philip
pines and soma la India. Bntnh medical
mesa describe it aa I new -attrtig of influenu
nrus A
ll is remarkable bow faw-vt tad how far in- -fluents
en spread. The las 11 epidemic which
coett many lives in this country and else
where was said to hava started in Spain.
Anyway, it tat frequently called Spanish in
fluents. While new drugrsnas an beneficial m
fighting the disease, there is no sure specific
for oirt
!ri!ri!r ft
There till be no disputiawmf the ippropriate
nes of the iw'ard of the flaqu for Brother
hood week to Harry Holt, ettTrestell Holt and
his wife have been i team to Dring in several
hundred Korean children for sdoption in
American homes. Now he Is iff ts Germany
and again to Korea to see awa bout placing more
children, sired by Americana servicemen, in
homes in this country whet- m they ire wanted.
The presentation of the pi que til made at
the annual banquet of thetv National Confer
ence of Christiana and 7ewi In Portland
Monday night.
Editorial Comment
The Swan Situation
Miuing Irom the Mimr fommm4 m pafeant nights
this year till be birds symbols ti the titer fete
c) koHi
for i he first lime since the- ftnt hf m held
in the early thirties. a cygnMU tire hatched a
the Mirror Pond this leawn. sk- mi, m lar as knows
there art none on the mer t tow above Bend.
AtMence tf cygnets from the mail sand has beea
altrirtsjtrd It Ine pugnacity of U One Wing." a
iMirrwd im that rulrt lh lmj place la th
tuies below Tumalo bridfe
Patred iwani from other p -t of the river have
look ml orr the tule nesting ar
hul hate been chased atay
bird will the had wing
Cy-wneu and parent swans
pajteatrts ihraih the years
should be remedied, and from
word that before next netting i
ol wan Irom Western Orrro
Rrrvd and touted to take oter
TKe tmnacimit btrd. which
in tlvw year, will be moved to
river Remi Bulletin!
New Confidence Felt in Credit
Ratings of Foreign Countries
For Yctenni of WW1
Ts the Edatar:
A state nw eat was rtcraOy aaade
ea the ftaar ei eur atate aMla-
hare retaresag ear VerM W ar
Ncubcrger Asks Oregon -Adopt
New York Plan of
.Allotting Electric Power
Farmer Paid for
Condemned Flock
Jvm l m - a
carter oacl last
a, BOSH aWnm I f . wasrsM
snare aaj'sas reareaeataaal ta
eeie eaf ear state wfaa
as hale aossat tsara aad
reblems er whs weald
each aa aceuudaa.
hm raw jabs aad thesr
sTXSHLNGTOH. Aaee Crtfoa
ahaaU tattse ate esaaaaea af hew
Yart state aa fts tat cats fid snetav
ea) af attracuag arw aaaWnal
with afters af eawap avera-
a tte ttw ef
mi aa
aw what
Sea. Rxaard U NeutMSfar.
TVwtdi tat
New York State f
1J. wV
hlacU af
Pwwer Aal
I aate afeacy. I -f,
n tbe arioat ef their vwulax '"" ZJTZ V . '! a
lireiy aaaaaat thesr ewa waas. w V ' I
It ft acTvu the ereaa. kv !Si J e
muddy treachet. fight aad -iaa a ' A v
death at the meat ereadral aauat tacJw f7 ' i
r all I tM per maath wiU J, TlXX
S aaducsed fr iaauraace. , a aiaated eh-1 XJ
"Th- nuv he alvavl iif us m mhik Aumiik- w rations,
Gmeral. Ssit trunk hrairni we still lead the worW in
the number t4 ruiblK- reUtKNis -lf n-ers'"
ia i rfcmt months,
bj the ill tempered
ve beet part af the
prtieot rnndrtioa
cttr ofliials comet
aweaiai a mated pair
fw will bf brought to
he luln
nt Iti male earlier
another part ot tho
The question being kicked around today among outdoor
music lovers it this. Will summer band concerts in Salem
go the way of the Memorial Day parade' Namely, out the
window' I'p until about serea or so years
ago the city budgeted a sum annually for
a series of night-time summer band coo
certs ij WilUon Park Since then park con
certs have been staged only twe summers
both timet under sponsorship of the Mu
sicians tnion. Other night-time activities
in the park, musical or otherwise, are not
sponsored by anybody ....
A local saasirlaa, who was atisg bis
tabs far aa aeabrella, saM be didn't
this a, the salaa weald tpaaser ealdeer Saesa aeteieat
this aaaiaer. Aa ae previsiaa Is made la the rarreat
city aadgel abaat t!.eW weald handle It Se, sales
bead reerert eatkatlastt start a snevemeat is tort ef
grama teets rsaigsl te get same saaaiclpal tsoaey
laiayae froaa the park meter fuad) K leaks ss thoagh
tbe eah karmoaiiiag la M lllsaa Park this tumraer will
cease froa the sqalrrrla.
On Memorial Day Sen Dick Neuberger gave the annual
commeaiorative address it Hyde Park in -tribute to Franklin
D. Rooeevelt Afterwards the senator and his wife. Miunne,
toured the FDR library On one iron rack, carefully laid out,
wai all the correspondence between Neuberger and FDR.
particularly en issues involving conservation and natural re
sources). Ntuberger's 1918 book Our Promised Land ." was
thera autographed by FDR. The curator said the book,
worth about $3, was valued st over $300 because of Roose
velt s signature Which means if the senator ever gets tired
of yVaahington lor nee versa) be can take his 1300 beok and
go home ....
And tpetklag ef Washiagtoa . . . Ever weader what
hapsteai It these letten yea fire off te your rongrrss
maa7 Well, larry Hebart, Statesman staffer who It put
ting la a rear as s "research latere" ea Sea. Neuberg
er s staff, gives a geed taswer la a recent slary by him
la late tesgreaslaasl Recerd, "Senators are bombarded
with letten," be sayt. "Senatar Neuberger s office re
relvea aa average ef tOe pleees ef mall a day ... An
atteaapt Is st4e te taswer every letter from wlthis the
teaatar't ktne state . . . eutf state mail receives a low
er avrtarltr . . . Mast mailings af form letters lend te be
answered la kind
These wha
aad far better efl taaa thaae whs
survreed la came hame wwert
theu- cause had beea bvmW a
poiiucai foul ball la be kicked
shout ever since'
Mrs ar tnr.v like la be calked
br that title' kae rukiea lal
afic thai loutbaM aaiy U
pitch it lata the nearest csaraer
'til the nest rivet tea whew they
pw-k H up and earn it around
aiaia, hut arver cma the tstal
Une '
world War 1 veteraas are aW
untely the Ivrrottea men al all
times All veierans o( lormer
an have had their peasioaa at
least by ta Thoae of mare recent
wart have had better pay and
school prmlesw amounting ts
thousands af dbllart each.
Now whea young men af Just
t years ago are getting old aad
d. if late flies one of eur trusted
met is-ol lice calls them "lartely
satdroad wiimm
t,od have pily oa our country
ia uch hnds
H M khalfer
Kt ! not in
Salem. Oregon
recthr U
tnal cwotamars.
New payraUs are beiag desrektped
at a catseaueare.
Ta Mtow thus esampie. Oregsa
would have te apprt at the
paila the srvpeaal a the receat
state argulature Is create aa
Oretea stale power ageacy Taa
aceery wawld be t at el er ear
customer under the Boaaev ille act
which stipulates that power (rem
federal tama muat te te pubhc
bodies thai Uve tha preterence
rereavwi , trata Ore
Deaarwaeat af AaTtceJtura.
The eepartmeaat ssannsctd ta
day made tha aatywaal ha Max
Lew ef SauTvea lalaad. The da
,au a eaa est wwat sat twtsneat ereeraa) X.W barteye a
lyT. .. -. atrwved because asate were a-
fected h erattavaass.
bttweta iLauj the itweet east
taitp Str iwaseaaaa aoa m aw m
STS.'rSl - Gas Company
i.-Ur-""-y Stock Gains
t."lctr."hrT i Termed Huge
kuewstu la roast eur turkeys aad j 7
kgM ear T tea or whether we , wmu:G Jun. piBa.
te ate tbe lew-cw power . !M 9Aha
MX ressurre a "...j. k. .
watch a the iiatasie reMurce
aur regwa te create aew, year
tauad ttAistnai payrwUs and
thetr auhsidiary beaefHa. with
which ta buy the turkeys asd the
TV seta," eaud the senator. j
The takataaiw at Ntwberfer'a
laaa a Ihal Oretwa shoaM ereate
a atata sower ateary, aw as
paay tUKt purchated by i Seattle
nvu and three Canadians etra
reported Thursday by the Wiaa
prg Tribune.
The aewapapar aaal the proav
pactua Northern Oalane Natur
al C as Co Ltd. shows Ma eitruttva
vice prwatdeat. C. Spencer Clark
of Seattle, patd aa average ef 11
"Aa a pi
stale aarwry wamM pat Orrasw
a eattal Seeswa with pahatc aea-
ICmIImH Irata Pa(e 1 )
b'NeiwratwajiS'e awtsaa
detenbea Mitchell at a "fiery
prophet of air power " and "a
military K-oooclast " llowevfr.
his claims for air power far ei
reeoVsl the technological rapahirl
lies o the era '' Adda Baldwin
ht foatreaalaaal Qururj
A new found confidence n the
erdit rating for foreign eovmv
menta underliet President Kisen
bower t proposal for a hi new
laaa proSTam ta aid uw tcoo
etmc growth af backwtrd coua
trirt. Contrary to the pnjxilir inv
pretaon that overseas loam are
nothing but five-aw av in iha
guise. the AHrmnitrtiin believes
tt ran convince Congre nn the
record that repayment protpecta
art etcellent.
Two item from that rrcnrA
Tot the last three veari the
I'mted Slates has rwiwl more
money m repayment nl primps!
en old loans than it ftm pair! mit
in new loans
It the last II year the I mterl
States has written of lc than
1 2Mb fo 1 per cent f Hi nut
standing laane a uncollntihlr
Serretary of Atate Jmkt I str
Dwllet haf these farU it mia4
whea he appeared May tt ariwrr
Ike Rraale fareiga Relatiaa t em
atnlee la tappart af the Preti
tVatt srwpMH tl WHtae Devet
opmeai Laaa Fawd.
With an ahwvlance nl diploma
be caution Dulles saud ' I wouM
hatatd the gtie rhat a very
large pari, mwt prohahlv. of
what will he loan"! hy thu re
welopment Fund, wilf a tome
time or other, tn some way or
ether, inure corresipoiHtintly tp
the benefit of the L'nKed Stales '
Figures assembled by the Ad
Riiniitratioa show that from June
S, I4e, tirwgh the end el 164.
the I S. authorised foreip loans
and credits ef 111 J bilhon. That
Includes everything from wsrtime
LendyUase throuawt the British
less ef 14 te tha current Mu
tual Security Prnajram
v. v
Of that Mat. M (
tl pee ra hat wrea
Aawtkrr tt laatllai tia
oer aaes The prtoM-spal Ml
aiaaeiwg at II li hilStM. ttMl
04 per real t Ikr ikhui rl
aully athwruti.
Only SIMM than
I l.onwh of Uif lirfHl ha mn
written off as lust
Currency deialual nwis i tuw)
almost half nl lhi n. Thf ml
of the loss came nr. loam nil 'o
forrifn gnvernmentt. rul to pn
vate business firms. iTwIudini
overseas branchet o4 A merino
Interest collection rfurini the
tame it-year period totaled ai
mntl II billion
Administration figures alio
ahow aval aa additional HI
milium of principal about
1 200th ef the total loaned - sn
rrwirr than SO dHs rdik on
1 x i II It
l.oinnmroi thai w-re belund
in their pnvmi-lls inchaded Wti
frtm-r itml urrnl allse ft"mia
twnt IIS 7 milium, fntand III
million and Hungary 7 3 million.
Nstionalisl Oiina its 24 1mil
I'no in irrfin Ihe Phtl appines 17
million. Iran H 1 million anil
Turkey and Indnnrtia SI I million
Some ( ongrntional critici of
foreign aid who have wees thest
figures regard Ihem mmply a a
"lubterfuge " Rep H R Grows
R Iowa told the ( onarevuonal
Quarterly. Many of tries coun
tries have been able to make
payments on, their Ium only be
cause they have been getting
military er economic awl grants
(rem the United State. They're
paying as back with, aur est
The repay ami rni Watt
better tkaa aawa It Seriat aU Ikvr
loan earryr terlWi f grarw
dartag walrBaw at siimeM U 4mr
aad hetaai wwae rttalrlew swrk
as Urea BrSkwaaala. kir kera per
wrltled ta aaaWefrr aarnber af
The mlere-a fiiire. which lks
ulislanlial. c mncetli tnr fact that
trie I S loaar-ww money to foreign
ciMinlrift at lower riles than it
pavs on its rwi bond) Thr dtf
fweixe m trvae tnlrrea rsles tlwy
say it the H aaddai untidy in the
loan progrars-aa
fl'ber kgiwtla(wi, md as S-n
M(imfr K Casaa pehirt R Irnl . re
lieve Ihe loaawan record of res-ent
year, n io m ncouriin the new
Ievelo(imenl Fund ran soon r
i une wll su aaw.1 aming
t.tkt man, ot kind ht n
fnaunttwul If authority, inlolcrant
I olhar opinwai iin. giMntrir
and nftea fanlaihrallv wrong Kw
hat little )iMlmfnl and atHnaumat
ku rwatramt Hi lifttl Inr air
P"r if ain.l hal avwrnaa lo km
intnwrwW iitiKtmna him mi
franalir puhlu ilalaniwnta Ha 'orgnl
or arlibwrau i ifnoraw Uva ahliga
linna of ttaw uniform hw wort and of
int author it na had imoir iu up
a.Hd The t-hartrt aiainst Milcnell
wrre in.vuburdnwiHin and (uoduit
lo the pre Mice of good order
ind military discipline With re
gard to the rffort of the Air Korre
Aviation to 'vindicale' Mitch
ell i name Baldwin writes
Rut no rairuarliva rM ran -or
ihouut 4aura tha fa I Uiat Gw-
'I "tJArSWH lo hw rourl mar
lialad ai1 a, luftllr a-n1n-al No
rooojarw m Ihi ran or ahould 4lla
lort iha fax-i that h as nflan
ron aw ll n ofln rifhl No
rvwrttlng of kiatarv eon or ihould -uoM-iara
lh lat lhal ha utl vvrr
gurttnriat)lo matni Is aihiava hia
end thai tha ewvwlopmanl or th
1 mid Siaiaa Now a air arm a"
a!ut rlpil General Mnrha': r...t
hat uw of him thai hia Intamperalw
oulturata hla atubnon anitv ind
hia apali lo puktlM iH hjmparad
aa all aa haipwd tha savelopment
of Armv air poar
The Mitchell parti I ant of today
are riding ea the technological
prottresa la aircraft which Mitch
ell foresaw ; but they ignore the
(rave offense given by Mitchell
to promulgate hit own theories
In hit review of the case Presi
ttent t'oolrdgw wrote Disopline
la the whole basis of military
training Mitchell in hn aicfisa
Uuna against his superiors de
atruyed the discipline without
wtuch anv military enterprise is
sure U fail.
Time hat vindicated Mitchell a
ideas of air power That should
be iufficient without trying to re
write the record which was de
termined by his conduct, not his
To the Kditor:
It has been said the accarnpliah-
ment of the 1147 legislature might
have been muah better had U ad
been for the 1J minority party'
senators la our hook the tesswi '
will be memorable, aal aa much
for what it dad. at fur what il :
failed to achieve Credit gees ts
th IS t.uardians af Ihe Ram
partt" who did sot have power to
push their program through, but
were able to lay flowa the line 1
and prevent Hi crossing Several
timet whea some particularly ua- i
savory measure caine up for ac-!
tios. we. en the tidelinet held eur j
breath - Will the 15 hold' -
Highlight came with the all im
portant Tax Bill. U was not what
they wanted, but was coasadered
the best that could be produced
So they designate) a Bell Wether
to break the deadlock, thereby
opening the way for early ad
)ournnM-at. A feeling here tha la
have stocked the kit with strong
medicine lor or it year Anyhow
there it no visible reason fur dit
There is a glimmer of hope the
almost forguttra principle upon
which our Constitution was found
ed may again attract the attention
of Slate and National legislative
bodies Vtha-na-ver Ihe principle
' Kquality before the Law" rather
than . hi lily to Pav ' becomes
the watch word of the law makers
many of our domestic difficulties
will resolve themselves The
Farmer will ag.nn become an up
standing Americas. Mainstay of
our economy; Organised Labor
will not be averthadowtd by the
terrible silence of its spokesmen
in an hour ef need; Every loyal
ntiirn. rich ar poor. If he to
thooars, may stand up and be
counted at Or of a greet people,
not a mere something, ta be eub
tidized or plundered
John U Plank
nj N VKh St.
Salem. Oregon
taaa ltle hi Wawaaagtaa ataktl
as lar aa aeeeaa aa haaratty gew
erated law eaat pawee Iraas tPA
ta eaacerwel." Neaaerger tatd the
Iraata laaa week.
But more thaa this would be
needed, claimed Neuberger be
cause pf the prewrtU power polky
of the F.itrahower admimstra
tioa. which he said wewtd avam
String a Mate power agency ta
Oregoa frwm dutrg what New
York is doing ta get new indus
try At that policy it being ad
ministered, aa Oregoa power
agency reuid not use Ha prefer
ence status te claim a large block
af kilowatts from Bonneville
Power Admituatratioa in order te
past rt on to a new light metali
plant ar other heavy power con
turning industry, argued Neither
The reaeea ta Ihal the Fhvea
kwwer aatnaiaiatralkM re a er wed la
IsU lite prevtaaa practice al ST 4
af offefiag Maeka af power ta aew
laaawtry tHreetly. Atw K leMrirlesl
wreterearw ageartea Itwaa tjplala
lag aew large laaa at rial kwaatt by
ttipalailag Ihatt BPA waaM sat
ktaar tack petre
Ike aeaiawaVj af alt other
era. laveraanag art ale power eata-
eaukaa ceats a share far 54 lei tnarei af
eawaaV wwk Wtwtalagiaa atate ts the company s stack. The market
taaaiag pawer aeaaaaa apaa value aow a atbotat XX a aaara.
KFA. thra have the state ageary aad Clark still taseda M.ftN snares,
ftv kagweat ka-taray lo aew la- the Trihuat added.
aWrUI awaats Ighs aaatahv Thu would meaa market value
eaoaattaat. piaatars ks asipaaiag of the Kit, ataaree tt tieicne.
af tatt ear a power. Dwieattr Dtspoattioa af the etker X.eet
aad raral taaaaiert. ohrtaee shares ware not reported The atv
aeesred ky paht ar prtsaae power lire M See shares al ll reels would
ageactrt. www at gel law eaaat have coat U.TS
power aa taag aa Ibere waa Clark a board chairmas af Cae
eaaagh ta to aroaaal Vt klgkrade Natural Cas Ce . whick ap-
ar eaat aewer ks aeeatral la saoafy eraies at BetlingKam, Wash . and
aat al aumerout cities ta Eastern
pay Washington, at Peexfctaa, Ore.,
and a North Idaho
The Tribune aaid Ralph K Fer
ns ei Vancouver. B C . ar rude rat
ef Northers OnUrte Natural Cat.
bought V 50S aharea at lour liftha
of a cent a share; Oerdoa W Mc
laa 105 TM shares at an average
of live cents, sod Mall M Newell
al arwaaaata Uara they aad
law aawauial plaaU wwaH
the MIL
Neuberger laid he u conwleot
bit proposal will he iei offensive
to members of I oogrrti frorn
Waslungtoa atate thaa would be
aay allocation of power from new
dams tprvihrally lur Oregon He
teels that Wash.ngtoo t trnatort n m B iM J
wvum aw am m bb,' av-i atlts
reserv alios earmarked tor Ore
At Seattle. Clark t oflice report
ed he and Karris and their wives
are aboard the Utter lie de Trance
enroult la Europe an vacation
The Tribune said Norther On.
tano will diatnrnite gas from Can
ada a transcontinental pipeline to
Neuberger tkls week iatroduoed
aa amestdraweil te the preference
clause of the Bonneville ad ta
make it mandatory for BPA ta
honor requests ef public agencies
lar power lar Iadustnal sees. This
was hia aaewer te the problem
the state faces m the eempetitiea
lor low -cost Columbia river power
with Washington atate.
Neuaergert lawoss thai Ore-1
goa. a bat beea proposed by af
finals of Portland General Klec
trtc Ce . as a method of assuring
Oregoa a fair ihare of the re
gion t kilowatts.
He said br walla w tat the arew-
ewt IPA poary agaiaal tadawtrtal """munjUes la Ontario and alam-
Uaass. the ealtre regtea waa 1st wo
staaal U beaefM. BPA. water bit 1
ptaa, rwaM approve power eaa
trarla far aew aaataU-y la either ;
stale bat oooM be charges' wKk
reapaatlklttty lor ewUkllsblag
pnartues lar aadaatrtal aaea
whirk will beat praatate the ttt
verwIIVed it aaamle Setolopaieat
af Ike several stales af the
baala "
Nruberier't meaning for thit
working in hit bill it that BPA
would give a higher priority to
a new plant la an underdeveloped
area thaa II would far a new
plant, ether things being equal.
la a highly developed industrial
If Congress will only put up the
undi ta continue the federal dam
building program by which low
coat energy caa be generated,
thia Is Neuberger t long range
curt fur Oregon t economic woes.
Eugene Man Killed
Ft RF.KA. Calif . June I JK -An
automobile akiddd inta a ditch
and thea overturned here yetter
day. killing the driver. Franc is
Fverelt Swim. SO tugene. Ore.
Nov. 27, 19 ,7
Mrs P b. wrote . . . "Thia
little note ia only telling you
from the bottom of mj heart
how very much I appreciate
your every ronaiderttios and
minute detail for D t funeral
and burial. Everything wit at
he wished and be would have
beea pleated."
Tha akoaa lakeo Srota aa aia
of unaolltittd lallera
m , i. i
' M MM.
Better English
D. C. WIDIaaaa
Time Flies:
Frwm The
Statesman Filet
apekirt ga
ripal retire
taaaa lialiarwaa
I Ma Irom la
Ihe aril al
prlarlpal sM
awlaii ta Ibal arla
aeali rireraVa) aew
-aatrali k. Tli anil
J llraaik 14 la
a . yean, trhewoleaj
B Imrrral pav-meatt
ea aalilaattsVaag lain
IS t bllllta.
awpehurt ugcets al
simi l Ihe rievrlorv
and make it aelf
aahntit lurlher ap
rvf tn monev'"
Other Cortgreumeo made Uiett
Whr not. C
W ate these aa
merit fund
Adminntraw ton nflmalt say re
psymrnl! orw pre m loans are
commitled r-wjr law lo o into 'ne
Treasury, ta rt they agree that
repayments an fnrmn curremy
on post-lfta loam, lor which no
provision hai beet made. cosiM
well gt Ma amJw tev Fund.
Foreign ttac9 chief John B. Hoi
liater uyt, It aaavamt. "as ene ran
predict" tbi fvnd wlU be
come 111 aajtwwtainini.
10 Years Ago
Jsat 7, 1M7
Vice Adm Thum;ts I. Hatch,
t native- of Salem and riMiiman
dii rt a-riir lorte. I S Al
Unlit F Veet will go into retire
mcnt thia month laiiw of
physical disability resulting Irom
wtsinds auflered in the war
Ijist waevk news of another rhs
covrry of prehistoric hahitalion
of ihe Oregon rmintry waa made
kmn when Pnrtland Army F,n
irneera reported that a masto
don tooth had been found along
WillameHte River near Salem.
give emphasij to their demand
for full payment of the bonus
40 Years Ago
Jwae 7. If 17
Aiiolph trf nltamrn. son of Ua
dm if diet nhauni of Ihe fit iu of
KoMein k (ireenhaiim, led to en
ter the na al academy at Annapo
lis Dorothy Dwk entrrtainod at the
home of her parents, the Charles
Picks with a luncheon followed
hv croquet Giieats were the
Misses lit Spaulding F.dna till
bert. Bemice Craig. Dorothy
Buckner Ruth Jones. Doris
Churchill and Charlotte Croisan.
1 What ia wrong with thia sen
tence' "When he didn't show op
al Ihe office, his employer asked
after h.m "
2 W hai is the correct pronua
cialion of ' loological' '
3 Whnh one of these words Is
misspelled' Facetious, miscellan
kxis. precocioua, eilemporane
ous 4 What doet the word "sol
emmty" mean''
5 What ia a word beginning
with spa that meant "to medi
tate "?
I Say, " When be didn't AP
PF.AR at the office, his employer
Pronounce toh-oh-lahj-ikal. ac
cent third syllable; not ioo-oh-Labjikal
1 Mitcellarteoua 4
Serioutnesa; dignity; gravity.
' She was impreased by the sol
emmly of the occatioa." I. Speculate
25 Years Ago
Jsae 7. IMt
Dr e w petticord of ia Portland Firm Bids Low
Angeles wai assigned to Salem
Evangelical Church, aucceeding
Dr. C. C. Poling, waa ia retir
ing after M years aa pastor.
l tat
nal Ouinerla)
PORTLAND, June I - Army
F.ngineert today aaid E. J. Elooa.
Portland, submitted the apparent
As army ef ear veteran, at M 'Jwctiaa
Wathinartaa. D. C . tramped wp at a concrete bridge at Hills
historic Pennsylvania Avenue to Creek Reservoir near Oakndge.
Pnane tM l-sttl
tinscBiPTion sates
By earner la eltteti
Dm? and Suaday II IS ar ana.
Dill? ante it per ma
Sunday only II avaek
By aaa IVairy aad laaday
i in aevottcai
In Oregoa 1 rl see me
t OS Ibroe ana.
-1 a at tM.
IS SS waae.
In II S eartwMa
By atall Saaatat awly .
tin tdTanrei
.11 TS
IS wewk
StJS rear
AaSM Bareaa at rirratatlawa
nareaa of AdaertMat AMpa.
Oref a aewaatpay '
waaa-aaairme ce
aWaTeai alVaWBP4kBaa,) aWMtTfalSafg,
west tweMXissi ra.
Mew Tark rktrata
regularly 99.95
19" Vollrath Rotary
Full 19" ru' Vivy rli.ity aluminurr, alloy hout
ing, IV, hp Clinton 4 cycle engine Rolls
imooth at g avi on lerg lenrii pneumatic tires
. . . powered for the loughett of cutting iobl,
yet deigned for the well manicured lawnl
With fingertip throttle control, automatic
mulching. A worthwhile laving jutt in time (or
your lawn cutting needl
Slnil mut rivntie crderi
'Pint ihlppint rorf fo arena otii
tide our regular truck feirery rowfrt.
(RtOtt 101 1.
, - Hoaaay sad rrWay;
t:M h-at. te I a.ak ,
Otaar Deyt:
t:M kaa. te I M fM.