The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 04, 1957, Page 4, Image 4

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    4-(Sec. I) Statesman. Salem. Ore Tuei, June 4, 57 (
cvdrtfiitesiiaa Whose Fail-Out?
TVe aw Set t's. S Ft SWJ AaV
Starch ML UU
CHABLES A. STRAGt'E. Editor k Publisher
WIND ELL WTBB, Muujinf Editor
bawl at Sao palattc at Stan. Or, a aron
The tadiM mm a ihiw ttrtunwrj e
A First Step
The Red ogre himself walked into Ajner
leu homes Sundty Nikita Khrushchev, boss
of the Soriet Union. Only Khrushchev ii not
Beirfy the opt Out Stalin wis. He ii the
pottle o modentioo. and the message he
sourot to briBf on his televised risit wai or
of conciliation,
Khrushchet threw out many assurances de
siratd U disarm American attitudes of hos
tility to the Con muni repine He called the
Trot Curtain" aa American device, and prom
ised to remove restrictions on travel la Rus
sia U America would reciprocate. He dis
claimed any Intent of waging war. expressed
the desire of Russia to enjoy peace and
friendship with the United States.
Hi mad a plea for more cultural ti
changes, the elimination of trade barriers,
and (or mora contacts between businessmen.
(Surer Khmshehev didn't use the term "busi
nessmen for havenl they all been liquidated
la the USSR?)
"Our socialist system" will be victorious, in
the tompetitioa with your capitalism, was the
claim of the Communist secretary. The com
petition, thouf h, to be an ideological enc,
not i military contest. Khrushchev prophe
sied that "your rrtnochiWrsn" will lira under
Socialism,'' because the latter system is
younger tad mors healthy
Tht Khrushchev speech was straight propa
ganda, t typical pitch for Western favor such
as Uncle Joe himself nsed te mske occssion
slly interviews with westerners. The fact
that he submitted to a televised interview
for general broadcast shows that be is strain
ing te gain some favor in the non-Communist
Tht sequence to that must come la deeds.
Let the Soviet Union get down to business in
negotiations in London, as our own repro-a
tentative Harold Stassen, Is instructed te do.
Tht Chinese philosopher, Lao Tie, left a
"A kareey e) i tease, most Begins with
en p
Let a first step, though short, be taken at
London both by Russia and by the West
Phone Etiquette
When Herb On of "Random Lengths"
gripes' about the practice of girls in some of
fleet who ask. "Who's caning, please r in
answering phone calls seeking the boos, be
got the raspberry from many sawmill sales
managers and I short course m telephone
However, our lympathiei go with Herb.
Such i response items to Imply that the boas
Is putting on tin. What Is more of a grip
Is te hire a girl get 70a en the phone and
thea Mindly my, Hr. X (her boss) would like
to speak with you." W can tolerate this with
very busy persons, but if sin for ordinary
run-of miQ executives It smacks of self-inflation.
Hold your ground. Herb.
The vicissitude of the winds higher-up ap
parently is leading to I sew International
squabble as te whose ridloactiv dust is'
It iant the first time the stratospheric
winds have caused trouble. Japan gambled
heavily during World War II that incendiary
balloons would carry from their homeland 40
the American west coast And many of them
did, though dsmage was vsry limited. Major
repercussion was the death of six persons
near Lakeview months later when a balloon
borne bomb exploded.
But the winds aren't stable at various lev
els, and it la Increasingly sppsrent that no
country la immune from tht results of its own
or any other nation a experimentation wben
it it considered that Japan, thousands of miles
west of American and British test sites in the
Pacific ia reporting fall-out even though pre
sumably far removed from such effect both
In distance and direction.
And now comes an Idaho State College
chemical scientist who says radioactive dust
st Pocatello was from the Russian H Bomb
-exploded three weeks sgo. not from the recent
Nevada blast which apparently has brought
minor fall-out to Southern Oregoh,
Even in Salem, radiation last week was re
ported by Dr. Purbrick of Willamette Uni
versity as 10 per cent above normal, although
the increase could have been no more than a
statistical fluctuation. In Portland, the State
Board of Health reported beti radiation more
thaa four times normal.
There are still some things beyond tht con
trol of man.
- - -' 1
. -.
Hatfield Reveals '
New Sfafe Service Division
rem Beg tea)
a their ewa Melds:
is s leader is chemical
CMC si the sutame-
trv field, lack has aa able
BMaafeaneat, is atrocity fi
st each win it
Secretary of State Mark Hatfield
said ktosday a dtve4opt4 a
pita far eeardinatiiif aevwa W the
ftaxtimnnder kit control into a
sewstrvlees mvinoa.
This was one ef several policy
mJ. Km Ik. ma.
maw im ew- 1
and sta&ary. we are fiviftf lew
emphasis is star guide atnfee,
Continuous colored films ef OrtfM
scenes wiD be shews and weekend
and holiday tours of U Capital
will be available "
Partial - "Akhmifh the lefts-
retary at state at i general meet- laiure turned dewa aa attempt te
mj af more thaa aft Salem am-j
ployes ef has department
H tu the first such general
bcaii 1 pay-for-kself parking lot
time mm ia the Mall has resulted
isa availability for public parking
atrssusd-UavcIeck. As sew properties
are purchased for future building
sate we hope to dear the ground
iawasnediately fee interim parking.
at the books as s taxpayer and aa
alert cititea rather thaa ia a rou-
"Tbe usual story ... We were getting along fine with our
marriage counselor, until HIS mother interfered! . .
"Historic Sites
The ever alert Grants Pass Cavemen start
ed waving their war clubs at Sen. Richard
L Neuberger because he overlooked the fact
that thei' den. the Oregon Caves, is a na
tional monument. The senator was speaking
to hii bill to establish Tort Clatsop, the win
tering place of Lewia and Clark as a national
monument also Indian Post of flee high on the
Lolo Pass in Idaho, when the expedition en
dured severe hardships.
The omissioa may have been an oversight
on Neuberger's part; however, the full text of
hit remarks al reported la the Congressional
Record Indicates he was referring te historic
sites rather than natural wonders such ai Ore
gon Caves. Here is what be said:
"New EngUad aad the ttuta. for example,
are sotted wtta aattoaal kistsrtc sttea. menw
nala. aad srataamtats nke apple ea a trot. The
Neruwesf has ealy see bat stUaacLoughlla
Mouse st Orcfoa City, and till It tnereijr super
vised by tht National Park Service, but is set
aa offldal segment ef ear astioeal perk tyt
.Ura." The Lewia and Clark expedition. lKM-lftM.
was ef such Importance to the West and to
the United States that some such recognition
Ii deserved..
Editor Bob lagans of tht CorvalUt C-T sur
prises us aad doubt leas many other with
Information that orange is NOT one of Ore
gon SUte's official colon. What la? Just the
remaining black? Bob favors dropping or
ange and black "for something mora bril
liant" No sals: the orangt It brilliant tnougb
snd the combination in good contrast
Chlsng Kai-shek charges Chinese Commu
nists with responsibility for the recent anti
American rioti In Taipei. But Formosa wai
supposed to be the bastion of anti-Communism
la the Far East And bt doesn't txplaia
tht lethargy of Formosaa police and military
la suppressing the rioters.
One ef the more interesting, but unscheduled, sidelights
of the Willamette University commencement proceedings
Sunday was the foot race between Dr. John Rademaker and
the rest of the faculty. Just ss the long line
of black robes starts over to McColloch sta
dium from the Blind School campus here
comet Dr. Rademaker, sprinting heavily
down the sidewalk. Anyway, he made It
Aad while graduating seniors were getting
their diplomas, John wss getting his wind
about as it has ka the past. The , briefing sessaoa ia about years.
sews hardly teems adverse ! according to department oldtimers.
aaeugH te tempt short seffiag ef) Hatfield took office last January
stacks ef either eompaay, though 1 He told employes yesterday he
sea never tea tell bow traders ' would have a similar meeting lor
wif react I Portlaed employes sooa. Some of
the points he emphasised, by di-
DuPoet got into General Motors i visions of wort were:
whea Ka fortunes were at a krwj AMDs "Examination should
ebb, shortly after the first world extend Into efficiency and economy
war. WUUam C. Duraat tee of . at every agency state govera-
the ariauul promoters vh oriaa-1 mmt nthrr tha limiting tht audit
ised GMC awing hie second torn
st president brought the company
into fteaacial difficulties, and
himeelf ss well. The DuPonti I tint lashtoa. You art the guardians
came to Its reecbe. They pur- lut fraud, wast and earrup
eaesed stock ia GMC. went oa'tiea.''
ka board, helped supply better j Actemttag "Every effort must
managemont, and have aioc be made te coordinate our efforts
shared in tht remarkable pree-!k those of other statt depart
perky wtuck General Motors mmu' mechanlie wherever
achieved, la view el the lattor'i economies would accrue, ta make
success, presumably holders ef f""" svailable upoa legitimate
the remaining 77 per cent are sot j P tniet of tht
unhappy ovw the role DuPont kihet order." .v
played is GMCi veosreaa. i "ea "Our aew resptesi
? 7 m J hiDtiei usiatned u at by the 19S7
Two things stand out at a re- illtlvV for ck
suit ef this decision' rirat. that ft w lefti
the Sherman act atiU has vitality. ugmewng oasic eiccuos
and the Supreme Court it sea low I procedure., a mors careful eye on
ta cuard its vttalkv Second. I campaign activity, tod ae oduca-
School Reporter
Parrish Award Winners Listed
By LOllS PAKKE1 MfXla. Ed Mutter, tharoa Obert,
w... d..i. t,w. ui.h .i,i.'Darvid Ouoa, Oeaa PemMe, Jim
ta merely technical aceuracy . Look j opyuea by I frtey. ne Scales, B 1 1 1 y
receiving special merit swsrds.
Students may
mmrm Mlfllt tiv
ward t k 1 1 1
awards by doing
many tod Jobs
v - u
i ian ii
Uw Parkae
Terry Brum field. Dennis Brim,
Lynn BusweB. Cliff Cauble, Dtr
Im rhrliman. Mike Coo lev Gary
riM lRav rVHui Lirri M iller, Dvya M iHer. Lenort Monk.
letjal prtceaeea of applyiag!0" Prosrejii for the people aa ajEmeraoa. Reid English. Gary FV N aitbai Neal, Bob Pierce, Pat
Slamak, John Stiffler. Ken Story,
Linda Sullivan. Frank Sir ret,
Machelt Tayler. Prank Thompson.
Jim Tindal, Joyce Vitsos, Chariot
Wasrdlt, Blair Wattoa. Vteda Wat
tera. Lynda Weeer, Lwda Webster,
Normal West. Ellen Wright,
Macbae! Vaa Dusaa.
Dennis Veraer, Gary Briggs,
nr helping lathe 'PVancM Ridpeth, Jerry Baker.
Bruce Barnes. Pal Bamct. Bar
bara Bouse, Douglas Browa. Gary
mg their first COattUrbiick, Diana Duncan. Keith
i wards vert E-OTvara. Larry Lmmont, taa
Dotma Atlimon. reseest. Sandra Forrest, Glenda
Jim Batmaa, GeHtia, Grscia C nodal Kara a
HoU. Ray Horn. Pat Hudec. Arnold
Martin, Margie Masters. Dick Mc
&e. Chsrlene Millard, Carmie
'such as taking
I? mg rolL aerving
on lawn patrols
Crown Prince Sees Big Future
For Iraq-Without Nasser's Aid
" as wa
r i
y ioacri ALaor
BAGHDAD. June I On of
the most ewtgeMtle and tmpor
ua pirittmigai la all the Mid
dle East Is hi Royal Highea.
Abdul flak, the onclt and chief
advisor of Iraq's King Faisal and
tie Crow Prince of the kingdom
Vn EarrptiaM and his other
enemies. o ar a4 few. pic
ture the Crown Prince aa a dark
intriguer endlessly plotting plot
un above an to
teue hit young '
nephew a tlvooo, ?
which he in fact
cesser veil
agsina all has
ards through 14
rn as regent,
(his task, he I
neawd through I
ail umn t - . aiaJ
lot theee pott JmSl.1u"3i
hmea have Ml ne ootverd mark
apos the Crown prince. Wtten ht
rereivci ymi m hn imarl. pleas
ant, book lined etody ia pal
ace, you find a eooiiy poiiU.
mild-mannered somewhat dapper
met early mtoVfle aea At
first flanre. he teens more Hkety
t bt really tt bnme breeding
kil Arah hornet thaa fuKtini tht
affairs of net of the largeet. moat
enmplei and mast ttnrmlly In
clined Arab eeufltrtet
Al fire glance, ttoi. one m
Chiefly strurk by the ahorp cno
traat between this miM pnftte
man and W matnifK-em ar
emline arrocanrt of thooe too
great romantic heroes of the
Lawrence story of "Raved la tht
Desert." the Crown Prince's la
the, tht Enter Ah. and hit uncle,
tht Emir Faisal. Their portraits
kt desert rebea sre bis study's
chief ornaments, snd at flrtt
they stem to tvervbeten him
(st at tee Cross Fveeee tone
his ten retnaraaela
aateeeaey that snlgkt tat
aa. havt been as vary taeniae
J ta iplioati tVyarta tgktHj
geateg ftwas wm oO. Two of
hi remarks, sn aartkeJar. fnav
ala reported. Oao oeo
i gieat ttvilipnat
pregrna koto wwMl the troa gov
ernaeat swerat ta
tbare of Na Hril
TVa leantillias ere botag bwM.
ae fe toentt eawet Skat, The
etaago ta eta ka the as) year
la trojeatieany evtaaet to the re
karatag eaaemr. Tee toad h
- M
ttvkll I Th" there was the facalty
I Ll er "he didat atakt tt at all-tad with
gees reasea. Ht wai cart Han, artist
la residence st the aalvertity, anther ef The Statesaeaar'i
"Imafet" relaaa and erstwhile sitter. While several of
Carl'i ttadeaU were preparlag te ttabark ea t aew life
Saaday, Cart wss buy helpiag s yeaeg aaaa H a good
start la the world. Ntatly, a new I lb., ol, ton, who
graduated lata tala Uft at Sale at Mtatetial Hetpltal Sat
urday ....
And there's the Volkswagen running around town with a
sign: "Help stamp out Cadillacs." ....
Along with crahgrtat aad kayfever a aether problem
givca terieas reesideritiea thai use ef year It bow to
keep birds eat of backyard strawberry patches. Aayeae
wheat wife has pat la weeks ef saekbreaklag labor rel
Uvstlag a hehlad-tbe-farage berry tardea will let! yotj.
as he Meads there scratchiag hb klves, that bards will
rala s thrivtag strawberry patck toicker even lata kids.
Next to worst t bird hive a leaalaf toward heave-grewa
Verrle. Either Uat or It's their wiy ef getttsg back at
peepls . . .
Used te be gardenen guarded their growing fruits with
shotgun ind slingshot. But times hive changed. Now owners
of backyard berry plots use devices ranging from strings of
tin csn lids to mined bird bsths. One frustrated gardener in
South Salem went through the can-lid- tla-foli. UnkUng-bells
and wailing-sirea stage and ended up, finally, with a large
tent over the whole patch
Safety Valve
C "' Lawee tar ft eteanint aatvt Vitra !! tn
a hatta. final aaah. aal rMM, m 3 aSk aTi
Protttti Viro
T the Editor
I not with taw an that Gov
oreer Holmes ha teen ht to
veto least Bill Na 171. recently
passed by both house of the
Legislative Attembry with only
tee tattistiag vets.
That bil was eaagned tt tbew
boaded drtinage esptrtt to ha
sten novae tike teaaorting boenoa
aad belidlngs with eetetiag tew
ors, e prtvOete they enjoyed
srw ka th IW seeilea. By bv
odvortanet ted miatakt, at that
whole n they will ludorstaod the
eb)rctlvet ef the flrrt overhaul of
election Lawn la four decades "
sVtStlags "Wt art launching
a lonj-range. ttep-by-ste program
of repair sod rehabilitation ef older
buildings so that many ef tht st
etlled emergencies can be headed
eft. Deferring: rehabilkatiea until
k accumulate is false oceasmy.
Bethtotsem Steel and Yeungs- CT
I shoulder, and slmctually unsound
toe act art costly aad prolonged
So many mergort htv takes
place la late years, with tht big
growing bigger la coasequanct.
that papular lakh te UM tvieree.
ment arm of tht government has
beta weakened Thi wUI help
revtve tt. R will alto encourage
the deportment of justice re
sisting the proposed merger of
town Steel.
The Shermta act It surrounded
with ouch log that neither
huajneea nor the government It
sure af what i legitime and
what ia net. Nor is M easy to
te hew th fog may he lifted.
Recently the House judiciary
committee approved a bill which
would require tt days advance
notice te tht federal trad com
mit too and th justice depart
ment of coat rm plated mergort
Involving more thaa tea million
favoring ouch legie-
That might speed up
sress should not be tolerated from
either the humanitarian or produc
tion -output point of view."
Grosad "Ta fill th vacancy
occasioned by the retireineel of
our Ciprtol gardener, wt hav em
ployed s trained landscape archi
tect who will concentrate ea en
hancing the Capitol group aa a
tourist attraction. With the coop
eration of the superintendents of
the State Hospital and Fairview
mmA Ik Wm il mi i Ik. P.nilMiy.n
,Th .,ttar!nr 'IT ta at tichange ef ideas and materi
l as ravoring tuca legie l .i. l. , ,. i..
worked out that will result la both
11 me.
, .JJrJ I ecooomle ead further beautifica
ciea. though tt dayt seems too uu. nk . , i.
. I'ivs. atji ta tvat wn isrtvi arwaavtstj tat
urn or inem to move. m whictt ,r , (or
podeatriaa and vehicular traffic
It (till would leave nebulous the
euottioa of legality of the pro
posed) merger, which ealy th
court rea finally dote into
Whet will happen la the future
In the continuing effort of the
government t prevent r retrain!
af trade through the Shernuui act
w Ka amendment ia hard to
foreaee It It comforting t not
that the Supreme Court a still
tware that it i oe th ttatut
books and ready to apply K even
against the strongeat corporntions
in th land
will be lighted a will be our park
to th east of the Capitol "
Gid leela - ''Recognising
that th tourist trade la a ranking
facte In Oregon Income and that
dtiieni of thia sUte can learn MbeT u Minn
cua. Duan rraner. Twyu uescn,- i
Dennis Gregg. Leonard Hainer, Jim RindaU. Lee Rombough,
Robb Haskins. Syd Hoioooff Elms Deesnis Scharf. BiO Sikel. atarriiy
HudnaQ. Richard James. Shsroa I Thompson, Aiaut Trtsidder, Joyce
Jensen. EmmeU Johaaoa, Larry WeatpaM, Pat Whitmore, Graldi
Susan Koch,
Max Marshall.
Tbur Linditrom,
Stan Masters, Tim
Wlllhite, Bob Wlttman, S 1 1 v t a
Wood, Alien Workman. Kathy
Wyett, Margaret Adams. Cheryl
Alba da and Alford Shimordlt.
Second avard wiantrs were Judy
Ann Anierbetaer, Gary Beck.
David Chambers. Clarence Fatr
brxsther, Eugene Hansen, Doug
Hoarard. Dsn Johnson, Karen Ka
aee. Jerry Lambert, Jim A Martin,
Claurke Nelaoea. Allea Nettleton,
Daryl RilnhoJt, Fred Reed. Nancy
Starck. Dick Belt. Janice Carden,
Alien Fiiit. Monty Faver, BifJ
Harp. Nancy Heily. Jaa Hoover,
for Oiaf B e a a 1 1 Moen, to, of Daannna Judsoo. MikeH K I a 1 1 r,
Woodbura. Rt. 1. Boa SO, who wai Franklin LtQua. Nancy Lunday.
Rites Set for
Olaf B. Moen
Of Woodburn
Hilmu Mwi arTto
SltVERTON. June S - Services
killed yesterday in an automobile
sccident, near Monitor will be
Friday at 1:30 p m la the Eman
uel Lutheran Church in Wood
bura with the Rev. Edwia E Sand-
Nota Mirtin. Nancy McDanieL
Jausuct Rademaker, C a r I y a
Scttradtr, Bob Vaa DeU, Gileea
We-tgart and Steves Schmidt.
Earnloi third awards vers Bob
vig entcietmi. interment etu MiBowdtr. Judy rraoti, Skirt a
a Miller Cemetery near Silvertos Knight. Mina McPaweL Barbara
Service sre under th direction Pratt. Palsy Spangler. June Davit,
Ettsth GetUs. Roa Jonas, Mark
Vaetderhoof aad Dick Vtn Pelt.
of the Ckma Funeral Home here.
The widow. Mr. Louise Moen,
hospitalized at Silvertos a a re
Receinn a gold pit along with
tilt mi th an-aVnt wai rmnril i the?ir fourth certiliciU were lrm-
garo neeiew, Lnann uuncaa, Mary
CUbsrtsoa, Sandra
nv an attendant to be in food
condeUoa and wa espected te be '"hint, Gary
released Tuesday.
Morn was born Nov
Hummel. Allen Wrifht. Sharon
a iai l. Bocle Dirk Cerliale. C 1 1 e e a
s. law ini-. . . .
muck through touri of murals.
eiecutive and legislstiv ehambort
Better English
y B. C. wtaiaat
"1 sometimoswuh." he
that I cnuldjust put all ww
people t sieea whs want a dif
ferent court for Iraq, and then
wake them up five yeora from
sew t at whet this country has
become. I cat rmembr when
penpl who wore shoes used to
pay porters 'to carry them on
Hair beekl aerna the mam thop
ptng areat of Bagndad m roay
days; and the diffevenr in Re
ahid Street see is nothing to the
differ v are ening to oe
ta tht Uvea ef the Iraqi people
ia snot her five years "
moart. tt
ef Ik Vae
swtteaHt to be
th Arab. "I o
tret ssaeVra."
lb ww leoerr
a reol to
be : to
TVa tea remarks hav
aemed worth reproducing m
their human ceetert bereua (hey
en accurately com up the under
lying. phikMopay f the Iraq gov
ernment ka which the Crew
Prince and tough old Prim Min
ister Nuri Psaha art the tw
key figures. It it the exact
oppoait of the philosophy of th
Master-style Arab nationalism,
which a tO popular omation and
otter ty safjeeta work on the
feandetion The krtgi-ttyle phfl
ooophy. by contrast, ignore pop
alar emotions, atemly repressing
them If need be. and pare Ha
whole amphaiM on building the
fajodaben of a otrongw, better.
i modern eeuatry.
At tor bto naeiit
raid the etota
wretyte Arah
na leoaer of
sal otkab UWy are
be mH. "Far
BnV9fjt lstTf( efwtaaftnatJBwY
teeeat of ate a
trograa are a toot tsag to
in la ts real srevta. Ta tee
the wort sat twatle her in Ba(k
asd Ysa te a wbale etty, loag
kaH dead. aeSralv eeaa aaet
te St to Mesoi Abe al. yea
te a pewate eae aasorWy bad
ly arT. etH ratbar rtadto fl. bat
aew ot teae ettk wart to es aad
toe first eisfrtoaee at a rtatog
levH at We.
It ia an Intniring and etching
tperteckt Yei cannot help but
feel that era if the Iraqi gov
eiainoet doa not hev a popular
majorMy taday-whsHi It doa est
-4he majnrty wiD rem later
wtiea a really dereat krvel af Uf
has beea sttind and tnt ese
current effort to raise th educa
tional level af th ifliterat
maue hat iIm produced reraR
But there a tnether view. wMch
Tbto vtee a taot essreased
by Abaei Rakaoa At-Stoaue, tor.
axv atone af tat arte t'ateer
stty tee sttjat. who ea ev
er th) aa
prtoal a Ms peat aad arbad
9p ftjBkT Mkl attstltMtBay 4tMl W'tstH
PMeVsiU guvrnmtmi la Oat Itw
frtwJjai. KW it frf mm to pre&
Uw mm4 vtj mH wmr
M Ukto FVfpWjrtwT Wai wM laSttfaV
MtJeM bsjtyasaa ajgjsj f fJsjstowb Ito tw
t ajaswVwteWttl MBajl leV aft Ml tM
eita'ioaja, Be) be tease wttk
tor reel tmtcrary ta sraa, a
"ta aoiy way w rea learn to
lto tStVntfJ J sattsWtjf tat teaMe)
grtaaty. "V tMs heaps wa. t vUJ
at aattor wbst the twtttopawa
aragroa arttevea. she usta
wU rtj rn loaaUj hi Uw
FVtacen ties oppaMng nwi
yen may take yoor choice
iCowrnrM 1
Br yarn Sasa-1
Time Flies
nom rrAirsMAN film
'- "' 1 - -" T
10 Yean Ago
Jaa 4. 1MT
Kdna Mai Hill received vie
silver pin for ittain'iuj high
honors In scholarship far three
successive yesrt at th Lali
Junior High award asaembly.
Gov. Earl Stall appointed two
Salem men, th Rev Dudley
Strain snd ( arl Creider, t the
legislative interim committee ta
study the rare and education of
blind pennnt Seantsr f arson
la also a member of th com
mittee 25 Ytars Ago
Jen 4. ItM
Beinr is aedJeee ot 1.100
parrs ta snd frtoees. S3S beys
ted strl passed from th stand
ing ef seniors Vn that of stomal
of Satoa High Vbnol La Vera
Hoeryer. flaw vsledkinrlan.
spoke the wordt of ftrewelt for
the eeainrs
Mtos Bsriarn Reraes' kVhoot
of Dsnr to offer H f mirth
snnosl review it FJltlnor thee
tre. Mies Joet Ark lis and Doe
Schaupp will take the lesds.
40 Ytars Ago
Jen , in
Salem's part of the 1100.004.
000 that a to be ratoed for the
es ef th American Red Crees
Is US Ono Wteehers 14.000 aad
Din vy
Fred W. Steealoff was annni
mouarv elected president of the
S 1 1 a Coamertiat Club for
111711 t tecceed Jeeeph H
aauiot, th law
to paslbly recjuirt that auch in
stallation must an mad by a
licensed plumbar
The terllmeeiy before the Sen
ate sad Houee cenusitteee indi
cated st apposition to the bill
etcept by eae reprtttntativ af
a pivmbtrt' eeloa. snd eonverw
ry. approval wet gtvta by many
pJumoers aad a ms jerky a oty
Eagineert aad sanitarlana In
fact, th tsstamoey adiceted that
thea sptcUlleta wet equipped
to properly snataB tewer tile,
wore licensed aad banded, and
thai most plumberi trfrred not
to make aewer katahaUeas It
should bt noted that thi type of
tneallatioa requira heavy trenck
Ing equtpment whkh many ptum
brri in not poasea
The net result of the fovernor i
veto, contrary to his message, ia
not ta enhance aanHary conditions,
but limply te require the unneces
ary ripens of having such in
stailaliona Inspected sat only by
srnttsry autherities. hut also by
a licensed piumhw It a ohviou
that th reaUUng ' leather hed
ding" wiD coat tht public from
lit t IMS pee mttsnattoe. and
may result ka unskilled persons
attempting te make the installs
tton tt avoid the additional roati
whiek weuM ae ii
1 What l wrong with thi
lenience' "He moot certainly
has cause of complaint, consid
ering tha poor service he was
given "
1 What Is th correct pre
nunciatioa of cadaver' '
I Which sn of thee words Is
misspelled? Disengage, murilng.
tiffin nee. concierge
What doa th word fluent'
S What la word befinning
with re that means "lifhthenrt
ed, airy, hence, fickle"
1 Omit most." snd
"cause FOR complaint " 1
nounre kah-dv-e, with
on second ayllahlr 1 Allginr
4 Ready in th use J wad
"Th profeuar w fluent apeak'
r ' $ Volail.
r.- tI i L. riti as i.
and lived in the, V"' 7" ,u"' "r1-
jk.. Juy Am Harris, Jndy Long,
"uuuumii K-li V HI J t
19-Ycir-Old Fined
On Liquor Charge
Internal Medicine
Specialist Joins
Salem Clinic Staff
Pr Scott McKeowa. specialist la
Internal medicine and rheumatoto
0. haa joined to Salem Clinic
here, it waa twaounced Monday
Dr McKeowa, t nativ of Con
Bsy aad gradual at the University
e Oregon Medical Schonl. served
hit inteevahip tt Gorges Hospital
a th Canal Zone, aha i pending
his tour ef duty with the Army to
Mrs. Stansbie,
Ex-Salem Woman,
Dies in Tacoma
Word has bets received that
Mrt Tsnnie Lou Stansbie. former
Salem raldowvt died Saturday m a
Tacoma, Wnoh , hneprtal at the
see of M
Mn Stanxbie lived her for sev
eral yeara with a daughter. Mrs
John M Jardme MS 8 Tlrvi St
bef on moving a ItM ta Span
swsy. Wash . to live with a son.
Theodore S. Stanabie
Surviving are a daughter. Mrs
Joha M. Jardme. Islm ton.
Theodore S. Suahit. Spanaway i.mM ah aruak-il it
Wash., and feur jrandchildren and Angel, received n US tutpens
eeva great-grandchildren. . "
District Court after ptoadlnf guilty
to s charg f illegal possession ef
He and tw 17 year-old Ml Angel
youtha were bonked ea the liquor
charges Friday night after deputy
sheriff Richard Boehringer stopped
their car on downs Road nrsr Mt
The other youth wcr cited tt
appear kt juvenile court Wrrines
day tnornini
In a second liquor raw. Jude
F. O Stadter Jr handed Harlan
Dee Threlkel. ta a gM fine after
he pleaded guilty to a chirp; M
Illegal poaseuiae of alcohol Threl
kel wa cited Into court by ss of
ficial of the State Liquor Control
snd Wsllee Wright
Alt receiving special rerognl-
awarded their
Monitor area
route for il
Surviving kt addition tt hit
wioow are onugnter. an mita tioes In the muax fMd
Kue. un-vauu. Mrs Elinor stixlenU vha
smitn. Portland- Mrs upal jone
aon. Los Angeles; Mia Donna
Mora, Monitor; none. Roger kt.
Moea, Westfir; Gerald M Moen,
with the United State Air Tore
ia Anchorage, Alaska; tiordna M.
Meea. Monitor; brothnrs. Henry
M. Mom. Woodbura; John Moen
and Herman M. Mom, both of
Portland. Carl M Moca. Salem,
and au grnndchildrea.
second music certiflctl. They
wer Brut Bern, AUn Bntes.
Jim hiumsa. Dick Bell. Carol
Bennrr, Dennis Brut, Nils Bock,
Mason Burnham. Torn Carden,
Leslto Clsytnn. Jim Davit. Lynn
Faarbrother, Alaa Gardner. Cracit
Grtndall. Norma Hagrrman. War
rea Helnke, Sally Kanu Maurice
McLaufhlla, Latter Monk. Dennis
Neat, David Steal, Crystsl Stephen
anea. Keith Weathers, ft s r b s r s
Wright Dolores Zshrsdnlk and
Larry Crimea. ,
Service will bt held today tt I
p m st the Dryer Funeral Home
in farlland. Wath
say. 32 WU Seniors
Pro- r- . a j . t
vaer a wares ror
Graduate Study
IW im srs snd Wwit nrisl
II hai beea openly auggeetod atkrrue HaspiUI to
durint n pest egislativ mn- Nrw Vork q,,
aon ( Genrg Brown. CIO ese ror th past arrs yesrt Dr
rutia esrretary and Jornes T McKeown hu bee ronnrctrd with
Mart. AFTL emacuUvt aacretary . rhmc at Whsetor. Ore Hit wif
wort rtrtnsHy acting rveraort af it three rhiktrsa ptoa to move acnalsrshipe and stninentslups tor
teegaa, m st team, eierteo aeavy w Saken a soat aa aetanrnode- anareumetety ane-srith af its nark-
anriuene ae eommwrrrre oeo bona are obtained I elar's candioate
Tht renerkbU later leai-
Over one-fifth af the graduaung
anion at wlllamettf I'nivcrtlty
hsvt beta awarded fellowships,
toholsrahtpa and tuistsntahips ta
grsdustr achooli throughout th
United States and Europe for the
cominf year.
Tkirty twe ef e lS candidata
fe the bachekor i degree received
I total of mar thin ta eos la prise
money toward graduate education
ks the fields of buslnes adminis
tration, education, soclolngy, phy
sics, theology. English, chemistry
psychology, philosophy, mathema
tics, economics biology, politics
srlence. iontajyT'mtTher-ing. bio
chemiilry and ieernetional rle
TW frltoahipi wiD take Owm
t Switzerland. Wisconsin. Illinois.
Rhode Island. WsshUitoe, New
York Massachuwiti and France
La year a senie riant achieved
rutoilatted he the vet ef
a minor bill apposed by labor,
would tend te confirm each sug
geeiona Oviomry onfigatiens must be
le Ohmart
State Senator.
Manna County
Car Tips Over;
Woman Injured
City flrtt atdrnes treatre
J. Rekvr, Salerj Rl a, m
1S. tor torer at mmvi setrinedl when
her car tipped eve a trchard
Heights Read to West Salem
a moo m Moaday
She ea tehee t Sa'em M
rvmrtol HotpHal and rtwed afta
lf.n.'MWilJ.lV 111114.-1 1
tssna as
aTtUOktM rot
iota Mitt parrs
4 asjjrd0at
smicasN iacs
arjaTk roevctl!
. tnt a ntfarikur taia bum
T WKsanwgsntyjutTI
si NKtTt4(aUlAttC
e fjrfgo n Ctjtilwwi
Pkno sat l-ail
iviscare-rron tarst
aer m ta aseai
Dsllr wt BaaaSy II ft mmt sm
Slt Ml SIM a ms
Shiniij nbr M wt
tee ml Bury aa Issa?
(In itvtncvl
. II 71 wtr ms
4 ihrx m
I M tlv ms
UN mr
. l TS sit
ta 0rtM
in n I rutae
bt bmii hiai sa. it wm
a Mmicwi MM tmt
Aa hrm a niMiitM
asnst 1 tans ANPt
Ottw nnaa
rtiliitsrs wnos
Ainrais austMnauvwi
wtto-aairrrra ca
Su tasM-tar aaaa
sit SMMXtsat ce.
Salem Office Supply
2376StatSt. EM 4-7271
I a? C0MPlW UN? Of Off rCf SUPPltCS I
Specieirs kt N C I teeklie nping MecKiet reeww
' j Cht Hejberqr Monoger