The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 03, 1957, Page 10, Image 10

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    19-(S. HI SU-teatnum, Stktn. Ore, Moo, June 3. S7
rad Wight
HardTop Program
Has FireSpills j
By rErW JEM1NS 1
Scmbm fstnff Wnter
For-ty -actcs speed mad maniacs
brluad tie thee.s at thru me
chanical moettert staged the
greatest thrill show .Saturday that
H6raw4 Bpwl racing lan have
area t keg tune Before the
mayerem H cotrupiete several
were hicky ta walk, om slut.
Belayi sat eer one driver
scaped tUmiag aea'J by sec
onds ia u arriergency haiku from
his as, aaotiwr c-cked head-on
iota the rinds and and !u ira
chine burs! IMO f!arre Ktonitrren
air hurt w the Powde' Puff
Dery." drivers ignored red fla
hattasg racmj: and the Ftur
Caraeri fire depa urem made in
emergency appearance none of
h-ch m planned on the pro
rranri. nrew-rri Bi Owe Call
It was iht lourth thai nearly
coat Ray Hubert W Dallas hit
Ut. Firt engulled hit ts tana
oa the back stretch and he made
two laps More pulling wtt the
infield, still without realuing kua
car was in fir. Oac stopped
flames soon whipped iota the cab
and ta his fretuy. Htrsbert coulda't
unanap sarrry belt buckles behind
his aiMwIders. Pitmea I r i y d
flajives to help pull him to safety
The car ai destrewed
The Powder Puff Derby with
eve-n women at th wheels proved
there is i place for women, but
it s defmittr) not oa the rare
. Gotm around the first tuffl sf
th scheduled In la event. Lesbe
Rtrnei cime out W an entangle
met and hit fuU-throrUf into the
dirt wall Although shook up and
hurt ah refuted hoapilaliiation la
slapping tlx field. Phyllis Andre
ton collided in front of the stands
and) her machino slipped over,
tkaddioi along an its tide aod
spewing gasoline from a ruptured
Takaa Is sVtttwtal
Aa ambulaac took the woman
ta SaVem General Hospital for in
jurs Sot wis released Stiaday
u ... .1-. .-..-i ik. in.
jursea were not cntsral
A packed grandstand watched
lha ahow get off to a tmooth start
by timing In the field entries in
hiwt one hour and nine minutes
Th Class A (ronhy dash then be
came the only uneventful race of
the night, with Fay Ladd winning
Rich Lawrenc touched off the
fireworks in the Class B trophy
dash, losing a wheel hi the bark
stretch. Trie red. Hag halting the
race was flown, but Lei Shannon
and Ralph Asbury ignored it and I
continued to duel. Only Harold
Greenwood halted nss racer nmn
Shajinan and Asbury were pulled
frrwn Iht track by official
Craaked laU Graaaaaad
Glenn Allmaa of Carletan. in
hut BSC. cim throe tbrasst oa
the outside i round the east turn,
couldn't get back fast enough, and
smashed into the grandstand, aend-
iruj aplinten flying and setting th
nwhine ihltrr Pit crews saved
tto car ith th pd howl i wUy
two fire rilmguishers Merlin But
came hnmp to the c heckcrrd flag
ahesrd, of Dully Weitman ind Hn
srd Othorn of Lehanon.
The second heat wtt taken by
George Churchill and Monte Gust
si first mm home in the third
The red flag time up In th B
Main when Gerald Srnedttad came
out of a collision and rolled Is the
went turn II was Best who won
ahead of DarreU Donahoo and
Arvid Nylten after th restart.
The Cum A muner for U laps.
was filled with spin outs and full,
throttle crsvhev into the dirt walls
around both turns and the back
Meadows Selections:
Fee Maaaa;, r (iwae la ia
r vrat nvi Ban wm. rim Paaa.
aa lar
tacaal rarr Sturgewa. tdara Rail
Naacr Rar
Third rata: Date Mead, Paula 1
Whirl riylai Rerwaa
Parwrtt rart- Pleaar n tjaar talc
Rathleea. rarrlia tttll
flit nr. Braahlarn Girl Maaa
Ulw Ptr li'irrl riaak
aiwtai ra Tbrietv. Sbri uia n
raiarwa Sewaalk ! W mm Alaai rawap
prceai a oiaaiaaia
ttl t)i rata ria'e
E. Z. Bull
w koa loaate.
Goin' After 'Em
iCoattaapd frarn areeedlsg pagel
Ha eerir rry A cmoip miy howl and a dec ill wander unafraid,
along the lakpshnr for s lime everything ill be at M may hate
been a thousand years igu
Big Experience for Junior .
The Mt-W-devars raa he restful. A person ran eesn kwme
gala wiik a stew ealleek aa life. A psfc will he easier ia per
lerm. The daily- peaoleaaa will aeetw nwrk stiBpter, Tk snrsn
paries af the trip will carry a persea lte 1 dlataare befare the
hard rtslHle of a raihlag wrld ratrk at wilt htm agaia.
Jailer will be able la ga bark i arkoal la the laU aad for
days kr sill be telling af I he waaderfil ihiags be aaw aad et
sserieacrd. Toe. be will listra U the Ihrillt. ind experiences en
Joyed hy ether la kls rlatt. It will teem a leag time aaltl
Be it TKStla time rails are ad hart he will be able ta staad M
aa hl dreamt aad memories last a let latter
A Very Good W.y 0 Relax
Tht summer vacation 11 not always one of fishing It can
cover 1 field of varied ind interesting out-of-door ictivitiet There
will b wildlife to photograph Some will enjoy stumbling on to
some undiscovered petrified tree, lying where it has for thousands
f yean Others will enjoy Ihe beauty of the flowers in the higher
mountain meadows Miny will enjoy long hick pack trips into
tew country. They will thrill to each new day and the surprises it
will bring.
Summer is a wonderful time and vacation Is the rem during
which time may be turned back a few hundred years It is an nutlet
"far over-worked bodies ind minrl It it a short period of time
when 1 mm cia live 11 he might have lived had things been a wee
bit different. The summer vacation in the one memory which will
astiUlvi iO others. One seldom forgsti the pleasant things of life.
1 Oa yf :Uh, last ear,
the Javear aid. Leaf kit as
aeentk aoaer la sewa eaa
seestive (aaaea ta Weak ta
IKi rteard of ctx. art ke lea
UUliaaji sf the Brwaaa, a ad
tied ky several ataerv TVs
artf daj, Uaf et traded kta
streak Is eight, bat icB k-Usa
te Doa Nrwroaabe the swe
reediag day la ead kit skeia.
2 Coif. Mataewssa tad
DiUoa. kisebaD las as rials,
were katk tkiiled Malisjea.
Their "baaekail rmiaiBiaa.
ship" golf sjiatrh. played at
8aa Gabriel rssmry Huh. la
Saatken Calif oraU. la It IS,
was was ky DUtsa, I aad t.
rr Monday post turtt 90 p m
Tirt rm If ip. claim
isssvti pune iftsn s tun
SuawbounS. USUnc
Ac Ucnwr Nidalt
Firvt ASvancs, McDoweU
Kowt rixtwra Bursia
Jiy GltnuJO-G- Scjurnow
( CankM. Sihmmuo
Red Clay, Hspki-M
Sisver frm loiianaer
Sol Ton. Huol
Puwl Pan, noatnauet
rsce. taan .
4 a
I v
citia. ill two i
i",,r. -
mr,d Hul trtiilllnan
Cwunl KorU Ptilillna
Piral atcn Tranrhtna
Little Ruat. Dixnn
Nanc Hay HKlala
7..vtM Hopalnj
Adora hull Sherman
DnlAi ca Ror Knlllnser
Sturgeun. Glffor
Third rai-a
: Mon Alw . p
uraa fao I'
flvlflff Ktrnan.
Whlrlkia. Hunt
i PhaaKwn Rail, Auawr
I War Hone Hidalf
I riwux Policy Proulr
I Lwwta. Carl
Prtaav Tomboy. Corwln
tm.-g- scruiungi
Fmirth raft, S
a ua-a h
claim itaoti puraa SaOO ana r
Fair Katroecn. tchar now
Baater tVao. Slmnla
Tlwlma I.ynne Hiaalaa
nooier Oragnri. Dlnon
Vtctorr Trill. McDowell
piavr D Aai, Shermaa .
Poretfn Bill. KolHngar
Pirth Kara, I v o . claim . ill '
, ,a
! ,
00 1 .
j gJSJ. I, ' PraHiJ
sucwr Oaiiaai. t
Dwtwrt riaah. Sun
I run
Burl riti
lihivri cin r-.nd
nnyal Da Scrtamow
Mountain Ttr Zollinger
Rlxth rara J v n A u)
I SI puna 7K). 1-1 II
Sheri Ll. Burgin
Valr-r hd Gilford .
Itranrun rautSnrr
Tnrtrir Hum
Kani Pradid-C. Smith
A arc n P-outy
Tell M
Ma Bnys. FVodno, ifi
Sen'h race 1 rt A
ill puraa "n. rr
L.aur.ry Dr. Clcanara
tip clawn
I la Oregon
Illesra:, Faulkner.
Camp Sucrau. Rofiiiquai
W Diamond, Join near
rWrry's Pa! Trancnlna
l,Mi Ir HunI
1 17
Tim fuaa Srharnow
'" "ermn
Kltrhth rare. 4 v n S up
1 10 1 puraa aso. one milt
Senoena Siena SrhlUlnga
Pol 1 Sodor C. Stnilh
Poatma - k Knownva
Whoa tonnie Hunt
Fluffs, Snermen
E Z Bull Zollinger
Da 1 raa Rhfn TrancPiina
Mag a li Bay. Auger
Speed Counl-O- SePtarwow
laiw ktDnall
Suit rata 1 v o A up.
SSOfl. puraa SS00 1 furl
H endpp?-G- Smith
AMI 1 LaRlanr
Wallowa. Knnkk mi
IVx-tor Ptr- oin r.iffrtrd
Par P Tti H.daiga
Twlrrhrtov -o- Si-rtarnow
Sndv Sue Rodncruar
claim .
Tamper -tillinga
1 Tix Auaer
Cannad Goods Hopenni
TrV'txiaNciars' LEk
Bevos Split!
With Suds
Vancouver Wins 2
For 1st Place Edge
PORTLAND. Ore . Ana 1 J
StwCUt broke a 1-1 tie wita laree
ruas as th eight, jaaiag and thea
west aa aad defeated Pwtlaad T-J
ta th opener of today s PacuV
Casot Leagu aktuhkraeader her
PwrUaad came hack. U wis th
second gam H. sranat all as
runs the second maiag
!m other Sunday twa ktCt
Vancouver MoubCms went back
iota first plac us th Pacific Coast
League by taking bath ends from
HeUywoad. J- aad S-l
The Saa rrsaciaca Seals scored
tu runs is a wild first msing.
Beat Sacrameata 1J- a the second
gam' Bui aasa t aaaugs to koep
Saa Praacssc a the toagi lead.
SacTameat won the first S-4 while
the Vancouver alouniies loot a
pair from Hollywood ts g a.Va4
by 4 pcrreatag psaats.
Las Aagolas ratted aa asm runs
by Roy MartVid, Jun gaiea and
Bert Hamrtck ta beating Saa Dte
74 a th first gam. Saa Dseg
winning J-l
Boh Bortowtkl opened the Beav
eri scoring in the second game with
a home rua star th left field )
fence Thea Ed Wasraaiak doubled j
and EddM Bale was purpose (y
Bob Aaderva. th waaag pit
cher, singltd ham Kuorsmak and
Baich advanced ta third oa the
play He scored oa Solly Drake a
sacrifice frv.
la the brat gam Hal Bevaa
homered t provld the winning
Seattle rua a a three-run eighth
Beaver Boxes
III enlu
D4ia m
114 nr.. m i I
t tttnuJ I 1
Miek.laa.l 1
I FrwaM i
Dck 1
t MarciiMi.l 4 t
I SocSwrti.r 4 a
I uwiuakj 4 a
ICaJowrM.c 4
0 .,!.
Pihetla o 1
a-Ortevg 1
k-Haro-a I
1 rwdlar p t I
aamtl i
Tela la M 1 II TWtalt MIS
tTriptW tor Pilletu ia su
a Ran tar Ortatf ia lib
rued out (at rtacUer la tt
SaaiUa Ml lot Ml T
Portland tJI0tM-a
t-Nma KBI Taylar lli Saaina
kl HhUMi fr-a lh Daln. .
Oneia li 1 Saaiiultl Fraaae
S-D-lia. nrtaii HR-evan
SB S naki S-Dvrk
ann DP Wincentak
MlrkflMa 2i. Clynn i unaaanta i
Lan-aaattlr 1 Portland I AgPU
i " lain I. riedlar 1 Werla I SO-PU-h"
Wua 1 Pru-ana I n-r-PIIIlt -J.
rncarvr. S O FiaalKK- 1-1 War la l-t
" HO-Pilletia I in T PrKaiw I la I:
! Piedler II in IV War I. 14 in 1', W
i Pllkrtla i S-l i L War la iHi, U
ia; Aahlord. ManaiKk aad Mutart T -
- mi
SaUa (1) (!) PerUaad
bsh in
4 I I Draka.m I a I
4 11 Adami l-J It
4 t 1 MlckekM 1111
I a I PraaM las
1 S a ktarajuai I It
) t I tvoc kwtai rill
I I tWinrniakj I 1 I
I I natch c II
I I SAndaraoaf I a I
1 I Htlbnant t a
S It
i t a
Dalla m
Bannaki 1
Glrnn I
Taylor r
. nalexwrw.a.
Judtvvn p
,11 Totals n I T T ota la to 1 4
It I a -Singled far Haver in tth
1st ; b Grounded out foe Judaan in 1th
! Seattle . . tamna-l
Portland SSt 000
I" I -Nona RBI Borkawaki Andfr-
ann. Draka Dalll IB - Wlnrcmak
i BaaJniki HR - Boifcowial I - Mar
lm qiaas SF Drake nMifba4la lun
., . awua ad 1 Lef'-SaatUa I. Porllaad S
111 B Mdyar 1 Andenon t Hlllmtn I
Judaon 3 SO-Anderaoci 1 R-ER
'll'blcvar 1-1. Anderaon I I Hillman 0
a, Judann Si HO-Merer t in 4
Aaderaon t In I' ,: Hillman 1 in IV
Jl'iJudaon I ia 1 W-Andrvn i.. I.
Ill ! -Haver 1S-I1 U rtanenel Mutarl
and AaHiord T-l 4t A-lUt
PCL Line Scores
HuiiTwwod a tsa a-a i
varvauv.r ass an i
Wattra rhum ill and Hall Piltra
iSerond 1
Hollywood "it am so-1 I t
Vancouver til k -
HI Daniel aad haton. renareae aaal
114 A1wel!
114 Saeramenin 10 son mi I 11 1
HI San rranciare ISO 110 ni 4 II
1X1 Stank a Candinl 1 " Haxnit ill
1l a4f Sarragin Mangad ill; Hurd,
114 btielr rli aed Teenpyia
1 IS Sacramento onr) ms I 13
aan Franctaco a, hi son - 11 11 1
ciai-n Oenbaugh, Coen 1I1 Watkina J
rrrchia 4 and Manaan. Barrtgan
111 li. AkentaUiia and Torney
III San Dtegn 111 an son 4 ta
111 Lna Angelas 00 x 0.V-1 1 1
In1 NicnoLa. Grant it and Jenai. Dar
119 nail. eCoree li Laam-da li Sflch
11' ens fli Huattal Iti and R Olpem.
Mn Dtrgo ns 0l
Loa Angela or ent 1
-1 1 1
Lombard! and Averlll. Valantinel
ti Cenrg 1I1 MWktna 3i Laaorda
'. Hushes 1S1 and Tapet. at Olaon
PCL Talks of
Majors' Move
Ifawt, hwta peerediag page)
brssa of baseball. O'Connor said:
This 11 not a hat is the hand
gesture The league it neither beg
ging nor threatening
u Lonnor empnaaiiea thai tne
I '(I. U not asking for Kgotiatiorts
now Although th subiett did not
,i.rnii up, t vwuinn miu iw raiue
might relinquish seeking indem
mi:es if the mijort lend hind
The PCL chief said he would tell
the major league officials
"You tfealed the problem, now
tell us what you can do to help its
rather thsn destroy us."
wood club, animated that talk
Bob cottb, presicent of the Holly
ilufung the Dodgers ind Giants
wait would coat the league 1300.
009 at the gate this season
Several director 1 said the proper
wiy to handle the situation wit to
make s third major league out
of the PCL
mi vi Crocker wins
f Fsy Crocker stood off
driving finish by Mickey Wright
todav snd won the 112 MA Virginia
Reach round-robin golf tournament
i by flv points.
Heyll Do It Every Time
sctnresT gsJEca-y i ear tnxxM 7 AFUt.m!x.Y! QsulIES
4&SMK aVTJ A Mfcavy USTD Jl 0CtUnUE. !XKt J iciartUaV
V ftjCT JtT U3 I KPT X wvcU 6ft5 0UT svttMTV J -
KNOTT V C4JtkiX g tiAMJlLV&OlM- Kt i t0XtO ' I
V V-, Qr fWihUirr tMfe- J tMtUZZZS
Phillies Bid
(Ceei. treat p wooing pagcl
wildassi I pound out fits mat la
the fsurtk The Cuhs' beaut sacher
htt twt battfrs aad laaued throe
waikt before Thurmaa I graad
slammer Dale Lang'i double
featured i two-rue Otcife rail
ia th third mniag of tht second
Dichtcr Tops
Shrine Field
(Ota. fra prt4kt Mf
tattl ku W. . awil tssWaa
boat al seeug defendag champioa
CUfl SmKk reoe- hr th big
laurel Smith a dad aaly a par -a
oa th uu la tt Ditcher, or a
birdit I boat aim with i (7. He
bogiad with, i g. hewr. sad tost
I out by tf aingas atroks.
t Wsiw Ditcher s couat was tt-
U oa aioag af 4-4--4-t-)-i--t aod
4V444-tf44. Srnlth i card read
t4WW K. aad 44--4-a-4
4 a m. E u g i ' Johnson
carded 44-M-4-I-4V1-4-44 and 4Vg-J-4-4-44-4-4
Oaly Ts Carded Tea
Beating par by tw tirukd were
Ron Fjping. the former prep baa
ketball playing whit 'rom Calwood
Country Club, aad Bob Smith from
Top 0' Scott ia Portland. They aad
th only two 70 for lha champtoa
ahip (lighters.
Coming ia with Tls were Salem's
Pat Miklia, Med Ingram, and Jim
Hunt, former Salem star now play
ing out sf Forest Hills a HHUboro.
Miklis I 71 led th Btlem team to
Its victory He recently won the
Salem Elks Club Open rhampion
Bhip i
Three golfers were able Is par
the fast playing court sad all were
outaiders Wally Ball t Portland s
Broadmoor. Bill Prentisi of Forest
Hillt and Don Vanatt of Calwood
did It with their Tls
Salea Atari ratter
Many of the Salem threats had
sad founds for them Bob Prall
1 loomed to a 75, Jack Owens a 7.
Dusty Woods a 73. Bert Victor
77. Cliff Ellis I 71 and Barney
' Hodak to II. for fiample
In the 71 group wen Jack
Brand, Capt. Chuck Huggfhs of the
, V itl Oregon roflefiaie team, Walt
Cline ind Roy Atkim of Calwood
The Salem quartet ol Cline, Vic
' tor. Frank Ward and Dr John R
! "ooo'linished fourth in the team
event with a J01. Clia leading with
nu 73
Both the "Hole-io-One" Tourney
aponiortd by th ftlem Active
Club ind the Putting Taurney
authored by the Salem Jaycees
1 reported weekend business a s
"vary good". Well over JM tried
for the bole-ia-on. with no luccesa.
even though over 11 dotes golf
balls and three awards of 17 90
each were won by host coming
close to th hole with their shots.
C. hartttet I BVwarlM
Do tens played in the putting
meet ind both orgaBiiitiwu will
turn over all net proceed 1 t local
charities Th local Shrine Club ex
poets to net around 13.009 for the
Shrine Hospitals as result of the
tourney it tell
Tht tit major door prizes were
was is followi: Refrigerator ta E.
P Gilmore. SfU N. Winter St..
Freezer to E. GoerUen, 1115 Dor
vil St . Washer to Dick Meyer. tU4
oetmoni. Liectric uange to Aruvur
a.a . . ...
D Mtlone. 107 Columbia St.. KeJ
an, Wish . Dryer to L. Wieg-it. 3S3
N Snd SI . and Television Set to
Ruby Endrev til Red Hill Drive,
Following ar the top scorers in
h vinous tourney flights:
,,, Rlrh, ArtOT CTW
Imltn Colvood of Portland and Jim
f i""S,0.7.,,fSf 't"' ,f?
I op I) s.-oll Portland. It PSI atlSt-
lia and Med Ingram. Saltm and ittit
Hunt Furrii Hills af Mill.boro. 71
Wally Ba'l Broadmoor af Part land
Bill Prenliaa of Foreal Htlla snd 6rtn
Vaputla Colwood. 71 ire trend.
Chock Huggia. Wall Clina af la
tom. ard Roy Atklna af Calwoad. TS
rniT pxigit
Hark 1, India atatam U Kan Car,
penur naaaid. M Jahn Rippart.
Salem Sill stetcSwlar. Wayae Cuttler
and Bet Holland. Calwood and orui
KwtttaVw1. BsWinfa4aT, w.
- itcoxa rviosT
Dm lurch. SHtvarian H Leon
Landry sua Watlssm. Flnyd Baxter
and Mad Ingram, aU af Salem ilat -
er playing both Saturday and Sua-
dar In eSDarato fliahtu at Lae Gua-
lafao-i and Chuck Johnson Salem,
li Floyd Otxoei and Hob.rl Jeek
anai Pnrlland aead Intll Mauaae. ta.
2 lem. II
Jim Nirlaon. Fr-d Vahl. Phil Seite
eaas and Wea peker Portland, and
Howard Hampton Alb-ny tt Karl
Baurland. Sa'em. and H. C LtFers.
ForUand al. Kae Lainday. Lta NlcW,
AM Itelnhoch. Sea Bwidrwia, aVa-
for Lead;
Chisox Split
ikw ii. i.i k.
f sady eaUacttd fwa bKs aad
inn a na h sack gam u
Ptttthurrh'a anihk tnurmh tv.
th Giants.
m - - V -
Hartfimaa permkttd Uka
aaly w hits a th last etgjht aa-
ingi. Watt Drops I tuLh homer
helped Haranmu gaw ksaa fsurtk
victtry. Al Ktlim collected lour
a) Detroit a U kiU is tlta opeoer
all tkrNTuna aa Jim
Held la three kiU by Wight la
th opeaor. th V ink tea oniptad
for four runs agiiatt Skinaty Browt
first hvung d lha aaghtcap
M J MJ ""
Mickey Maatl. Yogi stm and
Eltto Howard-arcountod tar ill
tht runt. -
A lil-hA. su-rua rally againtt
rM set Ray Nirlsski sjnabM
Kastai City la brtal VS ta with
American League
kiflt. !i! 5S? ,!!
Kanaaa Clly MS Ml IS -I II I
Cartu Nrll il' Moavavt ill and
Naialon ttallrvar MrDerrrjtt ill
and Imith Hama runaOaw. aland
Colaviia, Kanaaa Cur Pwwwr
DatrWI .
M ass at
rutiar, afowott ill sral Lot tear, gal.
1 ti.
Dauoii ISi?"?-!!? he Is ak h r ar pa to
Chl" l no I I , Kmdalaihar 4 14 I t lit
royterb StaaUr Hi and R Wil-Coppork 7 11 I I tit
ton, Karahman and Battey. Homa Left on baaas I. 0 Y 4 trrera
rua Chicago. Dropc. Coppock Campoall Homo run Can-
I niaio. Rum ballad In Sdorocl Can
BalUmora 019 11 Cna 0 1 Kuo 1 1 1 SarritW Duratui. Sa rub-
Haw York III 00 dsnol I I bi Doubla plava Elaon ta larubbl
WigM and Olnabfrf,
Dltmai. Lar-
ill and Sarra U Dlt
I Second 1
BlJlliriie .... m MO OOO t 1 I
Mew Yarn N as Oar- I 1 1
Brown. O Dell ill Caceaarwin I
Zuvarlna iti and Tnandoca Tarry
aad Bcrra Home runi New York,
Manua, Berra. Hawirl
Boalan IM SOS 130 I tl) t
Wesrungtsn moat aeaow 1 11 1
Suara. Delorb 111 and WhiU Ra.
( mo. Byerly 1I1. Hyda Si and Bar.
harat Mom runa- Knaton . Jeneen
National League
Bi l mm not 00 Oil
Milwaukee cm One) evav
Jarl-inn oni H Smith. Butll
aon 1I1 and Rica Buhl
rnoklyn MO 100
Philadelphia Ml 300 01
Kewooinrke and Walker
PprrrU il and Lnpatl Hcam
Philadelphia Lnpata. farretl
Chiclga . Ml Onr)
Cincinnau III to
Drabowahiy tutor, i4i
a .
I j
il'. Ijotn i and Ncemarv: Groai.
Hai'kar t Fowilr ii Freavrruin 111
and Balltv Hama runs Claaeianati
Crawt Tnurmaa.
t Second 1
Chicaio in 001
Cincinnati nil mo CM 01
Rush. Elafnn ill an N
1 KJipaatatn Lawrence li. Saachaj
iri. rfuihau ill IM Burgweaa
New Yark mail one- 1 I I
Plttiriurh . SM JUO Oav- J 1 t
Barrlsy Rtduk ii ind Kelt. Wail.
mm ia' nunc nrroyti m ann nana
Home runa New Vark. Icrxawndlaml
' 1 Second 1
pm.buV;,h In !
i iuiTitidt Ridsik 1I1 cnaam I
, and neatrum. Kstl ii
' Fallaa
Fur key ml
NuUon. aa.rtl.nd
lem and Perk
rouiTi short
t. r-tl SB..4 . .at SPW , 1 . J
M Paul carbon. Bon Potswr i iovt
Mapaa. Jean CrocSail. lna Johnion.
Dr foitm. Hugh Morrow and Hw -
ssrn I 'UaOtl !M
Bdt and iack Nam. laiem
grd llPon, naiem, 1. mora sea.
- 1 nrri niriiiT
Dr w w Baum Salem
ry Plirtman Al Lnuiki lorf G Sav
as Salem. r Art Iricat'.TV'
ffchapfer and 11 nartlet
Jaaa Larcm (Tiirin Bare-lay and
Jewell. Jacobaann. I.lem. aa
Walt Andea. la lem av
Hampton Manama. M. Irws rt.
nold, w carl tout M n
Linton, ttmver HKitatler C
Freel Pr'-all ioooiter and
Harna, aU Peaea N ta a
tth r
$25 to $2000
Cash for every pi is tad syatrchiM at
a " a nnnn
1 rr -w-Tu- ir 1 uv u
Cal SUvenitt, MfT.
I7S N. Uberty St. - Piona: EM. 443IC, Salem
dowet: af ew.-fri M M. Sat I M-ll Oaew eneninji by mppntnmii
laaai la raildaari al
By Jimmy Hafto
Solons Take
Ball Series
tCesi. frota prseaalagj pagel
'fourth ohea Dos McOutnu. Herrn
pw ieuwr
sugle with tw out. Th Bears
puOed ia front with a pair a th
r.Mk u k. 1.' k. U TM. .11 kJ .
lukH wdv "nnr; I mui nn .
fly te nght field that fell Is far
i hit whea Durvtt tost Iht ball
ia the tunlight. and catcher Tony
Ctnniuo tmathed s homer over
the left field fence
Th Yaks got only su hits off
rktdto ewmeh trier ua1
bate oa balls iasued by either
(linger ia this gam, and Salem
did not
Vrav 1 singls naoar
itraoded aa th bases:
II Uhing th aightcap tht Sao-
took th onet serves
M1 w
Monday off. but row t Salem U
it art Uaree-gsm ttrirt'Tuttity
Stingy Hurlers:
rirwt ga;
laiaa (1) (11
OA I H 0 A
Dunn m lit ISarubiJ lilt
Kuehl 1 I til IMcCnol 1 I I I
Nm t , , , , Uwn , j ,, , ,
KNodea I 1 a I I Mreei mill!
taursen.a 1 I 1 CopoU I I I II I
Crnobell.l I I 3 Philip. I lilt
Durett r I a I tCanmn c I I I I
Kdaflhr p III I Copak.p I I I 1
M ToUla
11111 TMala tt I II II
I 1111 Taala St 1 11 II
TZ a 5 a 1
PMlrhar Coponck 1-1 1
LneliMT plteeiar Klndafalhar it3i
10 CoppoU
Barubbi 10 Elaon 10 Cop
poia 1 1
ma ) IS Ump'rea Small ind
tacnod lama
laica )
tl Tikteia
i Dunn n
I Sarubl t
Lkcnbill 2
Kuahl 1
Rhedoa I
Uuraen a
Cm ph. 11 J
3 Elsen a
I Mrecl m
ILewit r
McCnnJ 1
1 Philips! 1
1 Cam tor 1
lrnnhtp 1
Bojnrq.a 1
Rherta a tl
Monan p 0
7 Jl U 1 II 13
nut for Enrtghl In IIH
ttllem Or 01 0-310
-1 1 1 Yakima noo not a- fl 1 1
John- Winning pitcher George ll-H t)l
ln pileber Enrifh! 1 S-2 t
I PlU rvar IP ah Ho r er en fob
IHOiorae TBI I I I
tnrtgVit a it S I I I 1
hnr-etta 3 1 0 SSI
Mormon 1000
Wild pitch Ennhl lft on haaei
1 I. V 1. Irrora Sarukbi Home
run luwenDlll 1 nrea - aaaa nn
Campwail. Buaa ballad In: Campos' I
LAiKno,ll uounie ptava r.iaon hi
a-mbBj. i- roooola MK;inril to Cnii-
rils. SaruPhl 1 unaaalsted 1 Time
21 Umpires Lopal and Small. At
tendance III
:?Loss Upped
(Coat, from preceding psgr)
hi In '
tnn 1 ' D" 10 ...
He had taken the lead it the
start from a field of four relatively
1 llur' Slnr' mMH "J"1"
fre not even certain Bowden
would run, b drew th outside
lane His lap were announced at
' 1
01y John Landy of Australia, the
world record holder at lit and
hit fellow countryman. Jim Bailey
I altuient at the llniversitv of Ore-
'soil. have Dotted better times
ne nas conccniraieu primarily on
tt. ft. : I l
the sao. winning th Pacific Coast
Conference title in 1:47.1, third
best in track annals until Tom
"arem''Crtriey smashed the world'i tt-
cord with 1 :4fl I I week ago
, u CBBCemr,f on th, asfl the
'rest of this season." he said Row
M Ar i den racri the IM next week at the
( aliforma AAu meet in Rakersfield
and will run the tame race in the
NCAA finals al Austin, Taxat.
Xa- a Silesa
IVylcagl Go
Ford Fallsln tasF
Round of 'Robin1
Agelm Saa tarsi chartsd
froa kehiad a a aw lag raa to
day ta araa-tht rsuad rahta go
champs aha by I passu erer
Doug Ford, whot an III sat gam:
aad pheasowwaai kick daanugrated
aa th fatal kokt j
BeJkusd by souta altar ford
had btrdted thi rtrst four holes, j
Snood eraaad th advaatage a th
seat lour totes, rest ahead with a
tenth aad held ta for at Am
Moot bardst sutt aa th short
Snead. Just hirstd ti. played the
final roaad at the ward par,
C, ptctiag up II pttau hi a pras
71 Wytag-I country chah court, a
aur packed taurtarne lachidiag
Ford, the matters champsoa, Bea
Hogaa aad young Ka Vanturl sf
Saa Fraacsae H had a acor af
pha 41 compared U S3 for Ftrd,
aba dropped I pauu aa a par It
Hogaa TWa For Tard , j
la this so-called "adding machine
opes." a piayar matches ha medal
acor against the other thrae la
kit loursotn durtsg a tO-hoat. fnre
Irouad touraamesl ia wruck each
contestaat facet all others a the
l -
Hogaa, priming for the national
opes June 1J-11 at the lover neas
,mw . uiwwu. vu. awiw iw m
tost I povm, fiaihing ta a tie with
i Tommy BoM fa third plac with a
acore of plut 14.
Fred Hawkins. S3 vcitw-oid tour
ing pro from El Paso. Tex , fol-
lowed with pha 1).
I" II f
.Ink IB Tnlkrii Akk. . k. k...
c men ias iweeo
ft r rM L i
rdir rrvm meis
(Caex. (rrwa areeedtag page)
from Tn-City, winning th first
f the two sevea-mnin unvi 114
and th second n
y,lm Dkrkertos'i nfth-iaaing
homer with
m on gal th
Rroacs their nightcap victory.
Tn-Clty eoaosd th second gimt
with s five-run attack featured by
iJllia Burton 1 two-run homer.
Lcwiatoa Mored ftv runs ia tht
top of the seventh Inning af th
first game, and needed them, be
cause Tri-City got an equal num
ber in its half of the inning All
five of the rVonci runa came after
two were out.
Eufcna OrO ISO a I 14 I
Wanavhae ma ail 1 I II I
Brantley and hnwar Glbaon Tlna-
l4'- '"'"I'" I1 Uindber ill
lna Lundber ym l(m ,,,
I iSero-icI
lugtna Too lot S-l I I
wenatcn. 290 aon B 1
Hodgaa. Tanner ill, Branllay 11
and bower, Jonaa. Uvbark ill.
Lundbwrg (1) and Lundberg. Von
Epa ill.
Lawlatow 104 inn I 11 11 1
Tri-City til ono a- 1 14 I
Bunhwr. aoulty ill and Cartas,
Giordan-.. Merlin ill ana) Martin
1 5,Tcmd I
LcwKion 004 OS I I I I
Tri-City Son ann S-l 1 I
Amnsoei and Cirlnn. Sperling, Ald
ndgt fi and Martin
Your Btit Talent Scouts
Rlicri everybody interested in job opmngi, Reach 'im turely, quir1y.
Till aejvantagai of working for you it fully 11 you with ... at low cost.
For choice of applicant toon, dill EM 4-6811. A trained writer gladly givst
action-speeding tips, if you with.
cuoiin i imch rm iwnr nortr m iwar
Angiitis Dombite
Archery Tcurnq
For City Crown
Oack JLagte got Wad ttart
a saioaaa at at SiM cty arctv
ary rhamaisaiha ywtttrday by
waatsg th Brat af thrst shoots
a m ansa a tesi a a BaaV
vwtg liowits Target lourtanast-
Sieaad is ysatarday'i tkott was
Mika Biaartt aad IhH in BUI
Marg Aagfia task Ik bad aa I
tat wornea t.divatsa whth iiciad j
a the taoat was Joaa IWaMtt, do- ;
fasrfisg rhtmf sta Tatrd ytttsrday '
as Iran Siafsrth, f
Mike Aagua wa fh rat-Waa
A regulatioa S Urgst rVad
Rsuad wall b hsid Jua M aa
th chab ' told rang tags
Crest raad m Wast Salsa. Tha
thrdkheot a set 1st AiigVt 1L
500 Driver
Sets Record
In Race Win
LANGHOftNE. Ps . Junt t ia
Johnny Porruwa. of soarby Buy er- '
Iowa, whs H rushed llth ia thts
year 1 Memorial Day M milt clas
tic at ' lndiaaapolit. today Mtae
liihed a new world snd Americaa
record of KM 14 mph. m winning;
the los-mia National thimpion
thip Auta Rare at Uoghorne
Tttonuoa was th first driver ta
better aa hour for tht distance
Hit tun was St U 74. Jimmy Bry
an. Phoerui. Am., third in the In
riianapolit clattic last Thursday,
held th aid mark. 17 M mph . also
set at th 'borne i dirt tree! here
a 1H Bryan waa among the
manyriVcrt whs cams hen from
the "900" but th illness of 1 mech
anic prevented him from intering;
Loday 1 contest.
Van Brocklin Inks
Rams' Contract
Veteran ouartarback Norm Vats
Brocklia has signod hit contract
for text aeaaon with th Lot An
geles Rams of th Nauontl Foot
ball League, th club tnoouncod
today. Termi wert not dlKtoted.
Ther had been tome specula
tion concerning Th Dutchman's
future with th Rami Hi took a
back seat for most of lut season
to Billy Wade
Vsn Brocklin. former Vnivertity
of Oregon star, has Ml ilrnoat
every Ram pauing record during
hia eight yean with the club.
Tide Table
Tide iwe Taft, Oreiaa
Rlgti Waiara
Tl ma Helgnt
Law Water
Time Mtlrh
1 11 m
I I p m
4 II a m
t 01 pm
I 3 a m
I M p m
1 1
tl 11 im
II 41 1 m.
11 91 It
-I 1
1 T
a 1
11 PI 1 m.
11 (II pm
FuIImor to
Dox Jonas
GihTomer Meets
Bahama on TV
TW Isiarlam Preaa
Geas rtdtetv starto up the rvad
aad Friday aiga at Catcag
a nigged seat wrti Ralph t Tiger 1
Janes (bat should trU , wnwther
ruilnar is guav-aay after hta knock
out ky Sugar Ray Mhocc
Anusa la get back Bate avctioa,
th hraer rnockfleweijht cKampaoa
retura la tha rag anly XT dayi
after kii dtaastraa rnoetiag with
Sugar Kay He ta Bartcaed
the ftftl round.
Botk th National Sotiag Aaaa.
aid Iwg Mag asm bmB rata FaD
rnar Na, I cttalatagar. Jettea. whs
Midi 1 oocuuoa ever Robuisoa it
IKi ii No S sa the NBA and No T
ta Ring arnoog tht world's 1
FuOmtr. a stocky SVyejureld
rnauler from Wast Jordan. I'lah,
kata lbs till only from Jaa. S ti
May I, betwoea tut tw fighrLs wttk
Robinson. Jones never got another
crack it Sugar rtty after beating
him early in hu coitsevack at
tempt Tin It-round match at Chicago
Stadium will be earned oa net
work 1 NBC radio and ievuion
It is 1 rematch of an April 20. 1X4
scrap it Cleveland won by FuUmcf
on 1 tpbt decision
Nlmer'i career record as M
aod Joan' 17-t.
Tarser vs. afaaaaia
Middleweightt also top I h 1
Wednnday show 'ABC Radio TV 1
from Miami Beach. Fla where it
will bi iMfther return g heiween
Gil Turner of Philadelphia and
Yarn. Bahama of Bimiru in the
British West Indies
Turner. Id. ia 1 veteran of 41
fights and has fought tnem all
from lop to bottom u a welter
and middleweight. Bahama, a
quick, alert boxer owns a 43-4-1
record is coniparrc to Turner 1
S1-1M Is their ftnt meeting in
New York June . 1M. Bahama
won (inly on speed and boxing
skill while Turner tired m tba let
Moore Stops
Belgian in 6th
STITTGART. Germany. June I
- .Archie Moorp the world I,
light heavyweight chtmpion. to
night knocked out Belgian heavy
weight champion Alain CHervllli
in the uth round of Iheir sched
uled Ill-round heavyweight bout it
the Exhibition Hall Arena.
A left book to tht body dropped
Overville in the closing tecoodt ol
the sixth round ind th referee 1
count retched eight befor the bell
rang. Chervill. however, was ll
no condition to continue and hu
hsndleri threw in the towel.
Moor, weighing 1 iurpt-1 singly
light lH pounds to in for th
Belgian, floored Chervill for 1
count ol six in the second round.