New York Closing Stocks aseroa u, run, AaMrai Car , ii ' AlWUMM int Jl? A AjrUS 2? rVndli Avis b, fo Rein su Buein Air Borden "'"f Wara Kurr Aedlnjj Campe Sousf Can Ry Ca. Jl later Tree Celanes Certain teed Ces A O I; fi VW R Miiij Om.ier Cities Serv Climax Mnly Cluett Pm Coca Ceia Coifate Com Cmlit Cnmw Edison Con Edisna ContaiMf Com Can Con Chi Crane Co Crown Eell Curuaa Wr D Dtl A Co D Uatm Do ut Air How Own Blf( I F.ut Air U Raet Kodak El Paan Gaa Emer Radio Ea Cello r Peiirriild Llbov ION U( Hmi 4'a iLO Claaa S Lockheed Air Bi'i Loewi lnc 1 M l' taafnevox I1. Marsh Field 33 Merck A Ca Mont Chewi '5 Moot Ward ' Motor 11'. N 44s NaU Biscuit ' NaU Caah Ref 41', i NaU Deirv ' : Natl DuUII : Natl Gypsum ' Natl Laad NaU Supply ' NY Caatral ' No Am AM 31 ' No Par Ry M'l NW AlrUnaa 0 Olia Math 31 ' Ota KM ! P t Pabco J' Par G A B W Par TAT I Pan Am Air ST, iParuarv J C ', Pana Rv i Ppal Cola '. 'halpa-Dodf 44 Pllllro Corp Ptul Moma I1. Phil Patrol tm Mesa at u. iCea K alts Cm Feast , Meter 1, rG Tm ait. Anwr it!0" 0,1 "' Avce 'nal Bsnaal w; 'Mat Nickel ln,i iImPm- j - t ' Jehne-Mane . aaa! ! ' i Kaiser Aluea T! . i Kennecon Kara Lead ssssss Salem Quotations f .Etf mok" Xu i acrraarAT ,a T fj oanf wctth joI U r"m ICE CREAM ( wot tin? I , rNia I family Fares flXJ& tAf on the CITYof PORTLAND fo CHICAGO"" EAST Big Family Pays Oil! Bwt aVtra'i raal tatiaf whaa twa ar mora people la I fata lly praaip trieal a Uaioe THE AUTO EXPERTS WROTE THIS AD lLYMOUTH-"Yor ovtr-oll bast buy"- Car Life Mogazin. "After tenting ill the 1957 cars we choose Plymouth as today's over-all best buy because arq feel that it offers more and better transportation value than any other 1967 car regardless of price." (From the June issue of CAR LIFE, the family auto magazine ) PlYMOUTH-"Sfyl tader of the ytor" Dtll's 1957 Cars Annual. "Style Leader of the Year Award, presented to Plymouth Diviiion of Chrysler Cor poration, by the editors of Dell's 1957 Can Annual who have chosen the 1957 Plymouth as the style lesder of the American automotive industry." (inscription on sward.) Fi MMaHH ae i Mf i. A", rw au eywoio To Rjchrsead O . aWfai LhetrA . HI aaxtsra lln n St Jm Lawd XJK niktrM s It Bam Paper St Srlr? last, Ssl (lattw OU I Sl OH Soron;-krna (, : Sm Cat Id lU', i So" Pa t'4 - - - - 4I - ' H, ' . 1 ill 1 - . W'a IS a in fi. at aod aU SparT Raaal lit, I Sid Brands . , Sid Oil Cal r, Sl Oil lad ot, sw ou tu . if i, ! Studa-Pack . Suarar Oil 3ft, ISuaahln M J ; Swart A C U', ; tyKaata B T Taaaa Ca ' Taaaa Gulf M j Taatrwa . ' Tranaaai Trana Wa Air ' Tw Caa Tax w i ' Ill a ii W't ' Vntea Car I I'Rtoa Oil ' Vnioii Par Ry i I'm Aircraft I'nl Air Una I Unl Cor i Unl Fruit I VI Plywood V9 Rubber XT', M lit. tl, ' '. 3'. I UI Warnar Pic Waah Wawr P Wtat Air Br Waatara Air Waatcra Cmr U't H, Wat tern Union IS', i Woolworth . .7', ' ZamUi 111'. ECC8 lOrafoa Eff Prodaeaul Pnraa to tarmara ara I to t andar theaa waolaaala arlaaa: Juaibe A xa Larfa AA Una AA Larae A Medium AA mall A POULTRY iNerthweat Poultry I Old too. tan , Leehorn Hena . Colored Hena .41 Jf J Jf Jt EAT ANYTHING WITH .FALSE TEETH! t Tie Bnea Pliia lian Oae apflil aibu ' M leaiarr 11 illial aaeMW, au or aMoradf w reer aio. Behaea. rota Meee pieie. ia way ao powoer . MM ar caatiaa cao ao Wna Blue, held kraut ar PlaM) Lawr. ran aaa aar aailiai Saaplr la? oft atrip mi nm-Liaev ea iraubleMiaM apper or lower. Sue and N mole, perfectly. t'T m tm. auuleu. adarlm aonaleH M yoo aod plaiea. Baaweehla m dtreciad. II lor aaa plaai. tl.M tar re aam. Meoey tact auaraaiai or. PUM-Laar. lac, 101 tela . N. Y.-Dopc A Pacific'! Family Fata plaa. Goad whea hoard laf ANT 0. P. trala ae Maeday. Taaa day. Wtdaeeday ar THURaV DAT. Rotara aay day aed thara'i a towaioaa btfttf aUawaaca. Ask at fat aUiab at Rate Can IH use at' Btl Uv hmaUM ttt fZS TmwMa wiae alaaa a. Wheat Spurs Board Action ckicaco, iu a w w. fubrM fet kAlf-iwArtca nOy adef m Ikt BaArd Trad May ftr a tor Act wftuia. Tht barms VJ vaa a Itca- kat rvactiea after tfca aaara lata- HwT. fajna buB wrratf it was repdrtt appartatb,1 cavar antkiprtea' flour butiaen OU stjrtt vkcat cVsaad Intr I higher, ar atyta wmcat W tawar la Mtfatr, can to H Ufaer, aau la attcaar, ryt S to H krwer wnrbeam ua- chaa4 to la up. and laH 1 lo a eeau a auodrad aauads huhcr. Moderate aawuaU at raiafall wcr predicted lor the wtattr wheat belt, . her the geacral praved weather is believed to be imprevaif crop proaprrU. Ttau factor caused aama aallinr aa a ! bas ia racaat tetvioaa. rtalaad boutlit 1MW busheU tt I' S tpnnf wheat, and ladu stmut v rrullna busaels ei wheat at the Pacific Caatt West Ger many oa June I It expected to buy (asm busheii M wheat, tome of it ia thu country. Chicago Grain CHICAGO. May St Jl Gr.ia Ctoaa WRBAT (Old) I JalT l3',"a IJ', ', September 1 ',. la1, December 111', 1 S HEAT (New) Jl lJ,k ItS'i teptemher 1 oe'.dl 1 at, Oecamaor lll'.S Maim IU'i 111'. COBN Jaiy 1 . 1 , , Saptamber 1 lU', I S', December I , lU', l Marrk I fjl OATS July i a'. Vptember Ml, ' T December HI , a 1 , Marc tl'a-'a '1'. RVB July I II , ', I 11 September 1 II', It 1 14', December I It', 'a 1 If, i March 111 111', tOVBBANt July I'. '. I MS . September ITT, in'. November I U a', 1 H 11 January IN lit1, March It', llti. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. May SI ah (VSDAi Hofi toot. ZH hifher No 11 miiad trade 1W UO lb butcher. It at Hit ka aa. No 1-1 let-rit lb ltM-MPi; law moatly 1. taa-Ju lb lltt-lltS; aowi II It-nit Cattle 4 000: calve, lot; ateera and holler, itaody ia atretic; taauacea M hifher that Moaday'a low time; cewi ateady; bulla and eaakyra firm: aharkara aad laadira ancharujrod bulk choice item U 71-14 Ot. hifti rholc and prime M tt-M tt; hifh orhool and choice betfen II tt-IS 15 lew imj helfera tt; cow. Haviltt: cannon and cutterl 11 tt-14 tt: bulla ltw-lt ot; chotca realera M M Sheep low needy, eood and choice ahorn Iambi No. 1 1 pelt. II- i im lb attt-ll M. cull to lew fond iiwiiw. anora aiaufnter ewei . im- I to Chicago Onions CHICAGO. M.v it ' - Onion. Opea Hick Law rMea November 111 It 1 tt January I N 1 74 l.Tt I 71 February - I aN C H. aaltaursk, Oaeral Paaeeager Ageat. 1S1 Ptttack Rlark. PbM CApitel 7-T77L Parilaad I, Oregaa. Chicago Euttef-Eggs CnCAGO, May St wV-TUSUl aar, wwaiaaaM aaullaT aneaa aa caaaawd; at aean AA .-t: M A .-: M-H: St C M'rAt. Ecta. ahamill aatlwd anraa aa raaad 1 aaal aajBr; at par aaa sr Wnar A artute Ja-41; bk s-jia: anadirda m-M Portland Grain PORTLAND m Caaraa graiaa, lS-da tiupotest, ' bulk, caatt oebvery: Oatt, Na J. a ft whiu M Barley, KaX 41 k I ff. 44 s Cora. NaJ, E.Y. ihtpt II M1 U Wheat: Na bid ar affer. Tacaday't car receipli Wheat : flour 4; cara a: nun feed 1 Portland Produce PORTLAND Jl Butterfat - Tentative, subject to aiuTiediate chanaa Pranuura quality, deliv ered ia Partiaad. eX3 eeau per fc fir it quality, 1740; twcoad quality. U-U. Butler-WiioletAle. fob. bulk cubes to whoanaJert Grade AA, (3 score. Set,, a trade. R acore. a: B pade. at) tcore. 17; C grade. tear ii Cheese To wholettlert Oregon ingle. 41-41 lb; Orefoa S-B) kwf. 43U4. Et To retailer Grade AA. Urge. a-S; A larfe. J4-JS: AA medium, 34 X A riatdiurn. n-3S A trnatt. H-JS. Cartoas, l-l ceeti sdditioaal. Eks To whoietalers A larfe B-J41,. A medium, A trruQ. IS-aH. I Live poullry No 1 quality, fob Portland Fryert. I-4 Ibt, 14 light bent. II -11 at farm: heavy hens. 1S-1S tt farm; old roosters. 71 Turkey To producert L i v e weight fryers. Tin, breeder hen and tomt. 14 on oven ready basis. Rabbits Average to growers Live whJtet. JS-4' lbt. 23-M; col; red petts 4 cents less: old does. 10-11 few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retaileri. U-44; cut up 12 -M Wool Nominal, clean basis. V, blood, l 15-H: bkmd. 1 S-I7; n blood. 1 40-45 fine. 1 45-U. WHOLESALE DRESSED MEATS Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 500-700 )b, a 34-41 00: good. M 00 aSO: standard. 5 00-37.30; com mercial cows, 30 00-34 00, utility, B 0-33 0: canners aid cutters, XI 00-31 00. Baef cuts (choir tteart Hind quarters, tt 00-4100; round 45 00 4100; full loint. trimmed. 17 90 7100; forequtrterj, Jl 00-34 00; chucks. 34 0O-X00; nbs. U to ll 00 I-ambit Choice. 45-53 lb. 41 00- 44 00; good, all wla. W 00-40(10 .nr,n- l.mK- nrin on. 40 00: good, all wti. 44 00-41 no Pork carcasses Shipper style. 110-170 lbs. 11 00-33 00 Pork cuts Loins, choice. I ll lb. M 00-54 00. shoulders. 17 lb down, 13 00-35 00; tpareribs, 45 00 50 00; trash hams. 11-11 lb, 47 00- 50 00. Slab bacon-An wU.. 41 00-57 00 Veal and calves Good-choice, all wts. 17 00-48 00; standard, a 00-45 00. FRESH PRODUCE Oniona Ore Danven. med, 1 00-40: 1 in, 1 00-50; Texts While. 1.50-4.00; Ore. boileri. 1 10-15. Potatoes Local Russets and Burbankt. No. 1. 100 lb. 100-15; Central Or. RusseU. 175-150, lge. 414 ot. 3 00-50. few 175; Klamath Fall bakers. 3.50-75; Idaho, bales of 5 sks. 10 lb each. 1 10-40; Shatter Long Whites. 175 400 Hay-No. 1 green alfalfa, baled f o b. Portland, 00-30 00 ton Applet Washington Newtoni wrapped and packed, box fancy 138t and larger 4.00-75; Winetapt extra fancy carton and box 125 and larger 1 50-7.00. Celery California 1 1H dosen, 4 50-100; few 4 00; hearts 1.7V 1.75. PlYrVK)UTH-''leorromy leader of its (UW 1957 Mobiljoi EctMt4rny Run. "In the 1957 Mobilgai Economy Run Plymouth won first place in Clasi 'A,' the division that includes all of the well-known low-price cars. The winning Plymouth wsi powered by a V-8 engine with automatic trsiumission.'' ( From U. S. Auto Club records. ) PLYMOUTH -"Sup-TW readability" 19S7 Motor Trend Magazine) Award. "Presented to Chrysler Corporstion for superior handling and road ability qualities of their family of fine cars." (Citation of 1957 Motor Trend Award, presented to the U. S. manufac turer making most significant engineering advancement) Thcyll Do It Every Tine By Jimmy Halo Stocks and Bonds C emptied ay The A.aoctated Pren Mae M STOCB AVBBAOBf M I IS tt lade. Rail. I til. tthi D I A .1 unrh D 5 Net Chanfw Tueoday Preioui Day Week Apo MonUl Aea Year Aao lS 7 Hi(h ItSI Low ltM Hi(h Ittt Loo i 114 1 nimi Ml I 114 1 n i itS4 s i in i t I 141 111 4 114 7 Mill 1114 rt i iu i 14 lit I Tt 1 IU I rt i iu t 71 J IIS I 7i i iTt s 71 1 Its J niiiii at t in BON B AVEBAGCt it it ttau. lada. I UI. P ll Net Ch.rxfe Tueadav Previoui Day Weed Afo Month Afo Year Afo Ittt Hifh ltS7 Lm. ItM Hlfh D ID 1 D 1 unch I ti 1 I I I L II At I M I Hi 1 t I r i u i M 3 I I PI 1 tl 1 1 at it i It 7 11 7 4 ni Ml 4 I HI Ml II 1 It I 17 7 Mt tt T Ml HI II 3 as i HI Ittt Low I I L New ltM lo Western Securities Theaa bid and aak quotaUona repre ear price, at which one or more dealer, member! of the Nauonal AaaorlaUon of Security Dealer I lnc . would trade with the feneral public at the time the quotation, were erea at a p.m. yeeteroay Bid Asked Callf -Orefon Power . 13', 3S Caacada Plywood M', S7S Coeiaol Freifht . It 17, Iron Fireman .. llfa 14 ip Jantaen Inr Com. U 14 Meier A Frank 11', 14 Morrlmn-Knudeen . M', Ore -Port Cement 7 , tl'. Par P A I. Com 11'. 15'. Pope A Talbot ', Portland (la, A Coke II . ' , Port Gen tin IS 17 B4NSI Bank of Ameru a 34 37'. Hank of California .11'. Chae Manhattan 47 ', .', flrat National , S ' . Ftrat Kit City NY II 'a 14', IT S N.tKinal tt', 71 Portland Livestock " PORTLAND IA (USDAI-Cattle salable MO; fed item ttrong to 50 higher; good grade taking full advance: four totdi good to choice 1.000-1.060 lb ateert XI 15-50; one load avenge choice 14 00; load choice 1.170 lb i teen T3 00; load around 700 lb fed heifers mostly good 22.00; standard neifert II 00- 10 00. commercial cowi 1100-50 utility 14 00-1400; canners and cutteri 11 40-13 50 Calves itlable 100; trade moder ately active lo tteady; choice vealert MOO-aOO; 'good 22 00- 25 00 Hogi salable 300: sorted No 11 butchert 11 75-22 00; mixed grade lots a 73-21.50; sows 300-500 lbt is (A-1 IA Sheep saUble 500; spring lambs ttrong to 24 higher; old crop lamb tteady; choice tpring lamb 23 00, one lot 23 50; good tpringert 20 50 21.40: deck good and choice tbora Iambi with No 11 peltt 17 00: cull to good slaughter ewei 2 00-5 00 Stock Market In Late Rally NEW YORK. May a - The stock market backed away a bit more today from its new 1957 highs hut a late rally brought tomt 'lM 10 i,rcrafts. oils and rails in fad. the leading earners were ahead on average while in idustrial stocks over-all er well ,k A.ri. . . The Associated Press tvertge of 00 ttocks dropped 30 rents toj4" "srt 118310 With the industrials down, "income Serlee" W cents, the rails up 30 cents and the utilities unchanged Volume totaled 1 070 Oft) shares compared with 1.290.000 yester day. Markers at a Glance . NEW YORK. May n u -Stock Lower, decline continue. Bond. Mued. fm eminent .teadj Cotton Lower, profn lakinf CHICAGO; Wheat Steady, technical rally Cora Steadied late, rash buyinf Corn Steadied lth corn Soybean Moatly firm , procetaor kuytnf Hofa SI to 9 centa hifher. Cattle Steady lo atronf Dow Jones Averages NEW YORK, May II - Do Jonei closinf .tuck .ver.rc. Hlih l4 tlo.e 111 Industrial. Am tl 4H4 41 .17 72 20 Railroad. 113 II M.t 71 145 10 13 I tllllie. 73 73 m 74 IM 43 Slock. 174 tl 171 tl 174 01 NOTICK OF BONO 14.11 Keizer Water District, incorporated ai a municipal corporation purauant to aw provaiiona of crawler AM. Ure- aun RavWd Statutes, will receive aealed bida until tot a cluck PM. P acute Standard Time, an the lth day ot June, lt7. and Immediately thereafter will be pubbcly opened by the Board of Cosyisruanonara ai aaid Ketser Water District lor the pur er!, at not laaa than lunety-elxht I'. I per rent of their par value and the entire amount of accrued In terest of the loUuwlnf described feneral oblifaUon coupon bond of aaid Keller Water District tn the to tal amount of tSM.OMIOO. dated July I. IM7. in denominations of $1.000 00 each, and matunn serially in nu merical order as follows II 1.000 oe on January 1. ISA 14 0ottt on January I. I tat 414,00000 on January I. ltssi 113 000 00 on January 1. IIM1 $15 000 00 on January 1, 1WM Sit tot Ot on January 1, IMS III 000 00 on January 1. 1 tll.toOOO on January 1, IPS7 It DUO 00 on January I, IPS If.iWOOO on January I, Itnt III 0110 00 on January 1, 170 III too 0 on January 1, 171 II.OliOOO on January 1. I71 31.0000 en January 1. 71 S OU 0 on January 1, 174 .000 It on January 1, tf?S S too 00 on January 1, 17 MOM on January 1. 177 Itt OM 00 on January 1. 17 $2 000 00 on January 1, 17 fstonoot on January 1, is HI. 000 no on January 1, lttl JJI.amt an January 1. lost .11.011000 on January 1. imu Mono on January 1. I4 $37.000 01 on January I. IMS Trie aaid bonds shall bear interest at the rate of not to esceed five 1 1 1 per herd per annum aa shall be specified by the auroaaaful bidder, payable aeml -annually on the 1st day January and July In each year. Provided, however, that We bond at aaid kaju sbaturtivf after January 1. 171 mary be called and 1 ailaanawl upon Bvt psysnenl of the tar vaJQe tnerenf with seemed In terest an Januerv 1, 17S, or any In 111 eat paying data thereafter Both the principal of and the Interest upon aid bonrle aril be paid at a piece hi Salem. Orefon. to be later deal -nated The bond will he sold to the hlfh- est bidder, but the Bosrd of Comnua. Moners 'reserve the nfht to reject any or all bids Unless all bid ar rejected . the bond, will be (warded the bidder comely in with the terms of the notice ef sale, and auto mlttsnf the bid which provide the lowest coat to the water aistrv-i Each bed must be unconditional must be aotanyosmttd by certified -ek or oaattier't dhark la favor ef the water dkrtrtot f ar upon a k aVntraf btaUness In the atat at Orefon. tn the sum at tl 10 to, and must he eaalriaad tat a taali t enve- looe addressed la the unttaattned and marked oa th outatde Propo sal Ire- Bonds - No Interest will b allowed on the depoalt with tn bid. but Oie rterb of the successful bid der will be retained as pert payment of the bonds or lo secure the water district Mtsinit any loss reeultlnf from failure of th bidder to comply with th term, of hit hid Each bidder shall Include In his bid t statement of the total Interest cost tn the water dlstrtct. if hat bid The sureeseful bidder will he fura lehed with the written opinion ef Wm tree, McCullnch, ahuler A Bayra, of Portland. Orefoa, to the effect thai th bonda oonstltut th valid and tafal Mndlnf esMfstlona ot th aatd wvtar district Th bonds will be delivered corn. akrat, without undue detav. at th expense ef th water district, at sura elty In Orefon as the sure sea ful bidder shall name JACK A FRISBIB Secretary of Keirer Water Dis trict AdoVesi: 1143 Greenwood Drive. Salem, Orefon May M June I irmi ANNIE IOONIY 2A ' tSrlVi, T to 1 fcYES M. IT rm. IrPWSVI 1 BUT NOW, I eeTO, SUSS jf , I 0. J UlleISSOuTll MViaV I noCKi Atf TMf COCO B t l ff BStlSf. U0f CjTT ; WV WOm-tt(t' . tM30MO,oWT rOrV-- Lev l lucf fU HAVf E tfTU S Jj y irys.UC K-j'Xl y s fr va.wx. jfrS TC CLUB BJU.I4TO CU4MP04SMIP--BI5- MCIUTH WTU. UU IT Sv CVEpy TIME luau. aaa I novo 4iT dry. vc .y. Investment Trusts IZllha. Smilher A Co. Inc I Bid IS 3 41 134 17 04 II 03 1 1" i 7 11 35 14 M 4 ni 4J 17 tn IK 114 117 II S3 It 10 t m 11 ss 171 I 13 7 M 41 f S3 14 M 12 34 I 47 13 33 Asked 141 Affiliated fund Canadian Fund Xtftt 16 5 II 43 1113 71 103 14 II It 21 4 43 ion 11 77 10 t 17 12 71 11 13 7 74 1111 in ist 17 4 7 14 Ittt 1343 I St 14.53 Century Share Truer chemical Fund . Delaware Fund Diver ln-et Fund Dividend Share Raton A H Bal Fund Ga, lnd Group Tib-co Incorp Investor. Cu.t. Fund.: n-j P. -4 Kl S-l Man Bond Fund Stock Seriea Pref Stock S NaU Div Senea Natl Growth Pioneer Fund Tel -Clec Fund Value Line lnc Fund Welllnfton Fund Presence of God 'Sensed' By Graham NEW YORK. May a urV-Round-ing out two weeks of his New ork crusade. Billy Graham said tonight he has seen the bless ing! snd sensed the presence of God " niore here than anyplace he j eter preached 1 hate nctrr seen two week, like it." he said "And I want to stand here and give the glory and ptatse lo God It is his do ing and it ta marvelous in our eyes. About 17.500 almost filled Mad ison Square Garden. The number has stayed up consistently near capacity, sometime surpassing tt. for the past week Graham, describing the mass evangelistic effort her it a once- in-a-generatioa opportunity, rioted the broad interdenominational character of special delegations present, and laid fervently "Here we are. all the different denominations and groups and backgrounds, working together We're Just Christwise " He urged Christians to keep bringing their unchurched friends lo the meetings "Some of them, you cou Id n t get near a church But they'll come here." Utentiaa-Jaraa Newtatpert 240 N. Cbarck It PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Per aay Per ha 1114 4 M M Jtt't J TOTAL CHARGES (Mia t Hae.1 eyalays ". per line 1 time 40 per line 3 times II 09 tt per line time . il St 11 4 aer line 1 mo 11 50 (loci Sun 1 Claaslflee ad win e run ia beta papers to five advertisers the ea- vantafes ef the Ijemendout pulllnf power at 17 71 eombtaaa etreula tlons When aa a a a a arid Ovee ar Ma Unaa sad Bunday aaa M se cluded (far exempts Friday, Batur- day. aundayl the lower Bunday rata apply kimiii only Ta Buiisraia aubuehea Buaday. .laaatnea aaa win nan la the verruaf Orefoa Statesman, soncrod. la the (venlng Capital Journal but sdt will ta aeaepted for Bunday ttatesmsn only The deadline for rlaesined ada a I at p an th day before auMleattea except for lunday whea deadline la 9:1 la Friday Imerfency adt and am.-U Ha adi received after 1 at tm weekdays and unUI U aeon ituraey tor Suadsy may be placed la th Toe Late tt Catstsfy" roluma AOs for Monday papers astatt be ta by I p m aatarday. Ta tateama . journal na par raaai a the rlftil I re Sect Bona ale adverttetnf ; tt tartaar 1. ser-vee the nfht t lae all edVer- nainf Th BUtaaanaa -1 euraal ttaatpa bTbty bty tar errar which atar arrpeer ha sdevrtlee meats publtahed la da eetumaa and la eaeea where thle aa- aer ta at fault will reprint that nert of an advertise Tien I m which the tvrmfraphical mlrtsks aceurt A "Blind" Ad a ae eoatatniat Statesman-Journal Newspaper box 1 number for an address Is for the Classified Advertising Statesman, SaJem, Ore., Wed, May 29, "57 (Sec U)-ll GassLGed Index "lap Taut Cna'i'aajaaae 11 I IU I 114 ' 31 1 all Staaaat aad Otta tt ACRJCVLTUSUt tax Livestock For Sale 4S1 Livestock Waated tat Pets 41 Fruit A Farm Produce 413 Market Basket 414 Poultry A laborts 414 Sea Food 411 Lawa A Garde 41 Seed A Plana, 411 FrrtUlrer 424 Farm Equlpmeat 425 Auction Safee MIRCHANDISt Household Goods Appliance, Sewtnf Machine T V A Radio Musical Inatrumentf Waated Houaehold Coeds Sports Equipment Bicycle. Buildinf Materials Ptumbinf Heatlnf Floor Covertna Do It Yourself For Sale Miarellaneoul For Rent Miscellaneous Trade Miacellaneoua Wanted Miacelanaoua Mtcellaneoui Macrtinerv A Tnolj Wanted Machinery A Tenia Fuel SO BUSINESS AND FINANCE 110 Money to Loan 311 Loan Wanted 11 la vestment. 101 EMPLOYMENT 6U1 Help Wanted 104 Help Wanted. Mas tot Help Wanted. Lady 0t Pickers Wanted It Sale. Help 11 Work Wanted. Mat 14 Work Wanted. Lady IS Child Care lt-A Babyuttutf 17 Job Information 811 FducaUon U Day or Contract 70S RENTALS 701 Sleepinf Rooms. Board NVJ Wanted Rooms. Roar I5 Apartments for Beat 70S Duplexes 71' He use for Beat 707-A Furnished 70 Fsrml for Rent 70t Wsnted le Rrat 71 Wsnted to Rent Rouses 711 Wanted to Rent Apt 714 Business Rental 711 Resort RentsB 711 Convalescent Roma 79 Moving and ant REAL ESTATE 101 Business OpportuAltJs 103 Business Property 103 suburban Ba Houses sar Sale 07 Apt. . Courts ta SaJa aa Lou for Sal 110 Farm, for Sale 111 Excitant Real Eatat 111 Resort Property 111 W sated Real Xjlale 125 Insurance tttAOTOMOTTVa 111 New Can 51 Used Can tar Sale 053 Auto Parts and Be pair IM Trucks. Trsllesa tar SaM M Motorcycle IU Wanted Car. Truck at Auto Mlsrellaneoua Ml House Trailer. tM Heavy Equlpmeat Aircraft 300 Personal 312 lott and Found LOST Ladle, Gold wrist o.trh in or near Llpman. Finder please ph. EM 4 111, Mrs. Khode. LOST- Blue parakeet, tame, ana. to "Cookie 4 Corners dial. EM 4 7tl LOST: 1 yr old Mark mani spaniel, whit markings oa cheat, lie Ne t4 IM 1SKO LOST Rubber boat. Na. Salem Reward. EM 1 14. 316 Perwtsjl CHARtS frjundatlona for parti cular people EM 1-1SM. PALMIST, read your romplete lit reading. Past, present, futirr. $. W4I Portland Rd. ALCOHOUCS Arnnymeua. ttt Marlon EM tMt NOTICI TO CBKDITOal Notice 1. hereby flvea thsl th undersifned hss been duly ap pointed by the executor of the es tsls of Judson Smith, decessed, by the Circuit Judfe for Marlon County. Orefon All peraoni havtnf elalml afalnst said estate ar required to present the same, duly veiilfed ss t by law provided, to the undersifned at Bos No. 711 In ear ot Orefoa Btateeman Salem. OreeVHi. ar to Lynn McNutt Atorney st law. P O. Box tn. Coo Bay, Orefon. within six months of the dale of flrat publics Uon. boiruj May Zt. 1M7. JEWEL IMTTR Executor May B. It. June I. 11 II ADVEBTIIIMB1VT FOB BIOI Sesled bids will be received by the Board of Educstinn of School Dis trict No. 4C. Marlon County. Ore fon. at the lllverton aUifene Field School Slivarton. Oregon until June 12. 1 17. lot e'etnrk PJt, PIT. for ileck to) aavtnf tor th Mark Twain Scetool aad the Hlfh Boheol. and will thea and the fa be opanad and DtibUrly read aasaad. Bias received after Hi lame fixed tor epenlnf will not be aanaoarao. Plans may be ebtalned at the office ot MIR Baum. Supenntend- ent. Wl Schlador Street, luvertoa. Orefon May XI. 1 CALL FOB BID! The City of Salem w aaklnf for aealed bids at Use office at the Dir ector of F inane, lnd floor. City Hall Salem, Ores on until I AM June I. 1ST. at which Urn said bids win be jnablscly opened la Beam 48S. city Hall, tor approxjenatety tot feat of attain Brut fence. Specific etlona and forms tot bid-dtna- may be obtained at the Mr of the uriderstfned HOWARD D BRANDVOLD Director ef Finance May It protection ef the advertisers snd must therefore be answered ay let ter The Statesman-Journal Nswspa per .re net at liberty to divulfe In formstion ss Is the identity ef aa advarUser uainf s "8t!n! ad Ada in other columns waieh rsqutr. Investment tn stocks, sample equipment sr cash bond should b thormifhly Invaatlfated lf..s pa ylng out any maaey Advsrtssers rsquinnf a cash Investment far samples or merchaodlaa. tslat aids etc, must so ipeelf in their ad THIS NEWSPAPEJ. BTaUVfa tt pro tect Its reader, af .last fraud, aa eeptlon. ar Inluriss Reader, art cautioned t make NO PAYMENTS ta f et a posittea advertised la the help wanted rorumn Art help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATl'Bt OF THE WORK Sa.-S help wanted ads must state at the pay is ta the form af salary seen mission, (,usrsntee ar incruee firm nam Bona ft effera ef Inymei Help the Wanted columas ACS IK TE3 CTXCia lUECIVn... , Toolate tdQfy lies D0WX V Kit CasAasa, ST U40 Laaa Ave. tl HARLXY 14. just rebuilt. See "a sat A fe tt stealer aervm BnadvraF. ar ss rr,i il food urea. $1. fcat S-ssVt. 153 BUKK Super V- Sutloa Wagoa. very clean. Premium I' tires, na trade CM t- aaya ., . EM 1-llat rve PLYM Plasa. perfect. Sell equity for txat, teats ever pay sat . or tradc for leep pacstup. EM 4-3f7 artrl pai. PREFERttEO Bentar want t bdrm. bouse la country. N. ar NE of Salem with oil furnace heat must be modern. Eal . 4-5043 ev. COUPLE Wants-lo rent runs, house ut Corners. EM 2-allA PART. FURN iperious 1 rmT " apt . nr. Bush Schl. ttt. 711 S lth StIM4-47a. I RM Furn. tpt utli. dl3 EM HBl. WANTED Lettuce crates. 2-loot A 3 Harris. Rt 1. Box ML ' Brooks. EM 1-344. BEDDING Plsnu 4c dot . vef -etable plants 25c A up. Out ' ' Center St Silks Greenhouae mi east of Fruitland NR Chemawa. sw A lamb! MA) Blossom Dr . EM S-44UI svs. 300 Personal 31 ParsaMtal ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MS S tOMVL EM l-HOA EM 4 -1703 MADAM Hatel Psychic A Palm ist Complete reading IX. 301 I Com 1. EM 4-tm 400 AgricnJture) 403 Uvoattxli Foe Sal NICE Guernsey heifer la Ireshta srmn M Tuftsskof. Rt 3 Bod 301 SUvertoa. Paradise Alley Rd WEANIn Pits. liC DonZtTbar, 1 ml west ot Sublimity, Stay ton 17F7I AUCTION TKL'RS. MAY 30TH 10 A M MILK cows beef stock feeder . a veal baby calves, pigs rhtrkena rabblU cattle soM by the bead or th t LANE SDOTELL'S -AUCTION WIS SUvertoa Rd rt4 MM MR NUTRIA RANCHER " Art you Mt.tfwd with your pfltinf ttt brejttdtnf procrtmt Wr cuarsntM t It yr esantrart for ALL pvlta A prompt brvtaxi , x Inj ai I mil I km 4ai lar for maiHifiscturtnf torpor a tiuo Bcfora ym buy ear tota an aMtarutk-ii ipnrasUffata Nv. trul lac WIm will fivoj yaiaj xpart ffuMaUic at mrtaUoa. aviciinf Mi-7lr. CnatstH H. A ' Kriadal t. I Booi 7f7 Cwttll, A On Ph. prtnffiattl L m I ACRES xf -rraai, ytwt for S cutting. 444 Jonas Bd. Eat 4-134 I MEXICAN Burros I bred Jennie, 1 Jack. CaU Carve rati REC. Ayrshire yr. eld. mile- ; 40 three quartan lbs. fJO. 4-XI10 403 Uvaarack Wtrrlwdl TOP cash price at veur alar Ray Coxel. EM 4 lit collect. BUYER Claad Edwsrda. at a, Bos tE EM 4-1111 CATTLE bayer A t srsneay Or CA bunts, st year tana. cCaadDSh. EM t-dltt. Cattle, tan suit slab. BM S-lMa. KM a 405 ' KITTENS for free EM 1 1SI1 OUINEA pigs, all af. IIS Lre. InfMoa. EM I IS41 DACHSHUND toy. I year, shoe paper, accessories. 111. Eat 11411 BRITTANY PUPS top hunters! Chouss pets. AKC St. s Bachmaa, 4117 Mat leay Bd. FREE kittens to EM 4-144 WANTEDt Good leans for i very cute smaller type t tiler EM FREE: LONG HAIRED KITTENS. EM MS47 KITTEN TO GIVE AWAY em t-sm CHOICE Parakeet. adult birds Colors, roe It. ws has Ml EM 1-774 Pl'PPIKS for sal. CaJJ B BOSTON Bull Terrier, tsmal T. fern ska, Xttt thers I lis . sll St. EM Stall 'rvrrrri lbo. stxaxTwif" teat CENTEB ida pmtea he. TRinrly 1741. trUNTERS It Mothers 1 1 family sonsaialsa. IrtsA Salter WIS Wade, DOG TRAINING netrte-ver a Cos Dor Otoljfl IVrTstOst ass aNtfB asaSajFtaWsl. EM l-0 Grerer jTrsiU-rl . ' ORANCC and ptnk aprtret ca arlea. 114 Chemesteta EM I-43M. , e 410 FrvrliFcrm Frwalisc i ' '4- OOOSF.BERRIES U-plck. Ie. . m' 371 Brooks A vs. EM l-tttS U PICK goad Msrshslls an i wee, cwsa field. Joe Lar. ' Orchard HI. Bd.. EM I t. OOCMEBERRIEI far sale, yea 1 Mck. Ic ar w mrk far Iv. Brtaif container 1333 Newberf "' Dr. ' ml. W. Kesrer tchooC FRESH kacal strswherrle new pots toes lb tr Greea Apple Market, ttt Portland Rd ASP ABACUS lor rannlaf ar . freetinf . George Aaher at T Grand Island. U PICK Striwherrle. 171 Wat .1 lar Bd. Brtaaj contamers y DAIREU Mtrautl 4