Switch In " Speakers CLOYZiaAlX. May B-CiMk WW raw arte. rrar tvthet Xwm PrMk ViilaaeaeJ tntt JttdnA 0 NmL Uu day af tdMal patttte . Mm- day Boa leartert he v. taw re hared lor ine aril year Dougla Burch. mm of Mr and ivcccr- ropuiar uoq i naiSAgamflif-i.i Ajaaa Tmx. tatl mm mm I a' & esauj s-HrTirv:: Feature of Fat Umb Show rifTHHirVH -r I f t f Ml r mw Mrub r ... ldn. caltbralad hii Mvnta birthday iU t party It hu botM ifter Kbool Monday A cbanshad praaanl u i PirtkMt, hich Uatad auctly thrta diyi opanad tha eta door tl tba opn Tkaadar rolling tad H(fctala talit Ik Yitakill roualy Uki rrrularlY tad mrti ta tha tarty aala baart Taa dlaotay aa gralcat aboal tba Uata Mr. ud Mn. Art Habaii at fbaHdaa aal to bad tketr (aar ytar-ala1 daagbter Anak. Nail aaralai at ta braakfaat Ublc Utm Aaata alpad ap with . . . "Daddy. tmt tar took aa atrial M at! naah atrtarat laM alt bl " Want to catch fiah. big onat. in Sutl) lake Mrt Gilbert Bvlknap of Jefferton hai tbt anr No ont on tba Ukt as taking any and th JaMrrton woman bad ibout txhauftrd the tupply o( lurat in tbt tackle bos whan tht rigged up I I Ait Ftather and Doo-Dad In m noun tha hooked tnd boated five big German Brownt up to fivt pounds in alt Only fith taken on tha lakt that wtt noticed by bar compan ions Harm day herald the breaking ap af bee caloalet. Few weeka ga by without en ar atare reparta reeolved af bee twartM In treat, dowitewa, ar attorned la ane af any nuaiber af ahjtxU. Mrt. Trad Haailltaa af IM ftath Kim a la Four Caraert reported a mum ftrat ewartaed In ihrubbery la the hack yard, thei moved ta the front of the hoate for two hourt. Laat taaa they ware ttreak Ing aver the tap af Four loraeri Kbaol toward t dlt tant arthard. Tilt It the time af year far the new queea bee and her followed ta leave their hive tad teak t home of their awn. Mt. Angel Sets Mtmtt trti i MT ANGKL. May la-The tiv'tul Rl Rev Abbot Damien week aummar couraa. June 14 to Jentfae. fR will teark thu August 1. at Mt. Aniel Womei t courw Abbot Damlan reeeived College will have three workshops hn dortoratt In tacrad Theology that will provide extra aidi to the from the Uiuvertity of Saliburg. teachmf equipment at naervtct teachers. I Perhaps the (reateet help will Come from corrective tpoech tnd 1 reaoing to ot taugm oy sister M Brrnadattt. t pioneer in remedial ' work This course will involve t study of techniques in the diag nosis and treatment of apeech and reading problems The two other workshops art Art in the Elementary School and Instructional Aids and materials Th, former w,U be taught by MIm'SSSL ..'L'-" Genevieve Willson art teacher from California S.rtar Mary , Jean will be instructor for the latter ' aJLi TIL vi r iKn-jm mm- Two Graduates Listtd At Buena Vista School SUl.tnsD Nfw tarvitt BUENA VISTA. May 11-Wlllie Rusch of Corvallis. will be speak- er it graduation txercisds of But- j na Vista eighth gride May tl in the Community Hall at I p m. I Members of tht class are Helen r-trkson tnd Jarnaa Clark IMaa Gertrude Entity it teacher. RCA VICTOR 21" Consoli Reduced $90 TkltaHlMlHil 11 11 H aagaajnajBBw sttajii tk 44, i I wf Now Only vj lMadal IVtmiV f PLl'8 . . . IAVE ap II PLUS . . . IAVE at to tlH with MILLEB'8 Law Carrying Charge! You hivt seen otbar brands advertised far tbt atmt regular price ... but it MILLEK'I you art getting tlQO QC a 2(9 M vtlua for just Wa Ovartntat) RCA tt Ovt Parfarm All OtWa Hit 11 MnTTK Valley News Statttmaa Kwi Srvkt ICXX May B - best at tssd pay K4jr the ' epea FriMv " Brm A Uses, a, y Xn Harold Burrh at! Ibar- until mIl brother Stevtn'! tcxx t a - Kjm at await dM I ) W ' OUL. J V iw tama tima tha houat door u Workshops oiirnre theolor ceurta moot hrlp- Auairia - . Q II ST J Rid 1 1 I c Ln J. Wlabb LllUd luttinta Ntwt tarvlet st PAt t. Mav iinim stn- tors, perhaps the laat small rlasa 2 "J10' ,r"..... '! vstMiw t vttaatvfi. w !" ma - tattll tiitMfvakae mmtrnm IilSs TtnTrTTv h.n .11 "TTV .r-' K.n ... . .,1 rw u.l. t.rf . . J r . . . . " . ' "'o."... .'.Zl' ormer superimenaem 01 oaiem " jfanne sstvanny ano naiuia Coleman will give valedictoriaa tnd talutatnriaa talks Principal H. W Bowers will prt tent senior awards Nina members af the clttt ire I Jeanne McCarthy, Martha Cole- ma Joanne VanDyka. Rosalia pellaod, Norma Bunning, Oertld Martin, Ronald Cummins, Lewis Wilton, tnd John Roth. Wednetdiy It final day af school with an award assembly at ID 1 m Rennet cards will be hwued aionfl with annuals. Ta laat Pltxa ta Jhep . . . After All. law mm bum. It cic A ate 4mi lim tafaw. head eesxon. tatf oast- mm Sen ktfk Mat r y n. rw.-T mrm . I. '""'- radar baa at M t at . MmH ay L -J-T.TL " a U4eUet iltMUMtma ' --" ay""1" will at pactta, aiaam vaol uutuac taa1 kaart A t C- Kekj1 via rw w I inr aifa araaj aaweaJI twM TV a. artll aariaraia. a Kidart Iram LaOaaoa fm tmact wtli cm- ?f , " ! . a Ci7l 'l fc I t clock nralatl axra Iowa bom dart af the tho Basset! Winner Of Road-e-o at ill City Sunday awtruBU Mtvt tarrw MILL Cm May Jl-Maurire Hatett. rtduatt at Mill City Hlfh tcheol Laat year rnllertrd 417 af a anttihie Mt pmnl.i It win Sunday i Ruad-e-a rnmpHi Uoa against II ether entrants, fut ef the firls Twa aeniort placed tecoad and third. Ruanerup aruce FSTw-S r Judging tht Jaycee tponaorod event at the high school was t'hier of Police Clarence Header Pa trolmaa Percy Mulligan. Munin pal Judge Donald Bheylht and Inauranre Agent Jerry Pillman inyeee chairman for the contest waa Ronald Rtfdele " pv. D , LIDl0m3S KCtlOV CO t ' TOT JO eniOTS Hiiwu Mtwt ttrvkt W1U.AMINA. Mav IWkadha- lion will be held in WllUmm. hlth rwoi gym muraoay. at t pm rlLi'"uL. 1. . ii. . I v aroi Mtuer it valadlctoriaa. DjrWna Rvatll it lirtlnrii to k.. .111 k- rw tf..ii.'u Capoar - Johnson, of Lewis and t-appar - jonnton. of Lewis and Clark Collage fcMn Uttlejoha wiU i ik. .hLd .Zt p. . . . tltrTJZtT a Baccburut services were held Sunday tt tha hlfh Khotl. !Rav. Paul rTowert af the Grand 1 n tta 1 am . .l. r- j R-4. N.ur. ..v. lk. d-.. v...r.u k,.k ..... "'"" t Births At Valley Hospitals tnd Mrt. 1 wis! iui 1 o nr. ana sirs. ; Henry P. Zurfluh of Icin. 1 diugh-i Xt, !' " 8Uyt0B M- nun im nmpnagi. ... K .... I 1 Tarn Ut ataail Una I Ina I m w 1 I"" r."ir,0!!iJL!S"i MHMi two-itr Fai 'rtC ' . ju ti n t u 1 Club wi" Thurtdiy lor 1 no To Mr. tnd Mrt. William T Mil- nnK. i,iru-h .1 ik. horn. i Mr. lar af AumsvUle, 1 daushtcr on t mt. 1 ati art BuA - 1 li . . m.j ... oyvOT mi nowers will bs discussed after the . . -nll.l , a I. van B tut , . 10 vr arm Mrs uavio u Draper of Sta1on. a daughter, oh May 17, at Stiyton Memorial Hoe- pitai. IILVERTON-To Mr and Mrs Weniel Doubrivi. Hubbtrd. t son, u... u ,l. m:i . ...... 1 iay aw. at mr anvenon nimpiiai. To Mr. tnd Mrs Kenneth Teg- land, Rtnlne. Wash., a son, May 21, at the Silverton Hospital. EUGENE To Mr tnd Mrs Colm Nlsbet of Eugene. 1 diugh- tor. on Mty II. it Eugene Mrs. Nlibet It dlUKhter of Mr tnd Mrs. Courtntyi it Tuacon. Arir. , while Albart Bouffleur of Orchtrdlon a two-week honeymoon in the ncignu. Class Officers Elected for Coming Term at Woodburn astleiasta New. tervir. WOODBURN, May U - Clati actions wart bald Monday at elaotiont Wtejdbgra high school Senior class prtwideat wiD he Jim Rail, junior claaa president is Dale Sterling and aoplwmort class president ""JL ' S7 . MnaT wi ican st next year 1 eetitor class named Duane Pulpt, vice pretident tnd Conrad Filtr deau. aacratary-trensurer Student council representative! were not elected. Junior class officers in addition ta Sterling ara Doug Ker tten, vice pretident: Karen Phil lipetn. tacreUry; Bob Nathman, trsMaurar; tnd Nancy Cornwell. Kant Ptym, and Bnsoe glgloh, exiuiircu deiegatet. Jerry Juve't twin brother Cant Juva la viet president at text ytar't teiViiwt claaa. AttisUng Vficari include Caroline Byart. soct ataxy -trauurar; and John Pic kering, Ed Halter and Harriet Van Artdalt, council repreaenta- itjvet. I The present aenior claaa voted I Costs For . Water Low Next Year hststaet fan MBUrM af " -" ' PSatkke: Wmu aa Ifca MhI a ha hatd ? t n ,ac la. eaftnct I efftra. m I Caeav I tTaeif naming But m the Mr tatarl teamed ufY4kaee of i e-w nam, rpae aad tilm Md atari tt reeeatry atruaKj LAbertj C WI sate tret a. stem TV heaerd alse set urtfaUDa daw frwm Jm 1 tt Sm a run tk tamt u VMr ., n M .,n k. k III nrl -- - - 1 w tha rvi a aMarnuiwd TW trwiara tt rtm prtprv m uw avtrict TS thund BMdcat ctlu kr i 2 JT iMrvica U.m far nuintnanr aprr. U( w? iw rpiui 1 ,or rv irinf irr uiot have brva MtimaietJ a tM.M and aew arrvirt hnr tnd hrdrant aneMrrtrnti art ri sorted U rttum 111 Tx: Other re caipti art plared a( II MS The dit tmt JI Kat IIS one a( tht be- (inmnj vt Iht flaral year I Thr budr frouat it cgnipuMnj rf buanj mtmoert. Lee Net Jr V Vt Htrtur. dwir Dttti Dun (.arxtner and A O Hum and five rrtuea Charln knapp rhairmaa Hotterd liardner. mt chairman H Todd wcTTtanr, Harold Gardner and Max Clark tultiatu Mtwi ttrvtat Huhkard HuMiard Kilmina Valley Briefs SiK'fi i,wt w(U Mo(Hl,y , S !Su',r mui ' Mill Olj - Gov Robert D Hotmet will ipeak at I pm Wed- netday at a non-hoat dinner in the Mill Cily Klemenlary nhool rvm tponurtd by Narth Sanllam Chamber of Commerce Mr Holmet snd Rrp and Mrs Guy ! Jonas of Salem will accompany the governor. The public is hi- vitro. feMfdnMy-Sixtee students will racaive eighth grade diplomat at St. Bomfart grade exercises Tues - vnir'l Boniface f atho- c church Rev Martin Benke rui ' 1 Mhle Grove - Annual Cleanup ., . . lor "Owril (.tmriery saiuroay, II iweathtr permit II raining it wt" Mond,)'' M" T " ' tv Home Kstens.oa tn""u M. ''" 01 0111c- II I m TKnrea4 At mt Ikaa luttaa t w t tt m 111. liw . ait .IW ituejitea M" I Xoelle. Officer, to b installed art DCrsidtnl Mn r- . ; , . . , IT ..l0'" Irs J B King, and Mrs. P. W. ' " . r"- "-oaiie as stcretary treasurer Tnu i. k. i.d m.tin nf ik. Iwitr.'diuli Narth Rtwrll - North Howell Grange members are preparing for Church Sunday observed on May M. The group will attend serv ices at North Howoll Community Church followed by a no-host din- ner served at the Grange hall. In nrr rrvwi it me urange nan. in charge for. the occasion ire Mr. nd Mrl Hoy D"n"- Mr"d mt i ruj evumi m-u nri. r.tjjm nw Atmxm U llitl . raokt - The Brooks Garden Cathorin Lyon m Manna . Wild ;lmcneon Prtagle - The Prlngle 4-H rluba ra planning I skating party at aKaieiann aranesaay. at I X p m. Clutae planning to attend ire 'The r ring it aewers. rnngle "Wrang- Icrs." "Busy Little Cookers," tnd "tw. d d 1 1 .;n . . ay , u-auru win an chtperonet. " IV1BIT IN SOUTH ......, ..... SUBLIMITY, May 11 Mr. and Mrt. Ramoa Rauicher iRoaemarv Daushterty) visited with Lt. and Mrt. Norman Rauscher (Carol sout n west sixi Mexico. I to retain this year's class officers at people it charge of the five- year lauaioa pUiuverf for tlie cUsa ! in 1B. These officers ire Gone j Higgint, president; Barbara Ptul - , son. vice president. Clarke Picker- Inf. tecrettry, and Beverly Bu- tratsurcr. irmi ANNII ROONIY Ce tagktWat: -,. Vf AH. I CAM HAROLV TaOUfkl B, WS CAMT , Y TMAf Y T 00TT SsfAN MO SUCH TU1MS - WJ W TUI5 SPRtmSP ANKLE 1 WALK ON IT V6T A WAIT A MW OA VS. WiVl 1 Ul HAVt R) IfWrT) I flRE0 OM TKt URST ID j j tyyoow t) a lot n biuy. maybeim sl harxv qot enough tjtm 1 wiwntww, mavs t tuii haj on k( bach.,-a KTTCR'N IT WA BUT Yl A WW wI I Fr TO U SACK TO, pk AM "S KllDm MA VOU.D KILL VmtMm DAILY CROSSWORD ACEOAJ mar Si Srf 1 Maittf actrwa M k t I TM aka trpty t MuitWI llratl & jc t Ouaa) t It v tTara I Aaat it tm t CaMty U Caua Tl 1' CVtM 1 Lmm :i tfaiii- IS C tir ; tl im t : ct,. M Cartm tt l-tu I! Kd ii best. wtlmm M CVlM U Ntar i a lr ) 3t Inertt tt Vtauttne t Oirt name City fr ) 4 Ent: ctuntr 41 kt t t It !i thia tiact f 'rr DOV 1 Vnotrt.Je vt :t.rcM t tt.l rrr t ,a t l4lupt4 U1 m ... Highlights of the 1957 Legislature (Nliitrklt alia m Paft eat.) Government Reorganization Go Holmet woo tht develop- ment department he akrd raplar- tof the jolunlary Orro Develop- ment Ummitsion 4dmimttration barked meaaurei to abolish the Board tl Control and State Fair Board tad to wek t lieutenant lovrrnor all died in thr Renalt Xf. S vesttgatiof committee ai leiisla , tort between eeationa was detral ed in the Houat timet for annual lexltlttive tetsioo. additional ialort and lonfrr iiriiu all tailed A new makeup ol both Airlcul- i,.r. .nit t-nr.irv ru,A. . dered Roth are appointed by the governor Many stale ageneiee were put under a uniform prore- duret act with special rrlertnce ta , iPP" '' Ii; L r l TUQner CQUCITIQn Gattinf one of the biggest ap propriations Increases, higher edu .v.l.m ..ikmI 111110 U Pr ceiH increase lor faculty sal- c m; .. ... m. 'n num ii'nuwini for new buildings. New law re- nuires hieher education to call w;j. " ... . work aver llt.OM; limit af bonds raised so more money can be .-i.J t- L....U If l-.J I BIBan in UUIM VII UaHalllatni QUI TJ1' Horia. Appropriation of tl4a.M f xWahnaal talaviaiaa A HO million salary lncre.ee Ifrint1 wHh .ji, to k, wwkd out by civil 8erv.ee Commission . ' " "- Emw,ency Bo,rd- Salem Obituaries Ralph t rerkraa l,,, int 0 7ji south tt.. at 1 1 Portland soaeiul May it lur'vivtd '"Wt5 SITX' RiSS , n, v.; bramrt, Httrry cocni flat- tVaihair rnehran rnllawi N. V.; braUitra, Hrry Csrhrui, aat- ttrvirct 1 - will htlt Wtdnntav. May ttnt t I 00 em. m tht Chapti nr the Vtrgll T Celdtn Co. Th Rtv Ernaii P Oouldtr will ofticlalt Kltuallattc nrvtrwt by Ainwarth udrt No joi. lnttrmtnt. City View Cam - eterV . AFAAM At tx. r..n- of m 1. b tu 'at' "ha '.ge 'j ay w.f. liiuhaih taiam. Miy toth J" Iujrv- UJJ; "T:Brue.Hnnet! u"m to.it taiiai Ctilf Mtlvtn Merit Hoayr MrLan. Ltm. sitivtn ?' uku"i',u'a!L.M V : wm. Mr. Pat tkaw tvMtt Hamt. twaat Hawit Ore Anwuni-eeoenui or tarvieta will Be made later bv the Howell - Ed - w,rda Funeral Chapel. , ,4 I Lat, atM m ' Portland. Ore . 'May ltih it a local haapiitl tur- vlvtd by inter Mr. Joe Hint, at Paul Minn, lervlraa will ba held Wtdntsdiy. Mty H at st Joatptvi S?'".?',:.?.. F'V 'serviret win t undtr tht direction ,h, v'ri" ""'o" ct. r..a..i w.l.i Late ra.id.nl of MTi Creil View ?' 7 a5hyt.r.'y w?fy m lr,riMthj Weipei a.fam: daughter nl ttichaei Eual. thaw: mother 01 Mrs. Mane Rupp. I A Wpieal, koth I. lam. Chariaa J W.lfel. Jr.. Newark. N J . KKn ''tt Sit - IIOJIII weajieiKI, Fvelyn Wolf, Daniel Weletl. Don nlel Weletl. UJajaal U mm- U.aa.a.1 Blank U M Harriet Paradlt, Michael WtH.l' Jehp 1 weigei. jo.nne' weieai. all tt tiaitm: er " J Jel t"" - !!!!1 - Mrs. Mtrtiii Karlm victort.. Kan., ! 0", sJUfJl, "woi'iT MEa Mary wii ttiam Twanty - tnndchiidren tiao turvivt. An - iSI Tik. w t 1 iiidon c. tttet U. .. 4 r t? mmxg 4 ii Hip aaM il ae I If .- rwr- KNts'y ra ta 33 tUro- . larmr etit : A 4 leol C" ' V Tt Tl I'M1! I . t 'I T 0 T P I'M ' v V 1 T M " '1 1 1 Ah Hrr 'fi I'i'.i'u 77" 5S ST i j -V 1 ! 4 1 , 3 I15" 'A tt 7" 3 4 I July 1 Rair to af(n1 limot ' arwd and ixnrr ampkntt k.jir j aalire. appotated and elertrd acfi i cialt , Ovtl terskt chanjet Include authority far nmniami to mi ft" d'trharrd fmrnov mlrr beartnj and permiMion Iw emplove in h rer-rrwrnrd hy any one ( hu chi.in al hrarins 'mplnvei pul under unem- Ploymanl comw-nsatton rotraie (', aaarda lor merilonout tuf 'loanoaa improving Kate wrvice coatint-d State Institutions Inatitutiea budget geoerally In rreaerd It to tt par cent but not lull ameunt rpcommended in Smith budel Kut million dollar mn struct ion program approved lor oe two years moil of it at Mac Ftirview and HiBcrett. Conetitutlonal change to be on ballot ta empower Legislature to rnange use ot an institution lo- cated outaide Marion County. This was occasioned by start of study on whether decline in tuberculosis might load to converting a TB hot pital to ether use. Panitrntity good lime' rr viurf la llnw on dv nil sn tenre for every two days on good w.i. . a ..1 ....a., nnixiin. aiK-uai "iwi iui nun) ordered oa mental ratardalion and annrooriatian made for state-fed- 'Ii tal pat.enU. Consumers and Miscellaneous Relative responsibility id great ly modified, so lower income people won't hivt to pay. Ragweed con trol and stilt meat Inspection or dered Ceiling put on auto hname charges. Three-day wilting period before marriage retfored Sixty day wait between divorce filing and trial ordered. Auctioneers, funeral homes and hay dealers a mong huainess groups brought un dtr stttt licensing tnd regulation Power, Utilities Utilities' Uxas increased under Mw corporations lax rate of T per I . B).lhii. u.jiiM mimmiaaionar i caml. TUDllC utllitiea commiaaionar I given regulatory authority over re- 1 Jurtjaa ( rll passenger ttr let and over minimum railroad rates Ballet issue approved ta suggest j altering constitution to state could p into thermal or nuclear power 1 "utmost end so stttt nyaroeicc - trie power could be set up under I hutinest tnd so stttt hydroelcc - iric pjavi itaihi am - "ln,r hond limit and could in - elude tale Bt large Dioct 01 power , direct ta heavy industry , direct ta heavy Elections Entire ttatt election law over hauled; changes include voters signing only one pollbook; preei- dential electors chosen by ttate central committees; convention delegations allowed to twitch sup- port; ill presidentltl candidates ' required Is appear on Orison bal lot: 'lfr and for recount tl lowed; later absentee voting tl- Uwed 1 rowTU- . . iHrnhwavs - Planning of Columbii River .bridge tt Astoria authorized, with ! llM.fJM approved for it. Coast ptraightening in Curry -ICc ":be vim, :rta County authorised vii gl2.600.OQO : boBd issue. Stttt Highwty Com - imisaion tllowed extri bond ittue ft obtain maximum t mount of : hi.hwiy improvement under fedcr Too U!s b C2ss;fy V ajrrTA-Uata tatsw waak r?a Jay4jaaae waai Pva mm mm i i na klae mm at) Mt l I 1 Im tal t-etta t a. aav "tl rot Vwtsna ka.es m Km a a.n m ta eatta I arCtM CWl aat In ar mmfmm T AM La Aasa sr s ik fWTVtl ara i ai tat rm Mi Kra aas wmt Ml IM t I aa. rm I Cm . rrtawattaav mmi rmt it 4 mmm Uiwutmmmi aar-wa r..t m mr mm M arrai w at. tav raatra. ! S. It se A t aer ,mt im lerss reti r. a wan t m HMaii tm uim a la a. a a Fa' t.M 1' m . tM waa LtVT k. 'mt i Mlaiaia a, i 30S la H.RT VM.Tt.ni.tXI M4 ftjrdj 'If l ffia -..r.e aaut v tt i tt i 4: artel -rtj -ste; . tttaf hnm a(aB vV iNtmg UiritAaftl rtajr M inei . aatal et 4rt) 111 Lett aead Few mm :.m . - ... t w tan LlKSl M.'- .. ..." .n. O & L.... im . rva att LOOT rn W.J .... v. Haa raraar ana W H. a mt 1 . J 1 1 LTWT ai LatM'vo.i I - .1 a Mav II. I set tui. . . Riart 0 Taa Ma ia Pa. I H A Ma It B WO Mr U Na tn.l Ar a are Cad aaXiarl OanaW V pon T 4131 Mtivin C T.rw lt I, Ihnx Set Paataa. Ora JU Partaeial OT ra.pnrt.IM tnr any SMlM olf than niv awn iVarrall w p o Km a jrf ffrwrn Ora 'MAGIC 10Kt HOrrLTTES'' A 'ii ait our Iv Call IM I TS04 or rnrni In A Novaluat :sat Lewtt Maw naiaay Av WIl.I partv havinff eas mi Frank i.utrv M n nil aV4lwn. plaaaa pn KM .1 IMP PALMIST raaa ..U' oinpkrta lift naming F..) praaaat lulara l 1"5 enrtlaiul tt CHARli l'unda'ion lor aartl mlat liaopia KM 1 Ult AUUHOt.K tiwilKiu. aat t Caiol tw l-tiot rw I nv AirOHOLICt- Anirmou at Marnn S.M I AMI MADAM Hatrl P.yrklc A Palm 11 ( nfnph! ra(l"- tt SSnt $ Com 1 tM i 25 403 Uvaevtk ler gala W r.lNrR ruja Vh uit Olaoa PI I K.H S2 Kaltm run SAi.r vaantr tr t'll 1 III M Chriilollrrann. tM I lit SORRri mart 10 yn old Qu.r lar hnrsa m I om lar hnrsa tvpa. all kroka. Mil stata ti PIOS lor ial FM 4 AMJ aMrr I AI mn IAI X hav pari aadrlla hr4 f-ldinf alnalt frxil salt Ph M 1-U40 after 4pm 401 livestock WtnleeT CATTIt hartaa. at yaur tanw I C MK-andlitk tM l-tlM LA nil 4Jtl Itata t, 1 a a tiMHnan KM i-ltU EM S-4J00 TOP cull pnrat at your Plata aav CeaaleM 4-lieieolleri BITYtn -Claaa tdwirOA at s. Bos sett IM 4.1m CATTLF buyat A t Bawwial UN Banaear Or KM 4-tert 405 Pets PP.!! 1e country homt. part corner I vr old dug IM 4 S4.M kaiwatn I I II) "rurpift lro" tiLtcnopi " MOO CEKTER LOVING nimalt puppiaa 1 alt. 1 lull) S3 ta EM 3 7JS4. tvaa FREE In (nod koma. part tni liah polnttr l1. yn. Iivts rhlldrao EM4-tlttl REO. German shnrthalr, bllrh and or pupa tli SKvIumi 7 1341 after 4 or waaatads. rJUTT- part Ptralan klttena. fr tM 4-IIMS al interstate highway system. Vsrious traffic safety measures approved including driver educt : tion in high schools with state pay 1 ing by 1 ,ng TS per cent of cost, financed oy anaiuonai ti on uiuci iiiTiur ' f Civil Rights Trailer parks, campgrounds tnd public tmuaement places added to law prohibiting discrimination on grounds of race, religion, color or national origin. Discrimination also prohibited In public houting and apartment housing erected un- i dor public - type financing like FHA-guaranteed. State higher edu cation prohibited from dismiuint - ' students who stay out of class one day 1 week because of religious bf left I . . Veterans State veterans' loan limits in creased to 113.500 for home and ! 130.900 for farm. State education tid to velerent eatended to cover more Korean War veteran! tnd j txtended through June 30 HM State tax levy removed next two , yeert because vetertns funds now - 1 tufllcient y DARRELl MrClURI raicrOAlii fatal ' HKTT.Y Sara I mm-m OmM mrmtma, tU StraiamtT, Wpd, Mir 1S5T (Sec H13 iOO AxrHr-ahrir. 2S ' ' SUDIEIXS FURIiTfM AUCTION WL. Miv 2nd. at 7:30 P.M. For Good uti Furnitur ittiynd Lhia Sale, r.f-TTUr AePUAK-tS - AU. atwria acracvti rvikkiTvaf UVf!C BOOM MMTlll tMSWG PaVCM l ajrm M MAT-rtisan 4 b5uowat am tiOVLt wtitr.t ataoas oo mtaT WaAarai AiHlMj Nil MtU. Ktvv oTHrt war articles or nivmii 4 wise r B' rT CASH Oft StU. ON COMMISSION LANE SUOTELL'S AXIION &U. CHTCS HP b"s-.w I ik.Hi tl AKC rat PrAaijin atad rt em wt a-WTtP! avatar. laaa. , rana..a ! r wa aMiar t laajia. mrt WUi Uaaa TS.art. Tl BIRfXi. FKH. HAVSTtRS 1 ta u ring-tee CM 1 ilJ IX TRAIM.NO " I Mraw A O ua Oaf fwmi.a.e a ana kaara tM I daua Oimi Praaklai OtANC.I and peat aarwat re aanaa let Ckaaaaaau Id tvaa VT at laaatet AL S BAKtRY LAftGE r a a H :V Trrm rk.a r 12 S . Inrti '4ua F-aera Miard Pral Pi tl tP ana P i i a Plaa T'nrm Lrf. 4H. 101 Ma kal ' Ft I TJtl Dtte r mmmm I,-. Crmrnm taw I . I HI I aHva, i a I (.AL . It n.rar. Cwaiy I..i. f M I 1.7J READY MEATS Pork Loin iW Lb. lOt.OO POODS CO ITM Fairiround. Rd 14 I an PAS1 El'RlEED whale min. tSc i.l HamiafMred. tac, tal ae Clear. Dalrv IM l-Jft.lt EAT LIKE A KING L.III k.11 II. I I I til IU ai'Y t, irrr 1U0 In. It I II frim cnwfcen. It Ik pork ck'tpa I renter rut FOP nT Ut i Na fn Pvwil ear 4 ma. la pay Satlafecti Guar MAC'S MKATt t LOCKFOtlt lit N bftarly r.M 4 T144 SMALL OVKN RKADY Tl'RKF.YSMic LB. F'r.h roa.tm I ears 4 l"r We A l. aeta. vw dot r.nn freat) A M0 Market EM I 4141 FM I 414S I' Ml A ood Ik- lb . plut rharga (or cultlnl A wrapping JVIALL OVKN READY Tl'RKEYS J9c lb. C S ORWIO tnt tilvertaa R4 EM 4 S14S 414 Courrry A tabhirt" Cuatom dreaalnf aT Pnultry. Wa kuv RabOitt t akin. Wins., tttt Stata. EM 4 Mil BAIT Cnletra taf met) er arpt tend (aa Ira. leider tUana I Rlttaen Lyaaa. Qra PI tTLrtcl Vital tlAHTTD WHITE inara tullttt Wilsoa Halihery ena, Ore.. Pk tlinrjBM chicka hatched yr round New Harnp Wane Park pullett lie itraifpt run tluekt lie V.U-y Farm Store. Til lawn I Garden USF.D power mower Reel t--rtdM Used Mdat Mart 170 S Liberty. EM 44171 FOR Jala Lawn mower nolen . II kv real type Brifp. Slrat ton 4 cycle motor, coat 1110 ell lor lea mt Brown Rd Mer I PH - ...i V- 1" mw mm mmj H deliver or you haul piea-upa loaded tl ee opaa tela ITM I 1741 Kauer Sand A Gravel 410 taotit flantt 411 Me.. Ittkm Uu fmrm ,v,f,.- S , jpoRSAt t Feed TVactar I kaa. ii . ASX" ' kam cm. mmc drill. aprasd yQjpSft'lJ j "rr"' M rm t-M WrVUSItiT 450 Mrrrhan.llte TUBEROUS Begnnit PlantaJ ream lur Else, raaee, re ror II, In bandt. All colors ' '"I vatuum cleaner, with Mil Hichway i "" pnllther 111 gee FOR tht beet to tuberous be- rwlitaa AV aTitaeahtaltaa It'a 1 a a v. a : cia,gu ureennousc tj. Ml No nf tiridf on Wat lrt Rt. AIm fompltldj lira hidtn plftiu. STRAIGHTC0L0RS In AnUrs, snap k iinmai. Alto available in miiturta EG AN GARDENS I Ml North n( Ktuer School on Salem-tt. Paul Road. M1SC bedding plaati "ste. d-a EM l-JMt alter 1:30 p m. AZALEA SPECIAL HF.XE RED. double A ruined, t rs old ODc ra. Drive to. on I Mi Si , mi pant Mernmt id rli Tarn R . Oakhtll Ave. FUSCHIAaT IvyrOerMiumrPto iiea Dahlias. Bedding Plaota Wsrd'l Oardent, 4Stt Cherry IRIS gardana now open. All ! named varieties ISc to IrV I', mi. East ot Pickana'i Cor ral on Tallman Rd. Albtny Ort WAbaah t-tTM. " DAHLIA bulbs II M dot Fuchtias. J-ll. Ataleaa. Luolna. Columbine. I ll Ue Tub Be trmias. 40c. Geraniums 4Sc lerriH'a Greenhouse. Brooks. MUMS. Dabllat. Panslet. Fuck- alas Ai Oeranluma l.ihertv Garden. ItM Recta r Lane QERANIUMS. Inel. fancy leaf, Ivv A' Pelareoniums. Fuchsias. Begrmia's A Bedding Plants. Baskets nf Fuchsia. Beeoni a Ivv Geraniums Cto-.--. - prlrea before you buy! Kll- prlrea bar's. 713 aaltsn Aeia,, . ... Tli, 411 10 TON comBietely rotted sheep feiUllter. Deliver anywhere in "r anwn aai.ni, i ... i . SOS th St., Iweependanra, Ph 1J4W CHICKEN fertilliar 14 lead, or aov amount Delivered in la lem EM 40ot4. MULCH SAWDfST ' $1 Per Yd. EM 2-4031 400 Arnniharti 2S pm a-.. Livestock & Misc. AICTION rW R4 Mat Urd MAM. I m A v. , Ml Mark lilts l A .. .. ia mM M . " ''JJ' ,, '" "- LANE SUOTELL'S AUCTION 5 avitjrt Ri Hi fe.li! rt HTILIZIR - MIT-CH Muaarann r-aaura mm a. .da Fine f.i. aew Lawn. IM l-daal Ft RTTLtrr K. 4lt tract toad. tor M IMt-tut atEMtataa. tfrrrtD av taaAMaaai a h w culir l del Pkil- im... Pr.a 111 I Sa MS tM SMI Oaaad lam PvR AaLI oad akavtaa) a l.rnli . I d. l eXivarad, AM t I t I FKIGinAlt .let r.nte refrit I Hara I wa. a.tuurHawae luartt. tual Can ha laeaeciea ai M4 S tihern SI . I pi tt p m Tua. Wad . TWura. St Rlltwell Daveao SHI, I, in i aiea Waodry. teot N. kumarer KtLVlNATOP elec ranpa aaad .m.p. 4J1 KM 1t ENCtlMt nreakfToat" Shelvadoe 'T''- u " EM 4 7Jt CRM pal )4ilt 141 EM a 4141 r- lS,KMON .lituy waad iitiiuy aa.a I Miaa- ahed Amlj airap matt tat St. Oien iadri Itnt N Su "met I CTJ FT Frifldalre d model Blai aal.aa AatamaiM- weaker A dryer, eedrm aunt living rn, aulkt: Pvifidtire alee, rente A S u M modal Irteaer tt ParUaad Rd. DAVENPORT A rhair. Dta RnL art Pad eprmtl rlaap keai, Mi.r rtew. tat E Madraaa. FM 1 MM Complete Household Pura. EM 1 Mtt eulll welf davenpartA ehatt, feud aond , EM l-eSTi CtmrOlTTi tl uaad davaaaj. davanaairt aau. chairs, duvetkt A Dinmi aeta t key have is to and cheap Olea Waodry, foot N Summer. OTPOINT tmm. rataft. eae? r.md tM Man. dm rm table A 4 chain, ttl. EM 4 4117 HEW aolid maple bank bade w maltreaeee. 174 H. Terms. Olea Waadry. 1444 M. aUjmiriar DtrrtC'AN'piiyit Dm. rm aei,' romp., party refintehed Ho4 pairti IN avea alee ranpa eaauaw aootrwl. ta nyl I l II Rug t pad. New value tl oot now Isaa earn, ee atll asperate Iv. ttooe Piano Co 170 Stale YOl'aaeet" aivt-laaei I 'pe Sc. Secuoaals IIW M Taenia. Clan Weadry. IIM N tairaanee Vsrn Davenport telwtr. Ma lms te.k, dW. ted a head nnarrl rnmple4e. Miee I. ITS Canrl.laria Blvd. HF.W SiHwell " Roto ."rorkere S44 W Glen Waodry. ISM N. Summer IF yew htvt ont item ar a house of furniture to eel! call the Uae4 Mtrehaoipae Meet, nt I Unertv EM 4 tlTI COMPLETE 3 mom. of new ami used furniture tod eppliaaeee I2M 10 F.aay Ttrms Delrv. erv. Gli Summer tat 14. I erv. Glen WooJry. 1 KIRRY vacuum cleaner, lit It. 1321 N Capitol IM J.7061, 1. dir. 1 NFW Zenith vacuum cleaner. 1 Regular ttfi SI NOW led Mdse Mart ttt S Lib I cm EM 41371 ' COTTON mattreaa. Vai Vary clean. Mart. I7t .. a. - . t Uberty EM 4-411 ln.i l.vltMAb Mjrnrt. a L. Stlfl ru rumitufv ITI A High. L'SED hiralturt. 4 pe Mn aei A I pe. Mn. aet -Uvaag aawini maen. aa a-..aa af1. 7 pm HIM DrD BUtk ka.ua nnra - ,1" " pivic nwieiwii pi mrniiurtj and applianeea at Salem's lent overhead store Ulan woeary, 1601 N. Summer BFAtTTYRF.ST sprint A moit", daveno, swing rocker, washer, rug. EM M& USF.D beds trim Used Mdat. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-4371. LOVF.LV new I blonde er M.hl Mr A Mrt Bedroom Sett with beveled, tilting mirror, bookeaae bed. box spring, in nersprtng mattraas and S FREE boudoir lamps 4IMS0. Terms. Glen Waodry. 1401 14. Summer BF THRIFTY: Buy GOOD uaed furniture A tingle Item ar a complete housrheld Buy now on eur easy terms. Woodrv's Thrifty USED FURNITURE 4lt I Commercial EM 4-JBH 1 Block BauUi Of Ptoer Mill : , I 4)f,2 Appllteicat I ' I I CU FT. O E. refrle uaee) tt mo. 19t EM 4 sa. EM l ata, ELFCTROLUX cleaner lit tt? 1MI M Capital 0lr EM 1 1017. tfSED washers. 110 and uTl-aJ. em Appliance Center, 1141 tV CoaU. JM 4-4351 DILUXt PfitidttirtJ0''rTCioa. trie Range I14t.lt Temia. Glen Wetsfry. ItOt H fcrmrner- EAIEV epla washer tat. Etl i .4-4l after 4 p ts. i arimiv Vnnnm.l A drver. Used but M idiUan. 4 1 IS. tt dawn. I-l Jewt al V Pliastaria Jberty. Rat I "Your Dawn Tewm' Store Ml N Uberty. 1S4II. ITeFIIG . A tier, range, goad read . EM 4 lll WTSTOVCHOITir refrV. at Its. , I freezer. IM. EM 4-JJ41 bt I tw eea I to 4 f it.