The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 21, 1957, Page 16, Image 16

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    lijStc II) Sfrtgsnsn, Stlem. Ore, Tue, May U. 1S5T
iiy Manager
Silts'! irepeaet budget
Wat MtUaei by City Manger
Keit ptathewtaa befert 151
persons tt the Chamber af
Cemmerea hiieheei at the
Marie Hetd MaicUy. The
full text af the talk, whkl was
dlttrllmted to the aidleace la
beeUet fans, waa at follows:
- Aa old quotatioa zayi: "When
tbera it no vitioa Um people per
tea. The life expectancy ef t
child bora today in Salem it twice
at long a a child bora la many
parts of the world. The picture o(
our new health admlnistrstioa
building with a modern hospital la
the background It a symbol of this
situation. Yet thert is much room
lor improvement.
1. Dental Health. The teeth of
Salem's children art twice as bad !
as the national average. Here the j
average boy or girl has IS 7 teeth j
decayed, filled or missing as
against S.I nationally. Only half of .
our chiktrea la this community I
have had correction. Our dtisons
have conscientiously studied and
debated this problemyet ao sotu
tioa has been found To the aver
ago mother who knows that dental
bills are one of her biggest items
of household expense there will
bo at ia Olfaction until the proper
answer is forthcoming.
Sewage Problem
1. Sanitation, la the medieval
cities of Europe raw sewsge was
dumped ia a pea ditches and
seeped ia the streets. That same
condition exists today ia the city
of Salem, ' and ia more than
isolated instances. We art dump
ing thousands el gallons of raw
sewage dally during several
months of each- year ia an open
ditch that flows through the heart
of our city. Wt need but take a
Sunday afternoon drive to see sew
age seeping from faulty septic
tanks flowing down our streets
while children bop and skip to
keep their feet dry. Front or back
yards art quagmires in half a
hundred locations ia the city. Pub
lic sewers must be brought to all
section! of the rity.
I Mental health. Over one half
of the 711 persona from Marioa
County admitted to the Oregon
State .(Mental) Hospital last year
wore from Salem yet wo have
less than half of the population.
Lane county to our south had 94
per cent leu admissions and Mult
nomah to the aorth M per cent
less. Perhaps a high admissioa
rata ia not all bad because part
of this was voluntary. But II force
fully calls attentioa to the need
for. a sound state of community
mental hygiene, the absence of
which reflects Itself kt Juvenile
detention bomca divorce courts,
jails, school coots, and unemploy
ment, as well as la admissions toi
the mental hoapHal. Our health!
department eaa aid materially ia
correcting this problem at the
source so that it will not progress
to the mental hospital.
Chronic Ailments
4. Preventable deaths. Deaths
from chronic Ulnetses such as can
cer and heart disease caa be con
siderably reduced ia Salem. For
eons also die or are crippled each
year needlessly from communi
cable diseases such as polio and
diphtheria. Periodic heart and can
cer examinations ia industry or
groups, increased Immuniiatlons
for polio and diphtheria and wide
spread health edueatioa is the an-
t. Moequite control. Though
less dangerous, mosquito control
ia Salem is far from being on
Important and accordingly addl
tianal spraying equipment ia pro
Tided for ia the budget. That
malaria is endemic here, that mos
quitoes cause encephalitis, lest
sleep and emotional stress makes
thia a community health problem
to be attacked with rigor.
Services rendered solely within
the city to city citizens inclusive
of the school program) by the
Marion County Health Department
will coat PS. 000 next year; US. SOS
or 41 per cent of thia amount will
be paid by the county from taxes
collected within the city. 131 .)
ar 43 per cent ei the cost will
come from this Salem budget with
the remainina ia per cenl derived
from state and federal tourcei. It
is well that the health program is
carried oa by the county because
germs move freely in either direc
tion past city limit signs Whether
the percentage of coat borne aV
rectrjr by the city Is too little or
tee great M seems apparent that
the total amount of money avail
able is insufficient te do the tot
of saving lives and health that
could bo performed.
Added Sewers
Fundi have been Included in this
budget to bring trunk sewers to
nerve the Park Avenue area he
twee Market and Center Streets
and the newly annexed sdjacent
properties, thereby making tt pos
sible for all land to he aerved by
sanitary sewers within that eaat
Side are. This budget further pro
vides for replacing the Cress
Street sewer line from 1SU Street
to the east end of Oxford Street
which will materially reduce the
amount of raw sewage that new
flows into She It no Dnch daring
eertais times of the year. This will
put as ia s pasrtiee to complete
the job as soon as additional funds
are available
There will be other sections af
the city that cannot be reached
next year that are distressingly hi
owed of sewer service The reaaea
tor that becomes apparent whea
we see that aext year's sewer rev
enue Is calculated to he tjiT.snt
which is m.SOS tew thaa the t33t.
4Sa) ar ejected sewer expenditures.
Even though part of thia expendi
ture Is far capital outlay it ia
aveetiened whether the newer wtit-
fty atflwWM be) Mtwffeftsaat4 fffTI pQ
arty taxes as we are now esmg
The mayor and council are urged
la toaairtar whether sewer eee-
ttructioa should be apeeded aad
fully paid for from sewer revenue
by issuing sewer revenue bonds or
increasing sewer service charges
to fully moot operating and con
struction costs.
Safe Community
Salem is a safe and morally
sound community. This is being
achieved through the cooperative
efforts of our churches; civic or
ganisations; police, fire, first aid,
civil defense and building intpec
tioa departments; the citizens ad
visory traffic council, our courts
and the school safety and citixen
ship programs.
Our Are defenses are good and
our ratings are high by national
and regional standards. As e a r
city grows older aad larger wa
will have to continually increase
our attentioa to inspection aad
prevention services. Our system of
using our firefighters for inspec
tion purposes has allowed us to
operate with a minimum sixc pre
vention division. Even so, the two
man prevention division is rapidly
becoming inadequate. However, no
additional funds have bees pro
vided next year. Also, K would be
desirable to start a truck replace
ment reserve ia the fire depart
ment but thia seems fiscally im
possible as the per cent tax
limitation ia Inadequate to meet
even normal demands of the city
brought about by growth and price
increases. One of our trucks is
now X years old and soon will
have to be replaced through a
special mills ge levy of (20.004.
Training of Police
Increased emphasis Is being
placed oa training ia the police
department. Our courts are dedi
cated to the needs af thia com
munity. Salem ia not a city of
crime and vice ia fact it ia
the opposite. Wt have, however,
had aa increase ia petty larceny
and robbery. Additional funds art
provided in this budget for our
detective dfvisioa te enter to better
cope with thia situation, lacreaaed
petty larceny goes hand ia band
with juvenile delinquency. Correc
tioa here starts hi the borne. Par
ents should spend mora time with
their children aad offer full assist
ance to school officials. Public
behavior goes beyond the police
department and courts. Salem has
adequate church buildings but a
low church attendance record. Re
ligious participatioa by the entire
family means much to any com
munity. Funds have been Included for a
beating inspector ia aaticipatioa af
city council enacting a beating
code. This is aa outgrowth af the
mayor's citizens committee, who
investigated last year's explosion
that demolished a bouse and sev
erely iajured sU occupants. The
other phases of building inspection.
Including plumbing and wiring are
presently covered by modera safe
ty code.
One af Salem's most serious
safety hazards ia our many rail
road crossings. Major strides were
(hade last year with the Uth Street
improvement Traffic accidents
have beta steadily declining hi Sa
lem aver the past few years but
we have a long way to go yet
Wa are the Brat city ia the North
west to adopt radar to assist ia
controlling speeds aa tor streets.
The citizens advisory traffic coun
cil Is meeting regularly and doing
much to improve the day to day
driving conditions la Salem. Their
work is unspectacular out none the
less effective. The time Is rapidly
approaching whea Salem will have
to employ s fufl time traffic engi
neer. It Is regretted that funds
coals! not be provided la this bud
get. It m hoped that our schools
win soon be able te expaad their
driver edueatioa program and that
parents will diacewrage the aav
usual practice hero of childrea
playing in the streets.
Our dvil as fa ana prwgrsia Is
capable hands and the snore thaa
three mercy calls a day made by
the first aid crow art strong stal
warts la Salem's safety program.
The mayor and council are re
quested to give thought te s future
public safety building to serve as
a central headquarters far sir
police and fire deportments and
related services. Seme day Salem
will need a new City Hall. A
deciaiea should be made as to
whether It will be built oa the she
of the present City Hall sr at seme
other location If It Is to be at a
different location U could be built
ia stages with the public safety
building beiag the first ana or
wing. The first step would be to
acquire the site. The present police
quarters are overcrowded and the
patrol looker room and hail art
inadequate The space la the pres
ent City Hall made available by
locating the police and fire head
quarters in a aew building. could
he very effectively used te accom
modate growth of remaiasng
offices and Is twuse some of the
offices not now in the City Hall.
Thu would result ta savings in
sever si ways
Need Industries
New industry spelts jobs sod
mcreaed buying power. gaeiting
words tempered by the reahza
uea that no community dnerves
new Industry unless they give
equal attention to existing industry
Te attract additional or retain
existing industry and business we
moat have a progressive rity re
flected in the eewnuery el at
streets, water and sewer etiUttet,
ing and i e n i s g agency.
sirport Internal manage
ment and Ms employees
Our network of city streets are
the nctoriee of commerce sod rep
resent one of our citisens largest
I Investments The maintenance,
I cleaning, lighting and marking of
the streets, bridges and drainage
ways will cnst tM& ana next year.
tM tot slane will he spent on re
' surfacing ta protect our investment
oMwtj keei ObaFfll M ffMtJ ffMwffrt MM
J Hew street sod storm arsis eea-
Delivers Bu
structioa of particular Interest
recommended for next year is
Stats Street widening, 17th Street
extension and Washingtoa School
drainage. The sum of $23,000 for
our eoe-fourth share to widea State
Street to four lanes from 11th
Street eastward to the city limits
has been included. The state and
federal governments would contri
bute the other $73,000, tt it be
lieved that the state and federal
governments will require that
narking be removed ia order tt
provide four lanes from 17th Street
to the city limits. If this is not
deemed advisable and wa choose
to forego the 173,000 state sod
federal grant we could use our
J23.000 to widea the street to four
lanes from Uth to 17th.
Aa Mem of $21,500 has been pro
vided to purchase right of way
and. grade and rock the extension
af 17th Street through the Fair
grounds to Silvertoa .Road. The
curbing aad paving of the street
could be budgeted the following
year so that the street would be
Budget Summary
la tat iatrodnctioa ta the budget message City Mgr.
Keel Mathcwtea areteated Menday at a public Chamber
af Cemnaerce lunch ti Marioa Hate) at listed the foK
lowing major points:
The proposed budget
1. Is balanced.
1 Keeps property taxes wtthia the statutory I per
cent limitation aad calls far ao aew forms of taxatloa.
1 Aatkipates a $7t,IM surplus from the prcseat
year's eperatiea.
4. Provides for fall payaseat af all hoods and Interest
falllag dae wtthia the year.
I. Allowi $1470 for twa major street construction
projects, aaaaely, State Street widening and 17th Street
1 Aatkipates a modest wajer rite redaction of
7. Provides far permaaeat easplayes' beapltallxatJoa
aad medical lasvaace, a cumulative sick and vscstioa
leave policy aid a step pay plsa.
f. Makes sewer tcnico available to Z4 square miles
af east tide property aid makes a aujor start la ellm
laatJag the damping of raw sewage la Shcltoa Ditch.
I. Fwibheo finds far perse aad aad equipment ta
.establish a brmach library la West Salem aad money ta
assist with faapreremeats at Bath Raise.
II. Makes desired tmproveaaeitt at play areas In
four aectJeis af the city.
paved prior to the MM fair.
The sum af 15.000 has been in
cluded to construct approximately
one -half of the aorth-east storm
drsia near the Washingtoa School
This ia a health, safety and engi
neering need. It it proposed to
start at the north lint of Washing
toa School and lay pipe to a point
400 feet south. M is hoped this
project may be completed as sooa
as additional funds become avail
Water Rate Drop
The Ufa and death af business
aad industry is directly dependent
oa aa adequate water supply. No
development has beta charted
mora carefully ar mare tally
planned far the economic growth
of ear community thaa bat that
af our water system. Bead funds
have been budgeted to move ahead
aext year to triple the auppty ef
water piped to Salem from the
North Santiam at Staytoa. Ulti
mately this will involve aa expend
iture ia excess of four millioa dol
lars. Accordingly the mayor aad
council appointed a woO ejaalified
citizens' committee of diversified
interests te review all aspects ef
this project. Their reports aad find
ings have been followed aad it is
hoped that their final report deal
ing with water rates caa ho ac
cepted ia part if not ta fulL By
eliminating aO but the most es
sential seeds ef the water depart
meet, a reduction ia water charges
ameuotins to S8.000 aext rear.
could he granted. This coupled
with ether recommendations ef the
water rate committee should bring
modest relief. Four years from
aew whea our principal bond pay
ments commence, we may fact t
new problem. However, every ef
fort should be made bow to effect
a reduction that will serve as aa
Incentive to ear home owners to
continue Salem's beautiful laws
1 care
While st It bard to measure la
.concrete terms, exweideriog the
relatively email a meant of money
involved - less thaa 110.000 aext
year for the city af Salenv-tho
si A U1J mtfltt- a-
i oruiij awmssi mm wiuswirief
VUt7 Ptwtamaf CmmeU pcrteps
Is the mmt jrfTfmr tUtp Ufct
by Uait fttnttmwitf tv PsKsMt yun.
The significance af the joiolag to
gether ef Marioa aad Polk coun
ties. School District M a aad the
City ef Salem to cooperatively
chart the future growth af busi
ness. Industrial and residential do
ttmpmtm) lei yf twMia4)BMa! Iffl,
CeWfHat bo) )wl eTtlltlaeflsfal. OM te90j
flight pUaaing staff will be knotty
eriipteyed to serve the sever si
planning agencies la the ares, re
sulting M a better quality ef serv
ice to each and a "Wl to" sys
tem sf coord: nat mo.
Trained Workers
Every year oar school system
si making available to our busi
ness sod mdusiry s price less com
modity a tuppry of better-than-sverage
trained manpower. Every
school system turns out t supply
of neupewee---goed.
IcTvojt anions s
try has the edge en rheer tomosCS
tart t set ess ef the esceflewca of
tranwng receeeed by our yewta.
Salem s scnoel system Is generally
receamsed as equal to any la the
tatt and Oretea's srheots t r t
rated best ia the notion We have
recognized that t preereseivc eeeo
menrty raanet afford unpr ogres
v schools
Vwwebow though, so erferttve
Jfb Klbv) ftfpt baw( djetjfjf tj (OhfpOJiaJ
the puhhe that the prograaa ef oar
city is else rotated Is our airport
tthat a a
huury for auf capital city. A con
trol lower aad aa additioa to the
administrstioa aad passenger
building seam essential. The pub
lic baa dec&Dod to vote bonds for
thia purpose aad yet there seems
to be aa ether mesne of financing
them. The moat pressing of the
many Improvement needs at the
airport is the completion of the
north toxiway. Its present con
dition is dangerous aad is daily
becoming worse. Aa estimated $.
04 bat beta included ia the bud
get in the hope that the federal
government will furnish aa ad
ditional HUM to order that this
work caa be done thia summer.
The proposed airport expenditure
is $33,000 which ia $1,000 less thaa
normal aatlcipated airport
revenue. It is difficult to mske the
airport self supporting but pro
jected revenues have been in
creased by C.OOt beyond normal
expectations. This envisions s 10
per cent increase in rents and
charges. It is recommended that
the citizens advisory airport com-
miss km be requested to study the
proposal. The business concerns st
the airport should lo ss far si
possible ia its support.
Overhaul of Budget
The budget document before you
represents a complete overhaul of
our budget system incorporating
the moot modern thinking in bud
getary control. In the past year
the city organization baa been re
viewed ,to eliminate unnecessary
functions, clarify ergsnizatiooa
lines. Improve cooperation. Invest
temporarily kUt funds aad reduce
borrowing. The good response has
resulted la a tightening up of the
organisation all the way down the
baa. The job Is not complete.
If one aeed were hated above
all ethers la developing a progres
sive community It would be to
strengthen the city's personnel
program. Most business men have
long age learned that cheap help
Is the matt expensive, that trained
aad satisfied employees are our
bast aaeet aad that high turnover
Is vary costly. Public employment
It aa different
' Aa eight point personnel plaa is
ar gently recommended
1. Complete not later thaa this
My 1st the adjustment of depart'
meat head salaries that was com
menced a year ago.
1. Draw a workable classifies tioa
aad step Increase wage plaa far
ail employei te be completed and
take effect not later thaa Febru
ary 1st.
1 Provide at city expense hot
Halitatioa and doctors insurance
tor all employes with twelve
months continuous service te take
effect this July 1st
Accrue Sick Leave
4. Formalist our sick and va
cation leave policy to allow per
oisnent empteyes te accrue sick
leave at the rate ef one day per
month cumulative to ninety days,
aad vacation leave at the rate of
one day par month cumulative te
eighteen days.
a. Study the costs aad feasibility
of developing a retirement plan
tor all permanent employes.
I. Increase our entrance employ
ment staadardt and Improve our
reel uitinent methods.
7 Publish aa employe hand
book t. Provide greater training ep
portunitiea for our employes
The state goi eminent hi grant
ing sizable salary increases far
their employ oa and the county ia
coaaidering raises for theirs. We
are ia rompetitioa with both pub
be SsBwl pHve9ws wnjbym, H Is
essential that we provide nana
aMo personnel Standards far city
employes The turn af 111.) has
been twhsdsd la this bwdawt tor
hUf&M eHwel wVCtflfl atoBFeirtawft,
lie.sot has been tentatively ear
marked to finance deportment
heed end employe salary edkHS
mente expected te result from the
tostaBatiaa af the claasa'icatiea
and step wags plaa.
Other easnmasattoa, la varying
areas, are Worthy, safe aad pre
greaafve. The thtof that seta Se
ism apart is ha beauty and Ire-ability--.
Our city an attractive
eemmwaity la das beweowst tenet
sf the word - porta and atov-
ahrsrles and art me
yarda am
and lectures.
water Mora thought has pane aste
due eadsvt ss Oust N may be beat
that way sad that our facilities
may he enlarged to keep pore with
sur growinf on n'stmo Ttoese an
the lax enfiart that brag enjoy
Jgef Message
meat - the ethers art for the
necessities ti nrbaa living that af
course must come first
More for Parks
The recommended Park Depart
ment budget has been increased
by te.500 while the Recreation bud
get remains vwtually the same.
Proposed improvements of interest
are: (a) the furnishing of facilities
at the new north end playground
on River Road, (b) providing ten
nis courts at the south end Fair
mount play area, te construction
of s playfield oa the east side of
Walker and Kth and di making
further improvements oa the west
side tt Joseph H. Albert-Paul B.
Wallace Willamette Memorial
Park. This budget assigns street
tree maintenance as well as park
tree maintenance to the park de
partment. Every effort should be
made to safeguard Salem's trees.
The citizens' park sdvisory
hoard believes that our park ac
quisitioa sod Improvement needs
are greater thaa caa possibly be
met from normal budget appro
priations. Accordingly they have
recommended that a special bond
election be called at an early date
in the amount of 0473.000. A spe
cial joint City School swimming
pool committee is considering rec
ommending that a apodal election
be held as soon as possible to
raise $180,000. They tentatively
propose a dual one mill two-year
serial levy ia order that our two
outdoor swimming pools tOlinger
and Leslie) may be reconstructed
so that they will not have to be
closed. Should the election pass,
one mill would be added to Salem
city taxes snd one mill to School
District 24 CJ taxes for a two
year period. It seems essential
that the pools be kept open and
therefore it is recommended that
the mayor and council join in call
ing such sn election ss soon ss
the necessary legal steps be
The proposed $475,000 park elec
tion Is too brood to discuss hero.
However, general comments can
be made with respect to its three
major breakdowns. An estimated
tl7S,000 would be for Improve
ments to present park areas. The
improvements would be extensive
and very worthwhile one of par
ticular interest and value is the
piping of Clarke Creek through
Bush's Pasture. And $223,000 is
suggested for land acquisition for
future parks. While study should
be given to the areas proposed for
acquisition, additional park land
should be bought while it is avail
able. The sum of $73,000 would be
to acquire land for a municipal
golf course. It is pointed out that
the farm income from this land
could be set aside for the future
construction of the course. While a
municipal course Is desirsble, it
teems thst careful review should
be gives this item whea money is
so badly needed for our sirport.
schools, sewers or a police fire
headquarters site. Ia any event, it
it recommended that tome per
tioa, if not all. of the proposed
park bond Issue be voted on at
the same data ef the swimming
pool election.
Library Branch
The proposed budget Includes
M.tSO to establish a branch lib
rary ta West Salem. The library
would bo boused to the tid West
Salem city hall. The appropriatioa
it sufficient to meet salary ox
peases and to refinish aad provide
furniture for the rooms. Aa ad
dUioaal $4,000 will be seeded for
the purchase sf aew books, tt It
hoped that donations aad the as
sistance af . our civic clubs will
meet this need. .
Aa Item of lest thaa a thousand
dollars bat beta Included to assist
the Salem Art Aaaactouea la mak
ing repairs aad lmprovornents to
the Bush House M una urn. Their
excellent mtaagement af this
worthwhile city pranerty It grati
fying aad ear assistance should
he ia keeping with the steadily
increasing aad diversified ate af
the house by the public.
With the etty'i growth aad rh
ing prices It la vary difficult to
operate wtthia the statutory ill
per cent tax hmltattoa. Psrdleas
of hew high our property vah
sttons. popuJatton ar prices may
jump, sur giasral fund property
tax levy eaa be lacreaaed net
mere thaa six par cent of the pre
vious year's levy, tt is divercod
from rapidly chaagiag conditions
either up or down. This year's
0 per cent win yield aa additional
$30,000 Due la predicted reduced
valuations aa eowntoos business
property treat aad personal) and
utility property It It estimated that
our mitlage may be up two mills
next year.
Emergency 'Fund
If expenditure reductions eaa be
made ia thia budget or If the State
Legislature grants the citiet aa In
creased share ef the Bauer rev
enue. It la rocefjwwauejed that ouch
meney he atoeed in the yoasrsf
fund amorataay acaesnst This bud
get prwvktea only tlSjea far that
account which It entirely toe tttle
19 staMMtegfs Mai He1
an that wtn artot dur
lag the year.
ft is eng rested that the mayor
end council appoint a committee
af ripreasatotiva asjasaeaa mea to
ret iew ear ausaveoa aeeaae tot
structure. By ewrrectjag fta to
qattJea the yield eeuld he
a year bringing as mora nearly
ia tote with ether canoe.
Aa reported etscw4sere erttoa te
nedee to make our airport and
mr eiflBttoB atere asartf as
' tufieerttog. These eaves si Banes
;seem jnajertant aa that we may
! cant sue to held taxaa aewe to the
It per cewJ fesotarjew end stf snoot
I ttmf lanfetsfil ! aw fTf,twwf 0s5HVl0
i Mesx veer s eecwrnnsended ' ed-
eet i anoints rareeut theaftt but
4 It tVficuB to cover such a wide
field without placing ton much em
phasis In one place ar too hula m
another. The budget committee, af
course, is ires to accept or reject
the accompaayiag budget ta part
or ta whole. Careful coasideratipa
ef the budget by the committee
aad the public at large la urged
ia order that the final document
may represent the bast thinking
of alt The manager to Indebted ta
the personnel af each department
for their cooperative assists ace hi
the preparation at the budget and
especially to Mr. M award D.
Brsndvold. finance director, for his
untiring efforts in thia connection.
Our management team at City
Hall la working to help build a
healthy, safe, progressiva and at
tractive community it grateful to
the civic clubs snd erganizationt
and especially to our excellent
Chamber of Commerce, private
utilities and banks. The citizens af
Salem by the part they play ia
1SS7-S8 wiU be meeting the char
lenge contained in the last sent
ence of the Athenian Oath re
produced on the cover. "We will
transmit this city, not only not
toss, but grester, btiter, and more
beautiful thaa it was transmitted
to as."
Demos, GOP
Argue Hells
Canyon Costs
WASHINGTON, May 10 lal -Democrats
and Republicans oa
the Senate Interior Committee dis
agreed today ever whether a fed
eral Hells Canyon Dam or three
private power company dams
would be the bigger burden oa
the taxpayers.
Majority and minority reports
were released oa legislation to
authorize a federal project In the
Hells Csnyon stretch of the Snake
River bordering Idaho and Ore
gon which would flood the sites
of three dams to be built by the
Idaho Power Co. under a Federal
Power Commissioa license.
The committee, with a Demo
cratic majority, has approved the
bill. Senate debate is expected
soon oa the measure, which is
similar to one that was defeated
by a 10-vote margia in the Sen
ate last year.
Majority Report
The majority report said the
$480,394,000 Hells Canyon project,
along with related works, "will
cost the taxpsyers of the United
States nothing" because the con
struction costs would bo fully re
paid by power sales.
The minority report bearing
the names of Sens. Wstklns R
Utah), Dworshsk R-Idaho), Bar
rett (R-Wyo) and Coldwater (R-
Artz declared the legislslioa
would represent aa unnecessary
out -of treasury expenditure or an
outright tax loss of a billion dol
lars. . . while the Congress it
struggling to reduce the budget
so that inflation caa be halted
and debt and tax reductions great
ed." The majoritx report, which was
not signed, said it would be
greatly ia the interest ef govern
ment economy' to authorise the
federal dam because Idaho Power
Co. la being " subsidized" by the
government. The minority denied
the company ia getting any "sub
sidy." Several Pages
The majority report devoted
several pages to discussion of the
recent granting by the Office ef
Defease Mobilization of accelerat
ed tax smortizatioa certificates
to the Idaho Power Ca. in connec
tion with two ef Its dams.
The certificates will permit Ida-
he. Power to write aft to five
years, aa depreciatioa for income
tax purposes, a portion ef the
east af Oxbow and Brownies
Damn, Theoretically the highar-
thaa usual depreciatioa deductions
In the five-year period wiU he off
set by lower-thao usual deductions
later In the lives at the projects,
with the result that all taxes will
be paid.
to Jaetlfy
The majority report said "such
a subsidy far the Idaho Fewer
Co. to the araaeat case to hnaaa-4
tiblt for this committee to justi
fy." Saying the ODM ectioa wifl
result to aa "Interest-free loot
to the company," the report ad
"The ainouat ef the Interest-
free leaa will he Incorporated tote
the company's rata bane, aad if
interest en the decliniag balance
af It aver the period ef the FPC
aceate (ta years) la cam pounded
annually at the rate af return
allowed by the company aa Ms
tovestmeat the total amount would
be In excess af too millioa aoOars.
". . to addition, a the Idaho
Power Ca. treats ks tax aavtop
during the torttof five-year period
far acceuattog part tin aa ether
essnaantot have done, a large part
ef the dividends af the cernaeey
earing that period wtl be non
taxable aa dtstributtoa af capi
tal. reseJtieg to aa addittoaal toss
tf incense tax rnises to the gov
ernment tjMcb moat be made ap
ay tutor iMpayers.-
The mtaarlty report anal The
rapsd tea ainerUtatiea granted
Idaho Power Co. Is as giveaway
aa charged.' Saying "prapeeints
ef high Hem Cenyea are aaehtog
to bead a smikssgson- srwand
the OO sf aettea. the mtnartty re-
The mtoarity tools that. Oa)
mama aad dsmorttr of the tat
arnertixatiea program have aa -
reel tearing ea the aetherhnttoa
af a federal power dam oa the
Snake huver
The aatoerty report said the
tax benefit was Moulted so l te-
lease basis because "of me ar.
: gent need tar large Works af new
, power to the PacnV ertbweet
1 See. Morse OA-Orel to a Sea-
Hollow Lock Hides, Keys
D. A. Williams, Salem real estate
"portable viult" which he laveated far safekecpiag af
keys la uaoccuplcd houses for tale aid ether small val
uables. The hollow padlock clamps ta door handles or
Man Invents Portable
'Vault' to Keep Keys
A former Salem real estate deal
er who dids t like to carry a poc
ketful ef keys when be showed
houses has invented a device for
keeping the keys saft at the
The inventor, D. A. Williams of
10S5 Schurmaa Dr., says msny
other uses csn be found for his
"portable vault." He suggests that
jewelry and currency be kept in
it when sleeping in hotels.
The device is simple. It is a
hollow padlock. Whea the shackle
is unlocked, the chamber inside
Sex Offender
Confesses to
Slaying Girl
BRISTOL. Conn.. May St UV
A good-looking, slightly-built sex
offender confessed today to the
week-old slaying af blonde third
grader B rends Jaaa Doucetto.
George J. Da vies, St, af aearby
Tbornastoa, waa unshaven and bit
striped shirt bung out tf hit baggy
pants as he led poUce to a culvert
where they found the giri't dinner
aad aaotber cuhrert where
they found the screwdriver he
said he used te stab her 22 timet.
Davles, t father at three, waa
divorced by his wife to ltU. while
ha waa serving a prieoa term for
molesting twa httle girls. Ha lived
with his parents, aad police said
ha badtrt been employed for
months. He waa held en a cere
aer'a warrant
Police ttld at confessed to seis
ing the girl ea her way to school.
driving her to n secluded apot
and attomptlag la attack bar sexw-
aiiy. .
Ponce uld be told this story
and later re-enacted the crime:
Sha tcroamod and he choked
bar. She fainted, aad a pathoto
giat later said sha may have died
than. Davtoa told police he aext
carried .her into a weeded tract
etebbed bar repeatedly with
the acrewdriver. Tbtra waa aa
evidence aha had baea sexually
Do vies wss picked aa la a check
tf known, sol efleedors.
AEC Man Claims
'Freeze Out' at
Atom Agency Talks
Atomic Eaergy Commissioner
Thomas C Murray seat today be
waa "treses oat of aa AEC moot
Ing which drafted toetlmony la
support of V. S. participattoa la
the International Atomic Energy
Net only was be eat lav tot to
asaslsa. Murray said, but he
waa alts 'left to the dark ea
tottimaay by Chelnnea Lewis U
aatl R waa eeevered teat
niisr, Murray, aftoa at odds
with ether membert ef the eenv
msmton, said ha agreed fully with
ate retincaboa af the treaty mak
ing that country a aaernher tf the
agency, which It deoirnod to pre-
tor pence plan.
erltktoad the Ameri
can ruterwrtoe Aam far aa aaae-
roto I mode af the PtoOa Caayea
"AtA represents lattf ae aa
IrnwertiaL abjeetr group with ae
see ta grtod." atom sasd TI
baa attoanptad afata aad again to
laftoenee Congress egoist the high
federal Hells Canyon Dam - but
always la the gwwe af disinter
appraiser, demeastratet the
the lock is also opened. The in
vention was announced Monday by
J. T. Anderson, Salem coordinator
of inventions.
Williams said his device differs
from others In use to keep keys
on vacant premises for the conven
ience of real estate salesmen la
that it can be attached like s psd
lock to fences, faucets, door knobs
or staples.
He said he has made about 1.000
of them with one part-time helper
in the past eight months. Now with
a patent be has ordered $1,300
worth of dies snd equipment and
is planning to make 1.000 t month
in a converted barn next door to
his home.
Williams said he has Invented
several other things but thia is
the first one be has patented.
The one he recalls with regret
is the electric fence which he' be
lieves tt have beta the first He
said be built several ef them ia
Nebraska but it was during the
depression ef the 1030s and be
didial have money enough to pat
eat B ar to continue production.
By the time things picked up for
him similar fences wort ea the
Rebels Lose
Tiff at Spokane
SPOKANE. Wash., May M III -Rebel
members tf Teamsters lo
cal let loot their court fight today
to mat the regular officers and
gala control af the anioo here.
Superior Judge Joseph Wicks
held that the dissidents haves, t
exhausted al the remedies le the
anioa'i const it utioa to settle their
differences with the incumbents
Ht disserved temporary orders
waa by the rebels earlier, re
straining regular officers from
managing unioa affairt aad plac
ing records af the local la custody
af a bank. "
The Judge'i eecietoa alas end
ed, temporarily at toast, efforts
ti the dissident group, to gain
rocognftioa for their awn slats of
affkera, elected after a stormy
aatoi meat tog last meath.
sWasaoags Start
RnmbBan within the Spokane
local ttartod aftaf A. J. RuhL the
veteraa secretary treasurer, test
ified before the Senate committee
aa rackets ta labor aad industry
that he leaned some fSa.MS of
anton nssaey tt gaintoi i aad tav
era people.
Cordon Lake, aa attorney hired
by smim apSof rtbtl flvwWPbs?fi tW
the z.m member local, told .the
judge earlier that the "internal
remedies tar eomng the prob
lem wtthia the aatoa ware werth-
He contended that regular offi-
cart accused tf misconduct would
be la the aostttoa tf Judging thenv
lam R assort aa attorae for
the regular afficart, laid there
are deftatte aseiedurea to the
Toamstort' ceeetitatina to snive
grievances. UatM SO these pro
cedures have been tintatttd. he
said, the court had no aatherity
the tow.
Not Csetrary to Lew -
The todae.
ea al-
fegstteas that the
said they
"may ht" hut that they iwaltiaid
aethmg "taatrsry to the
mental law at the Jamf.
The dissidonts wee the
rtry twstraeatag ardart gram se
parier Jadga Hoga Evens. Judge
Wieha wsa called hi to preside
as i vhdttog badge from fjniesg
aa County at the shew reuse hear
tog ea wwether the ardors sheuM
be aMde
Said Demo
Fiasco ;
publican Sen. Anthony Yturri of
Malheur County tald to t speech
read here today the 1037 kgu
lauva sea tioa was see gmaieei
Democrat nasca ever preeented la
this tUte."
Ht and twa ether GOP lecu
la tors. Sena. Phil Lowry af Jack
soa County and Warrea Gill of
Line County, were scheduled ta
speak at a Multnomah County Re
publican Club meeting. But Gill
notified thOvClub that aa three
senators "did not dare leave for
fear of some last -minute Demo
crat maneuver ia the doting
boun of the tessioa."
Yturri'i speech wss read by
Dwtght L. Schwab, chapter presi-
dent. It said: "The Democratt are
endeavoring to swsDow their feel-
lag of frustration and helplessness
by pointing to the session as a
tremendous success. If the truth
were known, I suspect that most
of the Democrits ia this state re
gard this setsioo and the gover
nor's leadership of it with thtme
tnd embarrassment."
Ceeaaaeoaa GOP
He commended Republican leg
islators saying: "I am prepared
to declare categorically that had
it not been for the Republican leg
islators that our state would have
been one step closer to a form of
government which wt til despise.
We hsve tit witnessed during the
past four months a concentrated
Democrat drive for centralized
power ia Oregon."
OT Gov. Robert Holmes, he said:
I think he knew that hit pro
gram, which was ridiculous at the
inception, was destined to igno
minious defeat. He had nothing to
offer. He ha no Initiative. He had
no originality, no resourcefulness.
He hsd no decisive policies. He
had no power of persuasion and
above all he had no quality of
leadership. He had only indeci
sion, a sense of frustration and
Childrea (sacrificed
The governor and the Demo
crats, he said, "sacrificed the chil
drea of our state and the local
school districts because they were
afraid their tax program might
get off balance." And he said the
governor's plan to abolish the
state Board of Control was a
"dream for concentration of pow
er and paying off political debts."
Ike Predicts
Success for
Red Cross
WASHINGTON. Msy It W -President
Eisenhower told the
Americaa Red Cross today ho be
lieves it will weather the crisis sf
disaster - depleted finances and
emerge even stronger.
He ssid ho was sure the Red
Cross-like the nation as a whole
can be confident of meeting any
challenge with which it it faced.
The President, ia an extempo
raneous speech at the opening ef
the Red Cross' 32nd snnual con
vention, said the expenditure of
St million dollars for disaster and
Hungarian refugee relief la the
past two years "poses a terrific
problem" for the Red Cross.
But.. be said It "caa be sur
mounted. The American people
will respond." If the story Is csr
ried to the people, he said "I be
lieve that 30 millioa dollart will
be restored rapidly."
'Both the nation and the Red
Cross csa look forward ta the fu
ture with confident ability" thst
we eaa measure an to the chal
lenge the future poses," ht said.
They have weathered many a
crisis and have "emerged strong
er" as a result ht added.
Noting that his longtime assed-
sto. Gee. Lucius Clay, has been
selected to head the lttl Red
Cross fund-raising campaign, the
President added:
"I assure you that If there it
SO millioa dollars toft to the coun
try te find, he'll And It."
Clay, now board diairmaa af
Continental Caa Ca., takes ever
the fund-raising pest from H. S.
M. Burns, president of Shell Oil
Israel Envoy
To U.S. Gets
Bomb' Threat
NEW YORK. May 11 Iff - A
bomb threat Sunday oa the U e ef
Abba Ebaa. Israel smhaasador
to the I'sJtsd States, caused a hur
ried search if rooms at the Hotel
Blltmore. No bomb waa found.
I Police were called to the hotel
I where Ebaa was scheduled to
! . .. ... .
apeaa, aner a mea wan a for
eign accent' telephoned the hotel
and said: "Abba Chen, your hotel
speak ream IN. Oct hrm out or
we put bomb to your piece "
Ebaa was scheduled ta address
t luncheon meeting ef the Ameri
caa Jewtoh League for Israel, a
newly formed group which ee
enhes itself as ea Independent
ZtonM ergaidxattoa without aeUts-
cai aimiauee. ,
Ehaa arrived for the hiwchone
shortly sfter police started their
search. Police toraed up anttong
after a March af Um dais aad the
suite af three reams ea the first
Door reserved tor the affair.
Ebaa aad tame Bt Machine
rati were taken to aaotber ream
the hotel.
Mu$icl Locktr Doer
VERONA. Italy. May 8) ID -Set.
Malcalm Wart at the U g.
Air Farce, grew fared tf hat
soueakiag barrack ream lacker
doer. He toataDed t niaascaf
mechanism Oust plays Brahm s
LaBahy eneasm ht auto hit kt
away tor the etfht