The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 21, 1957, Page 12, Image 12

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    l2-(Se. II) Stitesmm. StJnn,
PCC Coaches on
;i.W.' 'W t"'s
Football Mentors Reluctant to Speak
About Teams; Dye Talks Basketball ,
IPOKAXE. Weak, Mty -Eighteen head Coaches a Ik top
tl Pacific Cm Cnhran football and basketball wcrt th
guests it tht Ipekaat Sportswriting
hosts waned just saa aaM fact:
Tht eaachai van hungry
Al Una athletic tutor tabnt
It Bteembbd hart hi coonectioa
with tht aamial spring sneeting o(
tht coherence. Each group la hord
ing aeparate sriiioaa la discuss hi
tvtwdulmg, efftcietmg tad other
Tht meotori ai lived la defensive
formalin. After atvaral had par
hod question ta Mm progress of
Matt (Skip) Stanley of
chainnaa of tht loot hall coach
explained that aB had bee (van
to secrecy by the conference
Theae art th faculty athletic
rcprateatativtt at the aiae mera
btr acbooto, who held their first
meetiag at the four-day program
this noraiaf aad tbea treat intt
a jurat session with the athletic
directors b tht afteraoe.
Ctrewa to I
Tht coaches wort evea Muctant
It talk about their ewa team.
Tommy Frathra, whoot Oregon
Gtatt Beavers art eaafortact foet
hal rhtmpba. tahj at txpeetad
tht toort circuit It at improved
la tht tall Jim Sutherland af
Waahiaftoa State wot tht oat too
to admit ta aptimiim aad ha qual
ified tht brightness by wchotag
Prathre'a predictba of amprevw
Bsent tbiwughout the bop.'
Wtwcamoii Dot Clark of Sovth
ara California. Jim Owewa af Wash
togtaa aad Peta Uiott of CakV
farala laid thair spring practicat
favt thorn aa trouadt for autuoa
prodietea. Veteraa Red Saadtn
af UCLA said hit prospects were
-torribb" and Chuck Taylor af
Baafori. ta at diaferaot. deacribod
hat as ."aothiai..
FoaJ aliiBaf Begntaiiee
Only Tippy Dye af Waahiaftoa,
B rnomber of the haakatbaa relet
commiUee. louad safe ground tor
rotary. Ht told the members U
the 1 aland Empire Sports Writers
aa Broadcasters Aam. ta export
caaoft la the foul shooting regie-
fetooae aext tease.
Dyo said tht drat six fault com
mittod by a team ta atch half wilt
tvw tppsoeau oat frto throw par
Alter six. the eae-and-ono
will be to force, fivinf a
aaacead shot If he makas
tht first. A maa baled ta the art
of ahaatiBf win at awarded two
ahots, as la tht past Double bub
will Brim a Jump haO ksotead of
a shot by sack team.
Jack Eriel at Washington Halt
did meal that tht hoop coaches
aocusatag tht raad-rabia
nd "givini tht officials
a going-evar
Juniors Phy
Final Round
Tht Salem Junior High Lea gut
kttsbal race Is scheduled to cross
tht fbita Mat with a pair af games
bday. oack atarUag at l:
ctaca. ... .
Tkt Carda fac tht Crayt at
Parrish and tht Bate go tgalapt
tht Colda at Lethe b me
L'aloos B b decided to make ap
earlier rainouts, tht Cards of Par
rish. aoached b Fabua (Inakl
NoImb kaa .11. it
raaiBBssoshlp. They aew have a
rann i.
Joha Dalke i Parrbh Crayt aad
Tarn Warren'. Leslie Colds art
tied for the aext rang with 4-1
marks, aad Jose Pratalry's Leslie
Blues are ia last alact with aa
M record
NoSal JYsWin 4-2
North Salam i JV basehal bom.
hohiad mt twwha! chuck lag of
Doug lUcbio, dowoed mt tW
Iowa rival loulh Sabm JV 41
at Judaea Field ytetarday
Bjtcbe stnrk tot fret Btby
Saxeaa while bsmg pitcher Doug
hlcCormork was tending tlx Visa
dowa via the K route akCermark
afltwed but bur hits.
Each team pitched ta bur or-
tctstmatl treat
tlme-wora adage. "Wla tht oat today aa4 let tomorrow
Ukt cart of Itself." ...
Mirtin-Rhodes Ditmond Bee a Good One
The Teddy Shades-Milt Msrtis fbtk crash at TrW
City tat ether ifght waa aaadr, from all reports,
aad aot oat of tat coaveattonsl baaeaall field fights
that set bis of mUllaf aroaad bt Uttlo real actloa.
After the flery Martia had pat i rather ticfoat Uf
oa tht sliding Rhodtt, a kiall the boriy catcher kaa
had far yean tad eat that hat beta ridkaled before.
Tht yoaag rooUa rtmt ap rwiaflag aad aot with
word. Tab astartlly aroagkl the chargt from both
, be achat aad thlap wert aammlag far tmlto a aptlL
Martia may aot kaow H, but ht had almost every mem
ber of last year'i Salem club looking for the opportunity
to purpoarly crash into him on any clone play at the plate,
rexlprocatinf for fonw of the rough play he had showa
la tht past Coach Essegian. tht former Stanford lint
backiag Ail-Amerkta was particuUrly aa the prowl for
Martia, and ill fundi waited iad waited tor Churtk'i
big cnanca. It imr esmt.
Martia ptayi to wla aad pltyi M harl Aad If
wt kaaw kla at w thiak wt do, btD keep right aa
pUvtof It that wayv Jlt i Mg taotgh ta Ukt rkra of
alBttelf whea tht wan
tag at loaf al at keept
Ore Tue, Mty 21, 1937
ive at Meet
Corps at hiacheea today aad tht
Bums Beat
Cards, 104
Nats, Baltimore Win
Tight Pitching Duels
(Coot i id tram proeoaW page)
bser was Berm Wohmeier.
The Carda aba eatbeted 11 hit.
three by Walty Mooa. bat they
left it runaers straaded. Mooa
rapped two daubtet and a stoglei
ta extend his hittiaf streak through
1J censecutiv games.
Ed Fax Gerald's marh abefe
wifhthe baaes baded aad oat out
the ninth scored Pete Runaeli
aad enabled Wasbioxtsa to snap
its floe-fame losing streak, rVdre j
Ramos permitted only bar kits ia
winning his third game ta flv de
cisions. Tht beer waj Frank Lary,
Drtrait'i M-garoe winner b IN,
whose record b now
Caaab Johtssa burbd a twa-a.
r for Bakinwrt't swoea of tht
two-gam series Vttk tht Athletics.
He permitted a double by BOry
Huater.- aad a abgb by Harry
Simpaaa aa at fared taly bat
ten aad set mo A s dowa b eight
of tht aiaa baton, Tht Orbles
tlipptd starter Ned Garrtr and
Virgil Track for tight tuts.
PCL Pitching
Shared ty 2
Ualr af rtgbt haadtrm, Dick Haft
I lao at Let Aagebt aad Baa Daa-
iab of Hollywood, bd Faciflc Coast
Uagut pitchers through last week.
Uaaba, H hat poetod a M rec
ord with tht bweat earned -rn
sveragt b tht bop, l.M.
Daaiela, B, has tht moat vic
tories b tht league, six, against
at setbacks despite Issuing
walk. Only Charsry Robe of Se
attle has givoo at many free
pa Me. Cart Raydoa of Hollywood
leads b strikeouts with 44.
I ! Mm w
Kjuwer, Baa
Cra SO
NaiUaa. LA
tUytom. Hai
Doruk. tf
WtrW. Pwi
Erautt SD-Vaa
Witt. IJ
Martin. Vaa
4 its
5 114
I I St
t in
I 1 at
t its
I Its
l ixt
1 tJS
t lit
4 IT S 12
1 M l 44
t S3 St
1 M I
t ta ti it
4 41 11 it
a oa it ti
4 M I 14
t to It M
n ii ie
Grant, SD
Hurt, tr
Waters. Hal
Dalte, SO
i in
4 1X4
4 IXt
1 it ii it i in
m i u i ii
fit 1 1 i tin
faan tin
1 40 14 it 4 I i XI
liiH Vaa
C aaat
If M I It
1 It It 4
I tlt
i i4t
4 IlSl
! lis
4 I la
ki. tr tats
tmmtft Waa SHU
MarltnM. Ym
Ptlw. Via
FlUMtt, IP
CarlMr, Bat
II XI It 11
4 IS 14 11
It II 4 I
I 41 II 14
t ie i a
14 It II 14
T M 11 XI
it m ii a
1 44 II Jl
MaM. Vaa
rncaoa. Se
Jtnwa. taa
HufMr, LA
MrCall. SP
Mm tD
Haraaa, aoa
Daraatt. LA
AttiaaOar. fart
Caaa Bar i
I 114
4 IM
i in
i in
I 144
I 144
I 141
I 14S
1 its
I 4 0)
1 II It U
I 41 It 81
I 17 Jl
4 II I I
4 M 14 14
Bauor. purl
I 4
I'llaJ n m
t t
rsmar firr --
Caarry Citr Ctvto LaaawOt tkrtaM
Ma, I 4. ttattlars ti tArrae He. I 1
Jai A fatt I: tttrtoa Patrol' 4.
iKa 4, Tareuaaa t t, Caov CIU;
Tranalar 4.
Hi(k IndirWIual owne 1 twvw -Risk
matrMlual ana: L rnOlo
ar Ml Hiffc 4aa pw thrtne
Pttrat rat. Hitk raaat aartaa. Cat
Cltr Traaa. SML
National League
BraaMrO . . tat I4t 401-10 II 1
SI Unit . MO 001 OSS 4 II I
DrvraaM. LaMao III ann Walker;
Wrkmnar. DwkaaO (Tl. Davit ill.
JkUm iSI aa4 H BaiiUt
rw araakiya, aayaer,
srwiosi pa
eawif, lad theyTl keep
buitiag taeax. . . .
Getting Ready for Junior
Tskiaj a arartlc Jama for
a Jaha Era as walla aoort mart prthable partJdpaaU look aa. Tat aaaaai mat, tpaa
sored by the Csmpas YMCA of WUlaawftt Uaiveralty, b far Ujt aad glrte aader It
Reglstratira b at It a.m. with tht mat startla( at 1 p.m. Bays aad glrb may get far
ther lmforautlaa from their phytic al educatioa lastrvcteri at tht respectlft athoola.
Broncs '9'
Solons Foe
tuouooot irem ari'iaiag pagei
through tht road trip b good phyt-l
leal shspa. a drepjtt tno rug-1
goo nsue Drawi at iivuy mi
Either Lofty Willie Naal or Vtra
(Pappy) Kindsfather wiB ga
against tht Brood Wednesday
Tht weatUhtt Chbft man
their first Sabxo visit later b tht
week, appearing Friday, Saturday
aad Sunday.
Layae Good Hitter
The bust Hag Layae has a few
last ho Woven oa hit Lewiataa
tquad. and if he i interted himself
Into the lineup there will be oat
very dangerous hat the Senator!
will have to contend with. Lay
led the NWL ia hitting ia IKS with
aa almost 40t mark, and last les
ion finished second behind Chock
Essegiaa af tht Sebat.
Veteraa outftekW-flnt baaamaa
Jot Riney, who is s capabb bag
bal hitter, and Bract Mcintosh,
tht former Idaho Vandals staf art
pair af Brooc hoMovtrs.
Uwbtoa has had a bad time
gettlag started this teaaoa, wia-
aiag only tive af II thus tar. But
the Broncs are only five games
behind tht fourth piece aobms at
Other series m the bone start-
mg toalght find Wens tehee at Eu
gene aad Yakima at Tri-Ctty.
Serra Defeats
Academy, 8-2
Serra Catholic scored twice ta
tht first taaing aad tbea went aa
to defeat Islam Academy yootor-
day, t ta a
baa game aa the been' field.
Tht labors' Tarn Crbptatrat
had a twt-hH shutout going oaU
tht bet inn tag whea tht Oaahdari
avoided a shutout brsreriaf twMt
oa throe hits.
A daubta by Donay Prank aad l
single by Kea Neuberger tad aa
error govt Serra at first two raaa.
Tht Sabers tallied six times ta
tht sixth inoiag as tht Craaadort'
fieMiag fen apart for sit trrars.
Franck, Jtm Lake end Bob Lang
each atatributed a hit b tht big
Larry Dyck'i double. Larry
lfark'i tlagb and Howard Edigor t
omgb provided tht Acadomy'i
.'. MPJ.Tt
Sabm Acaoemy Ml Pit 1 I I I
Ctiepentrog aa4 Coffey, Herg
er it); Hsmiltoa. Dyck '$ aad
I Major League
L 1 mAmr !
I k
WlltlMM, aaatao w 44
Maaala. Maw Vartt tl IT
Paa. Oiiraea M tt
MM Drtran M Ml
Wartt Clrvalant f M
k OH
a) Mt
Btmaaaa. K Cltv II III IT
2 Si
Damaaatrt. K Cttv It TS II
Pewr. Kaa Clt II Tl II
01xMP(. OBVVVCebdJ JaT t)
Kau. Balllura 14 Tt T
araa TIMS- WllUa. Bint , ft
Sievprt. Wiilatvaa- I. Man'K. fttw
VarC K laratal jiiiil Otp, 4. 1
ak r k p4
MUaraabao in SI
m ia
Crava, ClMMnatt
Haak ClaataoaU
Muaial Si Lawa
Ciraat mtrtwrrk
Thamaa Plltrkrth
Park at Uk
IS 4t J4T
M 44 Xt
a) in
t 114
ta in
ta i
ia aw
Mi lav rianimatt
tt ft
It 11 Xm
A4Wk. Milaaafcaw X4 Ml II Jsl
Bam raiM Asraa Mllwaufcae II;
Mean l Levitt, leuer Slaw Yark.
t aVUBfrwY awTtBatk rNJIa iawejdAWaaaj9j
tCartfiaati I Crava. CxrtanaU, c
Mauwwt. MihrMkaa. 4: Aorara. xtUV
Meadows Selections:
Par Taritav. Mar
q, Mn
lfM4 mt Outrl BkiHIa. Par-
atea BiB. Mas natal.
Tklrt ran- War Bans,
Whirl Baa Ban. ,
PaurTIi rara: I A. Bat.
Aai. Patry K. ran
Bantv Baa.
Btatk raaa: tSaaorl rtatt, Pat Or-
tawWffaa, BJajtajsa PfaM,
twdpPtVtwtk faMVj)! taAsBVatSBaa
bun ktaw. ttre'ftrl Las
tifM rare Mae Ba Hat,
Vaianflat Vaa.
ata p
Sa(wdjyi Auiar Olyarakt ta kakeM at McCiOaci lUdlaat
faWawifflB I
vrrl C5I tteorrW PUJH
'-V. V MSTfcST
"V TV 1 IA-uvTfi
IA: 1 (Tt . Tl
1 At tat Lot Aiftltt Cat
Hsetm, oa Mty IS, ltSa,
whert thret af fear watches
cttght tht Texts-bora ipeed
itr ta I .St. Ht wis tredlted
by tht iBtenutloBsi Aautoar
Atabttc Ajtotlitloa wtU a
flaw af I I, a cbcklaf made
by tat af tht fear Umert, ta
Ut AJLU. Set therm Padfk
issocbtloa Meet
t Falsa. Tat tap la oohj
tl aid to tht todies. Tat fte
bk Hat b a Barrow Ha (aot
mart thai I laches widt)
drswa aertM tht track.
Ptrvi raca.
4 T-
a . a oa
t. Rai
I'l fun
Bart Our.aU an. A. tkanoaa 1M
1. Vilwta U Knowlat -III
1 Trmprra, I. Palmar -Ill
4. Caort DM. -C stinaMa 1X1
I. la-Bua-Craa. arharaaw 101
4. CawMt Caaoa. R B. HoaMa 111
1. Prtvlty Grant C tckllllBat - US
4 m Ton. P Hldauja ,- lit
4 Itllrk B Bankr IM
14. Kama W . O. Hunt US
ra. 4 v a ut, mkm ,
aurat IBM l'a tars.
. raraica
iLaar a
araica Bill. H Bahar 114
BhorUa. w. PMIHS . 114
taalloti. r. Aueor l4
4. Vwtarv Trail I Pnat ..II4
1 Mattilaachar. B Wttiia 194
4. PurMra Bakr L Kaaalaa - IN
T. Tnahna Lvana. P. Hxtolfa III
t Mia Krata, A. ehanaaa IM
4. Tiapr Tl. t WaWi . 114
to. Mli Ratal. P. XaUiarr III
. . m4mA h
MaMma. piiraa tee t Mrs.
L. far All. km apdaajrrr
L KaaarlM
X Frtakr Tamfear
GlMaca .III
a, Bua hall. C Irhilllnta
I. War Hon A
Sharmaa - IIS
4. Wkirlkia J
1. Paula Whirl. B. talNatw IIS
a pvraii
r if
4. Jrrraata p Nidalae
IS. Pkaotan Ball, 0. truii
PaarUi race. 4 7
SI If SSSS i pyna I
I. Mifk SuirtMIt - O
4 ua. rlalm..
as l 'i run.
Btmatiia 114
X Amarta. D Bart
X Ansel want, a Brrwrnaw
4. Altar Oram, I Ciflor
LI I Bull. J .
. arkaa Uw. B Hava .
1 Caantn Jerk. C, Dlaaa
a III .ii
i ; i'i
a pater a
... r- aaiiiia it,
i rK,nmm - "
" fWtk rar. 4 v a A
aa. tfcrtm..
asssi. ara aom.
s run.
1. Gaat Joe. B, aaoama Itl
tuiiia Airraa. B zoiiwaar ixt
aaik-n Cavnei B Umft 111
I H"T.a, k .aiiine.r -nvceust thty bad aaod atadoat ata-
tlana dew. c Brwnmtt itl "T , , 7". ' . '
M4. p it caachet agaia aa awtarday and
tP?r:." - I'lju kned the baa. mytog that I,
i. Laav a uaw n arnaraav - I ! . . . - - -
tbtt Baa. Praalr . lit re-StUOy II Wt rtkM tMWSO Bt
BvaWS. S torPawaii . IB vVvlstko I
Btertk ra 1 Ilia alAa alkrar-' HX Mid tedty that Ob tV
aaaa. swrav rv
L Dararl rkA B. tallinfar
L. Ka
X Bntiat Ma I Paaw ins settool r prtasBtoOvot Sato twey
s. Bu. cktaf W mmm us reuld back up their claim tor,
i fMrra Man. O mm) ' ! Jihilii.
4 hat Craatw. t iaair. 1 1S , el'gibuity
1 Bmw umi. a a.? . ua' Today Fto. aaid that at portaatl
t haral Dak. I Bvrtaa M,h daJ Ih law k4wk K.I
I V a A aa ttarVr
atva.. Bitill t PHarraary. surra SSStX
I Part
Pana . Ba . . lie
BtrwaM Vat W aurtto. 19
CaaeM' Btraak. L Kaawtra IXt
Virkt'l Baaw J. Pakaav .II1
TMtanl Tn. O .Smirat r'
Bww Bta, 0 dkiHw . , trt
N Aml A. Snarwae I is I
1 x Covet, a tVrnmt 1X1
I Bin-Use Bmatra, P RSala JM
Saw i. M
a. a aa.
mt pat It.
1 Httkr,
An rat
! J!
1 Vatrattr laa. O D
4. pwmra sra. a siniiaaa -
a Bral rartaa, G WuM I it
I. para Tana. L 1mm 111
1. foa Btrtara B Mrtw 1 14
i tmJZft Uihavt arhedubd a imailihisdai for
O. awaa Bam,' A Itaaktas lit1
Hanks Has
Fast Laps
Sam Hanks of Pacific Palisades,
Calif., who hopes to qualify Satur
day far his 11th atari in the Jut-
mile auto race May 30. dem
strated today that his txportmoa
tal Bebnd Special it one of the
fastest cart at tht Indianapolis
Motor Speedway this year.
Ht turned six consecutive bos
at speeds ranging from 143 to 144
miles aa hour ia the aJtra-bw ear
aith horbontal engines. Tht aptedi
art anofflcbl.
Pal 0 Connor of North Vernon
Ind.. won the number one atartini
position last Saturday by qualify
ing at 143 44! miles an hour Only
eight other drivers qualified aver
the rainy weekend aad 14 starting
spots are opea b tht final trials
this weekend.
Tony Bcttenhausea, former aa
tionel champioa from Tlalcy Park,
111., practiced at high apeodt b
oou ti um rwm nons. Ht was
clocked unofficially at 141 miles
sa hour in sit ewa ear aad at lti
ia the car to he drtvea by Paul
Russa af Canoga Park, Calif.
Rook Praised
After 'Game'
CORVALLB, May M urV-4pring
football training is ever at Ore
gon Stale College, but fans and
coaches still are gbwiag about the
final scrimmage performance of
aa unranked tailback.
He Is BiU Kbtver, a Yrekt.
Calif., frethmaa wba Saturday
rat for two touchdowns aad
passed to aaother as the varsity
pounded tht raaarvts IM.
Kbavtr, taactive bat tall ba
ttues of aa bjury, ta tht final
scrimmage raced II aad IT yards
for two touchdowni, tad burbd a
to-yard pass to Derald Swift far
the other.
The regular tailback, Joe Fraa
ck, raa for ont acart aad passed
for soother at tht defending Pa
cific Coast Conference rharnptoni
dispbytd aausual experience am)
Fix Resigns Post
In NAIA Following
Eligibility Hassle
PORTLAND, Msy - Eldoa
Fix, district t NAIA chairmaa. to
day tossed. the problem af eligibil
ity af three Northwest Ceatfereact
schooh to national NAIA officers.
And thea he resinned, stating that
his psi Banal fastegrtty had beef
Tht probbra of wtigibiltty of the
three achaob Willamette, Lin-
and Pacific - ia NAIA
spring aporft ram petit ioa waa dis
ewtud at tht meetiag of North
west Conference coaches bert bat
At that time fix. who tbt b I
roach at Lewboad Clark, ruled
that tht threw achaob Wert belt-
IM I or nau omaioii n
Wet who had aot
passed U ae-
mailar kaura aa rroturad tnr the
nil, Vf4t. i r ' -
. "l '
can tar panting eniy si mmm s. .
TV. matlae waa iflimsatd be ma I
ctaiea waa matte m tne
of the momeM" and
eligjbb Bat ha b btvtag tt ap to'
officials tf tht three tchssta to
awekb wtrsther or aot ta awtar,
RAJA ewmpetitba. '
He aba aaat that at bod re.
brred lha matter to tat NAIA
tar l Baal dacha oa.'
lemrs Rained Out
SEATTLE, May N -Tbo Pa
CiAc Oaatt Cosrftraace, Nerlhert
I Drristoo. baaebaB game betweea
)liOnea gtatt aad Taextisagtat
Urkjarfuknt kaaw todav mmm
wriw iwaay wws
1 Beard klCBUat tf rttB. Tht
PCC Meet ;
Clean Up Reports
Heard in Spokane -
(Csatbtid areoa proeedUkg pare)
schools wort praseoted araOy.
Each deaerioed tht method af
operating kt athletic department
at tht preeeaL Dr. Seaberg said
could not disc bat tht rtaaoat
of the atlaortty for dbarroring
tht UCLA report. Ht laid that, at
af CaliferaU i faculty repraaen
ttve. be was satisfied that tht
UCU athbtic suff b'prtpartd
to adhere ta eonfereart rubs.
i mm prwauona aiainmoa nwm
Degal aaautjitrBtd ptymtatt to
athbtas. Washlagtaa aad CSC
were placed aa probatba for two
yean aad UCLA for three yean.
California hat pearly completed
Mt oat year probatba,
PtahaHsa aa be 'Throe
Wuhingtoa aad VSC each have
toe year ta ga and UCLA b aa
probatba for two mora years. All
except California art denied the
right to participate ta the Rosa
Bowl feet b? 3 game tvta If they
should finish atop tht eeaforeace
football aUadbgs.
Tht report came at tht close
sf the first joint aessioa af faculty
maa aad athbtk directors. Tht
ratial aa suck matters is limited
to bum faculty maa who operate
tht conference.
Seaborg saved his UCLA bomb
hrU for tht close of the first
press coafereace tf this four-day
meeting. Seconded by Btralt
Hainmerbock, assistant eornnus
vener. tht tall scientist strode Intt
the press room tad begat by reed
ing off seme eligibility dwdsbat.
Mash road Papa Up
Oat of those wtt "Gent Anony
mous," a University af Washlagtua
athlete. Seabtrg said tht boy hod
disclosed to Washiagtoa officials
that ht recefvtd 8S from tht
Creator Washingtea Advertising
Fund tie trgaatiatioa (end
guilty a year age of making
ambr tht table payments to
athletes. A
la view tf rat small amtuat
involved, "Gene AMCtymous' wu
forgives aad he was reinstated to
full eligibility. Tht sport hrvotved
was aot revealed.
WtadtO S. Brooks, a football
and trsck athlete at California,
was gives relief from the trans
fer rule that strips all eligibility
from a student who transfers from
one ronieraact school to another.
Ht offered evidence that ht bad
applied for a switch from Oregon,
State to California bet art the aew
rub wu adopted a year ago.
3 Earn NW
PGA Berths
SPOKANE. May it) - Port
land i Eddie Hogaa bd the north
west section's euallfyuig field for
the National PCA aoU dwureaa
ships today ta fht raia-tooktd
Maaito Golf aad Country Club kt
Hogaa wiD ha toinod at the aa
tbaal uwnurneot ta Tebde next
July by another Portland. Devt
Kilba, and Yaklma'i Jot Gr
Kllba scored 74-01141 a
Greer carded aa tvaa-par TJ-71
AD throe Indicated they would
make the trip to the 44,NI tour-
Bunny Mason, pre at the Sabm
Golf Club, was tied at IMh with
a 74-74 1 .
Misses 70C by Nine
Paul Hale Jr.. bowling b tht
Cherry Cky Civic League laat
eight, coma wtthto ame ptot af
lha magic IM series Ht had
games tf 134 and H7 to start wtth
and needed IN for tht big ant.
Ht flabhed with IN for 991 tad a
very goad Serbs aayhew,
Church Softball
Jaaser tstene
Catitral LoWiaraa It, MUMlatraaO
If B I; rirat Pmfcytarlaa I. Mamaa
Me Matkntitt I: Kauar Caaiaiiiail
t. sawtk naurnu aaetin T; imi
auai Baalist I,
Trinity Mathattal I:
ma 4 ram aaotM
Marks LatAaraa
Tadav't rtwaala: Bmlar I aaaiia
rraa Matkattat vs. IraMlant tuB;
ml Baauat vs. taalawaiit lUBi
alrary BaM vs. Trtaltr Wrtk
t rirrt Ctirtitlaa vs. Hlihiaat
Tide Table
YWrM)9) seaj TftaVta Sjw,9)dJaBaj
tCaraplM la; 0. A Caaat tat
Cusitie larva?, Pwlltaa. Ora l
Hlfk Wltsrt
II aai. 41
104 a II
4 St at. 41
I 4S pjn. II
las in. 4 1
IB ta. It
see saa, 41
Lew Waters
Time BauM
Uei a. 14
11 44 pat. It
I 14 a. It
mam, t t
Ntw ShJomoeif of
" actor irraftjtari
J wtt tocohroa
100 Wool ,
IPtb for 17.00
' Glet Woaten Cradaadea
. Clftsi
240 S.' I2rib
? Aerwas Frota '
' WtttotBetto Camaaa '
7957 Capital Conference
All-Star Squad Se I e c f e d
The Capital Csstsreoet AA-Stor
team for WT waa aa
yaatorday aad taebln
af tht . ehimpita
Cassada. two from Serra Cathelb
aad ooo each irem Btaytoa. htt.
Aagtt aad C tresis,
Naaaaa to sat toaad wr
rat af W
Uarhammar of
GtM IpMaT CtxsMaxhxIta
Bet Browa of BsV
af aUytsa, maw
Dot Wetks af Hrvortao,
Lence Fails io: Sign
Jackson in Title Go
NEW YORK. May M -ftwnoter Zmll Ltact waa rebuffed today
ia hit attempt to tiga Tommy i Hurricane) Jacksoa. top ranking con
tender, for a title GgM wUh heavyweight champba lloyd Pattarsoa.
Ltact. whs hat Pattarsoa hoed up tor tht tab defease, aatd ht
Suit Against
IBC Begins
(Ctatbaid from precedlttf page)
I trustee for tht capital stock
heldlagt af Narrii aad Wirtx.
hich amount to about tt.WI.OOt
Tht judge said k would be b the
nature tf a permanent truataoship,
with tht stock deposited ta a baak
tr trust company. Narrii aad
Wirtx. Ryaa said, would aot be
permitted to be effittrt af tht
corporatioa and would hart at
voting powers.
Judge Ryaa disagreed whet
Roysll said k would be Impossible
to held titb bouts at tht Cardea
under tuck a trusteeship arrange
ment. He said bexiag ripreosnts taly
a small portion of activitiet staged
sock year ta tht huge Ntw York
areas, and added ht had no in
tention of forcing boxing out tf
tht Garden.
hbberwiikits Hold
Ut Archery Shoot
A field tf U participated in the
fhrat Sabm Jabberwatkb C 1 1 b
Sunday at tht club'i field
course aa Pringle read South tf
Saltm, according to Thaadtrt
Thompson, Club president.
Contestants received tokea prises
designating their place la tht
meet First place winners includ
ed: mens' division, Ktaatth
Clemens; women's division, Mrs
Rita Thorn psoa; Jtiltr btyt.
Denny Dumbr; and
Lee Wataoa.
TAGE of the BAXGAW SALE OF THE YEAR! don't wait . . .
(g 0
&!m Cff&ftti 3fXAK&b 011
fIJjr3I intuit U'J
OPEN MOM. 4. FRI.-TIl 9 fM, , ,V :
shartatap Deaay Irwak of aerra.
atittty aafbldsr Ctywa Kaaaal of
rX fteldar Bil Work-
Tom Grtepestrog of terra, rlgM
af htt. AageJ
af Gervaia.
Al ttacBsa b the oaof
took port ta tht vwtbg. TWy were
Bwa Rood tf Btrrortao, Okk Brews
tf htt. AageL CUff Cirad tf Gar
tab. Bag'r Poach af Staytoa, Bab
Stewart of Cascade. Gordy Dims
gaBa af Serra, Beaaea Babeh af
Wiiahara aad Obk Pertdns af
offered Jacksoa .SI par coat af
tTonrthbg"-.gitt, tebebba tr
theater tobvtitoa bat that Jack
soa's manager, Uppt xVttdbart,
insisted aa a guaraatet af SUI.M0
plus S2S.I0I lar training expenses.
"ifhiretr heard tf a challenger
temaadmg i guaraatet for a
chaact at tht titb.'' said Lence.
Breidbart ctofirmed that I1M.
100 was the asking price fov Jack
soa ia a titb fight, adding "that
goes for any promoter aaywhtrt
to the country.''
Lance said ht didat kaow what
his aext move win be.
Cut D'Amttt, manager tf Pat
terson, hat said tht champba
woat fight for tht lataraatbaal
Boxing Club.
Sammy Aarsnsoa, sports airec
tor of tht National Society for tht
Preventioa tf srrtBib Delinoucn
cy, said ht had been authorised to
dieter with D'Amttt ta behalf af
H. Jordaa Lee, a promoter at Sva
aytidt area.
"Wt want b promote at Ebbett
Field ia Brooktya with tht society
getting a big share af the re
ceipts. " said Aareneon.
Jack Hurley, SoatUt manager
and promoter, is aaothtr b tht
heavyweight iweeptiakes.
Hurley ssid tonight ht had beea
given the go-ahead by D'Amate to
! negotiate a tab fight for tht. Pi-
1 dflc Northwest.
Pigeons to Race
Members of the Cherry City
Pigeon Racing Club have been ia
vited tt enter their birds ta a
special race June 1 at Corvsllis.
which wiB kt part of tht Cor
vsllis Centensia Program. Tht
birds will rice from dowatowt
Corvallii to Sabm,
. . WHISTLE .. . BUT
S R' s) (A)
' fWt pn ajadl rWttawmaUa taalnf.
ff tmHtanmuxhmmMMJhuutkm
r mi ;
- V Tinii J
' mW
IKnflA I In
In Bat Race
Aaron Continues to
i J vi..: 1 1 -
ucta national uDopr . .
y OLA14 -v .-. ,
bat atasoBs ataixlxrd, Mickey
Maaib is hiving a poor sestet
But how loaf will they bt ahto
to keep tht New York YinkW
slugger from challtagug tor tht
batuag, bomt ma and runt batk
ed ia bads? -
Mickey b gaining ground fast
ia all three categories Last week,
ht moved ate third plact b both
tht batting tad- homer competi
tion. Ma coll acted arvet hita ia
13 times it hat A .467 pact) and
the output also Included two
home rum and fivt RBIs. '
For 27 gamtt, Mentis shows a
baiting mark of J9d, trvea cir
cuit blows aad IS RBIs. Ia at
maay 1936 games, tht Yankees'
star had i bagut-badlng .400
tverage (40-for-100, 13 homers
and had driven home 27 runners.
Manila's fast start carried him to
tbt triple crow.
WUflaatt StUl Ahead
Mickey still has to go soma ta
overtake Bottoa'a Ted Wulisms
aad Detroit! Reno Bertoto ia th
batting net. Williams b tht top
Americas League hitter with .394
followed by Bertoia'i J64. Both
slumped la last week's action,
Williams dropping 26 points with
eight safeties ia 29 trips snd
Bert els losing tight points oa
Williams remained oa top in
bomt rant with nine followed by
Roy Sievert of Washington with
tight Si evert Baa tht most runt
bitted in, 28.
Hank Aaroa, anliks Mantle, b
off to tvta a bettor beginning
thaa he had tost year. Tht Mil
waukee outfielder, who won tht
M batting title, leads tht na
tional leagua with f J66 sversge.
11 home rum and 29 runs batted
la, la 2S gamaa, Aaroa hat 49
aiU ia 123 at bats.
Three Redlep Challeagt
la his first 28 famts bst sea
son, Aaroa was fifth In bstting
wtth a JM mark (38-for 108) ht
had only six homers sod 19 RBIs.
Aaron's closest batting compet
itors art Frank Robinson, Goorgt
Crowe snd Don Hoax, ill of tht
league-leading Cincinnati Red
legs. Robinson, at M. tailed oft
37 points last week. Crowe collec
ted 13 hits it 23 official efforts
snd boosted hi mark from .299
to .339. Hoak, second t week sgo,
fill 29 points to JSC
American League
Kanaaa City - ess MS Ht 4 t t
Banimare SOS SSI ll'-l I S
Carvar. Tnwka 1S1 aat Bmlth.
THampaea (It; Johnaoa ins Trtan-
las sue wt i 4
.. lee wt sm-i t I
Wialiiiurloe ..
Lary. Afcav (4i
sua neon:
and Bai
r i i-.
- Alif
Woshjngton 5T.f
Alk mill
rr - """" 7 " V '