12Sec II) Stattsnun. Salem. Or.. Moiu May 13. o7 eittb r wuua a WALMM ftalaoa at Saw at Baal Piepsrty la, attttts V TBI CJWCVTT CWTtt Of TOT tTATT or OREGON. FOR TUX covim or mauom la Bw Matte of tha Laat WiR atsd TaurxM aaal Est af WILLIAM a J ALTON. Omaal notice wee est n emu uut tha aadsragaa-d Imutan ot th es tate at WILLIAM S. WALTON. Da man, ay 1 UM at aa Orcr af Saw await wl at tM Circuit Caurt af tka Stat a Oreusv tot Uw Coun ty at atonaa. duly snad and en terra) as lk Xtmi day al Man-it. 141. hx Mat eboTw-enuited huh ta rexuartg Hit tnmn te erst th hsisinsflai .lacnbrd roel propert) atanUMj la tlx aaid acuta. 01 at tar lar aata and aetl Iran ana after tw ta day at Jua. 197.. ai pnvste sate, tar oath. a upaa such tenets aa snay ha approved bv the Court, at 4! Naan Trust BaikUng, la Li City at aeJrta, Marlon County Oro aa. all Uw following dcecribcd property Mtua la Marraa County Orrgoa, to-wit . TRACT I: Beginning at aa iraa pipa ea the West boundary at a it-acre tract at Un4 tteeoad ta Idwia Y Laa aiag by that certain ed at eon veyance aa Uta am u ot rwrt at Pan at. Volume Ml. at tn Deed. Records tof Marioa County Oregon, M Iron pip being South II U Wt 5M.M feat trom th South west rornar of Lot Sixteen 1 1 la Aloerbroek la Section 1 and M la Township I South Rani I Writ ot Uw WiUaaiatta Meridian in Marion Count v. enna running ttwnr South II- i' Waal 134.2a taal ta a Mr tree inches in diamalar. which troa t man uooad tn Uta dcwrrtptioa ot aud 1 arra tract at land ta sard dead Wane South 14 Waal 111 ta) leet to an Iran pin art aa the South boundary at lha Nona halt at the North halt ot Saction It m Town ship I South. Range Waat: thanra North ai 23 East along tna sou in boundary at tha North hH ot the Norm hail at said Saction. tUl II laat. mora or lass, to tha Wast lina ot tha relocated Pacific Highway tnanrt NorthwaatartT MM fact, mora ar lass, ta angi ta said high way, thanra Northaaeterlv MM laat ta tha Wast nrw at said high way, thanra Northwesterly aH laat. mora or was. along tha Wast una at stud highway ta tha South -aast rornar at Lot Twenty iwe t 33 , Alderbroo Annex No I is Sac tion I at Township i south. Range J Waat. HI sunat (.ounly urafua.. thanra South U a Waat tu M laat to tha aaoat Suutharly South aast rartwt at Lot II, Aktr6roo Annax No I. thanra South 17' ' Fast 247 M laat ta an Iron pipe thanra South 43 241 Waal Med AfflAi4ifirtfr flUYCIUOUlK V m K. CWnt K. 7f. Daad Parords tar laUriaa County. Oratoa, thenca North wu tha Wast ana at anal MiUar tract and a Northerly axtaajMa tharaol U H chains w a point aa -tha Northarly haa at that eartaia tract at land "oavarad to a A. johnasa t daad racoroad i Vjt iw 1 ff m. Daad Ik-cords Marioa County Oraaoa. uiaace North 17- M Waat - chains ta tha Waat hna of tla DasuUOB Land Claim at I I Parnsh and ia thanra North ?' 34 East akusf said Ul mmtionad Una 1 chaias ta tha Southeast rrnr of that tract at Und convaied to Charles M Uhor b iead recorded In Vol ume Mi Hr sat Dead Bccoros lor Marwn County Oregon tham-e Wast 14 M rhairu thence South West M fhaws to tha hat tjl twaaa said Srctioos 21 and thence West aJon said hna I chains ta if piaca at beftnnin Saa and ricept s strip al land 40 as tact wvOr running shtitg tha most Northern una of tha above daambed proper t Also Save and tvi-apt the Sidney irrigation Coopersti atr ditch running througfi thr Northerly por tion at the aooe deeenbad prop erty TRACT 1 SLiMit!ni n irte West boundary line o( tha Pons "on Land Claim H John H Bellingc SI n Tnwns.tlD t SO1 khi oi tse Willamatta Mandiaa in aiarion tnn.. "a - UB4te rasaa aaasla .a I T M IHU M UHiT B J ' ' " PHONE EM U811 LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Dar t t t t Luaa M M . .aia M Jl TOTAL CHARGES (Mia. I ataaal Wsokday -aa. par baa I tuna an M par hna I tontaa II M M per kaa turn US II ta per baa 1 ana. St-M ilacL Sua. I I S & H GREEN STAMP DIRECTORY -Clip & Save for This Week's Best Bars" but the arrsslim at tha Ma waaai an aa South. Rang. I iff smatfM T4 -j rWtl ! MW IMsT V. point art st at said The da y. rtuae Claim running -hence West 2d 6V rum to lha l.al lina of than! tract o( snj convened ta Witluun Pste b deed rtvor led in Voluma IS Psgr Deed Records lor Mar- .... i-....nt. iir.wi thenro Smith ua .-niinj thence Waat IdMlaaUy rhains. more or leas, to tna can-1 tar ol tie Countr Road; thence SoutheaAterir along tha tan tar at said road It M chains, mora ar leal, to tha South line ol the Northeast quarter ol Section J4 in said Tewn sh p and Range thance taat crtatni. -oia or less. W tha quar ter section corner between Sac t oni J4 snd 35 n said Township snd Rang- thence taal ID chains to the Southwest corner ot that tact o( land rociteyod ta Tarn Hampton (t dead rarorded ta Vol ume 3 Page 4J1, Daad Records lor Marion County. Oratoa. thence Noith T! 13 chains to tha North weit corner of said Hampton tract thrnce last 14 41 rhaina ta the Northeast corner at said Hmp ton tract thence North aloft tha west line ol said Re linger Dona tion Und Claim tt II chains ta lha place ol beginning Tha ssid bids ihaU be recalled by the said PIONIIR TRUST COM PANY and shall be submitted ta lha Circuit court ol the State ol Ora- traasaa wilariaai SuaataT aawa aaapat rnaay. I lha ararar patsttahas aa- C AM U 41 Cobura C aiersa 1T4 N C-aauasaKsal Pnoaa KM Ir-lPU Ml CI Capital Drug Star State A Liberty Pnona (Jd a-Uil Chapman Drug Star 14 Canaaiana Bivd KM a-aV3 rrtsl7ttWT Mootrri I1urmarf Boll wood atuatnaas that. aVaipar Oretaa lwaJ Ca Sawdusi and PAINTt A WALLPAP Mt M CommerctaJ rmwna KM tr-atall RABrn atitrhaD 'l Badta TT Waa suta n M P-ISTI bvtaiuatt. Salaa A aVtrnVa Slavics STATIONS fataorTa Taxaea StarMa Ma lairgrounoa Pn CM -MH 14th at staeaweTi- aJs. I ansa Weak A Anderson iRicnflaMI Utk A Mtaasaa Corn a iota Auto Rapairtata! TILSVISMM MlVrhell's Radia A T V. Mara Mate St -Pr. Ld a-tfaTI tnstailiaj. Saiaa A Sarrtra 300 Pcnonal 312 Latt . PtMM. rOl'ND: female barer dog EM eMI ar EM S-TTit. r seas la pariSllt. Journal - but aata will be aa. -ate) tar Sunday Sui laat to an iron pipe, thence North ! un l. r the County of at Ut 14 leal to an lti conflrmatloa ' ' Want Iron ptpa aa tha South Una ol Lot Seveatara (IT). Aldarbrooa Annei No. 1. thanra South It- at" waat at 41 laet ta tha moat Southerly Southwest comer al Aiderbrook Annaa No. I: thence North II SI taal a long Uta Weat una at Alder brook Avenue M aa taat to an iron pipe, thence Waat 20 M leal ta the alar at beginning containing 14 4 acres anal being situs led In Section I la Township South Pfeanpe I Waal at the Willamette Meridian ta Marioa County, dro Dated thi IWh day at Aarll. IW1 PIONIIR TRIST COMPANY Tmttea under the last will and testament ot T O KESTIR BRl'CI W WILLIAMS OTTO R 8KOML J KFITH D EVANS 411 Pioneer Trust Building Salem Oregon Attorneys lor Trustee A1IJ1)M!11 The I pm. tha day hetora pua itoattas except far Sunday aaaa deadline I p.nt rndiy Einaiganty aak and aanalJ kna ada receised fer I aa pas. waakaan and aatu li aaoa Saturday lar Sunday may aa piaraal aha Too Lata tn Claaa-uy- cohamn. Ada roe Monday paper must be in by I p.as Saturday Tna Statoara an -Journal Neer- Err raaaia the rght ta re auaaxianabla adanruasat: It tsar raasrvaa tha right ta place all advertising under the praawr claaaiflcaOaav Tha rrtatnamaJt-Jaurnai Naw aapors sssnms aa llhanclaJ iw Hisanbtllty tar errors vajch aaay appaar tn ad vertlaemea ta puBhafted ta IU eolumaa and la cassa w here this pe par u at lault anil reprint that part at an attvarttaaraaat ta which Its typoTrphicaJ mlatafee accur. A "SMnaT Aa aa ad aonula Ing a gaaiaaiiiaa JaurnaJ Newa paper boa number tor aa ad dreaa I lar lha protection at tha advertlaere and muat there fore be answered by letter Tha S la seaman - Journal Nwtrepapern LOST Graea EM 4 -SBW4. fl REWARD tor aatbrmatloa leading ui lelsua at bar s biack and whn Srhwma V cyrle Lart handle bars. Tah ea (rotn Engiawaad distrart Call tM yrpPt LOST Aianrtad keyi aa ring attached ta Key Back" chain oer is Reward far ratura. EM 1-S444 aJsrr 1.34. JTTT lave BONO SALS aVhnol District No X J. Marlon I anal except roadway ease-1 County. Oregon, hereby invitaa t ana) water right recorded sealed proposals tar the purchase In Vahima Stl Pag Ml, Marioa of ll.aWiaj! principal ameuni m Cauntw Iaaael lsrordl. Its beasds. harairuuiar owarnueu ALSO: Let Twanty-iwo iBi Al narbrook Annex No. I in SecUona I and IS in Township I South. Range I Wast of tha Willamette Meridian la Marioa County. Ora- ALJO: AD the right, title and ta taraat at the grantor harem in and to any water nghta appurtenant ta eatd la nay and promises pna saeaed by said grantor tha later eat at tha grantor In and to aaid premises aad in and to aaid water rights, being an undivided ohe kall internet therein as tenant In common Witts aak gran lee TRACT II: Baffiaatnf at tha Saction earner ronunjon ta Recti oa 23 II. M and V la Twwexa-tlp South. Range I Waat at Uta WUiamotle Meridian. Marioa Cattaty, Oregon thane Ward M M tawt ta a Mat a aloua-h; tttanaa North TV tX laat all aa taat ta point ta aaid awugn estate point ta M SI taat North at aawi aamsa ajiaari thaaaa Sauth sMSJi sa4 Va tha flat at begin ning, and ooxttammg 4 J acre SKor a kasa. uacludinf tha pac ajaai undai arda slough. Beginning at ttw Northeast corner at Arris Smith Donation Land Claim Na. H tn Sect ton M m Township I South. Range I Waat al tha Willamette Meridian la Marian County. Oregon , running thane South alonf the Eaat Una ot aaid Claim ItUlM feat: thrnce West 441 II taat ta tha West line at BertKm SI. thnr North along the West tine of said Section 41 73 taat: tnanr Waat I.U3 1 feat; thanra South li J" Waat SsTM laat; thenca Waal 1.11 4 taat ta tha Want Una at said Claim , thence North ir East along tha Waat Una ot aaid Claim 1 111 J feet M the htorthwaat corneV at eatd Clasm: tliamsw Eaatarly alaruj tha North Una at pasd Claim ta tha North Shore Una at Cesar lka: thence following the Worth Shoe Una at Clear Lake ta Its InUiaartaaa wit, the North tin at arid Claim; thane Eaatarly along Ut North Ha at saM Ctatwi ta the place at beginning, son! a) a -In xaa al acres at land, mar ar laat. and bewtg al tun had at AM Smith Donation Land Claim Ha. ta Sections Sf sat fl ta Tawn ehip ( South Ranae I Waat ta Marina County. Oraton ALSO an loot right of way usage near tha land described In Volume I'M. Pag SIS Deed Rec ant tor Marlon Countr. Oregon ALSO a right at way ever the tot- operty negm the East lina Donation Land Claim Ma ta Section M In Townshis South. Bans I nf stu) WlllametM MerWttan la Meridian la Marlon County. Or- ar not at liberty te divulge ta il ty a BtuMt- torwastMa at ta tha Identlt an ada si Ileal uasnf lowing doacrlbed property am- at a paint la the at Alvht Smith Each proposal must be encloaad in a secure! I sealed envelope marked Proposal tor 1 Id) School Dis trict No. I4CJ, Martaa County, Ora toa. Bonds ', snd sdilr sawed Is Con aaU C Ward. District Clark I3a rrry Street. Salem. Oregon All bids muat be recaived at or belore 1 M o clock p m Pacific Standard Tim aa Tuesday. May IS. 1147 and but so received will be opened by the District School Board of School Dis trict No I4CJ., Marion. County. Ore gon, at s meeting at tna above-designated time snd place The bonds will be In danomlna Uone ot II MM each, dated June 1. !sl. numbered rwaaecuUvary trom 1 ta ISP, inclusive and will mature aerially ta aumartcai ardor a tol- CW" rt lew a aa June L 1SSS TSMS an June 1. law n eaea aa June I. 1 itsuaea aa Jan 1. lPtl Tl.MdW aa June L 1 nmm oa Juno L tMS 1.mm aa June 1. 1PM TV-os M aa June I. 1WJ T la ea aa Jan L I T! am ea en June 1, IPfl 71 M M aa Jun I. IP IS in M an Jun 1. lid IMMN oa Jun I. in 7S0O0 an Jun I. IPII TSauOd on Jun 1, IT1 19 tna M on Jun I. 1113 1t.0oa.0t oa June 1. 114 It OP a on June I. 111 II on) aa on June I. 111 71 00 00 aa June 1. 1TT Internal an the bonds will be par able saml-annuallv Ml June 1st and December 1st In each year, evidenced by coupons attach w ma nonae. Both principal and Interest snail aa payaae at the otrir at tna county reum at Marion County. Oregon Tha principal amount at aaid bonds M euajart te prior reclemfruael at tha I of the School uismrt on I. It, or tny Internet payment data tharaafter upaa natie ot re-da-nptioa given by puMtcttmn at kraal ansa at least thirty dart prior a tit date of redemption. In a newa- Kpe pub lis had snd rtrralataa In tn ajaty at Marioa and Stat of Ore gon, at t price equal ta in amount tlasrtnf together with unpaid Interest aorrued thereon at the apt at re- Barn propoaai muav aawrny m a multiple at at IS tha rate at In teract whteh the bonds ar te bear, and must lleo state tha amount bid for tha bond. Each t.ropoaal must ha accompa nied by a certified check payable to chant District Na. MCJ. Marioa County. Oiagan. la ttw turn at Ut -aat PI te secure ttw district against aay leaa resulting tram In Isilure ot tha Mdder te rarmyry with the of ha plapnsal No mterest THIS NTWIPAPEB STRIVES te protect ita renders against fraud, deception, ar lajurwa. Btaakrr are cautioned ta make HO PAYMENTS te get a pw Mtloa advertised la th help waa ted ratumn AU help wanted ada MUST SPECIPY THE NATURE OP THE WORK Saw iwlp wanted ad muat tut tt th pay It la tha form at salary eommleslone, guarantee, ar Include firm name Boa fid effery t em ployment with pay Belong te the 'Help Wanted eoluma. Ada la ether column which re quire investment ta stock a ample, equipment ar eaafe bond should be thoroughly in- i vwstifsted bafae paying aut i any money Advertleers ra- quinng a caan lavaatmont far ample ar merchandise sales aids, etc . aaupt aa specify In tfvatr ada. thia rule ta tha claaalflad ad vwrtlslnt aisatajsp. Kindly report aay aaaaptna ta L Wallace Hoffmaa will pat ha responsibst for any debts ether than my ow CHARIS foundations lor the graduate A bride EM 3-IS3 ALCOHOLICS Aaxmytnau. Mt S Com I EM 1-SltS. EM Uta PALMIST. Mary read your com. Ptew III readrag Past, paaa ent. future, 11. 3141 Portland Rd ALCOHOLIC Ananymauj, lti Marioa. EM 4-OMi 400 Agriculture 40 Uvtkrttjck rwr Saps actantrftc Nora Shoeing Ti" EM 3-44U) It us t T aa AM Uvtmthpck Wanhpej CA ITTLK, I E CM. cCandUah l-tlat PREE pasture lor food gentle saddle horses EM 4-SM3 CATTLE. 4aT State E l A B Snathe a. EM 1-1341 EM S-43M 400 Agriculture 403 Uvtrttaxk Wlittwtl CATTLE Pisyar A P I3M Harnvsay Or B UYtA ClasM Edwsrda. RL E Boa sPaE EM 4-1113 TOP aaab price at yew place Ray CataL EM 4-3141 collect 40i rt. 400 Agriculture 414 rWtry Mt ntmo wiiti tUSV chicks batched n Hamp A WeJt lic strauni run at Vtl.y Parta atora LANG'S Poultrv -Custom kllltnd last Birckwoud Dr. EM 2n puueu. Wllaaat Aascnery Lyeaa. Ore Pa Ulnck PftM Bullets lac Vt Roc 411 Uwa I Caraaa B" REEL In lam A t. 4t PS. Uaad Mda Mart. fl S Labarty. EM 44311 CHOICE top soils sands, all kinds coma and see n we deliver or you haul Pick una loaded 1 a Open Sals EM 1-114. Kener Sand A Gravel REPOSSESSED ir R a 1 1 r y mower. r. H P. New tusxan laa. EI terms "Your Down Towa-' Ftraaton Store. IM 14 Labarty. EM 1-141. 450 BIcirliandlA 31 PJRtTTV A ftf" at kswoat artcaa. alias Uai bud aaaa par. Aisnrasn t miui vaaat SI sW t' lar add SI at. Spoon k-saer for aaosaa SI auack A a tnveaa Ttkr. Decors led trrrcts II 3: Eryneis Cat Pun 113 Paartwuaaa Rd EM 3-441 ii BOOM SITE COTTON llC WASHES AND DRIED) Ws aiaa tint rues cither aray wwir arujiruu chanaruuf their Past Econosriral "terete IAUNDERETTE 12SS -retry St EM 3-4SJ5 ( I Block last of Willamette U i REPOSSESSED Beauty rest Mat traas llulll and Simmon Bos Spring ISM aiaa tarn set lltt Terms Cwa Woudry ltua N 430 JITchaii(iie 170 UMm IpUpsviris Jl EY Uhr-LNISHXD narnrtu. Stiff Fumiturv in N IP L nurn yea kava on nam or t at nrresture ta tall can th Uaad Merchandise Mart. ea a i ismw.. r u a.arrt . pi Ywonn PANKLINOS HEW desk lamps f 16 I-sad finished a desired' Ptyy -WOT HOPPENED" ITS RADXtNC Yep . aad we're G rvat-vthmg for Bust Rt OOELLNG Job Terms taav 34 mo. - N down payment Fays Pst at Builders it yaw Oct ir Quote compart) PRE HlTtO-DOOR CNITS At tr actively pnewdt ALUMINUM Wasdows teaa aspanaiv than uoad OS White pamt a 3 gal. e x w Thw-aaoi Cedar Ldirg liyjat 1 i it Cedar boards 1104 M A 1 tP NAILS n m keg SEE th tremendous sctectwo rt PAN r LINGS Knotty pit 1135 1 up. Knotty Cadsr A Clear. 450 Mr-Trhradis ajjJO PbP Sam AnaAt9staamaf OPPTCE Iterna. tut JL 3-iltt Dltk US A. Mdaa. Mart fh) EM 4-4311 Libert. HEW 3pe Sofa - Sectionals. Oavone Set l.w y Ty uwn Pre- wood A Plywood, fir and hardwood OAK s 4x lilt. BIRCH . 113 11 A t 44. ya aasghta lust brawat tolas Tl 3 Terms Glen Waod ry ltot N. Summer. 4ii Atpp.il here a spaciais to aunwroua to mention - OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY TOO' U FT. 4.331 Harder (reeicr USED Baal power mower You haul A you fu. SIM. "Tour Down Town-' Firestone Store 3w M. Lsbarty. EM 1 341 420 SdhPtr. I TUrnT from the Northeast comer at said Claim: running rhence Smith alonf tha Eaat Un of as Ml Claim tetv taat- thaeirw Waat 15 1 (art thence North Stta feet thence East SIM tool ta the alar at beginning ALSO t right at way to be uaad fne roadway purposes ISO fact Hi width along the Southwest lint at the adKnnlnf farm of Clifford P Orey and Agnes Orey Tha taat will be mad aubtert ta the conflrmatloa by tha above -sail lied Caurt Data of first pubucsttoa Msy 4 1U1 Data at laat publication May Fl, PLOYD K ROWFR. THE UNITED STATES NA TIONAL BANK OF PORT LAND (OREGON' Ry C L Mlnahan. IU Trutt Of Hear Exarutnrt RRTAN OOODENOUGH RHOTEN, RHOTEN A SPTERSTRA r PIOHTFR TRUST BUILDING SALEM OREGON ATTONETS FOB EXECtTOR Mi ll BUI Oaaiified Index l"wf f our Cwprawten' GERMAN short hslred pupa 130 female. H mala Gene Hus aall. Bol 41 SubllmllT Stsytoo TI14 KEITH'S PUPPY FARM VMS Center EM I lye Puppies til kind Buy A tall. AM noon A eves Na Sun Calls STUD 'tar lc. Dora Uttl Show-aft AKC rcf J', lb Pomreaman EM -7l31. will be paid upon upon rh aepowt at th auctaaaful aaaoar m cnoca as th succawsful bidder will be credit en the purchase price ot lb bonds, ar retained by th dietnd as Haul dated da mates la raa the bidder falls to accept delivery of and pay for tha band Checks of una ureses ful bidders will be Immediately re turned upon th award of th bonds Each bidder Is required to Include In hit bid a statement of the total interest rest and effective interest rate baaed upon aggregate tn tared coat thai th District will pay. pro vided his bid Is accepted and none nf tha bonds are rawed prior ta the final maturity date thereof Th right te reject any or all pre pneale Is reserved Untese alt aeis are reterted. th binds will he awarded te tha bidder complying with th term of th notice of sale ana sue- mlltlnl the bid whir after compu tation an the basis thai none nf lha ho -ids will be railed tor redemption prior te the final maturity dates thereof provides tha lan set coat the school district The apnroTtng lag al opinion nf the firm of Wlnfre VlpCulloch - , A Sn re will ha fumtaf' h rur rwwlul bidder The fee lor th lets I opinion and th coat of printtnr lha Wide will be paid by tha District A nnsnclsl ststement ot th dls. Mt UOctAL IIS Moettng Mottaw tlS Loot and Peuad 114 TrsnopsriaOoo III Psraaaal SIS Stamps snd Cotaa J AGRICULTURE ten Uvwstock For Bala 4M Livestock Waatad 4a Pat 41 Fruits A Farm Prod'jre 411 Market Basket 414 Poultry A Babbitt tl Sea Poods 41 Lawn A Oardea tit twod A Plant 4EI Fertiliser 44 Farm Equipment 43 Auction Sate MERC BAND'S E 4SI NauaahaM Goods 4S1 Appliance 44 Sawing Machine 4a T V A Radio 44 Muaicai Instrument 44 Wsnted Nowaehoid CoodB 44 Sports Eaulpmaat ant Bicycle 41 Building Material 411 Plumbing. Meeting 414 PVaar Covering fit Do It Yourself 4t For Sal Mtererlaaeuaa 41 Far Bent Mlaaellaasswt 41 Trade MiacolUaaaua 41 Wanted Msscollaassut 44 Mwcallaaaoua Machinery A Toast tat Wanted Machliwry A Taat 4t Fuel BOf BUSINESS AND FINANCE SI Money te Lena SIS Loans Wanted 111 la vestments in EMPLOYMENT ate) Help Wanted PM Help WasstoaS, Man aa Help Wanted Lady tot Ptekers Tsttted III Salee Help It Work Wanted. Man 414 Wart Wanted. Lady II Child Care I1S-A Babysitting (Tour Home! tit Job Inrorn-iettoa 111 rduratlon IS Day ar Contract 1 RENTALS TA Steoptn BosMna. Boars Ml Waatad Booms. Board IP Apartment par Beat lot Duplexes iwl Houas Far Bant KTI-A Farnitlwd 13 Parma Far Real 7wt Wanted ta Boat 11 Wanted ta Bant Bouts 111 W.nted te Rant Apia. 4 Putin sal latntaM ft. NOTtrl OP AI OP RIAL PROPRRTY WflTICI IR HEREBY GIVEN thsl tha uodersianed PIONEER TRUST (nd and any further desired rnfor COMPANY, trustee nomine ted under mation may he seen red from th th pearttlona contained In th last i undersigned tt the School Admtnls will and teetamwrrt of T O KFRTIR. I tut ion Ofllr lie Parry tract deceaaed. by virtue of an order an- Salem Oregon tared on th IPth day of April. I1. ' The bonds win he dehverwd raav In th Clrn.lt Court of the State of ' parte without undue dolar. tt the Orewoa for th County of Vtartmv I expense of the school dhrlrtet. tt tn th turt of crNFVA A KFTTH ' such city in Oregon aa th succeeeful at al . plaintiffs, v PIONEER TRUST, bidder sttsll nam COMPANY et al . defendants No Deled tt Satem Oregon this IBrh 41344. will proceed to accent bids for ; day of April. I1 th purrhaa of th following de-1 CONNE3.L C WARD. scribed rea' prwp1y as a un.t -r District Clerk taparately. for cash or upon terms May I. 13. St at the alflea at PIONEER TRUST1 COMPANY. 1 North Commercial TM Convalescent Heme IM Morlruj aad Star e REAL ESTATE Ml Bust neat OppoetunlMat , mt Busmsat Piaperty i p Buaurbaa In Housae Par SaM tit Apia Courts Far Bata n Lot Par Bast tl Ptrmt Par Bala tit Exrhente Baal tatevs tit Caaat Property I BEACH'S babies tor Mothers day AKC Rett Chihuahua ptspata. t only. PWk yours Ua I Hoffman Ral BbrrON T t r r 1 1 r s. Nor. Elk bound EM salt. L0RENTZ GREENHOUSE Large selection, fuchsias, gerani ums, begonias, coils, sultana, etc Rt. 4. Box 41 Salem. 1 mi So. A I ml East of Pringl scnooL FUCHSIA hanging baskets', made at cedar 11c. ta II EM 4-ltPS. fuBEROUS Bcgonis Plants! for 11. In bands. AU colors. 3011 Highway FUCHSIAS, geraniums, and pe tunias MM Center SL Up the Una EM 4-1SA4. CERAN1UMS. incl. lancv teal. Ivy A Pelargoniums Fuchsia, Begoni s A Bedduit Plants Baskets of Fuckaia. Begonia A Ivy Geraniums Com pars our prtcee before you buy! Kil bar'tMl Satem Heights Ave MUMSDhUaa, Ptnsiat. Fuch sias A Garanituns. Liberty Garden. l3SuSe-ssr Lant. DAHLIA bulb 13 di Everbear ing strawberry plants 06c et Red Axalaas, lupins, colum bine, mum plants ll 00. Ger aniums, fuchsias, tub begun -Iss. Merrill s Greenhouse. Brooks FUSCH1AS, Ivy. Cersnlum. Pan ties. Dahlias. Bedding riant Ward t Gardens. 4310 Cherry. AZALEA SPECIAL PURPLE SPLENDOR double A Ruffhtd. t yrs. aid. II ea Thla week only. Drive So. on- Uth St. ml past Mornlruralda ach. Tuns r1ht at OtkhlU Art. 1P31 SI cu. fl. Amsna frcercr. repoaaassad. lor only M ut. I'aad Moot. Mtrt J1 S. Lib erty. EM 4-4311 31 GAL GAS nater bceter best ar etc cond. Ml EM 1 3P3 1 YR old 3 in Waaunghouse range, asm wringer tvp washer 33 S 13' EM 3-4X2 El. EC. water heater 43 gal used 3 mo I Yr guarEM S-W3 WRINGER tvpt waaher food condition 11 EM I 3043 MAYTAG gas range. 3 vrs old. SacrUira. Dres. EM 4-4PTT COMBPREEZFR REFRIC A real buyEM 4 T144 FREEZERS, reposaeaaed Up rights. It A il cu. It. new guar EM 4 ttlO GOOD uaad Norn dryer to day guarantee Only Ht A real steal Terms "Your Down Town" Firestone Store 3tttN.Ubarty.EM 341. GUARANTEED stscondl Honed tataasatat wash art, dryers, raapaa A refrtat 131 A up VIATF.R APPLiA-NCS CO m Cnemetete St. ELECT ROLUX cleaner' 111 SO 1321N Capitol. Dlr EM j;1t7 USED washer. Ill and un. Mod ern Appliance Center, 1141 1 Com'L EM 4-93S3 Your Building Supply Friends" em PORTLAND ROAD LIMBER YARD JMJ Portland Road EM 4-4433 I L Elfttrom Co Mt uberty VINYL floor Hat M each. USED rang, refrig . washers A dryers til ta food working cond S A H Groan stampa. terms Master Service Stations 3M H Com I SEE 'tis ON FACTORY DIRECT FREEZER SHIPMENTS De livered to your door. SAVE 1190 Only lit down. Model sues 1 - ll'i - tt "Your Down Town" Firoaton Store. 3a N. Liberty. EM 1-341. 434 Strwin, MaKhtrras FOR Sale. Fsstberwtlghl Port able Singer Sewtnf machine. Perfect cond la EM 3-443. WANTED: Oood torn tar I Twry rut part Cocser puppsas aiaa mt noma tar thsir moth r, EM 4 taat IRISH SETTER Reg T mo 33tT Williams Ave BIRDS. FISH. HAMSTERS DM Uvtngytoa EM 1-1141 DOG TRAINING Retriever A Gun Dog. Ohedienca A doa-s boarded EM l-OPUt G rover Franklin ORANGE and pink apricot ra aariea. 134 Chemeketa. km 1 434 455 CUrtin, WEDDINO fown. 3 lormals. It. sue 11 - It. EM 3 4771. 454 ! V i l.di. 412 rrTssiaar CHICKEN Ptrtlitnr. Ill truck Id tor price sacks n . Alt WIS Fl m t EM GUARANTEED R-Condltianed TV s t4 M A UP. HUYETT TV tit FatrgToundt Rd. EM 3-111 TV. Yea Ittl Flraatnne Store. SM X. Llbarty. EM l-4tl II IT WwtmriuMaa TT. kaol A fix. tilt. Tt Kaar Dowt Towa" Ft 4 -ON ar EM 4JlM. MULCH SAWDUST $1 Per Yd. EM 1-4031 II yr car for ROTTED sawdust. ftna Na ftaar coywr bad. PhUllps Brut. BL tt. CM 4-301. FERTILIZER - MULCH Mushroom manure, For new lawns EM 1-0331 old. your Box ROTTED ar fresh Msnure, by ttck or cubic yd del phii Up Broa. BL I. Bra at. EM 4-juvi. t-ioeo aua. 410 rrvrl I rtrm rnxlim ASPARAGUS fdr canning or freestng Gaorg Athar aa Grand laland GREEN APPLE MARKET" Aaptragua, Rhubarb for raanmg A freetuig lav Portland Rd 434 ftrm tww4ml 411 fVWkat lath at MODEL MT John Dotre tractor rM. EM 1-111 or 4t Stat It IPS! FARM.U.L Supar A. w'th Irani A rear 4-row rultlva tort, A II plow. Ekctlhynt cond. SLIP. Prtctictlly r ' 1 owner Off-set disc with hydraulic cylinder. 1311. Can he seen I mites North of West Satem oa Wallac Rd. SJ 4-1. He Saturday calls. BUY WHOLESALE ALP ar whose boat Weight A prtr taken directly from par bars tnvrnce Only charge tar cutting t wrapawig. Dutch Mstd Oteo, .. . I for Mc RhuPtrb . J lbs. for 10c 3nt Mtrkat CM 1-4141 EM 3-4141 PASTEURlfED whole milk. fa! Homogenise, He. Uc Ctearr mired, Mc. i, fat. Dairy Elf I-30JI Said Too Free ft met. Satem. Oregon, on tr-t ISthi ,....(. ffylC stay at May. 191. lor th following JaDtJIICdC LOVJ3 TRACT I: ' pteginning at ttw earner common to Pactions ta, at. tna ax la Tewrnahlp t South Rang I West T(.a yi,. H P Th bif of ttw Wluseitette Mertdlaa fa Mar- I ' "l." u ...l-h, i. rnrmuate! tna C aunty Orwfoa. and running nrwtltpfT MllflrChl I cmM-uTI-thanca Waat ateasf th Una between . in about Inn murh frrdori i and atectlona M and 3d Its rhaina i tfaitt Th OSOPT UVt to ttw Want art of th Donation JP,'M(,r , aV J " p"pT Lawd Claim of A J oh noon and The prop l of Eiirop Vovt dofl "-, thawce S-ysnh It Jt chama te w japanc snd lTaSeV J ah-r sr. .ltd more dot thrrr Finmsasmoa br deed recorded la ' Rut rrrnvrrwry thr am to b runt bat MM chains te thejhowlinf than in Jtptn The p , Voat Rrw af st Irisct af lane jB n pditoruyl luunU atrtct- Ml Volum 17, j-ajt , T Control 01 CSnilte. 1 W wart Prooerty aated Real Eat' Mt AUTOMCmVTl PI Neat Cart At Uaad Cart tar Sale :S3 Aula Part nd Repair M Trucks, Treltert tor Sate tn Motorcycles 14 Wsnted Cart, frucat tat Aula Mlaceltensoua as Hotaa Trailer IM Heavy Bqatanwat Mt Aircraft 300 Pertonal 310 MwatisttJ Nf FOB BENT: T Parttea Onha Ituakwse Maotmgs EM 4-443. Holly-wood liaat Dan. EAT LIKE A KINO BUY OF BEEF IM tot U tb A. grsded A br apecteel 43 1 H an. pyml a r Satiafactten fuartnteod MACS MEATS A LOCKERS tw N Lsbarty EM 4-7144 414 PP4rrrry t ttt-rl BRED sows A asjcks EM 4 tTM. MM Aubwra Bd "Castora ah-awtthf of PouNry We hoe RaMslU A rtrhse Wtaft. 3tt Stan, EM 4 311 BABY CsMcba rae asaat ar eggs end tot fro to later Wttaon't Rstraery Lywaa Ore. PI ULrtc t-safl 42S AtKtitm Silt SALE EVERY SUNDAY 1 P M. SHARP Buy or Mil oa sons! tn men t. Household foods. Appliance, used cart, misc. Items. Open 1 days t week. E0LA AUCTION. EM 4-4521 ail W. af Bakna-DtllM Hwy 450 Merchandise 4S1 HwtaeVtMJ OtMbtk I YR. crib A matt. Ilk at, tlso davenport EM 4-tijt SELL: equity la Ironritt Ironor Call Sat. San. or attar a p m wk day, em 4-bii NEW 3pe Curved Foam Rubber sectionals ebj tt UBS wonury 1 10 N. Bummar. LOW prices easy parking Gten woodry. laua a. num SAVE IIP REPOSSESSED T. V. Seta front SIS. Headers. 23 N. High St 11" ADMIRAL TV set with antenna HMtt Uaad Mrfse Mart FT S. Llbarty. EM 4371. Roor TRUSSES FOR 25 FT. BUILDING tlx. 2x4 Const. Bolted) $7.50 EACH No. 2 k Btr utrti lurnbrf rioonnf Siding Shasthlng. Ixl Ut. 3x10, 3X13. 3x14 J LsTiaTTER & CO. f70 ortiaind Rd 'j ml. North of Totttm Pil Opvt all da ftaturtltijr iMrtm Ek 4 1111 Building-Remodeling? Lawn fene with posts He. ft Nsw 4 toll pipe 17r ft Septic Unks . 30. IU M bltck sewer pipe she ai Jtc. Calv pip 13c , lie . l's 31c . 1 1 a 3w . 1 tec. Plastic pip as I'iC. 1 lSi.c. ToileU 131 3. with seat $25 M Washbasins complete 111 M ttael bath tuba complete 161 93 53 gal water heaters MN Steel, cat, stainless sinks Shower cablnat bast quality 1311 Nsw laundry trtyt IIJ U. 13 I wir roll price 4c, ft. Elc. rang cable 30c ft Ml amp mater bases 111 It Heme panels at w to tM w. I' slec. calling lant 113 73 Reiect Insulated panel shake lid ing only 4 3U so Painted shakes w uc 111 IS Permanent Asbeatus sidutg 113 N Galv. Iron roofing 111 1 sq No. 3 codar ah ingles 3 II et. No. 1 codar thugtea 111.00 so, 3 lab ill lb. comp roof 1 1 t, I. It. 13, A It ft gartgt drt . with hardware up Birch, mahog. A giatt door Sertw doors M M Na. 1 aak Ooorttoj tl M. Obit. WMte bwtvms guiaae U. nana, par awg, ta.se. SPRAY maajtilaa Wftk FOB SALE: PAINT OIL BASE lta gal Csaa Waoary ls tt. Surnnsar BEST IN TOP SOIL Keiirr Sand k Crsd Co. Ev.. Stat k Sub. EM 2-173 PAINT rag I i aubnde white B- gal. t gai. : tw N. Lancaster. Satem. PIT RUN GRAVEL Top seat EM 4-4741 BLACK TOP Soil Pit raa (rival LM 4-143 eves NEW PLAY gym tats S3 Tt Car woodry. laua a. aummar "VirginTop Soil EM 2-1573 SCOTT Spreader, t M. laundry tray A faucet, to. tn - pod Bumper Jack. H Ern 3-43 USEXI 'Tlrws . boturhl aTsslat Lvtst't OL Rubber Waadwra, 1303 N. Conunerciai. NEW Garbage Cut lg 4 41 tjien woodry. law n summer TYHEWRITtPA add lag ma- cninca, cash registers, aupll catort. feaska, chairs, rlkas. tup- plws. Hoea a. 43 court L'SED kuleu k (Ixturws Uted vraeh bow St a S3 EM Hi CEuAst lasvc poet good auauty Traatea ar aattraataa. Ph EM 4-30(1 MAH nd Ubtet. I Mak step labiea. walnut singl laundry tub push law mouer EM 3 373 DELUXE baaauwt. teeter babe, car l-ontl Pity p seal EM NEW BRASS Firescreens 143 Glen Woodry, Itu N aummar CROSLEY gas range, good road. 13. EM 4-314 River Bottom Top Soil Oregon GrtTd C. EM 4-4707 RECAPS - rroxlt 7 tl air. Nationwide Road Haxard Guar Lvtie s O K. Rubber W aiders. 2JU9 N Commercial MARBLE Flrwplac 13 Plan tatal. Antique marble top. black walnui sideboard 190 M -stop by and bruwaa Cten Woodry i0S N Summer GOOD CLEAN T0PS0IL bo wvcdg, rrptti or rorks. THE PRICE I yd load yd load ta on turn Ph EM 4 4141 t I m ta 10 p ra. Limited tuna 500 Bo, ft Fnumee S10 MtMttTf tw U PRTTATn 111 t4MM TBltWJ INVESTORS PrryaW ataaay aaoawd t nuntaara saaat. Credit IgstMa. nrirua appraisal i each property C V KENT CO TJ N. Ctia rVEM T3 HAVE ciaesta aaads lit. sot loan. kurhar tana normal rate et toterest. I yr pay art Call either Den or Al ltaak Al laaak Healtors. EM 4-3311. aa N. Churca. 600 EmployTaCTt 411 Wfk Wsaal, m WAN 1 11 shaii trrttacdL aarsT pscthtm. EM 4-14L itLAVT aouaamont avantsw Es wit rat. W.te aa J ami aalBaaJML TlLACT0R R0T0VATlNr Gar Isaa. la was. archaras rrtta ILssa. EM latlt, EMJ-Ptll hEW Lawn complete Pre Eat Phone EM t-iau Era. Eat 4-3P41. I BPJtsTPldftsFS YOUR money can earn t per cenL Contact State Finance Co. 11 S. High SlrweL Ph EM 1-3131. Salem. 600 EmpJoymrui M2H.lpW.ataa PLATOON leader tor rioee a JO sent strsisberrv Ztesd Hlaasa Phone EM 4-t3tl COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Save 14 Specialists la off ice placeman ta F Gen Ofc Good Typist IMS 44 kr k F Steno Good typist I dsy wk Open F Payroll Clerk Tamp 1 M hr F Socry. Typist, posting, short hda na smaH children part tlm 100 F Billing. File Clerk IBM Etec. Typewriter 1311 F Part-Tim Bkpr I da I M hr F Secry Excellent futur 3W F Gen Otc. PsrtTlni. Shorthand ISS 00 F Legal Scry. Tamp. Opto M Salesman Appltanr Comm. m Drsar M Clerical. Tvp. I yrs College or Equivttem In Acct. 3V-JA- Married I3U0 tteat Way to tha Best Jobs 404 Slate St 411 Oregon Building EM 4-3331 arOTO-TILLING EM I 104 PAiNTTNC Shop .andScror wort Cttas. McLaaa, em 3-JHJ3 MAN a Its 7 yrs. atrvtr sutma tap., trhoaliag mm B F Good nek tn laws- desire position, age 17, 3 children EM 3-4SV1. IWNIKIWINC- spadmg Gsii daa ork EM 3-t EXP Ssmrt SUUen tttendanX family maa, preler hours he. tween 10 AM tn I P M. Statesman-Journal Boa 131 crsTOM roto-tuxing" EM 4-oas CISTOM ROTO-TILLiNG " EM MUX EXP carpenter. Remodel n model, repair no job) tt tma:i EM 3-1371 NEW lawns with !4 EM 3-343 CA R P ENTV R work Anv kind Rrat 434 Ms.iear Rd Esi 4 Ml Cl'STOM Rotovatuig- gardens snd Lawns A is" equipped tt do row crops tt SO per hr. Call EM 4 lta Cl'STOM ROTCVT ILLI N'G " EM 4 K34 1230 ROTOV AT1NG - Fordwut Trse- tor with 3J Rolovatnr Lawna A garden. EM 1-sWn dsys. Evt 4-4M0 WANTED TRACTOR WORK EM 4-1407 ere pa red A aeeded oward Rotovator. 41 1 Car Rant Mitcanpaavri Hospital Bad with Mattiwst United Rant AU't. 94 State St. RENT rr teat It, wsranouee space cement floor brick bid downtuwa Inq B. L Butt Fura. EM l-llsi 412 Trttia Mitcall NEARLY new I ft dbl Brllllon Hollar lor livestock EM 4-1311 413 Wtntad nAitcctlansppui 451 Mtitk.l Inttrvmarit OPENINGS for summer or fall piano students Nsnrr Hunt. 3Mt Utterly Rd EM 3-P!. KNABE SPINET Slight rest dsmage Bit discount i all man Piano Warehouse. 39 S 11th near IP Depot. "A Mil From High Prteaa' HAMMOND srgaa 13 off. I years aid, lull pedal board, Leon S Draws EM 4 011 SPINET PIANO Sacrifice for quick sale at this locality Cash or Until. Writ Mr Martin, 7s S E Mllwaukia Ave , Portland. Or CLEARANCE USED Organs pianos. Morrell Organ La., Je-i n. nign PIANO MINDED' Sav Buy direct from distributor wa guarantee w ran tan you All mskes, all styles. EZ terms Inveetigel lodav Tillman Paine Warehouse, 3M t. 13th. near S P. Depot 441 WurttMt HsMtJ t34Matrl WE pay cask lor good rlesa used fumrtur and appliances Uaad Merchandise Mart, 170 S. Ubtrty. EM 4-4371. Flbarglaa rati inaalttloa 4rS. Plasterboard II M. 1 to, IN Joktt ratnaat, tap, texture pamt II X 33 calling tit) lOlyc. a. It Floor til. It colon, tc Hit Dratnboartl coverlruj 30c sq ft Fencing, radar a steel posts IS lb. felt Bid paper 13 41 Ltrgt complete stock sashee. crystal dbl wind CHEAP Choir shake mold 10c (L Garage dr hdware lit SO C. G. Long & Sons I Ml N nf Kelwr EM 4-K1I1 LUMBER Unit loads Old growth shlplap 1x4 del. 133 M Lowest price on I to 34 h Spec length No 3 Call EM 4 0433 Tad A Lao Muller LATE model Smith-Corona port thle typewriter. Call eve IM JIW. Dsy EM 4 2171 ext. 117 Old Ctri Bought fop Junk Also Scrip Iron Vans Auto. Wrks. 441 SILVERTON RD. m Faat of Lanrtutar Pst. EM 4-aeM WANTED man wlf to work. Sum try -cook ing k mamten ante Board A room Good Salary Silver Falls State Park. Inquire at lodge APPLICATIONS are saw being taken tor Stateamaa ptryeM route. Sarartl route anil at pen. A pp Urania must be ac companied br their paronH or have their written permle aron. Apply tt th Clrrulauoa Departmant at th Suteamaa-JournaL CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists In off Ice personnel IM N. Winter EM l-OtM o04H.lpW.ata4., M.a PAINTER: Experiencod man for larg farm. Steady employ meht references required -Please Phon EM 4 33 PART ttm work . 133 week EM 4 4101 to II. IMMEDIATE SERVICE Plowing A Pitting EM 1-tJO HOWARD Rotovstmg EM 4 3U3 or EM 1333. Na calls bat. please Custom rotovatlnf -plowing. D. MARSHALL EM I-134J CARPENTER repairing! re model or New. EM 1 364, Frd Mulllna. BUILDING remodel Sm yobs. Work guar, rate. EM 4-TTM Loirs tree tarrlra, trmsaag. prune, cabling EM 4-aMI LIGHT crawler dour tevellng, gradra. EM t-ltMS. L Earta. Paintmg. tntertor. exterior Jot Q trom. EM 4 3110 Carpenter wrk. New or r modal Fro Est. EM 4-41 IE PR El estlmstaa aa floor cover ings ar dralnhoarda. R L Elf ttrom Ct. 30 I. Liberty PLOWING k DISCLNG PH. EM 4-6X1 RETAIL BAKERY ROUTE IT7 30 per wk to start Blue Cross ramllv nlan furn taond Steady work Must be sble lo ' EXP BRUSH It SPRAY PAINTING" Paper hanging, free eattmttt. Terms. Ph. Nelson. EM 3HH3, R0TOVATING It lnch min. Gsr den li lawn work; Lawn mow kit EM 1-01 - EM 4 344. FORD Trtctor tnd Eauipment, U -drive or Custom work Eel icr dlsl only. EM 1-0143 fARPENTER S HelparT or tmsU carpenter Jobs. EM 4 3U3 eve "CUSTOM ROTO-TILLING " C L. Calf - EM 1-J7BJ Lawn yard work Odtl obtain good T panel alter training. EM 3- 0e Halo W.ataeJ, L.tjy WANTED housekeeper baby- sitter. Room ft board. 100. EM 1 Mlaa Kirk. Family a a d I hou! KM WANT ta eontart twneuaw wba hat Btai-A-CttOr. Wrtt Statesm an-J oumal Box TW. WAnTTbTHemteck. white fir. Cottonwood pulp wood tramp, tft of ttm species roc 1. red fir EM 3-1711 davt. EM 4 1433 or EM 1-14 v CASH lor Uaad Cunt, aad old mint, til types. Cascade Mart, 113 Broadway 44 Mitcall Eon est. utr. root tot Clea Woodry Itnt N timmar DICK MEYER RENEWABLE INSTALLMENT CREDIT PLAN t Moa Ta Pay fOn Approvad Credtll REMODEL - IMPROVE Ua This Plan For Lawn retires Repsirs R pslntlng Re-Roofing Etc Visit our office For DETAILS DICK MEYER LBR. CO. 1711 Lana Avenue Phone EMpIre 13 arte paid mod. sleek, uaad rumiturs and appllanca EM e-IU MISC. furnttare wanted taatt tafvtet Ptt EM Cnur 444 Spcrrt icprnrrt I- M modal. M hp. JOHNSON SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chmekets F.M ItMl FOR SALE: 41 lb. Grtrley bow. tTI. EM 3-7111 IE BOAT, motor ft controls ft niter Rest offer EM 1 317 after 4 3 Tt rise cuttinnd Ad Call CM. 44411 TWbrtpl.y CUssttU. 114 Trwatn.rT.tittT WORKING girl weeds rM from atartaa ta Satem dally I te I taytoa 434 PHONE EM 4-6811 TO PLACE AlJ Triangle Barber Shop (next te Trlangl Cafe I Men ft Ladies Hitmrttmg FREE PARKING Gsll rswann Erwat Pal at tha ttor with ttw saay terms Otea Woodry laa M Sum mar. EIRBY vacuuas rteatwr. jtt t 1331 N CapttoJ. EM 3-reti. air HEW Ho- anrkM with aw sorma mattress 3 M Gten Waodrr I4M N Sum mar NEW ape Wr. Iron Dinettes At tew as 3t M tart Ipc Vln tar wrth Ira console Ubte MOO Terms Tratea Gten Woodry. laat N. Sum mar IjtRGE selection of used furnl lure davenoa. Steves rofrtfer s ton dtnttte. lrm ata wash machine TVs. etc Cten Woodry. Itnt N Summer i ROOMS ot new rarnlture f Bedroom Living room Kitchen l V t ttsy terms Glen Wrasdry Ittt N Summer H1CHAIRS1S. m crfh snd mattress I at; 4 yr DwLuxe Crib ft Mill IS 00 play pen w pad lh: davtnn It M wood heater Its. ml ctrm Ittors from 10 on. bunk beds w mattresses 44) used rugs clean Gten Woodry Itns N Summer. NEW divan at"- chjh chair, rockar ft ottoman 1194 4 Used Mda. Mart Fl t Ub trty. EM 44111 FOLDING "Camp Tralter. ssreps 4, muat see tn spprec 1043 Elactrte Ave EM 4 fte1 II FT CsMn cruiser 1 HP ma tor with controls ft tralter. 11 N Winter I MP Johnson, tt HP Evmrurl motors Call EM 4 7M, SEE THE 1957 16 FT. CRUISEnE Blakecraft. fiberglass trtusl Eh IF 6eam 7" Only Del. In Satem K S CYCLE ft MARINE 131 Highlsnd EM 11413 DENTAL PLATE REP A IK I RR SERVICE IN MOtT CASRB DR HARRY SEMLEB. Dentist Adalph BMf . State ft Coral tta. SALEM fa sja a-uil WANTED psatooa tender f 1 1 strawberry field. EM 4X110 HOUSEKEEPER waaatd. I ehll- drn EM 474 tvanlngs. ACTIVE older woman to rare for elderly man In country, live In. Rt 1 Box M. Brooks. TRlnlty 1-4183 Silvorton. WANTED girl lor night thill work in photo llnltitlng plant. Art Photography. 123 Court BEAUTY operator wanted for satem t newest moat modern talon. Call Vivian F.nyeart EM 4-111 or EM I 3W4 WANTED, baautlcten at Love- all Millar EM a-irra. 60S Picktrt WrjnttsJ 46 Mat hi nary Taat SHOP Smith ft attach, Uaad little Indeperatencett-Jl SEVERAL used welders for saw. W Illinois, EM - SEVERAL isted welders Be at 11 Stewart SL Ph. EM 4-144 mr WANTED: cards t aark-fra arood. fir ot hemlock Ph EM t-mi: alghts EM 4-M31 465 Pr4tarBety Keith Brown Specials Now open Saturdty. all dty Weekend apafialt 10 only J Ox I 1 Pan I Lite Screen Doors It M ttck Wt hiv l full line of screen doors with galv or slum wire - alum screen and storm doors. Hylock window screens . all types of screen door, hard ware, hinges tnd grills. Fanclnf Redwood i 410 Baaket Weave Ml Ltn 1 x 4-R Lift Btr. 84S 10 Un 4 i 4 R L S ft Btr S4S H Ltn Fencing Cedar srift k rtasket wesvs ot un i i 4-R L 1 ft Btr S4S Oil Un 4 i 4 R L 1 Com 4S 10 Un 4 x 4-R L 1 Com ft Btr S4S It Un I v it . R I. 1 Com ft Btr Inverted Coder Pnl 11 M 11 an 1 Natural Shakes wrth undcrcourt fl 0 I Whit Ptlnt I ftl it nc 4x!b reiect ksrdnoard I 10 ea txixii. harwnoard IB ts 4xx hardooara anoeriavmem t sa es NOW Finest tlldinf alum windows oa nurut loaay aa low aa 111 complete Aiaa matching Alum Glass frama and Alum Door frame HIGHWAY rTEL CO. SAWIII'ST A WOOD EM I-M44 OREGON FUEL CO. DRY AND GREEN WOOD MULCHING SAWDUST S k H GREEN STAMPS EM t-5533 STRAWBERRY pickers to rails Bus transportation from north ft Etlt Salam EM 4-407 eve Pierre iPele Stvry. REGISTER now tt acres NW berries But rtt. through town ft 4 Centers. Mrs Shoamake's platoon. EM 4-707 PfCKERS. 14 ft elder before you roaiater slswwhar artve tO tt llalda27eBfk Xtpl AfMl tfta SjMefl( Rd , t ml. west ft north nf Reiser arhl. te see I A of beautiful high yteldint new St lets strawberries also to A af NW. EM t-Ttat. after I 30 ben- tirbUistBrrni berry FARM. Raf lor parking now But trtnt Clean fields Can Mrs Jul Gooding at EM 3-301 PM OROANIEINO ttrsarberry pls- taon, picking at Alan Wels ner'l. Child ren II yrt. tnd Adultt pralerrwd (fall EM FERN FUEL M T. la lam Rd. Dallas I unit load alabwood tit. Ftna cut murti sawdust I. MA IHSl ar MA3-344I Coltect SPRING SPECIAL SAWDUST FOR lsnrLCHlNO Choice Blnrk 4 Slabwood SASH ft DOOR PLANER ENDS WEST SALEM FUEL CO. 153 Edfrwater EM 1-4031 ANDERSON'S tlsb wood 1 aords 130 EM t-mi. CAPITOL FUEL CO SAWDUST FOB MULCHING Dry aak, ash a aiapw waoa Chatea slab A block wo mix, dry t groom. Dry atlll 11 Broadway Pit. EM 1-1711 500 Bus. & Finance S10 Mtuatrr H Ua SACRIFICE new ttmm Brsu Camera with guarantee, tel. photo, wide angte ten, ft par alitxllnrter EM 1-1141. 44V6 sWyclat ' SWING roc bar. Mh book rase ft and tanas Ml S Elm. lETPiHIFTY But GOOD aotd rornltur A Mngl Item or s complete hoatwhnld Buy aow aa awr aay terms Wcodrv's Thrifty USED FURNITURE 111 S Commercial EM 4-H1I I Bwrk Vnrth Of Paper Mi ft BEDROOM art. din rm. art, lfy. ran. act- EM I arjt. BOYS 14" hirer It with I speed gear shift Wt Cedar St. flay ton Ph. 724 470 Waft fVUrariah ELEC aorta has h educed pii' a tt gsl ewe. wtr hrt, tt M. 1I-! wired 4c ft m rs 3 Be. bath set. mmp tilt Bullt-sa awn plus 4 bur unit tlSS. Outlet boxes rl cm ta. 141 trie, lc ft m dlt 4- aafr fufter lie ft . I" vent fsn. til M 11 I M kltrhan sink, romp 143 tl Apex Electric Plum hi 1411 RroadwiT. EM I- Oppn Fn. tt LNI.Afri n no learn I1 1 per s yd R L tlfstrota Ca. t i Liberty PLANNINO TO BUILD Construction financing tvallable. also loans te bay, build, n term Limited tunda avallahw at I'i net. sn preferred C V KENT CO 171 N. Cottage Ph. EM 4473 LUMBER YARD 331 North Fraat EM Mill Wa grva S ft H Oreen Sttmpt PLUMBING tnttaDstlons tt rower prtCOS uusranieen werx CaU JiMteaa'l EM 14141 far aetlmal. 4S0 For S.U MittalUnaeHri OIL farriaea. wan tvpt wrth fan control, thwrmoslat roppar tubmf . aaansctlont, 14 gallon tank wrth filter, for !U '4 OLDS BS motor ft trana com plete. slao other body parts. PHILCO IT" TV set console n.. -tel. HI . tny tut tires, white wtus ft Mark. 110 So 11th. EM 4 4HJI ASH wood decsded ssrdust. and top toll. EM 1441. -'5 W'iV'Wt tm to mm Pick Your Payment It ma Amt at S4 tna. Am, at Paymt't Caah Ptymt's. Caen It j 1141 M It SltSJI tu iiri ii' fcmtt EH M1 MS 1" Ml IM Tl34l-.i7't PACTPIC INDUSTRIAL LOAN! III S Ubarty EM 4-1 n PRIVATE srvM1! t-r4. COIJ1N1AL Ineaalnwat Ca Property Loan. Coatractt pur rhaeed t1 Caurt EM 4-!Jl. RAWLINS Rati Catata Ca. Mortgar Laaa lu, act. an tercet tra Owmabwta Ph EM 44tTI LOANS mm ta tt itj.it Buy What Taa Need Consolidate pour Witt, Ftna nc fhrmirh Wn JJtMFTTE CREDIT mvtPANY IB t Charek tl , EM t-ttaf keeper, 1432. jobs. D. Farmer EM 3-ton Cl'STOM plowing, discing, gar dens, sm. tcrttgtt EM 1331 414 W.rk W.atsxi, U,y tny- WANT part ttmt R N sc L P. N Phon EM 3 tdut HUSBAND ft wU. ortterly ft Nurse, will give private car to amouiatorv or ooa patient. our boms em 1 73a ( Urn. WILL da washing or Ironing ltx)N. Winter, EM 4-40 RIJP covert msrte In my horn. Bertha Handley. EM j4-M3. CAN'T keep up with ironingt Ijljroa 1 kr. EM 4-TH34 MIMEOGRAPHING tvpins Mrs, Po M6 N llhEM 1-JM3 DRESSMAKINO ft alterations, belts ft buttons md EM 411t4 EM Ironing w my kofn. 615 CKittJ Cr. CHILD care my home Havesvllla dlst. I North) EM 1-S724 4 IS-A i.bytirtlri9 CARY rsrs In Christian horn. 1110 r sir grounds Rd . F.M 14133 WILL rsre for 1 or 3 children, 3 yrs or older, Mv home. Wtsl Satem. EM 1 44 WANTED btby itttlra In your home. Engtewoorj uist r.Nt 4-334. CHILD car. 1 yrt. ft under, my horn. EM I 103 ailLTTCARE MYlibME Four Corners EM 1 1344 RELIABLE Btbytltter. hr , da or ana, my bom, em I-tso. COVTNO. superrlsorl child ctral my horn. South, em 1 111. 4ll Edttctiati SIGN with Mr. Cooro't platoon for Alan Wetenar t clean berry tteld. EM 441M pja. STRAWBERRY pickers Regis ter now with Havaraon a Rchurtar. Starting approx Mty 1. Clean ftelda. EM 1141 ar EM 4-130. REOISTER now far Barry alt- Won, but trana., axe. t w field N. Wests at Brooks EM 4-411 Mrs Rrarnar STRAWBERRY pickers register pew for 11 Arra N Wests. L. A. Tarnwtl EM 4-trat IVE Ftrm. lk ml. No Fruftland out Canter St. Truck will take this route- Sunnyvtew tt Brown Rd. t A.M. Swtfte brn Kmc ear start. Auburn Button Pen 4 Cor., Msctesy Rd. to Elm At, to State St. DRIVE outs ta pick berries ft baana, also rid furnlalwd. xcai clean ptektnt Ed ft Aiaa Hasleharher Ph Mrs. Brooks EM 4410 ar 409 Cmmissi4Mt Wtk MEN DELIVERY ft roltectlon Mutt ka car ral ar part time Commleelon ad. dally Suit 1. Ill State. 410 &l Hatt W.atau WANTED: Tsacher with trtln. m( In pre school education la Nursery School. I 30 AM to 11 session for term starting 21 57 Box 742 statatman Journal. ENROLLMENT limit. No, bow. Salem Christian Klnrjergmrtea ft Qrtdet 14. EM I- HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Finish your High School in your spsr tlmt. Text books fura. Law tuition, F r t a lrok!eL AMERICAN SCHOOL 143 N. Interstate. Portland II. 420 D.y and ContracT , tk. 4 yd shovel crane kaa ar. On, st-toa mntylte eranaa. D-4. D-7 eetk carry all fleer Ing bled Rental contract a unit price SALEM SAND k GRAVEL 14 N Frattt tt KM a-MIT SCHARFT BROTHERS Inattllttlon R t p 1 1 r Sewsra, Swrrtl Tanka, Drata Ftelot. Power 0 1 1 1 k I a E Backfill. EM t-Mt. 700 KpnLtU 703 Stwp. 04tw, Hoard TOP earnings lor tgarreattvt talesman, xpartencwa in ma ter appliances, eewanf mark., vacuum ilsaners, ft TV's. Muat be neat, honest ft wlllkii te work, guar an teed eatery k commteatna Apply In person only at Montgomarr Ward Ca. 14 N. Urwrty, ftetern, Or tN WEEKLY fuarantea It tttrt mailer arata t-o aw rsai NEED another full or Prt titn tatesperarm for Wttklni Quality Productt pttabllshed mute. Wt train ta ttw tteld Pleas contact Distributor, list So. Com! St. em -JMe to enly M Wark Wattrthf, Uh SMALL carpenter tnha, toad wsrk. rtat. EM 4-1434. WANT part tttna twiinonUsi ar bookkeeping, t-sa a-twaa. ROOMS for rent In Capltnl shop ping renter. Men preferred. Reasonable EM 4-342 ar EM 1-1101 CLOSE 1 niet ctetn sleeping mil., tM t, Ml. tag Canter. CLEAN, warm rm T V, eloea In 111 S Winter. EM S-I7H. I BM. basm't Apt. Man only. n. w uitar. 705 Apartwsaalt ft R.ttf MOD. turn apt, radiant heat, but by door. SM S. ltth EM 4-1114 after I p m CLOSE In, 1 rm. apt., prtr bath, krtnett., priv ant. Employed girl EM Mt S4t N. Cotteg. FUTIN. ar unfurn. t bdrm. apt. EM 4-rot PLOWINO ft diactruf. tt Satem EM 3-2T71 or MM 1-TO1 BUTlillNO, re-modL roofing. cs nine's, Hdlrn. EM 4434 ipry4ng, tree topptng rrrmyrtl. prualn, UCaatUt KM t-laL AMBASSADOR NscI ram. Apt. ttt N. t-JT-!fv-T EM 1-tlOt MODERN furn. Apt for I Adults. W0 Mill CLOSE tn mad. atrura. t'tamsl fir.. Apt. tnd small pulhnaa Apt r,M Mat) except Stt FUHN I hitrm , prl hatk, lata 771 S, UaL EM S4aaa,4