DAILY ACXOM. .Whip hudl 11. Boredom 11 A OrMt Lake lirnult IIM 14. A rautir 15. Sonf lor 1. Skin IT. Article fr.) It. Compass point labor ) II Om'i relative, 20. TurfcUh beaddr 11. A area island 14. Small hors 23. Period of Urn 14 Against, 27. Small eel . 1. Tmy pool of water 12. Flow SlObeoa 14. Farm animal 15. Bon 1. Plac 17. Stinging inject t Spoak 41. Miniattr' houa 42 River rr I 41. Chang 44 Girl's nam (poa ) 44 Exploaioa CROSSWORD DOWit? 1A prMer I A ruimiif award tOlits 24 Af. fa. lAaimal fat .Bind 4. Stir violently T. StunUd object I. Grampus I. Micro. porta 10. Disney character 14. Slothi 11. Low iaiaad i 'A ;" 11 I tioa. au " . . 21 None '" . f 14. Sd " veeetl lMlirer' i 2V Slice 27. Gam bird 14. Corroded 2. Compeaaate 10. Not winning 11. A apacialiat J3.Prieof paan( M. River (Ruaa.) ST. Barrier M. Speciea of pier larch.) 40. Metal 41. Fairy ejueea r a-- x- " zzmizzwtzz IZ'JaZZZWaZZ HI 11 1 w I New York Closing Stocks atoraf r t. Nra fiaae aad Admiral Corp ll'i Ai Chora tt Or ' AUM Str . ., AUM Oa M's AIM M', Ai Ud Aa Airitaes . IS'e A Caa . 41'k Am Oaa 'i Am Motor ', A IU Fdr 4, Aa TAT Aa Tobacco Aa Vi Arm Copper Araer . - M Armour 14 Alrtveeoa Too . . 14'. Aw 41, Bendlx A via e BM Food '. Beth III M', toting Ait 44', Borden . M1, Borg Wara il', Buryrue . .. . 44 Burn Add In . 41 C CHf Peck . 43', Camp Soup . 4, Can Pae Ry ... . . 35', Cat J I lit, Calerp Tra M Caian li', Certalnteetl . I', Che A O Ry M Chi M A St P . II', Chi KW Ry . M, Oil R I, Ry Chrysler . TI Otle Serr . 4t', Chmax Moly . . 10', Cluett Pea 41', Cora Co. . HV, Colfate . 41, Corn Credit JO1, Comw EdWoe . . . MJ, Con, IdiaoBA 44', Contain -X . II Conl Can . . :: . 4l's Cent Oil 43 Crane Co . . 114 Crown Eell .11 Curtim Wr 41', Civil Rights Row Flares At Demo Meet WASHINGTON. May 1 lAn-The rivll righu issue flared up briefly today in the Democratic National Committee but member quickly put it aside without a light. The committee opened three day i of party strategy sessions, to be highlighted tomorrow night by a 1100-a-plata money-raising din ner featuring former President Harry S. Truman and Adlal Stev enson, the Democratic presidential nominee of 1M1 and 154, as ora tors What brought on the civil rights skirmish was a letter sent to Na tional Chairman Paul M. Butler by Robert R. Nathan, chairman of Americans for Democrstic Action. Butler read it to the members of the committee, ft called on the membership to "support mean ingful civil rights legislation. " In cluding the Eisenhower adminis tration's program. The letter said some Democratic senators are ob structing rack legislation by delay and deceit. Thus a constant sort point with in the Democratic party was prod ded again. And the national com mitteeman from Alabama, Charles W. McKay, jumped to his feet with motion that the entire letter be stricken from the record of the meeting. Another Southern er, B. Everett Jordan, of North Carolina, seconded the motion. The members jockeyed through several substitute proposals but finally voted unsnimously for one offered by Edgar A. Brown of South Carolina that the letter be received as informs tioa aid placed on file. Stocks and Bonds ramp ay The Aasrtaled Praia May I STOCK AVREAGKS M II II M ladas Rail, lull Itki Nat Chang D I D 1 A I D I Friday M 14 I H I d III 1 ProvMMU Day SOS I IX 4 It 1 ltl I Waak Am 14 14 lt l IS Mui Aa SMS 1114 14 1 HIT Yaar Afo 171 111 1 13 4 HI J ISM Hish SOS S 134 T 14 IIM I 1 HI Low KOI 1114 711111 IIM Hl(h 17 3 115 1 71 1 111 I 1164 Low 144 M l BJ.I 171 I a Raw 157 Hlfh. BOND AVERAGES I II , II II Rail, tnda, tula Frf Nat Chanee A 1 Unci) Unrh D 1 Friday Ml Ml Ml Ml Provwua Day 157 Mi Ml Ml Weak An IS I Ml M.I M I Month Aea 17 1 Ml Ml 111 Yaar Aao HI Nl Ml Ml 1M7 HlSh 17 1 Ml Ml Ml 1MT Low M 7 II 1 M 4 II 1 1M4 Hlfh Ml 177 Ml Ml IN Low Ml M 7 Ml Ml Deere A Co . Dia Match Doug Air Dow Cham Da P 0 N . I Cait Air U Eaat Kodak . CI Paao Caa . Emar Radio Ex Cello F Fairchild 31', MS 1M, 10, FTIntkot Coa Dynamic . Con Uk .. Go Food . Coa M4ar . Ca Tire - Cm Pat Pty . Gillette . GMan Caodrtrt Goodyear Crac WR Grt No Ry Grt Waat tuf Greybound . Cuif OU Roenoatak at ... 1 Int Harvaat . Int Ntrkei fail Paper I Johna-Man Jooaa A M SU K Kalaar Alum Kennecolt Kern Land L Llbby McN Lift Myara . LOT Clam Lockheed Air -Locw's lor M Mafnavoa . Morah Field . -Merck A Ca Mont Cham Mont Ward . Motorola - N Natl Blacull Natl Caah Ra( . I Natl Dairy .. Natl Dutill i Natl Gypaua - Natl Lead. NaU Supply . . l NY Centr,l . 1 No Am Avla . No Par Ry NW Airline, O Olln Math . Oua Elev I P I Pobro Pk C Ir tl 1 Pec TAT Pan Am Air Penney J C i Penn Ry I Pepsi Col, I Phelpe-Dod'e 17 i Phtle Corp aalPiHabitrjr i1 . R .. 41 . M'i - Tl', . Mi . 4', - . so1. 1S 1M - M'l . M .111 -1U 111 - 41 . 11 SH - - 1T J . M - 14i 17', 44 i, . r, M A Corn . . Pa 14 P L Pave (JU ... B Radio Corp .. Rayoaaar In - - Rapub ltl R,yamw Met - RynM To . Rtrkftewl O Royal Dutch. lafewa; Str St Jo Lead St L A RF Ry St Reft Paper SrheaieT Ind Srott Paper . . tear Rn . SheU OU . Sinclair OU . . , SkcUy Ol ' Somny-Mob . So Cai Edi Sou Pac Ry . . Sou Ry Sparry Rand Std Brand . Std Oil Cal . Std Oil Ind . Std Oil NJ Stude-Park Sunray Oil . Sunahin M Swift & Co ISylvania Ki . Teaaa Co Ttxa, Gulf - Prxtron Tida-Aano . I Tranaam iTrana Wo Air . tTwen Can Fox - v Union Carb Salem Quotations BtmWAT IAeraaaaH Jt ITnion Oil 11 Union Poe Ry 47H , ITnl Aircraft Uni Air Una 11 ' Unl Corp . . '' Uni Fruit 14'. us Plywood . US Rubber 47 US Steel . - 4', W Winter PV . Mi Waah Water P 4', Wait Air Br . 12' Wntern Air II', Weitem Her . SI1, jWratem Union . . m, Woolworth . I aS'. i Zenith . . 'l . en. M'. m ' sji, M4 riH M', Mi 33 M', ', S4', M 73 M. M, 41', 44. n't 41 , S3, 14'. II M '', MS ', - MM . 14, I M'.i 4Ai, I 15, - Tl I I 111', MM JO', -''. - ". 7'. 4'. . 33', . 41 4'. - 14'. 14', .S ! i', i 113', N. 1 ; BGGa (Oraeoa Iff Predawn! Prieos to tanner ar 4 I aaot Jl Juaab A Extra Large AA Ure AA Lars A Small A POULTRY I North Old Rooatera Leffhom Hens . Colored Mena Poaltryl Portland Produce W. T. Grant Chief Views Business As Encouraging NEW YORK. May 1 - Stock holderi of W T. Grant Company were told her by Edward Stale? . preiident. that the current la lei trend is encouraging and that 19S7 should see the company set a new record high In sales with nattiest Improvement la profits. He told itockhdlders the Indications are that final figure! lor the first three months of the year will show sales about u per cent higher than a year ago. He aaid the policy ef paying between at per cent and to per cent of earnings rri dividends is expected to be continued. The company plans t continue Iti aggressive expansion, he said. Last year 71 new stores were opened and M additional stores were relocated, enlarged er mod ernized. Te date la 1K7 II new stores have been opened and 44 nw stores are under con at ruction. The company hai a store in Salem, Or. Syrians to Vote On Leftist Trend DAMASCUl Syria. May 1 -About l.m Syrians will vote to morrow in what eppears te he the first test ef their government's drift ta the left. Only four vacant seats la Par liament are at Hake, but the elec tions t fill them as ye produced the first united challenge te the leftist raalitioa new m newer by parties of the U-Cwnma)it right Stocks Reach Record, Dip NEW YORK, May 1 -A rally by rails took the stock market temporarily past its 1967 high to day but the carriers failed to keep their gains and the market was left irregular at the close, er surveys are completed between Leading stocks were a hodge podge of gains and loose run ning from fractions to a point ar more. Approval by the Interstate Com merce Commission ef a far boost approximating 11 per cent for first class fares on Eastern car riers touched-off the entire rail group. Its gains beefed-up the faltering average enough to put It past the '57 high at mid-seasioa. The Associated Press average of It stocks dipped 10 rents at the close to till 70. At noon the AP 10-stock aver age was ahead 44 cents to fin M, or 10 cents ahead of the IK 00 high at the close on Jan. 4 Volume totaled 1.190.000 shares compared with 1.000,000 yesterday. Grains Note Steady Gain CHICAGO. May I i Moit grain futures scored fractional gains in active trading on the Board of Trade today. Steadiness marked trading in all futures except ry which ended the day with net losses ranging up to of a cent. Short covering and continued shipment of Urge stocks out of the Chicago area contributed to firm ness In wheat. Shippers reported that around 100,000 bushels wu taken out of Chicago elevators and it wu expected that total ship ments this week would be about 1.000 000 busheli. leaving smaller stocks (or delivery against May contracts. Old wheat closed S lower to S higher, new wheat i to S higher, corn S lo S higher, oats V, to 1 higher, rye Vi to lower, soybeans lower to 1H- higher and lard I cants lower to 1 centi higher per hundred pounds. Chicago Grain Chicago Livestock Pjckjrd-Bell Names State Distributor William A Shipp has been ap pointed distributer of Packard Bell products la southern and eastern Oregon. Robert T. White, regional sale manager, announced Friday. Shipp wlfl be headquartered in the company'i building at K90 Sil verton Rd. He lucceedi Merwin B. Johnson who has been transferred te Seattle. Shipp has been a Packard-Bell distributor in Uibbock. Texas, for aeveraJ yews. The Ship family include his wife. Selma. and their tour children, twin boys, Cary and Larry, are 11. Don. II. and Carol Ann. 14. They will reside In Salem. Investment Trusts IZllka. Smith CO . In I CHICAGO, Mar I IS (USDA) Hof, l.eu: steady to etmnf oa butcher: kaataarea la II to II ateli er; aowa moatly steady: M. 11 IM M lb butcher II H-li M: top IIM; Na. I I SO Se li II a-IS M No. 1-1 MO MO lb 17 71-IIM. aowa I4M-II7I Cattle MW; cahrea 1M; steady: I lead, prim IMS lb eteere M 71: food and rhoic ateera II 10 S3 M; food and ekntr kalrera II M M M: row, 13M-1I M: eannera and mttare II M 11 M. commercial bulla lip to 17 M: toad and choice vealera I 10-11 a rood to low choice l locker ateera Tl M M M. harp aos: eletdr to etreof 4M head M lb food la choice ihora lamb, wMh He 1 la email ahor pelt, 11 M. double deck mixed II ,kHi, 1 lb food and eboaro lambe n M; waolod eieufhter ewee 4 M IM. Chicago Qnioni CHICAGO. Mar 1 u Onion,' Ope Rlrt Low fteu November In) III I M I II January in in I 71 1 71 Dow Jones Averages NEW YOR K May I UK Dow Jenee eliaiiij alack iwlfM Nlfh Low naa M Induatrial Ml 14 40 ee 407 at M Railroad 141 14 14 M 141 at II Utllltlaa 73 M 71 M 73 17 Stork! 171 17 ITS M 174 17 Markets at a Glance HEW YORK. May I US Stark Mixed: lata profit taunf Bond Mtfhar: ekanaea narrow Cataan Mlrad. kradoyj on 14 CMICAUO Wheat Moatly kifMf rfeif Cor H Murkwr; at arm pa thy wttk wheat. Oata metear; demand fair Ry Lew ay : little demand. Soybean Mainly hlfkwr, Mftu eaced by burhor aaybaan oil prirea cents niftier. rloea OtoodT te II Crtle atoady id Aaked Affiliated Fund IM 141 1 Canadian Fund MM 1 1 Century Share, Truet nil MM rhemfcral Fund IIM IIM Delaware fund MM IIM Dtror. Invoat. Faaad IM 71 Dividend Mwrn 174 IM Uaaa I. Ral riand M 41 MM Caa Ind 14 7 IS I Croup Tabeeae 14 4 M lrtrwe. InveaaMB Sel MM Key Coat, fwnaal 0-1 IT tl II 7 R-4 MM MM i II IM 141. 0-0 . ... IIM IIMl 0-4 Mil IIMl Man Hond Fond .III 7 M Mem Invert Truet IIM IIM Natl Bar. Rertee: I Income Sena 1 7 I M 1 Stork Red IM I M Flwf. Stark 0 1 M I Heal. Die. Sorta 4 17 4 17 NaU Gnrarth - S 7M Oleeieir rnd Kit l7 Tel-Slee rvnd II II IIM Vahm line In Fwad . IM IM WatHnetaa Fwad UM MM Western Securities meat prtro at whkrb on or more doalera. mamben ef the National A earwtioa or Security Dealer , Inc . would trade wttk the perioral public at the trim Ova ataatatlon wore fata ered el S pm. yaatarday: Bid Atkrd CaHf.-Oiwfnei Caarad Plyw Canaal rVatftil IFOJOR rtTSpeaWOJUal iantaen Ine Cam. Melee A Frank rafTtw)MlfC nfJOAoWil ..... Or. s4J07t. C"v4rrl Pac P ft L Com. Poo a Talbot Portland Coa Cake Port Cm. Bme. M'a iT-a . ii'k 114 Ue 'a 71 II K'4 M'e II I V II', M K 't 11 '4 M Rank af Amoeba , V, Rank of California MS "H Chee. Monhotta 4a MS Ptret National 47 II', Urol Nat. City R T. . "S U S Nataaawi !' M CHICAGO. May WHEAT (OM) May July ScpltllMl DTOtTlbtf WHEAT (New) July Septmbr leC4.Crab4jT March CORN May July September u December March OATS May Jnly SeptoiiiliaTT D4J srabeTT STR May . July September December SOYBEANS May Julv September November . January I ' Opa I II I'M',' I I', 1 14', 1 M, 1 I"'. 1 15, US'. 1 1 111', 1 3S, 1 IS'. k . i.as. - "',- - - .07 . 1 II'. 1 II 1 SO'a 1 B 1 41', . 1 Mi, M 1 3', 1 14 1 M, Cane 1 IT, II IM',-'. 1 I VI, 114'. IM', 1 II'. 1 IS', 1 14', 1 .'. 1 33', .1, 1 33., I M', M 19', M' .17', M'e 1 II', 1 17', 1 10 l. 1 M', 1 l'i 1 1 ,' IS'i 1 ','. IM . ' Chicago Butter-Eggs CHICAOO. Mar S uTI (USDA I Buttor Moady: wholesale buvUf prico taarkanfeq; a acoro aa aa1, N't: OS A m",.M(,; M B 17 ',-111.: m C Mi, r C((a weaker: whoaaeala buyinf erica, il te I earn lower: M par rant oe better A whit M: modmrne M M'., alandarda M, chocka M', 17',. Portland Livestock PORTLAND ItV-(ITSDA)-Ottle for week salable 1.1TI; trade mod erately active, fed steers and heif ers moatly H lower, cows tO-l.OO lower, bulls steady; load and part load average choice near 1,094 B steers S.7S: other choice steers a.OO-M. good ll so-n T$; standard X 00-21 00, choice heifers acsree, few U 00. good .S0-n 50. sUnd ard H0O-MM: commercial cowi II 00-17 M; few standard 1100: Utility 14 00-14 00; canne-.and cut ters 1100-UJO; utility bulls II 00- 17 SO early t 1IOO-&0; few good stock steen If 00-11 00. Calves for week, salable 175; trade slow, mostly 100 lower: good and choice vealers HSO 17.00 few JJ 00 and early t B 00. standard Pioaoo: cull and util ity calves and vealers 14 00-11 00, few down to 1100: good stock steer calves II 0OJ1 00: on lot 11 SO Hogs for week, salable 1.400; market cloned mostly ts lower: sorted V S 1-1 butchers 100-rss 11 00-. mixed koU HS-TI; lew No. 1 down to 10 00. sows MO MO Dm 1150-11 50, few 1-1 up t 1100. Sheet tor week, salable US: srv eral choice loti of spring lambs M-17 b H 0 to, fully 100 few er than last week; old crop lambs mostly in lower, small lot of rhoic ill fi shorn lambs with N I pen 17 00 late: lw deck carry mostly good M and 100 lb 17 00-13 ; cull good woo led slaugh ter ewe 110-7 50, shorn kinds at J 09-5 00 PORTLAND un Butterfat Tentative, subject t immediate change Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland. 40-13 cents per lb: first quality, 17-10; second quality, 52-55. Butter-Wholesale, fob. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA. S3 score, 594; A grade, U score. Sth: B grade. 90 score. 17; C grade, 19 score, 55. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon tingles. 41-41 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf. 41VUW. Eggs To retailers Grade AA. large. 40-41: A large. M-w; AA medium, 34-11. A medium, 1S-3C: A small. 19-30. Cartons 1-1 rents additional Eggs Te wholesalers A Urge. 34-384; A medium, JJ-MW; A small. 27-2t't. Live poultry No. - 1 quality, fob Portland Fryers. 144 lbs. 21: light bens. 10-12 st farm; heavy hens. 11-14 at farm; old roosters, 7-9 Turkeys To producers-L i v e weight fryers, 17-28. Rabbits Average to growers Live whites. 1S-44 lbs. 33-26; col ored pelts 4 cents less: old does. 10-12. few higher. Fresh killed fryers lo retailers, 59-44 , cut up. 42-65 Wool Nominal, clean bai, l, blood. 112 15: S blood. 120-25; 4 Blood. 1 35-40; fine. 1 40 45. Wkoieaale Dressed Mesti Beef carcasses Steen, choice. 500-700 lbs. 50-40.00; good, r 09 39 00: standard. 14 00-17 50, com mercial cows. 19 00-34 00, utility. 210-32 0: canners aad cutters. 26 00-29 00 Beef cuts (choice steen i Hind quarters. 47 00-52 00; rounds, 44 00- 49 00; full loins, trimmed, 43 00 70 00: forequarters. 3200-1500: chucks, 14 00-17 00; ribs, 4500 52 00. Umbay-Cboic. 45-53 lb. 41 00 44 00; good, all wU. 24 00-41 00, spring lambs, choice, 47 00-50 00. Pork carcaaaes Shipper style. 110-170 lb, 30 00-32 00. Pork cuts Loins, choice, t-12 lb. 4700-51 00: sheuiden. 14 lb. down, 31 00-34 00; spareribs, 45 00- 50 00: fresh hams. 12 11 lb. 47 50 Slab bacon-All wts 46 00-55 00. Veal and calves Good-choice. all wts. V 00-41 00: standard. 32 00-44 00 Fresh Prodnc Onions Ore. Danven, med. 150-150; I in. 1140; Texas White. 175-415; Or, boilers, 1 10 15. Pot atoe Local Russeti and Burbanks. No. 1. 100 lb. 100-2S: Central Or. Russets, 150-100; Ige, 6-14 oi. 100-50. few 175; Klamath Falls bakers. 150-75; Idaho, bales of I sks, 10 ft each, 1.00-50. Hay-No 1 reen alfalfa, baled fob. Portland, 1100 ton; some lots SO 00. Apples Box, Oregon-Wishing, ton Red Delicious, extrs fancy, tray pack and wrapped, medium I.M-7.09; large 1 00-50; Iom pack small, 4 00-23; standard Delicious, larg 4 50-75; Newtons. feo, ex tra fancy. 1 50-4 00: few 4 25; com binatioa 150-75; Winesaps. extra fancy. 150-1 10; loose. 125-4 00; loo, fair quality C (Tad 2 25-50, Red Rome, extra fancy, tray pack 400-25; Rome, fancy, M 71s. 1 15. Celery-California. 12H dot. 4 7VI T5; hearts 1 7V2 25 dot Portland Grain tiTara or racr d mason l.innT r wnrairi Attorney at I..w ISM FaiHnf Ridi, Portland. Orafoa Kootre ef rhul eowa4 (ha. la-117) la ttva Circuit Court of the State ef Oroi tor the County ef Mar ten PfwhaM Deorbnofit Notice M hereby ft that Ota aa admin latmtar af the eetaaa ee Oraa D. M,am, no-aamd. haa fiwd kM flnal arrowM ra the Cmnrtt Court af the State of Oe foai Sae Mario County, and that hinder, Std dv of June. MM. at th amue af I II a clock t the tan net ia of aaid day and the court room ad aaid court haa ba appoint ed by aaid Court aa tKe time and ptae See the haartnf of ebtetMne thereto and the settlement thereof rjened) amd nrat pubhahod April M. I(l. Data of teat auklM-eUeo May IS IMI. Loroy R afeouoen AOmiaartrstor end Arlarnry A J r M4.ll.ll PORTLAND OP) Coarse grains. 15-dsjr shipment, bulk, roast deliv ery: Oata No. 2, SI lb whit 5100. Barley No 1. 45 lb B W M SO Cora No. 1. E. Y. shipment 11 00 50 Wheat i bid i to arrive market, basil Na 1 bulk, delivered coast Soft Whit 211: Soft W.re 'ex cluding Rex) III; WhiU Club 111. Hard red winter Ordinary 1 41, 11 per cent 141. 11 per cent 2 41. 11 per cent 1 44 Hard red baari Ordinary 2 41: II per cent 111; 11 per cent 111; 11 per cent 111 RST,r or simow ptTta Mavatnnv, osrtatm Monti to raiDiTosi Ho. nm Notteo at hereby fie that the un deraifwod has hem appointed liar utrti of the Citato of Simon Peter Msyhorry. dsceamd. by the Circuit Court of the State of Oreeen for Marie) County. Probot Dpartmnt All aoroon havinf cialm, afalnat eeld oatato are horoby notified to pi aeant the same duly verified aa ay low re wired to the ndsrilfned ai 44M Stat Street. Raohn. Ore eon within all month from the 4ata Dated and nrat published, AsrU . 1M1 Loot puhDcatlnn. Mav 4. 111 ELSIE MAY MA YRISSY taarutns. anrDcrroif a kitykendall. AttarnoTt for Irecutrtn. I Pacific Ruildina, Portland 4. Orofon. as iijr-n m t ANN If IOONIY IITTLI "mm J w r Tut neTATtat Ha V MOoM INfSiK M msiOi I4xXatroMXrnT I 10T M(4 rOAtl 47 TK SlCfW I CNR. SSTSOl. HAS I CRCtK . TUf MM AM lH J I WJJSl KAKM SeeTff A lhVJitw SMB MBaa7 apn I totMO aery rapA? N a .-niar V tv oameU tevauii A lotr no aswAVS TVX KUAOCST 7M 70 "MO Tli 60r)6 10 ttJOT. leSInT SOCkJ aM90aaUwaUnM TitAM t ROM A RUntMfw VOUHmn. I mm 1 MCA AM AlSUSVAMC U TUFRT K I our rr o otaTyv-aawMy r caarf' sci it! TMSJ KWRMOSJUMT K lOOKKf FOR u afryway. ly0tJ-T. N us, afrrway. Aran nu -i m Tw rmrtTr rcit-wr or rat STATS f ORB4Mw rOB MARNIM rot KTT Na lean Nolle of rtnaJ Sulema4 IN TMf M ATT IB OF THI tTAT-S OF CHRISTIAN I UaraTUSV hotki ra nxurry cirn at the amdorstenod. PIUR N HfaTTsT. If adminuftrwaar ef the aetata af CHRISTIAN I HChWTTTLIR. de raaaed haa filed hie final accaant In the Circuit Court of the state af O rearm lor Martoa Cownty and that lath day af May. IMI at I IS e rtoek a m ef aaad dap at Sw Court roam of aaad Court ha be flael by aaid Court aa foe kssrln b)aitioai t eatd frnaj I towaTs, Bwlfal r)H SSJ,Twwlwf, Vw2sjMsY lota ana. t aaad wen and plac. aoooac eat show row M any there a, orh aaid iaumi oheuM at he allowod nd pprweejd and eitat aattlee) pius si NoerrrnsrR AdmtnHtrator of eh rotate af CHRISTIAN HCWTTTLta. CRO N CjOM A HSaTTroaTT Put CnfJ 117 Pareeir RulMuu) Salem. Ore aVIUiriM4.lL T T 1 YOUR I 1 Classified Advertising Kadeeaaaa laarsal Statesman, Salem, Ore at, May 4, 1957 (Sex. Illl ADS f THIS COLUMN RECEIVED... loo Late to Classify tM N. Ctares SL PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Dars I 114 II Line, . .44 IS i, JO 2i TOTAL CHARGES (Mm. I Maoel W,claaya "mm. per tin 1 time M K per lino 1 tune, II M So pre hn times II M SI M per lino 1 mo. ISM iincL Sua I Claaslfled aos anil b rua in both papers te give advwttieora the advantages of th tremoa doua eoanblaed clrrulatlona Whoa a ad a orooro thro or tlx tinwi and a Sunday taeue t, included tfor axampM rnday. Saturday Rundayl lb lower iunday rate apply becauae only The Itatosmaa subllalms Via davt Clautfird ad, win rtart m tn moraiaf Oreeo Sutaaman. coo dude in th evening Capital Journal but ,d, will be ac cepted foe Sunday Statoama only Th deadline for elaaaifi ada u I SO p on the day before pub bcatloo xrpt for Sunday wr.en deadlin la IN a Pnday Emergency ad, and email bn ad, rcld frr 1 00 pm weekoar and until 12 noo Saturttar for Bundle may be placed i the Tea Late tn Claaa Ify" column Ads for Monday p. per, must be in by S p m Saturday Th Statesman-Journal Near. paper, reserve Ule r4ht to ra ect quwstlonabla advertlatnf; It further reserve, the rtfht to place all odvrtmng andor the proper clnaalficaUon The S tetesm.n-J surnel News paper, asaume na financial re iponaibility for error which may appear in idvertiarmeoui published in it, columns and in raw, wher thu piper la at fault will reprint that part af an advertlaement In which the typographical mistake occur, A "Blind" Aa aa ad contain ing a Rtotoamaa-Journai News paper box numbsr for an ad dreae la for th protection of tne advertisers and must there for bo answered by letter Th Statesman Journal Ne wipe per, are not at liberty to divulge In formation as te the Identity of an adevrtleor using a "Blind" ad ' THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES WHITE lo protect Its readers against fraud, deception or injurioa Raadera are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to fet i po sition advcrtlatd la th help want column. All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sale, help wanted ad, must etate tf the pay Is In the form of salary commission,, guar an to. r mclud Una nam. Boo fid offers a am ployment with pay behmf as the "Help Wanted column. Ad, i other eolumno which ro- ...I WILL party who picked up r S Z ,J1.Z h. , brown leather purse al Sale bond houldj M thoroughly in- j Hollio.l Wednesdav veitlgatcd batort paying out ,nrrHm plrm , j7, any money Arjvertlr. re- J()irin ,,.,, ,.kpri quiring a rain investment for - tamp! or merchandise sales ; A TOMMl'NITY sereica tor m 3-UHDY tteel clothe Un posts as car a. H. S. Sdwards. 1S1I 4U ht 1 OFTICE doak A chair lofK ehaira. 1 files. 1 lawn tnmmr A 1 kitchen Ubk, A 4 chairs, low s Cotue GOLF cluori woods. 1 irona A bag. SJI EM 4-3l. 17" MAHOG rooeole TV 141 EM 4-Rail. KELVEN ATOR Double oven ran Dlx. model, with large atorag door at bottom, it , aharp. see at SSI Merdel Ae FOR SALE DK cat with blade, armor A canopy. Day Keenry. Marquam. Oregon M" HOWARD" RottvaUrgar den atoctot. tl1, hp motoi S yrs old but used UtUe. (kxxl rood Mav he seen at 717 S. Front. WoorJburn eves after I LILACS in bloom Choo plant, now 4k, mi out Waller Rd Rt.l Box 4US EM 4-1111 4 0OD THORN LESS Evergreen Blackberry pi. nut lor ea dug A packed Alan Wlrsner TH l-47sSilvrton GERANIl'MS ' HANGING A upnr.nl Salem , finaat Tess Avenue Green house 1 but N of D on P,rk 31M Arsi RrXJISTMElTped- peki Ma trons A puppies Ato stud service 40 Brown Rd TOR SALE Silver Persian kit- tnes. purebrra. Mrs W H Peet Rt. 1 box M. Molalla. p M04 TOR RENT pasture for M or 70 head of cattle. Day Keenev, Marquam, Ore LOST Billfold between Hill crest riorut A Butte Crtck bridge on Molalla rd Valu shle papers A money Tinder Ph Kenneth oder, Woodburn 1-407 roilo-t LOST large Red Irish Setter in vwinilv of So ISth Number on lit-ense 4114 If seen please ' call EM - 400 AfjiaJtoTw 405 Pots nnrs puppt farm 4M Cesrter EM S-TMS Puppies ail sjswla. Roy A eeS. Aft aooa rraa. Ma Sua. Calls. 410 Frvrt t farm Pradwc BARNFTT atrawrberry nlabm 4-7S Wolck,. Ketier. EM 7SM. Greet) Apple Market Arparagua lor. lb. Rhubarb Sc. lb lor canning A freezing. S0O3 Portland Rd ALFALFA key Ut.xtxl b ruttmg Eastern Ore Ida . Calif grown Dai. T or truck lots TR S-SSil a TR 1-SS9I 411 Mark ftaskat lii' 'i fal PASTTlTtlzr.D whole milk. Mc gal Hornogenlred. Mc, 4tc Cleary Dairy EM BLV WHOLESALE" HALF or whole beef Weight A price taken directly from farker, invoice Onlv charge nr cutting A wrapping. 10 L S White Shatter No I Potatoes 5c Dutrh Msid Oleo for He Heinz Strsined Babv Food :l for Mc 400 Agrlc'nltnre . 414 farm IfTtjiraNeerw REARLT saw T f!M . sax r ami ton ralaar. atu i CMS 10" JOHN DEERWO kamavar mffi. Good eand IMS Caeca Dr. Libiaa. ALpaa S-4U7. 425 AbKrisM Sale" SALE EVERY SUNDAY 1 P. 11. SHARP Buy or eall aat coognmearL Hotuehol goods. Appline use ear, mtse. Items. Open J day woek- E0LA AUCTION. Ell 44521 mi W. 4 Sara-QaJlas Hwy. 4o0 Merchandise 451 rioustnWd tiMh $ BE THRIFTY $ BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE And Save $ $ $ 130 down will buy s completa household of furniture uKludiof appliances. Bunk bed complete with springs and mattress ta il 1 1x12' ru k pad, brows . CS I Table model radio M 300 Personal 310 Mwetinf Notice FOR RENT: Tn Parties Cluhs Business Meeting F.M 4 44M. Hollywood Lions Den 312 Lost rtd Found SOM Market EM 1 41M EM 1.119 " Vi OF BEEF " 100 lbs Sall.faction Guar 142 No tm. P)ml. o s c. 4 ni.is tn Pal Ball Comb canning A freercr tart, pt Mr do, 1', Pt. 7St-. Innersprini mattress & boi ipruig Ill set RecHninf chair, food cond . I41.S) Full size fas range with grille 1354 Davenport k club chair . fit do Retail rase-1 lb frers SSc. .1 Ih stew ing rhfrken km MAC'S MtATS A LOCKERS 110 N Liberty EM 4 7744 414 Poultry bbirs gold Longins w rlst watch. Lost sonic her be tween Stale A Court on 13th Reward EM l-OSII LOST Wedding A engagement rings eoidered together but cut CM 4-M44 WILL couple that found my somnma outfit at Abique River Ph. Pie. 316 Persoeta em l-iattt. PIONEER cemetery Hilltop lot Cement walled. 4 uitermenta M EM 1-4817 after I p m. HFAVY white fryers 11 M ea Anderson, EM 1-1151 STARTED W H I H Legnor Cilleta. Wllaon , Halchery vona. Or Ph I! Irtckl IMS BABV chicks katched vr round New Himp White Rock pullet, 17c ttratght run chicks 16c V,ty Farm Store. LANOS-Poultry-Cuitom kilHnT let B trek wood Dr. EM loin aUBT Chieka-far rnMt'Tas. Sand for bos toiaker WUeoal Bawaerr. Lywaa, Or. PR ttca S-Saea. ULttca 411 lawn A CsroWrt 4 i (Q) 1 1 PUKE aids. tr.. must aa specify their ads Kindly report any ssreptJo ta this mi to th claaslfled ad vertising ADS LN THU COLUVCN RXCEIVED... Too Late to W leaner Berry Farms Now roajistarrlng Barry ptckarra Large a crae C lee n fsasdi Call TR J-47H Silverton or EM 1-xwoi Transportatioa tumlahod from Salem NEW allp-on sleeping euarters for park-up Sleeps 4. EM 4-JSU Call after I pm ISSrSPORTANETTl'M trailer houa with canopy. Good rood 1304 Jack St WANTED: Motorcycle not over 1M. EJd 1-MS1. M CHEV Swda delivery SSM EM 4-I 74S 1-DR CHEV . damaged front end 110. 141 I Church D4 I-IM7. HAVE 1 pickups, Wilf sell one 1 IMI Studs i, ton ovor drtva, late motor food ruewber. new paint. 1-151 stud , ton. rodio. heiter. overdrive, turn lit, bach up lite. xc rubber 12S E Browning 1111 CHEVROLET Hardtop two tone, white walls, Rsdto. heot car people troubled with debt Credit Advisory Commute of Salem Retail Credit Associa tion Writ Box 4M Statoamaav Journal CHARIB founds ttons for the graduate A bride. EM HW. ALCOHOLICS Anonymoua. M . CoraO. EM I-11M. EM S-SSM ALCOHOLICS Anoaymou groua Ha I- SMS R Cooal BM 4-Sat OIFTS by Jary Floriata Featur ing HAFX.ER Flower art PALMIST. Mary read your com plate life raadbu Part, pres ent, future, 1. 1741 Portland Rd. 400 Agricnlture 401 UvMtxk Fee Sal A New Deal by popular raqueet. no charge for custom butt -her big beef I Cascade Meat. Inc ., 1bv th u ooerp.se m Salami, the anly U S Government In spected Plant M the Wlllam ette Valley, will dress yaar locker beef for the hide and offal only (Should you desir the heart, liver, and tongue they will be laved foe U Mi Ask about delivery anvwber on our route, Why not be sural Phon EMpire I faiM for mfiM-metinn thai, CASCADE MEATS of Salem F Holsteui Cow Calf, trash 1 wk I Shorthorn, fresh any dav with Ird calf I Brmdle Jersey, fresh any dav with and raM I Jersey frooh I wks Teated for Grade A Pk Lebanon. ALpm I ITT jrjpot .MM. m-b-g.. t-,' 1 l-eoa NEF.D a arrvail economical cart lull Ehaliah Roxar 4 dr edn Excl cond. Inexpenalva to op erate Salt or best offer IS SHlfh II CHEV I dr redla. heater, srana atandant. EM 4 -aea STARTED rcanor M T coup SW So N S4UI IIM - 4 VI pKl-up In N Mth S3 FORdT eyl riukro' radio, he tear, exc eond See at 47 Piedmont EM 1-MOI I F 6 D Convertible fully equip. whlM. wilb. coral red. near perfort aEMl-44J SI VllCBII 1 dr radio. O'drie Prelect, I owner Ex tiros SUS EM MM! ISM Nor way LOOK 4 Chev Sdn real clean erne eond. 1171. IM7 N Winter IS DeOTO I dr 41 motor A -1 rood Excellent work car Also btrrrle eond call after 4 EM 4-aMS CLOSE In Turner Mod - 1 bdrm. on la acre er will di vide Stab offer May Uk Swarm pewperty I trade at equal or aaaa vslue P.O. Box ta Twneee. Or I RDRM family frpl A cteil phimb Term aeailable after 4 p m Kereer , anj-y hall A now awr . em ia tw I-TIM Kt CRFAM A samtwtrb store modrmUrUe bldg Good equip ment. b1 laraun by theatre rrk A arlvool only I In town, -an handle veer around biie Ineea, all for H as, Ins Whit 4th A Ferry Dayton ph IM D IX IRA RLE I er I rm. hatua fter May lath Must bar be July I Permanent Refer -ancea W H Anaoark 114 E Shsrtalon Newherf 404 iBDRMhaae for rant partly fum . fwU hamt . rasa ta eternal ere hospital, hue am i li rloae. N lotk EM l-eT CLEAN 1 box-m all alee duplex Car port auto waeher. A drywr 13 flh St M7 M per mo Dtf 1-1 IM CHTLDC ARE IN MT W SALEM ROME EM UM I af 11th St tunrtlon a Sun. avald Rd Jo Porbrr. Rt 4. Bo, IM FOR SALE: 1 yaaroldJersey row. freh 1 months. No Sun day ralla em imi FOR sale Kb) - rhoic reei with big lambe . by aide Ph EM 4 417 Sawm. ar Dl MM Eu gene after I p m. Srienttfle- Horee-Shoemx 'Ts. EM M 7-1 am a f pm WARRENSprvdslrOrvlr WAbaah 17111 Alkaay, Diamond 11,1 Euawne TOR AI S STEER EM S-M14. FOR SALE, lawn mower, reel type. 4 cycle motor with re coll starter 2S 1 Oldamobilr wheel,, IS . II IS each. EM 1-72.U CHOICfc top soils A tands, all bind. Coma and see it Wi deliver or tou haul Pick gpt loeited II 00 Open Sals EM 1 Ills Keuer Sand A Gravel OLD Coarse Sawdust. 1 yd. load, MM del EM I-SM7. 515 S. COM'L PEM 4-3319 SERVICE foe 11 FrenriiHeTr land chins EM 4-M1I. Mil Fairkaven Ave. USED" daveno"6lf L Y 111 TA HOGG BROS. J4SUMSt. USED babv bed, ni tural finisk II M. HOGG BROS, MS State USED I pwc dintng room suit MS. HOGO BROS. S4S SUM TOP eotl or law garden fill, III. I yd. Ie4. Crnltod ttm. EM S-TS1S. 430 Savatrs sV Plants EG AN GARDENS NOW ready wttk Oaraahim, pa tun la,, gtock. anap',, Alyaeum. lobelia, I miles Noru, at Real ar oa St. Paul Rd. GOOD e I e r 1 1 a of beddmg plants, planter A window box plants. Burnett Garden,. EM 4 Hll LOWERY'S GREENHOUSES Large blooming gwranrums. new color, M Ivwa and Martha, Fuchaiaa. bddlng plank) and double petunia. How about a hanging basket foe M outer 1 MW Chemawa Rd PANSIES Mr eos JMMldvay Dr. EM 4-1BI FOR SALE CartlfMd Sad Pa tatoaa. Pontler Purple A M M. Blue A M M. FOB Cold Stor age June dellvtry lar mors M B. McKay. Rt. 1. Be lit Trauidale. Ore phon Corbett Frontier I-IIM DAHLIA bulbs "M dx. kydranges ft geranluma, fuchaiaa, calla lilies 111 Tub Beg c Merrill's Gr M COLDSPOT nfrlf.. ale. range, w ringer washer, bexxrm. set. antlqua buffet, daveoo A chair, rocker. Ore. rharr. d lo ut est. as Wudwaad Drtv. EM 1UM IF vou have one Item er a houaa of furnrtur lo aal) call th Used Merehandtae Mart, 171 S Liberty. EM 4 4871 L'SFD I piece dinette aet p'as tic table too MT HOGG BROS. 14l Slaw St DESK. 7 drawer, walnut. kne bow. sea uaaaa. S.1 USED Urned aak sVrsk M M, HOOP BROS. Sal BUM St USED aak library Uaea I7.a. HOOP BROS. S4I State . USED SED davenport aax HOOO BROS. tS ELECTROLUX ea 114 M. int M. I-TOS7, dir. Caasewi Eai USED 4 peer wabiat bed room eulse ONLY S4S. MOOG BROS. M SUM St. KIR BY veouum elemaer. I11M. ISI N. Canilos. KM S-7S7, die. UNFINISHED Mraita. L. kttfi FurartshX ITS N High. 40) Uv4)fwil Waiwwsi CATTLE, eiri State. I i A R Snethra, EM I-ISM EM S-4JM CATTLE, kirns, at roaay farm EM S-1M ' E C BtcCandbeh. CATTLE buyer A t Boanmsr ISM Rarmaxsy Or BM 4-Wei BUYER ClasM Edward. Rt t hos sE EM I 111! fbP caah prtre at your plaa Ray CooL EM 4-llM eoileet 40$ Pees BOSTON Pt"TPir. Bsrlim Terriers, KM. Corker i SSTT WUhams Are Terrier. I booutrrul 7 wka raoa EM 4-S4M FRFE srtlrns t faa, EM4-47a IRISH SETTER Reg 7 ma aid. Me William, Ave ARC Boxer pupa. Male, fawn IM Slrverto TI MS) REG Gemn Shnethatr Peent- ert or trad EM I-4JM LABRADOR pupa, aamoat 4 maa reg priced reas EM SMI! ARC re Berfll FKSCHIAS. Ivy, Ceranhsm. Paa tes. Dahlias. Bedding Plants Ward'i Gardens. 4M Cherry CLAD bulb M for lMiddle Grove Nursery tea xttvertoa Rd. S a M Oraaai Stamp,. AZALEA SPECIAL PURPLE SPLENDOR double A Ruffled I yra old II ea This week only. Drive So. on tlth St ', ml peat Mornings" sch Turn right at Oakhlll Ave TOMATO planta, parwy planla, fuchaiaa. 1 M 4-1 74 GERANIliMS. irnri. fanry leaf. Ivy A Pelargoniums Fiarhsla. Hegnnta's A Beddme Plants. Bssket, of Fsrfeala. Beeeeila A lw Geranruma. Compare our Ktces before you buy! au r's. 711 Salem Htghta Are pANSlES-fleul frowa Harreid'i Hynrida sen niyiway Aea STEINERS' HVRSERY Special Aialeoa Mollis and 4 yr snorwonoa i ss. an runs, plant,. Dwf b ee, , e e d a Jarrien ruppbea. 11 M Market. M I ISM PAN'irS Reddblf A V reel a hie Planu, rea, I ml. E. of Fruit- land Sllke c. NEWLY-WEDS OR TTtOSE wb have ft pae rheaed MM dream hems . , , Her I yur real esiaaihenllp M furaanh B M a real aa tags: A tlftsl knuiafaf af fureaV ture. cempleM living room, krtrhen. I bedrwama and a Inrrudmg T V. Sat ... . Real prestige furnishings MM a reus af iwpnsaaaslnai mt may buy completa for only llatal Also 4 HotpolM aoollaaeoa IIMl) in near new cooditMO aw laa mg R a a f . Befrwereear, Washr A Dryr . . . thrvugb til you may au for SW Both af the alia watts may b fbianeed an Approved Create! Call Mr BrhofleM M State Finance Ca KM HIM. I COMPLETE raeena af rurxf lure, a, exrilnt rend It ion. tl term, Sate Portland RaV ROOM SIZE COTTON RtfOB WASHED AND DRIEDI We also tint tvere atthee is,l,r rng their erurinai chamrlne Bvalr shad Feat li onomh a! LAUNDERETTE ISM Ferry St. EM S-4M (i, Btork Eaat af Wtllaaxtta Uj) USED lertrohii varwwm lissa er MM. HOGG BROS. MS ateS4. USEDnrotiOi he went jarrmjTl mattrna MS M. HOOG BROS. M SUM SL 4 AppJ BEES for Pollination Crimson rio.-ei Vetrh Garden eaeda. P.M 14B AZALEA, in bloom. sp 11 0c and up Opea tat A Sua Straver Aaalea Oardena. MM N Mh t 422 fertilit I AV SS44I Pt ROTO-TTI .LINO FM 4-MK WANT perlenre n aaslet wtrh ev aeriee wwsrb afternoon Wyet PO Berx IM Sawm VcTtVE oMee lady wanta pnat tleai a tiuusrtiiper or to eore for hjrahd EM 1-111 I HP So Sting knet saoeor W Reaa Call land RAMPirakeetl for sale 4 Tarrrtn Rd W Salem TM l-llll MOORE PETS Chi Pwpa. hat. Monk. Birds Boarded Open eve esos Stat YOUNG parakeet. "Normals tl M Opaline W HI Oawald St. Waodbunal-awll TO-gee away corbar pwp A Mother EM MBM SMALL bind pupa. I wks. H EM 4-II.". pm FTRTTLITFR. aark t per trwk kst U M yd. EM 4-SMS m IM 4-Saei 'mi.loh sawdust II Per Vd EM J 4031 OOOO Manura for flowers gar den will del EM I IIM ROTTED aawdwst II yr aM fine Ne fmr i,ei we emar bed Phllltpe Brea. Rt I Bo M EM l-MI USED washers 111 and are. Mod ern Applianc C en see. 1141 S. Cam I EM 4-SJal GUARANTEED Secoradl er dryers Ml M A VEATF.R APPUANCI CO. 91 CTMny(aTaTal wTe. ran gee A eofna ELEC. drvera II A aw. Centee. 111 B. Gaaa'k iff1; IIS M. (-MM. DOG TRAINING Rjelrieeel A Con Dng Obeownr A os hoarot RM laa Groeer Franklt FERTILIZER Mushroom mamsre. a weed Del anywhere EM I-X11 ROTTED-arfraa Maitwrehy ,ack ae eubte yd del Phfl hps Rna Rt. 4. Boa SM EM 41M1 Owed Swa SEPOfUtF.SSTD Appllaair TalsvisiM SeM. KM SIaS. ELECTROLUX IMI II Cay last, DW EM I M FT. cheat typ sjts m t-esia, WHIRLPOOL arrtneor waaiva? ear cond SM EM 4-17 be tore 1J A after I RJa RENMORE auto I so. MS Ease. sat s-eiaa. DEXTER rail, r UED rsearaa, rofrig.. A drrer ai k asaaal raaid SAB Or) Mama, terme. Maakar gal lal sua MS M. Ceeat 414 laewi tejwiBisriaiw M FARMALL rwh trader cuj tivaeor and rertittter etUrkv menta MM Wm J Rhap Pk lers suyten Sen he Cyrle moVie Ink aa i ORANGE and pmk apittat ca a) Beat weaar EM I XX after I p m. T Piar Clsinitfieel Ads I Me Chain set EM BIRDS, riSH. HAMSTERS CaO EM 44IH 'j SIM UTingrte EM 1 1MJ 5aTD BradJcr fanSsa kraeta wttk plow die. A rwftteobw. exewl cond. IM EM 4-MM SALtT - Job Diais Tractor ee chard disc A mooer IU. Rt I. Bex Til, Oak Knott Rd. 1?JFARMALL Super A. wttk front A rear 4-new evftive tara. A 1 phew Excvlleer! mod II. IM Krtrlly new F Town Off-eet r with hydraobc rvhnder. 1171 Can he see I miles North af Weet Salem ee Welle- Rd EM 4-7SM. ha Saturday ealb waehor. my KM 4-177. SEWING MACHINE R, uiiesi m,d M r porta hi. Ilk new amidltausL taytfiawl t aai aria, atiU aoaal Tab aver balance af ,miU a4- dwe mi SSI rhesa 1 payments sat M sVe-TlM Sae Mil Db- SEWINO MACHLNI Uk new Brndwf aa eompkrw wltb asrha. -. SttSaCtlfl1!!! latflsfl 4HI P wttk only I permaxeM sat fl M ar WU etmanl fee tar-h. WrH erwatt wuje. LW Ml. Saassa, Oe. DM. 4U T V. i ImU' SFPOWSwaSD T V Prl free SM. SVaator. M H M.