The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 02, 1957, Page 14, Image 14

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14-(Sc. II) Statwmin. Silem, Ore, Thun, Mst 2 57
Title Again
Fullmef Bows
n f iti Round
(ChHimI treen tvweedku. sere)
etance te tura ess lawfM ke let
loose Uk both hands ith ileadew
tng effect Whea Sugar Ray tried
to punch ia bursts last Jutuary.
Fullmer merely aheok til the
bkwi tad etm m trwiff thaa
Althoufl the record booki say
Rocubscs will be S7 Fndir, ha
insists kn correct age will be J
la any evaat, be punched itk bis
effectiveness of old n mil
blinding flurry that coded rW
mer rtin at noe day ibort W
(our moathi.
It as ia the mim staditm hag
that Rsbinsoa first ess the
rruckfleweirtit tit I from Jtke Ln
Motta ii 151. It was here ke also
tuccetafullj d I e a d t d af ainat
Rocky Graiiano ia 1XU. rear
after be had oa it back Irani
Randy Turpia in New York
One aaia Chicagt hi
lucky town in 19a whet he capped
his comeback trom retirmifnt by
knocking out Bobo (Mm t win
the crow tht third tune.
Oooe tad Eedsng
The actwa was clot until the
sudden ending Fullmer waded to
with wild right-hand leadi the
very fir round white Robinson
fought back la the rbacbn witb
aut hoMinf as he had dsat ka
their first bout.
Na mat rvor baa bettea Rteia
soo twict it bis loaf career and
he has bat aaiy five tfemt it ltd
surti unco IMS.
ia ait drasing roam aftar the
fight, Robwsoa said "I doit kaow
he far tht left hook west, but I
certainly ot the m
through " Mast nngjtden
the knockout blow traveled only
about II laches.
A bewildered FuUmtr tnly
. - By Jimmy Hido
't!0 Ttri N0( Dcvac tat of oa' T ipueucrrv?
p j
Fullmer Puzzled
At Tiffs Outcome
CHICAGO. MAY 1 Be-1 laid ruQmer't kid brother. Doa.
: wiidertd Gene Fullmei. iua nud- He hit ye twice and thea came
dleweifht crawa hfX auod a bialap with that left hook. That did
drwwai room Uoifhi with opeajit
haadi ud askod:
"What kappeoed"
"Ha tat you Kk tot, Gent,'
SGC bdies Hold
Tin Whistle Meet
In Wednesday Flay
UctohorsQ FcotkiiilPhnndat (JSC
Drrk "Wtl aoarata ram tk'aacaad iaetaad si ite eoaraotieaval
baste T i aaiaacwd kat, but XL
we BUM ipriat tata m aohalaacwd 1 nrt'n ti awry. Why? W
Baa. tl vary tht rooot aa tat! better writer at laathal radueos
faae taciltat aad awaua ahkch
taabaw dateaaas hi an (aathali
Itsaet. Tht lo-ffa-f fama farcat
tht tMosjt It aha hwhtdiateiy.
There, bj at tkatt far a tifaati It
taft tear ha atrattew- A
haddla hruiiait."
Darti hM that tht defeaat has
eaacht vtrh Iht aptx T, that
k catches vkh aJ tyatesa.
"bat srtu tacabaraa iattbU we
deal tktat aa tppaaiut eta are-
aara Bar at ka aolr aao ami
have a am aUa aad racehorse w, Bear caa ra off a HJ Wt tataad ht be the dktaiar.vth
faatbal miM be a sort at H. aaid ea afleaat teary tiftt ar am
lUcehtraa tsichal h istag it aU(
aa aimartaat part it tht achetne
at thincs aUhe Larrersty e ftawth.
era Cahloraia Out year aadar iU
aew coach, Doa Clark.
dark's aasiaUat reach. Al Daria.
iormariy at Tht CUtdel. it a
suaar lahtmaa Itr tat "tt-ffo-f"
type si attack. A tak ha taee la
M twajcbet arteidtt aa advance
Miu mm. tW tW TmImi
lar MicaifM. Pittahurfh. Notrt- ,w5
Dame aad ether i that wiU :U 'O'aiBt da. Wt vaat la
(ace 1-9C aest auatuao. i"1 -
. . . . n iae atnaaa at oar aiaywri. aew.
"Gain; ante each contest wfl J!L
nla. BifM kaet
Thert via bt aptjesak. caOed at
tht Pm ei acrlncBaee. seana aat
Wt wtl threw tht apUetval pas.
"Wt Mtad la apply rattaUtst
1 1 inert, W art ttacbrai (he beys
ia taring practice at got ap aad
Met Push
To Continue
Saes Now Rest
At $14,000 Mirk
Bailey Won't Compete
Against Aussie Star
EUGENE. On.. May 1 -,'ira
Bailey, tht first avaa It crack
the four -minute mile mark hi this
country, tays bt wis bt
Smash Bee
p:: Field Large
A booming last-tmnutt tale of
tht cheaper teats boosted atten
dance tt I4.TU. The lattrMtieaal
Boxing Club anttwinctd i freaa
gate ef I1M.M1 and a a gait
W tUf.Hl.
These figures would girt each
fighter M M
Rahiatoa veighod UtH teueds.
tight aunrtt trss thaa ht earned
at New York for tht ftnt match.
Tht dtthroatd rhaunp Iron tht
Itah copper mines cams u two
pwtatdt heavier for tht rematch
at IM stands.
Fullmer shook bis head aad
muttered. 'Tint time. That't the
first time I ever got knocked out
aad I doa't know hew M kan-
Fullmer, a ts-year-eld copper
miner from West Jerdaa. I'tah.
called Sugar Ray Rebwaoa "The
The Salem Senator board of oV
rorUrs. boestart aad ticket teJlert
met reattrday ntonuag to try aad
find a way to tneve more aeaaoa
ticfceti ti weO at ticket books.
Wkh a budget goal ef tM.m te
reach, a lot of work mast still be
SGC Udle. played . ti. whittle J"
touraty yeMerday at the course 1 JTJ?JZPlZ
and Mrs Richard Nektea with ; J ! VJJSTl .
potau topped tht cha.npp 'jLrrr.,::
Actio was based at tat Point "TV".,. ...
for bogie: three tor par, flvt lor t f!" "
birdie aad M for aa eagle. I . ' J"5J T
Tops la Clan A was Mrs. Ken-' ' u
aeth VtJtnar, with a 4S; Clast B-1 P""1 bodK- " "
Mr. Kamrtm Wila mmA Itr. I season f tales.
Walter Cline. 4. Clatt C-Mrt. i . Cw Paulut presidant ef the
aenaion ana cnairmaa at tne
Keller Peten tl
Johasea priie for lowest aetl0""" committee, said. "If wt
arara ef the dae ever II holn I a t raitc more money by ad-
frttlitt fighter I ever met. He , mmt U kin Jerrv 1111111 with her 1 ranee ticket tales, wt I be IB
kai the best record and he'a the , rt Greea Thumb priie for lowest trouble before the aeaaoa Is over."
oaly one that ever knocked me mmM. Soe Holeri went to! Detptte mtmerout actlera ia the
out .
Aatuer large new ti tunn Jt(
will pa pootward Saturday aigmi
at HtUywotd BowL whea V alley
Sports promoter Rea Ail proaeau
both tht first night rtcinj meet of
the younf aeaaoa and the first Ja
lopy detraction) derby
hfamben ef the Capital Aula
RachM Aiaoriaboa. which inaug
urate tht aeaaoa hert Sunday
with atock hard tops program,
will l It tht control! ef the
khnken ia the smash
"I wasal ever confident." said
Gene. "It was just carelessness ."
rullmar's Manager Mni Jea
toa apparently had the answer for
rulmer'i defeat
"I think Gene wanted to make
1 tpectacular fight because he was
Mrs. Harry Wesley with a B.
Next Wednesday, the takes will
qualify for their spring handicap
tournament! and second-round play
will be held for the OWCA trophy.
Foxes Defeat
Archie Wins
In Germany
(Cewtiaasd treat peeea( ptgek
tr may aot defend kit dUt ia
atmitr ta t threat of tuspenaioa
and loot afkberowa from tht US.
National Boxiag Aaaa.
Look at ma." aaud Moors, fol
lowing kit It-round decitioa aver
Germaay'i third ranked heavy
weight. Hut KalWeO 'In It
pounds overweight. Ytt knew ao
body want! ta tec tat h 1 titla
flgM la tail shape. If 1 km work
Ing hard ud they five mt time ta
train. I any h ready ta a
The NBA earner today tele
graphed heart erterin km Is de
fend bit tklo nautot Toay Atthony
at Dotreit as acheduled Jmt T tr
fact suapraiiea. Tht NBA alto di
rected Mont ta defend hit chtjrtn
ionahip as later than July T tr Iua
titla wiB bt vaeatadL
r ne was f mm.
champion, aod k cost him hitlXArr!! KlltinOrC
chsmplonship " said Jensoci JCIIU IXUIIIICI3
"Wt warned aim in the corner I
to fight like he had fought be- SILVERTON. May 1 iSpeciali
1 k k,. k.t. ... t ' Silvertan defeated Serrt Htrh here
accortiii 10 iah preswrwi nm jn g, ia i tapiuu loniereace tract meet
Weitmta 1 fancy nteot tint itt of, rii ...a i.. -ji.a. ; .ik .w lodav. 7IS to 41
rnoteruea reuct have peri tecureo
lor tht Iua.
Tht card wiB bt rut efl tht
1 any other racing nee,
with tune trials, trophy dash,
host rtntpt Mad Clatt B and A
mail mats. The tune triali start
at 7 M clock.
SGC Men Slate
Tourney Today
Mtmben of tht Salem Mwa'l
Gob Club wffl take part ia aa la
hoht Struig tounutmeat during
their rtrular weekly play today at
Salem Gab Ckth.
TMtTtament rhalrmaa Jack
Owtej said players will be given a
ehaace la ahortea certala putts
wtth Itsgths af atriag bated a pea
their ktadkapt dtsiing tht day s
Awards will be aaade at tht ban
quet todewtng nt tht eaff - club
house. The banquet wis poet
posed from last Thursday due tt
earning if the) talon ftenatori
bowehsll trasofi.
Roblasoa faught differently 1 hist
dropped my hands and that wat it
I never keep count but I thought I
was ahead and my plat was te
wear him down.
Wealed Kaeefcent
"I wanted a knockout." said
FsUmer. "Anytime I can knock
tut 1 gay like that. I'M take it "
Fullmer said that Robinson never
hurt him during the light. "He
sever hurt ana at all. " said tht un
marked Fullmer. "Because I didn't
even know I got hit."
Fullmer said he'd like ta have a
retina boot but Janata pointed out
that there was a aa "ret art"
clause ia the tootrart.
"The future kt all ap ta Jim
Noma," said Jensen. "We're Wav
lag for New York where Gene
make a lelevtsiao appearance
Suaday aad after that our plans
art Indefinite. "
High point man wat Charles
Brrhertt af Silvertoa witk 11V. tal
lies. He we la tht high hurdles.
MO-yard dash, low but diet.
aad got 1 pet at ia tht relay.
JV meet was takes by Sorra.
101 11. Varsity results:
Mrt Binjamin Tops
A S7 rselaet featured day'i play
yesttrday hr waanc at Oak Kaoll
course wHk Mrs. E. S. letltima
coraJng M Brit aaai Mrt t M.
Cerrigaa itttad.
PCL Line Scores
Im rrtariate OW tM t!t I II I
hMitu 01a oil we lis
am tnt aeaawata: Kreuew. a
rUkJMuO ii mmm Aflwof.
tat aw eta t 1 1
on m ae 1 a a
hew. tXiuiis (4. Waaa ill. Car
oar ill on Mall. KabMh : Ha
two, kuikeat it) aow Tasea, W Man
(Ciaftaul ataa garttadBw page)
witk tht Stnaton at Lrwiftcm tht other Bj(Trt art Dt prt
cdeat for him. Ht'i I pretty fair Utter for a pitcher,
good tnough that bt played It fimei la tb outfield last
atasoa it PUmeltw, ippurcd la H kaU game at tithtr
pitcher, tutficldwr of plock hitter isd woaad up with a
-244 batting arwragt. Hli hiU included thrtt) bomtn, a
tripld ind Bisti doublet Sa to guy Inl u autootUe tut
whta bt Kept into tht batttr'i bat tad. aa ht did tht
other aifht, he'll help hit own sound record with kid
bat . . . 1
Karl Kiebl's record of beiaif lb Toaagrwt player oa
ark ef tht two art rltbi ke'a heti with prrtr ta fotla
to Salt wat krtkti whew laver (Saasmy) lolta
wat tided. Both tsda art 11, hmt Ummy la a Mt larther
away Iron) tbt tt aisrt than Kaekl . . .
L'mfkld Hit Crick Trio in Oval Sport
TJnfifld College it, tnjoytng one of iU moot tucceMfuI
confer net yean in athletics, what with a baseball title
last fprinf, the football crown last lutumn and tht ka
ketkaU championship in March And even though the
Wildcat! may not fobblt up the VWf track title, they do
feave thrtt of the best perform ri i the league la Howard
Glenn. Bill Machamer ind Bud Crine Glenn ii flirting
with tht 50-foot distinct la the ikot ind it a cinch to
ruin tht conference record of 46' 7 Machamer miy bt
the Ud tt beat la both tht 220 and 440 when tht confer
once turns gather at Portland for the big one later ta the
tnonth. ud Crane hu been hutting tht 200-foot mark
consistently la the iTtlia ...
The gib that has Ite GatUfsoi raaaectcd with the
a football reaehiatf pert it Klamath Fails Is indeed Inter
esting, ind Lew hat at doabt gleet H aack tbovght. Not
too aura, we hope, far Ue' now peicefwl olrer might
go ta t rampage wert ht te aiove It Klimsth . . . (sirb
Inf tht grid sport al Klinith High hat long here kaawn
at I areinrre Job, ud 1 touzk atr ilnre the Pelt are
wp agaiBat the likei ef Medf ord ind Griets Pan each
Such prtsturw at that does not exist here . . .
Ray Chalks
Finest Hour
H n : M BOTbeewl 8UI. am
Sen (Si. are a Oar- (Sill. Mark:
Its 1st fcaHwnt (Sill, tnt Ous
i li, r Inoewa ill. Mark: 11 1
Milt t Punnae 18111. In Nulla1
(Sill, ft Arcnsr (8 Mart I MS
t: IM Cuomo iti. hM Kueaal
(Sill, art IrlMlke (Bill Mark Ml
l H. IK Bwhoral (till tnt Gui-
man (tl. tr Nuatwum lllli. Mark.
Bt IM arhar1 iSalk. tnS tndna
lt Srtl KunH itlll. Mark: HI
Ht 1st Sklrvana .Sill. Xn4 MrKII
W Itlll. IrS anepeara 1SU1. Mark:
M44 ,
B. 1 1 Bra (Slli tad Nuabaum
(Bill art LunOahl iSth Mark II r'
DMr : III HamlKoti ill. and Crle
pantro ill, Jre Haaiax ill. Mark:
U3 4''
H I lat Aahlev (till, tat tta.
Smltll Itlll. Brtiwak I Sill. MamlltMt
it' Mark 14
Vault lit HamlHoa S' tnt Has
naum 1 Sill. Ire. By 1 till. Mark:
"net Ift Hamilton IS), tnt Crank
(till. rl Cetfav I Si Mark: TI"
Jav In Orkswrntrnt Hi. tnt
Pfvelak ill. trt hrawa (Ii Mark:
1 It
Kalay: lat lUverta. Mark: I 44
various industries la Salem! there
hat beea only act ticket sold.
Outside af tht State Printing De
partment only eight tickets have
beea sold ia tht stake office.
Caotarla Doa
At tht moment all ticket sub
scription hats are being called hi
and aew lists being made up. All
former ticket halderi who have
aot beea contacted will be luted
and aa attempt mad ta tee them
Tht ticket drive has beea under
the leaderwup af Clayton f ore
maa and Vera McMiillea. and tht
two wiB now he Joined by former
Senator director Arnold Krueger
who hat hist arrived back ia
town from aa rxlended vacation.
A aot her meeting wiB bo held
oa Friday morning at 7 ja e clock
at the Marina Hotel. rYogroat will
be told aa the drive aad the aew
ticket lists will be presented.
Dale Long
In Trade
(Caalktaid treat ptweodkng page)
third aad would try rookie Ed
Wiaceaiak at thortatop. Wtncemak
came la tbt tubs from st raui
where be kit m ia the Ainertcaa
Assn. last year.
Long, who set s major league
record last season by homering ia
eight consecutive games, has tail
ed ta hd a home rua Uiia year.
Ha is batting in and has beea the
target of boos from Pittsburgh
fane. His avijor league average u
J71. He batted Ml last year, after
being up above an In May. He
wound op witk If homers aad tl
runs batted ia.
compete tgaioat (eOow-Austra-
1 Merry Uncola, who will
race a tht Carted States tht
teat flvt weeks.
Bailey, aew competing lor the
I'aivorsJty af Oregon, said he has
s "bad loot' that keeps him from
running tht milt leu thaa 414
Ht laid kit next and last milt
race probably will be a the Paci
fic Coast cooler once championship
hert May 17-1.
Bailey ran the milt ia I Ml la
Moating another Auatraliaa, Jobs
Laady. la a special sheet at Lot
Aageie last year
I . s ' mm W - m
wpst ; . " ' iy cuan turn
I I V ' J mm, I
LA n 71 I J H
Central, Dallas, Molalla
Slated in Monmouth Meet
la cornpete against Bailey.
CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL, la-itht low hurdle,
dependence, May 1 1 Special 1 - Another all-around performer
Coach Mare Heater's C t a t r a I tor tht Panther it Roy Peterson.
Uncola earlier said ht hoped la scasH-cleds will play boat ta Dallas Ht set 1 new school high Jump
his swing through the I'niled States and MoUUa tornorrtw sight sa mark of 17V thaa year aod ia
the OCX cusdera at Monmouth ia aot dual meat ring op tl points,
a three-wiy track meet i Dallas, the latcper af tht meet.
Central aa one of IU strongest will bring a team ted by Claude
track teams la hittory, aad a lot McClaia in both the high and low
of school records havt been broken 1
ia meets thus far this year
Wayne Bond has shattered all
three of tht weight mark with
heaves of 47'tH" la tht shot.
1 I" In tht discus and 141"'" ia
Another record break-'
Tide Tablt
TMaa tar Tail. Cretan
I Carnal lad ky U. B. CoaM ind
Geodettt Survey, earl land. Ora I
lH Waters Low Wttan
TtaM Hnurtit Tima HeitM
I to a m tl III in -II
ty ,m it idi 11 the javelin
Cascade Tops
In Track Test
Chisox Lift
Lead iVAL
Junior Highs
Date Relays
The Leslie Junior High track ta
(be scene this afternoon for the
first raty-wide junior high relay
track meet of tht year. Starting
time it 4 o'clock.
F-a tries will include the Leslie
Blues, Loalie Golds. Psrnsh Gnyt
and Parrtsh Cards ia the varsity
dhlsions The JV diviaioa wilt find
the Bluet. Gelds, Grays, Card and
Oa the ttrength ef merit held te
far ttue season, the Pamih Cards
ar rated the favorites with the
Gray text, la the JV actios the
Gray! art favored with tht rest af
tht field a toss-up
Dual action will begin next week
with the Cards meeting the Golds
t Leslie sod the Crayt aad Blues
st Psmah. Both meets will bt on
CiKjdt JV Win
. ii" a
1 ' Special 1 Cascade JVi defeated
South Salem JVa hert today I a
baseball game, -S. Cascade woo
the gamt ia tht aeventh. breaking
a H ta. Dick Lett mucked a deu
blt for South.
GERVA1S, May 1 fSpecUl- SJS!
aacade Hlrk Aefeatad Trvaia In ' lnU atlrwauts
lory over New York.
tor hit victory but himtetf
"I two mach to milhaos of per
sona who bad faith la ma and
prayed for tne." bt laid, "aad I
ewe at much tt Joe Law who
bat beea wth mt all tht time tt
grvt moral help and hit knowledge
of basing.
"And I owe to murk to Father
Lang 'The Rev Jovian Lang af
tht St. Joseph Seminary a West-
meat. III.) for hit spiritual kelp.
Owes Maea fa Who
"Aad I owt to awarh te my wife.
Etna Mae. wha suffered untold
miseries aa I prepared far ton
Only the iodoral man steading
aearby knew juet hew mark Rob
laso owed the government.
Robinson's wife, her hair dyed
blond, waa arneng thate a the
attaining, crowded dressing ream,
where a fight broke out Bear tht
door whea a newspaper photog
rapher tried te get through without
poiic parous lea. He get la.
Jun Non-U. president of tht In
teraatianal Boxing Club, and Ath
letic Cernimaeiener Julius Helfaad
af New York, wert among ethers
a the sweat hex
"1 thought Ray stalked him all
the way just getting ready." said
Noms. who admitted ht wat vary
anxious la get Rohinana tetether
with welterweight champion Car
mea Basilio in an outdoor show in
New York thu lummer.
BattHe Arrive
And just as N orris was ponder
ing such a bout. Basiho himsell.
tlbowed a aa if an cue to pose run-Caetanatl. Haoa Phiiadaieiii.
with Robinson-and offer congrstu-iatans
fCentaned treat preceding page)
event k gave Cleveland Hi see-taw
victory over Washington. Tht Sen
ator, held U one hit by Herb
Score through the first sit losings,
knock ed the spectacular southpaw
irom in box with five run out
burst a the seventh to take a s-4
lead. Ray Narleeki, in relief, waa
the winner.
Virgil Trucks, with a splendid
I t-1 inning runlets relief neriorm-
iBct. gained ka third victory Wiu7,M"T
tne season ss tbt Athletics spotted iw, ,r,
owawa a -j srau a ua nrtx two bimii in: m
mningi and went on ta rout Dov
Sitter. Ted Wulitmt , hairirnorod
kia fifth homer for thFldd Sox.
Gut Zernlal aad Harry Stmpsoa
homered for the winners.
Frank Torre and Bobby TVirn-
son hit loth inning lamer after
Danny O ConneU had tpened with
Minor Ltltut: Balam
Kaiser raur
Taaas Na I
lame, favra J
Keary an Mis Warn
Butioere tualy less
1 Vans Carxtol
v nunwaos renna isi.
Ill: Team Ma. ) 111
III. Mien
Jehasna lit. Mifh tndl-
Dara Jaiuuea
tsm talam Bulldart
Merrantile Leafut . Und t Masons
(11. Zaahs Baal Batata 1; Catas 1
-"r ''. mane an can ca. Ka. I
III: SWi mmtm ,m M. .
triple tt fritur 1 four -TUB eut- ,armacy (tl: lafawav tlnrat Ine.
Cascade High defeated Gervais la
a Ciptttl Conference track meet
here todty. et-M The JV meet
was Lakes by Gorvau. MM. Var
sity retulu.
H H Ift Baker (Cl. Bnd NsUs (Ol.
art Millar (Ol Mark- I? I
lea IM Cala (Ol. ant Millar (O).
art Schmidt 1C1. Mark III
Mile: let Oraaatnaa iff), tnt Brhat
eiua 1 0 1. trd Pwele iCl Mark: IM1
4t: 1st rultt id. and Orsaaaaaa
101. trd Dwaa (Oi. Mark Ii
I- H ' 1st Baker 1C1. Sad Millar
(Ci art Vahlen I Of Mark a
IBS" lat ammntl ICl. and Csla (C),
hd Balark 1C1. Mark III
SIS: tat Oroaanvan Gi. tnd Tom
halm 0 1, trd aVnua 1C1 Mark'
1 St I
B ' 1st Purtt ISSCI tnd Millar
(Ci. trd Baker ICl Mark IMV
Dtar: lat Mall (Ol. and Dewa IC).
trd llaaandahl (Oi Mark 1ZSS', '
H : 1st Spurlnc Cl. tnd Mnhart
tan tci. trd Dewe 1C1 Mark: II
V.uM 1st Iparkoa k.Ci. Ind AJ
Valland (Cl and Ara Variland (Cl
Wad Mark: tf
ana4: 1st Itinum 'Cl tnd White
haad iC), hd UppeixUril 1C1 Mark
as -
Jsv : 1st Bunion (C). tnd Variland
IC.i trd laurWk 1C1 Mark let
Belay IM CaacaOe Mark lilt
it vie. """ Uimker C. ill
I Drive ta
ril. Team Na 7 Hi Mifh Individual
tame: Marv Bent 13 SSI Hi ft! la
HvMual stiies Arw Whltmaa Wt
Hi(k team lama: turn's Drlr la
lM. Hlfh team serine: Suae Drive
in an.
TJB. Ht Learn Bltws teniae
Station I In k Ken s MaMI tar
vke t: InOaaendante Lumbar Ca. I
RaatUar Molars 1. Namaieas Paed
Market I, Team Na Sl I. Tattsaall
Pwtmar 1. Sari Malm Trailer Bakw t.
CSdvrall OH Carnpanr t. Inoaoan
denea Marrhants I Ulan Individual
tame' JoTin Wartlna af Inden.
ber III Hlfh Individual aartse: lt,n
Warllna af Inflau Lumhrr Baa Hlth
team tama: Namalasa rand Market.
144 Hifh learn series: Independence
i III all 1 rm W . . .1 ,
W t P r 1 1 Drive ia tsi- Wa .u av.'..
apana. wiw won nil lourtB atrtight
game, had a shutout ontil the
Binth when Ossi Virgil tripled and
scored the tying run on a sintle bv
pinch hitter Rty Jablonskl.
Drysdaaa Wlaa Isesal
Roy Campaaena aad Gil Hodges
tack drove In a couple of runs 11
young Doa Dryadale woa hit see
tod gamt for Braoktya. Tht hV
ytar-okt tighthaader k a r 1 1 d t
sevea-hitter, too of which wt a
barrier by Ernie Banks.
Walker Cooper got 1 pinch hit
homer aad -Stta Mutial rapped
two doubles tt tht Csrdiasli
scored six rum ta tht last two
innings in their rout tf tht Pirate.
I Witlard Schmidt gaiaod Ms first
St. Louis triumph although he
relief a tht seventh
nker Ca. Mel
National Ldtgut
1 oa tot aa tea t- 1 17 1
(It Innlnts)
ta an aa tat tat -1 14 4
Jaflraei, lanHiaa ill, Graai 1I1,
Arker (III. Hsrker Hit. fraamte
(Mi tnd Bailey. Btrwmins, Millar
Hi Farrall U4l and) Lnpat. Lennatt
ti W Barker l rsrrtn
Amtricin Lcagut
11 1
Wt-J t 1
1 4I t fl I
(71. OdaU ill.
Hi and Olnaksrt Maren.
MawaB (Ii an LeUar W
Nerahma I Lnes
aot ti
rievvnfer III. BMaVttt
rski ill Akarriethe i7i.
rerlv 1I1 tnd rittaerajd. Caatrtnev
III Baroeral Ii: tears. Mean) ill,
fctleakl ill ant Milan. tatsntl.
W-NsrhMkl L BradRwikt Hems
Induairtel Mo 1 Lea rue- Otrk
Mver Lun-ker ill. Inpm Lumher
III: Bamp 0 N.rbal 141. Brawns
Jraralan ill MrCunes Peed Bales
(4i MerthalH 11; Van Clrav
rarmt HI. wanaar Braat i: Pari.
'-nd Oa Hi. Chaonalla's Market
Nti: thnars Msrket "i. Meraa Saw-
Ins Center ill: rredlntjurf Maannfl
noas nraa. (tl: BaarBMirlu ill
K Gsy ill Hifh Individual tame
B Cnmitark tr) Hirh nflltrtdual
snot: H Caanaterk BM. HifSt learn
Cne: Bamp A Nartwl I Ml Hith
m tarlas Slams A Martial ass?
HeuarwtT learue: Funks tarvke
lutlm I. Team Na Frva I Beafv
Bar L Adam s Orarerv 1 ttavtad
Badie T V 1. Bb s fnrriftald Ber
vsre I Kleti Warn senea Team Na
Plve 1141 Hlfh tmtfvtdiisl reriaa.
lane Banal ml Team Na rtv. 41:
H'fh team same Teem No riva
tit- HleS mdlvtaua! lama Arlene
naina m Teem m rtv iti
Senator Swat:
assodaa I
Male M
Dean 14
Dwratla M
Knerrer . It
Haatfw I
Kaeol It
Camphall II
Matile 14
, Lauras II
h lb
t I
rM pet
1 an
Olrafa 10 tOI SAS- 17 1
Brooklyn na ai- Iti
Kaisar, Ruth 1)1 lawn i7i ant
Naaman. DrvMtala and Camnanalla.
tKaiaar. HaaM run Chlraee,
Pttrtilnf :
Milwewke tt cat tot - I t t
New Tark . aa ana anl i I I I
Bpaha ant Craadall; Bareiav.Grts
sans ill, Iwrkanl il. MeCeh Ittl
jns I Janaa net and w sail any Tknoss Hi.
j i swanas. name rune sstrweMaae.
jsa Taer Thanieann,
ir ' Imuh arm sns exs- t It 1
it piKakwrsh lea en iso- I t I
ant Mnidt tnd LandnM: Cooaar irr
tnt Purfcty. Kursvt . Plan ii and
Cham ill tnt Fntlea L Purfcey
Haane ruiw-lt. Leslie. Conner.
1 an M
t II
The NCAA championship North
had lev
f it i I i I I'CaroHnt btsketbal team I
I 4. t i I t ilea ksrsvidual rocord laat
' I Si, nude hr Lennv
2 Six were made by Lennv Roaen-
1 1 bluth, tht ether by Pets Brennaa.
New Yark til til tl 1 t
Detrarl M 111 00 4 It I
Dttmar, Brme III snt Bona: Larr.
Bunnm ill. Aker 7), araanek 111
and Heuae W Brrne. L Lory
ana) Bwaas W Byrne L Lary.
Hams Bun-New Tern. Keberk.
ia aa tat I 1 1
Kanaa City 14 tl t II I
Malar ParteHleM II) Cnakale 11
tnd WhIU. Maan. KaUnev III
Trucks ill end TViaaipaan W
Trarks L ttalar. Warns Bunt Bee
tan. WHHana. Banana CHe. Xeenlal.
NWL Line Scores
Vtkims mt in 7w-l II t
Gihaon. Lyoaek Hi tnd Lnnrlbari:
DaTttae, Clerk ill tnd Interna
Bueana sat I Sns 4 a I
Tn-Cily III a at I I
hrantlar. Jmmht il snt Ceuwiier.
Msv Naal tl). Gssrtsae (tl and
a a a aowt
Clfa L'tlia: O.B tinulnmanl ra
Ca ill MlHi's Kta the Mi: Bam.
ass in ua-n oil ca. 'It. Ladar
Bras 1V Las Nawman s
liar fti: Nerth Salem Branrh U I
Natl Bank 141 Dvar Inaursnra it
RI4h individual aamt: Mat Naark
Ml HlfH mdtvktual senea: Paul
Barker ba Hifh Sam game- Davis
oil re ans. Hifh team sen: V I
Ban zat , . .
MbMd Lesewf tsam rwearait Balan
Ptne ill, Temklen (17: Plve Bpeiss
ii. nn ran in: aarew SMin 141
rW Vns i). hira Indlwdiaal fama
ledtss Norma Noerk I St- men s-
Pete Paennahp 171 Hlets InavvMval
arms: Ladles Gladys wand ar)
men's Par Ksnnedy 4.a. with warn
fame- Balan Ptns tM. Hlfh team
svnas: aatan Ftnt IM4.
rSFTTOt. I.AWll-
Malar I asa-a Ksrr's Jirva'i
) Snt tot I I I CVM--1 1; Wast Salam Marhmary
I. Tt 0r n I: hsr-lar B-'--
I. Mertmi Hate h Cr Perk I:
T Jtwvl Bn I. The Ilks 4
Mifh Warn asrtas' Banrtev's Brntlar
ant: hlah team earn ' Jrvsnn's Chvh-
lers ISM: kirh Indtvtatutl tenet: Itm
thni mt Ban-lav's. t: Meh In.
mvhfual aama ;isa LebeM and Data
I 4 tnt. IT
I d pm. 4t
I a a ss. 1 1
441 pm. 4
I a am II
I a pun. I t
i as am it " M the 117 ' broad jump by
t a is -i t Vera Lovelace. -Lovelace, baa aloe
le u r i J i khuraad tbt tM la S I second
a ti pjn. i i ' and baa t load tkn of XI flat ia
hurdles Dallas alt ha a
BaU-mlVar a Ray DoShoa.
atolaOa kas a (arty wel bal
aacod team witk tome ef the rosy
aeri turning ia good time. Laroa
King has a 111 high hurdle te ka
erwda aad Miaoa Heua has turned
tht milt a 4 M flat, la the weighta
Molalla wiD bav Gerald Parker
aad Eari Bucnt. Parker has t
45 1" mark la tht shot thus (ar.
uinowo xpu irrru piooucts. Mas i snvxi
th mAgnltkwnt
r , t ttftVi 1
' Vf..?;..-H"'
hw boat astoBea
pm $1.04 a vmx
Met atyVoatckiag 2tS a,- ta.
wWvietoa btwui a ia aaaazuiirr
few bwdatt prkt. mianjnowwr- ful
i provides
aaxiaua daptadapility.
Msgnevox ex-valu twaairy iaaarwj
uch ai aptical Uar, itsWtiaa
awrriar, hwaar Miansvoc tpeaka aoO
tl atuabia it emu eajtaUada
wawartj plataurt tad
OMT $1.J3 A ViHX
Pp W'
9 til 9
til N. HI6H
PH. tM 4-5171