l3 l3 Make life Easier - Read & Use Want Ads "Daily! ADDINO MACHINE ' Buy it you rent All mskrs Roen-lypewnteri. 454 Court CM J -4771. ADV. SPECIALTIES Grind opening! k Anniversaries! . General .A . sales. EM 1-0534. CAPITOL Bedding Mattresses, new A renovateu CM 3-4069. CARPENTER . CONTRACTOl Home Building A Remodeling Ralph M Scheidel, EM 1 mill l-.MKNT WORE. fiiuse raising, leveling and (nundationa. EM 2-6240. ipecialUe in bsm't. foundations. Willi. Free est. Blue Panel Forming Co. EM 4-3481 atlfr I CONSTRUCTION NEW homes, remodel-., free Fit GRAVES CONSTRIJC TION CO. EM 3-4393 or EM 2-257. f.iblneli Remnd. Founds" tions Cement Work. Franknm CRANE WOIII gj-tnn Lorain moto crane 8a- lem kind A Gravel. EM 2-I4S1 4 rnBSFTIF.RE '. CHARTS rorsettler. Lennra Whe- I Ian. llflfl Lansing, KM 2-9319 700 RenUli 705 Apartments For Rent TURN. 2 or 3 rms. ants . titi). incl., Ph EM 3-4890, or EM 3-7310 rnnrns. A eves. Spacious Acacia Apartments FUKNlSHED 1140 South 13th St. EM 3-7009 I BDRM. court apt., unfurn.. range, relrig. 112 N. 14th. COURT Apt. furn.' really nice A clean. T V., Laundry, Parking avail. Inq. Apt. 1392 S. 12th. f A 2 RM. util. pri. newlv dec. No. I2 A J3S. EM 4-2889. CLEAN 2 rm. furn., prrv. batiT, entr., gar958 S. 12th . 35 N. Summer. Furn. bsm't., 3 rm. apt. with bath. LOVELY modern unfurn. 3 rm. Apt. Lrg. liv. rm., hdud. firs. Bus at door, garage. 121 KingwoodAve EM 3-8413. fl'RN Courts, knotty pine In terior small A cozy. $49, plus utll.2453 Trade. EM 4-7472. FURN. apt.. $3J A "I.H.S0. UUf ities tncl. EM 4-157. 1 BDRM. partly furn. ISO. CM 3-9698. FURN. apt., util. pd., on bus. M, 145. 125 Perth, EM 4 5072 TURN. 1 A 2 bdrm.. priv. bath 771S.21st. EMJ-B3o. ' . CI. F AN 1 rm. apt. with "kitchen" ette, util. pd. EM 4MBS4).- VERY attract, newly dec. "l hdrm. furn. apt. Ideal for I r 3 girls 2 hlks In Canitnl bldg. A dovtntown. EM 2 78.10. F4I T STATE-ST! Furn.7'cleanl rins. A prlv. bath, util. pd. 2 RM. furn. sleeping Apt. util. cooking facilities 120. ! 3 rip. furn. Apt. util., elec. range A reirlg. -E.M s-wfl. CARDE . COURT 1 bdrm. furn. court rental. New furni ture. Tile bath, S58 mo. Low utilities. Call EM- 4-6875, eves. EM 2-874.1. CLEAN 1 bdrm. apt., range, re-frig-, steam heat, adults only. " EM 3-8300 or EM 3-7484. iTbdrm. furn. apt., cloaa State niags. ueneir. 706 Duplexes 1 RM. furn. duplex apt. clean full basement. Hollvuood dist. EM 3-8038 or EM 2-6644. CLEAN ai a pin! Mod. furn. an elec, 3 rms. A bath. Gar. 145. Inq. 2210 Breyman. pNICE-f Mrms40tn 45, on College Dr. EM 2-3258; 1 BDRM. furn., TV ant. Couple only;EM4-1407. 2595N. 5th. 41 RED looking. See trili 2 bdrm So., $70 EM 2 2114.. "T BDRM . range, refrig . gar. 167.50. 1175 Saginaw. EM 2-4800 707 Hornet For Rent rOR RENT. 2 brdrm.. near school, 55. 4080 Durbln. EM 2-7853. , VERY attrac. A clean 1 bdrm. Ine.. cio.e to bus A store. EM 2- 3085. CLEAN mod. 2 bdrm. range. refrig. Util. pd 18.1. Small Cnttagl furn. 1082 7th. EM 3- 7212. to reliable people, our nice 2 hdrm. home. EM 4-92M after 5 p.m. r BIJWM. Ig. llv. rm., util. rm.. garage 470 Veall Rd. Close to store. EM 3-3045. NICE 1 bdrm. in court, elec. heat garage, 165. 1795 Market I BDRM. hse. North, $70. EM 3 8919 Satr or-Sun; l NEW 1 hdrm. hsT with att. I gar., 170. Call EM 2-2537. 1 BDRM , burnt. East. S63 mo. Near school, bus. EM 3-5837. CLEAN 2 bdrm. cottage. Near Dr. Clinic. EM 3-8063. NICE 2 bdrm. 5Smo. 1430 Mc Arthur at Moody. "TbDRM. In Court-store A refrig. $39.50. Inq. 1815 Lee alter 6. iBDRTii7"re-decorated, unfurn.. fenced back vard. Good lo,. cation.' $40. EM 3-3849. J 1 RDRM. house In Xeirer Dlsl.i attach, gar. inside utility. EM 4-92!l8. FOR LEASE: New 3 bdrm. Drive hv 283 Riveria Dr. If Interested at $90 a mo. call Woodburn 7581. VNFURN. a bdrm. home A gar age, close In North. $55. also 2 hdrm, at $47.50. See Woodry, .160$ N. Summer. - nisplavNn. Yfl" 707 bdrm. suburban, furnace $30 3 hdrm. East Nr. Hospital! M 1 bdrin. Range, Relrig. $40, $39 .hdrm. Range. Relrig. 5 S Ivlrm. 4 Corners $65 2 bdrm. New Fine View $85 1 hdrm. New- 1 baths, dhle farage. Fine $110. 25 OTHER RENTALS CENTER STREET REALTY 1748 Center F.M 4-8631 Eve. F.M2-781S BDRM. modern house wired for washer A dryer, TV Ant. $67 50. Avail. April 8th. EM 4-3863. 374p MonroeAve. T BDRM. home' No. "nr. ach'ls. also 2 bdrm. home, H. L. Stiff Furn. Co. MODERN 2 bdrm., gas heat, 880,. 1280 Peace St. EM J-6518. FoRllENT one bedroom house partly furnished. 439 8. 15th St. EM 2-7684. CLEAN i bdrm. mod. unfurn., eleo. ht. 1079 Elm, VA Silem. fBDRM. Country home, garage, Adults. EM 2-27M, I BDRMS., t yrs, old, So . dbl. gar. $100 mn, EM 2 I2B5. flEW j-BR, carpet, drapes, view. $65. nwEM J-4216. iBt)RM bouse. 2064 Broadway. EM 2-2571. ; f FtnilM home N7!..$70 mn Will lase v-lth ontlon tn buy. CM !-HMdaye.JEM 2-443 eye. tBDRM . gir.. elee. water heaf. i er wired for washer, dryer, 490 N. 17th, 460. EM 1-9574, -. Time - Save For the Best Professional Services 3 FLOOR COVFRINUi NORRIS WALKER alntCo Floor covering Division Wuall Ity installations Linoleum. Ai- fnell A Rurthet llle wall tile rce estimates tu 4-atT4 CiKAUINU DOllNU - . ' - BULLDOZING rleanng roads, pondi D-4 D-4 carryall V Wu-ikey til t-1144 Bin iTiHi.INi, 60 par ni . E civatlng. trencning tile lay ine . sept-c etc c.mici Maerz, EM 4-3317 after I a.m. HI MIKITY CONTROL STOP Window sweatin,-! - paint ' peel-nuldew-dry rot. EM2-76L' INCOMK TAX Smith Bookkeeping Service EM 2 8443 OR EM 2 8270 Leon A. Fiscm KM 3-5285. 1409 4th St. INSl'RANCE ALL KINDS7erlonalervicT E.' i. i en I Konki Dav EM 3R216 . Eve. EM 4.120 business directory PAINTINB Paintltv g A -Panerhanging. Free EM 3-9313. 1160 Shipping Est ROTO-VATINO 5" Roto-vator: gardens, lawn, field work.' EM 1 Mil A EM 700 Rental. 707 Hornet For Runt NICE 1 bdrm , close in, 3 blks. MAE, auto. heat. A washer. EM 3 37I7EM 4-4639. 3 HOUSES, Mh'k l55.Rus by dcK.r. nr. chl. EM 2-3486 CLEAN 2 hdrm , unfurn house. West Salem 143. Ph. EM 3-79B7 f BDRM., near Brooks, com- Eletely mod., large garden. :M 4 I152. GOOD location, clean-i bdrrfT horr. $5.1 per mo. Call Raw lins Realty EM 4-8875 YEAR lease on 2 bdrm. hormj. Good disl. Auto, relrig , stove, llv. rm, rug. TV ant. No pets. a5 mb. Av ailable March 2!th. EM 3-4MT. VERY nice 1 bdrm., courtun furn. except stove A relrig EM 2-11J3. 2445 Market. 1 BDRM , stove, refrig.. $35 lnq.1420 Market. 4 RM. house, garage"-Adultse.r couple pld. 1085 N. 15th. EM 2 3430 NEW I bdrm. hse.. lota of closet space, stove, refrig.. sarage. some utiL Inq. 1905 N. pith. MODERN, clean 1 bdrm., un furn cottage, utility rm. A f ar.. $45. water furn . Cell' ictween 12 A 7 p.m. EM -3-6482. SUB. partly" furn 7itm ba Hi mil. large-lot. South $30. EM . 2-5025. - NICE 2 Bdnn. house, furn." or nlurh. sawdust heat, garage, sadus1 Ph. alter 6. EM 3 3343. 1 3 RM.-Small house partly furn. lKC. (VIJ omppillg. 1 BDRM. unfurn. elec. heat, att. garage. No dogs. , ml. E. of 4 Cornen. Inq. 4393 State, EM 4-2862. PARTLY furn. t rm. house. EM 2-7373. 1 BDRM. house, full bsm't. ex tra room In bsm't. Jerris St. Ohmart A Calaba, .477 Court. EM 2-4115. ' TO COUPLE: Ssn. partly furrt.- hse .. t. util. pd.. $.15 mo. EM 2 SSI 2. " : . l 2 BDBM. cottage, gar., ranged refrig.. Youngstown- kit., wall to wall carpet. 834 Catterlin, $70. I bdrm . $55, 832 Catter lin. CM 2-2707. 707-ti Furnished Houses COMPLETELY furn. I bdrm. house. $85. EM 3-4563. FURN. I bdxm. home. gar. yard, trees. Spruce St. $80 mo. EM 3-3289. 2-BM. Cottage A garage, all util included, $45. EM 2-6890. FURN. 1 bdrm. hse. Antenna connection. Gar.- No children or pets. Inq. 2380 N. Jth or call EM 4-1781. . CLEAN' furn. 1 bdrm. house, garage, $50.EM 3-5367 SMALL clean A furn. TV an. tenna. 492 S. High. Also day. light bsmt. apt. overlooking u -creek. - CLEAN 2 bdrm. furn. house. T V. ant., close in. $55. 422 So. High EM2-4048: 2 BEDRM. furn. house, with ga rage. EM 2-7787. . I BDRM. furn. house rent, sale or leaseEM 3-3317. BDRM. furn. house nr. bui. niter furn. EM 3-7018. FOR RENT one ' bdrm. furn. house, $49 per month. 1491 Franklin. EM 3 5094. $50 1 bdrm. all elec. W. Salem, nice for steady emplnved. FM 4-3648 or Stayton 8074. X, BDRM partly furnished. EM 2-8812 Eve. EM 3-8403. 3 RM. furn. cottage, neat, clean, adults, no pets, $40. 4970 .N. Lancaster. EM 4-2943. 2 BDRM.. W Salem, garage. col only, $50 mo. or EM 2-2392 M 2 -1887 SMALL furn. house, clean, all elec. 2 adults, no children, 1025 3rd. St. W. Salem. 709 Wonted to Rent WANTED to rent or lease Meat Dept. Box 802, Statesman Journal. 710 Wanted to Rent Him 3 RM. house u-ith w-nnd heat, stove furn. Prefer Keizer Dist. Real. rent. No large, law. Inq. 1870 S. Summer St. 714 Butineit Rentals OFFK E snarl for 2 offices and receptionist in West Gate Shopping enter EM 3.7432 FOR PENT orlease. 6fl.OO0 Vq ft. warehouse 'with, offlee space. Available Immediately. Located corner Front A Ferry. Rtiilding presently occupied bv Capital City Transfer who are moving to 1295 Johnson St. EM 2-2434 for details. 780 Moving It Storog LOW COS! storage H L Stiff furniture ' o CM 1-9115 Tarmer Trnniier k Storat Complete moving service Also .mi rnr his sa naiion ' Wide Movers Ph EM 2-3l.il 800 Real Estate 801 Kuiinott Opportun. WILL tride profitable restaurant . for home in or near Salem, thii place haa best location In small Vallev town on mam traveled Highway, his , been established for years, and had a good reputation at all UmauuJ - Rama owner for past 12 years. besides fond, .also' has good sofe ice-cream business. Pres ent owner will atav with buyer until familiar with husineaa. Box 401, Statesman. Journal. OPPORTUNITY rievond compaf ison If you qualify. EM 4-ms.l FOR LEA wrooort " msloiTttll Co. Service Stitinn In Silem Investment . r 1 4 u I r I d. CM 4-4454. M WW SANDANDCRAVKL WALUNG'sAND AND GRAVEL 1623 MrCllchrial C r u t b a 4 quarry ro. ka ana gravel All sue loi roada. dnvewiys and parking loti READY MIXED CONl'HETE. " O ar d-e n'aantf;- ball-dozing. ' ihovel and dragline work EM 3-9741 SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete crushed lound gravel, ifcnd A top anil 1405 N. Front. EM 1-2441 . VALLEY SAND A GRAVEL CO Crurhed f" round gravel, sand as coii mix km a-eoas. DKPTIC 8KRVKK HOWARDS 'Into-Rnl.ter sewers aeptieunki Umv4 111 4-4UT MIKE'S Septic service - lank cleaned D'ronter clean aewerl drum Phone KM 1-4444. Capitol Septic Service tanks cleaned. Spartoh rooter cleans servers. EM 3-7404, EM 3-5072. TV "KPA'RV'T'P' ' TVRepnlra, too .high? CarTBanks TV fnr.ecop.oniy. EM 2 0817. - H i H. TV SERVICE Guar. Repair, radio, TV A ant :aix anytime em t-tffio UPHOLSTERING Professional L'phol All work guar. Free est Pickup A del Van Hem Uphnl EM 2-4290 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportun. SERVICE STATION LOC. on 99E close, to pro.vperous torth. between Salem A Ptlfi Shows good income from hwy traffic, prosperous back coun tr.v, A lown trade. Jndepcn dent station. Price incl, build ine. good corner 'lot A fix tures, grease rack. All goes fur $8 5li0 Terms may he ar ranged. Owner will .sell inven tory at cost. Ideal set-up for man A wife or father A son. Hanna Real Estate. T. A. Hanna. Broker. 410 N. Pac. Hwy. Woodhurn, Ore Ph. Of-fic-g Woodhurn 2(ltl. eves Gervsrs 2251. NEW DUPLEX 2 Two bedroom units complete with KepArate furnaces and meters. Live - in one and Jet the other help pav (or the property.- Compare thii prop erty for $15. 150 Hint others. CALL BON CLEAR Y Eves. EM 3-9039. Don Douckion 320 Court i ' Ph. EM 4 8484 I FOR SAl.F- Puilv'eoulnoeri ex. cellent hutch A dinner husi. ness, have aeeral cluha ent ing steady, living quarters with stcadv roomers A board -ers. EM 4-3843. UNUSUAL opportunity. Super service station with adiacent lot for used cars, trailers or other Items. Small investment required. EM 2-8698. SERVICE Station-Free rent -contact Llnvd Mvers. 205 Columbia. EM 2 4169. 802 Bui. I Income Prop. Large corner lot with good older remodeled home suitable for rentals across from Isaac Walton orooertv. Lot 90x100. zoned for business. $9.950., Call . Clyde Foulk, Eve. -EM 2 3828 Older home on grind' Vith SI.' lot across irom uepoi witn base ment apt., and rooms to let. Lot 84x125 with alley way Owner anxious to sell, will consider offer. Call Chet Nel- . son, Eve. Elf 2 1350. Nelson& Nelson REALTORS 1590 S. Commercial EM 2 3869 MUST sell best investment prop. erty in vallev. $25,000. E. Ha- beck. 1590 N. Pac. Hiwiy, Woodburn. S06 Houteg For Sol COZY 2 bdrm. home in the Keizer Dis trict. Attached garage, large kitchen liveable lot with fenced back vardr 1500 down. Call John Allison. Eves. EM 4-9327. FOR RENT New 1 hdrm. apartment, range & refrig. included. Eves. EM t-OVM). REALTY BRANCH OF COLBATH LAND CO. 4020 N. River Rd. EM 4 0946 44000 BUYS 9 bdrm. mod home in Turner. Lge. lot. shrubbery garden, fruit, .attach. gar Turn E. on Elm St. to corner, W. J Bell. PARTLY completed houses on never urive oood Duy tor Carpenter. Low down pym t. Financed. Ph. EM 3-3134. EXTRA nice new 2 bdrm. in all new dist. tn Salem. 412.500. Will accept trade-in. Good loan available. EM 2-7520. IOI HUTCHISON AEAI.TOK lt us solve vtur h ime need! To Buy Seh or Rent - Csll Ph EM 4-5743 1211 tdgewaiei Ph STM 4-7174 2710 SO Com ml FOR SALE "or-rentV Mrnr house, frpls., bsmt'., gas fur nace. EM 3-74!m HARD TO FIND VETERANS i DOWN PLUS LOAN COSTS We have two 3-hedroom bomes located Southme for $o.vm 00 and the other for 113.250 00-. 23 year loans at i,: Interest. Call Ohmart At Calatl. Real tors, 477 Court St. , Phone EM 1-4115. BY BUILDER New 3 bdrm custom bunt home choice location EM 1-7071 FOR SALE 3 bdrm. home. Englewood, Immed. possession. 1.4110 sq ft. Call Dein Pfouts. days EM 2-2447, eves EM i 2-3964. 1BEDRM. home, close In North. Immed. possession. EM 1-7496. ENGLEWOOD dist. - 4 bdrm. home, by owner. EM 1-6421. DR!VEbv2n4rs. Church Call owner.... (or. ...Information EM 4-4IWJ, 1 BDRM. older type house, rugs., draw drapes Ar htrs.. goodi business lot tzaxrat, wim ga rage, fruit shrubs garden. troR SALE: " Comfortable mod A buses. Trice 17500. Terms. EM 3-90.17. - TRADE Your old home for a new rmml. Appraised viluei. EM 1-1071. 800 Krai EaUte 804 Heusee For Sal - - I ' FIRST CLASS . ' Half Block off State St. Seml Engllsh type home built In 1946, has full BasmL. W Tire Pic: A bath i now u.ed as Apt I rirst floor has Fire Pic. A 2 Ll Brtrms. pearly tin ished upstairsi - (tlll.y Insl. Forced hot air-healing syatem, 2 '. car, gar. - Property in top shape A fine loc. A hargain at $13 500, F H A. Mlg. of ; $7000. May be assumed at 4 per cent, . .- SMALL LOT Old but clean 2 Bdrm.- house. close in in business zone. 526 Belmont St. 45no. Vith l.v " down. $40. ' "Month'." Why not look It over, it may be better than you think., :- - - BIG ROOMS WEST SIDE, - one Bdrm. Is 14x26. one 12x12. living A . dining . Rms. same sire ar Bdrms. Fire Pic , hslh A half, full Rasmt., Oil piped' Fur. $12,000. is the price. ENGLEWOOD $6.VM. For clean sound 2 Bdrm. home witn full Rasmt. Lg. cor ner Lot with TREES, streets are Pvd. Located at corner of "D" A 20th. StreeU. . Now rented. , . 5 ACRES Excellent well drained land. fenced A cross tented. ' good sound 2 Bdrm. home. GarHge a nam, equity I4WKI. price $10,000. Take home in S. E. Portland in trade. BARE GROUND THRf.r., Acres. 2 A. of thomless evcr creen berries. 1958 .crop was 14 tons, good spot to build one mile East of Clear Lake Sen on Pvd. Rd. $40110. with llnot) down. OFFICE PH. EM 2 8080 REALTOR 4.13 N. HIGH HOME PH. ED. EM 4 2IW8 -MRS. WOOTTEN EM 3 80H8 -STEARNS CUSHING EM 2-5048 HAVE Portland Property to trade for Salem property: 3'2 bdrms.. full basement. blk. from Rose City Goll course in Portland's finest residential dist. 29 years old. Would like 3 bedroom older home with basement. See Mr. Averilt at Merritt Davis School of Com merce. Ph. EM 21415. MAKE AN OFFER! On dn. pay- m t- 2 bdrm. home. Jenc.ed L. near S. Salem Hi Sen. Imind. poss. 2140 Yew St. EM .3-8469 FOR SALE by owner 3 bdrm family rm , bath A a half, separate utility. 3509 Rawlins DM. plastered gar. EM 4-1231. LEAVING state." must sell beau tiful daylight basement home in Candalana. by owner 2955 Argyie Dr. L BOTTOM ONION LARKS ft BEAVER DAM SOIL. Owner navs: Peat soil is 18' to 24' deep: Raises the best of unions nr any type vecctableR: . needs no irn jratinn; has cleared $16.00(1 in ftittele vear; Approx. 14 Acres; just rifht for small family': 1 arming equipment gnes 2 tractor, plow, harrows, irri gation pump pipe, etc. Nice 3 bdrm. . home fireplace, hdw. fin., rlbl. garage; Barn 50 x 30 stores 14 carload, onions: Let's analyze t h f i sale; Take valuation of house, barn, garage and equipment). Leaves Beaver Dam soil very cheap. Jotal price $;t7.!VO0, Would consider reasonable home in trade. For particulars ask for Ed Pchreder, Eve. EM 3-7825 or Phil Murray, Dallas, MA 3-2633. . Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 31 N. Church Ph. EM 3-9238 CLOSETS . . STORAGE KITCHEN CABINETS IN ABUNDANCE We have these to offer in this 3 bdrm.. 2 baths, with content porary type family rm., 2 car garage. Already financed. The size of your down payment will govern, your monthly pay ments.t Trades, we take a few If house small -'and not over priced, we like vacant DroD- erty. All for tl.l.MO at 3516 Haulms st. Ph. EM 4 I HAVE 2 beautiful view lots left. City water ft paved streets. Let me build your dream home. Can arrange fi nancing ior you jvivron uown ey Builder ex Contractor. EM 3-3793. $1,000 DOWN, buys this new 3 bdrm. Ranch Style home. See tn appreciate. Price '$11,500. EM 3 3849 or EM 2-0357. NEARLY new 1 bdrm. hse.. Sa lem Heights disl. EM 4.1775. BELOW F.H.A. appraisal, 'good loc, trade, terms. EM 3-SM7. CHILDS Ave. 2 bdrm. home, by owner. EM 24085 after 5. 2 HOMES. 1-2 bdrmT l -f bdrm. Low down payments, EM 4-6F.25 for more Ihform. MR-OWNERi'Glen"Woodry whi pay lop price foi your furn A. appliances EM 3-5110. biU Formg For Salt mn best Buys FINE 40 ACRES ONE of those rare Howell Prairie farms, well drained land, year rounds creek, 8 room modern .house with base-' ment. 35x54 barn on concrete, chicken house, aluminum ma chine shed, complete farm, machinery including . combine and irrigation svstein. All goes at $30 000 $10,000 will handle. Call Gordon Crawford, avl. ph. EM 4-5020. COUNTRY HOME 11 PLUS acres - In orchard, on pavement, near school. South. Attractive living rm with Ro. man hnck frpl. master bdrm ' with dressing rm. wall-to-wall caroet. nice nath. kitchen with dishwasher, dble garage, good well, small tractor inciuoeo at $12,650. Call Mr Crawford, eve. ph. EM 4j5020. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME st5X35 LIVING rm ithat'a large). separate dining rm. nice Kit chen. der, bath It utility on 1st floor. 4 Bdrm and bath on 2nd floor. VVSell-to-w all car- r-el up and down. brcc7eway. arge dble garage, all this on 75 acres with free water for irrigating the whole, place. Price IsWOno. including ma chinery. Owner will consider trade for income prnoerty or home tn Portland. Call Mr. Crawford, eve. ph. KM 4-5020. 65 ACRKSl MISSION Bottom land all under irrigation. 21 Acre bdan con itracl. Comfortable .1 bdrm : home with sw imming poo). Outdoor barbecue, barn, ma chine shed. This Is a monev. -maker Priced to sell at fa2. 000. Call Gordon Crawford, eve . Jt. CM 4-5020. AL ISAAK & CO. . """REALTORS Xt North Crlurch St. Ph, EM 4-3311 or EM.3 WJ0 3 bdrm. home, flrpl., elec. heal, utllltv - ' rm., terraced lawn. shrubB. i flower?., .large $7,500 furnished W. H. Peet.-BY Ft I. Bog 440. MOlAUa. none I Sana " J504 (800 Real Eatate 806 Hotitti For Sole 322 NORTH CHl'RCH ST. ISflflK'S ' . :",'VH. EM 4-3311 OR EM J-7820 LIST WITH US. IF YOU WANT TO RFI.L. MORE THAN 2'. MILLION DOLI.AR VOLUME SALES IN YEAR 1958. THE. GREATEH PERCENTAGE WERE HOME SALES. ' iiHard to Find Bui here it Is a new home with one of the nicest floor plana ve have seen in. a long while. It features a liv ing rooni with an ' atwaetive ceiling high frpl . tx$parate dining rm,, lovely birch kitch en at nook, extfa half bath off in" ine utility and 3 large Mrmt A ra! huv at 1.3 Vtfl Call Edna Morgan, eve ph. CM When ItV Raining Or the sun is shining, this home is the happy solution -for fam ily living with it's large recre ation rm. at frpl. with raised hearth trench doors open- 'ig.onin the patio, extra love lv living rin. ac frpl-. extra V bath, inside utility. FA heat,, . dble. garage ami lots of itor ae area. Priced at ll.90fl Call Eva Stuaxt. eve. ph. EM 4 5S66. Your Home' Peace h contentment with the security it means, awaits you here In lovely home designed for living and entertaining, Big bdrms., a huge living rm. with attractive paneled frpl.. beautifully arranged kitchen ' with manv builtins. 2 full baths, a den that .Is simply wonderful with aux. kitchen Priced 124.750. Call Victor Sword, eve. ph. EM 2-B04S. , Extra' Special Value plus in this spacious h bdrm. home located on two. nicely landscaped lot tn gooy close In location. Full base ment, att. garage, small green house. Walking distance to F.nglewood School and bu hv the door. Priced at $18,500 Call Ea Stuart, eve. ph. EM 4-5866. WE NKED MSTINGS licensed also ii Washington and idaho Eve, Phones- EM 3-r.M, EM 2-6297. EM 4-60,'W. EM 4-6023. EM f-5020, ' EM 2-)18. Unff answer; xrt-EM 4-2246. ; AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS S'i MORTGAGE LOANS ACRE NEWLY REMODEL ED - Located South on Skyline Road. In a setting of fir trees. This is a nice little home in " the country reasonably priced at $8,650 (Ml.- Can be boucht on terms. To se? call Dean Klarr. Home Ph. F.M 1-7080. VIEW LOT . Would aciommo. (i.ile a davlight basement If desired. Within city limits Sewer, water and paving now going in. Price without util ities. $1050 00 Double lot. 100' x 150' for $2100 00. To sei call Dean Klarr. Home Ph. EM 2 7090. LOVELY SITTING. New S bed room home 'that'l different. Hal family room, delux kit- .RAWLINS 605 CHEMEKETA ; LOTS 46x150, rity water. $1 100. terms: ftfixl.V) 13 availhiei, $650: 100 x 100, citv water. $1,200; 111x108, city water, $1,600; . business. $12,500. WANTS ACREAGE WITHOUT buildings. Will trade this 2-bedroom home on tree shaded lot. Garage. $7,000. Terms or trade. ROOD TERMS POSSIBLE on this 4 bedroom home. Dining room. Nook. Fireplace. Basement. Garage. Englewood area. $9,500. 427 Ferrv List With RAMSEY, REALTOR Eve.: Oswalt EM 3-7735; Ramsey EM 4-0069 BUSINESS BUILDING with 2 bdrm. living quarters, plus a 1 bdrm. house, Business space of 20 x 30 and 10 X 14. Close-in location. Be your own boss and landlord and make money. All for $15 000. on your terms: CALL RON HUDKINS Eve. Ph. EM 18712. SALEM HEIGHTS Thls is a nice home , with 2 bdrms. and den. hot water heat and on a quiet street. Owner hiust leave Sa-" lem o priced at only $10,500. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY Eva. Ph. EM S-4835. $8950 ATTRACTIVE 1 BDRM. HOME . Approx. I niocas irom S Salem High. Home very neat, and clean. Large kitchen with lots of built ins. Floor fur nace. Attached garage. Nice lawn and shrubs. Terms. CALL O. V. HUME Eve. Ph. EM 2-3206. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS , 80 S. LIBERTY 'S A HANDSOME HOME with pnnvehienens of bullt-tn - dish washer, oven and range. Has bath and half. Family room with fireplac. charming llv. ing rm., firepl. and view win. downs. Separate dining rm. Dandy view lot 45x145. Owner wilt consider trade for north disl. home, fll.950 Call Edilh Anderson, Eve. EM g-7849. ' A CUTE J BEDROOM HOME for only 17.500. A lot of house ' for the money. Only 7 yrs. old, located south on a 70x210 lot on paved st. Has ,'flrenl., Can be bought for lesi than 1.000 down 17,500. Call Doro thy Deal, Eve. EM 4-SIU2. Nelson & Nelson ' . REALTORS 1590 S. Commercial EiM "i-iom OPEN HOUSE . DAILY VERY nice 3 bdrm. home, lo.u Redwood. West Ridge Addition 1', Mi. oul Wallace Rd. Also have 4 bdrm.. ranch style, where we live, near Schools A bus. F.M 4-5Af.lt. Wonderful Location i on. S.-lath SL. Weber Hti.. 1 bdrm. home only ft mo, old. 1 blk. from sch. A: church. Modern. Cheerv. Very well built, RM in oven rng . -tin-usual features. Must see tn aporeriate. Owner must sell. '- 112.500. Sn'all ectntv ft assume conUacl. Ph. EM .4-4444 tn see. BUILDER. 111.500 New 3 norm. n"ni.. ni vj, mve ill rooms. EM 4-3494. 800 Ral Estate 806 Hornet For Sole BEST BUUS - WE SPECIALIZE, IN TRADES Home With Trees Ever popular ranch style home with 3 bdrms., l'j baths. ni heat, built m Move and oven, dble att, , garage . large lot, citv water and located in High land School Plat Exceptional , iv.weli buti.t and njt $i.i,2A0. Call Mr. .-Crawford, eve. ph. EM 4-5020. This good substantial home t Waled on one of the nicest rfttreet in Salem. : Basement futh utility rm. a FA ml turnare, comfortable living rm -frpl. large bdms with .big rloetK, clrtrve to school, bus and shopping disl. A real value at $11 f50 call Edna Morgan, evt. ph. EM 4 &t. . . $600 Down Will put you into this good home located on 'a acre ; of land north Lots of shrubs and berries. "Home is very clean and in excellent condition. Out of State owner is anxious to sell. Be sure to see this home. Full price I10.2M Call Mr. Sword, eve. ph. EM 2 6040. $1500 Down Will handle this nearly 5 acre tract located south of Salem. Gently rolling land. All clear ed. New unfinished 2 bdrm home. 6" drilled well. Dhle farage. Some material go. ull price M9fl. Call Gordon Crawford, eve. ph. EM 4-5020. Drive-In L-ricaetd on high traffic count st. Good lease with option at nominal renf. Ai! equiir in good condition. Owner reports verv high KTn income Terms. Price $2. 51. For more Information, call N G "Dan Is ask. eve. ph. EM 3-6297. - AMPLE FUNDS NOW chen with range, oven, dish washer, 2 baths, double gar age. Close to school. See this one Price $1)1. 300 00 Fur ap pointment to see call Dale Ra.lburn, Eve. EM 2-2045. Ml ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED Good hlrigs. fine location 16 south of Salem In Polk Countv.- This will make rlanilv set un for anyone with a small down payment, easy terms. Call Ben Griffith, Eve. EM 3-4403. WANT TO TRADE. Hive Motel with $ units, plenty room -for expansion. Owner will take home or farm. For tnforma tlon call Dale Riyburn, Eva. Ph. KM Z-2UU. PEALTY i EM 4-687J $1,000 DOWN MAY take this excellent family home close to everything bedrooms. Big living room Dining room. Nook. Basement Garage. 111.700. 3 BEDROOMS-$S.600 NICE living room. Good-sired kitchen and eating area, in sulated. Garage. 18.600. Terms Or will trade up. BEAUTIFUL SETTING OF trees for this 2 bedroom home with nearly i.ouo square feet. Near ous ana icnooi. $8,450. Easy terms. Us Office EM 4-3381 NICE OLDER 4 BDRM. HOME Immediate Possession, re cently redecorated Inside and out. Full basemenr"wlth saw dust heat. Convenient to schools and 4ransporatlon. CALL J. E. LAW Eve. Ph. EM 3-5113. MODERN BUSINESS BUILD ING It FINE DUPLEX 2400 sq. ft. of floor space in build ing. plus garage 18 x 24. The duplex" has lge; utility wwa between. They each have two nice sized bdrms. This is an ideal set up for someone want Ing to live near their business. CALL MRS RICHARDSON Eve. Ph. EM 4 8986. RESTAURANT WITH LIVING QUARTERS . Fully equipped, 2 bdrm. living quarters, lor. cated on main arterial. Im mediate Possession. Can be leased at fioo. per mo. ' CALL C. L. GRARENHORST. PH. EM 2-2471 3 Bedrooms $8,950 6 room home. S bedrooms down, one up, also room for another or den In unfinished attic. In side utility room, attached gar- ' age! 50 x ion lot near fair ground in Englewood Dist. 11,000 down will handle. 2 Bedrms.-Pasement S large rooms Including dining rm. Kitchen witn eating space. Over 1200 sq. . 2 fireplace (basement, living room), easy stairwav to banement. F.xtra nice lawn, shrubs, back yard. I mm. possession. Price 913,250. 1745 Grant St. Realtor Phone EM 3-40.15 Day orEve. E. 2 BDRM7 7.45fi. r.A. fur k nace. Att. Garl KM l-XM. . 807 Apt'. Court! for SoU APARTMENT HOUSE. Walking dihtanre to Stte bldgs. 3 apt., one 2-bdrm., two I-bdrm., fur n i shed, Double garage with corner lot . W ill ta ke house close to Capitol bldgs. or will sell on reasonable terms. $11000. Call Mrs. ' Linrinav Eves. EM 3-40M. WEST COAST REALTY, "105 Port land Road. EM 2-7642. 808 Lots For SoU SimuURAN nice lots 115 dn. fc I,T mo, Kith Water ft elec. EM a-.t2a0. . W. SAt.TM Large, lot paved st . Citv improvementa rd. EM 5-7212 EOT on Sunset Ay , near River. $1600. Owner EM 1-4180 800 Real Eatate 8T0 Fermi For Sale , FARMS 147 Acres South on paved road 70 A. Cultivated, springs, all fencjed. A place for cattle; sheep or seed grain. 7 room ' house, 10 vrs, old. Has barn ft other buildings. Price 11.500. Terms. -:. ' 145 Acres North. Crood Location', A -.place for rattler, dairv. grain, beans or. other uses. Older houe. good barn wiih , some trees & stream. Price I.S2.500. Good Terms. Abrams & Skinner 411 Masonic Building .REAL ESTATE , INSURANCE MORTGAOri I;OA)S EM S-MI2 FV'ES' F.5J j-ratfo . KM J-3077 " a FIVE to eight acres. Corners en Hoover School property. Fine tor suh-dlvision A. ft. Tartar 3430 Garden Road. WF.tL LOCATED acre 1th good 4 hdrm. he.. D. rm.. inside utihtv,' plastered, at tached garage tUOO OO good terms. i ;, ACRE. Ilrelv located, good 2 bdrm. hse, 15750 00 will ,750 00 dou n. 14 000 00 equity In good 3 hdrm. hse., full hsm l., to trarie tor like equilv in $ or more acres with trull. Lawrence Heal Kstate? 422 South Huh F.M 2 404 43 ACRES of River boitom rai for details, Ph. Salem, tM 4-4321. 900 Dlnplav OaM. 3. JfRAPE-UP TIME!1 55.ee 2 dr. sedan, radio, heater, tu tone paint and low mileage, here Is a real buy for you and It can be yours for only Warner Motors 7 So. 12th '54 I Super Wt 4 dr. sdn. tu-tone blue finh. rcMm, healer, hydrn white will tire; verv- sharp steal this one for only Rocket Market Silverton Rd. at Lancaster Dr. Ph. EM 4-9114. Custom Royal V-4 Sedan - Yel low ' end white, radio, heater, autnmitlc transmission 4 n d while wall tires. This Week Only Taggesell Pontiac 6MI No. Liberty EM 2 4113 '55 DESOTO Sportsman here Is the car that vou need equipped with power fhte trans tu-tone Conl white, stunning finish, r e 1 1 low mileage, ind this car is perfect thruout. Yours (or only W. L; Anderson Inc. 554 No. Liberty EM 4-3492 Two door Del Ray with power- glide, radio, heater, unite walls, all plastic interior, fine condition, two-tone Dtaca ana white. Wilson's Commercial at Chemeketa Phone EM 4-5711. '55 PONTIAC Starcnief Custom- Catalim rpe. All leather trim, radio, neater, hvdramaltr, power steering, and hrakes, white will tires, etc. Only. jaggsell Pontiac MO fin. Liberty M t-4113 Catallna Starrhlef custom hard top coupe equipped with radio, heater, tinted glass, and full leather interior. Thii cir has the 100 p.c. 1 full yar war ranty. Capitol Chevrolet Cadillac Union ft Com'l. EM 3 ,1175 '53 DODGE V-8 4 dr. adn with Gryn Torque trans, also radio, ft neater j Here -is a real good car for very reasonable prtcer 5 Stan Baker Motors Union High SU, IM 1-2441 12 fa-eh. RmI Ettt 2450 equity rood.re, t bdrm near Areata. iaui. lor aiumr num house trailer and cash or . clear property in Salem vie. Cherry City Cottages Ant. A. or write 11, I B in C Areata, Calif, 850 Automotive IS2 Uitdl Can Far Sol '51 FORD V I half ton pickup, radio, heafer. turn signals. Mechanically exc. Jefferson A Fairgrounds Rd. NO MONEY. ' AND NEED A - GOOD - WSF.D-CAR? If are emplnved or ran ohtain a co signer. Call- EM 4-1K2A arter e p m. and sec what I have to offer, (dir.! '50 CHEW, njee a rlean, Sacri fice, must sell Immd. - EM 4-4903. . . '53 OLDS super U Holiday, pow er brakes, hydrs., 1 o-wner. KM 4-Mal. M OLDS-S M Holiday, pnver hrakes sV ateerini, no trade. F.M 3 4B2. 2 '51 Kaiser Sedans. Good con dition, make an otfer. 205 Center St. EM 4-M91. 55 OLDS. Holiday Cpe. 'fur7. Radio, htr., hydra., posit brakes, tu tone paint, while ,Talls. 1 owner. A-l cond. 15.000 mi. EM 4-3012. , 1(149 CHEV -Fleetllne 2 dr. clean, Special UM. 104 Villa Ave. BEAUTIFl'L Late 1956 Chrvsler Win. hdtp. full power. Owner munt sell. Pay equity and ainume bal- Cl EM 4.,, l0 , 155 FUICK Special, 20,000 ml. II.5O0. EM 3-71:. 900 Dinplay Qas. Take Get '55 CHEV V-8 ! jf . 4 r ii neitel. w tt aide wall tires, tu-tone green; this car Is In show room condition, snd Juit look it this prne. Eisner's - Center & Huh '55 FORD V-8 Fairlane Victoria Hardtop coupe this car has radio, healer, and - Fordnmatic. It is s rne ow ner car and carries the famous 100 p.c. 1 full vesr warranty. Capitol Chevrolet Cadillac Union Corn.. EM 3 3175 HARDTOP. Fully equipped In cluding radio, heater. Me ren in aUc. etc. A truly sharp car Two tone green k white with a new set of tires. Valley Motor Co. Liberty end Center EM 4 0206 '55 Custom RovaJ Lancer Hardtop V ft. This car hs ranio. heater, pou erf lite tranr. power Draaes, ana wnne aus $1795 : - New Loeition Ron's Auto Sales 407 No. Com 'I Ph. EM J-4B0 '55 PL Club ledan, heater, new tires, one jlwj!er, very clean, and this is in economical 4 cyl. -0lyil395- Salem Automobile Co. 435 No. Com'l St, -57 Fiirlane V I Hardtop rpe . load, ed with equipment and only 1000 miles. This csr is lust like new and you csn buy it for New location Ron's Auto. Sales No Comx pn. em '2 41 Chiefttan Dlx. J dr. idn. beau , tiful Bronze finish romplete with hvdra. radio, heater, ex. cellent white wall tires, one of Salem's finest. Rricket Market Silverton Rd. at Lancaster Dr. Ph. EM 4-9114. '52 CHRYSLER VI all metal Town k Country Wagon, with radio, neaier. original finish, very fine In terior, HURRY A reel tty at Salem Automobile Co. 434 No. Com'l. St. '52 PONTIAC Statesman. Salem, Qre.,Mon 850 Automotive 152 U.4M) Ctrl For Sal SPftClAL car buy. 1953 Chrysler lew voraer, 1 nr., ciud cpe. Full power steering aV brakes. New car condition. 2995. Clll eyes. EM 4-S971; '40 DELUXE Ford coupe. Call ifter 5. EM 4-1231. 1940 BUICK (or Bill. Winter St. 02 N FOR SALE or trade 52 Wasp. like new. radio, heafer, ft new - tires, will tske small car or pickup m trade. EM 4-7975. "CHEV. cyl. 4-d'r. station wagon, like new, low mileage. redKi heater, auto, 4rans,, prvt. party. 12195. EM 2 44H7. 1955 CHEV. 4 dr. Bel Air, power- liiae. ream sr neaier. tinted glass, w indshield washers, very clean, glflon, no trades. 581 Monmouth St., Independence. Ph. 402 W. ' 5 BUlCKri2450. Riviera Cpe. hlack V white, radio, heater, -safety group, tinted glass, dv ' nafln. w inrishleld w ashers, new General dual 90 tires, w-hite walls. Excellent cond. Will tske older car or cash for . my equitv. See at 1515 Cross or EM 4.34S3 day or eve. '50 FORD COUPE Make up Feb. payment of f.it.45 plus lllt.72 .insurance. Take over balance of contract st 131.45 per month. See Worth MrManus l;scd Car' Dent Vallev Motor Co. Liberty and t-enier. BEAUTIFtX CONDITION 48 Chrysler 1150. EM 4-7818. 1926 Model T. completely reniv rnaira, a., rresion vvallis. rn. ualias AtAytair 32140. 19552 dr. F6RDStati"wWagiT 19.000 mi. EM 4-9341. 900 Diwplay ClaM. your pick and set for real..... 57 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER Deluxe 2 . Door signs h, oil bath air cleaner. & radio. T h i s -is s brand new car that will give vou piemy o: careiree econom leal miles. Bonesteele's 370 N. Church EM '55 DODGE Cornet V i dr. white walls, auto trans., rsdi, heater. A very fine late model car and 1 not mucn money either. Stan Baker Motors Union High. Sti. EM 3-24M. Super Riviera Crnipe. We never hsve them better . , , . one owner. 12.H00 miles, power steering. oraMR. window, s way seat. Radio, heater. E7.I. back-up lights, washers, unusual tri-tone in coral and grey. Wilson's Commercial st Chemeketa Phone EM 4-3711. '55 Fairtsne sedan, one owner, low mileage, tu-tont blue, radio, heater, white walls, and It has rordomatir trans. This little dream fan be vours for only Eisner's Center it High CHAMPION. Deluxe 4 Door Se dan. This economical' car. has overdrive, heater, directional' signals. It delivers outstanding mileage per gallon with lively pep 4i acceleration. . ONLY S2525 . Bonesteele's .170 N. Church I EM 3-9277 Club coupe, this Is i one owner csr end is in very fine con . dition. This Is one lutnmobile you hue to see to appreciate Warner, Motors m So. 12th EM 2-9BS1 '55 RAMBLER STATION WAGON We guarantee Ms the sharped one you have ever seen. It has radio, heater, overdrive and only 15,000 one owner Wiles. Valley Motor, Co. Liberty Center Here Is real economy In this Plan 4 dr. sdn. This car is equipped with Just the essen Hals but the price Is right and for a low priced family car this tin t ba best, 2440 W. L. Anderson Inc. TD 954 No. Liberty KM 4 3433 Mar. 11, '57 (Sec' 11)13 850 AutomoUve 152 MtA Can For Sal EVERY DAY' of the Year THE BEST BUYS In Salem Are Listed Here " '56 Olds Convt. $3495 Super 88, radio, heitej, hydra, power steering, power brakes, power seat, power windows. Red 4r White finish, whlta walls, low mileage, one owner. 100 p.c. 1 year wirranty. '55 Olds 88... -$2695 Hohdiy- Sdn., ridin, healer, hvdra. power steering,, power brake., tinted glass, reer seal speaker, vhite walla, yellow 4i black finish, one owner, A Really Sharp looking Hardtop Sdn. , '54 Olds ...,,.$2095" Super 88 4 dr. radio .heit, re hvdra. power steering, power '" brakes, tu tone paint, whilst walls. The outstanding ear of 153 Olds Super . . $1395 88 4 dr. radio, heater, lut trans, power steering, and) power brakes, tinted glass, tu. tone green finish, new seal covers, new tires.-A nice fam Ily eir. - -. - '50 Olds 88..... $595 nix. 4 dr radio, heater, hydra, tu tone green finish, new tires, sold A serviced by Lod er i. One Salem owner. REMEMBER; L Payments to suit your Budget G.M.A.C.. & Bank Terms Loder Bros Co. Used Car Dept. - m NO. HIGH EM 2-797J No Down Payment 125 Broadway EM 2-757 40 MERC. Hollywood cpe.. new 'i by stock engine with track: cam. Sell for cost of engine 1200. EM 3-474.1, 2274 Trade. 1954 PONTIAC 4 dr. CataliniT w ill trade for Deal Estate or car for down payment. Pa. r-M4-ft954. RAMBLER 4 dr. ledt, low miles, like new. terms. 1310 State it. EM 4-4451 before 5:30. Oregon g Oldest Ch?alcr BEST BUY Used Csr. Commercial 4 cnameketa -EM 4-5711 '55 WINDSOR. Low Call EM 4-4M3. mileiga. 154 Truckg. Troil. for sol '50 CHEV i, T. pickup with recent overhaul. Steel 1 wheel trailer. Call after 4, or week ends. EM 4-4752. WILL trade good building lot on pavcu sireei ior i. firg up up to 4400. Lot Prlc 423n.JEEMJ17133. '52CMC t. pickup, excellent condition. Priced very reason able Will take trade, EM 4-4104 or EM 4-9421 eves. 4c Sun. r - 'VlrORD pickup T. See ,t" appreciate. EM 14240. G'M.C.-fixR-Army 270 S.25 rubber, 5th wheel. Air Winch,. 2 gas tanks, $1200. v Smi-Trnilrr-single axel 35 ft., flat bpd. 8.00 rubber. 2 spares, $700 00 Line Truck-S MHncab t Brownie, Winch, "A" framt v ew7.50 rubber, $16M. ' Em 2-9.797 &42' L7.dd FOR SALE or trade '47 , T.- Ford pickup 4i 1940 Chev. l't T. for later model yt T. or , what have you? Ph. i4F5evei. J4EW ileeoing quirters for pirk up truck 1125. EM 4-3221 Iter 3 p.m. 862 Hous Trailers EARL L. MALM Trailer Silea has for you the largest dis play . of 1937 Travel trailer! and mobile home! shown in Salem. Kenskill, Aloha. Air Stream. Mayflower. Roll Away. A Eber Lane. Corner Lam-aster 4c Silverton Ms, Salem Ore. EM 4-7127. H' TRAILER h o u e. fully equipped, cheap. 5003 Portland Rd. At the Green Apple Mk '30' Anderson, sell or trsd equity. 3560 Portland Ha. SMALL hnusa truler. Fully furn. fcM 3-7ML 1949 13 rt. Triller hse. $450. EM 4-7B15. A Trailer for Every Purpose The f i h v I o u new '57 VEN. TOURA Mobile Home, com. hined with Towa 4k Country. Highwaw Cruise and Billmore, gives you the finest ieectioit of House trailers in the Vallev. We'll take your car. pickup, or furniture, paid for or not, In trade on any trailer. Ron's .Trailer Sales" Corner of Center 4c Church -East of Meier frank. O A C. S pel. Are Approved BUZ 'S USED-CARS 1 SOS Orn Evenings EM 2-W04 THE BEST BUYS In Fine Mobile Homes . Vagabond ShuJt ABC s riasnui ' ureal Lisn lerr 14 to 50. Furniture, cari at Dlckuoi tiken to trade Jayhawk Trailer Sales Portland Rd. M I Mii TRAILER TOWING -"OrrWash-Cal. ' JAYHAWK FRAILER CONVOY 2944 Portland Rd. EM 4-1914 864 Henry Equipment- - 9 Internitinnal, nearly new, nionei c. uarco arum ana Wallace blade. 44 pet. rails, ' W00. SU 4-4441. Sit wUot. if) f