The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 10, 1957, Page 28, Image 28

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    28-(Sec. IV) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., Mar.' 10, '57
Italians Love
Movie Glamour Girl Finds It Hard to GehWayofLifein
Young Men to Concentrate on Ma trimony . Unted States
Can t girl look too sexy for matri
flwiy? -"'Barbara Nichols in the luscious
poser for that question. Blonde
. Barbara, who comrs equipped
with sex appeal to spare, ha.' had
remarkablt first year in Hollywood.
Her figure, one of the best pro-
I And Barbara. 23 and never Gi Caok
married, admits that her. main I "And I am a very food-cook,
reason for rominc out here was to too." the claims.
j find a husband. I Barbara, a Huntington, Long It.
! She has had plenty of boyfriends i land, N.Y., product, says her film
including such famous names as! roles are a clue to the lack of
author William Saroyan, British proposals. She was a stripteaser
Michael Renme. Ronnie in "Miracle m the Rain? dance
actor son of George and "hall hostess in "The King and
and bobbv-.ox idol John Four Queens," a showgirl in
none .of . them even talk
"Pajama Game" and a hatcheck
girl, with skimpy , costume, in
"Sweet Smell of Success."
"I specialize in playing girls
that are not the marrying kind
but I'm only acting," she lays.
block of television cre-j ! Unn it ahnnrle rnrnv hut it; save that one of the main aims of
i iust shows how dr-snerate a eirl his "Aroitnd the World in 80
. ......j D.,., r -I,., . '
HUiuw.. viiiw jtht-ui 1 pi', j ibout marriage not even as an
a natural comedy talent has land-, institution for other people." she
ed her good movie roles opposite 1 (gri
such , stars as Clark Gable, Dana , sev., times she has invited
Andrews,. Anthony Qumn, Tony dal(,, ovfr ,or . home-cooked
t,unis ana nun Lancaster, i nai i mpa
excludes a
She naturally is happy about
her career but unhappy about the
laclj of marriage proposals since
aV eame to Hollywood from New
. Na Preposals " I
"Lack? That's not the -word," j
she laments. "There have been
"exactly none." i
can get." she comments. "I love' Days is to make the impact of
to cook but whenever I suggest Xantinflas. the famed Mexican
it to a date, I get some answer ' comic, felt around the world,
like: 'Honey, let's eat out. Girls ' "I don't ask anyone to believe
that look like you aren't meant this but the main thing is I be
for kitchens.'." lieve it. Cantinflas (Mario More-
So far she has had no takers on no) is symbolic of good. All you
the free, home-cooked meal of- have to. do is go down to Mexico
..' ' : Tae aiesaaaa BaalMaee f cm tilth Ik, erearajaa
Ja4 tines aa prerieea a. rati aaa TV rtatisni. km k.rame nrmaiea
te minat in ,lu, wltaeet aerlfleaBea tklt aeweaaeer ranaal
k reisnasisle far tarn arearsa karrta I
Sunday's Television Log
lIPTV Church In Hme'Church in HmeOne Pereon
Tha Peator
L - ITortay'i Taith ITodav'i faith
T. rlru" Meraiae Truth Heralds J nth Frontiers Taitti frontiers
52Ei LamP r" Lamp in Frt Hit Word I Last Word
JPIV Civil Defense IClvil Defenae lYouth iYouth
a1 ' I IBowlinf IBowlini
101 irara KatJoa
IGW News
trry (outlook
IV AL Bawllnf
IFaca Nation INewi Roundup Mewi Houndup
iri,,i-ninn line my II na i
lOutlook . Thie Is Ufa This Ii Life
IBowlinf ILlfhtd Window Uhto Window
Odyssey pdyesev
Mua.-Telee'ree lMua.-Tele'ree
Aftsnwen Tha. 'Afternoon Tha.
Oral lloberts Oral Roberts
lOdyaaev Pdyaaev
IBtbla Puppets Civa Peace
I (Teat Pattarn
Afternoon Tha. 'Afternoon Tha.
Chrntian Sci. ITBA
. COM Mama I Mama
ISGW World Kepi. World Rapt.
' KLOB Pub. Interest IPub. Interest
KPTV Afteraaoa ThclAfumoon Tha
VAX, TBA Cheater Pietka
Boinf-Boini Boin-Boln
I Books :Bookf
iL:swtd VVlndowLif ntd Window
'Afternoon The. Afternoon Tha.
Treat Derlstons'Srcat Declaiona
, Com Armchair Thaa Armchair Thai, Armchair Thaa Armchair Thaa
I BOW Dr. Speck IDr. Spock irile 1 Fi!e 7
i CLOB Ravtval Hour (Revival Hour IBldf. America IBldf. America
' KPTV Afternoon Tha (Afternoon Tha Zoo Parade Koo Parade
KVAL Lawrence WalklLawrenca Welk Lawrence WelkLawrence Walk
BOM lArmchair The. Armchair The. (Armchair The. I Armchair The.
KGW Or t DacUions JGr't Daciiioni Wed. Horizons Med. Horizons
KLOB .Tha Anawer iThe Answer iChris. Science (Trantiilon
i KPTV Waihtngton 9q iWashinfton Sq (Waihington Sq ( Wathinfton Sq.
KVAL Waahinfton Sg;. 'Washington Sq. Washington Sq.'Waa.'tiniton Sq.
KorN Galea Drake ialen Drake iTele. Time Tele Time
'KGW Daaa Pika IDean Pike iSp. Events ISp. Events
KLOB Xal. Town Hall Rel. Ton- Hall Oral Koberte lOral Roberts
I KPTV Topper '(Topper Cjpi. Gallant Capt Gallant
KVAL Topper ITopper Jyceea (Jayceej
KOIN Air Power
Air Power
KGW Whlrley Btrda fWhlrley Birds Lite of Riley Life of Riley
i KLOB Pioneer Ptrhee. Pioneer Plvhee (Pioneer Pljrl
I KPTV Meat tha Praaa Meat tha Preaa Hoy Rogers
KVAL Meet tha Praaa Meet the Press Roy Rogers
Pioneer Plyhaa.
Roy Roger
Roy Rogers
KOM Jack Benny I Jack Benny What's My Una! What's My Una
KGW Asked tor It lAsked tor It lAmateur Hour lAmateur Hour
KLOK Act of Love r Act 01 -Love ' iActolLOve 1 Act 01 Lova
KPTV Bengal LancaraBangal Laneenrcircua Boy (Circua Boy
KVAL Bengal Lancers Bengal urn-en i ha iib
KODI Ed Sullivan
KGW AnuUur Hour
KPTV (tare Allan Rtava Allen pteva Allen (Steve Allen
kval lte-ra Allen Bteva Allen ' ISteve Allen ' Steva Allen
to see that,
"What he has done for the lit
tle people of his own country is
Then Todd quips in his peculiar
"If the picture only makes me
I? million dollars instead of 19,
ha( one thing will make me hap
py. I can't think of a better way
of spending two million dollars."
swears it was just coincidence
not press agentry that on Hol
lywood s rainiest day of the year,
Gale Storm was signed for an up
coming Shower of Stars. -
DETROIT. March OP-U didn't
take the Rotondo family lone to
! strike firm roots in a new coun
try. -
They-mrrived from Italy more
than two years ago under some
what special circumstances .on
the 10,000th entry visa issued to
Italians under the 1SS3 Refugee
Act. i: '
Today they consider Detroit
their home town, and they love
the American 'way of life.
You call at their - home in a
comfortable middle-class area.
Giovanni Rotondo presents hit
wife Elisa and their daughters
Maria, 14, and Josephine, 10.
You ask them how the" like the
United States by this time.
"Mi piace!" Rotondo says. Mrs.
Rotondo smilingly nods agreement
to "I like it.'! ?
New Language Problem
Learning a new language has
been a problem for the parents.
The girls learned English in a few
months. They act as interpreters.
"We can't speak . English yet,
but we're trying," says Rotondo.
"It just takes time. And just
think, fa aria makes an A in spell
ing English at the parochial
school." '
Rack in Italy Rotondo was a
Dagwood Bumstead Son of Billionaire, Dick Tracy
Strip Inspired by Capone, History of Comics Shows
NEW YORK. March u-Dur-lng
one of New York's periodic
newspaper delivery strikes, the
late Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia
rushed to a radio microphone to
perform a singular public service.
He pushed the City Council
meetings from a scheduled spot
on WNYC and read the funnies to
the kiddies.
Today, as in LaGuardia 's day,
the comic pages constitute a daily
reading rtabit for an estimated M
million adults and kiddies across
the country, a habit that has sue
cessfully defied the threat
movies and television and the
occasional cultural outcries of ed
ucators and psychiatrists.
People who read the funnies
every day and few will admit
not being addicts cannot recall
a time when the nation has been
without them, just as veteran
readers cannot remember when
Orphan Annie last got a new
dress or the fact that the Katzen
jammer Kids are now old enough
to draw social security.
Comics Bene la Gay N's
But despite this ageless and
timeless quality ' of comic charac
ters, the comics , themselves did
have a beginning, just 60 years
ago an event celebrated this
week by cartoonists and their
substantial citizen in the villaee lo.val fans across the country.
Missing Con
Believed in
North fdaho
March f on Officers armed
of San Angolo near Cassino. He
lived on a farm but worked part
time as a construction supervisor.
He served as mayor and also as
local secretary of the Christian
Democratic party.
"I like it better here," says
Rotondo. "In Italy, I worked for
practically nothing. In this coun
try, I have an opportunity to
earn money and get ahead."
Rotondo works for his brother-in-law
Anthony Vettiglio, a pros
perous Detroit paving contractor.
Money Mala DlfflcaJty
Mrs. Rotondo has helped out the
family budget by working in
Ford's upholstery department but
h ura loi4 rtt 1 B, a w ..k...
with sawed-of shotguns stopped tne auto .jndustry cut back pro.
traffic in North Idaho today but duction. shi! drew
found no trace of an extremely $fl0 a week Tnat would a ,maU
ranjOTiu tonviti wan khwi .... -...i, : c. ai, .
from the maximum security ward ... ,., ,,., , h
Ed Sullivan Ed Sullivan
IZd Sullivan
lAmateur Hour (Open Hearing Open Hearinr-
I "Art of Love" "Wh. Cockatoo"! wti. Cockatoo'
"fine fiX. Theater ici Theatar Alf. Hitchcock, lAlf. Hitchcock
i rrw rM.iiMit I Om nihu tOmnibnii . tOmnihua
lari.nt -wti. Corkataa" -Wh. Cockatn"-Wh. Corkateo'yWh. Cockatoo"
l a-rrV Chevy Show (Chevy Show (Chevy Show I Chevy Show
KVAL Chevy Show IChevy Show I Chevy Show jChevy Show
KGW Omni hue
xr)B Ray Anthaay
KPTV Lervtta Younf
SM.OOO Chall.
Rar Anthony
LLoratta Young
Young (Loretta Young
Mlaa Brooks I Mlaa Brooks
Playhouaa JPlayhouie S
Ray Anthony (Ray Anthony
'Sunday Stan ISundav Stare
Premier PlyheeiPremier Plyhaa
Till Wa Meat
Till Wa Meat (Till Wa Meet I Till Wa Meet
Playhouaa I Playhouaa I Playhouse S
Wrestling (Wrestling (Wreatling
Sunday Stare Sunday Stare Sunday Star
KVAL (Premier Plyhaa 'Premier Ply he Premier Plyhee'Premier Plyhaa
uoi Wraatling
fl KPTV Sunday Sure
Sunday's Radio Leg
FM: Megscyclas KOPe Hl.l; KGW IS j
KCW Sja-Nagra CaOega Chair K0C-4:St Caarsh a tha air
7" KSLM Melody Jeura'yl Melody Jaurn'yi Music I Church BeUt
IOH X. Power Biggs - Power Biggs Church at Air Church at All
K6W Chrtatoohera Where Wa Liyellarael Iarael
KCOK ratus. ad llta (roun. at Liia UCteraal Light Eternal Light
' KSLM tona'v Baptist Salens Acad. (Back to Cod Back to Cod
OKOAT KGAY Newe Glenn Smith Chlna-Aaia Bleaatng
OW . to liar Inv. to Laarm Salt Lake Tab. Salt Lak, Tak.
KGW Ravreal Hour Revival Hour (Revival Hour Revival Hour
KOOie Light a Lite Light A Life IBible Study Biblo Study
' KSLM Bible 'Claae Bible Claaa Voice of Proph.Voica ial Preph.
af KOAT Xobwrti Orgaa Roberta Orgam Glenn Smith KGAY News
1 1 COIN Jewish Faith St. Iraneia Porelm Affatri Sunday News
l HAW Seandlnav. Hr. Scandinav. Hr. Scandinav. Hr. Scandinsv. Hr.
0 mMT Back to BIWo Christ. Friend Vca. Prophecy Vco. of Proph.
KSLM Xewa Christian Sci. I Prank U Xrn'atlMnale "
KGAY Clems Smith Glenn Smith Glenn Smith I KGAY News
COIN Story Master Farm Scans (Term Scans Art Museum
Oaaf Muaw Sor Sun. Musie See Sua. IMuete foe Sua..Muate for Sua.
KSON Bible Bdest. Rev. Mueller ML HJuminafnMt. Illuminaf
1" 'KSLM ieia itary ' IConeart Mlatr Firit Msthodlat IFlrat Methodist '
AT CsW BapeWcalvary Baptist CsaryBapMt CaJwy Baptist
Born fyaiphetietta Isymphonstt JJ-Y. ' FJjllarm. K. Y. Phllharm.
t SOW Church Ssrvlra Church Serrlea Church Bantiee I Church Senie
1 BOO Baptist Churdh iBapnrt ChureH IBapMat Church IBaptlst Church
N. Y. Fhllhai
Man On Co
N. Y. PhUharm.
Heart Beat (Heart Beat
Neuberger IKCAY News
N. V. Fhllaraa. N. Y. Pnilhara
Musie Met. Opera
Monitor (Monitor
Sun. Serenade ISun. Serenade I Sun. Serenade ISun. Serenade
Hi-Fi Var. Hi-Fi Var. Ht-n var. ut mil
Met. Opera IMet. Opera I Met Opera I Met. Opera
Percy Faith Hr.lPercy Faith Hr. Percy Faith Hr.!Perey Faith Br.
Newa-Monltor iMonltor IMonltor Monitor
Sun. Serenade ISun. Serenade ISun. Serenade IYouth Forum
HI-FI Var. IHI-Fl Var. IHI-F1 Var. KGAY News
Phils. Oreh. (Phlla. Ore a. IPhlla. Orch. (Phils Orch.
Met. Opera Mat Opera I Met Opera IMet Opera
Monitor Monltor Monitor Monitor
Sun Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Bun. Serenade
Hi-Fi Var. IHI-Fl Var. IHI-Fl Var. yKcAY News
News ft'n'v. bp. Last Word - -dl.tef Word
Met Opera ' J pdst Opera Wet. Opera TWel. Opera
Si.onsiaine pmeei Miw rwwwm wm wiw rrwmm
I 1
BGOis Newa-Moruior
Grt Decisions ICrt Declaiona IMennonitea IMennonltes
Si.v v.. IHl.ri Var. . IHI-Fl Var. I KGAY News
Last Word I Last Word . I Radio W rkshep Radlo Workshop
Met Opera past upera wrtnioe perarueoa
Newa-Momtor IMonltor Monitor Monitor
Nawe 'un. Marine
Rl-Fl Var IHI-Fl Var.
Musi Hall Musie HaO
Newa tOvereess
Newe-Monttor Monitor
. BSLM Walt Wlneheu IFront Page
BGAY Grt Decielene Sign Off
I BOIN Mlaa Brooks iMiea Brooks
BGW Paul Harvey , Bokolalcy
BOON Newa-Monltor Monitor
(Lutheran Hour Lutheran Hour
.HI-ri Var. i Grt. Decisions
CBS NewsroomlCBS Nesrsroom
(College ConL CoUego Cenf.
N on l tor Monitor
(Jack Benny
(Pulton Sheea
Uark Benny
iTultnn Sheea
Marlon Theater
Jlnuny Wakely
Old Dusty
Marion Thaatar'Drew Paaraon Music
Jimmy Wakely (Gunsmoke tounaTinka
eld Dusty , tpld Duaty loid Dusty
onitor fYouth lYouth
Musie Festival
Euale- .. rMuale M
jspenee Mitch Millee M
usie Festival Nunc Festival iMi
Morutar Horn tor M;
iMitch Mtller
Msuic Festival
. I : boin
Mitch Mine
Hi. There
rtnaiy Altar
Peace In Vallvlfeare In Valley
rworia Teangni rworia Tonight
tava Hoes
iiu, Mtuae
II, There hs.OOS Children Sea. Naubergerl
amily Altar Hr. of Decision Hr, of Decision
d. twljMniR,. if rwialanlMuile " M jllr
Suit Nlta FIB, Mus. Memor, gel. Adventure ICaeat Stars
Canham Vets Newa As We See It Travel Talks
Rich. Be pet let Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sua. Serenade
1. ...
rmipiHI tTitv Ctin?ll Citv Couiwll
KGON Cathella Hr. Cthol.e Hr. tun. tortft Sun. prit4
1. BOIN Kews-Musia Muele
-BGW Newa City
at Eastern State Hospital here
early yesterday..
The description of the inmate,
John Lyle Wilson, 28, Yakima,
Wash., matched that of a hitch
hiker given a lift by a truck
driver to St. Maries. Idaho, yes
terday, so the search centered In
that area.
Two men who escaped the men
tal hospital with Wilson were
picked up In downtown Spokane
last night, tired, hungry and un
resisting. Joseph Nowell, 35, Seat
tle, and Charles Barrett, 24,
Washougal, Wash.; told police
they had walked tha entire dis
tance, some 20 miles in all, by
keeping to back roads and skirt
ing dwellings?
They said they split up with
Wilson after scaling the barb-wire
topped hospital fence.'
A car stolen here was found
abandoned near Worley, Idaho,
just across the state line, And it
was here the truck driver gave
a ride to the man believed to
be Wilson.
Wilson was transferred here
from the state penitentiary at
Walla Walla, where he was serv
ing a sentence for second degree
Nowell. who was sent here from
Western State Hospital, and Bar-
The Rotondos are living with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Vettiglio, . in the upstairs apart
ment of a cozy duplex brick house
owned by Vettiglio. In the down
stairs apartment are Vettiglio's
son Anthony, his wife and their
two children Tommy, 6, and
Susan, 2.
One Big, Happy Family
Life Is easier in this country for
Mrs. Rotondo. Back on the farm
in Italy, she had 'to get up at 4
a.m. and help with the chores.
She carried the family wash In a
basket atop her head to branch
of the Rapido River. She pounded
the clothes clean on stone slabs.
Now she uses an electric wash
er. It. hasn't taken her long to
learn to keep house with labor'
saving" appliances..
For .Marie and Josephine, the
move from San Angelo to Detroit
wasn't much different than little
American girls moving from a
farm in this country to the big
city. They've never been home
sick for San Angelo.
The Rotondos hope to qualify
for citizenship three years hence.
rett, another transfer from the
penitentiary; were returned to the
maximum security building today.
Answers to Crossword Puzzle
Cultural historians, who judge
prehistoric man by the feeble
reindeer he drew on the walls of
a cave, should find an Interesting
judgment in modern man's most
popular art form: six decades of
color comics, stretching from ihe
debut of "The Yellow KidT in
1896 to the latest episodes of
Dennis the Menace," "Dick Tra
cy" and "Blondie."
The comics emerged as the
most coveted spoils in the great
turn or the century circulation
war between Joseph Pulitzer's
New York-IForld and William
Randolph Hearst's New York
Journal. "The Yellow Kid," a
saga of slum life begun by Rich
ard F. OutcauR in the World, was
responsible for the label "yellow
journalism" applied to newspap
ers or that era.
'Yellow Kid' First
The "iellow Kid." a title sup
plied by the readers and not the
artist, was a hit from the
moment he appeared on the
World's color pages and soon set
a familiar comic pattern by Jump-
Creswell Man
Killed on Road
EUGENE, March t (II Pete
Engstrotn, 71, Creswell. was fa
tally injured by a car on a high
way near Here early today.
. According to state police, Eng
strom apparently fell on the high
way before being struck by a car
driven by Richard Martin. 30,
Creswell. They continued the in
vestigation with the Idea that he
may have first been struck by
another automobile.
Martin " said " ho thought " the
driveshaft of his vehicle bad fall
en off and that ha coasted along
until he found a parking area.
Then, he said, he 'looked under
the car and discovered the body.
it had been dragged about 500
ing to Hearst's Journal.
This amoeba-like quality of
comics, subdividing Into cells and
continuing separate but similar
existences under different; names
in competing papers, results from
the fact that most strips are
owned by the newspaper or syn
dicate and not the' cartoonist.
Rudolph Dirks, who established
the Katzenjammer Kids in the
Journal in 1(97, hopped to the
World in 1913 and continued the
same characters under the title
"The Captain and the Kids,
while H. H. Knerr took over on
the original strip. Both are stiU
going strong.
.Similarly, the comic pages now
show an amazingly similar Major
Hoopie and Judge Fuffle, a
"There Ought to Be a Law" and
Rolling Along at 91
IaIp i S i it I Ei 'ftAKg pr 1 PI
t j I I I I I t I j I I j
Pacific Highway
Slide Cleared
slide that narilv hlrwksd tha Pa
cific Highway at Wilbur, torn six
miles north of here; was cleared
by state highway crews today.
The slide forced llmltaHnn tn
one-way traffic agout I p.m. yes
terday, it took less than 12 hours
to clear it. .
Another slide on Hithwav 42
west of the Douvlaa-Cnna Oumt
line aiso compelled one-way trai
nc mere.
SPRINGFIELD, VL, Ma. Ninety-one ii the score In years
for Mrs. Eugenia Frailer wha celebrate her flit birthday
this year la a local bowling alley. Born March 10, 1866 in
Canada, Mrs. Frazier started celebrating her birthdays in
active fashion since she was 86 years old, by skipping
rope, roller skating, bicycle riding, sliding and tree
climbing. AP Wlrephoto)
Red Paper Says
39 U.S. Ships Go
To Turkish Navy
MOSCOW, March 1 1) The So
viet navy newspaper, Red Fleet,
said today the United States has
transferred 39 American ships to
the Turkish navy. It said this was
part of a U. S. plan "pushing Tur
key along the way of war preparations."
VS. State Department officials
in Washington said the- Red Fleet
report "appears to be a bad dis
tortion of a relatively small naval
assistance program for . Turkey
which the united States has ope
rated for the last decade.;
Artist's Work Found
FERRARA. Italy. March I lK-
Two murals attributed by experts
to the 15th Century painter II Ga
rofale have been uncovered In res
toration of the conception chapel
here. They show episodes hi the
lite of Jesus and eld testament
scenes. The painter's real name
was Benvenuto Isi.
Judaism Session Due
NEW YORK, March t ID-Lead
ers oi au inree orancnee m Ju.
daism ArthnrlnY rwiutrvafiv
and reform will hold a two-day
session nere uarcn 24 and 25 to
explore "the current Jewish revival."'
Sunday Television Highlights
K0IN-TV (Channel 6):
1:M Odyssey "Comics." The origination
sad evolution of comic strip characters and
their affect on American life.
t:M p.m. Boiag-Baiag "Meet the Inventor,"
story of Samuel Morse and his telegraph.
I:N pAArsatkair Theatre "Four in a Jeep,"
starring Kaipn Meeker and viveca unniors.
t:H pjtw Air Power Story of the costly inva
sion of iwo Jima and tne introduction of tne
giant B-29 into World War IL
t:N pjawEd 8allivaa Associated Press Ail-
American college cagers, featuring tne fabu
lous Wilt "The StUt" Chamberlin and other
features. ' pi -
l:M p.BL G.E. Theater, with Bette Davis in
"Malice Toward one."
1:1 p Alfred Hitchcock The story of a has-
been actor, woo has stooped to blackmail stars
Claude Rains.
ll.M .nu Flrrt Ran Theatre Till We Meet
Again who mens UDeron, oeorge oreni, iter
aldine Fitzgerald and Pat O'Brien, in the story
of a meeting In Hong Kong.
KGW-TV "(Channel 8):
NOTE :JO-1S:10 a.m. Tutting off of the entire
flow of the Columbia River which will activate
The Dalles Dam. 5:31 p.m. will be the opera
tion resulting in the rushing waters of tha
Columbia cascading over the twenty-three gate
XZ.U The Way "Ceiling 5000." An older -
man loses his lob to a younger msn.
1:3 p.nuChallenge ,ef Books Discussion .
Bible ss History. '
AM Great Decisions "How Much Trade
how Miicn Alar
:M Wklrtyblrds "Hostsge " Three con
victs try the airplanes as an escape route.
t:N p.nk Omnibus "The Trial of Capt Kidd.?
Ke-enacung me story. . .
1 J t Playhouse "It Had to Be
and Cornel Wilde. The story of millionaire
who runs away from marriage.
KLOR-TV (Channel 12):
1:3 p-SBw Building America "Once Upon a Va
cation." A New York writer Ukes his family
on a vacation trip through South Carolina.
1:0 pjsu American Religious Town Hall Meet
ing Question for today: "Are Parents Respons
ible for Juvenile Delinquency?"
f :M .nt "Act of Leve" Starring Kirk Douglas,
Robert Strauss and Dany Robin. A G.I. with
tha Allied Liberation Army in Paris falls In
love with a homeless French girl.
1:45 p.m-The White Cackatee With Ricardo
Cortes and Jean Muir. An American engineer
helps a girl slip through a web of murder and
. 11:0 Ray Anthony Shew New Orleans
and the Msrdi Gris sen, as the theme as Ray
presents "Way Down Yonder in New Orleans,1'
"Come to the Mardi Gras, ""South Rampart
Street Parade" and "Darkness en the Delta."
KPTV (Channel 27):
1:M Year Afterawoa Tkeater "French
Key" starring Albert Dekker and Evelyn An
kers: "Candlelight in Algeria," starring James
- Mason and Carla Lehmann ,
4:M p.m. Wuhington Square Ray Bolger stars
with guests Peggy King, John Hoppe and Enid
Mosier and her calypso group.
4:4 p.m Meet the Press General Alfred
' Gruenther discusses vital international Issues."
t:N Steve Allen Shew Steve Allen stars
with guests comedienne Martha Raye, sultry
songstress Diahann Carroll, and the current
" stage sensation, movie star Fernando Lamas.
10:M Leretta Yenag in a tense story of a
woman trying to forget ber past but who finds
hsppiness by remembering.
lt:!e p.m. Sunday Star Time "Murder on Dla
' mond Row," starring Edmund Lowe and Ann
'.'.' '. :' ' ' - '
Only MartW1! HsVC' fteMI' AwlvwHslaVfJ
'. ' ,. .. '
fvrybocfy Wants
As UrtU as $1.50 Per Month
tea C4ae TV 11 aa I Waakaays
Schooling for U.S.
Agency Workers Asked
WASHINGTON. March t til
Administration officials have
urged Congress to approve a bill
permitting all government - agen
cies to send federal' employes to
outside training schools.
Frederick J.- Lawton, member
of the Civil Service Commission,
told a Senate committee that one
Air Force physicist, who received
a -12(2 training course, later de
signed an improved missile teat
control system estimated to re
duce operating costs by several
million dollars. .
"They'll Do It Every Time' and
a "Modest Maidens" and "Glam
or Girls."
Strips Survive Their Authors
Many strips are "continued, by
different writers and, different
artists, long after their originators
die or move on to other papers
and other syndicates to create
new comics. The Gumps, Scorchy
Smity, Wash Tubbs. Peter Rabbit
and Rip Kirby are but a few
among many examples.
And, in rare Instances, a strip
may be permanently retired, like
a baseball player s uniform num
ber, as a measure of gratitude to
the genius of its creater. Such
was the case with George Herri
man's "Krazy Kat," the first
cartoon to win a wide following
among Intellectuals,
As the comic crate swept the
nation and catapaulted newspaper
circulation into the hundreds of
thousands, top cartoonists began
to command fabulous salaries, to
hire assistants for research and
lettering, to become national
celebrities in their own right, al
most as well known as the char
acters they created.
'Gamps' Opened Galdea Era
Sidney Smith, originator of the
Gumps, ushered in the golden era
in 1922 with a famous million
dollar contract that called for
$100,000 a year for It years. Be
fore his death in 1935. he man
aged to up the figure to $150,000
a year.
Comic artists found their In
spiration In all walks of life and
in all strata of our economy: mil
lionaires like Jiggs and Daddy
Warbucks. down-and-outers like
Happy Hooligan and Pete the
Tramp, soldiers, office "girls,
flighty teen-agers, cowboys, space
men, suburban families, adven
turers, Canadian Mounties, doctors,-
detectives, royalty, and. per
haps the most popular over the
years, the animal kingdom.
The nation showed its apprecia
tion in more ways than buying
newspapers. Spinach growing
Texas erected a monument in
honor of spinach-gulping Popeye.
Krazy Kat became the theme of
serious ballet. "Bringing Up
Father" and "L'il Abner" became
popular musical plays. Phrases
from the comic pages like "hot
dog." "23 skidoo," and "baloney"
became part of the language.
It's Hard Work
What does It feef like to be a
cartoonist on a top-flight strip?
"Mostly," says Milt Caniff. who
draws Steve Canyon, "You feel
like a puppeteer constantly ma
nipulating characters, designing
the scenery and the' costumes,
getting characters on and off
stage in a hurry,' improvising the
dialogue, dreaming up a plot that
will keep your characters alive
and your audience interested.
Believe it or not, it's hard
work requiring deep -concentra
tion and rigid self-discipline. Not
only must your characters be real
but your backgrounds and props
must be true to life. Readers
quickly spot inaccuracies and' an
achronisms and are quick to write
you about them."
Caniff goes to great lengths of
resesrch to keep the readers hap.
py, even to the extent ef taking
in a state basketball tournament
himself before allowing Steve
Canyon to come on the scene. If
he is drawing an airplane a ar
tillery piece, be visits an Army
camp or airfield to getthe de
tails right and IlteralfiK "walk
through" the scene. Other major
cartoonists do the same.
Cemlc Characters Change
The changing nature of comic
characters often belies their
origin.. How many readers know
that Dixie Dugan began her comie
strip life as a chorus girl that
Mary Worth sold apples on a
street corner, that there once was
a Mutt but no Jeff, that A! Ca
pone's real life escapades brought
on the fictional Dick Tracy, that
Snuffy Smith, Popeye, Nancy and
others began as relatively minor
characters, that the Captain and
lama in the Katzenjammer Kids
have never been united In bonds
of matrimony? .
Did you know that ' Dagwood
Bumstead was a billionaire's son
who was disinherited for marry .
ing Blondie, a definite flapper
type until she became the lovable
suburban housewife?
The Bumstead family fight over
Blondie was typical of the comic '
humor of the early '30s. "Are you
sure the reason you want to mar
ry my son isn't that you heard
T AWJ B lt MllMul.fM --L. .
Tree Trimmer Cuts
Belt, Falls to Death
CLEVELAND, March t ( A
city tree trimmer plunged 30 feet
to his death today after chopping
through his safety belt with his
ax when his foot slipped as he was
marking a limb for removal. .
He was Richard J. Sochor. M
father of two small children. 1
10UTI0 m out own nw
1620 Sfafe SI.
Byer and Bechlel
Servicing An Makes Model
Ph. EM 4-9767
I own' a lot of railroads?"
Bumstead Sr. of Blondie.
"Oh, Mr. Bumstead." she re
plies, "then I'd be a gold-digger.
m the home-type girl. I'd love
Dagwood if you only owned one
Chic Young, who invented the
strip, said fie "threw away the
joke book after that and became
success." Blondie s departure
from the world of melodrama Into
the mainstream of mlMtiu
America marked the beginning of
new era in comics where the
accent was on little people and
their everyday problems.
Comics Getting Cemle Agala
Slapstick continued to play a
heavy part in comie strip humor, '
but over the years the field has
spread out to include adventure.
teen-age problems, space travel '
sports, animal lore and antics,
soap opera, historical events,
Coulton Waugh, who draws
"Dickie Dare" and has written an "
authoritative history of the com
ics, senses a return to humor in
the postwar years on the comic
page, with "Peanuts," "Beetle
Bailey" and "Wonderful Life" ex
amples of the trend.
I do not mean to imply," he
says, "that the realistic story
strip will go. Americans like hu
mor1 but they like adventure too,
and good suspense strips win al
ways pull their, share of interest. -But
the story jobs have been giv
en unreasonable prominence and
now getting back to a '
wider response to the . varities
of reader interest. Americans like A
to laugh: this is the simple eg-
planatioa for the change."
1:S0 tJH KOIN-weeta te Shaw
4M PJt-KPTV-Waakiaalaa
Sales and Service fer RCA
135 N. Liberty
Ph. EM 3411
g P Ll (3 0 M
Including a Reg. '49"
Antenna Completely
Installed r
You." ?). Comedy, starring Ginger Rogers
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