The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 03, 1957, Page 17, Image 17

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    S'iatpsman. SaTcm. Ort Sun., farr-1i X TTT rw 'un.lT
i i
HIGHLIGHT . . . o( the week for
the legislative contingent was the
reception for which the President
of the Senate Boyd R. Overhulse
and Mrs. Overhulse were hosts on
Wednesday night . . . The Capitol
Room of the Hotel Senator the
setting for the party, a traditional
event, given each teuton by the
president and his wife ...
Over twe kindred . . . attending
including members of the legisla
lure and their wives, state officials
and their wives
and the legisla
tive press . . .
Mrs. Overhulse
wearing a pretty
blue and silver
metallic gown
with panel in
back and a
white orchid . . .
Receiving . with
t h e Overhulse!
were their eldest
daughter, Emiline, who wore a full
skirted red and black print dress
to which she pinned a white or
chid ... their other daughter,
Helena, who is attending high
school in Madras, too busy to come
over for the party ai she was root
ing for the Madras basketball
team, which is headed for the
tournament . . . also receiving
were two of the women legislators
. . . Ren. Kathenne Musat Mrs.
Ben) of The Dallas in a delft blue
gown . . . Sen. Jean Lewis of Port'
land. , who wore a blue print t .
and Mrs. William Burns, Jbhief
black gown .
Other assisting ... Mr. Earl
Snell, wife of a former governor
of Oregon, at the guest book
Miss Ann Matson. Miss Joanne
Rogers, who is secretary to her
representative father, 'Joe Rogers
of Independence . . . and Mrs.
George Cadmus . . . The long,
buffet table centered with a spring
' bouquet of - pink - snapdragons,
Dutch iris and daffodils
from Mt-of-tewa ... came
Father William S. Stone of Madras
. . "'.Mrs. Dollie Fessler of Prine
ville . . . Senator Overhulse's sis
ter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Emil Stacey of Portland ... two
University of Oregon students,
Michael Graham of Modesto,
Calif., .a nephew of Mrs. Overhulse,
and Ralph Vranixan of Portland.
The ever-papalar black . . . chos
en by many of the feminine guests
. . . Oregon's first lady, Mrs. Rob
ert Holmes, pinning orchids to her
black gown ... A smart Dlacs;
silk sheath with side cascade the
choice of Mrs. Sigfrid Unander . . .
Former Governor and Mrs.
Charles A, Sprague calling ... the
latter in a smart navy blue and
white ensemble with matching
chapeau . . . Attorney General
ana Mrs. nooen l. jnornwu . . .
Dorothy donning a fetching tur
auoise straw and chiffon hat with
her black gown . . . Speaker of
the House and Mrs. Pat Dooley.
who are planning their traditional
Hotel . . .
Amt others t . . Mrs. Norman
v. jNusen aown rrom roniana ia
Join her spouse, the state labor
commissioner . . . Stste Police
Superintendent and Mrs. Harold
G. Maison . . , Secretary of State
Mark Hatfield . . . Superintendent
of Public Instruction and Mrs. Rex
Putnam . . .Supreme Court Jus
tices and their wives . , . Chief
Justice and Mrs. William C. Per
ry . . . Mrs. Harold Warner down
from Portland to Join her husband
for the party . . . the James T.
Brands, the George Rossmans . . .
the Hall. Lusks and the William
McAllisters ... Jean McAllister
stunning in a uior owe sur ana
satin gown with panels in back. .
Spotted ... Mrs. Donald Hus
band up from' Eugene and wearing
a lovely mist blue taffeta and lace
gown ... Petite, brunette Mrs.
Rudie Wilhelm down from Port-
Receitly ... the Cox. Patterson,
Klopfrnstein and Nunn ' families
Visited the Little White House and
Warm Springs Polio Foundation
. . . ana last weekend vacationed
on the Florida beaches whili-
the men have been busy at the
posi, me women nave gone on
trips to the Martex and Calloway
Mills . . . attended teas anri lunch
eons given for student wives at
ron Denning . . . The weather
has been 70 and 80 since the first
of February and the azaleas, ca
mellias and blossoming trees are
in iuii Dioom . . . tney have also
attended several of the ramp II I a
shows arranged bv local earrien
tclubs. The Nunns were enter
tained at a real anutharn flinnor in
LaGranro. Ga hv Mr William
Crothers' parents, the Rev. and
airs. j. l. veatcn ... The Nunns
have visited historical spots in At
lanta, Savannah and nearby places
on weekends . . . also toured the
Okefenokel swamp with park ran
ters, visited Dpantit factories In.
bacco warehouses and cotton mills
. . . they are enjoying the wonder
ful hospitality of the southern
DeoDle. but will be hannv In Ica'vp
for home in May . . .
. l-ljali
m-- 'r- "n
1-44-4 I
b. 1-4I-S0
i.. 1-41-so 4774
Apron in sew easy PRINTED
Pattern! It'i an ideal cover-up for
kitchen chores pretty in g a y
checked cottons, with contrast
binding. Cinch to make direc
tions printed on each pattern part!
Printed Pattern 4774: Women'
Small (36, W; Medium (40, 41);
Large (44. : Extra Urge (48.
Mi. Small size 1 yards 15-tnch.
Directions printed on each tissue
pattern part. Easy-to-use, accu
ral, assures perfect fit.
Sana I'HIMTY-flVE fwntt In coins
for thtt return add ctnli for
tch partem for IH-claa) malllnf
Band to ANNE ADAMS, cart Oraaon
Ktiteaman. 407 Pattern Dept., J4J
Wl 17th St., Nr yorH II. N V
Print Dlalnly NAME ADDRFSS with
"J ' '
land and chic in a black sheath
'gown and tiny hat . . . Mrs. Al
fred Corbett, alas driving down
from Portland for the occasion,
nd wearing a. black taffeta gown
with ecru lace inset embellishing
the off-shoulder neckline . . . Mrs.'
C. D. Cameron of Grants Pass,
wife of Senator Cameron, in a be
coming pink and black print gown
. . .'Mrs. Cameron to entertain
the senate wives at an informal
tea on Thursday afternoon . . .. The
Camerons have taken Mrs. K. D.
Lytle'i home on Fail-mount Hill
for the. session . . . Mrs. Lytle is
currently traveling in Mexico . . .
Attractive Mra. Philip Lowry of
Medford lovely in a black velvet
gown ...
A REUNION '. . . of Salem and
Oregonians in Columbus, Georgia,
who are currently taking advanced
training at Fort Benning . .' Cap
tain and Mrs. J. Anthony Nunn,
who left for the Deep South in
November, wrote ui that a group
recently' celebrated February
birthdays at an Italian restaurant
in coiumnus ... in the gathering
were Major and Mrs. Burl Cox,
Karen and Raymond . . .'Cant.
Louis L. Osborne . . . Captain
Jack Quinn of Lebanon ... Capt.
and Mrs. Waldo Gilbert and John
. . . Lt. Harold Peterson of Dallas
. . . Lt. and Mrs. Lloyd Patterson
and Danny . . . Lt. and Mrs.
Howard Klopfenstein and Dwayne
ana tne Nunns and their children,
Carol. Janet and Murray . .
Captain Osborne and the Gilberts
are now enroute back to Salem. .
i i' M
4 I ; i '
f a v y h I
v W Sal rt m mt m
At i.
' --: f
1 J
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E, Carbaugh (Rona Lee Lnham) whose
whose wedding was an event of Feb. 20 at Sj. Vincent
dePaul Catholic Church. Parents of the' couple are Mr.
and Mrs. Rolland A. Lanham and .Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Carbaugh. the couple will live in San Diego, where
Mr. Carbaugh is stationed with the navy. (Artz Studio.)
Shop 9:30 'til 9 Monday & Friday-Other Days 9:30 'til 5:30
( Fm Parking with Validation of Tlcktt
Bernita Brentano Married
At Nuptial Mass Saturday
ST. PAUL Miss Bernita Marie Brentano
Buchheit exchanged their marriage vows at a
and Gale Alphonse
nuptial mass hatur-
day morning at St. Paul's Catholic Church. The Rev. James Max
well officiated at the ceremony. Mrs. Leonard Psvlicek and Alfred
Smith sang, with Mrs. Ross Coleman the organist
The bride is the daughter ot air.
at mnrTTnitrf "irV
Russell C. Haehl Jr. (Jean Claire
Swift), a former Salem resident,
who resides in San Francisco, is
busy handling publicity for the
Bay Area Panhellenie alumnae
spring fashion show , , . the af
fair u calendared for March 13
at the Fairmont Hotel. ...
StarUaf . . . her career in the
bay city is Judy Morse, daughter
of U.S. Senator and Mrs. Wayne
Morse . . . she ia an auistant in
the Cinderella Salon in San Fran
cisco ... her father recently visit
ed her, when he came West on
business. ...
FASHION NOTES . ... At the
many spring fashion shows Spot
ted smartly dressed women in the
crowds . . . Mrs. Reynolds Allen
chic in a black and white tweed
coat with white chapeau,. . . Mrs.
George Alexander wearing a be
coming red hat adorned with
strawberries . . N A deep red hat
entranced with beautiful pink flow
ers the choice of Mrs. Ralph H.
Cooley .. . Mrs. Duane Gibson
smart in a beige suit and mink
stole and her matching straw
wreathed in flowers shading from
the beige to caramel -tones . . .
Mrs. Hall Lusk choosing a pink
hat with a' rose and donning a fox
stole with her ensemble . , . Mrs.
Kenneth Bell in a good-looking
mink brown suit and beige straw. .
Mission Study
Group to Hear
Mrs. Gordon
On Wednesday evening-' Mrs
Lynn Switier'i circle of the First
Congregational Church, will be
hostesses tor a T:30 dessert in the
church recreation room, preceding
the meeting of the Women's Guild.
Dedication of the Woman's Gift,
the second mile project of Congre
gational women, will be conducted
by Mri. Paul W. Harvey, Jr.
The Mission Study group, which
is responsible for this meeting, has
invited Mrs. J. T. Gordon of Port
land to be guest speaker. Mrs. Gor
don toured Europe in 195 as a
member of the American Congre
gational women's tour. She , will
give details of her visits at' the
Fellowship Center and College.
Chevenal iiLEraace, .at -Casa Mia
service "project for orphans in
Naplea, and the World Council
refugee camps near Stuttgart, Ger
many, illustrated by her own pic
tures. '
The evening circles of the Knight
Memorial Church have been In
vited as special guests. The meet
ing ia also open to any woman who
ia interested,
Change Board Meeting
The monthly board meeting of
the YWCA will be held this Tues
day, March S, instead of the regu
lar meeting day, March 12, due
to the spring vacation. The meet
ing will convene at t:30 a.m. with
Mrs. Donall Rasmuasen presiding.
Mra Wank H Snears Will be
hostess to the Gamma Phi Beta'
.liinnu at her Phemeketa Street
home Tuesday night. A buffet
supper will be served ana assist
ing hostesses are Mrs. Frank An
gle. Mrs. Jack Steward and Mrs.
Marens Maltby. Alumnae visiting
In the city at well as newcomers
art invited to attend.
St. Paul and the bridegrooms
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Buchheit of Silverton
For her wedding the bride
chose a white nylon tulle and
Isce gown with fingertip veil
caught to a queen's crown of
pearls and lace. She carried a
while prayer book marked with
a white orchid.
Mrs. - Martin Krunicka . Jr..
and Mrs. Bernard Brentano of
Guilds Hostess to
District Meeting
The Guilds of First Methodist
Church of Salem will be hostesses
to the Salem District Guild meet-
inif An U,F.k 11 nt . 1ft h m i
of white nylon over yellow taffeta
and carried white Marguerite
daisies. Her headdress was a tiara
of daisies. Mrs. AJ Walen. sister
of the bridegroom, and Miss
Irene Mullen, cousin of the bride,
were bridesmaids,. They also wore
white nylon gowns over yellow
taffeta and their bouquets and
headdresses were like the honor
Junior bridesmaids were Miss
Louise Brentano, sister of the
bride, and Miss Patricia Mullen,
cousin of the bride, who wore
yellow taffeta frocks and car
ried white daisies. Kathy Krupic
ka, niece of the bride, was
flower girl and she wore yellow
taffeta. Douglas Anderson
nephew' of the groom, was
Attend the Groom
Paul Buchheit served as best
man for his brother and Richard
Brentano, brother of the bride,
and John-Buchheit, the bride
groom's brother, were grooms
men. Ushers were Thomas Hines,
Ai Sthaman, Joe Buchheit and
Martin Krupicks Jr.
A wedding breakfast was held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bernard in St Paul follow
ing the nuptials for members of
the bridal party and Father Max
well. A reception was held in
the Community Hall for friends
and relatives of the couple in
the afternoon. "
Mrs. Joseph Flaherty, aunt and
godmother of the bride, cut the
cake, assisted by Mrs. Lawrence
Bunning. Miss Astrid Severin snd
Mrs. Clarence Grassman, Miss
Jane Brentano, Miss Marian
O'Mara. Miss Carol Smith and
Mrs. Raymond Syverson assisted.
For going away the new Mrs.
Buchheit donned a black and
white check suit with white ac
cessories. After a wedding trip
to Canada the couple will be at
home in Seattle
Miss E. Louise Nichols. Wes-
leyah Service Guild field worker,
will be guest speaker. Following
the dinner meeting. Miss Nichols
will given an inspirational talk to
which the interested public ia also
invit ed. - -- - j
Reservations for thi dinner may
be made with Miss Ruth Mc
Adams, 75 S. 12th Street, by
March 8.
Miss Nichols will also speak to
the Women's Society of Christian
Service on March 14, following
their class session on Paul's Let
ters to the Local Churches.
a Utile of the Lady
vanishes in Warner's
Merry Widow
Br the daring darling of your group . . wear Merry
Widow by Warner's. Wry much in the 1912 mood, as
essential to gala evenings as your most captivating
smile. Shown: embroidered nylon and elastic marqui
sette. White. 32-38. .
Lipmans Foundations, 2nd floor
'-!!.. - .
ertam 4toJorant
; only lua ua
regularly l
Tin mMi Ta'naawt.liflil,
kit. tat pratactlaa
aa ltalM. tr IHUITON.
Drug Store
40S State St.
W Olva &4C Orn Stampi
Oh, to climb a hillock and lose
oneself in the beauty ot earth
and sky! 1 The valley ' below ;
spreads itself before us in hetero- ;
geneous patterns of line and col-:
or. Beyond are the misty blue j 5
hills. Clouds scud across tne sky I j
and reveal large patches ot blue
sky. We raise our faces to the !
sky and the creases on our fore-!
heads disappear aa we become ij
lost in the blue. . . . Think what j
restf ulness can be gained by
bringing this sky blue into our
homes and allowing it to relax I
tired, minds at the end of the
day. . . . Let's use it in decorat
ing a bedroom for a busy career
girl venose work and interests
leave only a little time for the
enjoyment of beautiful home sur
roundings. . . . We'll begin by
covering the long wall of the
room with a sky-blue shiki silk
paper which shows a single bough
of peach-pink blossoms and dips
gracefully at its tip. The re
maining walls will be done in
the plain shiki silk of the mural's
background. ... On the floor the
very new nylon and wool blended
carpeting in off-white would be
nice. Now, under the .bough on
the long wall let's place the love
ly French bed which is available
to us, choosing it in r painted
parchment finish and flanking it
with a pair of matching bedside
tables. These may hold crystal
lamps with prism drops and off
white silk shades. . . . At the
large window at the end of the
room we will use our semi-sheer
fortisan fabric in off-white, hang
ing the draperies below graceful ?s
swags of the same fabric. -. . . jl
Let's use the same semi-sheer j
fortisan in a very delicate peach
pink, shade for our bedspread, i
having, it quitted in a simple 1
elongated Da t tern over dacron.'j
filler. '. .-Now. for a real note
of comfort, we'll cover a French-
chaise lounge in a bright peach
pink delustered satin, hanging a
small crystal chandelier, lower
than standard ceiling height to
one side. At the other side we
will place a tiny floral-painted
table which might hold a small
nlate of fruit at the end of the
day. - Volta, our sky blue room!
'By till later, -
Lipman's Decorating Studio
215 N. liberty St.
Saltm, Oregon
important for spring-into-sum-mer,
neiv charming San Souci
Costume Dress
Wonderful beginning for yoiir spring wardrobe' . , ,
smart duet . . . terrific together, charming alone.
Paint brush print of rayon crepe with light-wgight
baslTerweave 'fsyon coat,---intctorxf"liiin;. Black, or
navy. Sizes 12 to 20.
Lipmans Moderate Trice Shop, 2nd floor-
fv fl
one-time sale! hurry for yours!
Giro Cologne
rcg. 3.75
plus iax
Four famous fragrances offered at terrific savings. Ciro'i
Reflexions, Danger, New Horizon and' Surrender. Buy.
for yourself or for gifts, y .
Lipman't. Cosmetics, 1st floor