Valley News Statesman Newt Strvic Construction Spurts ' Around Four Corners " By EFFIE MAYE WHITE , Valley Carreponqnt FOUR CORNERS, Fb. II Construction is spurting here with sev en! business project underway. Another landmark is bring razed to make way for a new service station at South Lancaster prive and State Street. An all-steel build ing is planned with provision for complete automotive service. Warren Donlittle, distributor for Mobilgas, purchased the location from A. E. La Branch two years ago. Wood buildings formerly hous ing the Four Corners Grocery and a shoe chop also were razed to make way for the new station. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Case, who have operated a smaller station in the same location, will operate the new one. ' Older Construction Two new business buildings are under construction at Four Cor ners. A frame building at 125 N. Lancaster Dr. is going up on the Fred Smith property."' It will be 14 by 50 feet with 700 square feet , of floor apace, . " - The outside finish will be Ari zona sandstone and cedar siding lo conform with the Four Corners Pharmacy and doctor's office. In constructing this building. Smith said he had In mind a future den tal ofice. New 'Coae' Building The building formerly occupied by "The Cone" at1 135 S. Lancaster Dr. and operated by W. D. Kyle also is being razed this week. A new frame building 20 x 32 feet with a concrete floor will be con structed immediately at the same location. It will be used as an ice cream bar with fountain ser vice . and will be operated bv Kyle, Residential building continues - In th Four Corners area. Frank North has three residences under way on Glenwood Drive in the Lincoln Park development. Scout Troop Honors Schur atauiaaaa Nei SerrVt LIBERTY, Feb. 12-Don Schur Sr., scouting leader here for the last three years, was honored here 1 last night at the annual Boy Scoiit guest night. A plaque was pre- cnted to him Forrest Maxwell and Ronald Meola became members of the Liberty troop's Explorer crew, and William Berry wis -elected leader of the Beaver Patrol to suc ceed Maxwell. n : , . . Dctuirung i cnacriooc Scouts were Gary Fries, Alton Albin. Billy Wallher, Robert Smith. Joe Elacqua and William Cusick.. Physician Starts Stayton Practice lUleiaui Newt Service STAYTON. Feb. 12 - Dr. and Mrs; R. A. Waldo and their three children have moved to Stayton where Dr. Waldo will begin his practice. This is the doctor' first practice. He studied at the University of Oregon and served his interne ship at Kmmanual Hospital. Port land. He is a physician and sur geon. The Waldo residence and office Is located at 556 Third St. Pringle PTA to See Cancer. Films luusmaa News Service - rRlNGLE..Feb.,.li The regular February meeting of the Pringle Community Club will be held Fri day, Feb. 15, at Pringle School. Films of several types of can cer, prepared by the American Cancer Society, will be shown. A doctor will be 'present to answer questions pertaining to the film. Free movies will be provided for the children during the program. Butreville Church's Luncheon Nets $50 SUteamaa Newt Servlrt BUTTE VILLE. Feb. 12 - Mrs. Dan Clark, president of the Wom en's Fellowship of the Butteville Congregational Church reports "that about $50 was realized by the group on ' the "Luncheon Is Served" which they sponsored re cently. Mrs. Harry K. Willis Jr.. of Portland, was the hostess and she was assisted by the local ladies. Many prizes were won. fYoaJaiiiDHI 1 lOVTOFlDOat V eTSeeUae.iwaa-pleklaf aaJatew atenUnc rertal Itch art eftaa UU tele iltna ef Pia-Wor a . . . mere arultaa tkat avedieal eiperti ear Infert ee eat eeera laree er ania axamlne. Intira famUlea aur W elctlaw ana ot kao H. Ta tat rl4 at PlifWorwn, Uieee Mate marl irot aalf ke killed, kul killed la the lam Intetllne wbera thee live an4 multlttlr. That'l ex aelir what Jarae'a P-W tebleta 4a .. . eaa ken ko Uxr ae Iti tala iltna ef Pia-Wor a . . . wlr 1 aerultaa tkat avedieal eipert. ear I f alert eM eat eeer (Are per Tint a aeUatlf a coaUa at tU 1 Dm take ekaaeea with th lata ae eoa- if f i tWeeewj, klchJretaeioe fit a Terwltff.a.eraBii,aaer-te-w v W isblete...saecialeeetferehlMrea 1 aa4 aaulta. reWeeled kr Dr. D. f J.rae aoa, soeel.llru si weesa ( 1 aaraaSVa (or 10 er.i lJ3fTIi1Si am j l .... .... , i. l 1 fere User dlseotea. re Jarae'a J raMlaes, edleeJIe-appraeaS In. f I iredlent faaa rtrht a work Wit Vt anLltl m4 eesUe. W 1 lor sras"i' Amity Paper Under New Management , Stalesaiaa News Service AMITY, Feb. 12 - The Amity Standard, weekly newspaper, is under new management, accord ing to Phillip Meeker, owner of the paper. The new editor and as sistant are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Long of Portland. Long came here from The Oregonian. . , Pcjgy Blocklinger, novelist who was editor of the paper for over j a year, found that it Interfered with her creative writing program. I She resigned some months ago and has gone back to Forestville, Calif. her former home where she is writing another novel. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McPher son, who took over the paper for a few months, left recently to en gage in newspaper work in New port. ataleamaa Newt lervlra Sublimity The Marian Home Auxiliary will meet Wednesday at l-:30 p.m. at the home with new officers in charge. L'nloa Hill James Gilham will preside at the I'nion Hill grange meeting Friday evening. The dis-J play table will consist of shop tools. '"'' War Mothers will mert Wednesday at 10 a m. at the VFW 01,11 ,or work dav- A "- nusi lumn win ue srrvca. Woodbura The Woodburn Rod and Gun Club will meet Thursday. The meeting is open to all inter ested persons. Andy Rice will dem onstate fly tieing. Two movies, "Arizona Lion Hunt" and "Fair Play," will be shown. Roy Glick Is in charge of entertainment. Bill Miller will serve refreshments. Orchard Heights Junior Eck ley will show pictures Friday night at Popcorn Community Club. A 6:30 supper will precede the pro gram. Roeedale The Blind School will furnish the entertainment for the meeting of Rosedale Parents Club. Thursday at 7:30 p.m. The meeting, usually held on Tuesday, has been changed to Thursday for February only. Uaioa Hill The Home Econ omic Club of the Grange will meet with Mrs. Henry Peters on Wed-' nesday at 2 p.m. The program will be American history and a Valen- tine exchange. ' Wlllamlna - The evening WSCS and the daytime WSCS of the Methodist Church will nave a Joint meeting Thursday, at $ p.m., when; guest speaker will be the Rev. Bruce McConnell ol Amity Metho dist Church. " Cemils A social game -night will be held at the old school building by the Sacred Heart Par ish Wednesday at I p.m. This social is public. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Eder and Mr. and Mrs. John Eggers are in charge. Wlllamlna A well baby clinic will be held at the Methodist Church Thursday from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Mrs. Jim Shipley may be contacted for an appointment. , Gervais Grade School Moth ers Club will make final plans for a benefit school carnival to be held in March at the meeting Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the school basement. The benefit is for the purpose of purchasing playground equipment.. ..Members- vt urged to attend this meeting. Refresh ments will be served by Mrs. Lawrence DuRette and Mrs. Stan ley Elke. Orchard Heights The Woman's Club here will entertain husbands of members at a Valentine party at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Popcorn School. Mrs. William Knower and Mrs. Robert Adams will be host esses. Each person is to bring a Valentine. II Naarn KFTV-NSC MatltM 1 1.J0 P.M.- KOW-teUrsaw 4:00 tMr OW-Faiaar Cluk :M.M. KfTV-Kraft Theetra Sates A Service for RCA Valley Briefs ! Keizer PTA'1 Meeting Set kiuwu New. Servlra KEIZF.R Fen ISA Valentin roliday is planned for Keizer PTA 'Way from yesterday s major sell Thursday at 7:15 p.m. in the " but got nowhere and ended the Keizer School Auditorium Fea tured speaker will be Misa Janice Weslaby, home safety consultant lo the Oregon State Board of Health. Honored guest, will be Marion J ."". tr?m County i'TA president and Mrs. ' L nf Ed Boal. who will receive the ? i . 8 . ,. . ,,, 60 stocks fell 90 cents to a new tTZZlC uJ CUn,y- l5--57 low of 1168 00. lowest point wide scholarship, fund . Isjnte 0(.( mi wh)n ,tnod Founders Day will be honored jat $167 10. The market then was by songs from two quartets lromjj , discouraged stale following the Salem Senate-Aires Chorus of ir(.Sident Eisenhower's heart at the Society tor the Preservation Uack nte in September, and Encouragement of Barber The industrial component was Shop Quartet Singing in America. , down, $100 and the rails down 50 Science Fair entries will be on : cents,, both to new ltit-'S7 lows, exhibit from each classroom. A while the utilities were off 70 special 'Valentine dessert' will be .cents. served from 7:15 p.m. by fourth I Based on the decline in the aver- graric room mothers. Supervised ! child care will be provided for children. Town Hears Credit Good Statesman News Service . MT. ANGKL. Feb. 12.; Ml. Ansel has one of the credit ratings in Oregon, members of the Business Men's Club were told last night by Charles Schmitz of Salem Credit Bureau schrniu said that 70' per cent of peopi, buying on credit never spend beyond their means and that "only 1 per cent" never intend tp fulfill their obligations. He also reported that 2.100 Ore gonians filed bankruptcy proceed ings in 1936. President - Bernard Kimch re ported the State Highway Commis stOn would hold a hearing some time in March on highway , con ditions between Silverton and Mt. Angel. A past president of the club. Carl Mucken, was reported out of the hnspttal and Improving follow ing an illness. Gervais Class Selects Cast tateamaa News Service GERVAIS, Feb. 12 -The senior class of Gervais Union High School has announced selection of the cast for the play, "Maudie and the Op- posjtc Sex." which is under the direction of Robert E. Lewis The leading character is portray ed by Georgia Schaap. Other members of the cast are One Seibcl, Pat McAllister. Jerry Cutsforth, Marge Vance, Janet Palmer," Dorothy Elhell, Maxine FitiUerald. Jean Dunn, Darlene Weist, Gary I'ppendahl; Jim Le lack, Stan Steele and Sonja Seibcl. Assistant director is Clydene Ramey rehearsal manager is Ra Verta Isliam business manager is Linda Sartain. and stage manager ls Carson Hall. Butteville School Bulging at Seams Stalesmaa Newt Screlca BUTTEVILLE, Feb. 12 The Butteville Grade School is bulging at the seams. Mrs. Leonard Peters ," 00-50.00 shoulders. 16 lb of Aurora this week took charge of f down. 32 00-34.00: aparenbs, 44.00 the lit and 2nd grades, and the;50 00: 'feh "". lb. stage is being used as a classroom. She has 13 pupils That still leaves Mrs. Leona Wil- son with 21 pupils in the 3rd and 4th grades, and the principal, Harold Seeley has 24 in the upper graie There ls , to(al enronment of M Mr, pet.rg operated a private kindergarten in Salem prior to moving with her family to the Aurora area where they purchased the E. B. Fountain farm. Refugees Leave ' North Howell Statesman News Servlee . NORTH HOWELL. Feb. 12The three members of the Paul Csorba family, Hungarian refugees, have returned to Portland, the Winston Petty family reported today. The Pettys sponsored the family on their arrival in Portland from the East , and provided housing and other assistance for them as long as they wanted it. Several showers and benefits were held in this area for them. Silverton Police" Officer Resigns SUteamaa News Servira SILVERTON, Feb. 12-Chlcf of Police R. R. Main reported Tues day that one of his officers, James Black, has resigned to devote his entire time to farming. Black, who has been with the city police -force for two years, was farming prior to his work with the city. Chief Main said he had not yet found anyone to take Black's place. ( MEASLES AT GERVAIS GERVAIS, Feb. 12 An epidemic of measles has hit Gervais Grade School and classes have not been at full capacity. AUCTION LAND The State Highway Commission will aell at public auction on the property described below at l oo r M. on parcel tit land lying In Bee WM. Marion County, Oregon. ., The parcel ef land ta which this description applies eontalni 0 IS acre), more or less. The above property is a portion ot the former Oronka property, located on the Balem By-Pass Section of the-Pacific Highway Fast, approximate. Iv one half mile South of Haveivlll Junction and on the easterly and of Park Lane. tFlle No 1 733 1 The minimum price which will he accepted It II one. 00 The conveyance will he by Bargain, and Sale Dead but the State will not furnish title Inaurance. TF.RM8 or SALI; Cash. The. right Is reaervea lo accept or reject any or ill bids. , INFORMATION: W. H. Flaskln, PropeHy Manager, Oregon State High wjjr Commlaalon. Slate Highway Building, galem Oregon. Losses Beset Stock Market NEW YORK, Feb. 12 lift The stock market attempted to rally day lower on average. There were gainers in almost every major division but they were over-balanced by losers. The latter ran from fractions to around age, the quoted value of stocks listed on the New York Stock Kx change fell an estimated $1,100, 000,000 compared with yesterday's drop of an estimated four 'billion dollars. Of 1.155 issues traded, declines outnumbered advances by Kid to Ml.. There were 135 new 1956-'57 lows and, for the first time this year, iw new hinhs at all. Volume totaled 2.530,000 shares compared with 2, 740,000 Yester day. '7- Portland Produce PORTLAND M - Butterfai Tentative, subject t o immediate change Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland. 62-65 cents per lb; first quality, 59-62; second quality, 54-57. Butler-Wholesale, f o b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 614: A grade, 92 score, ito'i: B grade, 90 score, 59; C grade, 89 score, 57. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-48 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, '-i-S3Vi. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large. 47-48; A large. 45-46; AA medium, 41-45; A medium. 40-44: A small. 35-38. Cartons, l i cents additional. Eggs To wholesalers A large, 42-434; A medium, 39-42; A small. 33-364 Live poultry No. 1 quality, f o b. Portland Fryers, 24-4 lbs, 21; light hens, 11-13 at farm; heavy kens. 15-16 at farm; old roosters, 7-9. Turkeys To producers L 1 v e weight fryers. 27-28. Rabbits Average to growers Live white, 34-44 lbs, 23-26: col ored pells 4 cents less: old does, 10-12, few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 59-64; cut up, 62-65. Wool Nominal, clean basis, 't blood, 1.10-12; . blood, 1.18-20; 4 blood. 1 35-38; fine, 1 40-43. Wholesale Dressed Meats ' Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs. 33.00-37.00; good, 30.00 35.00; standard, 28 0O-31.O0; com mercial cows, 25.00-29.00; utility, 23.00-26.00; canners and cutters, 20.00-24.00. Beef cuts 'choice sleerst Hind quarters, 38 60-43.00; rounds, 38.00 43 00: full loins, trimmed, 56 00 61.00; forequarters, 30.00-32.00; chucks. 31.00-34.00; ribs. 40.00 46 00. Lambs-Choice, 45-55 lb. 37.50 3950; good, all wts, 3300-37.00. Pork carcasses Shipper style, 120-170 lb. 29.00-31.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 812 52 00. Slab bacon All wts. 42 00-53 00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all wts 38 0O-50 .00; standard, 32.00 45.00. Freah Produce Onions Ore. Danvers, med, 2.50-3 00;' 3 in. 3 .75-4.25; Spanish. 3 in, S 50-75; Colo. White, 4.25-50. Potatoes Local Russets, No. 1, 100 lbs, 2 50-75; Central Ore. Rus sets,' 3.50-90; lge, S-14 oz. 4 .00-50; No. 2s, 50 lbs. 1.15-25; Idaho bales. 5-10 lh. J.40-W; Wash, Russets, 100 lbs, 3.00-50. Hay No. 2 green alfalfa, baled fob. Portland. 33.00-34.00 ton. Apples Boxes Oregon-Washing-tton Red Delicious, extra fancy, spray packed and wrapped, medi um, y 50-7.00; large 5 50-0.25; Loose pack, small, 4.00-25: stand ard Delicious large, 4 50-75: Red R o m e s, extra fancy, 5 00-25; loose, 4 50-85; Newtons, loose, extra fancy, 3.75-4 00; few 4 25: Winesaps, extra fancy, packed, 5.50pe 00; loose. 3.25-4 .00. Celery-California, 2 doz, 5.00 50; few 4 50; 24 doz. 4 75-500; hearts, 200-50 doi; local hearts, 2 doz, 5.00-25. Chicago Grain CHICAGO, Feb. 12 - Craln: Opee, Close, WHEAT ' . . March 1 30i J Jl, Muy 2 2's-'i 2 31', ill July 2 2 25 ', 25 September 2 23',-', 2 27 December 2 2', 28', 2 30', CORN March 1 2S 1 28',-a, Mav 1 32 1 32',", Julv ' 1 .'I4,'' 1 September 1 34,., 1 'i December 1.2S'a 1.3l-3Ha OATS Marc 74 14 , May . i 72'i 73 July , V, SS'i September SS's S"', V December - . - S7'J " RYE March I 32 t XI', Muy I 34 .14',, I 35", Julv 1 31', , I 33', September 1 31', I.X1 December 124 1..1S HOYFtKANS Marca 140', 2 41,-i, Mav 2 41',.', 2 4,1',.', Julv ,2 40 2 41',.'. September '2 32 November 8 Wi 111 SALE AUCTION February i,, mi New York Closing Stocks . Assorted F Merrill Lynea Pierce Fanner aad Beana iFllntkote . Ford Motor Admiral - Cora Al Chem it Dye Ms, A Allied Stre ... ..... 41. C.en Dvnanuct Alllm Cham . li'i '.M Elec .... Alee . .. . . l, Oen Foods Aluminum Ltd ..... 113 tlen Motors , Am Airlines . ......... IS'i Cm Tire Am Can 40', -C.eo Pic Ply rtin .ymn Br vti.iri Am Motor 8'', fllririen .. Am Stl Fdr SSiJ I Goodrich Am TAT 114 r.nodyear , Am Tobacco 72 Orace WR Am VtiMwr ,. SI iC.rt No Bv Anac Copper M't r.rt Ww ftuf Armco Sl i t.revioimn Armour 'Atchon Top , Avco . . nendix Avta i Best Food Beth Sil Boeins Air ..... Borden Bor Warn .... Ruevrun Burro Addtnt V Ifellf Pack rairiph Smip Can Pac By .. . Cae J I ,c.iierp Trac ... Celanene fCertainterd fhe Ac O Rv Thl M St P Chi NW Rv ... Chi It Bv IChryeler CIMei Scrv (Climax Moljr .... riuett Pea ' Coca Cola . .- Collate Com Credit ... Coniw Miun . 1 Com Kdltnn .. Container Cont Can ., . Cont Ort . :Cr:tne Co . . . 'Crown 7f IS', Gull Oil Homestake I Inl Harvest Int Nickel Int Paper J Johns-Man Jnnet A M ' - K - .... 4:i, 4?', .... ', .... s?', .... Ji' ... 4.1 .. . M'. . Kain r Alum Kennel-ott T'i Kern Land L T Ihbv McN I.iee Mvm if. I.OF C,les l"' LockheeH Air 9l)a lew'ii Inc . Lcin rd . 22's V, . S7 . 5ft . . !' 40', li 41'. M Mainavnjt Manh Field . Merck ft Co Mnnt Chem Mont Ward . Motorola N 411 4 Natl Bucuil 4t4 Natl Cash Re .. IS 'a . Ill , Nntl Dairv Natl D:slHI Natl Cypum N'all lead Natl Supnlv :. 5i Curlua Wr Deere K Co Dla Match .. . Doul Air Dow Chem 39 it NY Central No Am, Avta y:1, ' No puc Rv SJ NW Airline ?! r o 57i, Olln Mlh . y, i -on- Elev I p 41 ' Pabco S?'i Poc O A- Fl SO'. Pac TAT a'i Pan Am Air M4 Penni v J C I Penn Rv in', I Pepsi O.U 'Da P le Ne .... E Fnit Air 1.1 ... KaM Kodak . . Kl Paio Cat . Fmer Radio .. Ex Cello i r Fairchlld Grains Enjoy Brisk Rally riiiflcn !. io laxfirem. ,njoy I. brial. : rally on the Board J"or No. 2. E. Y. shipment 59.75 nf Trade today, in many instances'60 "- closing "at the day's top prices."" " Wheat 'nidi to arrive market, Wheat, soybeans and rye set the J,".0.; 1 tel;vered coast: ... ' .k. u,.h ,,.. Soft Whi e 2 58: Soft White 'ex pace for the upward surge throughout most of the day Wheat closed lVl's higher, corn 4-l'i higher, oats H-'-i higher, soybeans 2U to 3 cents higher and lard 5 to 22 cents a hundred pounds higher. Continued dry weather in the Southwest aided new cron wheat. Traders also noted a renort of a CHICAGO. Feb. 11 If - Butter iTaaers aiso noierj a rrpon w a Md buvm, prlCM un. speech by Agriculture Secretary changed: 93 score aa Js'. su',: n Benson at Spokane, Washington. a wvss'e; w b savs9',, s c in which he said this year's total; tbnu, ,,,,.. wholai, buv. wheat crop mav decline to SlOiing oru-es unihaneed to 1, hieher; million bushels. "Last year's crop " hill',A .Sl was 997 million bushels. A reduction in the ctop to 810 bushels was within the realm of possibility in view of the fact the winter wheat crop has been esti mated at (25 million bushels and may have decreased since lhat Dec. 1 government estimate. Portland Livestock PORTLAND WWl'SDAl-Cattlc salable 250; market fairly active, mostly steady but no fed steers available: few loads choice up to 1160 lb fed steers Monday 20 75 21.50; " few utility and standard steers Tuesday 12 00-17.50: two lots good 945-974 lb fed heifers 18.25 18.50; few' utility heifers 11.00-14.75; canner and cutter cows mostly 8.50-10.00; heavy Holstein cutters to 11 00; light shells down ward to 4.00; individual utility Holstein and beef type cows 12.00; utility bulls 14 50-16 25. Calves salable 50; market weak; good and choice vealers 25.00 29.00; few utility and standard vealers 13 50-22 00; good 400 lb calves 18.00. Hogs salable 250; market slow; generally 50 lower with extreme top 75 below early Monday; most lots U. S. No. 1 and 3 butchers around 190-220 lbs 20 00; mixedu, 2 and 3 lots 180-235 lb 19 00-19 J); few around 270 lbs 18 50; few sows 320-500 lbs 14 30-17.00. ' Sheep salable 050; market fairly active, about steady; one lot 116 lb choice fed wooled lambs 20.00; scattered lots mostly choice fall shorn lambs 19 00; one lot 299 head 106 lb good and choice No. 1 pelt 18.50; feeder lambs scarce: few 96 lb shearing lambs 17.00;. ewes scarce: cull to choice quotable 3 00-6.50. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, Feh. 12 I IUSDAI Hog;, B.5O0: weak to mostly 2S lower on butchers: sowa steady; No. 2-3 1BO J40 lb butchera 17 25 17 50: top 1100; No. 2 3 250-290 Ih 17 O0 I7 15; most 3 300 320 U U 75 17.00: sowi 11.75 16 7S. Cattle 4 500; calves 200: steady to- 24 -higher; srerten-a -lrSfl ' tf 'down, steady, to strong; heavier heifers steady to J5 lower; cows steady to 2S lower; (hulls steady: vealers strong to- I 0- Tilgher, -' atoekers -and- -feeders-steadxto strong; 2 loads average prime 1250 1275 lb steer. 24 90; high choice and mixed. -choice and prime steers 1250 lb down 21.75 23 00: load lots choice and prime 1 .too-1575 lb 1 50-23 00; standard ateera 15 50 17 50; load mostly prime, inno lh heifers 15 50-16 7Si utility and commercial cows USO-I3 00: canners and cutters 9 30-11 75: utility and commercial bulls 14 50 11 90; vealera 2 00 down; load of good high choice 490 lb stock heifer calves H on. Sheep 3.000; steady: moat sales good to prime wonlcd lamha 110 lb down IP 00-21 on; cull to low good Iambi ltno-jg.SO; wooled slaughter ewea S on no. Chicago Onions CHICAGO Feh 12 Onions: i Ope High Low Close rebruary h IB 1 23 I in 1 25 March 139 1.3S 130 137 November . . l.Mt n Nominal. Servire la Oar Business RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE We are equipped to service all makes nf TVs, Radios, Tape Recorders and Phono graphs. RYFRlmfBECHTEL Radio & TV Service 7I State St. Ph. 4-9767 SALEM . SI . 40 Phelpe-Dodge phtlco Corp .... Phil Mom, . Phil Petrol Plllsburv Proe A- Gam .... Pul Stl P 41, Pure Oil . . M I.!', '4P, -'4.1' i . 41', . 4S '.Z jiJ 7S , fi, 41 B,yoniir Tnc Z: 2s ' Renuh stl .. i ..... 34 .': . 7n Reynolds Mel . H'l 4s'f, i R ynoldi Tod KtTa ?' Richfield O .... :i SO Royal Dutch S Safeway fin a .... St Joe Lead St I. At SF Rv . St Rfli Paper . S. henlev lnd . . Scott P?iper Sears Roe Shell Oil JJJ ; ; f,i, , M .. . Stl . 34', ; Hi 2'j 'Sinclair Oil 41'i R'celiv Oil 4:1. Smonv-Mih mi Cl Fdl 4T', 4S, 42' , I J,'s 2(1 ?'; 5nl Psc Re .r .. Sou By S'errv Rfind ... S'd P.-ard .: S'rt Oil Cal Mrt Otl lnd . S'd nil N.I , Studi -Pick Sunrav Oil Sunkhlne M S :lt A- n Svlvania II T Texaa Co Teas Gulf Texlrnn Ttde-At-so Tl Jilsm Wo Air Twrn Ccn Tux . . in i .. 39', II',' ., II',' : 4" , !', .. .ll'a ! .. 2!", . Jl, w, 37 W'i . . ... . SI 7 3H, . .. 40 I ... jji; ' 221, 4i , ' I' ''t I'nlnn Crhifl 21 'Union Oil Tie, , t'n'on P?c Ry .. 1MI, iltnl ' 40'i I'nl Air l.inrt 2, "1'nl Com' JP, ' I'nl Frviil T:...:. y i's Pivwond' HV'I'S Rubber . ITS Steel 41; I .W ll'a Wnrner Pic i Wh Wa'cr P . ? I West Air Br 4f, Weflern "Air . . 12ft', Wei'ern Flee ... 1's , Western Union . -A', W'oolworth 50'i' 2! 2(1 . Zenith . . , inn.v, . SI', -.. 27", . ! SI'e .... .. ... .. .. r . 3t . 2's 2". , 52', . 1', . ', SI'. Portland Grain PORTLAND i Coarse grains 15-day shipment, bulk, coast deliv- erv: Oats No. 2 3d In white 55 50 Barlev No. 2. 4 Ih B 11. e r . ;"' " '" 2 58. Car receipts? Wheat 52: barley 7; flour 12; corn 4: oats 1; mill feed 6. Chicago Butter-Eggs .Kr'i-31: 2'a30: checks 226',. Investment Trusts 4ZILR.A, SMITHFB CO., INC J - Bid Affiliated fund S M Canadian Fund . IB 07 Century Shares Trust ... Jl 07 Chemical Fund -.140 Delaware Fund Id 24 Diver. Invest. Fund ....... S 4 Dividend Shares ...... 2 54 Eaton At H. Bal. fund . 2(1 Ml. Cas. lnd. 13 S3 Group Tobacco 4 02 tncorp. Investors 9 M Key tint. Funds: B-3 17 :4 B-4 1" :.i K-l - M S-2 r.. 10 - S-4 . ... ... sat Man. Bond Fund 7 21 Maaa. Inve-t. Trust 10 M Natl. Sec. Scries Income Senea - ft S2 Stock Series S li Pref. Slock S . .... S 2 Natl. Div. Serlea ., 4 40 Natl. Growth :.:. 5 9S1 . Pioneer Fund 1178 Tel -F.lec. Fund 10 9s Value Line Inc. Fund ... S IS Wellington Fund 12 45 Asked S03 2022 23 4S 197S 11 2S S..KI 2 IB 22 30 15 10 4 42 a i IS SI 11. '10 I I) it 7 a an! 7.90 II 42 a C 112 B ns 4 11 5 44 14 OS II 05 5 SS 13 58 Western Securities These bid and ask quotations re present prices at which one or more dealers, members - of the National Asociation of Security Dealer's Inc.. would trade with the general public at the time the quotations were gathered at a p-m eaterdav: Rid Calif .-Oregon Power 31 'a Caacade Plvwood 27', Conaol Freight . I4' Iron FiremaA - . J Ha Jantzen Inc. Com. "', Meier It Frank 121, Mnrriaon-Knutisen -.. 35', Asked 33. 30', 15. 2'a .2:1', H'. 38', 75', 32. 34', 35', 2J', Ore. -Port. Cement ..... 70' Pac. P. .- I. Com. ... 30 'a ....31'. 32'. in. Pope tt Talbot Portland Gas Coke .. Port Gen. Elec. . BANKS Rank of America Bank of California ...... Chaa. Manhattan First National First Nat. City N. Y. . U. S National 34'4 m ', ...4S, ', B5', .... 7', 271. 74'. 50', 52'. 54' 72 Stocks and Bonds . Complied ky The Associated Pres, FEBRUARY 12. 1S57 BOND AVF.RAUFS 2 I 1 IS Net Change a 1 a 2 Tue Ttrr 92,7 MIS S2I Previous Day ' 8 7 92 M 3 S2 S week .Ago Month Ago Year Ago 199S-97 High 1H5S-S7 Low less High 11159 Low aatKaa.i.-ao t- -sis 7 2 91 S SS 5 S2 3 97 7 97 4 97 S S4 S 9S3 97 7 9S0 S5 2 M) 90 7 SSI DOS 90S 99 1 100 1 sat 96 8 M.4 RS.O S40. STOCE AVERAGES 3 IIS 15 St lads RaUs Utile Sleeks Net Change die d 5 d 7 d Tuesday 240 S I IIS 4-1 72 I 1S9 Prevloi - Day 241 S list 731 18S 9 Week Ago 24 9 124 9 74 1 173 9 Month Ago Year Ago III54J-57 High 1050-57 Low 1055 High 1K59 Low 259 2 130 3 73 7 17S 7 244 7 131 3 72 4 173 27 3 155 1 7S 9 191 9 240 S 1 1S 4 SO S IBB 0 2,-.7 S - 142 4 75 7 1S1 9 2113 1 114 S (7.2 149. 1 , I New 9JK-57 low Dow Jones Averages NEW YORK. Feb. 12 Dow Jones closing atock averages: J High . Ijiw Close 30 Industrials - -4.19 87 453 0t 454 B2 20 Railroad, . ,110 97 3S 43 l:9 23 19 UVlHtiei 70 47 fttt 2 mm (15 Stock! 1S3.71 IS1.07 1S1.71 ' iS - .. ' ' i ' HI4ORRNOI0t) 47 VIARS f suciaulvl arachce kt the treelawal f rectal, talon end iloaieck dUerders, NO HOSPlfAL OritATlOM SOS INFOIMiTION, Wl ei tall l ear I eaicrlpllv, ka,ll,l. AbtoluMlv ,blie''es. rVtlCliC limlrdMI t frtlley 20? N, I. hm4r tavldXMjrtJ Paternity -'Suit Names Bandleader "OKLAHOMA CITY Feh 15 11 A paternity suit was filed in Com mon Pleas Court today attains! Hank . Thompson, well known western bandleader and com- nnwr (winner to octaMith him at I ........ f-.l -I - A I lamer 01 a ycar oia Dny. 1B,I Asst. C6unty Ally. Monroe C. n Francis filed the suit on the com W nlaint nf Rnrhar Mane Wall 19 plaint of Barbara Marie Wi Oklahoma City. JJ,' She sit ks to establish parent-jf,(.- J ; hood and obtain child, support. ihp nroHiu-erl a hirth rortificale showing Dennis Kugene Thomp son, was born Feb. 15. x 1956, in WashjnKton, D C. She claimed the child was conceived in the Am- , bassadnr llolel in Washington May 27. 1955..- . , Francis said Thompsun ignored a letter from him aeeking inlor- jn'j'mation concerning the woman's complaint. sv. Migration Planned ''On Installment Plan ! SYDNEY. Feb. 12 JT Brilons and Kuropeans soon can migrate to Australia . on the installment plan. Custom Credit Corp , Ltd., a big finance iirm. oilers llieie terms: Pay 25 per cent of the fare before leaving and the. rest within two years. vjSalem Quotations BL'TTr.RrAT lAndiesentl Premium ... .44 No. 1 .11 E(;GS lOregon Lai Prod'iceral Prices ot larmers are B to 9 cents under tueae wholesale prices': Junibo A .. . .5S Extra I.srie AA . , .41 Laree AA 47 t aree A . .,.-, Mi dium AA 44 Small A - J POULTRY 'Northwest Poullryl Old Boosters . l' Lechorn Hena . .13 IS (Colored Hrn Markets at a Glance NEW VOHK. Feb. 1 Markets at a Glance: . Stocks Mixed, rally lades. Bonds Mixed; light volume. CottonHigher, trade bu.wng. CHIC AtiO; Wheat Strotif: dry eather In the Snuthuest Corn strongi brlk rally at close. Oats Strong, brihk late rally Soybeans btrong; hope lor bean oil exports. Hogs Butcher! weak lo 2S lower. Cattle-Meers mostly steady. NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL AtCOlNT NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVFN that th i.nrfarnvnMi hftii (tlerf its final account as administrator C. T. A ot the estate ol Margaret Montgomery deceased, and that the 2Mh day nl February. M57. at IS a in. has heen set as tin time and the Circuit Court room ol Department No. 2. Marlon County Circuit Court, Marion County Courthouse. Salem. Oregon, as the place for the -hearing on aaid final account and anv ohiectiona thereto. PIONFF.R TRl'ST COMPANY Administrator C T A WILLIS. KYLE Av EMMONS Attorneys tor Administrator Publish Jan. 2J-J0. Feb. . 13 NOTICE TO CREDITORS On February 5. 137. FLOYD K. BOWERS Uas duly appointed l EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OK ALBIN A G. PAGE, deceased, hy an order of the Circuit Court lor Marlon ! County. Oregon. All neraona having Iclaimk aeainst said estate are hereby notifled-to present such claimi In due 'form io tald executor at 511 Pioneer intil ejuiinma " within six months from th date of this notice, to-tsit: February I. IK57 FLOYD K. BOWERS. As such Executor JOHN A. HFJ.TZE1. Attorney for ILxecuttir Pioneer Trust Building Salem Oreeon , --Feb. I. 13, 20. V Notice la hereby given that begin nine at the hour of 1.00 Pro. Wednesday. February 27. 1057. Ihe personal elfects and household goods of the following individuate will be sold to satisfy storage liena. aavancc charges, interest, and any other claims of indebtedness, at public auction at Sudtell's Auction Sales Yard. 3!JS Silverton Road. Salem, Oreeon. This notice "1 liven " M compliance with the statutea of th State of Oregon and goods will be available tor inspection only at time of sale. The following comprlsea trie namee of the individuals and brief de- acrtption of the goods to be sold lor warehousemen'a lien: Mr. James Brusco. 52S S. F Haw thorne. Apt. 214. . Portland. Oregon- Golf bag, basket, c'olhea rack, pants stretchers, bed and dressing table. tnola. smoking atand, ironing board. vacuum c eaner. two stools, rocker. hassock, typewriter, lamp, and card table. IS cartons. R . A. winkle, 1,141 waucr nireei. Salem, Oregon .Daveno, 7 chairs, J bade, vanity. 2 chests, waahing ma chine, oil stove, range, cot. dining table, cabinet, and sewing machine F. Hamilton General- Delivery, Canny, Oregon Safe, filing cabinet. 2 desks, bundle canvas, 3 rocaers, rhet of drawera. table, and chair Mlsa Margaret Burdetle 920 Gary Street San Francisco. California 2 barrets. 1 crate, two boxea. Mrs M Caldwell. General Delivery Coos Bay. Oregon 21 cartona, and baby basket. r eo. o, i,i 300 Personal 312 Lest and Found lJ0W:'Wc'r'nr Richmond Sch.,( Blonde cocker spaniel. Msleii - Lie. No. 096S0. Rew. EM 2-0501 5TTT ersonol JARY'S FLORIST - GIFTS Capitol Shop" Ctr. t!M-4-3391 129 reward for Information lead ing to discovery of whereabout of Mrs. Frieda W. Erlckson. 'Statesman-Journal Box t 945. AI.COHOI ICS Anonymoua group No 1. 20N N Com 1 CM 4-2S44V ALCOHOLICS Anonymoua. 9S 8 Com'l, FM 2-210S. EM 2-2850 "Old at 40,50, 60?" Man, Get Wise! Pep Up TttotiMDds are pe-ppy t 7UI Sit II ytM W ea.le L. .a. ..urn -gitri" aid i aW ftlt quit tSUming it on am-. If you want In ViMitiV'-r Irv ww, imnrnvri. ltr"i iwc bU at one, l-tir dnmlitv dtw to nitviowa hody'i Utk ol irnn and Vitamin h, th "tVlnw-nar'' ttrltriaf vou mav all "riDi iild " Pud prp id lx'h ww. Try lri to trf prprrv, vrin ymililff' o-nay ftnHW LU t i iL ama. aii j FALSE TEETH "That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of false teeth have miffered' real embarraasment be 'auaa their- plate dropped, slipped or wob bled at lust the wrong time. Do hot live It. frar of thla happening to you. Juki airinkie a little FAHTFETH the alkaline inon-acldi poader. on youf platea. Hold false teeth more firmly, an they feel more comfortable. Doe not aouf Checka '-plate olor- den ture breatM. Oct FAS TEETH at aaf Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., Feb. 13, "57 (Sec ll)-Y 4 00 Agriculture 400 Agriculture 415 Auction Sales 425 Auctian Sales : SUDTELL'S " ' v FURNITURE AUCTION WED., FEB. 13TH 7:30 P.M; SHARP Two Homes of Very Good Furniture to Be Sold This Week 4 PC MR Ai MRS. BEDRM. SUITE; BEAUTYREST BOX IPRJNS A MATT; LATE MODEL FRIGIDAIRF. REFR1G.; LATI MODEL KKNMORE ELEC. RANGE: LATE MODEL FRIG1 ' DAIHE ELEC. RANGE; M. W. S TT. REFRIG ; 1 7 PC, YK1.I.OW CHROME SET; 1-7 PC. GREEN CHROME 8ET 5 PC. MAH. EX. DINETTE; S PC. BI.OND DINING RM. SETI 5 PC. WAL. DINETTE SIT;3CHF.ST DRAWERS: STORKL1NI CHILD'S WARDROBE WALNUT DRKS.SER; M W. WASHER! RESDIX AUTO. WASHKR; 4 YR BABY BED; PLAY PEN DRESSERS: LAMP A- COF FE TABLES; SMALL NA. TIONAI. CASH REGISTER; TABLE MODEL RADIOS: DAV ENOS A- DAVENPORTS; 2 BOYS BICYCLES; BOX SPRINGS Ai MATTRESSES. MANY OTHER ITEMS OF ITRNlTt'RE , OPEN EVERY DAYl8 TO 5 LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION 391 S SII.VF.RTON RD. THONE EM 4-6811 TO TLACE AD ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED Too Late to Classify LOST- Small white mtltese n'ale dug -Eiiu- Ph. J-HJ4 alter 5 Reward " TRADE $1200 E(,t'ITY!" Completely -remodeled optional 2 or 3 bdrin. home, new ntumhin. - elec diartwasher, fidwd flr3 Dirch kitchen, enctian blinds, lA.ftou. Low down pvml or trdc llon equity for car.- connect, cr wimi hae ou. Phone EM . 4-IMI SALE or trade 'Ml Hudson, Rai . clean. CM 2-HHH4 EQUITY In 3 pedrm" home, elec J heat J jrs, old Thornda!; Circle - " MAMMA DESPERATELY NEEDS I.RG. 1 BDRM. FURN 1SHFJ) HSE NfR SCHOOL. A STORE. RENT UP TO ISO. EM 4 -04411 IX,. J bdrm. home. Frpl . jar afe. Ig. front yd. Keuer dlst. 160 mo. EM 3-82U9, alter i CLEAN unfurn. S bdrmt h"e water pd. (M M mo. EM 3- 7387 needs housework. Urgentr atateeman-Journal Bwaj M7, it LB hydraulic-pack . $12 M IS ' Craftaman Jig-aaw. f:0 110 volt elec. welder, 120. EM 4- 5100 eves after S OVER-NIGHT camp trailer with mattress. 0 F.M 4-0084 NOT resnonsthle for debts other than tnv own. Robert G. Fos ter a of Feb. l.-l 1057. ' V A NT olf lce-deak Reawnable" Ramsey Realty. EM 4-33S1. 400 Agriculture 402 live-stock For Sal EF.LL S late feeder lambs, or trade for hav. Star Routt Box 3 Silverton. Ore. SHF.F.P 20 head Lincoln ewes and 1 buck. $19 each. Dallas Rt. 1. Box 43I.JMayfair3-373tl i BIG work team, I email mare. I. C. Edwards, 47S Silverton Rd NICE Welah pony, gentle for any cnua. iiwa s. summer. SALEM Meat Co locker beef( 2fic Custom killing, cutting and wrapping Bacon sliced free a trailer loanea. 403 livastock Wsntad CATTLE. 4I7 State E 1. as H Snetncn.EM 1-1348 EM 1-430 CATTLI, horaesT at your farm E. C. McCandllth. EM 8-41W. CATTLE buyer A T Sommer USO Hsrmocy Dt. EM 4-Stdl. TOP casn prices at your place Ray Corel. EM 4-31 SS Collect BUYER Claud Edwards. Bt. 1. Box SSSE. EM 4-1113. 405 Pats BOSTON terrier pupa A K C. reg , 5 generation pedigree. MA 3-4.101. COLLIE PUPS, 5 EA. EM 4-787 - -"KEITH'S" PUPPY FARM .. 5460 Center EM l-7Maa Puppies all kinds Buy at sell Alt noon It eves. No Sun, Calls. Finger Tamed Parakeets EM 3-9590 BRITTANY Spaniel Puppies 50M. Registered Litter. Call ALplne S-i7J0. 43 Crowfoot Road, Lebanon. LABRADOR retriever, 11 mos , reg. One successful year In the field. EM 3-f il eves GERMAN Short Hair Pointer pupa. SM. EM a-4iiii3. PARAKEETS 2 2S ea. or $4 a pair. Ph;EMJ-7874: BKACH't Chihuahua Puppies. 1850 Hoffman Rd. EM 3-7731. BOX F.R puppies, reasonable. 4290 Monroe. EM 4-7SB1. MALE Wiemaraner, ( mo. old. AKC reg Champion stock. House trained. EM 3-70M. ,..rr..,'lLL arnteh rem ale Boxer m& raise puppiei on anares. e.m 4-S851 Ext. 30. days. SOB eves PUPPY LAND I wka to 4 mo. Also ref, dogs at atud. fcM jlM. "BIRDS. FISH, HAMSTERS 3180 Livingston EM 2-184J GERMAN Shepherd puppies. pure orea. a.m a-aava. 410 Fruit A Farm Praiduca CLOVER Hay, good, green dual It v, :i0. V. a.. Anareaen, 49U0 N. Lancaster. EASTERN Oregon Alfalfa. Ph davs EM 4-0432. After S p m EM .8. ALFALFA hay 1st, nd. 3rd cutting F.astern Ore Ida . Calif grown Del. T or truck lots TR 3-S837 or TR 3-S8M, APPLES l annir. sire Hood River Dell. clous. 12. OS box. Green Apple Market, 6003 Portland ltd. GOOD quality grain h.iv, no rain 1 20 Ton at nam, cm -o.w. TOOTDisploy Clossfieir" FEBRUARY SPECIAL I'Doi. Cookies ThicTCoupon & $1.00 AL'S BAKERY 1041 Market . , PH. EM S-09l iLiyestock & Misc. AUCTION TIH'RS., FEB. 14, 10 A.M. Ml HIV lurniture tools t sk oakei chicken feeders. Pre. '" di!ce roist of all kind 1 30 P.M.. UVKSTOCK MII.X rovs-bef stock terrtert A vtal bby ralvs, pig rhu-kens rabbits cattle aol4 by th had or lh LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION 3015 Silverton Rd. Ph. EM S erne) 414 Poultry Rabbits CUSTOM DRESSING Plant Mlo Center KM 1V3AB UiIIimi Junes Co. 4.12J Market BABY Chtfki hatched errsun Stwclal Hrd HiHitrr ft 4. Valley Farm Store. KM 4-4T.S4. BABY Cnirka for meat or etstl Bend fot free folder Wilson s Hairner?, Lyoas, Ore. PM. ULrlca S-iaU 41 1 lawn i Gardan REPOSSESSED power mower, only USDS Budget terms, BatCorf'a Home A Auto, 1430 State St. EM SUM SAB Green Stamps. 422 Fdrtiltitvr ROTTBB or Freeh Maaura. ky aack or cubic yd. del. Drese lawns now. Your aoil need humus Phillips Bros. Rt. 3. Box t0 EM 4-301. Closed Sun Fertilizer. Well Rotted manure We del. anywhere. EM 1-4077 424 Farm E 12 FORD tractor. Dearborn diia, plow, lift disc, combine. S ft. Brilllon roller. S ft. Maaaey Harm drill. It ft. eo-devil, . one Implement trailer. MA S-43S3. 450 Merchandise 4S1 Hauaahold Caodt COMPARE!! Yest Compare our pnrea ea new davenoa, davenporu. aee tionalt. Your best buy en new living room aeta ta Glea Woodry, 1S0S N. Summer. Terms. Tradea. USED Westinghouse washer i drver, both im. Used West inghouse elec. range, full aua 1'S. S" Delta table aaw Jointer saber saw attachment t'.SO. Call M Ayf air 3-4334 Dallaa. NKW Wrought Iron and chroma dinettes are cheaper at Clea Woodry's ISM N. Summer. Te. mi. Tradea. . USEDday bed with mattratea, 114 SO. Hogg Bros., S4S Stata St. USED wal. bedroom suite sss.oa. Hogg Bros , 24 Slate St. jfEW'l yr. crlba SIS M Gkta VVoodryleOJ NSummer. HOOVER Cleaner. 112-M. DlrT Mn: Capitol, tit a-7067. NEW high chair, sVm. Hogg Bros.. 24S State St, SPECIALI New Simmons hide abed lira) SO. New studia couches I7S.SS. Glen Woodrr, 1803 N. Summer. . . SELLING everything, moving . East, lei VY Madrona. IM i I7h4. USED davenport gi chair, tool condition. 800. Hogg Bros., 34( 8tale St: NF.W floor iampi ItCss. Glea Woodry, 1S03 N. Summer. 'LIVING rm. furn. 1 chain, make Into setee. one extra chair, all plastic. Hie Uma apnngs. 198. EM 4-733S, UNFINISHED chests, il alzaa. Hogg Bros.. 24 Slate St. NEW step end tables 19.01. Glea Woodry. I05 N. Summer. . BE THRIFTY Buy used furn iture At appliances. . Tha THRIFTY WAY on Easy Terms at WOODRY S THRrmf U8S1D FURN. 818 S. ComT Ph. ta 4-3.1H USED oil heater, only 1.77 SoT . Hogg Bros.. ia StaU St. NEW child bet; with mattreaa. S27 S0, Hogg Jroa. 44 uta ., St. ' ' - NEW table lamps S3 99. Clea Woodry, 1S08 N. Summer. ...-.--i $399.50 ..... Complete household' New living room group Inc. Biltwell dav eno set, 2 end table, coffea . table. I table lamps: New bed room group Inc. bed, cheat. ' nite atand, box aprmg and tn- . nerspnng mattress: kltchea fxoup used I pc. dinette, eleo rlc range, and refrigerator. Ixw dn. payments, easy terms Glen Woodry. 1408 N. Summer. UnmnTsHRD ftirnltu.-a H L. Stiff Furniture ITS N High. G. E. Cfeaner 17.88. Dir. lsjf l Capitol. EM SOBr NEW 9 x 13 rug pads SS SS, Glen Woodry, latil N. Summer. , EUREKA-Cleaner 8j9 9S up. blrl 1.121 N. Capltol, EM 3-7087. HOTPOINT electric range, 8100. excellent condition. EM 3-8Q43. NEW"draieV Mr. Mrs. bo room suite, tilting mirror, bookcase bed. foot with rails, 8111)80. Terms. Glen Woodry, 1S05 N. Summer. COTTON Shag Rugs Washed1 and Fluff Dried. We handle all suit-even large room fizea. Alao tinted If dealred. Fast, Economical, Service. - LAUNDERETTE I25S FERRY ST. EM S 45SS IF YOU need a ilriete Item ar a complete household of new ar used furniture or appliance. Buy u'w n out -aay lerma. Woodiy's Thrifty U Furniture 818 S Con. l P" EM 4-.13IS 1 block So at Paper MIU SpfcciALI New Reg. 8119 8 per foam box anrtngs ana in ner apnnes mattresa 324 coll, now sag M. Giaa Woodry, ISO at. drug eouai