1 City Hall Glows With Holiday1 Dress bm- Today's faracsih C! with occasional rain an J sns ? ' tornlng t rain. No so coVj nigh, jsj lew tonighr, 34. (Coniplate JUpert Ttg S.) OUNDID 1651 106th Year 2 JECTIONS-H PACES The Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Dec. I, 1956 1 PRICI.8- No. 22$ 1 . ! "i ' . S N. I I (I ) !..'tv ofily falling anew added a seasonal touch'to the unveiling; ol Yule deeorationi on Salem's City Hall Friday evening. Approximately 300 Marion County 4-H club youngsters gathered on the steps for caroling following lighting ceremonies. Lighting design Is based on themes submitted by 4-H Club members and was constructed by the city park department (States- - man Photo) f, ...'.(' u. ..- msm UUJUUUU The British are. a proud people, and long proud of their business standards. With manufacture and trade the base on which they pro vided a larie population with a relatively high living standard, -they bavo set high store on the keeping of contracts and the meet ing of obligations. So It must have been with great humiliation' that the British government decided to ask the U. S. and Canada to forego payment of interest on their post war borrowings. Notice also is; served that Britain may ask for a i further' loan from the United States. For this they would put up collateral in the form of British held MS. securities. This sequence of the Sues, ad venture exposes the economic dif ficulties under which Britain has been suffering. Trying to improve somewhat the living standards of its people, who suffered for years from war-imposed austerity, and at the same time to expand Brit ish exports to finance the imports of foodi and raw materials, infla tion took its bit, and Britain's dollar exchange has been dwin dling, Perhaps its leaders grew desperate as they saw this decline and foresaw the lot of the Middle Eastern oil resources on which their country was dependent hence the strike to regain control of the Sues, While the United States doesn't like to cancel Interest due and (CaaUaaed Editorial Pago i.) Cold No Boost Jo California C of C SACRAMENTO. Calif.. Dec. 7 -Yes, it does get cold in Cali fornia. . Northern Sierra country spots reported these low temperatures today: 12 below at Crestview and Sooora Junction near the Nevada line, f below at Alturas, below at Truckee and 1 below at Sierra-ville.-. "'. Young Educator, New President of Princeton U. - ; , !,'' ' ;;!- :..-'' '; .V PRINCETON. N. J., Dec. 7 t- . In choosing Coheen. a Prince Princeton University today i ton alumnus and ex-Army officer reached Into , ita own teaching ranks and picked a 37-year-old as sistant professor India-born Dr. Robert F. Coheen to be its new president. ' The university's board of trust- ees selected .Dr. Goheen. who: teaches in the classics depart- tnent. to succeed Dr. Harold W.I yonns wnen ne retires nexi June , at the age of 67. Family Car, By Wally Fslk ' ' was hit eonrmlns wht th' J dealer said lh mndel did I tales the Ctah. Salt Flats.', V "111' House Fire Kills Wiilamina Intent SUUmuo. Ntwi Service V 'j ) i jj ' WILLAMINA. Dec 7-Deborah Ann Baintcr. seven-month-old daughter oT Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bainter, died Friday in a fire that destroyed the Bainter home five miles northwest or here on Willamlna Creek. The blaze was first discovered by Joe Kauck who lived at the Bainter borne. He thought he was alone in the bouse when the fire broke out, and did not know the infant was Jn. her crib. en. tbe. second floor, officials said.: Mrs. Bainter and two other chil dren were visiting at a home across the street. Bainter, a mill worker, was at his job. - Whea they sighted the flames, the neighbor rushed across the street with a ladder and broke a window on the second floor. How ever, a blast of hot air and flames forced him to retreat. ' Two trucks from the Willamlna fire department answered the alarm at 1:30 p.m. but the home was burned to the ground when they reached the site. Cause of the fire was not known, Willamlna Fire Chief Frank Kauble said. The baby was bora May 17, 195. Funeral arrangements will be an nounced by the Pershall Sheridan 1 uncral Home in Sheridan. New Waves Of Violence Grip Budapest BUDAPEST. Hungary. Dec. 7 t New strikes and street fights swept Budapest today. - Workers told the Russian-imposed govern ment to quit jailing their leaders or face another, outburst of Vio lence.' , .:' ? ' The Central Workers Council is sued ' a proclamation - charging that continued Jailing of leaders pioyee. -- .,.. would end in "a general strike, I The manufacturer, Howard - L. bloodshed and a new national fKasch, 39, was ordered to Jail by tragedy. ' ,j The workers demanded an an swer by I p.m. over Budapest ra dio. The hour passed without the station mentioning the workers' statement, w whoSo rise In the educational field has been little short of meteoric, the trustees followed a recent Ivy League pattern of selecting young career educators to head univer- sit ies. :- ' .'. ' He is Princeton 's youngest pres-; Idcnt since 1761.,; ' . , 1 i The son of distinguished Ameri- Ca medical miss onaries. Goheen , came to this country- from India at the age of IS, graduated from Princeton with honors in 1940, and during World War II, saw Army service as a combat and Intelli gence officer. Durine the nast three vrar. th father of six has been directing the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship' program in addition to teaching, j Dr. Goheen graduated from Princeton with a bachelor of arts degree In 1940 and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa with highest honors in the humanities program. After the war he returned to Prinretor 1 receiving ls dort ate DAIXAS 0re Dec. 7 Sheriff Tony Neufeidt, rlRht, places handcuffs on WlHIsm Vandcr in classics in 1948 while serving' '' vnrt, 39, center, fnlowlnj the latter's arrest hte Thursday nicht on charges of armed rob- JJ1 . .. i ' .-A LIJn.n A..l.llu tUm .hirr llt.llu will.. .rrlo Pill ll'lkn ...rltlol ullh nr part-time Instructor. He betame an assistant instruc-t (tor in 1930. Italy Denies Entry Visa ta . High Russian - Rome, Dec. 7 (ft The Italian government today dealt a humil iating diplomatic blow to Russia by canceling the entry visa of high- ranking Mikhail Suslov "in the interests of public order." ' v ' The slap in the face to Suslov, a secretary of the Soviet Commu nist party, - came as he - rolled through Eastern Europe in a train en route to address the Italian Communist party's tth ' national congress opening here tomorrow i The Italian government earlier had refused permission for Suslov to land here in a TU104 Jetliner direct from Moscow. The clear warping to Russia to keep its fingers out of the Italian political pie climaxed mounting anti-Soviet feeling in Italy. Italians were appalled at Soviet ruthlcssness .in Hungary. . Parades and anti-Soviet demonstrations followed the Budapest fighting in most of Italy's big cities. , Employer Fined For Failure to Pay Overtime , i PORTLAND. Dec: 7 UB Fines totaling ,$11,000 were levied against a Portland manufacturer and his company today for fail ing to pay overtime wages to em- Federal Judge Gus Solomon un til payment of the fine. Kasch him self, was fined $10,000. . Last February, Kasch pleaded guilty to having faileo U pay about $9,000 In overtime.'. ' Suspect in Kidnap-Rcbbcry if. ' : Ji- ; 1 : bery and kidnaping. Assisting the sheriff I checking out Hues that led Jo wsy store here icre Nov, 29. Hit-Run Driver Scraps Car But ft Efforts, in Vain v BESSEMEB. Ala., Dee. 7 IIU A bit-raw driver eat as the body of his ear aal sold It la a jnak dealer ta a vsla effort to eacape detection, sheriffs effleers aaM today. Chief Deputy Sheriff i Clyde Morris reported the arrest of Le ray Howtoa, IS. oa a charge of leavlag the sceae of as accMeal. Bond waa set a4.SM. Morris aaid Hewtea had' beea haated alnce BUly Caffsey. IS, of Brigbtoa. Ala., was strack aad kUled by a vehicle tail Saturday night. The officer aaid Hewtoa chis eled the body of his car from the chassis and karaed out the phol atery. Tkea he cat ap tha metal ad sold M la a Jrnk dealer. . Morris deeliaed U say , what else led to the arrest of Howtoa. w einberger er Gonyicted MINEOLA. N Y Dec. 7 -Angelo La Marc a was doomed to death by an all-male Jury tonight for the July 4 kidnap slaying of baby Peter Weinberger. The 12 mea on the Jury, all of them fathers, found the 31-year-old defendant guilty of kidnaping and. also of first degree murder. They did not recommend mercy in either 'case, thus automatically condemning La Marcs to die in the electrie-chalr. ' Kaees Backled ; LaMarca was standing erect as jury foreman John W. Connelly, . a father of four children, de livered tbe verdict. The jury had been out for six hours and 24 min utes. . , , . . The defendant's knees buckled and two court attendants aelted him to keep him from falling to the floor. His wife, Donna, 11, a frail bru nette and herself the mother of two small children, collapsed and was carried from the courtroom. Trial Judge Mario PHtoni scheduled . the aqtomatic sentenc ing of -sieath lor-Dec. 14.- -Patents Kept Vigil ! ' ;The 32-dsy-old-kidnapped baby's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weinberger,- kept a vigil while tha jury debated LaMarcs's fate and were present when the verdict was returned. .. ; LaMarca admitted taking the 32-dav-old baby from the patio of its Westbury, N. Y home the rainy afternoon of last Independ ence Day and abandoning it al most' at once in a Long Island honeysuckle thicket a few miles away.- The child's body was not found until Aug. 24, the day after the FBI arrested LaMarca. Man Arraigned ing autecreia Ncwi Strvtc DALLAS, Ore.; Dec. 7 William J. Vandervort, 39, arrested here Thursday on charges of kidnaping and armed robbery, was arraigned today before Justice of the Peace Kenneth Shetterly. Vandervort asked lime to secure an attorney and the request was granted. He was committed to the Polk County Jail with bail set at $10,000 on each charge.. , . : His arrest Thursday followed an Intensive investigation by Dallas city police, state police and Sheriff Tony Neufeidt into the Nov. 21 rob bery of the Safeway Store in Dal las and the kidnaping of store man ager Henry Dalpex and his family. During questioning,' Vandervort has refused to make any comment on the robbery or kidnaping, She riff Neufeidt said. ; . ffclty p --II.. Vandcrvort's sirest in . , Slay In Kidnap Inch S Traffi Storm Plays Tag in Valley, Aims at Salem By CHARLES IRELAND Valley Editor, The Statesmaa Friday's snowstorm played tag with the valley, saving its best punches for Salr-m and the west side of the, Willam ette. ' . ; ' ' .'' To the east, only Derroit 1.8O0 feet high in the North Santiam country reported a snowfall to match the heavy one at Salem. At Lebanon, the ground was re ported bare Friday evening. Jef ferson. II miles south of Salem, reported two inches on the ground less than half of the pile-up at Salem. High elevations near Dallas re ported a foot of roadside snow to match the figure at vaisetz. uanas reported its heaviest snowfall dur ing mid-day. ' Stadrata Home Early Valley schools at Brooks. Oak- dale and Dallas were among those that Joined the Salem district in sending students borne early. A Stlverton school bus had an anxious moment Friday morning when it went into a spin at the foot of Eaat Hill after completing Its rural run. Nobody was hurt. Most logging operations were re ported down in both the Detroit and Valsets sectors, but mills were working. "The snow pack in Woodburn and North Marion County was reported as six inches by Ed Coman, co publisher of the Woodburn Inde pendent. He said most of it fell during the day, . , , ? j ; , Heavleit Bl.akft . Heaviest blanket reported was at Detroit, where Mrs. Earl Parker said the' roadside snow totaled J8 Inches, of which five' inches fell during the day. The Santiam pass through, the Cascade Mountains was reported open. Stayton reported four inches in town, six inches in the hills above town and business pretty much as usual. Mill City reported about the same. Three miles north of Keizer, resi dents along Spong's Landing Road reported they were "almost snow bound''. The snow depth was eight inches. The often-treacherous road be tween Falls City and Valseti was reported barely passable with chains. Snow depth was reported as 14 inches near the summit, and ll1 Inches at Vaisetz where weather reader Teddy Goodeil termed It "the dryest snow here in a long time." Many basketball games in the area were cancelled due to. the snow. -', ' U.S. Officials Divided Over Aid to Allies WASHINGTON.1 Den. 7 ,V-AI ministration officials appear to besy bv at Patrick AFB. Radi anarpiy diviflea over me amount wd "command" signals from the and kind of financial assistance base intended to put the mUsile which America's allies in Europe ,nt0 , ,urn whcn ,utomatic may need in their present eco- dcvlcc, or to explode it in Domi? crisis. 'flight were ignored by the Snark. This became evident today as. the Treaaury announced it would borrow a billion dollars on short' term billa this month. This bor rowing is . to raise cash, which among other things, may be used to help meet Britain's dollar needs. ; . Handcuffed -rtl r-Ml urll... Itl.J ...ki. I Hiiit wiiner hi.., ckui p wiwi connecuon Wim me ronoery 01 a sate- now Salem Youngsters Take io the Hills T .IV a "'A f J 0: High Street hill has always been bridge Is out and the street Is beea closed to traffic and designated as sliding areas. (Statesman Photo). (Story page 2). 'Misguided missile Wssing After Flight (Pictare oa Wlrephoto Page.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 (AP)-The Air Force reported to day that a Snark snapped its controls somewhere over the South Atlantic and its position is unknown. Officials presumed the run-away, million-dollar missile, which -weighed sevn tons - ut carried no warhead, came to rest somewhere in the trackless Jun gles of -eastern- BraxiL -h Let the Amazonians have what's left of H,. said the Air Force in effect. ; More details of the run away Snark1 came to light today. The missile was fired a Wednesday from the test center at Patrick Air Force Base, Florida. Plaa Oolliaed The plan waa for it to fly south eastward over the ocean, then be gin a series of turns which would put it into a square-shaped pat tern while Air Force technicians gathered data sent back by "tele metering" radio equipment In side the missile. . ?. Before the Snark took to the air, the technicians set Its various electronic instruments to follow that pattern. They cell this "pro gramming" the flight. 1 t .. For some reason, which may never be clear, tbe Snark failed to make its first turn. It may have had an electronic brain storm, or its mechanical brain may have ordered, the turn and the rudder mechanism . failed., . Sailing Along . , Whatever the cause, the Snark went sailing along on a Straight path. Radar crews, tracked it while the launching party stood help- :' Man Charged In Mail Theft A Salem postal employe was taken to Portland Friday following his arrest here on charge of mail thelt. Kcnuth V. Malone, 2201 i Hazel Ave., was arrested by postal in spectors Thursday (allowing an in vestigation of money and checks removed from mail. - Mnlone's route covered the area in the vi cinity of the Salem General Hos pital. .. Inxpectors V. F. WorlhinKton, Carl A. Hoy or and ft. B. Clidon snid Malone had several li'flers In his pmuiesslon when arrested. Malone was ommllled to the county jail in. Portland with bond set at $1,000 when he appeared in the federaf commission's 'court there. , Postmaster Albert C. Gragg said Malone had , been working since last June as a aubstitute earricr. Gragg also took the opportunity to caution , postal patrons against sending ca.sh through the .mails any lime. Checks or . money orders ' are best, he said. ; Eden 'Won't Resign'- t.DK'DON' Dee. 7 l An an nouncement from No. in Downing m..'miHin iiniiimiu iiiiiic in iii - Ct .MHlrtl I I n t n .4 T).l. Vf.n i.ier Kden has no intention of re- .ir-nina when he return from his I rut curs la Jamaica Dec, lC alno'nWre.c.as,u, r - - A 1 ' v r an Ideal sledding place, but closed to traffic. Seven other Train Turns ' Into Torch on 0 Line CHICAGO, Dec. 7 -An elec trical flash sent flames billowing through the. first car of a wooden elevated train loaded with rush hour commuters today, killing the motorman and injuring SO passen gers. - ' - " - ,r- . - ' That four-car - string of 50-year-old coaches carrying some 300 Evanston auburbanites to their jobs In Chicago's downtown dis trict coasted a. quarter-mile with those in tbe lead car fighting to escape flames one described as "shooting as If from s flame thrower." ! - , , - - Several of the injured were cut severely, burned and crushed as they smashed windows with their fists and plunged to the rocky right of way to escape the fire. The motorma n, 47-year-old uaniei cuiien, apparently was killed or incapacitated by the first electrical arc flame which hit hist cab about 200 feet north of the Howard St. station a point where the power mechanism of trains is usually switched, from overhead trolley to- third rail. ' Today's Statesman ; Pago Sac. Ann landers ...6. I Church News 7.. . I Classified 1M3 II Comics ..A ..;..:.. 14.: ..II Crossword . i.;......l 1 .......ll Editorials ...,..,...; Homo Panorama Markets ......; ..10..,....ll .11.. II ...S. I Obituaries Son. TV ..:.. Sal. TV ;..14.. Sports .... 9, 10.- Star Gazer 2.. Valley News ..:...,....8.. Wlrephoto Pago ...14.. ...II ...II .... I ...I .11 General Tossed From Un-American Hearing LOS ANGELES. Dec. 7 (v-Re-! tired Brig, Gen, Herbert C. Hold-; ridge was forcibly ejected today from a hearing conducted by the House Vn-Amerlcan Activities subcommittee. U.S; deputy marshals grabbeJ Holdridge after he stood up among spectators and accused the sub committee of "treason," "coward ice" and "subversion of the Con-4 stitutlon of the United States." The subcommittee waa holding a hearing on Communist tactics in seeking repeal of antt-Commu- nist Irzislation. l.Inl ili-idge, M, of Sherman Oaks i Calif O was the viee-prcside f. was the viee-prcsidentia1 nnminfe of the national PTohibi- ' Uo s4rty this year. Us 1 lor- o ws Va especially so this year the hills throughout the city have Monmouth Man Lost Off Island IiIiibu Warn Erll-,- - MONMOUTH, Dec. T Marine Maj. Dosne W. McKlrsvy. 87, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex McElravy of Monmouth is presumed to have drowned in Lummi Bay off the coast of Orcas Island near Wash' ington, it was learned today. Search for McElravy has been called off, the Associated Press reports. . He was hunting ducks with a companion, Arthur E. Reilly, Bcllingham, Tuesday morning and went out in rowboat to retrieve a duck which had fallen in the bay, He did not return. A search party found the boat, broken oar and piece of his hunting shirt. But a severe storm, with waves 12 feet , high . hampered search operations. The boat was found on the north east side of Orcas Island and hell copters dropped food nearby in hopes he might have made shore. McElravy is in the Marina Re serves and waa a recruiting officer at Bcllingham. He is married and has one daughter. A brother. Jack McElravy, lives in Monmouth. Burglary Try In City Nipped In Bedroom A West Salem man was charged Friday night with burglary after he was found in a strange bed room with a gun, police said. 1 The 23-year-old man, listed by police as Kenneth Ernest Davis, 11M Seventh St., was found in herj bedroom by Mrs. Louise bmitn, "Pi"- Wb red a hip frac A m nnti mAAA ' AccSIng to" Mrs. Smith's ac count, she screamed and ran next door to call police. Meanwhile. her companion. Don Creasey. 1435 N. Liberty St.. remained behind to talk to Davis, who was still there when officers arrived, they said. Davis did not attempt to use the gun he carried in a holster, police; said. , 900,000 Protest LISBON Doc, 7 -The 90(..Cfl people of Lisbon stood silent for two minutes ooay n a sign 01 protest against Soviet slaughters in Hungary.' mercommnndant of the Army's Adjutant General's School at Ft. Washington. Md and also Served on the faculty at West Point. Holdridge Interrupted the pro ceedings by saying he wanted to address the subcommittee. When Chairman Clyde Doyle (D-CaliO told him he was out of order. Holdridge shouted: ' , "Your actlona are disgraceful." 1 "You are a disgrace to the United States Army and to your country," Doyle retorted. "Mr. marshal, remove that man fiem the room, ordered Rep. Gordon L. Scherer (R-Qhio. Deouties h u s 1 1 e d Holdridge throush milling spectators W the coriidar.- . 4.2 Inches in " Area, Heaviest 5ince.195L. . By BUSS BIERALGEL Staff Writer, Tha Statesman A 4.2-inch snow, hravicl since 1952, slowed traffic ia the Salem area Friday to tha point where police could re port only one serious accident The prospect for today was warmer temperatures and ra:n this afternoon, McNary Fit !i weathermen said. Portland, how ever, - was girding for another hesvy snow, according to Associ ated Press, but weathermen said it could turn to rain. The .soft white blanket that fe3 on balcm Friday morning was among the thickest in the state, al though the fall was heavy throujV out northwestern Oregon. Only Government Camp.', wit It seven Inches, claimed a heavier (all. State police said traffic was li:' t and driving slowly Friday. No ma jor accidents were reported bi t many vehicles were involved 1st minor collisions, they said. Ns Traffic Fatalities No traffic fatalities were i Friday to the state toll of thro deaths Thursday blamed on slp pery roads. Roads were treacherous with ic t and snow In all directions i r Salem,' according to state pol.ee end Highway Di-paitment repwt.i, but passes were open. Dtiverg were advised to carry ch.. s wherever they go. Packed snow on Highway ex tended south to Eugene and n"r' i to Chchalis. Wash., the llih Department reported. Chains v. a required from border to bor dr. Cars were slidlnj Into d.Uhes fc'i day long, but especially during tl.e morning "rush hour." A mi, I truck that left Salem Post C: about 4;30 a.m. jack-kniicd n a slick snot on Highway 93 E a: t two miles north of Salem and f , t Into the ditch near Hazel Gre?i Road. Eye Injured Mr. Oma Bloom, 47fi0 Liberty Rd., received a possibly smnn eye injury in a collision about 3:4 p.m. at Liberty and Hruhets rn.i near Liberty School. Attendjnis at Salem Memorial Hospital, where she was taken by Willamette am bulance, said her condition - s good and it is believed her ri.t eye will not be affected. First aidmen said her ribt eye was injured in the shatterir? of h'T glasses. They also treated K imi iia Lem, 7, daughter of Mr. and M s. Richard L. Lens. Old racilic Hall way, for a knee abrasion. Lens said he and lir. Biuon wcrs tbs drivers involved. ' Arthur Bingenheimer. 3K3 Hul sey Ave., bad a close call on b s way to work about 1:30 a.m. lia said ont brake apparently locked while he was descending a hill in tha 1600 block of Hulsey Avenue to Ratcliff Drive. He jumped but then had to grab the rear bumper of the backward-sliding car and "ride it down' to keep from beirj run over, he said. - The car came to rest, undam-. aged, in the center of Ratchrf, Drive, but Bingenheimer had to have a stitch taken in a lacerated arm.. E. E. Just of Hopmere, west ot , fall t nil mailbox Friday mortv 11" S00 ""d,t,0,n SLw ! "rdin "u J ' Memorial Hospital, where he was taken by W llsmette ambulance a 'h'Sh h ' "elieved to have laid ;i the snow for some time before neijhbora heard his calls. A fcot the a I'ac lis train had more than its usual diincuity mak ing Its way down union Mreet in Salem Friday morning. It was in a collision with a skidding car about , ? .t High ctrt,. , , .,. , ; f tfc -Kcidr were rfported to M,ice by SPrDamoge was re- ported as minor, police said. Driv ers were listed as beorge nen skew. 2747 Csvau Dr.. in the first Bccldent. and Jo'eph F. Corey, 4IB Ton! Ave., in the second. Cars driven by Pnn Albert Wait. 2221 Lee St.; and William Thomas Beck, 05 S. lith St.. were moder ately damaged In a collision on slick snow-covered pavement about 7:40 a,m. at South 18th and Mill streets, police said. Somebody built a huge snowman, or rather a snow panda, in a court at 764 Mill St. Passersby estimated Its heigh at 10 to 12 feet. A 14-year-old Salem boy, Jerry Hurd, was treated at Salem Mem orial Hospital for a lip laceration received in . a train-car collision about 10 p.Vn. at Trade and South Liberty streets, police said. Driv. er was listed as Lonnie Ta;f, Brooks. Police also Investigated a mHisinn about 7:40 p.m. at South Yi:h anf Mill streets between rsrs driven , by Don Albert Wait, T.2 Lc and William Thomas link, t S lia St. toe sail . . 7